Crochet headband for girls. Crochet headband for woman, girl

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


One of the cutest accessories is the headband for girls. The creation of such an original wardrobe item is of interest to many mothers, because each wants to create something special for their child. If you also have a burning desire to crochet a headband for a girl, study the tips and master classes below.

How to make a crochet headband

Beginning needlewomen are advised to divide the entire process of creating a bandage into stages. The first step is to choose the right yarn and prepare necessary tools. As for the material for knitting, the specific option depends on the purpose of the finished product. If some kind of celebration awaits you in the near future, take cotton threads of predominantly light shades. Bright acrylic yarn is suitable for summer heat. To take a walk with the baby in spring or autumn, get woolen threads.

Additionally, decorative elements may be required, such as sequins, beads, buttons or rhinestones. Among the tools, the main one is the hook. Its number is selected based on the type and thickness of the yarn. Beginners in the field of knitting should give preference to a product with a wooden handle. In addition to it, you will need:

  • tape measure;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • needle with thread.

If all necessary materials and tools are ready, start taking measurements. Using a centimeter, determine the circumference of the baby's head. This will be the desired length of the product. The width is made according to your desire. For babies up to a year old, it varies between 33-35 cm. After taking measurements, make a control sample to see how well the dimensions were determined and the pattern was chosen. In order for the headband to be knitted qualitatively the first time, strictly follow the instructions.

Longitudinal bandage

One of two methods can be used in the dressing process. The first is longitudinal knitting, in which the product is seamless. The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. Dial the chain air loops. Its length should correspond to the girth of the girl's head. It can also be determined from a control sample. To do this, multiply the number of loops by 1 cm by the size of the girth of the head. With the pattern, dial the chain in multiples of the rapport of 9 loops.
  2. Close the chain with a ring and continue to knit according to the pattern 1-5 rows.
  3. Work the next 5 rows in reverse.

Cross knitting

Here the knitting occurs across, i.e. from one side seam to the other. The principle of creating a product is to set a chain of air loops of such a length that corresponds to the width of the finished product. Then the first row is knitted, the future accessory is turned over with the reverse side, and the same steps are repeated until the product has a head circumference length.

The finished item is often tied with a hair tie, which is inserted at the beginning of knitting, or you can simply sew the short sides. Then it remains only to decorate the product with decorations to your taste. Often they are small or large flowers, such as roses. Linking them is easy:

  1. Cast on 30 air loops, turn the chain inside out.
  2. Raise 3 air loops, make a hole with a crochet in 4 from the hook.
  3. Knit an air loop again and knit an additional double crochet in the same hole. Continue to the end of the chain.
  4. Turn over, raise 3 air loops, make 8 columns in all V-shaped holes, and with a crochet. Knit only 1 between the elements of the pattern.
  5. Twist the resulting strip into a spiral, and place a large bead in the center.
  6. Sew the flower to the cross seam.

Dear needlewomen, today we will crochet women's headbands. And in order for you to have a choice, let's go through the patterns and descriptions of knitting various models: winter, openwork, with a bow and others.

Warm winter crochet headband

Warm winter set from Drops

For those who like not to close their heads much in the cold season, we offer a bright set of a warm knitted winter headband and a crochet neckerchief. It will need to be knitted from woolen yarn so that your ears do not freeze.
For sizes: 54/56cm; 56/58cm
Collar size: 58-62 cm, height 24cm.
- yarn with characteristics 50met / 50g, consumption for a bandage 50 grams, for a collar - 150 grams;
- hook No. 9 and No. 10
Density: 4-4.5 stars = 10cm

How to crochet a bandage?

We will knit the model in rows back and forth, dial 45/47 air loops.
Star pattern for bandage and collar:
1 row RS: Cast on 5 sts. on the hook, starting with the 2nd air. p. from the hook (= 6 loops on the hook). Thread on and pull through all 6 sts, then 1 air p. for a hole for 6 p., * Dial 1 pet. into the hole, then 1 p. in the last of the six p., one pet. into the air n., in which the last of the six sts was recruited, one st. in the next two air. p. (= 6 p. on the hook), thread the hook and pull through six loops, 1 air p. * - repeat to the final p .. On the last ch. do / n. Turn over the bandage.
2r.IS: 2 air.p. (= 1 / n), tie 2 / n into the holes of all the stars, finish p. / n in the last p. In total, there are 20-21 stars in the rows and one / n in each.
3r.: 3 air.p., make 1 pet. in the 2nd and 3rd air.p. from the hook, then 1 pet. in the first three sts (= 6 sts), yarn over the hook and pull through 6 sts, ch 1 *, cast on 1 st. in a hole, 1 pet. in the last of six p., 1 pet. in the same loop into which the sixth p. was cast on, one loop each in the next two air p. (= 6 p.), pull the thread through all six p., ch 1 * - repeat until the last p. In the last v.p. - 1 / n. We turn over.
Repeat the second and third p. again and again the second p. (3 p. stars).
Cut the yarn, leaving the end for sewing, pull through the last loop. Sew along the short side and secure the tip.

Knit a neckerchief in the same way with an asterisk pattern at the rate of 47/51 p. Crochet No. 10.

European style model

New cute European style crochet headband for women by Drops. Such a headdress is more suitable for spring or autumn, despite the fact that it is made of woolen yarn. Knitting it is not difficult, even a novice craftswoman can handle it, because the only pattern is based on single crochets. Having mastered it, you can easily tie a bandage.
Sizes: 54-56; 56-58; 58-60 cm
For a knitted women's headband, you will need 50 grams of Drops Big Delight yarn, 100% wool 100gr / 190met and hook No. 5.

Start with 69/72/74 chain stitches and work 9 rows in single crochet, sew along the short side. Next, you need to tie a rectangle from the chain of 7 ch. 10 cm long for strip constriction. Wrap the bandage around the bandage and carefully sew along the short side.

Chic openwork

For an openwork bandage for a girl, you will need a hook No. 3.5 and 50 grams of Cotton Extra yarn, 60% cotton, 40% acrylic, 180m / 50gr or similar.

Knitting pattern:
1r .: 8 columns s / n enclose in a circle.
2p .: turn the workpiece over, we will knit the strip in rows “back and forth”, in all columns b / n of the previous river. knit 1 column b / n and 1 air loop (VP).
3r.: in all columns b / n (STBN) - 1 column s / n (STSN) and 3 VP.
4r.: 1 STBN, 1 half-column (PST), 2 STSN, 1 PST, 1 STBN - in each arch.
5p.: 8 VP, 1 STBN in the sixth p. (in the last STBN, knitted in the 1st arch of the third p.)
Repeat from the 1st to the 5th rows 10 times, then go to the straight part of the strip: starting from the ninth p. (the first stsn, knitted into the second arch of the third motif) knit 14 stbn, turn the product over and knit in rows “back and forth” stbn. When knit 40 cm from the beginning, sew the first row to the last.

cute bows

And it doesn’t blow in the ears, and the handles are warm

The following description of the crochet headband is a white and blue pattern with a constriction. It comes with original mittens with bows. For manufacturing, prepare yarn Olga (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 392met / 100g) - 100 grams of cornflower blue and 30 grams white tone, hook number 2.
Knit a bandage according to the scheme:

Knitting pattern for a model with bows

Operating procedure:

  1. Start the bandage with a chain of air. thread of blue color according to scheme 1 and knit 40 rows.
  2. Then with white yarn knit 12 p.
  3. Sew the first and last rows of column b / n.
  4. According to scheme 2, make a jumper, drag the strip with it, as shown in the photo.
  5. Mitts start with a chain of 56 air stitches, connect in a circle and knit according to the scheme 1 - 12 rows.
  6. Skip two rapports for the finger and continue further in rows “back and forth”, only 3 rows.
  7. Then, over the missed loops, make 5 air p. and again combine the product into a ring.
  8. Make 6 more rapports in height.
  9. Bow: with white yarn, make a chain of air.p. equal to 8 cm and knit 3 rapports according to the pattern (= 7p). Drag the piece with yarn, forming a bow, sew to the mitt. Tie the second symmetrically.

Spring openwork headband

A lot of different balls have accumulated - put them into action!

This style of the strip is crocheted No. 2, a novice craftswoman can take it to work. You will need leftover mohair yarn in sky blue, soft pink and blue.

How to knit a bandage? Start with a chain of air.p. pale blue tone, as long as the girth of the head, and knit according to the scheme. Knit all rows and connect back seam stb/n. Mitts start with 43 air.p. plus three sts for lifting, tie 15 p. st.s / n, then alternate colors according to the scheme. Next, continue with blue yarn, but alternate shades in reverse order, then 2 p. st.s / n. Bend the part in half, make a seam, leaving a hole for the finger. Tie around the edges blue color st.b / n. For the finger, tie the hole with three rows of st.b / n. Tie the second one symmetrically.

Bandage turban with overlap and flower

In the style of the 60s

The turban bandage has been popular since the 60s of the last century. This is a beautiful feminine accessory that can be worn not only for warmth, but also as a decoration, an addition to the image. It is made of stripes with an overlap of embossed columns.
Bandage width 10 cm for the circumference of the head of an adult woman.
It will take 100 grams of yarn with parameters 50gr / 90met of any composition, hook No. 5 and No. 6.5. If you plan to wear it for the street, then take woolen threads, for going to a restaurant - viscose.
Density: 17 p. Crochet No. 6.5 = 10 cm

How to crochet a crochet turban bandage? You must understand general principle knitting: we make about a third of the length of the bandage, then we divide the loops in half and knit each sector separately for about a third, we overlap the halves, then we combine all the loops and knit the last third of the rows. This is a general pattern for knitting a bandage with an overlap. How you knit with a pattern depends on the model, but the general principle is this.

Description of work:

  1. Start with a chain of 17 stitches in crochet No. 6.5. Main front p.: St. s / n in the 4th loop of the chain from the hook, 1 st. s / n in each st of the chain (PC), 1 st.
    1r.: 3 VP, skip the loop at the base of the VP, (1 RLSN around the leg of the next loop, 1 embossed st. (RISN) around the leg of the next chup.) - repeat to the end of the river, tie the last RISN around the rotary Air. p.s. turn it over.
    2p .: 3 VP, skip the loop to the base of the air p., (1 RIST around the leg of the next p., 1RLSN around the leg of the next loop) - repeat to the end when you tie the last. Radar around the rotary VP, turn over.
    Repeat only 2 rows.
  2. In total, you need to knit 13 rows, ending with the front p.
  3. Having tied the third part of the bandage, knit separately on the first 8 loops, knit a third in length, then the second half of the same size, overlap, and knit the rest of the strip.
  4. Need to decorate the strip big flower, for this, make 5 VP. 1 circle: 20 Ch, (1 st.b / n in a circle) - 30 times. Fasten and gently pull the thread to tighten the ring.
  5. Then we will make a small flower: 5 VP. 1 circle.p .: (10 VP, 1 st.b / n in a circle) - 15 p. Reinforce and gently pull the yarn to tighten the ring.
  6. Product assembly stage: sew the central back seam, sew on the flowers, as in the photo, place the button with the bead in the center.

Striped floral motifs

Collected knitted large crocheted motifs of flowers with a convex center make up a purple female stripe. Knitting idea translated from Crochet magazine.
Bandage 15 cm wide, head circumference 54 cm.
It is proposed to knit with Berroco Ultra Alpaca Chuncy yarn (50% alpaca, 50% wool, 120met / 100g) - consumption of one hundred grams, you will need hook No. 8.
1 flower = 15 cm
Attention: the initial 5 air.p. count as 1 pole. with 3 crochets. All rows end with a join stitch unless otherwise stated.
What is "knit behind the back. loop loop ”- this is the name of the loop that fits behind and just below the rear wall. The photo shows the rear view of the pole. with 3 crochets and the necessary coil is shown.
Knitting pattern for a flower headband:

And for those who are pros in crocheting, I offer a knitting pattern for a women's headband from a Japanese site:

See a selection of stripes on the head with knitting needles

Needlewomen, two videos of a master class on making a bandage in the form of a braid and an openwork strip have been prepared for you:

The article is devoted to crocheting. This simple invention in skillful hands creates amazingly beautiful openwork things. This year, in addition to clothing, designers famous brands presented a line separately fashion accessories. The unformatted headbands attracted the general attention of the female audience.

Depending on the shape, texture of the material and the method of fixation, the original element is capable of:

  • add brightness and creativity to a strict business suit;
  • completely change the style of the image;
  • transform an ordinary outfit for every day with one stroke into an evening one.

For example, a pin-up or rockabilly headband creates a retro Great Gatsby look. A wide kerchief for a babette is the chic of the 50s and 60s, a Greek bandage is a sophisticated sophistication. And vintage vixen is a cool hipster hype.

bandage tie elastic band
flower options purple
scheme examples with ears

Today's fashion dictates its own rules, changes the bar, requires naturalness. Relevant accessories are hand made, that is, made by hand. Headbands show creativity. They can be built from a scarf, sewn from fabric, knitted or crocheted.

Instead of buying a branded accessory, needlewomen knit designer bandages. self made. These are exclusive items. Headbands decorate original brooches, stones, monisto, beads, buttons, sequins and other baubles.

A headband that is crocheted can be made in different styles The choice of patterns is limitless. fashion bandage relevant for all ages and at any time of the year. A girl, a teenager, a girl, adult women can wear jewelry on their heads, regardless of the type of face or hair structure. A newborn baby up to a year old or an older child in an openwork headband looks incomparable.

Reasons to wear beautiful product mass - discharge from the hospital, christening, matinees, birthdays, graduation, celebration or as an everyday element for fixing hairstyles.

Crochet headband for a girl: patterns

Where to start accessory
makeup is beautiful from the wind
yarn pattern

For women who know the basics of needlework, the product is simply crocheted. It is also easy for beginner craftswomen to master the skills if you try on dressing models that are made with simple patterns. To facilitate understanding of the workflow, each ornament is accompanied by a diagram with symbols. A decoding of symbols and techniques, how a pattern is knitted, is usually attached. Vertically, the table shows the numbering of rows, horizontally - the number of loops.

What you need to know.

  1. The bandage is knitted in two ways - seamless in a circle or cut off for stitching.
  2. Threads - fibers are distinguished by thickness and quality. Headbands for the celebration are knitted with threads of cotton texture in delicate pastel colors or white. Summer or sports headbands - needed natural base or acrylic. Winter accessories or for the off-season - yarn with a content of at least 40% wool.
  3. Crochet hook number - choose according to the density of the bandage and the thickness of the yarn. It is more convenient for beginners to fit with a device with a wooden handle.
  4. Improvised means - scissors, a centimeter for measuring the girth of the head (OG), a needle with a large eye, a ruler, ordinary elastic bands for curls, satin ribbons, preferably thin.

How to crochet a headband for a girl

The headband is knitted according to a simple pattern. It may even be a beginner. The main thing is to follow the instructions and try to master the base, how the bandage is knitted. Remember the abbreviations:

  • base (type-setting chain) - air loops (vp);
  • double crochet (st. sn) or without it (st. bn).

Step-by-step instructions on how to knit a headband for a girl:

  1. Prepare a skein of cotton yarn 225 m / 50g, a hook 2.5-3 mm, a regular hair band.
  2. The bandage is knitted from a set of chains of air loops, the number of which depends on the width of the product. The number must be odd.
  3. Dial 7-11 ch (for example, take 9) - this is the basis for attaching to the elastic.
  4. 1 extra chain stitch is knitted, then the hook is inserted into the stitch of the next row.
  5. Place the device under the elastic band, grab the working thread, finishing the loop.
  6. Spend 6 repetitions of the two previous movements to get 9 p.
  7. Cast on 3 sts to complete the rise, work in a double crochet stitch (sc), joining with each stitch of the last row.
  8. Repeat ch 3, do 1 tbsp. sn between lines.
  9. Points 5 to 8 are rapport, a basic pattern that is done several times. This algorithm is knitted to a length corresponding to the girth of the head. Check with a ruler to be sure.
  10. Fasten the free edge of the bandage to the elastic without twisting the stitches.
  11. Start decorating. You can tie flowers on a bandage, make a kanzashi bow using Japanese technology, or buy ready-made accessories. A large element or many miniature ones, concentrate in one place of the bandage or distribute along the entire length.
  12. A contrasting satin ribbon looks beautiful, stretched in stitches along the center of the bandage with a transverse line and tied with a bow.
  13. If a handmade flower is used, decorate in the middle with a button, bead or pearl, and around the edges with leaves of felt or threads.
  14. The length of the headband is usually taken 3-4 cm less. It is necessary that the accessory sits tightly on the hair.

Crochet baby headband

Bandage tie a flower
baby ear options
white for children from the wind

Summer dress for a newborn daughter or girl up to a year old is knitted only from natural fiber. For a bandage, cotton, linen or worsted yarn is suitable.

If an openwork model of "Scheherazade" is knitted, prepare a hook No. 0.6 mm, a skein of cotton thread (for example, "Roman").

Technical guide or how to knit a headband step by step:

  1. Start the pattern with scales with a set of chains with air loops.
  2. In 3 ch from the hook, st. sn + 2 ch.
  3. Skip ch 2 on the dial chain, then in ch 3 do 2 tbsp. sn.
  4. It is knitted again 7 times according to paragraph 3.
  5. Dial 3 in.
  6. Yarn over and insert hook under previous st. sn, grabbing the working thread.
  7. Complete 7 tbsp. sn + 1 ch.
  8. Item 6 of the pattern is knitted again.
  9. Again do 7 tbsp. sn + pass 2 tbsp. sn.
  10. Knit in sequence step 7, then 6.
  11. This is a rapport, with which the third scale is similarly knitted.
  12. Pattern 4 start with 7 tbsp. sn + 1 ch. The second half - 6 tbsp. sn + 3 ch.
  13. A connecting loop is knitted in the center of the scale.
  14. That is, 3 ch + 1 tbsp. sleep in the middle.
  15. Then insert the hook into the space between the scales + simultaneously into the center of two tbsp. dc of the previous row. Do 2 tbsp. sn.
  16. The continuation of the pattern pattern is knitted - 2 ch + 2 tbsp. dc in the middle + 2 ch + steps of paragraph 15.
  17. This is the first row with a pattern in the form of 4 scales.
  18. The basis for the second line is 2 ch + 1 tbsp. sn throughout the chain.
  19. Then yarn over, skip 2 tbsp. sn, knit 7 tbsp. sn + 1 ch + 7 tbsp. sn. Repeat 3 times.
  20. The scales will be arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
  21. Follow steps 13 and 14.
  22. Then knit 3 ch + 2 tbsp. sleep in the middle and so the whole row of the pattern.
  23. Cast on 3 ch + 1 yarn over. Further rapport of the first line from 2 to 17 paragraphs.
  24. The length of the bandage is approximately 45 cm. Do not forget to fasten the tip of the thread.
  25. Fold the bandage - one end up, the other down. Sew the edges.
  26. It turns out a headband with a binding in the center, which is decorated with a bow, a flower, a brooch, beads, a button, pebbles. The choice of pattern depends on your imagination.

Crochet summer headband for women

A beautiful strip of thin linen yarn in the turban ethnic style is knitted for any outfit - a dress, sundresses, trouser or skirt sets, shorts, jeans.

How to knit a headband - a step-by-step execution scheme.

  1. To knit a strip, prepare a 6mm hook and linen fiber.
  2. Knitted for a pattern of 44 air loops. This is the average for the example. The size can be larger or smaller, it depends on the circumference of the head.
  3. The chain is closed with a connecting loop to continue circular knitting.
  4. Make 1ch to lift, then do the whole row with double crochets. Finish with point 3.
  5. The second line of the pattern is 1 ch + the rest of the st. bn.
  6. Rapport is knitted again to the required strip width.
  7. According to a similar pattern, a small rectangle of 4–6 cm is knitted. It should be used instead of dressing, as when making a hoop made of fabric.
  8. Close the seam of the bandage from the connecting loops with this small segment. You need to get a ring in the center.
  9. Sheathe the headband with rhinestones, monisto, sparkles, wooden or metal baubles. For marine design summer holiday shells and striped colors in the pattern look chic.

tie elastic band
makeup yarn dveta
clasp examples

Crochet winter headband for girls and women

A good alternative to hats is a fashionable handmade exclusive accessory.

Master class with a detailed description:

  1. Warm headband is knitted from woolen yarn with the addition of acrylic crochet No. 4-5.
  2. Cast on a chain with air loops long around the circumference of the head. For example, let's take 89 cm - this is the average size for girls and women.
  3. The headband must be knitted in alternate rows - a straight line, the next reverse, etc.
  4. Front side - ch 5, starting from ch 2, pull the thread from 5 loops of the pigtail. The principle of columns without a crochet.
  5. That is, insert the hook into one stitch of the chain, pull the thread, forming 2 loops. Leave them on the hook without tying or tying. Then move on to the next stitch.
  6. When 6 stitches are formed, yarn over and pull through working thread through all 6 p + 1 ch to get a hole in the pattern.
  7. Cast on 6 sts again on hook. The sequence is this - pull 1 st from the hole + 1 st from the last one that was included in the previous rapport + 1 st from ch + 2 from the next 2 ch. You will get a block of 6 loops.
  8. Yarn over the hook, pull through all 6 stitches, complete ch 1.
  9. Knit a full row similarly to paragraphs 7 and 8. The last air loop is performed from 1 tbsp. sn.
  10. Wrong side of the second row - 2 ch + 2 half-columns with a crochet into the hole of the pattern. Finish 1 st. sn.
  11. The result will be 44 beautiful stars + 2 tbsp. sn in each hole.
  12. Next, repeat the pattern from points 3 to 10 until you reach the desired size. Finish the pattern with a purl row. The average is 8 lines.
  13. You process the edges with connecting loops.
  14. This is a warm and rather dense headband, so it is better to make the decor delicate. You can decorate with a ready-made large element of fluff, fur or airy fabric.
  15. Large looks stylish knitted flower on a bandage made with a spiral. But this is a job for more experienced needlewomen.

Purple with ears for women
set simple luxury

For a better understanding of the process, watch a video tutorial in which craftswomen show the principles of capturing and making loops when knitting a bandage in different ways.

Crochet headband

This is a fashionable embossed method that is most functional for knitting warm clothes. Stylish sweaters, scarves, hats on the head, mittens are made with this pattern. The main difference between an elastic band and a curly bandage is that the technique provides the best elasticity while maintaining the original shape, length and structure of the bandage.

Needlewomen admit that gum, crocheted, more elastic than those made with knitting needles. There are different simple and complex ways of weaving. The main thing is to know the basic principles:

  • the sequence of columns with crochets, forming a concave and convex relief;
  • knitting with connecting stitches;
  • capture for the back half-loop - with or without a crochet, half-columns;
  • standard techniques - 1x1, 2x2, relief - 1x2, 1x3, 3x3.

Simple step by step diagram which even a beginner can handle.

It looks like a 1x1 crocheted elastic band:

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This headband is perfect for the first photo shoot of your baby. It is very easy to make and you don't need a lot of materials. But a thing made with your own hands, made with special love! Give your little one a piece of your warmth by knitting such an ornament.

Materials and tools for the master class "Headband "Little fashionista""

Threads white color
Satin ribbon


1. It is very important to prepare all the necessary materials before starting work, so that later you will not be distracted by anything. I took the threads "Pekhorka Openwork" in white. It is 100% cotton. I have a hook number 1.5.

2. Here is the scheme we need, according to which we will knit the main fabric of the bandage.

3. And now let's get to work. To start, we collect a chain of six air loops.

4. We knit the first row like this: three lifting air loops, a double crochet, two air loops, two double crochets. And the second row consists of three lifting air loops and five double crochets.

5. Here we get such a strip with "windows".

6. Thus, we knit the length of the bandage we need.

7. At the end of knitting, I did not cut the thread. You can connect both edges with half-columns.

8. So our seam will look more neat.

9. The main canvas is ready. Now we move on to knitting ruffles. To do this, we will tie our bandage with single crochets. So it will be easier for us to move on to the scheme later.

10. This is a ruffle pattern. On it, we will tie the main fabric of the bandage.

11. We knit "arches" either from three air loops, or from five - alternately. In this case, skip three loops of the previous row.

12. In the "arch" of five air loops, we knit nine columns with a crochet. In an arch of three air loops, we knit one single crochet.

14. At the end, we tie everything with “arches” of three air loops. Here we have such an openwork edge. The bandage is curling up a bit. But this can be ignored. When we tie the second side, everything will fall into place.

This is how we get it:

15. So, let's start tying the other side. We do everything the same as on the first side. First you need to tie the canvas with single crochets.

17. Then nine double crochets.

18. Double crochet, air loop, etc.

Even in the heat, even in the cold, the bandage will decorate any head. Even beginner knitters can crochet a headband with a hook with their own hands. Initially, you still need to determine the season for which the bandage will be knitted, still try to combine it with the rest of the clothes so as not to look ridiculous. An openwork crocheted headband made of thin threads is suitable for the summer or warm spring season, however, openwork in winter will find its place and add romance to your look.

A special niche is children's bandages , they look lovely on babies, protecting children's ears from drafts. Taking even simplest pattern, you can end up with a unique creation due to beautiful little things. Add flowers to the head for little ones, or bright ribbons, beads, or even funny insects - you will get not only a necessary thing, but also a fashion accessory.A hand-knitted bandage will warm your baby's ears from the cold and wind.

Easy and cozy headband for beginners

Definitely such a thing will complement your autumn-winter wardrobe, it knits very quickly and saves your ears from colds. Even beginners will be able to knit such a little thing with their own hands in one evening, since the pattern is very simple.

The size is adjusted as it is knitted, which allows you to knit the product exactly according to the girth of the head.


For a head circumference of 56 cm, you need 1 skein of woolen yarn (110m / 50 g) and hook No. 2.5.


10 air loops are dialed - this is the width of the bandage. Knitting is done in half-columns. Each row should start with a gain in height due to an additional air loop, and then continue the pattern.

Having tied strip to the required size, close the loops. And then since got out strip, it must be connected into a ring, stitching the edges. For the winter version, a small piece of fur in the color of the yarn will serve as a decor.

Openwork golden


○ - air loop

+ - single crochet

- double crochet

- 8 double crochets knitted from one loop

▲ - pico (a knot made up of 3 loops)
