Crochet patterns and description of bear booties. Crochet booties with teddy bears

The master class was held by Elena Babushkina.

The length of one bootie along the trail is 9.5 cm.

You will need: gray yarn Alize baby softy (100% micropolyester; 115 m. 50 g) any acrylic yarn (I have from an old scarf, blue), straight knitting needles, hook, satin ribbon, threads in tone, needle.

We start knitting each bootie with an elastic band. We collect 36 points with blue yarn and knit 4 p. persons. ch. 5th p. we knit with holes, alternating 2 p. together faces., 1 yarn. Then another 3 p. persons. ch. we change the yarn to gray and perform 12 p. rubber bands 1x1. After that, we divide all the stitches: 14-8-14 and on the central 8 stitches we knit 16 p. persons. ch.


Next, we knit the entire bootie in a single row. To do this, on the central part from the sides, we collect 10 points each and perform 10 p. boards. elm.


We change the yarn to blue and knit 4 p. persons. ch. (since my yarn is thin, I added an additional 2 p. in the first p.), 1 p. with holes, 3 p. persons. ch.


We divide the loops; 23x10x23 and knit on the middle 10 stitches of the sole, each time knitting the last loop of the trace and 1 stitch of the sidewall together. 5. When 5 sts remain on each sidewall, we begin to decrease the trace. The last two sts of the trace and 1-jup. we knit the sides together.


We repeat until there are 2 sts left on the sides, and 4 in the middle. Remove the first st of the trace, knit the 2nd, and knit the remaining 4 sts together. Next, remove the 1st p., Knit 4 p. together. The remaining 2 p. We knit together and tighten the thread.


Fragment blue color fold around the sole along the line of holes and sew with a needle from the inside, forming beautiful teeth. Similarly, we bend and sew the top of the booties.


For each ear we collect 7 p. And we knit 3 p. persons. p. blue yarn, 4 p. gray, 1 p. blue, close. Fold in half lengthwise and sew along the open edges.


Then we fold it in the form of an ear and fix it with threads. Similarly, we perform the second ear.


For the muzzle, we crochet 4 ch. and close in a ring. 1st p. - we knit from the ring 7 tbsp. b / n; 2nd p. - from the same ring (over the 1st p.) we knit 14 p. in a circle.

Sew the ears and muzzle to the booties. We embroider a nose and sew on bead eyes.


We put on ribbons. It turned out very cute and soft paws-slippers.

A detailed description of the process of knitting booties for babies.

From this article, young parents and grandmothers will learn how to choose the right bootie size for a baby. And they will also be able to knit booties on their own, because the article provides knitting examples.

Size of booties by months

The appearance of a baby is always a joyful event for future parents. They try to buy beautiful things. In search, they completely forget that you need to know the size of the unborn baby. And, as often happens, most of the things bought have to be thrown away. And the grandmothers, who knitted booties with caring hands, remain upset.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know first baby foot size by month. No one can determine for sure, because the baby is still in the tummy. But there are approximate values.

What can be done in such situations?

Scientific and technological progress does not stand still. Modern ultrasound machines have appeared that allow you to approximately measure the size of a baby’s foot. If you're lucky, you can determine it, provided that the fetus will take a certain posture.

If the child has already been born, then you can measure his leg with a centimeter. Should be measured from foot to end thumb . Alternatively, many parents calculate the size of the child during sleep, as the baby sleeps and does not twitch. To do this, take a foot, apply it to the cardboard and circle it. The result obtained is measured.

It should be borne in mind that up to a year of life, the baby's leg grows by an average of 5 mm. In older children (from 1 to 4 years old), the leg begins to grow more slowly. For convenience, we provide measurements in the table:

Knitted booties for girls: diagrams with descriptions

All mothers want their little girl to have beautiful and elegant shoes. For very little princesses, you can replace them with booties-shoes.

For their knitting, it is better to take natural threads containing children's acrylic. Thus, you exclude the occurrence of allergies in the baby. Adviсe:

  • Do not use beads, beads and buttons
  • Ribbons should be sewn to booties
  • You should sometimes check the reliability of fastening pompoms, ruffles

Now the knitting itself:

  • Knitting needles for knitting booties are better to take not too thick. Before knitting, determine the size of the baby's legs.

Scheme for a child 6-9 months

  • choose green, yellow and red threads
  • knitting needles 2.5 mm thick

Knitting always starts with the sole. Dial 40 loops, of which in the future you will get 2 rows of garter stitch (beds). Your next step: on the next 4 beds, throw on more loops from the front side (one from two edges and two in the middle). At the end you should have 56 loops. Knit the next 4 rows with threads of a different color. This completes the knitting of the sole.

The booties themselves should be knitted with a different type of knitting. Scheme:

  • 1 row - one forward, the other back
  • 2 Row - knit the front loop the same, then yarn over, and remove the next loop from the knitting needle without knitting
  • 3 Row - before yarn over, repeat the action and remove from the loop again, and knit the sap with the wrong loop in front
  • 4 Row - inside out, knit in front, and yarn over - inside out

All these actions should be repeated for 4 rows. Close the last loops. You can stretch a ribbon on top of the booties.

Video: Knitted booties-shoes

How to knit booties sneakers for a boy: a diagram

You will need: yarn different colors, knitting needles No. 3. Scheme:

  • Sole- cast on 6 loops with light-colored threads, add an additional loop to the next row. And so through the row. You should end up with 12 stitches.
  • Knit the next 34 rows without additional loops. After them, knit with decreasing loops through the row. And so three times. From one of the edges, dial another 52 loops and knit them in a circle between two rows. Knitting garter stitch
  • Then follow the rows with threads of different colors: 23 blue, 12 light and 23 blue. And so knit 10 rows, remove one loop in each. Cast off the remaining stitches at the end. You can add decoration: ties with yarn, circles, rhombuses

Knitting booties sneakers for a boy

You will need for sneakers-booties: threads of dark tones, white and blue. Such colors will give a resemblance to sports sneakers in a color scheme. Leave the needles the same as for sneakers. Knitting:

  • Dial 25-35 loops, depending on the size of your child's legs, knit 5 rows. For each row, add additional loops on both sides.
  • You can choose any type of knitting. It all depends on your experience and desire. Knit the seventh row with dark threads
  • The next three of the one that began to knit. After that, you will need a red thread. It will form the main "frame" of the sneakers. Divide the sides of future booties into three parts - a tongue and two sides. Then sew them on the back, and lace them on the front
  • Knit so many rows that the top of the sneakers reaches the ankle. close loops

Video: Knitting booties "Adidas"

Knitted booties for boys and girls

For boots choose thick woolen threads with the addition of acrylic. The color will depend on who you knit them for: a boy or a girl. Knitting steps:

  • start knitting boots from the middle of the sole. Cast on 56 stitches and knit a row
  • shape the sole of future booties in this way: cast on 26 more loops, yarn over, then 4 front loops, yarn over and again 26 loops. Work all paired rows with front loops, on odd rows - add a loop.
  • to knit the front, knit 10 rows with external loops. Form the toe of the boot: remove 26 loops on each side on additional knitting needles and you will have 12 loops.
  • start knitting the front loops in the middle. Knit each last stitch together with the stitches on additional needles. And do this 24 times. You should have 40 stitches left at the end.
  • knit the top of the boots in this way: two rows with external loops, the next - 1 external loop, 2 purl, 3 external, etc. and follow this pattern for 8 rows.
  • sew the ends of the booties

Video: Knitted booties-boots

Knitted booties sandals for girls and boys

Tie such booties to every mother under the force. The process itself is easy. The main thing is to have a little patience. For knitting, you will need threads (choose your own color) and knitting needles No. 3. You can choose the pattern you like:

  • Throw 36 loops on the knitting needles (you can increase the number, it all depends on the size of your baby's legs).
  • Knit several rows with outer loops. This will form the sole of the sandal. Don't forget to leave loops for fastening. On the other side of the fastener, close 15 loops. Knit the rest to the height of the back of the booties

Knitted openwork booties for newborns

For knitting, take light-colored threads, knitting needles and a ribbon to match the color of the yarn. Next, do the following:

  • Cast on 41 stitches. Knit the next rows in any pattern. Alternatively, it can be an elastic band: one loop is front, the next is purl
  • After several rows, do one row brick knit: meaning, as in an elastic band, only in each next row above the front loop, perform the purl loop and over the purl - the front
  • In this way, knit 12 rows. Bending the booties with the front pattern
  • And again 12 rows of brick knit

Openwork pattern:

  • 1 row - front loops
  • 2 Row - English gum
  • 3 Row - slip a loop, 2 together with the front loop, yarn over, 2 front, etc.
  • 4 Row - purl loops
  • Follow the next rows with front loops.
  • First, divide the loops into three parts - 15 on the side and 11 on the front
  • Knit the front of the booties for 10 rows. At the same time, connect the loops at the ends with the loops on the side
  • At the end, you should have 30 loops left. Of these, tie the top of the booties with any pattern.
  • in holes openwork pattern put on a satin ribbon

Knitted berry booties

These booties are more suitable for girls. For knitting, take red and green acrylic yarn and knitting needles No. 3. Foot: 32 loops:

  • 32 outer loops
  • Outer 1, yarn over, outer 15, yarn over, outer 14, yarn over, outer 1
  • 36 external

And so do nine rows. Only with each row, increase the first and last loops by 1 loop.

Tie the top of the booties with green threads. To do this, sew the seams of future booties and knit another 15 rows with external loops. You can decorate such berries - booties with a flower or a leaf, which is easier to crochet.

Video: Bootees-berries with knitting needles

Knitted marshmallow booties

These booties are easy to knit. Below is a diagram for beginner needlewomen:

  • Cast on 32 stitches with white thread. Knit 79 rows with outer stitches only. Cast off 30 sts on row 80
  • Follow the next 4 rows with a thread of a different color. Alternate the type of knitting on each row: first the front loops, then the wrong ones
  • Follow the next four rows again with white threads. At the same time, knit two rows with external loops, then purl and the last row again with external ones.
  • With this alternation of colors and types of knitting, knit 24 rows. Sew the last row with a needle to the main part of the booties
  • Form the toe of the booties. To do this, pull the thread through each row and pull it off. Then sew the sole

Video: Master class: marshmallow booties for beginners

How to knit bunny booties?

It will be difficult for a beginner needlewoman to make booties-bunnies. But, if you apply maximum effort and patience, then everything will work out. For these booties, take woolen threads:

  • Sole: Cast on 7 loops with red thread. Until the sixth row on the last loops, knit
  • Knit odd rows with a front cross stitch. At the end you should have 13 loops. Then work 26 more rows.
  • Then yarn over again on two different sides. And knit 15 more rows. Next, from the beginning and at the end of the wrong side, knit a pair of rows together. And you have 7 loops left. close them
  • Cast on 12 stitches with white thread on one side and an even number on the other three. Then knit in rows:
  • In a circle, all front loops
  • Two front, double crochet
  • Remove the white thread. With a red thread, the front loops, while connecting this row with what was in front of the white
  • Follow the next 9 rows with red thread. Knit 12 rows with the addition of loops from other knitting needles. So form the toe booties
  • At the end, you will have 30 main loops and 12 toe loops. Continue knitting them to the desired height of the booties.
  • The ears are easy to make: cast on 22 loops with white yarn. 6 rows with red thread
  • Close the loops and sew the ears to the front of the booties

Video: Knitted bunny booties

Knitted booties with braids


  • Cast on 48 stitches (12 stitches per needle). Knit four rows with front loops
  • Next row - take two loops and knit them with the front loop, then double crochet, etc. Then 5 rows again with front loops
  • Change the thread and work 10 more rows with the same technique. You can leave holes for lacing. How to do this is described above.
  • Your next step: Knit 12 stitches with the front stitches for the toes of the booties. Do not forget to add to the other two knitting needles one loop from the row when knitting the toe
  • At the end you should have 12 toe sts, 12 heel sts and 24 side sts. Knit two more rows in a circle.
  • Now the braids themselves. We knit rows of 12 loops as follows: 3 on the wrong side, 6 on the front, 3 on the wrong side. Where there are 24 loops, then - 6 forward, 3 back, 6 forward, 3 back, etc.
  • Pattern knit 7 rows
  • Each part of 6 loops on the eighth row should be performed according to this scheme: remove 3 loops on the fifth knitting needle, knit the remaining 3 loops with the front loops, followed by 3 loops from the additional knitting needle. So knit 8 rows
  • It remains the case for the small. Knit the sole and sew it to the main part of the booties.

Knitted booties without a seam

For work you will need knitting needles and yarn on acrylic. Scheme:

  • Distribute 32 loops evenly on 4 knitting needles. Connect them together. As a result, you should get one vicious circle.
  • 1-12 row, perform only the front loops
  • 13 - two front together, yarn over
  • And follow the next row again with the front loops.
  • After that, scatter the loops on the knitting needles in this way: 7, 9, 7, 9
  • Knit the toe of the booties with front and back loops. You should have 30 rows in total.
  • After that, proceed to sides. You should have loops on the side of the toe. Connect them with loops on other knitting needles. The sides end on the 38th row
  • Now sole: knit a row with front loops, while connecting each last loop with a bead loop
  • And so knit to the end. Cast off all stitches at the end.

Knitted dog booties

These booties are easy to knit. The main thing is to master the technique of knitting front and back loops. To create this masterpiece, you will need knitting needles and yarn of any color. To sew accessories to booties, use a needle. The bottom of booties:

  • Knit rows 1 - 3 with front loops, start the next row by adding loops. To do this, knit 2, 11 and the penultimate one with two loops
  • The next odd rows continue to work with the front loops. And knit even rows with the addition of loops, as in the 4th row
  • You should end up with 40 stitches on your needle. Divide them into three parts: 14 each and the front part - 12 loops
  • Knit 6 more rows. How to knit a toe was described above. Do this in the same way
  • After that, proceed to the gum. Knit another 30 rows. Sew the future product along the back seam
  • Make the nose and ears out of pom-poms. To do this, take the cardboard in the form of a circle, make cuts on the side and wind the thread
  • Tie the future pompom in the middle, remove the cardboard. Make three pom poms this way.
  • The eyes of a dog can be made from buttons.

Video: Knitting dog booties

Knitted booties

Yarn of any color and knitting needles:

  • Cast on 20 stitches. Knit 9 rows alternating front loops with purl
  • Then 8 front
  • 5 interleaved
  • Harnesses perform according to the scheme described above
  • Twist them after 10 rows
  • Tie 7 strands and cast off
  • Cast on 36 sts from the edge and divide into three parts. Knit the tongue in the amount of 14 rows. Decrease the number of stitches on rows 12 and 13. Don't forget to cast on the side loops of the tongue
  • The resulting loops continue to knit with front loops. And so do another 12 rows
  • Run the sole according to the pattern of booties with braids. At the end, add a string at the ends with pompoms

Knitted booties - for the princess, ballet shoes, lamb, bear, mouse, hedgehog, caramel: photo

We offer you to admire a few more options for baby booties.

All types of booties are easy to perform according to the schemes only for experienced craftswomen. For beginners, it is better to use video tutorials.

Video: Knitting the simplest booties

Undoubtedly, you want to dress up your baby and has every right to do so. Mothers like to call their children affectionate names of little animals: cats, mice, bunnies. But in order for it to really look like such a cute animal, you can think about knitting booties with mice. A master class on creating such funny shoes is described in this article. After reading it and following all the steps, you can easily cope with the task.

Cast on 40 stitches

We close and knit on 4 knitting needles (10 loops each) 2 rows of white thread with purl loops, then 3 rows of blue thread with facial loops,
then with a white thread - 1 row of facial and 2 rows of purl.

Next, we knit only with a blue thread - 10 rows of facial loops. (At the same time, in the first blue row, we decrease 1 loop on each knitting needle, knitting together 9 and 10 front loops. It turns out 36 loops - 9 loops on each knitting needle.) 1 row with purl loops (there will be a bend here). We decrease 2 more loops (1 each at the end of 1 and 3 knitting needles) - there are 34 loops on the knitting needles.

10 rows of facial loops. We turn the work and knit in the opposite direction with front loops (at the same time, a hole is formed at the turn point - it will not be visible, it will be under the bend) - 6 rows.

We distribute the sings as follows: on the 1st and 3rd needles - 10 loops each, on the 2nd and 4th - 7 loops each. So that the hole from the turn is in the middle of the 1st knitting needle.
We knit the front part on the 3rd needle to the desired size of the booties. Facial rows - facial loops, purl - purl, edge loops - purl. In my example, the length of the upper part is 24 rows.

We collect 12 loops on the sides of the knitted fabric and continue to knit in a circle with facial loops. At the same time, in the first row, the loops cast on the sides are knitted with crossed loops so that there are no holes.

We knit 10 rows of facial loops - we get a "shoe without a sole"

Again, we introduce a white thread into work - we knit "teeth":
Knit 3 rows
Row 1: Knit 2tog, 1 yarn over - repeat until the end of the row.

3 rows of facial.

We cut the white thread, tie the 2 ends with a knot.

We knit 2p together (one loop from the knitting needle, and the other loop of the first row white color from the wrong side - on the wrong side they will be visible as “dashes”) We put the resulting loop on the knitting needle. Make sure that the "cloves" are not warped.

We knit the foot. 10 loops of the front needle knit in one direction and the other stockinette stitch, while at the end of the front rows the last loop working needle and we knit the first loop of the side knitting needle together with the front, at the end of the purl rows - together with the purl - so on the sides of the foot we get even pigtails.

When 10 loops remain on the knitting needle, we sew them with a needle with a loop-to-loop seam.

Cast on 20 stitches with white yarn. Knit 6 rows in stockinette stitch. We connect the loops of the first and last rows, knitting 2 loops together.

We cut the white thread, introduce the blue one -
1 row - all loops are facial.
2 row - 1 hem, 2 purl together - to the end of the row, 1 hem.
3rd row - 1 edge, 2 front together - to the end of the row.
4 row - purl 2 together - 3 times.
5 row - 3 together front.

So we knit 4 ears

Sew the ears to the booties.

Embroider eyes, nose and antennae with black thread.

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