Tasks and riddles for finding New Year's gifts. "search for gifts from Santa Claus" - New Year's quest at a family holiday

Gifts are always good. Surprises are even better. Searching for a gift from notes is very exciting. And if this unexpected quest comes up with own child on your own initiative, then it is doubly, triply better and more fun. How to easily and quickly arrange a surprise for mom and hide a gift?

One morning my son, leaving for school, left me this note.

The easiest way to hide a gift is to look around, highlight a few significant things in the house and write riddles about them. But this “most necessary thing in the house” and “not a router” puzzled me. What could be more important than the Internet? Probably a refrigerator. Then I thought about a laptop. But the second note was nowhere to be found. I had to call Gleb to the school for a hint. It turns out that note number 2 was under the router. The original way.

Everything is simple here. There is one skeleton in our house. We call him Vasya.

The following message was clamped in Vasya's jaw.

I returned to the kitchen. Indeed, there was a full cup of coffee on the table. I thought my husband hadn't had a drink before going to work. And this is a surprise from my son! Even if he just left me coffee, I would be glad.

This is what was hidden under the coffee cup:

It's simple. Of course, these are scissors. They are all in one box.

Headphone mystery. Here I had to try to find my son's favorite headphones.

A note of ingenious content was hidden in the headphones.

The one who cannot be named is dead.

The hand immediately reached for the seventh volume of "Harry Potter". In the Deathly Hallows, the one who must not be named has died.

There was a flash drive in the volume. I have an advanced child. I loaded the flash drive and opened a text document. It was written there that the next clue was in the bull's head. It's simple too. We have a head like this that we can't hang on the wall.

Indeed, a little white piece of paper was visible near the horn of the bull. It contained the following:

I had to look for a gun. Here he is. Hidden advertising Nerf.

The last note flew out with the cartridge. Hooray! The gift, a box of chocolates, was in a red box.

Dear children! If you want to please mom, dad, or both together, take this quest into service. I assure you that within a couple of weeks you will receive indulgence from bad grades and minor misconduct.

Hiding a gift: Gleb
Photo: Tanya Belkina

Home quest is a game with varied and interesting tasks. The idea of ​​the quest is simple: the player sequentially solves riddles and completes tasks hidden around the house. The answer to each task indicates the object or place where the card with the next one is hidden. This kind of chain eventually leads to a gift or a hidden surprise. This quest can be organized for one child or a group of children. All tasks are varied and designed for the ingenuity and ingenuity of children. This is a ready-made set of tasks that in 20 minutes you can turn into a real adventure for your loved ones.

Items and places

All tasks in this quest are completed in several versions - each version has its own answer. This is done to make it easier for you to choose places where you will hide task cards. These places are listed below. Note that the words are combined into groups. Within the group, the answers related to one task are indicated through the “/” sign. In each group of words, we also indicate whether a template is provided for this task:

Mirror/Clock/Saw/Oven/Fireplace, TV/Armchair/Sofa, Candy/Fruit, Battery/Pillow, Fridge/Suitcase/Snowman, Mug/Hammer/Glove, Sofa/Bag/Cabinet/Pattern, Curtain/Box, Saucepan/ kettle, bathtub/shelf/door/template, iron/carpet, tree/key/fork/spoon/template, boots/plate/computer/template, oven/basket/plant.

Description of tasks

Below are short descriptions tasks and images of cards for review. Detailed description tasks and instructions for their preparation, as well as files prepared for printing with images of cards are provided in a downloadable archive.

1. The task "Christmas lights"

In light bulbs tangled Christmas garland the text of the riddle is written, which must be read and guessed.

2. Task "Mystery with a mirror"

3. Task "Labyrinth"

The card shows a labyrinth with three exits. The correct exit will indicate where to go next.

4. Task "Christmas room"

To get the next clue, you need to find all the letters hidden in the New Year's room.

5. Task "Mystery"

Interesting children's puzzles about household items.

6. Task "Drawing by numbers"

You need to connect the numbered points with lines to see the picture. He will point out where to look for the next riddle.

7. Task "Make a word"

From the "scattered" letters you need to make a word, and it will indicate where to go next.

8. Task "New Year's song"

To get the next clue, you need to remember the words of the main New Year's song about the Christmas tree.

9. Task "Clock"

A task for those who know how to tell the time on the clock.

10. Task "New Year's mathematics"

The essence of the task is to solve a few simple mathematical examples and, according to the answers received, decipher the word.

11. Task "New Year's crossword puzzle"

A small crossword puzzle with New Year's questionsFor the tasks "Make a word", "New Year's mathematics", "Secret drawing" and "Multiplication" there are templates. If necessary, you can come up with your own answers for one or all of these tasks and fill in the templates yourself.

In addition, the kit includes blank card templates that you can fill in with your own tasks.

Do you want to somehow unusually give a gift for a birthday (or other occasion) to your loved ones? There is a great solution - arrange a test of ingenuity and ingenuity! Don't let the gift come so easily. The hero of the occasion must find a gift, following tricky clues that will gradually lead him to his cherished goal.

This quest (tasks) is suitable for both children from 8 years old and adults (for example, husband, wife, friend / girlfriend, young man etc).

Scenario of the quest to find a gift

  1. Handing the birthday boy a beautifully packaged small box, and in it lies a crumpled note (you can fill the box with confetti, raffia, strips of paper, etc., so that the note still has to be found):

You did not expect such a gift -

A piece of paper gathered into a ball?

But this is only the beginning of the marathon!

You'll have to work hard, my friend!

To get the first clue - solve the riddle:

Two bellies, four ears - what is it?

Answer: pillow.

The next riddle lies under any pillow in the apartment (on which they sleep or in sofa, decorative pillows).

  1. Tip #2

Choose a book from your home library. Now you need to compose the word of the next hide-and-seek place from the numbers that will indicate the page, row and serial number of the desired letter.

We write on paper by hand or print. We put the note in this book, and the book under the pillow. We encrypt the word PLATE (you can also add a color or purpose for complexity, for example, GREEN PLATE, SOUP PLATE).

For example:

The note will look like this (the "address" of each letter on a new line):

page row. letter(we do not indicate this in the note, the detective must guess for himself what these numbers are)

That is, the letter T" is in your book on page 150, in the 10th row from the top, and it is 4 letters from the beginning of the line. It seems like a long time, but in fact everything is done easily and quickly. The quest participant will be interested, the main thing is to remember, well, or write down the letters.

P.S. Instead of a plate can be: flower pot, favorite cup, lid bottom. In general, anything, but the bottom of something is better. 🙂

3.Hint #3

At the bottom of the selected plate (or something else), glue QR code. It can be downloaded here ->

How to use the application:

  1. Take mobile phone with a camera,
  2. Run the program to scan the code,
  3. Point your camera lens at the code,
  4. Get information!

You have to be well prepared. 🙂 If the detective looks at the code, as you yourself know who (there were cases :), then don't give up, let him think. Well, or give him a phone, let him try to connect.

The following is encoded: It's time to refresh, my friend! Eat the most delicious pie!

As an option: if it is not possible, or did not have time to print, then in clue #2 we encode the word not a plate, but COMPUTER (laptop, tablet), because the code is also read from the screen of the monitor or tablet. The quest participant must lift the lid of the laptop, or move the PC mouse, turn on the tablet, and a picture with a code is opened there.

  1. Tip #4

Prepare a separate pie (bun, muffin, cake) in advance (either bake it yourself and hide the note inside, or buy a cake and put the hint at the bottom of the plate / box in a small bag.) You can put it in the refrigerator.

In the hint: Collect the correct word and get the next clue!

The letters are written randomly (better different colors), or you can cut each letter separately and put it in a small envelope and attach it to the note.

We write the letters of the following cache: OVEN

As an option: microwave, bottle, saucepan, coffee pot.

  1. Tip #5

We continue our home quest to find a gift.

In the oven (can be hidden under pans and pots if they are stored in the oven) the following task:

A little more, a little more! And the hard way will end!

Solve the riddle and get the following clue:

In a fairy tale he can fly

At home - become an ornament.

Answer: Carpet

  1. Tip #6

Hiding under the carpet next message! Well, if there are several carpets in the apartment, the search will take longer!

Under the carpet is a riddle:

Round, smooth like a watermelon.

Any color, for different tastes.

When you let go of the leash,

Fly away for the clouds.

Answer: balloon

Prepare a balloon.

  1. Tip #7

We put the next clue in the balloon and inflate it. The ball itself must be hidden somewhere, let the quest participant look carefully, not everything is so simple)).

Examples of hide and seek: on/in the closet, under the bed, on the balcony, in a bag.

As an option: you can inflate several opaque balloons so that you still need to determine which balloon has a clue. You can also use a helium balloon.

To get a hint - you need to burst the balloon.

The test participant finds a task in the ball, where you need to guess the place of hide and seek.

In a note: Next clue in white high-rise building!

Answer: closet.(we change to the color of your cabinet)

We hide the note on a shelf in the largest closet in the house so that a piece of paper sticks out (an envelope, a tail of a rope tied to a note).

  1. Hint #8

Hint found in the closet:

There is very little left! Well done!

The centipede will help you find the next clue,

who has a back, but he never lies!

Answer: chair

We hide the next clue on the chair (glue it from below or to the leg with adhesive tape).

9. Tip #9

Remained last step and the quest to find a gift will be completed!

In the last clue under the chair:

Looks like the whim succeeded!

You could find the answer to everything!

And you can get your prize

From where the sun shines on us!

Answer: window

We hide the gift behind the curtains on the windowsill!

Quest cards

To save time during preparation, we suggest purchasing a set of ready-made cards for the quest (in electronic form) for only 65 rubles.

You will receive all materials immediately after payment (within 10 min.) to the specified e-mail address. Click on the "Place an order" button. You will be taken to the product page, where you will need to fill in the fields and select a convenient payment method.

All you have to do is print it out and hide it around the apartment.
What is included:
1. Cards with tasks (the text of the cards is adapted separately for girls and boys)
2. Blank cards for your corrections or assignments
3. Individual letters (of the entire alphabet) for task No. 4
4. QR code (encryption according to this scenario)
5. Optional - stylish postcard"Happy birthday". It can be attached to a gift that the player finds.

Attention! The order is sent automatically. If you have not received the material within 10 minutes. (check your spam folder), then write to us immediately in those. support (address below), we will resend.

By placing an order (by clicking on the "place an order" button), you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the site.

The older a person is, the more difficult and more troublesome it becomes to surprise him. Today's youth will not please an ordinary gift. We bring to your attention a game-search for a hidden "treasure". You can spend it both in an ordinary apartment, house, and in nature or in any other place. You ask how to organize a quest at home? Easily! We give an example of simple option, for one person, lasting no more than 15 minutes. This option is well suited if you cannot be present at the event, having prepared in advance, you can leave the player to independently explore the dwelling. With a little effort, it can be upgraded into tasks for a group of people, extended by increasing the number of steps, and the like.

Let us mention that quest - it is a form of leisure that came to us from computer games. It involves the simultaneous connection to the interaction of all players of one team. And, as a rule, it is aimed at solving certain tasks set in advance, which will lead the participants to the goal.

You will need:

Glue, adhesive tape;
Felt pens - pencils;
A little fantasy;

Treasure map. An important point at the stage of planning and developing a scenario is to think over the search route. It is most convenient at this stage to draw a plan of the house, or the area for which the game is designed. And place the key points (where the hints will be located) clockwise from the entrance, or the starting point of the route. Thus, you exclude as much as possible the possibility of finding a gift quickly, because, in fact, it is hidden not far from the entrance, and the game takes the search in a completely different direction. An example is in the photo.

To determine the number of key points, decide how long the quest should take, and how difficult one game will be (how long it will take to complete it). For example, we created tasks in general for 15 minutes, hoping that the games would be easy - 1-1.5 minutes per task - we have 11 points. And the tasks themselves consist only in guessing the next key place. You can complicate it by encrypting it with an anagram, a crossword puzzle, a rebus, and so on.

Selection of tasks. Here you need the same flight of fancy. We cut out stars for each task and began to invent. At the entrance, the first detailed hint was waiting for the birthday girl, with instructions on what to do, how to play.

#1 Look for a device that constantly sniffs dirty things.
This is about washing machine. It has the following clue.

#2 Where is the coldest place in the apartment?
This is a freezer. There is an envelope with a cut image in the freezer.

#3 Put the puzzle together.

After completing the task, a photo of the microwave oven is obtained.

And here's the next clue.

No. 4 "We ate from their plates, slept on their beds, and the cup was broken there and the spoon was broken."
This is from the tale of the three bears. Just such heroes are available in our bedroom. And they have the next clue.

№5 Collect the word from the letters in the envelope.


Under the keyboard, two-way prompt:
No. 6 Side 1: Go to the specified page on the Internet from the tablet and see the number of reviews.

#6 Side 2: Take book #____ from left to right from the shelf above the laptop. (Enter number of reviews)

When the player finds out the number of reviews, he will understand that he needs to take the 9th book.

And in it:

#7 Go through the long tunnel that connects the rooms outside.

It's about the lodge.

It has hints on it. "He's waiting for you on the couch." In the room on the sofa, the first gift and:

#8 That's not all. Go into the small room where the "treasures" are kept.
This is a closet.

#9 Look for the one who said “You are the sweetest in the world, all blush and whiter”
This is a mirror. You need to review all the mirrors and find:

#10 Dial the phone __________ and listen to the answering machine.
Congratulations and an indication of the last place with a gift are recorded in advance on an answering machine.

The last gift may have a wish card.

Advice: Formulate tasks unambiguously so that the player does not have a false judgment, and he does not declassify you ahead of time.

Good luck with your quests, take care of your family and friends, please and pamper them more often.

New Year I have always associated with the expectation of a miracle. Thanks to the parents for this: they did not destroy the myth of Santa Claus for as long as possible; and every year on the morning of the first of January, my younger sister and I ran to a live New Year tree (which always stood in the house) and looked under it for our felt boots, put there in advance, in which we found sweet surprises and something very desirable ... The myth was destroyed when an inquisitive sister found gifts prepared for us in her mother's closet. This did not upset us at all - on the contrary, since then we have started a playful tradition to give each other gifts "from Santa Claus" on New Year's Eve.

In my family, the tradition of putting gifts under the Christmas tree and unpacking them on January 1 has not taken root. Sonulya was so impatient that a couple of times the gifts "from Santa Claus" were simply given to him. But on the 4th birthday (which my son had in the fall), I noted that my son’s attitude towards gifts and givers had become too consumerist and critical - after all, he was literally overwhelmed with gifts, and a week later he could not remember who and what gave. Therefore, for the New Year's gift giving, I decided to prepare something unusual.

It was not possible to arrange a grand celebration with numerous guests, a full-fledged script and guest actors for various reasons. First, does not allow living space. Secondly, there is a 9-month-old baby in the house, and noisy holidays are still taboo. Thirdly, all this pleasure is not cheap. So I opted for a treasure hunt. And not just a treasure, but a New Year's gift. I myself called this idea "New Year's Quest".

I found 15 riddles on the Internet about furniture, toys and more. I also found a picture - an image of Santa Claus with a bag of gifts, printed it on an A4 sheet, printed riddles on top, cut the sheet into 15 uneven parts (diamonds, trapeziums, triangles). I also searched on the Internet beautiful postcard"from Santa Claus" and printed it (as a photograph - in color, on A6 glossy paper). I withdrew from the search itself - just so that suspicion would not fall on me. When it was time to look for a gift, our dad left the apartment - "on business." On his return, he loudly announced that he had found in mailbox letter for Andryusha. The son had never before received letters in his name - what a surprise he was! Having opened the envelope, Andryushka found inside a postcard from Santa Claus in his name, on the reverse side of which was written:

"Prepared for you
I love a gift.
If you complete the puzzle
Then you will find your gift!

Even inside the envelope lay a piece of the puzzle - the first riddle-hint. After discussing among themselves what needs to be done, the son and her husband (who did not know the answers to the riddles in advance and was instructed not to prompt) began to guess the first riddle. Having guessed it, they ran (but how could it be otherwise, it's so interesting, I want to get to the treasure gift as soon as possible!) went to the clue object. There they found the next clue, and so on until they had collected all the clues. When the son had 15 pieces of the puzzle in his hands, he managed to put together a picture of them, which turned out to be the image of Santa Claus - of course! - with a bag of gifts. The 15th guess led him there (in our case, to the balcony), where a hidden gift was waiting for him. Of course, it was a delight!

All the searches took about half an hour, the son kept the card, was satisfied with the gifts, and over the next two weeks, everyone who was willing to listen, told that Santa Claus had not just given HIM a gift, but hid it and made him search.

It remains only to say that, in my opinion, this option is appropriate not only for the New Year, but also for birthdays, and name days, and Children's Day, and for any holiday that is celebrated in your family - only small changes are needed . And here are the riddles that I made with clues, a postcard from Santa Claus and a picture of Santa Claus with a bag of gifts.

"Wonder box - there is a window in it,
There's a movie in that window."

"There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Houses in summer and winter.
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruits.

"A pillow sleeps on her during the day,
And at night - Andryushka.

"Who warms with love,
Everything in the world succeeds
Even play a bit?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - smack?
This is how she always is
My dear!"

Note: I had the next clue, but in order to get it, Andryushka had to sing a New Year's song to me.

"How easy it sits on it,
And nice, sweet sleep!
The back is soft, the pillows...
What else do you need to be happy?"

"In the round window
Wet clothes."
(Washing machine)

"I'm ready for training starts,
Soon I will sit down for ... "

"Bogatyr at the wall
He's wearing shirts and pants."
(A wardrobe)
"To our house under
Someone from the forest will come
All fluffy, in needles,
And that guest is called ... "
(Christmas tree)

"What kind of miracle giant?
Stretches his hand to the clouds
Doing work:
Helping build a house.
(Construction crane)

Note: my son has a faucet on a remote control, so there was no doubt where to look next.

"Will bring
glass eye,
Clicked once -
And remembers us."

"Black and white - both brothers
It is stored in her stomach.
(bread box)

"In order not to freeze, five guys
They sit in closets."

"I lay under the trees
Pillow with needles.
lay, lay,
Let me run."

Note: no, of course, we don’t have a hedgehog at home, but there is a Hedgehog toy.

"I'm from home on the threshold
Only one step took a step,
The door closed behind
There is no path ahead of me.
I'm at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess, friends
Where am I?"

Comment on the article "New Year's Quest"

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New Year's Quest. So I opted for a treasure hunt. And not just a treasure, but a New Year's gift. I myself called this idea "New Year's Quest".

New Year's Quest. So I opted for a treasure hunt. And not just a treasure, but a New Year's gift. I myself called this idea "New Year's Quest".
