Curling on rags short hair. Curls, curls and curls with rags: how to do, video

There are many ways to curl your hair using curlers, curling irons, hair dryers, but each of these methods has a significant drawback: thermal devices negatively affect the hair.

This can be avoided if you use the recipe of our grandmothers and braid pigtails for the night or wind your hair on a rag (papillottes). Funny at first glance, the method of wrapping allows you to create a luxurious hairstyle without the slightest harm to it.

Pros and cons of curling on rags


Disadvantages of this curling method

  • You may find curling difficult at first and you will need help to evenly distribute the strands and gently wind the hair until you get your hand stuffed.
  • No one is immune from creases at the roots! You need to be extremely careful when wrapping on papillots.
  • It will take more time to wind your hair on rags than to create curls with a curling iron or styler. You need at least 4-5 hours for a full fixation.

Otherwise, this curling method has no drawbacks and the result is not inferior to traditional curlers or thermal devices.

Features of creating hairstyles

Due to the fact that this method of curling is completely safe, it is suitable for any type of hair and almost any length. The easiest way to curl your hair using rags is for owners of long hair, but if you try, you can even curl a bob. Of course, the length will affect the size of the curls, but even sparse hair will gain volume and splendor.

Curling step by step

Before winding, you need to create papillots:

Take cotton fabric and scissors, cut fabric strips about 10-15 centimeters long and about 5 centimeters wide.

The size of the strips depends on the length and density, as well as on desired result: to make small curls on rags, it is enough thin tapes if you want to get large curls, use wide strips and thick paper.

If you have nothing to make curling cloths out of, you can use ribbons, gauze, bandages, even ordinary napkins.

Before you curl your hair on a cloth, it is important to properly prepare it. Wash your hair and dry your hair with a towel - it should remain slightly damp. Comb the strands carefully and thoroughly, apply any fixing agent on them and distribute it along the entire length.

Cloths need to be wound on slightly damp hair - if the hair has had time to dry completely, use a spray bottle to moisten the desired strand.

  • Divide your hair into strands. The thinner the strand, the smaller the curl will be.
  • Lay the tip of the strand in the middle of the curler and start winding the hair until you reach the desired height. This curling option easily allows you to make a wave from the very roots or curl your hair from the middle or only from the bottom.
  • When the strand is twisted, pull the ends of the fabric strip into a knot to secure the roller. Wide strips are easier to untie, so be prepared that thin curls will have to be cut off in the morning.
  • Wind the whole mass of hair in this way, then cover your head with a scarf or towel. This will prevent the curls from untwisting if you are curling overnight and will also enhance the effect.
  • To get the most luxurious curls, you must wait at least 5 hours. Therefore, it is better to wind your hair at night: while you sleep peacefully, the hairstyle will take on the desired shape.
  • After the curling time has elapsed, gently unroll the fabric curlers. Take your time and unroll them smoothly so as not to tangle and break the curls.
  • Use your fingers to fluff the hairstyle to give it the desired shape, style the curls, fix with varnish. If desired, you can decorate it with accessories.
  • If you want a more natural result, use strips of different widths at the same time.
  • Hair curled on a rag retains its shape for about as long as you waited for time before untwisting it. For maximum effect, it is recommended to wind the strands in the evening, and do the hairstyle in the morning.
  • Curls last longer if you use fixatives.

Want to get bigger spiral curls? Then you will need not only a piece of fabric, but also several sheets of paper (regular office paper for an A4 copier will do). Cut the sheet into wide strips (about 8 cm) - the size of the future curl depends on the width.

Then roll the resulting blanks into cylinders, wrapping them in pieces of fabric of the appropriate size. As a result, you will get a more elastic curler, a bit reminiscent of ordinary curlers. Create a curl in the same way as if you used ordinary rags without paper.

Curling your hair on rags is an excellent proof that expensive salons and professional equipment are not needed for a beautiful hairstyle, just a little patience and a desire to be beautiful are enough. Experiment, and then you can make a curl even in the absence of electricity and curling irons.

Curls, curls and curls with rags: how to do, video

Previously, when there were not very many ways to curl, and beauty salons were considered a rarity, fashionistas often used improvised means.

All girls want to look beautiful and well-groomed, and the hairstyle is the most noticeable element of the image. There is not always enough time and money for frequent visits to a professional stylist, styling tools are also expensive, and not everyone knows how to use them on their own, but pretty haircut needed daily. What to do? - you can use improvised means.

Let's learn from this article how to wind your hair on rags, pieces of paper and even socks - the pros, cons of such self-styling, as well as step by step instructions execution technologies.

Pros and cons of curling with improvised means

All methods of winding hair with devices that, at first glance, do not belong to hairdressing, have the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to wind curls at any time;
  • hair does not deteriorate;
  • the shape of curls is well kept;
  • soft objects do not create discomfort during sleep.

Winding hair on rags, pieces of paper or socks has its drawbacks, but they are minor:

  • this is a long procedure - the formation of a curl requires complete drying of the hair;
  • need styling tools;
  • Not all rags and socks are suitable for curling.

To form a good curl, the hair must be completely dry, so it is better to wind it with improvised stylers at night or use a powerful hair dryer.

Tools and fixtures

To wind your hair on rags, socks or pieces of paper at home, you will need the following materials:

If you plan to wind your hair on rags, then it is more convenient to use a stretchable fabric, since it securely fixes the tip of the strand and prevents it from unwinding.

Styler preparation

Before you wind your hair with improvised means, you must first prepare all the devices. different ways winding strands on homemade stylers require a certain processing of materials.

Rag preparation

Before winding the hair on rags, you need to cut them into rags measuring 10 by 10 centimeters. After that, put a thick thread 15–20 cm long into the middle of the pieces of fabric. To wind the average density of hair, you need 25–50 rags, depending on the thickness of the curl.

There is another type of patches that can be wound. To make them you need to cut knitted fabric ribbons measuring 10 by 25 centimeters. The consumption of such rags for an average hair density is also 25-50 pieces.

Preparing socks

Before you start winding, make sure you have the right number of socks. For medium hair density, 10-15 pieces are required. The thinner the curl you want to get, the more they will need.

For long hair, it is better to take stockings so that the tied ends do not bloom.

Preparing paperwork

To wind hair on pieces of paper, you first need to cut it, roll it into a tube and pull a thick thread through the hole.

In order to tightly wind the strands, the width of the homemade papillot should be no more than the length of the index finger.

To wind the average density of hair, you will need 40-60 paper curlers.

Step-by-step instruction

To make the curls clear and keep until the next shampooing, you need to follow the small rules for working with these tools. After all, each improvised tool has its own characteristics. Let's analyze them separately.

Rolling on rags

Step-by-step instructions on how to wind your hair on rags are as follows.

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and treat the strands with balm from the middle to their ends, without affecting the roots.
  2. Blot excess moisture with a towel.
  3. Apply mousse to create curls.
  4. Divide the head with partings into strands.
  5. Wind up. To do this, pinch the ends of the hair with a cloth and wind, moving towards the roots. Tighten the twisted strands with a thread or between the edges of the tape, depending on which flap design you use.
  6. Dry your hair with a hair dryer or naturally.
  7. Take off the rags. To do this, you need to untie or cut the tied edges of homemade stylers.
  8. To texturize curls, wax them.
  9. Fix the resulting styling with an aerosol varnish.

If the flaps are carefully untied, then they can be reused.

How to wind your hair in rags

Winding hair on rags for a child

When perming is done for children, use bright colored patches to increase their perseverance and then creating a hairstyle will turn into an exciting game.

How to wind hair on rags for a child?

Step-by-step instructions for children are no different from those for adults, except that for babies, care and styling products must be used that are appropriate for their age.

Rolling on paper

Now let's move on to how to wind your hair on pieces of paper.

  1. After shampooing, apply mousse to create curls.
  2. Divide hair with partings.
  3. Wind up. To do this, hold the ends of the strands with a piece of paper, wind them up to the roots, and tie the edges of the thread together.
  4. Wait for complete drying. Remove the papers, treat the curls with spray varnish and wax.

To reuse homemade papillots, make them not from paper, but from thick foil. Thus, you will reduce the time for preparing the stylers.

Twisting hair on pieces of paper

Rolling on socks

Sometimes even the most unexpected things can become stylers to create curls. How to wind hair on a sock?

  1. Wash your hair, pat dry, then apply mousse to create curls.
  2. Divide your hair into strands.
  3. Roll on toe. To do this, fold it in half lengthwise, pinch the tip of the strand, wind it up to the root, and then tie the edges of the stocking.
  4. Once your hair is completely dry, untie your socks and gently unwind them.
  5. Treat the resulting styling with wax for texturing, and then fix with an aerosol varnish.

Winding on socks is convenient because it does not require special preparation - cutting, so they can be used repeatedly.

How to curl your hair with socks

Winding scheme

To get beautiful curls of the same diameter, you need to wind the stylers according to the scheme. Let's find out how to properly wind your hair on rags, socks, pieces of paper or any other improvised means.

Curling medium to long hair

This parting plan is versatile and is suitable for long as well as medium hair.

  1. With a horizontal parting from one ear to the other, separate the occipital zone, and then into three more vertical parts.
  2. Divide each resulting zone horizontally into strands 2-3 centimeters thick.
  3. Holding the tip of the separated strand, wind it tightly to the roots and fasten the ends of the impromptu styler to each other. Thus, you need to wind the entire back of the head, starting from the bottom.
  4. After winding the occipital zone, it is necessary to separate the parietal from the temporal.
  5. It is necessary to wind the temporal zones from the bottom up to the border with the separated parietal part of the head.
  6. The bangs area is twisted to the forehead, and the remaining hair is separated by a side or middle parting (depending on how you comb it), and also twisted.

If the strands of hair wound on rags, socks or pieces of paper are the same, then the result will be no worse than after visiting a beauty salon - the curls will be equal, clearly textured and persistent.

Kare and bob-kare are wound in the same way as long hair, but without affecting the lower occipital zone, since it is cut short and simply does not wrap.

Curling short hair

It is easy to wind medium and long strands on stylers. But how to wind on rags short hair?

  1. First you need to separate those areas of the scalp, where the length of the strands allows them to be wound.
  2. Haircuts with shortly removed lower occipital and temporal zones begin to wind from the bangs, then go to the parietal part, and from it they already go down, capturing those strands whose length allows you to wind them.

For short hair, it is better to use pieces of paper and rags, since the curl is clearer, smaller. Socks are more suitable for medium and long hairstyles, since the formed curl is large.

To keep your curls looking fresh and beautiful for several days, use the following tips when winding them.

  1. When buying a mousse, pay attention to what is written on its bottle. You need to take only the one that is intended to create curls. Mousses for smooth styling do not hold the shape of a curl.
  2. Use only strong varnishes. Aerosols, sprays of medium and elastic hold are only suitable for smooth or slightly curled styling. And also spray aerosol varnish from a distance of at least 30 centimeters.
  3. How to wind your hair on rags to get a basal volume without combing the finished styling? To do this, moving to the parietal zone of the head, we change the angle of the stretch of the wound strand and treat the root part with spray varnish without gas. In order for the hairstyle to look as lush as possible, you need to pull the strand perpendicular to the plane of the head and wind it without changing the degree of the right angle.

Using these tips, you yourself will make curls no worse than in a beauty salon.

How long does it take to wrap

It takes no more than half an hour to wind your hair on rags. It depends on their length and density. Winding up short haircuts takes 10-15 minutes, and medium and long hair can be wound on rags in 20-30.

The more often you do styling in this way, the less time it will take.

How to remove homemade stylers

In order for the curls to retain their original shape after winding until the next shampooing, to have a clear texture, you need to correctly remove the devices on which the curl was formed.

  1. Untie or cut the fasteners one at a time, starting from the bottom.
  2. Unwind the strand without stretching, so as not to deform the curl.
  3. After removing all the stylers, comb the hair - only with a comb with rare teeth.
  4. Immediately fix the resulting curls with aerosol varnish.

Incorrectly removed rags spoil the shape of the curl and significantly reduce the life of the styling.

hairstyle ideas

Twisted hair looks spectacular not only in loose form, but also in collected hairstyle. Finished curls easily rise up, where they are attached with the help of stealth and hairpins.

You can pull out individual thin strands on the frontal and temporal zones. This will add an element of romanticism and fashionable negligence to the hairstyle.

Updo hairstyles are suitable for different style clothes, they slim and visually increase growth.

Rolling on rags, socks or pieces of paper is a gentle form of creating curls that is suitable even for brittle and children's hair. This method can be used at night, as such soft impromptu stylers do not interfere with sleep. Laying made with rags will last several days if you use by special means to create curls. In general, winding your hair with homemade stylers is a good budget way to quickly get a beautiful hairstyle.

How else can you curl your hair at night

Photo Shutterstock

Almost every year, more and more new technical means appear on the shelves of stores designed to make a perm for a woman fast and strong. Curlers, thermal curlers, stylers and other devices - they all have one common drawback: acting on the hair with the help of temperature, they destroy it. The sad result is hair loss and cross-section. However, it turns out that a safe and at the same time effective way of curling hair was known to our grandmothers. All that is needed in order to make curls yourself is a piece of fabric cut into rags.

We twist hair carefully

Curling on rags has a number of advantages: firstly, it does not require material costs, secondly, in the end you get an excellent result in the form of curls of the right size, and of course, most importantly, this method does not spoil the hair structure.

If you cannot find a piece of fabric at home to make wrapping rags out of it, then a regular gauze bandage can replace the fabric.

Curling on rags is done for at least six hours, so it is more customary to do it at night. In order to wind your hair on rags, you will need pieces of cotton fabric measuring 10x3 cm, a comb and, if you want to achieve the effect of large curls, then several sheets of plain paper.

To curl your hair into curls, a hairdresser is useless

First, roll a piece of paper into a cylinder. Remember, the larger its diameter, the larger the curl will turn out. Wrap the resulting cylinder in a rag strip, as a result, you should get home-made curlers, in which the ends of the fabric will stick out on the sides. If you need small curls, you can do without paper at all. Take a cloth and roll it into a thin flagellum. clean hair wet with water or styling mousse, comb, divide into strands and start twisting into such cylinders or flagella as curlers.

Wind the curl on a cloth, starting from the ends. Fix the resulting bagel from the strand at the base of the head by tying the ends of the rag. Treat all hair in this way. Do not worry about safety, this method of fixation holds very well, and you can safely go to sleep. Due to their softness, such homemade curlers will not interfere with sleep. And in the morning you will get magnificent curls: you just have to remove the rags from your hair and fix the curls with varnish. It may take you some time to do such a perm the first time, but over time you will gain dexterity and be able to wind it up in just a few minutes.

1597 10/09/2019 5 min.

High-quality hair curling has always worried humanity, and especially its weakest part, that is, women. Many of us were born with curly hair and therefore there is no need to curl our hair. But not everyone is so lucky. Why do you need a perm at all? There are many reasons here. First, hairstyles curly hair look more festive than on straight lines, and secondly, it is easier to style curled hair. And in general, women love curls and that's it. It makes no sense to look for a reason, it’s better to discuss how to make curls last longer while winding them on rags.

Pros and cons of cold curling hair

The advantages of such a curling hair include the following factors:

  • the possibility of passive curling. Wind your hair on rags or curlers and forget for a few hours;
  • does not harm their condition;
  • curls retain their shape for a long time;
  • hair is enough for two days.

Just think how great it is to bring beauty during sleep. This is the most pleasant way to care for your appearance, which you can think of. She wrapped up her rags and went to bed peacefully. A dream, not a method. By the way, in order for the sleep to be calm and sound, it is necessary - you should not screw it tightly to your head, leave a couple of centimeters so that the papillots can move freely and do not put pressure on the skin.

This method of curling has its drawbacks. , namely:

  • duration of the curling period;
  • the need to walk in a scarf for a long time while the hair curls.

It turns out that this method cannot be used if beautiful woman you need to become immediately.

Curling on fabric is a long-term method and, for all its durability, the hairstyle requires a lot of time to create. It makes sense to curl your hair for a day if the husband is not at home, because not every man will endure something wandering around the house with an incomprehensible structure on his head all day.

Fabric choice

To make yourself a cold perm on rags, you need to prepare a little and stock up on some tools and, of course, patience. What is needed for the curling process?

  • ribbons of chintz fabric twenty centimeters long and two centimeters wide. The number of rags depends on how fine you need a perm. For a curl, the hair is distributed in thick bundles, and for small curls, a strand no thicker than a pencil is taken;

chintz fabric

  • pieces of white paper. Cut a sheet of A4 paper into rectangles measuring 7 x 12 centimeters;
  • sugar syrup. A tablespoon of sugar per glass of water. Dissolve and wet curls before curling. Instead of syrup, you can use mousse or hair foam;
  • scarf. We will cover her hair with it so that the impromptu curlers do not become disheveled, do not fall off the head before the allotted time;
  • comb;
  • mirror.

It is very inconvenient to twist hair at the back of the head, regardless of their length, so use the help of relatives or girlfriends. Let them help.

Hair preparation

When all necessary tools collected in a pile, you can begin the process of winding. Since cold perm is a long process, it is best to do it overnight. While you are sleeping, your hair will be ready and in the morning you will only have to unwind the rags and give your hair a shape.

  1. In a glass of water, dissolve the sugar in the water and put the syrup within reach.
  2. Comb your hair well and divide it into a straight parting.
  3. Take a piece of paper and a rag in your hands. Put the tape on a piece of paper and twist a dense sausage similar to curlers. The ends of the rag will hang from both sides in equal segments.
  4. Take a small strand of hair over your forehead a couple of centimeters wide and moisten it a little with syrup, mousse or foam.
  5. Roll the strand onto the mini curlers starting from the tip of the hair. Screw the curlers to the very roots of the hair and tie with ribbons in a loop. Do not knit knots, remember that you will also have to untie them.
  6. Walk in this way along the row to the neck using all the hair.
  7. Having finished with the first row, proceed to the second and so gradually wind all the hair.
  8. If curls are needed only at the ends of the hair, then impromptu curlers do not need to be twisted to the root of the hair, but you should stop halfway and then tie the ends of the rag. The curl will hold.
  9. When all the hair is twisted, you need to put on a scarf on top and you can go to bed.

twisted hair

How to wind curls on rags

To create, you can also use rags and paper tubes. Only in the case of a curl, paper tubes will be longer. The papers must be at least ten centimeters, and all fifteen can be.

Decide what curls you would like to see on your head. Small or large. The thickness of the curl will depend on how much hair you twist on one curler.

  1. Divide your hair into a straight parting and comb well.
  2. Cut the paper into pieces and wrap tightly on rags.
  3. Divide the hair into strands and moisten each with a little water, and then with foam for a fortress. Moistened strands are better to wind and hold their shape longer.
  4. Wind each curl on curlers and tie the ends of the rags.
  5. You do not need to wet all the hair at once, but each strand separately, before twisting the hair onto a piece of paper.
  6. To speed up the process of creating a curl, you can warm your hair a little with a hairdryer, or rather, just dry the excess moisture.
  7. Put on a scarf and walk in this form for at least 4-6 hours. The more time it takes to create a curl, the stronger it will turn out.
  8. Carefully untie the rope and unwind the sausage from the hair, directing it downwards when unwinding.
  9. Do not comb the curl, gently place it on the shoulders and sprinkle with varnish for a fortress.


Hollywood perm overnight

Creating a trendy one using only a few pieces of fabric is not difficult for any fashionista. What needs to be cooked?

  • comb;
  • chintz fabric, it does not slip better;
  • scarf.

Hair foam

To use this method of curling hair, you do not even need paper. The hair is divided into strands and twisted into simple fabric ribbons, which you yourself will pick from a piece of chintz.

Why should you use cotton fabric? It does not slip and will hold the hair tighter, that's the whole secret.

  1. Comb your hair and dampen a little with water. They don't have to be wet, but they do need to be damp.
  2. Separate the strand, moisten it with foam or mousse and wind it around the tape. Leave the tip of the hair about five centimeters free. Secure your hair by tying a ribbon into a bow.
  3. In the same way, wind all the hair on your head and fix future curls with a scarf or cap.
  4. After a few hours, untie the ribbon and gently unwind. Correct curled hair, giving it the shape of curls.
  5. Conclusion

    No doubt - the safest perm of all possible. Hair does not deteriorate unequivocally, and if you moisten it before curling not with plain water, but with herbal decoction, then you can use a similar method as well as treated procedures. Let's restore beauty and treat hair. What is attractive, the curl is no worse than the one that the master will make in the salon, and in terms of financial costs, the difference is very noticeable. Dare, do not be afraid to become a stylist and the result will please you for a long time.


How to curl hair on rags: create a spectacular hairstyle

There are many ways to curl your hair using curlers, curling irons, hair dryers, but each of these methods has a significant drawback: thermal devices negatively affect the hair.

This can be avoided if you use the recipe of our grandmothers and braid pigtails for the night or wind your hair on a rag (papillottes). Funny at first glance, the method of wrapping allows you to create a luxurious hairstyle without the slightest harm to it.

Pros and cons of curling on rags


Disadvantages of this curling method

  • You may find curling difficult at first and you will need help to evenly distribute the strands and gently wind the hair until you get your hand stuffed.
  • No one is immune from creases at the roots! You need to be extremely careful when wrapping on papillots.
  • It will take more time to wind your hair on rags than to create curls with a curling iron or styler. You need at least 4-5 hours for a full fixation.

Otherwise, this curling method has no drawbacks and the result is not inferior to traditional curlers or thermal devices.

Features of creating hairstyles

Due to the fact that this method of curling is completely safe, it is suitable for any type of hair and almost any length. The easiest way to curl your hair using rags is for owners of long hair, but if you try, you can even curl a bob. Of course, the length will affect the size of the curls, but even sparse hair will gain volume and splendor.

Curling step by step

Before winding, you need to create papillots:

Take cotton fabric and scissors, cut fabric strips about 10-15 centimeters long and about 5 centimeters wide.

The size of the strips depends on the length and density, as well as on the desired result: to make small curls on rags, thin ribbons are enough, but if you want to get large curls, use wide strips and thick paper.

If you have nothing to make curling cloths out of, you can use ribbons, gauze, bandages, even ordinary napkins.

Hair preparation:

Before you curl your hair on a cloth, it is important to properly prepare it. Wash your hair and dry your hair with a towel - it should remain slightly damp. Comb the strands carefully and thoroughly, apply any fixing agent on them and distribute it along the entire length.

Cloths need to be wound on slightly damp hair - if the hair has had time to dry completely, use a spray bottle to moisten the desired strand.


  • Divide your hair into strands. The thinner the strand, the smaller the curl will be.
  • Lay the tip of the strand in the middle of the curler and start winding the hair until you reach the desired height. This curling option easily allows you to make a wave from the very roots or curl your hair from the middle or only from the bottom.
  • When the strand is twisted, pull the ends of the fabric strip into a knot to secure the roller. Wide strips are easier to untie, so be prepared that thin curls will have to be cut off in the morning.

  • Wind the whole mass of hair in this way, then cover your head with a scarf or towel. This will prevent the curls from untwisting if you are curling overnight and will also enhance the effect.
  • To get the most luxurious curls, you must wait at least 5 hours. Therefore, it is better to wind your hair at night: while you sleep peacefully, the hairstyle will take on the desired shape.
  • After the curling time has elapsed, gently unroll the fabric curlers. Take your time and unroll them smoothly so as not to tangle and break the curls.
  • Use your fingers to fluff the hairstyle to give it the desired shape, style the curls, fix with varnish. If desired, you can decorate it with accessories.

  • If you want a more natural result, use strips of different widths at the same time.
  • Hair curled on a rag retains its shape for about as long as you waited for time before untwisting it. For maximum effect, it is recommended to wind the strands in the evening, and do the hairstyle in the morning.
  • Curls last longer if you use fixatives.

Want to get bigger spiral curls? Then you will need not only a piece of fabric, but also several sheets of paper (regular office paper for an A4 copier will do). Cut the sheet into wide strips (about 8 cm) - the size of the future curl depends on the width.

Then roll the resulting blanks into cylinders, wrapping them in pieces of fabric of the appropriate size. As a result, you will get a more elastic curler, a bit reminiscent of ordinary curlers. Create a curl in the same way as if you used ordinary rags without paper.

Expert opinion

Curling your hair on rags is an excellent proof that expensive salons and professional equipment are not needed for a beautiful hairstyle, just a little patience and a desire to be beautiful are enough. Experiment, and then you can make a curl even in the absence of electricity and curling irons.

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