Positions for making love with a pregnant wife. Safe sex positions for pregnant women

So the first trimester of pregnancy is over - the period of hormonal changes in the body, when you experienced sudden mood swings and suffered from toxicosis. From week 13, the most calm period of pregnancy begins.

You are already accustomed to your new state and begin to fully enjoy your happiness. At this time, it becomes difficult to hide your condition and, although your weight has increased slightly, the tummy is already beginning to noticeably grow - usually this can be seen in clothes that no longer fasten. Now is the time to lead an active lifestyle - the stomach is still quite small and does not prevent mom from moving, the mood is stable, the anxieties of the first trimester are behind. Also, in the second trimester, a closer connection between mother and baby is established, you feel his movements more and more, and he reacts more and more to your actions (talking with the baby or listening to music) and mood.

Questions 2nd trimester

Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy?

Let's remember the 1st trimester of your pregnancy - have there been any changes in sexual desire during this period? In most cases, women's libido decreases during the first trimester. This is understandable, there is a restructuring of the body, there may be mood changes and women often do not feel the desire to intimacy.

By the onset of the 2nd trimester, the problems of the first stage of pregnancy are already behind, the woman gets used to her new position, experiences more and more positive emotions, irritability disappears - a desire appears. Sex in the 2nd trimester is good for the body future mother and to strengthen the relationship with her husband.

The most important rule for sex during pregnancy is the absence of medical contraindications.

What vitamins to take during pregnancy?

Iron, iodine and calcium are added to the main vitamins (zinc) and folic acid that you started taking in the 1st trimester. Preparations containing these elements are usually prescribed to pregnant women in the second and third trimester. Before you start taking vitamins, it is advisable to consult your doctor - for example, iodine-containing drugs are not indicated for all pregnant women.

Taking a multivitamin during pregnancy is not always necessary. If your diet is varied, including all major food groups, you may not need to take additional vitamin complexes.

Is it better to sleep during pregnancy - on your back or on your side?

Let's look at all three basic sleep positions:

Can you sleep on your stomach during pregnancy? Answer: you can sleep on your stomach at the beginning of pregnancy, until about the end of the first trimester, when the tummy is very small and does not interfere with sleep, but starting from the moment when the uterus is already noticeably increasing in size, it becomes dangerous to sleep on your stomach and, in the future, try avoid this pose.

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her back? Answer: like the position on the stomach, the position on the back is only suitable for the first months of pregnancy, in the 2nd trimester it can already become dangerous for the baby due to lack of oxygen from squeezing the vena cava. In the third trimester, sleeping on your back is very harmful.

The most beneficial sleeping position during pregnancy is on your left side with your right leg bent and resting on a pillow. For the convenience of pregnant women, special pillows have been invented that support the stomach and allow you to sleep in the most correct position.

When is an ultrasound done?

In the 1st trimester, ultrasound is done at 10-14 weeks. The second planned ultrasound in the 2nd trimester is carried out at 20-24 weeks.

Fourth month (13 - 16 weeks of pregnancy)

At the 4th month of pregnancy, many organs of the baby begin their work - the kidneys, liver, stomach, the brain and nervous system. It already produces urine and can excrete it into the amniotic fluid. At this time, his first hair and tiny fingernails begin to grow. By the end of 4 months, the pituitary gland begins to function - a small gland that controls the functioning of the baby's endocrine system.

By the end of the fourth month, your baby weighs about 180 grams, and his height is about 15-18 cm.

Mom at 4 months pregnant

From the second trimester, you move into a more stable emotional and physical state. Already a third of the way! From the 4th month of pregnancy, the waist begins to smooth out a little and your interesting position becomes more noticeable.

To improve the nutrition of the unborn child, your body increases blood circulation, for a healthy heart, the increased load will not be particularly noticeable, but bleeding gums or a slight nosebleed in the morning may appear.

At the same time, dark spots may appear on the skin of the expectant mother. dark spots, which are the result of the deposition of a pigment substance - melanin. After childbirth, these darkening of the skin will go away on its own. The mammary glands also continue to grow.

If this is not your first pregnancy, then from now on you begin to feel slight movements of the baby.

Trouble 4 months pregnant

Around this time, constipation may occur as the growing uterus and hormonal changes slow down the bowels. Prolonged constipation can lead to hemorrhoids. To avoid constipation and hemorrhoids, you need to monitor your diet - from constipation, you can include fresh vegetables, dried apricots, prunes and baked apples in your diet.

Fifth month (17 - 20 weeks of pregnancy)

From the age of 5 months, the baby is already quite actively able to push with his arms and legs, and can also respond to loud sounds around his mother - for example, in a movie theater. Baby learn to swallow and suck. All major organs are working, the formation of the immune system is being completed, which provides its protection from viruses and various bacteria.

The weight of your crumbs by the end of the 5th month of pregnancy can reach 280 grams, and its height is about 25 centimeters.

Mom 5 months pregnant

The emotional connection between you and the child is strengthened day by day - you feel him, and he feels you. Think about it when you get into an argument or a fight. You already feel the baby's movements well, periodically listen to these movements, since the absence of pushing the crumbs for 24 hours or more is an alarming sign.

Trouble 5 months pregnant

Your tummy is getting bigger, the skin on your chest and belly is getting tighter and tighter, which can stretch the subcutaneous tissue. Stretch marks can appear due to too rapid weight gain, changes in the hormonal system, excess fluid accumulation, impaired circulation, or hereditary factors.

To prevent stretch marks:

  • Can and should be done special exercises to prepare muscles for childbirth.
  • Do joint exercises.
  • Watch your weight gain - it should not be very fast.
  • Well strengthens muscles swimming, visiting the pool.
  • Cream for stretch marks.

Sixth month (21 - 24 weeks of pregnancy)

By the end of the 2nd trimester, the baby already has all the senses functioning, the brain becomes more complicated and the nervous system continues to develop.

At this time, the baby moves very actively during waking hours, can occupy different positions in the uterus. But, nevertheless, sleep takes from 15 to 20 hours a day.

The baby begins to perform respiratory movements. But the lungs are not yet ready for air to enter and cannot yet open. Therefore, amniotic fluid can enter the lungs, causing the baby to hiccup.

Anthropometric parameters of your baby by the end of the 2nd trimester - weight about 600 grams, height - about 28-32 cm.

Trouble 6 months pregnant

Increased acidity due to hormonal changes can lead to heartburn. In addition, heartburn can cause constriction of the stomach of a pregnant woman.

How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy:

  1. The easiest way is to drink milk in small portions throughout the day.
  2. Pay attention to the diet - exclude sour drinks or coffee, as well as dishes containing yeast products. Coffee can be replaced with chicory.
  3. You can take herbal infusions, but after consulting with your gynecologist, as some herbs are prohibited during pregnancy.
  4. Of the drugs, you can take Rennie.

Videos 2nd trimester of pregnancy

At this stage, the data of an ultrasound scan performed in the first trimester of pregnancy are also taken into account.

What are double, triple and quadruple tests?

Unfortunately, not all clinics and laboratories have the ability to determine the level of all 4 indicators at once. If in the screening of the second trimester only the level of hCG and AFP is measured, then this double test second trimester. The triple test is the determination of hCG, AFP and free estriol. The quadruple test is the determination of hCG, AFP, free estriol and inhibin A.

All of these tests may be considered in conjunction with first trimester ultrasound findings. Such a test is called a combined test.

HCG norm

The norm for hCG depends on the duration of pregnancy. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for your term.

Attention! Norms for hCG may vary in different laboratories, so the data indicated is not final, and in any case you should consult your doctor. If the result is indicated in MoM, then the norms are the same for all laboratories and for all analyzes: from 0.5 to 2 MoM.

HCG: what if it is not normal?

If the hCG level is higher than normal for your gestational age, or exceeds 2 MoM, then the child has an increased risk of Down syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome.

If hCG is below normal for your period, or is less than 0.5 MoM, then the child has an increased risk of Edwards syndrome.

AFP norm

AFP, or alpha-fetoprotein, is a protein found in the blood of all pregnant women. The level of AFP gradually rises from 14 weeks of pregnancy, and rises to 32-34 weeks, and then begins to decrease.

The norm for AFP depends on the gestational age:

  • 13-15 weeks: 15-60 U/ml or 0.5 to 2 MoM
  • 15-19 weeks: 15-95 U/ml or 0.5 to 2 MoM
  • 20-24 weeks: 27-125 U / ml, or from 0.5 to 2 MoM

Attention! U/mL limits may vary between labs, so the data shown is not final and you should always consult your doctor. If the result is indicated in MoM, then the norms are the same for all laboratories and for all analyzes: from 0.5 to 2 MoM.

AFP: what if it's not normal?

If AFP is higher than normal for your term, or more than 2 MoM, then your child has an increased risk of developmental disorders of the spinal cord and brain (anencephaly and spina bifida). Elevated levels of AFP are also seen in multiple pregnancy.

If AFP is below normal for your term, or is less than 0.5 MoM, then the child has an increased risk of Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome.

The rate of free estriol

Free estriol is a substance that is found in the blood of pregnant women and is an indicator of the well-being of her unborn child. The level of free estriol depends on how well the adrenal glands of the fetus work.

The rate of free estriol in the blood is highly dependent on the laboratory in which you are taking the test. In this article, I will not give the norms for estriol, since they are too different for different laboratories and this can only mislead you.

Attention: when taking a blood test in the laboratory, always require the norm for each of the indicators. The laboratory is required to provide such information.

If the result of the analysis is given in units of MoM, then the rate of free estriol for any period of pregnancy: from 0.5 to 2 MoM.

Free estriol: what if it is not normal?

Some medications taken during pregnancy can affect the level of free estriol in the blood: these are Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Metipred, antibiotics. If you are taking any medication, be sure to indicate this on the questionnaire that you will fill out before taking the test, or tell the specialist who takes your blood for analysis.

If your free estriol level is below normal for your gestational age, or is less than 0.5 MoM, then the unborn child has an increased risk of Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome. Reduced estriol can indicate feto-placental insufficiency, underdevelopment of the adrenal glands in the unborn child, the threat of premature birth and the absence of a brain (anencephaly) in the fetus.

Elevated estriol (more than 2 MoM) occurs with multiple pregnancies, with liver diseases and large fetal sizes.

Norma Inhibina A

Inhibin A is a substance that is present in the blood both during pregnancy and in non-pregnant women. The norm for inhibin A may differ in different laboratories, so pay attention to the result of the analysis indicated in the MoM. The normal level of inhibin A should not exceed 2 MoM.

Inhibin A: what if he's not normal?

An increase in inhibin A levels is associated with an increased risk of Down syndrome in an unborn child. Also, high inhibin A occurs with other chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

Nevertheless, many cases have been described when the level of inhibin A during pregnancy was increased several times, but the rest of the tests were normal, and the child was eventually born healthy.

This is due to the following factors: the level of inhibin A is affected by your age, weight, gestational age, whether you smoke, and some other features of your body and your pregnancy. Therefore, the results of the quadruple test should be evaluated in the aggregate of all tests (together with tests for hCG, free estriol and AFP).

What to do if 2nd trimester screening is not normal?

If the second trimester screening results are not as good as you would like, then you need to see a geneticist. The geneticist will once again review all the test data (including the results of ultrasound in the first trimester), carefully ask you about your health before pregnancy, the health of your husband and your relatives.

If the gynecologist concludes that there is an increased risk of Down syndrome or other abnormalities in your unborn child, then he will recommend that you undergo an amniocentesis. Amniocentesis will allow you to dot the “and” and find out if the unborn child is really sick.

2nd trimester of pregnancy

The entire gestational period is divided into trimesters of pregnancy. This is due to the following factors:

  • nature and growth rates of embryonic structures and provisional organs;
  • certain changes in the mother's body;
  • various teratogenic termination periods, when an unfavorable factor can lead to the development of various structural anomalies;
  • the possibility of conducting one or another drug therapy (according to indications).

Length of the second trimester

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy starts at 13 weeks and lasts until 27 weeks. The main event of this period is the formation of various fetal systems that ensure its vital activity. In parallel, its growth and further development continues.

As part of the second trimester of pregnancy, it is customary to single out the perinatal period. It starts at 22 weeks. It is from this moment that it is possible to ensure the life of the child outside the conditions of the mother's body. However, these children are characterized by poor survival and the possibility of developing various disorders. Therefore, the second trimester of pregnancy should not be final. If there is a threat of its interruption, it should, if possible, be prolonged until the full term. In extreme cases, it is advisable to keep up to 33-34 weeks, when children are practically not inferior to full-term ones in terms of survival and morbidity.

It should be remembered that during this period the formation of the cerebral cortex occurs. It begins to perform an integrative function, coordinating the work of all organs and systems. To a certain extent, this ensures the survival of children with very early birth.

Features of nutrition in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy plays a very important role. Comes with food a large number of useful substances - vitamins, micro and macro elements. However, food can bring harmful substances who are able to provide negative impact on the baby.

The main principles of rational nutrition are:

  • eating 4-5 times a day;
  • the size of one serving should correspond in volume to an average of 200 ml;
  • minimize the content in the diet of carbohydrate foods that are easily digestible (bakery products, cakes, cakes, sweets, semolina, etc.);
  • increase the consumption of lactic acid products (cottage cheese, kefir, cheeses);
  • fruits, vegetables, greens, which contain a large amount of fiber, should be present in large quantities;
  • food should contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (mackerel, salmon, olive oil);
  • food should mainly be consumed in boiled, baked and steamed form, it is necessary to exclude fried and smoked;
  • you should stop eating sausages, it is better to eat meat in pure form(it should always be present in the diet, as it is a source of protein);
  • in the presence of flatulence, avoid foods in the diet that are accompanied by increased gas formation (cabbage, raw apples, baked, radishes).

Vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy should come mainly with food. It is recommended to use pharmacological preparations if a woman initially has hypovitaminosis.

You need to know which vitamins are in which foods:

  • vitamin A- in carrots and other vegetables and fruits colored yellow and orange;
  • vitamin E- in seeds, nuts, fish;
  • vitamin K- in nettles, lettuce leaves;
  • B vitamins- in rye and bran bread, yeast;
  • vitamin C- in many vegetables and fruits (especially a lot of it in spinach), etc.

Sexual life and 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy is not limited if there are no contraindications to intimate life. They are associated with an increased risk of obstetric complications, which can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

The main contraindications for sexual life are:

  • placental abruption (confirmed clinically and by ultrasound);
  • placenta previa, when it is located next to the internal pharynx or overlaps it (diagnosed using ultrasound);
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy (according to cervicometry, the shortening of the length of the cervix and the opening of the internal pharynx are determined);
  • the presence of a suture on the cervix or an inserted obstetric pessary (in this case, sexual activity is not possible).

During pregnancy, postures are used when a woman does not experience increased physical activity. Preference is given to poses where the man is an active participant and the woman is a passive participant.

Second trimester restrictions

What can not be in the second trimester of pregnancy? These restrictions should be known to every pregnant woman, otherwise she can harm her baby.

They are as follows:

  • do not use medications without consulting a doctor, as many of them have a negative effect on the fetus;
  • refuse to eat food containing preservatives, stabilizers and other chemical compounds;
  • no smoking;
  • exclude heavy (precisely heavy, not medium and light) physical activity;
  • avoid various psycho-emotional experiences;
  • exclude contact with occupational hazards, since at this time the woman is not yet on maternity leave;
  • avoid hypothermia, which increases the risk of respiratory infections.

However, all these restrictions do not mean at all that a pregnant woman should feel flawed. She just takes care of her baby, since he cannot protect himself, and the placenta does not protect against all negative factors.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the 2nd trimester of pregnancy mainly consists in the systemogenesis of the fetus. Depends on its correct course further fate child. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude the influence of damaging factors as much as possible. Nutrition at this time should be balanced, contain useful substances, while excluding various preservatives, stabilizers and dyes.

Video about the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

2nd trimester of pregnancy video from doctors

Kamasutra for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a serious and responsible time for every woman. But still, this is not a reason to give up all the joys, including sex and sex experiments.

Yes, of course, the Kama Sutra during the "interesting situation" is not an easy task at all. But if your pregnancy proceeds without complications, the baby behaves calmly, then you can experience a lot of pleasant sensations during “pregnant sex”.

But remember: Kama Sutra for pregnant women has certain limitations. So, it is best to choose positions for having sex, guided by the advice of experts. We have compiled a list of ideal sex positions for you for each trimester of pregnancy.

Almost every beautiful lady who carries a long-awaited child under her heart complains about the inferiority of sleep during pregnancy. Alas, the gestation process is not only a time of miracles and pleasant expectations. Pregnancy always entails a lot of restrictions and inconveniences. Of course, it's worth it, but we rarely think about it when faced with yet another uncomfortable phenomenon in everyday life. This is especially true for sleep in the second and third trimester.

Difficulties of the position

The expectant mother may be disturbed by completely physiological phenomena caused by excessive pressure of the rapidly growing uterus on the organs of the peritoneum. She may be tormented by heartburn, polyuria (frequent urge to go to the toilet, so unpleasant at night), heartburn, discomfort from the intestines. And all this is complemented by the inability to choose for themselves the most comfortable position for a night's rest.

Pregnancy on later dates especially painful for those who are accustomed to falling asleep on their stomach.

But the restriction in this case can also fall on the most common position on the back, especially if there are risks of obstetric pathologies!

How can you adapt to new regime and lifestyle changes without being prepared for them?

During sleep, our body relaxes and fully rests, which helps us to maintain efficiency and stay alert throughout the day. If the night rest is of poor quality, and its course is complicated by various inconveniences, there is no need to talk about a good mood in the daytime.

Experiencing all sorts of restrictions in choosing a sleeping position, and having to constantly control the position of their body at night, pregnant women become tired, lethargic, and sometimes even aggressive. For some ladies, from a long stay on their side, their hands go numb and their hips hurt, which also does not add Have a good mood during the daytime. Let's try to make your holiday complete, of high quality and as calm as possible!

Positions for sleeping during childbearing - I trimester

The choice of sleeping position during pregnancy largely depends on the current period. In the first
trimester, a woman can enjoy any position of the body during a night's rest, and this period does not entail any prohibitions in this regard.

Another thing is that under the influence of toxicosis and primary adaptation to a new, important role, your body may simply refuse to have a good sleep. Future mothers, having just heard the good news, begin to worry about every occasion, and therefore experience enormous psychological stress.

They may be frightened by the upcoming motherhood, or the condition of the child. Often, women are simply not ready to part with personal freedom, and therefore they are tormented by a depressive state.

Naturally, it cannot but affect the quality and duration of night sleep - it is during this period that expectant mothers most often begin prolonged insomnia.

All this is complemented by a hormonal "revolt", which entails terrible daytime sleepiness. However, early dates- the optimal time to fully enjoy sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy. So make the most of this opportunity.

Choosing a position in the second trimester

The second trimester is rightly called "golden". Toxicosis by this time is being eliminated on its own, the emotions of the mother come to full or relative order, and the heaviness from carrying the child in the stomach is not yet felt.

The dream of the expectant mother becomes strong and healthy, but ...

This wonderful time is “overshadowed” by the rapid growth of the tummy, which for the first time becomes an obstacle to a comfortable position during sleep. Therefore, obstetrician-gynecologists and somnologists strongly recommend that women change their habits in the first trimester, when rest is possible in any position convenient for them. Otherwise, it will be more and more difficult to adapt to the stomach.

How to relax comfortably in the third trimester?

The third trimester is the final and most important in bearing a child. At this time, your stomach will actually reach its maximum size, which, of course, will affect your night's sleep. From now on, the position on the stomach is forbidden for you - not only is it inconvenient even from a theoretical point of view, it also significantly harms the baby.

Although it is well protected by amniotic fluid (or amniotic fluid), your body weight is impressive, and with excessive pressure on the uterus, it can harm the baby. In addition, you do not control your movements, which means that this position of the body becomes even more dangerous for the intrauterine life of the child. Under the "taboo" falls and rest on the back.

There are also biological reasons for not sleeping on your back during pregnancy. Firstly, the load on your already long-suffering back is sharply increased. Secondly, such a position can negatively affect the condition of the baby, since it is unnatural for his growing body.

Doctors call the left side the best position for sleeping during pregnancy. Rest on the left side
equally useful and safe for both mother and fetus. However, being in this position all the time is unnatural and stupid, so obstetrician-gynecologists advise expectant mothers to change positions from the left side to the right several times a night.

You should also monitor the reaction of the baby himself - if the movements become more active, and even painful, you should change your position, because in this way the baby can “complain” to you about the lack of oxygen. This is because the growing uterus in an uncomfortable position puts extra pressure on your body's vena cava. As a result, you may feel dizziness, tachycardia, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, lowering blood pressure. If the arms or legs go numb during pregnancy during sleep, this phenomenon has all the same reasons.

Let's summarize

  • Train yourself to sleep predominantly on your left side ( in the form of the letter "C") from the first trimester;
  • If you have any discomfort after sleep, voice them to your supervising obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • Try to change the emphasis on the left and right side during the night;
  • Put a pillow under your feet if you have swelling or varicose veins;
  • Feel free to use fancy aids for your nightly comfort (such as a special pillow);
  • Cultivate in yourself compliance with the regime (the earlier you wake up, the stronger your sleep will be at night);
  • For insomnia, ask your doctor to prescribe mild herbal sedatives;
  • If your hips hurt during sleep during pregnancy, it makes sense to consult a specialist, since this may not be due to an uncomfortable position at all, but to osteomalacia, a calcium deficiency in the body. This is especially true in cases where the pain persists in the daytime.

If you experience nighttime symptoms that may seem very disturbing to you, you should definitely tell the specialist who is managing your pregnancy about them. Remember that discomfort in some cases signal quite obvious health problems. And you should not "sin" only for inconvenience during sleep.

Helper pillows

If you have the opportunity, purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which has a bizarre, at first glance, shape. It can be positioned so that constant sleep on your side will cease to be a torment for you, and will turn into real comfort. Such a device slightly props up the stomach, removing the load from your spine, Bladder and intestines.

Having learned about pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, completely and completely reconsiders the rules of life that were inherent in her until the moment of conception, and does everything possible to protect her pregnancy and the unborn baby from the influence of any kind of trouble. Pregnancy also leaves its “imprint” on the intimate life of future parents: a woman, worrying about a baby growing in her tummy, often does not allow herself or her partner to fully experience the traditional joy of physical intimacy, fearing something will damage the fetus or negatively affect the course pregnancy.

And it’s completely in vain - you don’t have to worry about the crumbs at all, because he is safe in his mother’s tummy. But, nevertheless, even if the doctor allowed, in the absence of contraindications, to freely indulge in physical love, you still have to take care of yourself a little. Namely - to exclude the possibility of pressure on the mother's tummy, which will now gradually increase, and also to avoid deep penetrations when making love. And now it’s very useful to know which ones will give you the opportunity and the joy of intimacy to fully experience, and will not entail any unforeseen consequences. And there are quite a few such poses, as it turns out.

Poses for pregnant women - man on top

You will have to forget about the classic missionary position in the happy time of bearing a baby - you must avoid pressure on the stomach, which can provoke undesirable consequences. But at the same time, the usual posture can simply be slightly “diversified”: “modification” suggests that the woman lies on her back, and the man enters her from the side, thus avoiding pressure on the stomach.

In addition, the classic missionary position can be practiced with a woman throwing her legs over a man: when the expectant mother lies on her back and puts her legs on her partner, in this way the man has the opportunity to control the depth of penetration.

Poses for pregnant women - woman on top

The “Rider” position is convenient during pregnancy, as it allows a woman to independently control the depth of penetration and rhythm. There are various options for this position: a woman can sit on a partner facing him, or she can turn her back. The convenience of this position also lies in the fact that a man can provide a woman with support: supporting with his hands, substituting his hips or knees. In addition, in the position of "woman on top" physical proximity can be performed traditionally on a love bed, or maybe on a chair in a sitting position - the chair will support the weight of two bodies and make sex comfortable.

Poses for pregnant women - reclining

This position suggests that the woman lies on the bed, closer to its edge, while the man penetrates her, kneeling by the bed and moving close to his beloved. In this position, a man can control the depth of penetration and the frequency of frictions, and besides, he can freely caress a woman, since his hands remain free.

Positions for pregnant women - on the side

A very comfortable position during the period when the “pregnant” belly is already large enough. In this position, the woman lies on her side, and the man “attaches” behind her, also on her side. This position eliminates pressure on the belly of the expectant mother and frees the man's hands for caresses. If there is any inconvenience or difficulty, the man can lift and hold the woman's leg with his free hand.

Positions for pregnant women - kneeling

The “doggie-style”, beloved by many, also takes place during pregnancy, it is only desirable that a woman during sex does not take a knee-elbow position, but rests on her hands. In addition, at a later date, when the stomach is already large enough, it is worth putting a pillow under it so that the woman does not feel hard.

Pregnancy is by no means an obstacle to love pleasures, provided, of course, that there are no special doctor's orders to limit sexual activity due to the presence of any. And a sufficiently large variety of positions for pregnant women makes it possible to experiment, choosing the most convenient one, not to stop feeling a partner and getting the most out of life.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

Everyone knows that without sexual intimacy, a child cannot be conceived. However, with the onset of the long-awaited event, most parents have a question: is it possible to have sex during pregnancy?

Sex Do not be afraid of poses
Oral sex to be together Long-awaited sex
Intimacy after childbirth problems consultation

Someone claims that for this period it is better to refuse sexual intimacy: what kind of sex can there be if a little man lives inside? Others, on the contrary, without love comforts experience significant discomfort.

It is allowed if the gestation proceeds smoothly, without complications

Contraindications to intimacy

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, there is no threat of miscarriage, then you can have sex while carrying a child almost until the very birth. If in the past not everything went smoothly, or there were miscarriages and premature birth, then sex during pregnancy is undesirable.

In the first three months, it is worthwhile to engage in “marriage games” with caution or completely abandon it. Also find out and.

It is better to refrain from sexual intimacy:

  • in the case of carrying several embryos, despite the general well-being of the woman, it is better to stop having sex from the 20th week: this is due to the fact that with multiple pregnancies there is a high risk of premature birth, and arousal can stimulate labor activity;
  • if there is a high tone of the uterus: then, regardless of the trimester of the "interesting position", sexual intimacy can cause uterine contraction, as well as premature birth;
  • If ultrasonography showed placenta previa, then after sex during pregnancy, blood may appear: doctors advise not to use positions that provide deep penetration (the future mother is on top, the future father is behind);
  • if having sex led to bleeding or spotting, then it is better to refuse sexual intimacy before a visit to the gynecologist;
  • if a pregnant woman has previously had miscarriages, premature births, or there is a threat of interruption, it is better to refuse intimacy during the most dangerous periods: in this case, the days of the expected menstruation are considered dangerous, in other words, every fourth week of the term, as well as the dates of the previous interruptions;
  • in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as in situations where conception occurred during the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • a month before the expected date of birth, all doctors advise avoiding sexual contact: this is due to the fact that during arousal, a woman produces oxytocin, a hormone that promotes uterine contraction, the same effect is exerted by prostaglandin, a male hormone contained in semen, which is why intimacy before childbirth, it can provoke contractions (if the expectant mother, on the contrary, is outpacing her term, then doctors recommend stimulating labor with sexual caresses).

Why is there no desire?

All women have a different attitude to changes in their body: someone has a pregnancy without complications, someone experiences constant discomfort. This determines the attitude towards intimacy: some are ready to engage in it every day, others do not know if it is possible to have sex during pregnancy, so they avoid it in every possible way. Both positions are perfectly normal.

Do not be afraid of intimacy, orgasm does not cause real contractions!

We note right away that during intimacy, a man cannot harm the baby, because the embryo is reliably protected by amniotic fluid, the placenta and the uterus. That is why you can have sex during pregnancy.

Another thing is if the expectant mother feels discomfort caused by changes in her body:

  • the baby's head presses hard on the pelvis, the ligaments are stretched, which causes pain during sex;
  • the chest also becomes highly sensitive, so even gentle caressing movements can be unpleasant;
  • habitual positions for sex during pregnancy can also cause discomfort, because now there is a big tummy.

Thus, a woman begins to listen more to her desires, and not to the desires of her husband. Therefore, if during pregnancy you do not want intimacy, there should be no questions here.

However, it is worth noting that sexual desire in an “interesting position” can be unpredictable: if today it is completely absent, then tomorrow it can jump sharply. According to folk omens if a girl is expecting a boy, she has a high sexuality, if a girl is very low or completely absent.

Only permitted items must be used

Also, many women shy away from intimacy due to the fact that they do not know if it is possible to make love during pregnancy, because there is an opinion that an orgasm can cause real contractions. However, it has recently been found that if the fetus, uterus and cervix are not ready for labor activity, then contractions during orgasm will not affect the condition of the woman.

Allowed and prohibited poses

No less popular is the question of all new parents who are expecting an addition, how can you have sex during pregnancy? Consider the most popular positions for sex and find out why they are dangerous during pregnancy.

  1. If the expectant mother lies on her back, a syndrome of compression of the vena cava may occur, as the growing uterus puts pressure on it. As a result, the woman and the baby develop oxygen starvation.
  2. The knee-elbow sex position presented in the video is also not entirely comfortable, as it puts a lot of stress on the lumbar region.
  3. You can’t have sex during pregnancy in the “woman on top” position, as this requires a lot of physical effort from the woman. Postures for sexual intercourse should be gentle, excluding pressure on the stomach.
  4. The best option is the position on the side - facing or back to the man, as well as sitting, at different levels - the expectant mother lies across the bed, at the very edge, and the partner kneels in front of her.
Oral and anal caresses

Oral excludes any injuries and deviations during gestation

It is very important to know the technique of sexual intimacy, which replaces sexual intercourse. This is most necessary in the first months of the “interesting situation”, when you need to satisfy your spouse without bringing the expectant mother to orgasm. This is because it is better not to overload the uterus with excess blood and not force it to contract at the peak of sexual intimacy.

The ideal option would be oral sex during pregnancy. No woman will be against such a manifestation of passion. If the spouses have succeeded in this field before the onset of an “interesting situation”, then no dissatisfaction and misunderstanding will arise, and oral sex during pregnancy will continue to be practiced.

But do not forget about the emotional state of a woman before oral sex during pregnancy. A man should support his wife, give her a joyful feeling of a “beautiful period”, and only on a positive note, if both parties want to engage in this kind of intimacy.

Many couples use anal sex during pregnancy to add variety to their intimate life. This is the only possible option sharing pleasure. However, not all future parents are wondering if it is possible to have anal sex during pregnancy.

  1. Some resort to this type of sexual pleasure only during the period of bearing a child, because it strongly resembles standard sexual intimacy.
  2. Moreover, the elasticity of tissues increases in a woman, so the introduction of the penis becomes almost painless.
  3. The expectant mother has a high sensitivity hemorrhoids, which allows you to experience more pleasant sensations during anal sex during pregnancy.

However, this type of love joys is considered the most dangerous:

Pregnancy is called one of the most beautiful periods in a woman's life. This is said, as a rule, by men and women themselves, who have already forgotten their fears and inconveniences that accompany the notorious "interesting situation." Toxicosis, fear of the unknown (how is it there?), imperfect tests, and so on. And especially concerned about the question of whether it is possible to have sex. Oksana Bachinskaya, sexologist, expert of the SEX.RF Training Center international network, tells Letidor which positions are most comfortable during this period.

The main word in this serious matter should be said by the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy. If there is even the slightest possibility that sex can harm the normal course of pregnancy, then this, of course, is not immediately possible. But if there are no contraindications, the woman feels great and (which is very important) wants closeness with her man, then the question already arises: how?

Spoons, or on the side

This is the ideal position during pregnancy. The woman lies on her side with her back to the man, her stomach is relaxed. She bends her knees and sticks out her buttocks. A man “fits” from behind and hugs his beloved. This position is very convenient and comfortable not only physically, but also psychologically. It shows the closeness and tenderness of partners. The pose of spoons does not imply activity, therefore it is also suitable at a time when the stomach is already large.

On two levels

The woman lies on the edge of the bed, puts her feet on the floor. The man kneels before her. Under her buttocks, you can put a couple of pillows to equalize these same levels. In late pregnancy, when lying on your back, the stomach can press a little, so there is another variation on the same position. The woman sits down in a low easy chair, puts a pillow under her back, puts her feet on the floor.


The “doggy-style” pose, beloved by many women, is also suitable: she gets on all fours, rests on the bed with her straight arms. Good position for the entire duration of pregnancy. Its disadvantage is that a woman is unlikely to be able to control her partner's movements, so a man must do a few trial frictions to understand if he is hurting her. This position involves the deepest possible penetration. She has several variations: a woman can lean on her elbows, or hold on to the headboard, or stand on the floor, leaning forward. Important: if the woman is petite, and her lover has an impressive size, in this case it is better to avoid the “behind” position.


The best option if a woman wants to control everything. She regulates the depth of penetration. With a pose, everything is simple: a woman sits on a partner (facing him or with her back - it doesn’t matter). If it is difficult for her to move up and down, then you can make movements back and forth. Men like this position because they have free hands and can caress their partner. Again, men are visuals, they adore, and in this position she is all in front of their eyes.

Other options

oral sex A great option when the doctor still forbade it. Of course, not during the period of toxicosis, when a woman is already sick around the clock. Moreover, pleasure can be delivered not only by a woman to a man, but also by a man to a woman. Some couples fear that an orgasm can harm the baby. The contractions of the vagina or uterine are so small that it is hardly possible to be afraid of problems. For your own peace of mind, you can check this point with your doctor. No need to be shy
