Creative workshops in kindergarten. Cooking workshop in kindergarten

Classes for children 3 - 14 years old / Frequency 1, 2 times a week / Duration 60 min.

What kids don't like to play with. But their favorite occupation is modeling. In the course of creativity, children study the volume and color of the object, develop hand motor skills. In the classroom, children learn to speak, develop artistic taste, expand knowledge about the world around them. Art helps the child develop and express himself. Creative kindergarten will help such development.

A special place is occupied by modeling. During the classes we study folk art. The program includes the following lessons.

  • Dulevskaya and Dymkovo toy- Folk crafts.
  • Ceramics, plastic, clay. Painting ceramics. Burning.
  • Khokhloma patterns, Zhestovo ceramics. Khokhloma.
  • Flat forms: we mold boards, trays and plates. We learn the basics of painting, coloring, we train the character of the stroke.
  • Palekh.

Creative activities in kindergarten are not only modeling. The course also includes various other techniques.

  • We study the papier-mâché method, work with ready-made drawings.
  • We make simple items from papier-mâché.
  • Sculpting and painting are the basics. We sculpt and paint masks. We decorate them.
  • Fundamentals of modeling and painting. - Masks: Modeling, painting, decoration.
  • A separate course is the manufacture of author's dolls. We make both nesting dolls and dolls more complicated. The course lasts up to three months.
  • Children from 5 years old can make toys themselves.

Creative activities in kindergarten: making soft toys

Psychologists recommend buying kids Stuffed Toys. But closer and more like a child there will be a toy that he made himself. Making toys teaches discipline. The child learns to act independently, according to instructions. The child trains perseverance, becomes attentive. It's so cool to make your own toy, decorate christmas ball or sew a bear. During the lessons we use all possible techniques.
We sew;
learning the basics of decor;
mastering the method of making papier-mâché
Decoupage - decorate furniture, dishes. Images are cut out of paper or fabric and pasted on various objects.

Welcome to our creative kindergarten!

Teachers "Belarusian": Belyaeva Anna.

Teachers "Beskudnikovo": Ezyukova Tatyana, Kozhukhova Irina.

Organization of creative workshops in preschool educational institutions.

Parents, grandparents - these are the main people who are with the baby at the beginning of his life. The child grows and develops thanks to their support, love and care. This connection with the family should not weaken even with the arrival of the child in kindergarten. In addition, for its full development, the participation of parents in the educational process of preschool education is extremely important, which is also dictated by modern requirements.

According to GEF DO, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 10/17/2013. No. 1155, in order to implement the educational program in the preschool educational institution, an educational environment must be created that will ensure openness preschool education will create conditions for the participation of parents in educational activities.

One of the main principles of the GEF DO is the personality-developing and humanistic nature of the interaction between adults (parents, pedagogical and other employees of the DOO) and children.

The principles of preschool education are:

    Assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

    Collaboration of the preschool with the family;

    Introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.

GEF DO solves a number of important tasks:

    Combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, society;

    Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of the health of children.

Given this, it is relevant for the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions to search for effective forms of involving parents in the educational process. One of these forms was the organization of creative workshops with the participation of teachers and their parents.

The main goal of the creative workshops is strengthening parent-child relations through the organization of joint creative activities.

Creative workshops are aimed at solving the following tasks:

    Acquaintance of children and parents with various artistic techniques and their possibilities for decorating and decorating premises both in the preschool and at home;

    Development of creative and design abilities;

    Formation of an interested attitude to the process and result of joint activities, the ability to coordinate their actions, to negotiate with each other.

A creative workshop is organized in the art studio of the kindergarten once a quarter. The topic of each upcoming meeting, the features of the work are communicated to parents through invitation posters, which are distributed in groups and hung out in the lobby of the preschool. On average, the meeting lasts from 40-60 minutes

As a rule, meetings in creative workshops require preliminary preparation, which involves educators conducting conversations with children, looking at illustrations, doing homework by pupils together with parents (preparing a speech, preparing natural material, etc.)

When preparing for creative workshops, it is also necessary to organize the workspace so that children and parents have free access to all the basic and auxiliary materials necessary to create an expressive image of a future craft. During the organization of such meetings in the preschool educational institution, an approximate list of necessary materials was formed.

An indispensable condition for the organization of creative workshops is the creation of a positive emotional atmosphere, when children and parents feel free, relaxed, comfortable and can create. The presence of mom or dad next to the child helps him feel confident and calm, which is especially important during preschool childhood.

Traditionally, the first workshops are held at the beginning of the school year and are aimed at revealing the beauties of autumn, the possibilities of using natural materials in design.

Subsequent meetings are dedicated to the New Year and Christmas. During these meetings, participants produce Christmas decorations, holiday souvenirs for your friends or loved ones.

The latest creative workshop in academic year associated with Easter. I would like to note that it is visited by children and adults not only from Orthodox families, but also from Muslim families. In the course of creative activity, the participants of the meeting make souvenirs on the Easter theme.

The work of creative workshops is organized in such a way as not only to teach children and their parents certain skills, but also to provide an opportunity to reveal the creative abilities of each participant, to experience a sense of satisfaction from the performance of work.

Each meeting solves not only practical, but also educational and educational tasks, which allows you to comprehensively develop the child's personality.

Before the start of practical activities, the teacher introduces the participants of the meeting with the history and capabilities of the technology in which they will work. It can be decoupage, quilling, handling polymer clay and so on. Then he shows and talks about the stages of work.

Traditionally, creative workshops are accompanied by a colorful presentation that illustrates the words of the teacher. After that, the upcoming work, possible difficulties, difficulties and ways to overcome them are discussed.

The next stage is the direct joint parent-child activity. In the process of interaction, the teacher provides individual assistance: helps with the definition of the main idea of ​​the craft, reminds the technology of its manufacture.

At the final stage, the results are summed up and reflection is carried out. Positive emotions from creative workshops are supported by additional gifts - this can be, for example, a booklet that tells about the technique studied at this meeting, as well as new ideas or a completed craft.

This form of involvement of the families of pupils in the educational process of the preschool educational institution contributes to the establishment of partnerships between teachers and parents, allows them to combine their efforts in raising children, create an atmosphere of common interests, and activate the educational skills of parents.

You can organize such meetings with the participation of pupils and their parents on any topic. Assistance in this will be provided by the algorithm for preparing and conducting creative workshops in preschool educational institutions.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 28 "Fairy Tale" of the Bugulma municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Speech on the topic

"Organization of creative workshops in preschool educational institutions, as one of the forms of interaction with the families of pupils" at the pedagogical meeting No. 3

on the problem "Educational system of preschool

educational organization

under the conditions of GEF DO".


Aleshina O.N.



The family is a society in miniature,

on the integrity of which depends

the safety of everything

human society.

Felix Adler.

The family for the child is both a habitat and an educational environment. According to Article 18 of the Law "On Education" Russian Federation Parents are the first teachers. It is in the family that the foundations of education are laid, and it depends on it how a person will grow up, and what character traits will form his nature. In the family, the child receives primary skills in the perception of reality, learns to recognize himself as a full-fledged representative of society.

At a certain stage, the family unites with the kindergarten and constitutes the main educational space for the child. Consequently, the importance of family education in the development of children determines the importance of interaction between the family and the preschool institution. Both family and preschool convey social experience to the child in their own way. But only in combination with each other they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into the big world.

The main goals of interaction between the kindergarten and the family are:

  • to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, helping them to exercise responsibility for the upbringing and education of children,
  • ensuring the holistic development of the personality of a preschooler,
  • increasing the competence of parents in the field of education.

How to achieve this? How to draw the attention of parents to the importance of communication, mutual understanding with their child, teach them to see an adult personality in a child?

I came to the conclusion that the most suitable form for me is a creative workshop. A creative workshop can be attributed to a non-traditional educational and leisure form of organizing the relationship between teachers and parents.

Why still a creative workshop? This form of work with parents helps to solve several problems at once:

  1. Such meetings provide an opportunity to expand the ideas of the parents of pupils about creative activity, to acquaint them with art; show working methods (traditional and non-traditional) with various materials (salty dough, plasticine, paints, sand, cereals, paper, etc.)
  2. creative union of parent and child close communication in a creative atmosphere gives you the opportunity to look at the relationship with your child in a new way. Develops and improves parent-child relationships based on substantive joint activities.
  3. Develops the emotional sphere of children:
  • teaches to rejoice in the success of others;
  • joy when giving hand-made crafts;
  • tolerance.
  1. It helps to establish emotional contact between teachers, parents, children, the relationship between generations.

Thus, a creative workshop, as one of the forms of interaction between a kindergarten and parents, helps not only to establish emotional contact with parents, improve parent-child relationships based on substantive joint activities, but also become a kind of club for children and parents.

Jointly performed works of children together with their parents are used in the design part of other meetings, exhibitions, as gifts for adults and children, in organizing competitions and more.

The motto of our creative workshop is "Learning to create together with children." I will give examples of topics for the meeting of our creative workshops.

Theme: "Magic Dough"

They got acquainted with the techniques of modeling from salt dough and during the work on the project "Kiss, kiss, meow" held an exhibition of crafts of cats from salt dough. The crafts were made at home together with their parents, and the children defended their work already in the group.

Topic: "Cold and hungry birds in winter"

Made bird feeders waste material and hung on trees around the kindergarten. Many continued the theme of the house and jointly made real palaces, hung them under their windows and fed the birds all winter.

We often end our meetings with tea.

Oh, there are so many, and you only need to choose what you need for crafts!

Parents, grandparents - these are the main people who are with the baby at the beginning of his life. The child grows and develops thanks to their support, love and care. This connection with the family should not weaken even with the arrival of the child in kindergarten. In addition, it is extremely important for its full development, which is also dictated by modern requirements.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, parents have a preferential right to educate and raise children over all other persons.

So, according to the federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 (hereinafter referred to as the FSES DO), in order to implement the educational program in a preschool educational institution, an educational environment must be created that will ensure, among other things, the openness of preschool education, create conditions for.

One of the main principles of the GEF DO is the personality-developing and humanistic nature (of parents (legal representatives), pedagogical and other employees of the DOO) and children.

The principles of preschool education, in turn, are:

GEF DO solves a number of important tasks, which include:

  • combining training and education into an integral educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, society;
  • providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of the health of children.
  • Given this, it is relevant for the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions to search for effective forms of involving parents in the educational process. One of such forms in MADOU "Kindergarten" Rosinka "" was the organization of a creative workshop in kindergarten with the participation of teachers, pupils and their parents.

The list of materials needed to organize the work of a creative workshop in kindergarten:

Visual materials (markers, paints, brushes of various textures and sizes, felt-tip pens, etc.);

Design paper and cardboard of various textures, sizes;

Natural materials (dry flowers, leaves, straws, poplar fluff, seeds, seeds, feathers, etc.);

Waste material;

Fabric and other fibrous materials, accessories, beads, sequins, rhinestones, etc.;

Materials for creativity: figured composters (hole punches), edge and corner punches, figured scissors, materials for quilling and decoupage, embossing, stamping, etc.;

PVA glue, glue stick, glue gun, glitter glue;

Adhesive tape (thin, wide, double-sided, foam-based, color holographic, designer -
with an image);

3D stickers.

The main goal of the creative workshop in kindergarten is to strengthen parent-child relationships through the organization of joint creative activities.

The creative workshop in kindergarten is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • familiarization of children and parents with various artistic techniques and their possibilities for decorating and decorating premises both in preschool and at home;
  • development of creative and design abilities;

A creative workshop in kindergarten is organized in the art studio once a quarter. The topic of each upcoming meeting, the features of the work are communicated to parents through invitation posters, which are distributed in groups and hung out in the lobby of the preschool. On average, the meeting lasts from 40 to 60 minutes.

As a rule, meetings in a creative workshop in a kindergarten require preliminary preparation, which involves educators conducting conversations with children, looking at illustrations, and doing homework by pupils together with parents (preparing a speech, preparing natural material, etc.).

When preparing for a creative workshop in kindergarten, it is also necessary to organize the workspace so that children and parents have free access to all the basic and auxiliary materials necessary to create an expressive image of a future craft. During the organization of such meetings in the preschool educational institution, an approximate list of necessary materials was formed.

And, of course, an indispensable condition for organizing a creative workshop in kindergarten is the creation of a positive emotional atmosphere, when children and parents feel free, relaxed, comfortable and can create. The presence of mom or dad next to the child helps him feel confident and calm, which is especially important during preschool childhood.

Traditionally, the first creative workshop in kindergarten takes place at the beginning of the school year and is aimed at revealing the beauties of autumn, the possibilities of using natural materials in design.

Subsequent meetings are dedicated to the New Year and Christmas. As part of these meetings, participants make Christmas decorations, holiday souvenirs for their friends or relatives.

The last creative workshop in kindergarten in the academic year is connected with the Easter holiday. I would like to note that it is visited by children and adults not only from Orthodox, but also from Muslim families. In the course of creative activity, the participants of the meeting make souvenirs on the Easter theme.

As an example, Appendix 1 provides a scenario for a creative workshop in kindergarten "Dear testicle for Christ's day."

The work of a creative workshop in kindergarten is organized in such a way as not only to teach children and their parents certain skills, but also to provide an opportunity to reveal the creative abilities of each participant, to experience a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

Each meeting solves not only practical, but also educational and educational tasks, which allows you to comprehensively develop the child's personality.

Before the start of practical activities, the teacher introduces the participants of the meeting with the history and capabilities of the technology in which they will work. It can be decoupage, quilling, handling polymer clay, etc. Then he shows and talks about the stages of work.

Traditionally, a creative workshop in kindergarten is accompanied by a colorful presentation that illustrates the words of the teacher. After that, the upcoming work, possible difficulties, difficulties and ways to overcome them are discussed.

The next stage is the direct joint parent-child activity. In the process of interaction, the teacher provides individual assistance: helps with the definition of the main idea of ​​the craft, reminds the technology of its manufacture.

At the final stage, the results are summed up and reflection is carried out. Positive emotions from children's creativity in kindergarten are reinforced by additional gifts - this can be, for example, a booklet that talks about the technique being studied at this meeting, as well as new ideas or a completed craft.

This form of involvement of the families of pupils in the educational process of the preschool educational institution contributes to the establishment of partnerships between teachers and parents, allows them to combine their efforts in raising children, create an atmosphere of common interests, and activate the educational skills of parents.

You can organize such meetings with the participation of pupils and their parents on any topic. The algorithm for preparing and conducting a creative workshop in kindergarten, presented in Appendix 2, will help in this.

Annex 1

Scenario for a creative workshop
"Dear testicle for Christ's day"


  • acquaintance of children and their parents with the decoupage technique, its possibilities in design Easter eggs;
  • expansion of ideas about the Easter holiday;
  • strengthening child-parent relationships.


  • educational: the formation of the ability to create Easter motifs using paper napkins on round shape eggs, use decorative items for decoration;
  • developing: development of design skills, fine motor skills hands, hand-eye coordination;
  • educational: the formation of a sense of joyful expectation of the main Orthodox holiday- Easter; education of artistic and aesthetic taste, accuracy, perseverance; formation of an interested attitude to the result of joint activities, the ability to coordinate their actions, to negotiate with each other.


  • for children and parents: eggs (based on available options: boiled, hollow or wooden (gypsum) blanks), scissors, glue brushes, containers with paste, decorative three-layer paper napkins with various ornaments, thematic drawings symbolizing Easter events (chickens, the sun, etc.); decorative ornaments(sequins, sequins, ribbons, beads, etc.);
  • for the teacher: products made using the decoupage technique; gypsum blank, scissors, glue brush, paste container, decorative paper napkins, decorative ornaments (sequins, sequins, ribbons, beads, etc.); equipment for showing presentations and listening to audio recordings.

Musical accompaniment: P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. April. Snowdrop", bell chime.

Presentation: "Easter decoupage".

Participants: Mistress (teacher), pupils preparatory group and their parents.

Activity progress:

(The owner of the creative workshop reads a poem.)

Easter Annunciation

Dozing bell
Woke up the fields
smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.
Blows rushed
To blue skies
loudly heard
Voice through the woods.
Hid behind the river
pale moon,
ran loudly
Rough wave.
Silent Valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere across the road
The call fades.
(S. Yesenin)

Hostess: Everyone Good evening: and those who have become a regular participant in our creative workshops, and those who came today for the first time. I am glad to welcome you. Our meeting is dedicated to the upcoming holiday. Do you know what it's called, of course?

Members: Easter!

Mistress: Quite right, Easter is a bright, happy day of the Resurrection of Christ. The history of the celebration of Easter has its roots in ancient times. Certain traditions and customs are associated with the Resurrection of Christ. How do you prepare for this day in your family?

Participants: We bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, cook Easter cottage cheese.

Hostess: One of the symbols of Easter is a painted egg. It means the triumph of new life. Orthodox believers give eggs to each other during the Easter kiss and say the greeting: "Christ is risen!". According to legend, this custom was started by one of the disciples of Christ - Mary Magdalene. Who can tell us about this legend?

(On the instructions of the Hostess of the creative workshop, one of the families gets acquainted in advance at home
with the legend of the red Easter egg and talks about it during the meeting.)

Participants (prepared homework):

Hostess: Since then, the custom of decorating eggs for Christ's day has entered our lives. Such eggs are called pysanky (painted with a pattern), krashenka (painted), krapanki (from the Ukrainian word “scribble”, that is, cover with drops). In the old days, pysanky were made only by women. Putting on a clean shirt, with clean thoughts and clean hands, they set to work. While the craftswoman is creating the pysanka, she holds the egg in her hand for quite a long time, about three hours, and constantly thinks about who it is written for.

Any pysanka can be "read" by the symbolism of its color and pattern. So, the patterns were performed in a stylized form, endowed with a deep meaning, were symbolic. Their symbolism is divided into several groups: Christian, plant and animal, solar and geometric symbols.

(Depending on the composition and age of the participants in the creative workshop
The hostess draws their attention to some elements of Christian symbolism,
and briefly talks about symbols,
presented on gift napkins.)

Mistress: What do you think the horse, spider, star, ring symbolize?

Participants: The spider symbolizes diligence and patience, the horse - strength, the star - moral purity, philanthropy, the ring is a symbol of motherhood and knowledge.

Hostess: Not only the pattern, but also the color of Easter eggs has its own meaning. For example, white, the main color of the egg, symbolizes purity, the divine principle. What do you think blue, green, brown represent?

Participants: Blue - the color of the heavenly Mother of God, it symbolizes divine spiritual knowledge; green - health, life; brown - belonging to the earth.

Hostess: In Russia, the custom is to exchange for Easter colored eggs was observed in all strata of society, and they christened with all households, without distinction of estates - for example, owners with servants, etc. In the old days, girls were given a Easter egg with the image of an apple tree - a symbol of purity, beauty, tenderness and fertility; for boys - a Easter egg with oak leaves, so that it grows as strong, strong and powerful as an oak. A woman who wanted to have children painted eggs with flowers and gave them to her children. Noble, wealthy people could afford to buy or give someone expensive jewelry eggs. True fame and world fame of masterpieces jewelry art received Faberge Easter eggs. Collections of Easter eggs have been preserved in many Russian museums: the State Hermitage, the Moscow Kremlin, the State Historical Museum, the Museum of Folk Art, etc. There is a saying: "Dear an egg for Christ's day." How many of you know what it means?

Participants: So they say when everything is done on time and on time.

Hostess: Right! Therefore, today, on the eve of the Great Holiday, we will decorate eggs as a gift to our close, dear and beloved people.

The egg is a symbol of the sun, love and hope.

Let's dress up an egg in Easter clothes!

The decoupage technique will help us with this. What it is?

(Participants tell what they know about the decoupage technique.
The hostess complements them and talks about the origins of decoupage.)

Hostess: The name of the decoupage technology comes from the French word "decouper", which means "cut". Decoupage has a long and interesting story, which takes its origins from various styles, from many countries. Today, this technique is back in fashion. To master it, you need three main things: decorative three-layer paper napkins with a pictorial motif, glue and an object that you decide to give an unusual look. As you may have guessed, decoupage is a real application. Today we will try to master this technique. To do this, you have napkins, eggs, and decorative items on your tables.

(The hostess tells the meeting participants about the technology of the upcoming work.)

Hostess: First you need to cut out the element of the picture you like from the multi-layered napkin. Then carefully separate the top paint layer, place the pattern on the form, apply glue on top and distribute it from the center of the pattern to the edges. The remaining white areas can be painted over acrylic paints(using a sponge with jerky blotting movements). This method of coating will create a textured effect. Acrylic mother-of-pearl paints look especially elegant.

When the glue and paint are dry, you can decorate the drawing with colored sparkles and volumetric elements. The sections of the picture that will be decorated with sparkles are outlined with a glue pen (this can be the symbolism of the ХV - Christ is Risen, the outline of the picture or part of it). Then you need to sprinkle this area with sparkles, shake off the excess after a few minutes. In accordance with the idea, the blank is decorated with 3D volumetric elements (flowers, butterflies based on double-sided volumetric adhesive tape, ribbons, sequins, beads).

Independent work under the guidance of a teacher

The hostess directs the creative process according to the technological stages, provides the children and their parents with the necessary assistance.


Hostess: Our meeting has come to an end. Dear participants of the creative workshop, did you like our meeting? What new did you learn? What do you especially remember?

(Participants of the creative workshop share their impressions.)

Owner: Thank you for your work and good mood. Happy Easter- a holiday of spring, hope. A holiday that enters the souls of people long before its onset. And therefore, preparing for it, thinking about it, we tune our hearts and thoughts in a good way, opening ourselves to everything bright and pure. Joy to you and pleasant surprises.

Annex 2

Algorithm for preparing and conducting creative workshops in a preschool educational institution

I. Preliminary work

1. Preparation of a presentation that accompanies the course of creative workshops, illustrates their content.

2. Design of a booklet, schemes of stages of work, etc.

3. Execution homework(if necessary) - acquaintance with the history and traditions of any holiday, collection and preparation natural materials and etc.

4. Reading literary works, looking at illustrations, etc.

5. Preparation and organization of the workspace and the necessary materials.

II. Conducting creative workshops

1. Acquaintance of the participants of the meeting with the history and capabilities of the technology in which they will work.

2. Showing and explaining the stages of working with materials.

3. Discussion of upcoming activities, possible difficulties, difficulties and ways to overcome them.

4. Directly joint parent-child activities.

5. Final stage:

summarizing; conducting reflection; gift exchange.

III. Coverage of the results of the work of creative workshops on the website of the preschool educational institution, other electronic media

Pedagogical workshop - This original way organizing the activities of educators as part of small group with the participation of a teacher - a master, initiating the search, creative nature of the participants' activities. In the workshop, the teacher-master (who has professional experience, who owns modern technologies for educating preschoolers, who has his own pedagogical position) transfers his professional skills to educators.

Researchers N.I. Belova, A.A. Okunev, G.A. Russian, V.A. Stepikova et al. define a pedagogical workshop as an interactive technology that includes gaming, research, and problem-based activities. It is an open system of search and selection of actions, generalizations and exchange of information.

The purpose of the pedagogical workshop - to promote the training of educators to model their own pedagogical experience, experimentally test the effectiveness of their model, develop methodological recommendations based on their own achievements. The basis of training in the workshop is individual approach"teachers - masters" to the disclosure and improvement creativity"educator-student".

The main ideas and principles of the pedagogical workshop:

  • non-violence and the right to choose in the process of activity in the workshop;
  • lack of evaluation, competition, rivalry;
  • a combination of individual, pair, group and collective forms of work, which is based on communication in the form of a dialogue;
  • creativity;
  • priority of the process over the result of creative activity, protection of the right to make a mistake;
  • moral responsibility of each participant for his choice, process and result of activity.

The work of the pedagogical workshop is based on the concept of a personal-active approach, which contributes to the professional and personal development of educators, the disclosure and realization of their creative potential.

Professional development carried out:

  • through active , independent, conscious determination of the goals of activity, ways and means of achieving them;
  • through the search for individual style pedagogical activity;
  • through the active process of interaction of all participants of the pedagogical workshop.

Work in the system of a pedagogical workshop ends with professional self-reflection, which manifests itself in self-assessment, introspection and the achievement of personal and professional qualities.

Methodological support of the work of the pedagogical workshop


  1. Ensuring interaction between modern theory and practice in the "pedagogical college - preschool educational institution" system, as a search for optimal methods for organizing and managing gaming activities;
  2. Formation of the creative personality of a teacher who has both theoretical knowledge and professional skills in managing various types of games for preschoolers;
  3. Development of the individuality of each child in the process of organization various kinds gaming activity during the child's stay in preschool.

The problem of gaming activity is quite widely and fully represented in the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature. Being the leading activity in preschool age, the game in Lately found herself on the margins of the pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution. This is due to the requirements of the school, to get such a future student who owns a whole range of skills: to read, write, count, analyze the composition of a word, etc. Hence, the residual principle of time extends to the game: children play little, they have insufficiently developed forms and ways of playing behavior.

The current situation in preschool educational institutions in Russia as a whole must be overcome. "The game is like a flooded Atlantis" - in the figurative expression of Professor S. A. Shmakov - is on the verge of extinction.

Based on the research of domestic pedagogy and psychology, a number of aspects should be noted when considering the role and place of the game in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions:

  • game as a means of personal development;
  • game as a means of learning;
  • game as a form of organization of children's society;
  • game as a way of learning and self-learning; game as a means of correcting the development of the child;
  • game - as a means of leisure;
  • play as a diagnostic tool;
  • game as a psychotherapeutic tool.

Educators are united in a pedagogical workshop, the basis of which is:

- the desire to delve deeply into the problem under study;

- independent search for mastering children's playing skills, set out in the methodological literature and its analysis through a free exchange of opinions;

– designing one’s own pedagogical activity – developing and designing creative games in different age groups;

— carrying out own project in the shape of business games.

Expand the work of the pedagogical workshop allowed DOW conditions No. 77 Irkutsk:

  1. Creation of a psychologically favorable, developing, creative environment that gives the educator the opportunity for individual self-development;
  2. The presence of a developing gaming environment that contributes to the organization of various types of games in the independent activities of children;
  3. Providing methodological literature, consulting on this issue from the head of the kindergarten, methodologist, teacher of the pedagogical college.

The main areas of work of educators in a pedagogical workshop

  • Seminar: immersion in the theory of the problem of children's play preschool age(information support of professional skills);
  • Practicum (entry into practical professional activity);

Immersion in the theory of the problem of the game of preschool children (information support of professional skills)

1. Theory of the game, the place of the game in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution.

2. Classification of children's games.

3. Role-playing game, its role in the development of a preschool child. The peculiarity of the plot role play,

4. Techniques for managing role-playing games in different age groups.

5. Theatrical games, their originality, types. Conditions for the development of theatrical games, pedagogical guidance.

6. Games with building materials.

Entry into practical professional activity

Workshop No. 1

"A game"

In our age of faux fur
And oil-smelling caviar
There is nothing more precious than laughter
Love, sorrow and games.

Igor Guberman

1. Say the word game with different timbre intonation. What do you hear in this word? What are the words, images similar in sound, meaning? Write down these words.

2. Socialization - presentation of the result.

3. Read carefully and choose the definition you like best

game concepts. (Sayings are in free placement on the walls and tables of the audience).

- Play is a special kind of activity for preschoolers, it is always creative. It reflects reality, but in imaginary circumstances.

- Play is a historically emerged type of activity for children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them.

- Play is an arbitrary, intrinsically motivated activity that provides flexibility in deciding how to use this or that object.

- Play is a concrete self-expression of the child and a way of his adaptation to his own world.

- Play is an arbitrary, intrinsically motivated activity that provides flexibility in deciding how to use this or that object.

- A game for a kid is a “time machine”: it gives him an amazing opportunity to live the life that he will have in many, many years.

(E. Subbotsky)

- Play is a special kind of activity for preschoolers, it is always creative. It reflects reality, but

imaginary circumstances.

Play is a historically emerged type of activity for children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them.

4. Socialization. Explain how you understand it.

5. Give your own definition of a game. (The task is individual with access to a subgroup).

6. Each subgroup is offered the text of a poem that helps build knowledge about the game. Everyone in the subgroup chooses the idea he likes, which he shares or refutes, reads it out and comments.


Not bad at all and the descent from the mountain:
Who knew the storm, he appreciates wisdom.
I only regret one thing: games ...
Wisdom will not replace her.

The most mysterious game
And more disinterested in the world.
She's always for nothing
The way children laugh at nothing.

The kitten is fiddling with a ball,
The sea plays in constancy ...
And everyone knew - at the wheel -
Mindless game with space.

The poet plays with rhymes
And foam - around the edges of the glass ...
And here, on the descent, is there a trace -
There was little trace of the game.

Let! When the time comes
And all the roads will end
I'll ask Peter about the game,
Stopping at the threshold.

And if there is no game in paradise,
I will say that I will not accept heaven,
I'll take my bag again
And again I will ask for the earth.

(Z. Gippius)

8. Reflection. A mini-essay on the topic “The game is the most mysterious and disinterested in the world ...”, in which participants write about their impressions

from working in the workshop and thinking about the game and its meaning.

Workshop No. 2

"Classification of children's games".

1. Awakening childhood memories. To help those sitting in a circle to remember and experience the state of joy from playing in childhood, everyone is invited to choose one of the toys that they like and hold it in their hands (this is a teddy bear, a funny monkey, a doll, christmas ball, ball, jump rope, paint, etc.).

Each of the participants talks about their favorite childhood games that are stored in the soul as memories. A necklace of memories is assembled, games are written down on pieces of paper and placed on the board around E. Romanova's painting "Childhood".

2. What classifications of games are known? What are their bases? (Suggested below).

* Researchers (D.B. Elkonin, A.P. Usova) consider the patterns of development of thinking, imagination, skills, creative abilities as the basis of this classification);

* the basis of this classification are the features of the formation of gaming activity, its sources, nature, content;

* the basis of this classification is the development of interest, curiosity, the foundations of dialectical thinking;

* the basis of this classification was the emergence of new technologies and their use in the educational process of preschool educational institutions (V.V. Bezmenova, E.V. Zvorygina, I.O. Ivakina);

* the basis of this classification is "initiative coming from the subjects of the game" (research by S.L. Novoselova).

Task: various classifications of gaming activities are proposed. Each subgroup chooses a base and selects a classification for it.

3. Socialization - presentation of the result.

4. Create your own classification of gaming activities and give your justification. (Assignment for subgroups).

5. Recall one game that has become especially significant for you (in your profession or life), where you were a child or a teacher. Remember and write down the individual details of this game, some information, the course of the game, yourself in it. Try to understand why this particular game came to mind.

6.Socialization - presentation of the result.

7. Reflection.

How is today's workshop useful for you?

- What do I leave the workshop with?

Workshop No. 3

Role-playing game, its role in the development of a preschool child. The originality of the role-playing game.

« The game is like a flooded Atlantis" - in the figurative expression of Professor S. A. Shmakov - is on the verge of extinction.

1. These thoughts of a scientist can be attributed, first of all, to a role-playing game. Prove or disprove this point of view.

2. Socialization - exchange of views.

3. Based on the name of the game, give its definition, write on a piece of paper and compare with the proposed concepts of this type of game.

4. Task for a subgroup. Answer problematic questions:

- what is the indispensability of the role-playing game, the uniqueness in the development of all the potential abilities of children?

Why is a role-playing game a form of modeling social relations?

- what psychological neoplasms arise in a role-playing game?

- Why role-playing game is an indicator of a child's health?

5. Socialization.

6. Present in drawings, diagrams, tables the structure of the role-playing game (task for each subgroup). Arrange an exhibition.

7. For each subgroup, select and reveal the features of the role-playing game: pre-preschool, younger, middle, older preschool age: plot and content, role, game actions, relationships (work with methodological literature).

9. Submission creative tasks:

- explain the words of L.S. Vygotsky that a child of primary preschool age in the game goes from action to thought, and in the fourth year of life is able to go from thought to action (reinforce your reasoning with examples of children's games that you observed);

- in a schematic form, show what means of depicting a role are used by children of younger, middle and older preschool age;

- prove what determines the mastery of conditional play actions by children, for what purpose the child resorts to verbal substitutions in the game;

Determine how modern life is reflected in the children's games "Family".

10. Socialization.

11. Reflection

What did you discover today for yourself?

Which tasks were easy to complete and which were difficult?

Workshop №4

"Techniques for managing role-playing games in different age groups."

Each team makes several rules that are discussed in a circle, advertised and accepted by all workshop participants:

  • try to be yourself;
  • do not criticize or offend anyone with your assessments;
  • discuss any problem first, and then look for solutions;
  • enjoy the right to your opinion;
  • learn to understand yourself and others, this will lead to an understanding of children and the ability to communicate with them;

1. In last years in view of the fact that there is an insufficiently high level of formation of play activity in preschool children, scientists N.A. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko consider the management of a role-playing game as a process of gradual transfer of more complex ways of building a game. The transfer of methods is carried out in the joint game of an adult and children.

Each subgroup is invited to find ways to build a role-playing game:

* the first way to build a game is a sequence of object-game actions;

* the second way - role-playing behavior;

* The third way is plot construction.

This information is posted on the board.

2. Schematically, the game of a small child can be represented as "a person - an object." Complete the scheme of the expanded form of the role-playing game: "man - ..".

3.. Socialization - voicing answers.

4. Design the complication of the themes and plots of games from group to group (work in subgroups).

5. Socialization - voicing answers.

6. Task for a subgroup. Answer the problem question. Why is it necessary to lead a role-playing game?

7. Socialization.

8. Draw up a project of a role-playing game (the theme of the game and the age group at the discretion of the workshop participants):

- the purpose of the game;

- preliminary work for a role-playing game;

- subject-game environment;

- an approximate plot of the game;

- an approximate course of the game;

- Techniques for managing a role-playing game.

What can be added to this project?

9. Socialization: exhibition of projects.

10. Business game.

Question for workshop participants. What, in your opinion, are the difficulties experienced by a young teacher in directing role-playing games for children?


11. Reflection

— How did I live in the workshop?

- What did you discover today?

What questions did you have while studying this topic?

Workshop No. 5

Theatrical games, their originality, types. Conditions for the development of theatrical games, pedagogical guidance.

“All life is a theater, and people are actors in it.”

William Shakespeare

1. Write the word theater vertically and for each letter think of words that can be useful to give the main meaning to the concept of a theatrical game. Define this type of game. Compare your definition with the definition proposed by L.V. Artyomova.

Theatrical play- this is a kind of creative game, the content of which is a play in the faces of literary works, where the characters become actors, and their life events, changed by children's imagination, the plot of the game.

  1. Socialization - voicing answers.
  2. Group work.

Prove the educational value of theatrical games. A.N. Leontiev refers dramatization games (as dramatized games were called for a long time in preschool pedagogy) to a kind of “pre-aesthetic activity” of the child. Do you agree with this statement?

Finish the diagram:

- in the role-playing game, the child is attracted by the process of activity,

- in a theatrical game, the child is attracted by ....

5. Make a comparative analysis of this type of game with a role-playing game. What is common and what is different?

6. Socialization.

7. Individual work with literature (replenishment, clarification of information) on the issue of types of theatrical games. Check yourself, supplement the classification proposed above.

  1. The theatrical game itself, where children accurately copy a literary work;
  2. Theatrical games with elements of creativity (introduce characters, complement the plot, change the end, etc.);
  3. Theatrical games are performances when children act out a literary work themselves, as artists, and in other cases act as in a director's game: they act out a literary work with the help of toys, voicing them:
  • toy theater;
  • tabletop theater with planar figures;
  • theater - flannelograph;
  • shadow theater;
  • finger theater;
  • puppet theater (bibabo theater, puppet theater).

8. Socialization - presentation of the result.

9. Make a pictogram of a fairy tale, which can become the content of a theatrical game, using the book “What Doesn’t Happen in the World?” / Ed. O.M. Dyachenko, E.L. Agayeva. - M., 1999.-p. 48-49.

Why did you choose these stories? Requirements for the selection of literary works:

- the work should be very simple, but fascinating in content;

- images are bright, endowed with a characteristic feature;

— dynamism of events, multiple repetitions;

- the presence of monologues, dialogues, songs.

Illustrate with examples.

10. Using various alternative programs for preschool educational institutions, design the theme of theatrical games in different age groups. Having chosen one of them, each subgroup designs this game.

11. Playing etudes, games, exercises, elements of psycho-gymnastics, work on the text.

12. Business game. Conducting theatrical games using analysis.

13. Reflection.

— What resources of your pedagogical activity have you discovered?

What was the benefit of today's meeting?

Workshop No. 6

"Games with building materials"

“In the game, a child, already a maturing person, tries his hand and independently manages his own creations” (K.D. Ushinsky).

1. The task is individual.

Games with building materials can be classified as milestone games (as defined by A.N. Leontiev), through which the child develops skills, qualities and personality traits that prepare his transition to a new type of activity. What is the role of the building game? What new type of activity does the construction game prepare the child for?

Define a construction game. Try to make a comparative analysis of role-playing, theatrical and building games, finding similarities and differences. Arrange using a diagram, drawing, table.

2. Socialization - voicing answers.

3. Types of building material and themes of children's buildings (work in subgroups), make a quantitative and qualitative analysis from group to group.

4. Socialization - voicing answers.

5. Analysis of constructive skills in children in each age group. The work is built in a subgroup based on the analysis of programs for preschool educational institutions.

6. Socialization - scoring the results.

7. Construction game design. (The topic is at the discretion of the subgroup).

8. Socialization - scoring the results.

9. Playing business games.

10. Reflection. How was today's workshop useful for you? What has changed in your attitude to this type of gaming activity?

What do I leave the workshop with?


1.G.N. Grishina Favorite children's games. - M., 1997.

2.E.V. Zvorygina The first story games for kids. - M., 1988.

3. N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova How to play with a child. - M., 1990.

4. N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkov Organization story game in kindergarten. - M. - 1997.

5. Materials and equipment for kindergarten: A guide for educators and managers. / Ed. T.N. Doronova and N.A. Korotkova. M., CJSC "Elti-ku-Kudits", 2003.

6. T. P. Shitova Development of fantasy and creativity of preschoolers in role-playing games // Child in kindergarten. - 2003, No. 5.

7. D.B. Elkonin Psychology of the game. - M., 1978.
