Mother's Day in an Orthodox gymnasium script. Mother's Day in Sunday School - a temple in the name of St. Anthony

Peace to you, our dear ones! Everyone knows what holiday our performance is timed to? The whole Orthodox world celebrates the Intercession Holy Mother of God. The cover is one of the most revered among the people of the autumn church holidays.

(reads to children a poem by Svetlana Vysotskaya).

Protection of the Virgin

Autumn day is waning

The bird song is silent.

And today fell on time

First white snow.

On this day, blessed Andrew

I saw the unspeakable light:

Our Lady of Blachernae

God prays for the faithful.

All invisible cover

Graciously overshadows

And in the earthly way harsh

Saves from misfortune.

1 - By autumn gray clouds

The Mother of God entered the temple.

She dropped to her knees,

Before the image of the Son she prayed.

2 - I saw the Mother of God in the temple

Saint Andrew at night

Like a holy omophorion

She covered all people.

And now all those who pray

Walking in the temple of Christ,

Saved by the Mother of God

Holy cover from enemies.

3- In the temple of the Mother of God

Revealed Her first Veil,

In the temple and now she

Shows us His love.

4 - For Your merciful cover,

For help and love

We are you, Mother of God,

Let us glorify everything forever and ever.

5 - In the red corner are the images.

Quiet, attentive eyes.

Mother of God meek face

With his gaze, he penetrated right into the soul.

I hear the words: "Come to Me

All who are in need, all who are in trouble.

I will open My holy cover over everyone.

6 - And over all who are ready to believe,

Spread out Your holy veil.

He is from the light of heaven,

Weightless and transparent in appearance,

He will protect from sorrows and troubles.

The Most Holy Theotokos - Mother of God - the great and merciful Intercessor for all Christians, as a mother for her children. We pray to the Mother of God, knowing that she is the closest to God. For the sake of Her Maternal love and prayers for us, God forgives many of our sins.

In addition, today we have another holiday - “Mother's Day. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Children of the circle "Orthodox culture"

1 - Mothers have a holy position in the world -

Pray for gifted children.

And day and night in the invisible ether

Our mothers are praying.

2 - One will be silent, the other echoes it.

Night will replace day, and night will come again.

But mothers' prayers do not stop

For a dear son or daughter.

3 - the Lord hears the prayers of mothers,

He loves them more than we love.

Mother will never stop praying

About the children that have not yet been saved.

4 - There is a time for everything, but as long as we are alive,

We must pray, cry out to God.

There is an unearthly power hidden in prayer,

When their mother whispers them with tears.

5 - How quiet. The birds in the yard fell silent,

Everyone has already gone to bed.

In front of the window I bowed to pray

My own loving mother.


Thank you! .. And let every mother say more often nice words beloved children! Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparks sparkle in their eyes when you are together!

Song about mother

1 - The word "mother" is expensive.

Mom is to be cherished.

With her kindness and care

It's easier for us to live in the world!

2 - Remember, I was still a baby,

And she is in the silence of the night,

Like an angel by the bed

Protected your peace.

presenter: Indeed, for any person the word mother is dear! We love our mothers very much and we express this love in addressing her, in the way we call her. Guys, how can you affectionately call your mother?

Children's answers. (Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy ...)

presenter- Guys, you noticed that with the words mother, mother, mother, we do not address mothers now. That's what they called my mother in ancient times. Let's look into our past: a clean Belarusian hut, well-dressed children... How they dance!

Dance "Shaker"

The stage is a "Belarusian hut". The mother, dressed in a Belarusian costume, puts things in order: she covers the tablecloth, puts a samovar on the table, arranges cups and saucers. Above the table hangs the icon "Pokrov".

Mother and daughter dialogue:

- Mother, why are you decorating the room?

- The feast of the Protection of the Mother of God is coming soon.

The mother takes the icon, wipes it, kisses it, crosses herself:

- Holy Mother of God, save us!

- Mother, tell me about the Protection of the Virgin!

“Well, okay, I’ll tell you again.

He takes off the icon, sits down on the bench with his daughter. Music background.

There was a war. Tsargrad was besieged by enemies, approaching the very city walls. Day and night the priests served in the churches of Constantinople, praying to the Lord for the salvation of the city and people.

On one of those days at the All-Night Vigil, when the temple was full of worshipers, the holy fool Andrei and his disciple Epiphanius stood among them. Suddenly, Saint Andrew, raising his gaze to heaven, saw the Most Holy Lady walking through the air, illuminated by heavenly light and surrounded by angels and saints. Kneeling down, the Blessed Virgin began to pray for the Christians and remained in prayer for a long time. Having finished praying, She removed the veil from Her head and spread it over the people praying in the temple, protecting them from visible and invisible enemies. And this cover in the hands of the Lady shone "brighter than the rays of the sun." Saint Andrew asked his disciple Epiphanius, who was standing nearby: “Do you see, brother, the Queen and Lady, praying for the whole world?” Epiphanius replied: “I see, holy father, and I am horrified.”

The Most Holy Theotokos asked the Lord Jesus Christ to accept the prayers of all people who call on His Holy Name and resort to His intercession.

In memory of this event, for many, many years, people have been celebrating the day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The daughter takes the doll and tells her:

Daughter - Listen to me, child, I'll tell you too. Mother of God - gave birth to God. She is his mother. The Lord himself obeyed her and gave us, the people, the commandment: “Honor your father and your mother ..” Here you are, my daughter, honor me! (Puts the doll to sleep)

Sing a lullaby

Daughter- Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word

No place in paradise?

At least on the edge.

In heaven the angels sing

They call the baby.

Mother: You go little one to us,

We will open a bright Paradise

let the baby go ahead

Let the child go.

Together- Mother of God and mother

Put the little one to sleep!

Mother addresses the children:

It means to obey.

To help.

Take care.

— Take care.

Care when parents get sick or become old.

Daughter - Mom, let's pray to the Mother of God!

Children sing the song "Prayer with Mom"(words by T. Shorokhova, music by Filatova)

1. Mom again from worries

Tired by evening

Light a thin candle,

Get on your knees.


I will be next to her

Pray to God -

And my prayer

Warm up quietly.

2. Mother of God on us

Mercifully look -

And in the heart at the same time

It will become so calm.


1 - Golden word prayers

We sing at the ancient shrines:

- Intercessor, Virgin Mary,

Spread Your Cover over us!

2 - Under a clean, invisible Veil

We will seek the Divine City.

You will meet us, Mother of Christ,

At heavenly shining gates.

3 - Let the slush and off-road,

Do not be sad, downcast eyes,

After all, the Mother of God is above us

Sheds her cover.

4 - From everything evil in the world

Forest and field, and houses -

Covers everything

Mother of God Herself.

5 - Above the bed, a little to the side,

Mother of God icon.

Her kind glance radiates;

If mom goes away

It's not scary to me alone -

Mother of God is with me.

I wake up early in the morning

I will pray for the icon.

6 - Leaves flew from the branches.

A month in the clouds found a lodging for the night,

And on the very day of the Intercession

Pure, pure snow fell.

7 - He covered himself securely

Field, forest and native shelter,

Reminding everyone that above the ground

The Mother of God holds the Protection!

Leading - Yes, the Most Pure Mother of God always extends Her prayer cover over us; she always begs her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver us all from troubles and misfortunes and to grant us eternal salvation. And God sends us the opportunity to live peacefully, happily, sing, dance, have fun.

Dance with tambourines

Presenter: Each of us felt the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos on ourselves. She, like a mother, helps, protects us from various troubles. We unanimously thank the Theotokos on this Holy holiday. Which one then autumn holiday does without fun games? And, since we celebrate the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the fall, it's time to remember about the harvest. Here we are now with you will harvest!

"Collect potatoes with a spoon"

The game is played by 2 people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Children are given a basket and a wooden spoon. On a signal, they begin to collect potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in a basket. The child with the most potatoes wins.

"Gather Cucumbers and Tomatoes"

2 children participate in the game. On command, the children, to the music, look for “vegetables” under the “leaves” (green handkerchiefs). The one with the fullest basket wins.

Leading - Only a turnip remained in the ground.

Do not pull out - sat down firmly.

Guys, hurry up

Come to my aid.

Round dance "Turnip"

Leading - Thank God, we have a rich harvest. With God's help, under the protection of the Mother of God, we have grown this crop. And in the evening, tired of earthly worries, people approached the icon, lit candles and thanked for the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Mother of God and all the Saints.

Let the slush and off-road -

Do not be sad, downcast eyes,

After all, the Mother of God is above us

Extends the omophorion.

From everything evil

Forest, and field, and houses -

Covers everything

Mother of God Herself.

So our holiday dedicated to the great feast of the Intercession and Mother's Day has ended! We wish everyone the Help of God and the Protection of the Most Pure Mother over your families!

Watch the photo presentation of the holiday.


The song sounds Better words not in the world."

Voice behind the scene: The rain beats on the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow from the bottom of my heart

The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that sometimes did not sleep with us at night,
Her warm hands were pressed to her chest,
And she prayed for us to all the holy images.
The one who asked God for happiness
For the health of their daughters and sons.
Each new step for her was like a holiday,
And she was sicker from the pain of children.
We fly from our native nest like birds,
We want to become adults as soon as possible.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman named MOTHER!

(Curtain opens.)

1 Lead: Good afternoon dear friends! There are words in the world that we call holy. And one of those saints, warm, kind words- the word "mom". The word that the child says most often is the word "mom". The word at which an adult, gloomy person smiles is also the word "mother."
2 Lead: Because this word carries warmth in itself - the warmth of mother's hands, mother's soul, mother's word. And what is more valuable and desirable for a person than the warmth and light of the eyes of a loved one?
1 Lead: Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person - we call MOM! And congratulations to all the women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother!
2 Lead: And we congratulate all the others sitting in this hall on the fact that they also had a great happiness - to be someone's children, to be born on this earth and to know loving tender hands.
1 Lead: I want to invite to the stage a person who is just eager to congratulate our mothers - the Head of our urban settlement.


2 Lead: I think that our frequent and welcome guest, Father Mikhail, will also find many kind words for mothers! Please take the stage!

(Speech by Father Michael.)

1 Lead: Modest, covering his palm with his palm, peacefully his hands lie on the table.
Having lost strength, twisting their fingers in pain, they pull a small handkerchief.
You were once young, tender kisses keeping ...
Affectionate, kind, dear, hands that raised me.
After raising my children and granddaughter, you worked all day long.
And they did it themselves. Alone, your long-awaited happiness.
They sewed, darned, washed, washed. Rinse clothes in ice water ...
If necessary, they threatened everyone severely, protecting their offspring.
All wrinkled hands are dear, but everything in the world is dearer to me.
Old, tired, sick hands of my good mother!!!


2 Lead: Probably everyone will agree that there is nothing more beautiful than the joy of a mother leaning over a baby who has fallen asleep on her chest. There is nothing more disturbing than endless sleepless nights and unclosed mother's eyes.
1 Lead: Mothers always burn themselves and light the way for others. They are full of tenderness, selfless love, and their hands do good on earth.
2 Lead: So where does mom start?
1 Lead: And mom starts with this magical house!


2 Lead: What is happiness? Such a simple question
Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.
1 Lead: In fact, happiness is simple!
It starts with half a meter of growth.
2 Lead: These are undershirts. Booties and bib
1 Lead: A brand new described mother's sarafan.
2 Lead: Ripped tights...
1 Lead: broken knees,
2 Lead: These are the walls painted in the corridor ...
1 Lead: Happiness is soft warm palms,
2 Lead: Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa ...
1 Lead: It's a whole bunch of broken toys
2 Lead: It's a constant rattle of rattles...
1 Lead: Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor ...
2 Lead: Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections ...
Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead ... this is a constant "What" and "Why?" ...
1 Lead: Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...
2 Lead: A small candle on a huge cake...
1 Lead: This endless "Read me a story"
These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka ...
2 Lead: This is a warm nose from under the blanket ...
1 Lead: Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas ...
2 Lead: Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...
1 Lead: Puppet theater, matinee in the garden…
2 Lead: What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;
Everyone has it
TOGETHER: who has kids!


2 Lead: Being a mother of girls, of course, is not something: there are dolls, dishes, a hospital. Lotto…
There are puffy dresses and braids to the heels ... but God gave us guys with you.
My house is not decorated with vases of roses, but a killer cyborg. What did your son bring?
Finding him in a puddle near his native house,
Cleaned it up and it's like new now...
No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!
Do you want to break the military base???
Do you want to demolish the aircraft hangar???
Think again, woman! It's a nightmare!!!
You will lead the tin soldiers into battle.
Be bold and courageous, not a step back!!
So, come in from the flank, hit with artillery!
If you don't know what it is, ask your sons!
You will learn with them all the brands of cars,
And they will get bigger - all kinds of their tires.
They will grow up and enlighten you,
How the starter, cardan and jack work ...
Without them, you might not know anything -
Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
Bearings - what is it? Something with spikes?
So many things that could pass by...


1 Lead: Our dear mothers! Children dance for you! Dance group "ASSORTI!"


2 Lead: He takes care of his house, and this one - dresses,
Ta- decorations of fine casting ...
And I ... I'm afraid of losing wealth,
My wealth is my mother!
There is no more priceless treasure in the world,
What generosity and love is not for show ...
We are spoiled We are all little kids.
As long as our mothers are alive.
Oh, mother, mother, upset, crying,
I hasten to you - to pour out my sorrow.
But what to hide - do I always remember you on the days of good luck? Is it always?
Warm me with all the great sensitivity,
Understand, forgive me, hold me close to you!
Oh, mother, mother, even though we live smoothly,
You are on earth - and I live in peace!
As long as you are. Light is my home!
As long as you are, any pain is easy!
I am rich ... Do not make me a beggar!
Until the time I'm not a deprivation!


(the song “Kindness” sounds in the background) Against the background of music:
1 Lead: Yes, years take away beauty, they won’t take away kindness ... We dedicate these words with love to our grandmothers. Granny, grandmother and just ba ... This is how we affectionately call our good friend, intercessor, educator, storyteller, cook, keeper of the hearth - grandmother.
2 Lead: For you, beloved grandmothers, the vocal group "____________-" sings, your grandchildren from school No. ____.

(vocal group "____________" sings)

1 Lead: Mom is eternal and imperishable. Mom is a symbol of warmth and love. And we are in eternal, unrequited debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives.

("Pity the Mothers")


1 Lead: In an affectionate, affectionate evening, we will sit side by side together.
With mother, an eternal friend, we will grieve about the past.
Warm, tired hands will fall on my shoulders,
Mom will take pains large and small as her own.
Dear, dear mother, how I love you.
Again you feel sorry for your stubbornly adult daughter.
With a hard, rough palm you stroke gray temples,
With warm care, love, you heal me from longing.
Tea with pies and buns will plunge me into childhood,
An old forgotten toy will quietly leave sadness.
Both long gray, like friends of winter ...
Only for mothers, matured, children are still us.


1 Lead: We grow up, leave our home, and our vain affairs fill all our time, and mothers are waiting ... waiting for at least news from their children.
2 Lead: Forgive us... for every wrinkle...
After all, because of us, it is not easy for you.
Forgive us for every tear
Stealthily wiped from my native cheek.
And how hard it is for us in life.
When longing scares with a black shadow,
Holy protects us from all troubles
Beloved mothers blessing...


1 Lead: And again, dear mothers, children dance for you!

(Music number)

1. Rain, don't knock!
Don't hit the glass.
My mom is just sleeping
Evening looks out the windows.
2. Do not make noise and do not wake
Mommy is tired
You go quietly
She gets up so early.
1. You see a red cat nearby.
The sly one sleeps, purring,
He will take us to a fairy tale,
To give smiles.
.2 Between stars and clouds
The moon is lost
I'll draw vivid dreams
Let her sleep well.
1 your lullaby,
For mom to sleep
I'll sing along with the rain
She gets up so early.


1 Lead: And here are the lines from the daughter's letter to her mother ...
“Mom, thank you for what you do for me. When I was little, I knew that I could always rely on you. I knew that if you were around, everything would be fine, no matter what happens ...
When I was a teenager, I could not always understand you, and it happened that we quarreled. But I was always sure that you love and believe in me, no matter what.
And only now, when I have matured, I began to understand how much you have done for me. Thank you for all the love that only you can give, because you are my MOM……


2 Lead: _____________________ congratulates you with a song about mom!

("MY MOM".)

1 Lead: The kindest…
2 Lead: The wisest...
1 Lead: The most beloved…
2 Lead: ____________________ congratulates the most beautiful mothers in the world.


2 Lead: And now our grandmothers will take the stage. Grandmothers are perky, cheerful, with young voices and a young soul! Meet the ensemble "___________" with a song that our mothers sang when they were young!

(ensemble "___________")

2 Lead: Mom is getting old. She is no longer happy with the calls of her friends and the pranks of her grandchildren ...
Years and fatigue press on my shoulders, and my hands do not want to rise.
And the legs do not go ... the strength has dried up. Eyes watering, voice trembling a little...
I heard - she asked yesterday: “Give me, Lord, to live!”
Mom is sick. She can't sleep at night. All dreams are long gone.
It lies and waits: suddenly, in the morning, a nimble tit will knock on the window with its beak.
I will put candles: help her, God, add health to her and my strength.
Let mom become at least a little younger. And wisdom is enough for us for two.
I myself am a mother. I will not hide from anyone - I am both unbearable and harsh.
And I know that sometimes offensive epithets fly off the tongue.
Of course, not from evil, but from annoyance, I can say unnecessary words ...
Do not be offended, sons, do not! Forgiving is sometimes easier than understanding.
And you, dear, smile bravely! Look, spring is on the way again!
Live longer! You know it's so important to us
That grandmother and mother are next to us!


1 Lead: Meet the smallest participant of our holiday - ___________________!


1 Lead:
I'm always afraid of failing

For love and for what I am
And for being a bit pretty.
I'm always afraid to be late
I'm always afraid not to get there
And forget or not recognize
Childhood warm quiet echo.
Constantly afraid of not catching up
My only important train.
To come and tell you
That I live, as taught, in good conscience.
To take another look
On the mountain ash and the slenderness of the birch.
To, as in childhood, breathe deeply
The spirit of the January evil frost.
To see native eyes again,
That you are not yet tired of life,
And with a soft smile say:
“Here, have you arrived, or were you not waiting?”
I'm always afraid of failing
Say "thank you" at dawn
For love and for who you are
And for being born happy.

(Music number.)

1 Lead: Dear mothers! Do you remember how your children were small? How they were capricious and did not want to sleep? And your kind voices always calmed them down? Every mother has her own lullaby. And the life of each of us in childhood was made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.


2 Lead: No matter how many worries
All the same - in need, in abundance, -
If a woman sings, then everything is in order in the house!


2 Lead: Dear friends! Let's remember the wedding saying together: “If you want to live simpler, remember your birthday ... .. mother-in-law!
1 Lead: Dear mothers-in-law, you are second mothers to your beloved sons-in-law. Congratulations to Yuri Kondrashov!


2 Lead: That mother, whose son is dearer than the world, dearer than the sun, and therefore herself ...
That mother who kept his dreams, caring and loving.
Which praised and scolded, taught the kindest, bravest,
Which, not knowing, helped him once to fall in love strongly.
I'm not the only one, maybe I don't know ... but at this moment I'm with him. And I'm alone.
I accept the past as a memory. And my life is like a new spring.
That mother who was sick when he was sick and did not get up,
Who always felt sorry for him when he got tired at work.
Which was dearer than light, dearer than the sun, heaven and earth ...
Thank you! Thank you for that! For bringing me happiness!
Thank you for being forgiving. For comforting in difficult times.
For the fact that nothing promises empty ...
And for loving you!
For the fact that he himself, sometimes not knowing, will only say a word - and peace in his soul.
For the fact that he understands me so ... and accepts me as I am, such.
And if together we go one way ... laugh together and be sad,
I swear to you that I will not be strict, that I can always forgive him.
That I will try to be, like you, reliable, and affectionate, and kind, and direct.
And in this life - joyful and difficult to love him, as it was given to me alone.
And maybe later ... I will believe, -
Just like me, afraid of everything
He will quietly say: “I will not forget you ... thank you for my husband!”


1 Lead: Your hair has turned white, mom.
Like snow, anxiety lay on the temples.
But like a steadfast soldier you stand straight
And your steps, mother, are light as before.
You follow your destiny without surrendering to adversity.
I am not afraid of any trouble with you, nor sadness.
You are my unquenchable beacon for many years,
You are a support, you are stronger than strong steel.
How many times has life thrown me down the slopes
So that I did not want to live and the world collapsed.
You saved your daughter, forgetting about yourself.
She lent her shoulder, lifting from the ground ...
I will touch your snow strands with my lips,
I warm them with love and warmth.
You are like a guardian angel, covering me,
From adversity you shield with a reliable wing ...


2 Lead: In the mother's heart of tenderness without edge,
Mom's eyes are the sun in the sky.
Do not be sad that we have frost, dear,
Silver gray in hair.
Don't count wrinkles on your face.
Are your hands rough? Do not Cry!
And wrinkles are cobwebs
From your and our failures.
Regret and give good advice -
Is there a kinder mother?
Motherhood is not an easy burden.
There is joy and sorrow in it.
Obeying the command of the heart.
I'll look into the eyes, my dear, I'll look ...
I'll gently fall on my knees
And I'll tell you: "Thank you ..."


1 Lead: Dear mothers! For you - this extraordinarily beautiful song!


2 Lead: Our loved ones!
May adversity not touch your days!
And God bless you to live longer in the world!
1 Lead: Today you love, health, happiness
Your children wish with all their hearts!


1 Lead: Lovely. Dear relatives, happiness to you, health, love of your children and grandchildren! And let each person gray hair reverently pronounces the name of his mother and respectfully protects her old age! Happy holiday to you, our mothers and low bow to you!

(The final song is "MAMA".)

Mothers Day
about the history of the holiday

In many countries of the world, Mother's Day is celebrated, however, at different times. According to some sources, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day originates in the women's mysteries of pagan Rome, intended to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods.

It is also known that in England of the 15th century, the so-called "Mother's Sunday" was celebrated - the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country. Gradually, this holiday acquired a different meaning - to honor

became not mothers, but "Mother Church", so that the holiday became partly church. In the United States, Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1907 on the second Sunday of May, on the same day it is celebrated by Malta, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia.

In Germany, the first Mother's Day was celebrated on May 13, 1923. In Finland, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1927. On this day, flags are hung out, children prepare gifts for their mothers, and dads try to cook a festive dinner in the kitchen that day. Grandmothers are also congratulated. Mother's Day has been celebrated in Estonia since 1992. The day before, morning performances are held in kindergartens, and concerts for mothers in schools; children give their mothers homemade cards and souvenirs.

In Ukraine, Mother's Day began to be celebrated back in 1929, in Galicia, but over time it was forgotten. Today this day has entered again folk calendar. In Greece, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 9th. The history of the holiday dates back to antiquity.

In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of November.

In Belarus, Mother's Day has been celebrated on October 14 since 1996. Belarus is the only country where the celebration of Mother's Day is timed to the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Holiday script.

This script can be useful for elementary and high school, preschool teachers, Sunday school teachers. Of course, depending on the age and preparedness of the children, it can be simplified or, conversely, supplemented. It is good if the children present a small dramatization. This material does not pretend to be original, it is an attempt to systematize the developments on this topic, to overcome the artificial gap between the holidays "purely church" and "nationwide". The script should only help the creative teacher prepare an interesting and useful event for children and their parents.

Decoration of the stage (class): in the center - the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, on both sides of it there are two more icons of the Mother of God (better Kazan and the "Indestructible Wall"), images of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the Church of St. Basil the Blessed, the locally revered Church of the Intercession, can be used reproductions of Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, depicting the Madonna and Child (or others). The best way to decorate a room autumn bouquets. The background music should be calm, Tchaikovsky's "October" is well suited, some poems can be read against the background of the music.

Older children can take the role of leaders. It is desirable that the chants be performed by a sufficiently trained children's vocal group, or if the children know prayers, then they can be sung in chorus.

Troparion of the holiday. (In Sunday school it can be performed by children, if this is not possible, then reproduced in the recording)

1 Lead: Dear guests! We are glad that you came to celebrate with us today.

2 host: Today the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

3 Lead: And in Belarus it is customary to celebrate Mother's Day on this holy day. And this, of course, is not accidental. After all, every mother strives to shelter her child from troubles and misfortunes with love and care. And the Most Holy Theotokos covers the whole world from evil with her cover.

4 leader: Our dear mothers! Please accept our congratulations on the holiday and words of gratitude for your care and kindness, work and patience.

1 Lead: Intercession is one of the most revered autumn church holidays among the people. We will tell you why we began to celebrate this holiday.

The beginning of the Feast of the Intercession was laid by a story that took place in the 10th century during the all-night service in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople.

2 host: Blessed Andrew and his disciple Epiphanius had a vision that struck them. In the air, above the people, they saw the Mother of God, surrounded by prophets, apostles and angels, bowed in prayer for the deliverance of the city from the siege of enemies. At this time, the Saracens already approached the very walls of the city, the service in the Church went on day and night.

3 Lead: The Mother of God took off Her brilliant omophorion, that is, a wide cover, stretched it over the worshipers and offered up a prayer to the Lord for the salvation of the world, for the deliverance of people from troubles and suffering. The veil in her hands shone brighter than the rays of the sun. The Mother of God begged her son to spare the city, and the enemies retreated.

4 Lead: There were a lot of people in the temple, both the bishop and the priests. But they did not see the wonderful vision. Saint Andrew, a holy fool for Christ's sake, was able to see this miracle and his disciple Epiphanius. Andrew grew up in a wealthy family, was smart and handsome. But he refused wealth, glory and honors, lived in poverty, devoting himself to God. One winter, having neither clothes nor shelter, he froze to death and almost died in the snow. But instead, he was raised by angels to heaven, where he saw the Gardens of Eden, and many saints. Most of all, he wanted to see the Mother of God and bow to her. But nowhere in paradise did he meet the Most Pure Virgin. The angels told him that She is almost always on earth - to help the poor and suffering. And now Andrey saw Her...

1 reader : Cover today. In Blachernae Church

Andrey the holy fool and Epiphanius,

Bringing good news to others

Opened to their pious eyes

Intercessor with heavenly omophorion,

Praying with them here.

2 reader:

On the autumn gray clouds, the Mother of God entered the temple.

She knelt down and prayed before the image of the Son.

And over all who are ready to believe, she spread Her holy cover.

He is from the light of heavenly retinue, weightless and transparent in appearance,

He will protect from sorrows and troubles.

1 presenter : The Feast of the Intercession has become one of the most beloved in Russia. In honor of him, many temples were built, icons were painted. Established the celebration of the Intercession in Rus', Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. And the prince erected the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the quiet Nerl River. Light, similar from afar to a warrior in a silver helmet and a white stone shirt, this temple stands to this day.

Slide depicting the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl .

3 reader:

We came with you and froze

and forgot all the words

Before the white stone miracle,

in front of the Church of the Intercession:

What is not stone, but from the light of retinues,

out of love and out of prayer...

2 Lead : In many cities, beautiful temples and monasteries dedicated to the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos were built. In Moscow, under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, in honor of the victory over the Tatars, the amazing Intercession Cathedral, known as St. Basil's Cathedral, was built.

Temple slide or poster.

(If there is an Intercession Church in your city or village, you should show a slide and talk about it)

Children sing: "Rejoice, our Joy, cover us from all evil with Your honest omophorion."

4 reader:

Let the slush and off-road - do not be sad, looking down,

After all, the Mother of God stretches the omophorion over us.

From everything evil in the world - forest, and field, and houses -

The Mother of God Herself covers everything.

3 Lead : Yes, the Most Pure Mother of God always extends Her prayer cover over us; she always begs her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver us all from troubles and misfortunes and to grant us eternal salvation.

4 Presenter : However, we must earn this salvation ourselves by faith in God, good deeds, pure thoughts, and hope in the intercession of the Mother of God.

The children sing a prayer: “We run under Your mercy, Virgin Mary. Do not despise our prayers in sorrows, but deliver us from troubles, one pure and blessed. Holy Mother of God, save us. All saints, pray to God for us."

1 presenter : How many times the Mother of God saved our native country with Her protection!

When it seemed that the country was dying, She, through Her miraculous icons, showed special concern for us and helped to liberate our Motherland from conquerors.

2 Lead : There are many examples of this in recent history. During the Great Patriotic War besieged Leningrad survived, the Germans were unable to break the fragile ring of the defenders of the city, around which the Kazan icon was carried around with a prayer. In the besieged Stalingrad, a handful of defenders on a small piece of land with the icon of the Mother of God were able to hold the line. During the capture of Kaliningrad, the Most Pure Virgin herself appeared in the sky, and the Germans, in fear, could not fire a single shot.

3 Lead : I'll tell you a story. During the war, it was decided to send children on trucks away from the front. So that the cars would not fall under the bombing, they decided to go at night. The road went through the forest, and in the darkness the cars lost their way. They began to look for her, but they did not find her, and drove on through the field. Suddenly, a woman in white clothes appeared in front of the first car. She stood silently with her arms outstretched. The driver jumped out of the car, but there was no one on the road. The cars started moving, but then She appeared again. The driver got out of the cab and walked a little ahead - there was a cliff, inevitable death ... The cars turned back and soon drove onto the road. So the Mother of God saved the children.

4 Presenter : The Lord instructed His Mother to become the Mother of the whole world, so that in moments of sorrows, illnesses, anxieties, worries of our earthly life, we always find protection and consolation.

5 Reader: "Icon":

Above the bed, a little to the side, there is an icon of the Mother of God.

Her kind glance radiates; if mom leaves

That is not scary to me alone - the Mother of God is with me.

I wake up early in the morning and pray for the icon.

The children sing the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you: blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you gave birth to our souls as the Savior.”

1 presenter : The good, righteous Virgin Mary became the Mother of the Lord himself. Her life on earth was not easy. She had to work and suffer a lot, to hide the Infant from mortal danger, to part with him when he walked around the cities, preaching the Word of God. And how much pain She endured when the Son was accused and unjustly judged, tortured and killed. She endured everything with meekness and humility, devoting herself to serving God and people.

2 Lead : The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an example for all of us. All of us should imitate Her in patience, faith, diligence. And all mothers who dream of raising their children to be kind, honest people should pray to Her for help in the hard work of raising their children.

3 Lead : Our mothers so often have a hard time with us! We upset them with bad deeds, laziness in studies. We do not always remember how many sleepless nights my mother spent at our bed when we were little, we take mother's care for granted, and forget to thank her.

4 Presenter : Today we want to tell our mothers “Thank you! We love you very much!"

6 Reader:

We walk along the road of life

Let's create happiness

And we don't know the sweetest words

What a wonderful word - mother.

It comforts us in grief

Like the sun's smile,

Like a bright book with which,

We are destined to be friends forever.

7 Reader:

In the hearts it is again and again,

Blooms like a morning garden

And whispers awake that word

A tired soldier on the march.

With whom it is easier for us to breathe in the world,

After all, a mother in our land,

And gray-haired grandfathers, and children

They named their homeland.

8 Reader:

From a pure heart, in simple words,

Let's friends, we congratulate mom,

We love her like a good friend

For the fact that we have everything together with her,

For the fact that when we have a hard time,

We can cry at our native shoulder.

9 Reader:

We love her and for the fact that sometimes,

Eyes become stricter in wrinkles,

But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head

Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.

For always without concealment and directly

We can trust her with our heart

And just because she is our mother

We love her deeply and dearly.

1 presenter : We must always remember God, who created this world and gave life to all. About the heavenly intercessor - the Mother of God, and try to live with a good heart and a pure soul.

2 host: And we will always remember and love our mothers, who open this world for us, teach us to distinguish between good and evil, and always wish us happiness.

Children sing the song

Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave the world to me and you. It happens like this - at sleepless night Mom will slowly cry, How is her daughter, how is her son - Only in the morning mother will fall asleep. Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave the world to me and you. It happens - if it happens all of a sudden In your house, grief-trouble, Mom - the best, most reliable friend - Will always be with you. Mom is the first word The main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave the world to me and you. Mother earth and sky, Life has given me and you. It happens - you will become older And, like a bird, you will fly up, Whoever you are, know that you are for your mother - As before, dear baby. Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave the world to me and you.

It is good if, at the end of the holiday, children give their mothers small handmade souvenirs. If possible, you can end the holiday with tea.

On November 24, 2013, a holiday was held in the children's Sunday school of the church of St. Maximus the Confessor, dedicated to the Day Mothers. This holiday was approved by the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated January 30, 1998 and is celebrated in last sunday November, on this day it is customary to congratulate all mothers. Sunday School children have prepared a concert for their beloved mothers called "Mother's Heart". Parents, mothers, grandmothers of Sunday school students became the guests of honor of the holiday. Traditionally, this wonderful holiday takes place under the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, who is our most beloved and dear Mother.

Before the concert, the rector of the church of St. Maximus the Confessor Priest Andrey Limonov addressed the guests and participants of the holiday with an opening speech. He heartily congratulated everyone on the holiday and gave the fatherly order to the children to always fulfill the fifth commandment of the Lord - to be kind and loving children for their parents.

“Mother's Day is filled with deep meaning, Christian content. The Lord Himself commanded us to honor our parents and showed us an example of how we should fulfill this commandment. Dying on the cross, Jesus Christ took care of his mother, the Mother of God, and entrusted her to the care of his closest disciple, John the Theologian. We should all take an example from our Savior, take care of and honor our mothers,” Father Andrei said.

At the concert, the children read poetry, acted out skits, showed funny numbers, and sang karaoke with their parents. The room where the concert was held was very beautifully decorated with colored balloons by the entrepreneur Shulga Lyudmila Valerievna, the head of the family cafe "BARBUS". In addition to decorating the hall, Lyudmila Valerievna made 30 balloons on a stick and 19 flowers from balloons for gifts for children.

On Mother's Day, one cannot do without the kindest and good words addressed to those who gave us life, let us see the beauty of God's world! A great many poets sang in their poems the gentle hands of the mother, loving eyes, the big and kind mother's heart. Therefore, their children told with sincere joy, love, because this is for their beloved mother, dear grandmother.

Mother's heart, it alone warmed us

In the days when it was not easy for us.

Mother's heart, it only knew

Where we are - near or far.

Mother's heart, it alone was waiting for us

Even if no one was waiting.

Participated in the concert: Matvey Demin, Zlata Klimova, Alina Mozyreva, Yan Rudkovsky, Svetlana Navilnikova, Grigory Limonov, Julia Sukhodolova, Gleb Limonov, Anna Gittikh, Alexander Sorokoumov, Anastasia Limonova, Timofey Zavorokhin, Anna Esaulkova, Anastasia Panfilova, Maria Limonova, Ilyukhina Julia, Skrizhevskaya Daria.

The thematic climax of the concert was an expression of gratitude to mothers of many children who raised three or more children. We are proud that these are the mothers of our Sunday School students:

  • Limonova Natalya Nikolaevna - mother of 7 children,
  • Esaulkova Marina Nikolaevna - mother of 4 children,
  • Churilova Olga Nikolaevna - mother of 4 children,
  • Klimova Elena Alexandrovna - mother of 3 children
  • Sandalova Elena Andreevna - mother of 3 children
  • Ovchinnikova Olga Alexandrovna - mother of 4 children,
  • Mozyreva Svetlana Alexandrovna - mother of 3 children
  • Dorofeeva Olga Sergeevna - mother of 3 children
  • Rumyantseva Marina Mikhailovna - mother of 3 children

Father Andrey gave flowers to mothers of many children and to all teachers of the Sunday School. And so the holiday came to an end. But we all hope that after parting, for a long time to come, everyone will be warmed by the joy, love and tenderness that the children gave to their mothers and all of us today.

The clergy and the Parish Council of the Church of St. Maximus the Confessor, teachers of the Sunday School congratulate all mothers on this wonderful holiday! Happiness, health, patience and God's help to you in this hard work!

Photography: Kachaeva Anastasia, video: Yarmukhametova Elena.

List of used literature

1. Babanskaya N.G., Vasilyeva S.B., Poznyakovsky V.M. Safety of food raw materials and food products. - Kemerovo: Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry, 2005. - 140 p.

2. Bolotnikova L.M. Belarusian cuisine / V.A. Bolotnikova, M.L. Vapelnik, I.P. Korzun; under the editorship of V.A. Bolotnikov. - 2nd ed. - Minsk: Urajay, 1984. - 96 p.

3. Baranov V.S. Technology for the production of catering products. Textbook for students, obuch. according to special 1011 "Technology and organization of public catering" / V.S. Baranov, A.I. Mglinets, L.M. Aleshina and others - M.: Economics, 1986. - 400 p.

4. Baranovsky V.A. Profession Chef. Tutorial. - M.: Modern School, 2006. - 244 p.

5. Biryukova V.V., Shevchenko N.V. Technology for the production of catering products. Tutorial. - Omsk: Publishing House of OmGTU, 2004. - 106 p.

6. Bogdanov V.D., Datsun V.M., Efimova M.V. General principles raw material processing and introduction to food production technology. Tutorial. - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: KamchatGTU, 2007. - 213 p.

7. Golunova L.E. (comp.) Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments. - St. Petersburg: Profi-inform, 2005. - 866 p.

8. Zdobnov A.I., Tsyganenko V.A. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: for catering establishments. - K .: LLC "Publishing house Ariy", M .: IKTC "Lada", 2009. - 680 p.

9. Kardasheva M.V. Introduction to food technology. Training and metodology complex. - Kemerovo: KemTIPP, 2004. - 121 p.

10. Marchuk F.L. (ed.). Collection of technological standards. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering / Edited by F.L. Marchuk; Compiled by: V.A. Ananina, S.L. Ahiba, V.T. Lapshina, R.M. Malgina, V.L. Sokolov, A.P. Ruban, Z.I. Yasyuchenya. - M.: Khlebproinform, 1996. - 620 p.

11. Pokhlebkin, V.V. National cuisine of our peoples (Main culinary trends, their history and features. Recipe) / V.V. Pokhlebkin. - Mn., 2009. - 304 p.

Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day" in the Belarusian Sunday School

Decor and props.

Decoration of the stage (class): in the center - the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, on both sides of it there are two more icons of the Mother of God (better Kazan and the "Indestructible Wall"), images of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the Church of St. Basil the Blessed, the locally revered Church of the Intercession, can be used reproductions of Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, depicting the Madonna and Child (or others). The room is best decorated with autumn bouquets. The background music should be calm, Tchaikovsky's "October" is well suited, some verses can be read against the background of the music.

Older children can take the role of leaders. It is desirable that the chants be performed by a sufficiently trained children's vocal group, or if the children know prayers, then they can be sung in chorus.

Troparion of the holiday (In Sunday school, it can be performed by children, if this is not possible, then it is reproduced in the recording)

In Belarus, Mother's Day has been celebrated on October 14 since 1996. Belarus is the only country where the celebration of Mother's Day is timed to coincide with the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In many countries of the world, Mother's Day is celebrated, however, at different times. According to some sources, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day originates in the women's mysteries of pagan Rome, intended to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods.

It is also known that in England of the 15th century, the so-called "Mother's Sunday" was celebrated - the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country. Gradually, this holiday acquired a different meaning - they began to honor not mothers, but "Mother Church", so that the holiday became partly church. In the United States, Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1907 on the second Sunday of May, on the same day it is celebrated by Malta, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia.

In Germany, the first Mother's Day was celebrated on May 13, 1923. In Finland, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1927. On this day, flags are hung out, children prepare gifts for their mothers, and dads try to cook a festive dinner in the kitchen that day. Grandmothers are also congratulated. Mother's Day has been celebrated in Estonia since 1992. The day before, morning performances are held in kindergartens, and concerts for mothers in schools; children give their mothers homemade cards and souvenirs.

In Ukraine, Mother's Day began to be celebrated back in 1929, in Galicia, but over time it was forgotten. Today this day is again included in the national calendar. In Greece, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 9th. The history of the holiday dates back to antiquity.

In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of November.

1 Host: Dear guests! We are glad that you came to celebrate with us today.

Leading 2: Today the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

3 Host: And in Belarus it is customary to celebrate Mother's Day on this holy day. And this, of course, is not accidental. After all, every mother strives to shelter her child from troubles and misfortunes with love and care. And the Most Holy Theotokos covers the whole world from evil with her cover.

4 presenter: Our dear mothers! Please accept our congratulations on the holiday and words of gratitude for your care and kindness, work and patience.

1 Leading: Intercession is one of the most revered autumn church holidays among the people. We will tell you why we began to celebrate this holiday.

The beginning of the Feast of the Intercession was laid by a story that took place in the 10th century during the all-night service in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople.

Leading 2: Blessed Andrew and his disciple Epiphanius had a vision that struck them. In the air, above the people, they saw the Mother of God, surrounded by prophets, apostles and angels, bowed in prayer for the deliverance of the city from the siege of enemies. At this time, the Saracens already approached the very walls of the city, the service in the Church went on day and night.

3 Leading: The Mother of God took off Her brilliant omophorion, that is, a wide cover, stretched it over the worshipers and offered up a prayer to the Lord for the salvation of the world, for the deliverance of people from troubles and suffering. The veil in her hands shone brighter than the rays of the sun. The Mother of God begged her son to spare the city, and the enemies retreated.

4 Leading: There were a lot of people in the temple, both the bishop and the priests. But they did not see the wonderful vision. Saint Andrew, a holy fool for Christ's sake, was able to see this miracle and his disciple Epiphanius. Andrew grew up in a wealthy family, was smart and handsome. But he refused wealth, glory and honors, lived in poverty, devoting himself to God. One winter, having neither clothes nor shelter, he froze to death and almost died in the snow. But instead, he was raised by angels to heaven, where he saw the Gardens of Eden, and many saints. Most of all, he wanted to see the Mother of God and bow to her. But nowhere in paradise did he meet the Most Pure Virgin. The angels told him that She is almost always on earth - to help the poor and suffering. And now Andrey saw Her...

Cover today. In Blachernae Church

Andrey the holy fool and Epiphanius,

Bringing good news to others

Opened to their pious eyes

Intercessor with heavenly omophorion,

Praying with them here.

On the autumn gray clouds, the Mother of God entered the temple.

She knelt down and prayed before the image of the Son.

And over all who are ready to believe, she spread Her holy cover.

He is from the light of heavenly retinue, weightless and transparent in appearance,

He will protect from sorrows and troubles.

1 Presenter: The Feast of the Intercession has become one of the most beloved in Russia. In honor of him, many temples were built, icons were painted. Established the celebration of the Intercession in Rus', Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. And the prince erected the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the quiet Nerl River. Light, similar from afar to a warrior in a silver helmet and a white stone shirt, this temple stands to this day.

A slide depicting the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

We came with you and froze

and forgot all the words

Before the white stone miracle,

in front of the Church of the Intercession:

What is not stone, but from the light of retinues,

out of love and out of prayer...

2 Leading: In many cities, beautiful churches and monasteries dedicated to the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos were built. In Moscow, under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, in honor of the victory over the Tatars, the amazing Intercession Cathedral, known as St. Basil's Cathedral, was built.

Temple slide or poster.

(If there is an Intercession Church in your city or village, you should show a slide and talk about it)

Children sing: "Rejoice, our Joy, cover us from all evil with Your honest omophorion."

Let the slush and off-road - do not be sad, looking down,

After all, the Mother of God stretches the omophorion over us.

From everything evil in the world - forest, and field, and houses -

The Mother of God Herself covers everything.

3 Host: Yes, the Most Pure Mother of God always extends Her prayer cover over us; she always begs her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver us all from troubles and misfortunes and to grant us eternal salvation.

4 Host: However, we must earn this salvation ourselves by faith in God, good deeds, pure thoughts, and hope in the intercession of the Mother of God.

The children sing a prayer: “We run under Your mercy, Virgin Mother of God. Do not despise our prayers in sorrow, but deliver us from troubles, alone pure and blessed. Most Holy Theotokos, save us. All saints, pray to God for us.”

1 Leading: How many times the Mother of God saved our native country with Her protection!

When it seemed that the country was dying, She, through Her miraculous icons, showed special concern for us and helped to liberate our Motherland from conquerors.

2 Host: There are many examples of this in recent history. During the Great Patriotic War, besieged Leningrad withstood, the Germans were unable to break the fragile ring of the city's defenders, around which the Kazan icon was prayerfully carried around. In the besieged Stalingrad, a handful of defenders on a small piece of land with the icon of the Mother of God were able to hold the line. During the capture of Kaliningrad, the Most Pure Virgin herself appeared in the sky, and the Germans, in fear, could not fire a single shot.

3 Host: I will tell you a story. During the war, it was decided to send children on trucks away from the front. So that the cars would not fall under the bombing, they decided to go at night. The road went through the forest, and in the darkness the cars lost their way. They began to look for her, but they did not find her, and drove on through the field. Suddenly, a woman in white clothes appeared in front of the first car. She stood silently with her arms outstretched. The driver jumped out of the car, but there was no one on the road. The cars started moving, but then She appeared again. The driver got out of the cab and walked a little ahead - there was a cliff, inevitable death ... The cars turned back and soon drove onto the road. So the Mother of God saved the children.

4 Leading: The Lord instructed His Mother to become the Mother of the whole world, so that in moments of sorrows, illnesses, anxieties, worries of our earthly life, we always find protection and comfort.

5 Reader: "Icon":

Above the bed, a little to the side, there is an icon of the Mother of God.

Her kind glance radiates; if mom leaves

It’s not scary for me alone - the Mother of God is with me.

I wake up early in the morning and pray for the icon.

The children sing the prayer "Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you: blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you gave birth to our souls as the Savior."

1 Host: The good, righteous Virgin Mary became the Mother of the Lord himself.

Her life on earth was not easy. She had to work and suffer a lot, to hide the Infant from mortal danger, to part with him when he walked around the cities, preaching the Word of God. And how much pain She endured when the Son was accused and unjustly judged, tortured and killed. She endured everything with meekness and humility, devoting herself to serving God and people.

2 Lead: The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an example for all of us. All of us should imitate Her in patience, faith, diligence. And all mothers who dream of raising their children to be kind, honest people should pray to Her for help in the hard work of raising their children.

3 Lead: Our mothers so often have a hard time with us! We upset them with bad deeds, laziness in studies. We do not always remember how many sleepless nights my mother spent at our bed when we were little, we take mother's care for granted, and forget to thank her.

4 Host: Today we want to say to our mothers "Thank you! We love you very much!"

We walk along the road of life

Let's create happiness

And we don't know the sweetest words

What a wonderful word - mother.

It comforts us in grief

Like the sun's smile,

Like a bright book with which,

We are destined to be friends forever.

In the hearts it is again and again,

Blooms like a morning garden

And whispers awake that word

A tired soldier on the march.

With whom it is easier for us to breathe in the world,

After all, a mother in our land,

And gray-haired grandfathers, and children

They named their homeland.

From a pure heart, in simple words,

Let's friends, we congratulate mom,

We love her like a good friend

For the fact that we have everything together with her,

For the fact that when we have a hard time,

We can cry at our native shoulder.

We love her and for the fact that sometimes,

Eyes become stricter in wrinkles,

But it's worth coming with a confession with your head

Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.

For always without concealment and directly

We can trust her with our heart

And just because she is our mother

We love her deeply and dearly.

Lead 1: We must always remember God, who created this world and gave life to everyone. About the heavenly intercessor - the Mother of God, and try to live with a good heart and a pure soul.

Lead 2: And we will always remember and love our mothers, who open this world for us, teach us to distinguish between good and evil and always wish us happiness.

Children sing the song

Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave the world to me and you. It happens like this - at sleepless night Mom will slowly cry, How is her daughter, how is her son - Only in the morning mother will fall asleep. Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave the world to me and you. It happens - if it happens all of a sudden In your house, grief-trouble, Mom - the best, most reliable friend - Will always be with you. Mom is the first word The main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave the world to me and you. Mother earth and sky, Life has given me and you. It happens - you will become older And, like a bird, you will fly up, Whoever you are, know that you are for your mother - As before, dear baby. Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave the world to me and you.

It is good if, at the end of the holiday, children give their mothers small handmade souvenirs. If possible, you can end the holiday with tea.

Competitions for the theme evening:

1. Ask your grandparents what foods were most common in their childhood.

Make technological maps of their preparation.

2. Potatoes are the second bread of Belarusians. Collect as many recipes as possible that include potatoes as an ingredient. Make technological maps of their preparation.

3. Collect as many recipes of modern Belarusian cuisine as possible. Make technological maps of their preparation. Design the album "Dishes of Belarusian Cuisine".

4. Collect as many recipes for traditional Belarusian dishes as possible.

Make technological maps of their preparation. Design the album "Dishes of Belarusian Cuisine".

5. Make a technological map for cooking your family's favorite dish of Belarusian cuisine and offer it to your classmates.

6. Solve the puzzle.

Find encrypted Belarusian dishes: nalistniki, lokshins, ears, jelly, potato, uzvar, pancakes, Khrushchi.

7. Find the "third odd" among the listed dishes.

1) cherry, potato babka, ears (do not belong to the modern Belarusian dish);

2) potato drachena (does not apply to drinks), dried fruit jelly, dried fruit bowl;

3) pancakes, pancakes, baked apples with honey (does not apply to flour dishes);

4) scrambled eggs, potato donuts (refers to modern Belarusian dishes), potato drachena.

8. Find your soul mate.

1. "Babina porridge".

2. Potatoes.

3. Jelly, goose with apples, duck with cabbage.

4. Maslenitsa.

6. Zakalots.

7. Design.

8. "Yashnya-kalatukha", "wedge cheese", "kvass".

9. Saladuha.

10. "Skavarodnіki".

A) baked from sour dough;

B) a pancake holiday;

C) prepare for Easter;

D) traditional dishes;

D) products whose main purpose is to thicken the dish;

E) a solution of flour with water, spontaneously soured;

G) porridge made from rye or wheat flour and malt;

H) the second bread of Belarusians;

I) cooking at Christmas;

K) cooked from wheat, rye, buckwheat with the addition of eggs, butter, sugar.

Answer: 1 - k, 2 - h, 3 - i, 4 - b, 5 - c, 6 - e, 7 - e, 8 - d, 9 - f, 10 - a.

9. Guess the riddles:

Red nose,

Rooted into the ground

And the green tail is outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose!

Dried up in the hot sun

And breaks from the pods ...

He sits on a spoon with his legs dangling.

Seventy clothes, all without fasteners.

Answers: carrots, peas, noodles, cabbage.
