Comic tasks for the groom. Scenario of the ransom of the bride: a collection of competitions

Such a solemn event as a wedding is always associated with a lot of trouble regarding the preparation and solution of various organizational issues. In particular, great attention given entertainment program, which is considered an indispensable part of any celebration. About what are the original contests for the ransom of the bride, we will tell in this article.

Serenade of the beloved to the "dish accompaniment"

The goal of each competition is to create a positive vibe for everyone present. Therefore, you can start to cheer up guests, acquaintances, neighbors and just passers-by with an unusual serenade of a troubadour groom. For this, any improvised parts of the dishes are suitable.

For example, you can turn a large pot over and use it as a drum. Two lids can play the role of cymbals, containers with spices, cereals, salt or sugar will remind you of the muffled sound of maracas. And if you also sing something like “Only you” by Elvis Presley to such a melody, then the result will exceed all expectations.

Well, if such serenades will be performed not only by the groom, but also by an honorary witness, brother, best friend or neighbor. And, of course, the parents of your chosen one will be in the role of the strictest jury evaluating the unusual ransom of the bride. As a bonus - a kiss to your beloved.

Treasured promises from the groom

A wonderful competition is held in front of the entrance or on the way to the bride's apartment. It consists in checking the groom for accuracy, as well as for the ability to fulfill the promises made to his future wife. To do this, you will need a homemade or ready-made "darts", on which you need to attach pictures or words of promises. For example, here you can paste an image of a car, a country house, mink coat, yacht, bag of dollars, etc.

Before the start of such a competition, the groom must take a dart in his hand, say the phrase: “In a year life together I promise to buy it for my wife…” and throw it away. The rest of the guests, parents and the bride herself will only have to watch the final destination of the dart. In our opinion, this is an interesting ransom for the bride. This way to express yourself will set the tone for the entire wedding celebration and give a great mood.

Clothes for the future baby

Every bride should know that in her absence future husband handle household chores. In particular, he must have time to dress their child for a walk, choosing suitable things for him. For this purpose, it is necessary to take a large baby doll, undress it to shorts or a diaper, blindfold the groom, move a container (it can be a basin or a box) with things towards him and turn on the stopwatch.

At this time, the groom should dress the baby as soon as possible. You can complicate the task by placing non-seasonal or large-sized wardrobe items in a container with things. For example, a women's bra, a motorcycle helmet, etc. Such a modern bride price will allow you to determine the actions of the groom in extreme situations.

Intelligence Test

Each competition is a kind of test of ingenuity. A vivid example of this is the competition for the groom with a camomile or just a flower made of paper and tear-off petals. At the same time, as a rule, any words are written on each of them, for example, “chandelier”, “chair”, “TV”, etc. Tearing off each of the petals, the groom will have to be smart and tell what he plans to do.

For example, for the word "chandelier" - "I undertake to repair the chandelier when it fails." For the “chair” - “I promise to always give her a chair if she gets tired” and “I swear to make the TV quieter when she wants to rest”, etc. As you can see, this version of such a competition as the wedding ransom of the bride will allow two lovers more learn about each other and prepare them for the future married life.

Fun riding on the way to the bride

Another funny competition for the "hand and heart" of the bride is based on a fun event - skating. For this, a regular children's bicycle (two- or three-wheeled) is suitable.

Next, the path that the groom has to travel on a bicycle is measured, for example, if the future wife lives at the end of the house, then it is better to take the road from its beginning to the very entrance. Along it, you can arrange bowling pins (even children's ones will do), basins of water, chairs, etc. in a zigzag or herringbone pattern. These are just approximate original contests for the ransom of the bride. You can use them or add your own elements.

During the beginning of the competition, the groom will be offered transport and will record the time during which he will be able to overcome all the established obstacles. At the end of the path, you can tie a ribbon with the inscription "finish".

An honorary witness, a best man, and friends of the groom may well pass along the same route. And then it remains only to compare whose passage time was better. By analogy, you can come up with other original contests for the ransom of the bride.

Beautiful words and phrases for the bride: part one

It is not for nothing that they say that "a woman loves with her ears." Therefore, one of the entertaining and enjoyable contests is the verbal contest of the groom. The bottom line is as follows - the future spouse should call affectionate words to his beloved.

In this case, there are several options for such competitions. For example, the ransom of the bride in the style of Romeo and Juliet. The action is supposed to be from the play. The bride traditionally meets her fiance on the balcony, festive posters and flowers hang around.

The betrothed goes to the balcony, takes a paper flower with petals and, tearing off each of them, says a compliment to his chosen one. For example: "You are beautiful girl the most affectionate and kind." If you wish, you can also diversify these original bride price contests by adding new details.

At the end of the competition in beautiful manners, the bride showers her betrothed with rose petals or red paper hearts.

Beautiful words and phrases for the bride: part two

Alternatively, the groom stops in front of the stairs leading to the beloved's apartment. Then he takes a step and says a compliment to his future wife, then another (and so on until the very door of the bride). To create an appropriate festive atmosphere, posters for the ransom of the bride can be hung on the walls in the entrance.

"Gulchatay! Show your face"

The second version of the competition is questions for the ransom of the bride. For example, approaching the house of his bride, the groom sees six or seven ladies dressed in a burqa and elements of clothing belonging to the future wife (this can be a skirt, blouse, hat, boots). In this case, one of the young ladies will be his real bride.

Then the groom tells in colors about how sweet and beloved his bride is. And then he is invited to choose from the presented girls, among whom there may be disguised men, his beloved. The end result is a fun and entertaining event. And do not forget to make thematic posters for the bride price. They will help create the right atmosphere and support the theme of the wedding.

Collect the details of the "word mosaic"

In this competition, the groom is invited to draw notes from the hat, on which a wide variety of words are written. For example: "flower", "wine", "chocolate". Having stretched them out, the groom must quickly draw up a portrait of his bride with their help. “My Veronica is the most charming flower I have ever seen. She struck me with her sophistication and sophistication, captivated me like sweet wine. My sun is the best chocolate for me, which I will never give to anyone.

What questions can I ask for a bride price?

During the ransom, the groom can not only participate in contests, but also answer funny questions. Examples of joke questions for the groom: “What will you call your beloved after the wedding?”, “What will you call her if she breaks your laptop?”, “What will you call her after she forbids you to drink beer every day?”, “What will you call her when she turns off the football and starts watching the series?”

Also, the script for the ransom of the bride may include such standard questions in the style of “are you ready”:

  • regularly pay a salary to his wife;
  • buy her fur coats, cars and diamonds;
  • carry on your hands when the elevator is not working (even on the 99th floor);
  • to praise her cooking even when it is impossible to eat it;
  • do the dishes, do the laundry, walk the dog and keep an eye on the kids if she goes out to chat with her friends.

"The keys to the apartment where the money is"

An interesting option is the ransom of the bride with the keys. So, they take three cans (you can take two or three liters), put keys on their bottom, one of which will be from the bride's apartment. The main thing is that everyone can take part in such a competition.

Each of the participants needs to choose a jar and drink water, and then try to open the door with the dropped key. In this case, the first to choose must be the groom.

However, if he fails to guess the required key, he should come up with a penalty. Therefore, do not forget to draw up an approximate script for the ransom of the bride in advance and prepare a set of additional mini-competitions for the "penalty box".

An alternative to such a contest with a key is a game with balls. To do this, they first put notes with different words in them, and then inflate them. In the notes, indicate the word "key", which will mean opening the doors of your bride.

On other pieces of paper, words will be indicated indicating those items that the groom, in case of failure, will have to provide. For example: “champagne”, “one hundred kisses to the bridesmaid”, “2000 rubles”, etc. We will tell you which modern bride price to choose next.

Option 1 scenario for the ransom of the bride

An original competition and at the same time a way to entertain guests is to play role play. For example, one of the bride's friends or her relatives, meeting the groom, informs him that he needs to temporarily become an actor in a deaf-and-dumb movie.

To do this, the groom, firstly, tells his story of meeting with his beloved, without using words, and secondly, he accompanies all his “dumb steps” with gestures. By the way, this scenario of the ransom of the bride causes complete delight among guests and passers-by. Everything looks very funny.

Option 2 scenario for the ransom of the bride

Unusually, the ransom of the bride takes place using a variety of children's toys. The scenario of such an event boils down to the following: the groom arrives by car at the bride's house, gets out, approaches the entrance and sees children's toys tied to ropes hanging from the ceiling. It can be Barbie dolls, teddy bears, cheburashkas and other cute cartoon characters.

One of the relatives or a neighbor tells the groom that he must first find and then cut with scissors exactly the toy that his bride looks like. However, he must complete the task with his eyes closed. And only after the groom passes this test does the ransom of the bride itself take place. The youth team, as a rule, perceives such a scene with a bang.

Option 3 scenario for ransom

If there is a desire, then, in addition to simple competition, you can come up with a whole scenario for the ransom of your bride. For example, in the morning the groom receives a letter that tells about the kidnapping of the bride by bandits, and in order to free her, he needs to take assistants with him and arrive at the indicated place (at the address where the bride lives).

Further, the unusual ransom of the bride will be associated with a series of tests that the groom will need to pass before her release. For example, he and an honorary witness will be asked to follow the traces drawn in chalk (on the pavement in front of the house and on the steps in the entrance).

At the same time, the future spouse is obliged to step strictly on the tracks, which will certainly be very intricate. And in some cases, an honorary witness will need to lift the groom and move him from place to place.

And, of course, such an interesting ransom of the bride in the style of a "gangster attack" will be accompanied by toy weapons, suitcases with money and other thematic little things.

In a word, to wedding contests should be carefully prepared. This means that your guests and relatives will receive a wonderful positive charge and keep it throughout the entire wedding celebration.

Seven tests for the groom

At the entrance of the groom, the Witness meets the bridesmaids.

Hello fellow merchant!
Here the path ends.
Before going to the bride
Bow to us honor by honor.
And you have to promise
that you will do everything.
And the bride is dear
Good, but good.
But for you to get it
You have to work hard for fame.
Together with all the people
Show what you are good for.
And we are very interested
Are you worthy of a bride?

For the 1st test, it is better to prepare a target and darts in advance. On the target values ​​from 1 to 10.

First, let's check:
Why did you decide to get married?
And we trust you
Arrows of love string.
Eyesight and manual dexterity
Our hearts will open the secret.
Make way, wider circle.
Well, the groom, ask everyone pepper!
Feel free to throw darts
Select the required sector.

The groom has several attempts and of them:
. 1-2nd attempt - shoot
. 3rd attempt - what he said to the bride
. 4th attempt - what he said to his parents
. 5th attempt - what I said to my friends
. 6th attempt actually

With each successful hit on the target, the witness announces the real “reason” for the groom for marriage. The meanings for all numbers on the target are as follows:
. 10 - as the heart suggested
. 9 - for love
. 8 - by calculation
. 7 - mom ordered
. 6 - the bride forced
. 5 - friends advised
. 4 - as needed
. 3 - out of curiosity
. 2 - foolishly
. 1 - damn it

For the 2nd test, you need a regular, preferably large, pelvis.

Prove you are the groom to us
What is smart beyond his years.
Put you in the basin for honor
Everything that is dear to the bride.
Wrong suddenly, my friend,
So get your wallet ready.

A poster hangs over the basin, which says: “Put here what is most dear to you and what will be the most an expensive gift for your bride."
A quick-witted fiancé will quickly get into the basin himself;

For the 3rd test, you will need a rope (no soap :)) and baby photos, one of which is a bride in infancy. This rope is tied, and these children's pictures are hung on clothespins on it. For a correctly guessed photo, the groom receives an award - the key to the door of the apartment.
You can complicate the task: tie the rope very high under the ceiling so that the photo can be obtained only if the groom’s friends literally support him and lift him in their arms to the cherished photograph, behind which is tied the same key to the bride’s apartment.

Do you know the bride well?
So you'll know right away.
Just don't fall into childhood
Just guess the photo.

For the 4th test, you need pieces of paper on which different numbers are written on the reverse side: the height of the bride, her birthday, mother-in-law's birthday, the day of acquaintance, etc. And every time the groom takes out a piece of paper with another number, he must explain what this number is. Didn't guess - pays a fine.
Options for "seed":
. height
. weight
. height
. bridesmaid shoe size
. date of birth of the bride
. mother-in-law's date of birth
. father-in-law's date of birth
. date of marriage proposal
. dating date
. wedding date
. date of application
. bride's apartment number
. bride's school number
. bride's house number
. bride's phone number (vice versa).
You can fantasize a whole bunch, but you should not get carried away, so as not to turn the ransom ceremony into a dull and exhausting action.

For the 5th test, you will need three shoe boxes or three tight plastic bags. The witness offers the groom a choice of three packages. In one - a man's shoe, in another - a room slipper, and in the third - the bride's shoe. Depending on which package the groom chooses, the witness comments on the choice of the groom.

Bride lost her shoe
And she punished her girlfriends
For you to save her
I found a shoe before the wedding.
Three boxes (packages) - and any
The choice is yours!

WITNESS (when choosing men's shoes):
That's the real fun -
This is Borya Moiseev
He presented us with a shoe.
Is that the girlfriend you were looking for?
Orientation all right?
Isn't it hard to pay the fine?
You give us money
And feel free to choose.

WITNESS (when choosing room slippers):
Secret thoughts, of course,
We know yours, my dear.
But in slippers, finally,
Not fit for marriage?
Pay for the mistake
And then look for the shoe.

WITNESS (when choosing the bride's shoes):
That's really well done!
And the bride down the aisle
You can boldly lead
It is better to carry on hand.
But don't rush yet
Have fun with us.

For the 6th test (a leaflet with prints of different lipsticks is prepared in advance):
Lips sweet bride
You must guess right off the bat.
The main thing is not to rush
And then you have to pay.

For the 7th test, a poster is hung on the door behind which the bride is hidden, with the inscription: "Stop the groom, do not move, your bride lives here."

Here is the last hurdle
And all you need
Say the magic words
The door will open by itself.

And here the groom for the last time needs to exert all his strength and quickly figure out what cherished words the bride expects from him. The first thing that comes to the mind of an excited groom is “Sim-Sim open” ... A fine is due for this fatal mistake. And the key to the last riddle, of course, is the words: “I love you!” And after the groom confesses his love to his bride, all the trials are over, and she comes out to meet him.
Under the enthusiastic cries of friends and relatives and the tender embrace of the newlyweds, the Witness can say the final ritual speech.

Your fiancé promises
Be gentle, be quiet.
He won't forget this day
He will carry money into the house.
No longer looks at others
Do not offend, do not deceive.
He took everything, as they say.
How do you like the groom?


Take care of the bride, groom,
From adversity and dashing storms.
To flourish, to bear fruit,
Well, let's go to the table
Let's pour some cups together.

A wedding is the first holiday for every family, because it is from it that a new unit of society begins. Therefore, the bride and groom want to make their celebration as bright, rich and memorable as possible.

The wedding scenario helps them in this, in which the whole day is planned, starting with the arrival of the makeup artist and ending with seeing off the young spouses. But the first joint memories will be those of the groom passing the ransom test. Therefore, it is necessary to create original contests for the ransom of the bride, which, with their variety and symbolism, will set the mood for the whole holiday.

The ransom of the bride is one of the traditional rites that are always performed at the wedding. Initially, it was associated with the fact that the groom's family compensated the bride for the loss of a pair of working hands.

But over time, the custom underwent a change, gradually becoming one of the ways to prove to the betrothed's parents that a man was worthy of becoming her husband, that he could overcome all obstacles for her sake. And also it was an indicator that the groom is purposeful and hardworking, and the future family will not know the need.

Gradually, the tests became less severe and more playful. But they have not lost their main mission, being a symbolic expression of the fortitude of the future head of the family.

At the ransom of the bride, there are two teams that oppose each other - these are the bridesmaids, who come up with various tests, and the groom. To even the odds young man help his friends.

Due to the fact that the wedding day is literally scheduled by the minute, all competitions must be held quickly, so you need to take care of selecting and writing a script for the groom and the witness in advance.

Traditionally, this is done by those who will conduct it - girlfriends.

Competitions must be:

  • easy to pass, but not to cause a feeling of insignificance or excessive simplicity;
  • short to meet the allotted time;
  • funny to please guests and newlyweds;
  • leaving behind vivid memories;
  • symbolic, demonstrating the feelings of the groom for the bride.

The ransom should not last longer than 1 hour, and a time of 15–30 minutes is considered optimal. During this time, it is advised to hold 3-4 competitions. So that the guests and the groom with friends do not get tired, and also do not get tired before the start of the main celebration, it is necessary to create several diverse competitions, thanks to which they can demonstrate valiant prowess or cunning.

And for the groom, this will be a good test, showing how much he loves and knows his future wife.

"Love lips"

To carry out, you will need several sheets of paper on which the bride and her girlfriends leave a lip print.

Most often, different shades of lipstick are used for this, so that it is easy for the presenters to distinguish the correct sheet from the rest.

The groom must recognize the imprint of the lips of his beloved, but if he is mistaken, he is required to pay a symbolic fine or perform some action. An easier option for such a contest is the possibility that the sheets need to be sprinkled with your favorite perfume.

Then it will be easier for the groom to recognize his beloved, because he will have not only prints, but also smells.

Unusual treat

Choose three identical fruits, most often apples or pears. In one of them, a strong alcoholic drink is injected with a syringe, so that the puncture of the peel is not noticeable. This is done before the redemption begins.

After the groom and his friends are “treated”, so that he gets the unusual fruit. If he does not show his confusion by calmly eating the whole apple, then he wins, if not, then he pays the ransom.

Due to the unusual situation and taste sensations, suitors often show very funny reactions.


To do this, needles, toothpicks or matches are inserted into a large apple in advance, so that on one side it resembles hedgehog needles.

Sometimes they even draw eyes and a nose on it or depict them with the help of beads, such an inventory decoration looks very unusual and beautiful. The main task of the groom is to take out one toothpick and compliment the bride and her mother. It is important that affectionate words are not repeated, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.

You can complicate the competition and ask an additional cool question. If there are a lot of needles, then you can be allowed to tell what the groom will do in his married life, how he will look after his wife. To make the competition more fun, you can set a certain time limit for which the hedgehog must lose all the needles.

If the groom meets the deadline, then he won, if not, then he will have to pay a symbolic ransom.

What are you willing to do for love?

This competition should be held if the bride lives in a private house or in an apartment on the first or second floor. The groom, walking up the stairs, stops at each step, tells what things he will do in the future family. What is he willing to do for his beloved?

These can be both serious duties and comic, but pleasant bonuses. At the same time, each promise is solemnly recorded, and upon reaching the door, one of the girlfriends gives a contract for signature, which lists all the phrases.

Most often, it is left in the future family, or given to the father-in-law with the mother-in-law.


To do this, they make a large chamomile with multi-colored petals, on the back of which important dates in the life of the bride are written. Sometimes these may be keywords or other clues.

The groom, tearing off the petals, must answer what the written number or phrase refers to, how exactly it is connected with the future wife. This competition demonstrates that a man is interested in the life of his soul mate and knows her well.

When he cannot answer correctly, he must perform a certain penalty task.

The heat of love

For this competition you will need the key to the apartment, as well as a glass of water. At night, the container with the key is placed in the freezer - so that the water evenly covers the iron.

When the groom reaches the door of his future wife in competitions, he is handed a glass, and he must figure out how to melt the ice faster. In this case, you can not use lighters, and the glass must remain intact.

It is imperative to set a deadline for which a man must complete the task, or redeem a second key to the door. Friends can help in this competition, the groom himself is unlikely to cope.

In addition to the competitions that the groom must go through, there are many games and tasks for witnesses in which they must demonstrate strong friendship and mutual assistance.

Accuracy and quality

For this competition, 10-15 balloons are hung in front of the bride's door or nearby on the wall.

The friend is given the same number of darts for darts, and he must knock down all the obstacles. At the same time, he names the important qualities of the groom, which demonstrate his positive aspects and allow him to show how he will be in marriage.

If the witness cannot knock down all the balls at once, he must buy additional darts. The door to the room will open only if all the balls are destroyed. To make it easier to hit the balls, they must be securely fastened.

To do this, they are hung on the wall, or special threads are created, which are attached to the ceiling at one end, and a weight is hung on the other. Or they are stretched between the walls.

Festive bouquet

The witness must make a beautiful bouquet for the bride from wire, colored paper and sweets.

In this video - a few more contests for the ransom of the bride:

To complete this task, 3-5 minutes are allotted, and if the artificial flowers are not beautiful enough in the eyes of the girlfriends, then it will be necessary to pay compensation or take some action as a fine.

Find out your favorite

For this competition to succeed, you must have the same bathrobes. They are worn by girls who look like a future spouse. Each hair must be pinned up in the same way as the bride, or you will need to rent wigs. Further competitions may diverge, but the main thing is that a man must find his betrothed.

The groom can be blindfolded, and he must determine by touch where his beloved is, for this he can touch his shoulders, hair, waist, or feel his face. For each attempt, witnesses pay a certain symbolic amount.

A more complicated option is when the groom is not blindfolded, but a translucent screen is placed between him and the girls, and he only has to guess by the silhouette where his beloved is. If he makes a mistake, then he is obliged to complete the penalty task, conceived by the future father-in-law or mother-in-law. A very difficult option is when 5 girls are seated on chairs and covered with bedspreads. And the groom must guess the betrothed by her feet.

If the girlfriends want to complicate the test, then the man is given a shoe, offering to guess which girl it suits.

Kidnapping the bride or her shoes

The last competition is most often a surprise for the groom, because he believes that after he saw the bride, all difficulties are behind. Therefore, when she disappears, he must come to terms with the fact that they will return his beloved only after certain requirements or tasks have been completed.

A more benign option is a stolen pair of shoes - the bride cannot leave the house barefoot. Here you can conduct a real treasure hunt.

At the same time, not only the groom's friends can help, but everyone who wants to. At the same time, in order to get a hint, you will need to do some funny action (dance of little swans, crow, etc.), which the extortionist who stole the value will guess.

Funny contests for the ransom of the bride in verse

Poems are always interesting option holding any holiday. But in order for such an event as a ransom to be successful, it is necessary to select poems describing the contests so that they look created in the same style.

Holding a holiday in verse is associated with certain costs of both time and effort. Although you can use small folders with hints, it is better if all the words are learned.

It is also important that they be told by a person with a deep voice, who can draw attention to his words even when there is a crowd around him.

You should refuse to hold poetry contests if the bridesmaids have sonorous voices and rather weak lungs. For competitions in poetic form, you will have to tighten your ligaments and use a lot of air so as not to interrupt the rhythm of the story.

If the competitions are well chosen, and the poems are funny, then the beginning of the holiday will be remembered for a long time. If the ransom is held in a certain theme, then the bridesmaids can use special paraphernalia or outfits.

In this video you will hear a lot useful tips for organizing a bride price:

So, for a ransom organized in the form of an invasion of pirates, special hats or bandanas, belts with swords and old pistols are suitable.

It is known that as you start a business, so it will continue. Therefore, the wedding day should start with fun interesting competitions, because the ransom portends not only a well-spent holiday, but also a successful family life. And what contests would you choose to redeem your best friend?

The bride price is a hilarious performance performed by the bridesmaids at the very beginning of the wedding ceremony. The main characters are the groom, the groom's witness on one side and the bridesmaids on the other side. Neighbors and relatives of the bride can join the bridesmaids. Therefore, the groom and the witness must be prepared, have enough money, sweets and spirits with them.

The selection of contests for the ransom of the bride is usually carried out by girlfriends. And, as a rule, they wander from one wedding to another, and rarely differ from each other. For selection original competitions For the ransom of the bride, you need to make an effort, but it's worth it. If the wedding is given a cheerful and friendly start, then the continuation will be the same. However, do not forget that the groom is in suspense and it is not necessary to delay the ransom ritual. Let it take 10-15 minutes, no more. You need two or three competitions, but different ones, you don’t need the groom to answer questions all the time or say kind words. We bring to your attention original, unhackneyed contests for the ransom of the bride.

Bride ransom competition for the groom. On the wall near the front door or on the fence, if it is a private house, they hang a disc from the game "darts". Words are written in the sectors - these are the obligations of the groom, which he must fulfill in the first year of married life. In the first circle, the word “fur coat” is inscribed, then “apartment”, “car”, “travel to Paris”. And in the very center of the disk is the word "everything!". The groom, to the exclamations of the bridesmaids, throws a dart and chooses a gift for the bride.

Grooms and his friends stop near the entrance, give them musical instruments: a guitar, wooden spoons, a saucepan, squeakers, buzzers, etc. His task is to sing a serenade to the bride to the musical accompaniment of friends, and then he will receive a symbol of her love and location. Girlfriends demand a passionate and inspirational serenade. After the performance of the groom and his team, to the amazement of those present, the bride throws from the window ... a bunch of radishes.

The original competition for the ransom of the bride, provided that the groom understands perfumery. The groom is offered five scented handkerchiefs; he must recognize the bride's handkerchief.

On a large sheet of paper you need to draw the sun, grass, a river - symbols of a future wonderful life. The groom is given felt-tip pens and offered to complete the landscape. He can draw a house, a car, money, fruits, sweets... Draw how he sees life together.

Competition for the groom to ransom the bride. "Make a sketch of the bride." From the elements of the face: lips, foreheads, eyes, noses, chins, you need to make a portrait of your beloved.

The groom is offered tablets with various stupid words. His task is to confess his love to the bride using these words. Like in the game "Laughter without rules."

To conduct a competition for the groom to buy the bride, you need to print photographs that capture the moments of their meetings. This is an acquaintance, a joint vacation, and so on. The groom must talk about each photo. One photo - one story, and the groom and his friends are let through to the next flight of stairs. Friends get to know new interesting information from the life of newlyweds.

A fun contest for the ransom of the bride. Toys are hung from a rope on threads: a small hippopotamus, a crocodile, a poker, a Barbie doll, a rose, a blue stocking. The groom is blindfolded, given scissors and offered to cut off the figurine corresponding to the bride.

In this competition, the groom must prove that he is a knight and for the sake of a beautiful lady is capable of feats. He is offered a horse - a bicycle. It will be interesting if the bicycle is a tricycle for children, and children's knightly armor is also possible. Plan a route in advance with various funny obstacles. The groom must overcome the route.

Original competition for the groom with lip prints. On a poster with a photo of Johnny Depp or another popular Hollywood actor, they leave kiss marks. The groom guesses the imprints of the bride's lips. After the groom goes through all the traces of kisses, the girlfriends say: “What a horror, how could you think that your bride would kiss a strange man! Pay money!!!"

The original competition for the groom in the form of a raffle. The scenario provides for another groom, so you need to find a guy who can play such a role.

The wedding car with the groom drives up to the entrance, they approach the bridesmaids waiting for them. At the same time, another wedding car, another groom comes out of it with a bouquet. The dummy groom may be dressed in military uniform. He also approaches the bridesmaids and in conversation calls the name of the bride and the number of the apartment. A real groom begins to defend his rights, to prove that he is a real groom, and this is an impostor. Bridesmaids with jokes ask questions about the bride to two grooms at the same time. The real groom answers correctly, the fake groom makes mistakes and constantly gets out. After some time, the second groom calls mobile phone. And he says loudly: “Dear, I’m near the entrance, complete strangers don’t let me in, they say that you have another fiancé. I think I got the houses mixed up." After that, it quickly disappears, and the ransom of the bride continues.

Competitions for the ransom of the bride.

The height of the bride is measured with a thin satin ribbon, and the ribbon is cut off. Cut a few more ribbons of larger and smaller lengths. The groom guesses which ribbon is equal to the height of his bride.

The bridesmaid meets the groom and tells the rules for the bride price. Only intuition can help the groom. He must answer questions, this gives the right to enter the apartment and approach the bride. The first question is easy: "What is the name of the witness?". Further questions are more complex. Three women are standing nearby. Question: “Which of them is the aunt of the bride, who arrived from Kyiv yesterday?”. If the groom made a mistake, then he pays the money, if not, he moves on. There are five questions in total, the last of which is asked in the hallway and asked: “In which room did the bride hide?”. After that, the search for a bride in the apartment begins.

We offer a cheerful, noisy competition for the ransom of the bride. A wall is made of balloons. Four balls are connected with threads and five such strips are made, fastened with adhesive tape. The wall is tied to the place of the front door. In order to pass the groom must pierce all the balls in 30 seconds.

Groom competition. Three women are wrapped in scarves so that only their eyes are visible. The groom and his friend must guess which of them is the mother-in-law.

The groom is blindfolded and given a bag. It contains various items: curlers, beads, lip gloss, cosmetic pencil, nail polish, clips, lipstick, eyelash brush, tweezers, blush. He must guess the object and tell what it is intended for.

Competition for the ransom of the bride. The groom and the witness put on gangster hats, one is holding a diplomat, allegedly full of money. The brother or a good friend of the bride's family opens the door for them. A witness shows a poster that states that the girl is wanted for a reward of one million dollars. The groom is offered to play cards. They hint that you can do without money. They enter the room, drink whiskey and play. Bride against a million dollars. After the game is over, the bride is given to the groom, and the suitcase to the owner.

Draw a simple maze on a large sheet of paper. The sheet is painted, instead of the finish, the name of the bride is written. They put a radio-controlled car on paper, a remote control for the groom. And they ask you to "drive" through the maze. With the words: “Now let's see how you drive a car. Trust you the bride or not.

A comic competition for the groom to ransom the bride. The bridesmaids ask: “A strong groom or not. Will he protect his bride if she is attacked by hooligans? Put on boxing gloves. A tall, strong guy comes out of the apartment. Also wearing boxing gloves. Girlfriends provoke the groom, they say that he is weak against such a young man. And they offer to unwrap sweets for speed.

When choosing contests for the ransom of the bride by the groom, remember that they should not take much time. They should be of interest to everyone present. And, probably, it is worth coordinating them with the groom and the witness, at least in general terms. Here are some not difficult contests for the groom.

Leaves with letters are laid out on the steps. The groom, climbing the step, says tender word in the address of the bride, which begins with this letter.

Questions about the bride, her interests and family are written on pieces of paper. The groom answers questions and goes up to the next step. If the answer is wrong, you have to pay a fine.

The groom is offered to put in a bowl what the bride loves the most. After much torment, the groom must understand that he needs to stand in the basin himself.

Competition for the groom's witness. The witness is handed an apple studded with matches. He pulls out matches and says laudatory words to the groom.

Another version of this competition. The groom is given an apple with matches. One match is short. Pulling out a long match, the groom affectionately names his bride. When he pulls out a short match, the contest is over.

A fun bride ransom competition for the groom It is necessary to make several hearts and write the reason for marriage on each: “by calculation”, “out of stupidity”, “by flight”, “friends advised”, and so on. On the top step put a heart with the inscription "for love". The groom should not step on steps with incorrect inscriptions. Using the railing to jump over such steps, get to the top. If necessary, the witness must carry the groom in his arms.

Daisies of two colors are laid out on the steps of the stairs. He stepped on a step with a red chamomile - the groom should say a kind word about the bride. He stepped on a step with a blue chamomile - he says how he will scold. You can pay for a step with a blue flower, or you can jump over it.

Freeze the key to the apartment where the bride is hidden in an ice cube. You can freeze a few more keys from other apartments.

Job for the groom. On the table, write the name of the bride in money.

Competition for the groom at the ransom of the bride. Hang several children's photographs on threads, among them one photograph of the bride. The groom must recognize the bride in the old photo and jump up and kiss the photo.

Caricatures and pictures from Playboy are pasted on playing cards, a photo of the bride is on one card. The groom draws a card, chooses a bride, if he did not pull out a photo of the bride, the next card is paid.

When the groom comes to redeem the bride, you need to invite him to draw his beloved. The bridesmaids pre-select the grandmother, who is compared with the drawing and passed off as the bride.

The groom must recognize the bride by the finger on which he will put on the ring. Several girls hide behind a sheet and show one finger.

The competition for the ransom of the bride at the wedding for the groom is called "Wallpaper".

Wallpaper is glued on the door to the room where the bride is, and they pretend that this is not a room, but a wall. The groom rips off the wallpaper. All those around begin to demand a ransom for the repair of the apartment.

The original competition for the ransom of the bride "Chamomile".

The bridesmaids make a camomile and on each petal they write the date of some event memorable for the newlyweds or other numbers. You can write:

Date of the first meeting;

Mother-in-law's year of birth;

Bride's shoe size

Bride's waist;

Bride's height

The heel height of her wedding shoes;

Ring size.

The groom tears off the petals and guesses the meaning of the numbers. For mistakes, the groom pays a ransom.

Competition for the groom to ransom the bride "Find a shoe." The groom finds the bride in the room, but she is without shoes. There are many shoeboxes around. The groom must guess which box the shoe is in. In other boxes you need to put indoor slippers, men's shoes, boots.

Competition "Pull the rope".

In the bride's room are the bride, several bridesmaids, and grandmother. Threads or ribbons are tied to their fingers and their tips are visible from behind the closed door. The groom chooses one thread and pulls on it. A girl or grandmother comes to him. Everyone demands that the groom take her as his wife. If this is not the bride, the groom must pay off, or decide to marry anyone.

Competition for the ransom of the bride "household chores".

On the steps of the stairs, you need to put pieces of paper with written abbreviations of household chores. The groom guesses what the letters mean. Here's an example:

Sat. - wash clothes;

MP - wash dishes;

XvM - go to the store;

ZP - earn money;

MO - wash windows;

DR - make repairs.

Competition for the ransom of the bride "Thread".

At the beginning of the competition, a girlfriend, a peddler, comes up to the groom and offers the groom and the witness to buy all sorts of little things, including matches. If the groom does not buy, then he will pay dearly for them.

The entrance to the entrance is tied with thread. You can't touch it, you can't jump over it, crawl under it. But the groom needs to get into the entrance. The thread can be burned through. If the groom did not buy matches at the beginning of the competition, then he buys matches very expensive.

Competition for the ransom of the bride at the wedding "Tears".

The groom is shown a glass of water, but the water is not filled to the brim. You can't touch the glass. The groom is offered to shed tears now so that the wife does not cry in marriage. He must put as many coins as possible into the glass.

With the ransom of the bride, the wedding ceremony begins. Bridesmaids prepare contests and tasks, entertaining the groom with a witness and friends.

Do not come up with too complex or impossible tasks. Everything should be easy and fun.

To do this, the duration of the ransom should not exceed 40 minutes.

Witness and bridesmaids greet the groom

Before entering the entrance or on the porch of a private house, bridesmaids gather in anticipation of the groom's command. When the groom's team approaches, they are asked why they came and came. For the bride?

Choose any of us, everyone is good as a selection, you can immediately go to the registry office. The groom, of course, replies that he needs his beloved and only. Then the witness says: “In order to get a bride, you need to pay a ransom.

We cherish that bride and will not give up easily.” Here are the prepared competitions:

  • the groom must walk along the path of footprints and name the bride affectionate words at every step. Penalties are paid for every hesitation and downtime. Ransom in verse in this case is also suitable.
  • Three glasses of water are offered. In one, the water is sweet with sugar, in the other, the water is sour with citric acid, in the third - bitter with salt. The groom must drink one glass, and those present must guess by his face what life awaits him after the wedding
  • you need to shout out a declaration of love for the bride, so loudly that she can hear
  • make the groom and the witness dance the dance of little ducklings or swans, or a gypsy girl
  • offer the groom a glass of water, he must throw enough coins into it so that the water flows over the edge.

Interesting contests on the stairs leading to the bride:

  1. Prepare several inscriptions, indicating the reason for the marriage, so that it is enough for the entire flight of stairs. For example, “lost”, “on the advice of friends”, “damn it”, “out of stupidity”, etc.

    Put the inscription "for love" on the top step. The groom needs to step on the right answer, bypassing the wrong ones. Some try to jump over, climb the railing. A quick-witted witness will carry the groom in his arms to the top step.

  2. For the next ransom contest on the stairs, you need to write different letters on the steps. The groom, rising, should say a compliment to the bride, starting with this letter.
  3. Arrange the red and blue stripes on the steps. Stepped on the red - praise the bride, stepped on the blue - scold. If you don't want to scold - pay.
  4. Write numbers on each step, the groom must guess how these numbers are related to the bride. Options: bride's clothing size, height, shoe size, birthday, date of meeting the groom, how much full years bride, etc.

Cool tasks in the apartment:

  • seal the entrance to the room where the bride is located with a piece of wallpaper. The groom will have to break it, and he will be required to ransom for damage to property
  • put a basin and demand to put in it the most precious thing for the bride. The groom must guess and stand in the basin himself
  • the groom must put the name of the bride with money or sweets
  • in front of the bride's room, the groom is asked to say the magic words to open the door. Magic words - "I love you", but, for some reason, they rarely come to mind for any of the suitors. More often they say: “Sim-sim, open”, for which they pay a fine
  • ask the groom to draw a portrait of the bride, then they give out one of the girlfriends as the most similar and again demand a ransom
  • make a wall of balloons in the doorway, the groom must pop all the balloons in order to get rid of the obstacle in his path
  • several ribbons stick out from under the last door, a bride is tied to one of them, other girls are tied to the rest. The groom must pull the bride by the ribbon. If he pulls out not her, then he must either marry the one he pulled out, or pay off.

Funny "guessing" for the groom:

  • on a large sheet of paper, the bride and all the girls present leave their lip prints. The groom must guess the "kiss" left by the future wife. There is a penalty for every wrong answer.
  • what hand or foot print belongs to the bride
  • offer several photos of babies, the groom should recognize his beloved on one of them
  • to recognize the bride by a finger or a leg, for this all the girls are covered with sheets and each stretches a finger or leg to the groom.

Choose any of these wedding contests and tasks and have fun during the bride price.

In the continuation of a short video on the topic of the ransom of the bride.
