How to make an angel out of a glass ball. Angel in a ball of threads

Angels were considered, so all kinds of souvenirs with their symbols have always been and will be the most relevant and pleasant gift for this bright holiday. And, if this gift is also made with your own hands, then it will become truly priceless!

In the old days, it was customary to carve angels on winter evenings, everyone had their own secrets of making them.
Let's get to know some of them

The most popular is, perhaps, the angel of Favorsky. Brilliant, like everything simple and simple, like everything brilliant.

Angels of the artist Favorsky (from writing paper)

At the beginning of the 20th century, the remarkable Russian artist Vladimir Andreevich Favorsky came up with a surprisingly light and elegant way to make a three-dimensional angel from ordinary writing paper. From a sheet folded in half, a contour is cut out according to the scheme

The easiest way to depict this contour is not in a single line, but in detail: first, draw a half of the head with a simple pencil, then surround it with a halo, depict a half of the dress, and only then draw the wing. It is advisable to erase the extra line (on the border of the dress and the wing) with an eraser; then cut out the figure from paper. You can decorate an angel's dress with the help of an openwork design of the hem of the dress and symmetrically cut out small images on the fold of the figure. The varied shape of the wings, the openwork pattern of the costume will make each angel original and unique.

The next stage of work is the most exciting. Open the finished figure, pull the upper part of the halo forward - your angel will have hands folded in prayer

Fix the folds on the “shoulders” and folded “palms”, and your paper angel is ready. Cuts on the wings and hem can be made voluminous by winding paper strips on a pencil

The Angel of Tabor combines the lightness and purity of the material, the possibilities of creative search, plastic elegance and absolute simplicity of execution.

It will be a wonderful gift-amulet, will bring hope to the house for the fulfillment of the most cherished desires in the New Year.

Templates for Christmas Angels

And a few more templates for Christmas Angels from plain writing paper. A small paper angel can become the guardian angel of your home.

1. You will need a sheet of thick paper. Transfer the image from the drawing to paper. A dotted line is a line along which you need to bend the sheet in half for symmetry when cutting out a figure.

You can think of an image or leave it as it is. Carefully cut out the angel and bend its arms along the marked dotted line. Thread the needle, pull the thread through the wings (this place is indicated by a dot). It is good if the thread between the wings is threaded through a small piece of the tube from the cocktail. - We will get a flying angel. It remains to hang the little guardian angel higher.

2. And here is a pattern of a traditional Waldorf angel made of paper,

with which you can decorate your homes for Christmas.

3. You can make such angels from plain paper, they are cut out according to the principle of a snowflake, that is, a contour is applied to the paper folded in half and cut out, if necessary, some details are folded.

4. Luminous Angel Made of Golden Paper or Foil:

Cut along solid lines. Dotted line - fold lines (do not cut!). We attach the stars to the wire.

Angel and table tree made of paper and cardboard

To make such an angel, you need to cut 2 truncated cones. It will be an angel's dress. Cut out the head and draw the face as shown. Join 2 leaves together to make a halo. Next, glue 2 rectangles and cut out the sleeves for the angel. Glue your hands to them (use the same paper as for the face).

Make wings. They must be bilateral. Collect the angel figurine. Pass a thread through the halo and you will get a wonderful Christmas tree toy.

For a table tree, you can use cardboard.

1. Cut out 2 Christmas tree shapes. In one, make an incision from the top to the middle, in the second - from the base to the middle.

First you need to make a wire man with a bead head. Don't forget the halo ring.
For my ball (6cm) I made a little man about 3.5cm long.
Next, the head, arms and legs should be covered with several layers of flesh-colored acrylic (white + ocher + red).

For the robe, you need a strip of crepe paper about 15-17cm long and 3-3.5cm wide.
One edge of it is painted with gold acrylic with a brush. When it is dry, I carefully apply PVA glue on the end of the paper and dip it in the smallest gold sparkles.
From finished paper strip I cut about 1.5-2cm for each sleeve and about 9-12cm for the dress.
The nimbus is covered with the same sequins.

I determine the desired length of the sleeves, attaching it to the wire foot, cut off the excess. Then I glue the sleeves along.
When dry, they need to be gathered up, put on a little man's foot, smeared at the base with glue and pressed until the glue seizes (perhaps it will be easier to do this with tweezers).

The required length of the dress is also determined, the excess is cut off, then it is necessary to glue the strip into a ring in the same way as the sleeves. I make two cuts where the sleeves will be (it is clear in the photo where these places are). The blank of the dress is put on the figure, but first you need to glue it only in the cuts - where the paws are.

This is how it will look like:

When it dries, the dress is attached to the body with a small amount of glue, while small folds must be formed. In these folds, you need to hide the main seam, and also lay them along the sleeves, if traces of cuts and gluing are visible there. To keep it all, I tightly tie it with wire until the glue dries completely.

I take off the wire. If pieces of glue, etc., stick out somewhere, they can be removed with a razor or a sharp knife.
I tie up the angel with a thread / fishing line - it is needed to attach the wings and to hang the angel in a ball. The ends of the thread should be 15-20 cm long, so that it is more convenient to work with them.

The bead head is covered with large gold sequins.

On a piece of paper folded in half, I drew wings, then, attaching them to the angel, it is necessary to clarify the contours and draw a clean copy.

I put organza on top of the paper with the finished wing pattern.
A wire about 10 cm long must be folded in half and make a small loop in the middle. Then straighten it, following the outer contours of the wings, the loop should be in the middle, as shown in the photo.

The wire along the outer edge of the pattern is glued with Moment Crystal glue.
Then the drawing is applied with a white outline, you can also sprinkle it with sequins - first on one, and then on the other side of the fabric. When everything is dry, you can cut out the wings along the contour paint.

Sew the wings with a thread tying the angel through a wire loop, while making several knots and fixing them with glue. Then cut off one end of the thread.
To be sure, before sewing on the wings, you can drop glue on the junction.

Finished sewn wings:

I cut out a quarter of a circle from thick foil (about 0.8 cm in radius).
Using a toothpick, I twisted the workpiece so that an even narrow cone was obtained.
Since I did not have gold foil, I additionally covered it with gold leaf, but this is already production costs)))

The bugle is glued to the paws of the angel with small drops of super glue or any other. All is ready.

You can already enjoy the result of your work :-)

Now the most terrible and main moment: the magnificent clothes of the angel must be folded, the wings rolled up, the paws with the pipe raised up and in this position, stuff the poor winged creature into a ball.

Using tweezers, carefully unfold the wings, put your hands in a normal position.

With toothpicks or with the same tweezers, open the hem, fix other little things.
After that, it is useful to turn the ball over and shake out the extra sparkles.

Now you can put on a hat on the ball. I don't like the usual Christmas ball hats, because their fasteners take up too much space, which in this case is useless. Therefore, I used a hat for beads (first completely flattened it, and then gave it the desired shape), which I glued to the ball itself, after passing a pin (pin) of golden wire through it. From this pin, you need to make a loop for hanging the ball, and around its base, fasten a thread with several knots that fixes the angel at the desired height.

Now everything is ready :-)

1. First you need to make a wire man with a bead head. Don't forget the halo ring.
For my ball (6cm) I made a little man about 3.5cm long.
Next, the head, arms and legs should be covered with several layers of flesh-colored acrylic (white + ocher + red).

2. For the robe, you need a strip of crepe paper about 15-17cm long and 3-3.5cm wide.
One edge of it is painted with gold acrylic with a brush. When it is dry, I carefully apply PVA glue on the end of the paper and dip it in the smallest gold sparkles.
From the finished paper strip I cut off about 1.5-2cm for each sleeve and about 9-12cm for the dress.
The nimbus is covered with the same sequins.

3. I determine the desired length of the sleeves by attaching it to the wire foot, cut off the excess. Then I glue the sleeves along.
When dry, they need to be gathered up, put on a little man's foot, smeared at the base with glue and pressed until the glue seizes (perhaps it will be easier to do this with tweezers).

4. The required length of the dress is also determined, the excess is cut off, then it is necessary to glue the strip into a ring in the same way as the sleeves. I make two cuts where the sleeves will be (it is clear in the photo where these places are). The blank of the dress is put on the figure, but first you need to glue it only in the cuts - where the paws are.

5. This is how it will look like:

6. When it dries, the dress is attached to the body with a small amount of glue, while small folds must be formed. In these folds, you need to hide the main seam, and also lay them along the sleeves, if traces of cuts and gluing are visible there. To keep it all, I tightly tie it with wire until the glue dries completely.

7. I remove the wire. If pieces of glue, etc., stick out somewhere, they can be removed with a razor or a sharp knife.
I tie up the angel with a thread / fishing line - it is needed to attach the wings and to hang the angel in a ball. The ends of the thread should be 15-20 cm long, so that it is more convenient to work with them.

8. The bead head is covered with large gold sequins.

9. On a piece of paper folded in half, I drew wings, then, attaching them to the angel, it is necessary to clarify the contours and draw a clean copy.

10. I put organza on top of the paper with the finished wing pattern.
A wire about 10 cm long must be folded in half and make a small loop in the middle. Then straighten it, following the outer contours of the wings, the loop should be in the middle, as shown in the photo.

11. The wire along the outer edge of the pattern is glued with Moment Crystal glue.
Then the drawing is applied with a white outline, you can also sprinkle it with sequins - first on one, and then on the other side of the fabric. When everything is dry, you can cut out the wings along the contour paint.

12. Sew the wings with a thread tying the angel through a wire loop, while making several knots and fixing them with glue. Then cut off one end of the thread.
To be sure, before sewing on the wings, you can drop glue on the junction.

13. Finished sewn wings:

14. I cut out a quarter of a circle from thick foil (about 0.8 cm in radius).
Using a toothpick, I twisted the workpiece so that an even narrow cone was obtained.
Since I did not have gold foil, I additionally covered it with gold leaf, but this is already production costs)))

15. The horn is glued to the paws of the angel with small drops of super glue or any other. All is ready.

You can already enjoy the result of your work :-)

16. Now the most terrible and main moment: the magnificent clothes of the angel must be folded, the wings rolled up, the paws with the pipe raised up and in this position, stuff the poor winged creature into a ball.

17. Using tweezers, carefully unfold the wings, put your hands in the normal position.

18. With toothpicks or with the same tweezers, open the hem, fix other little things.
After that, it is useful to turn the ball over and shake out the extra sparkles.

19. Now you can put a hat on the ball. I don't like the usual Christmas ball hats, because their fasteners take up too much space, which in this case is useless. Therefore, I used a hat for beads (first completely flattened it, and then gave it the desired shape), which I glued to the ball itself, after passing a pin (pin) of golden wire through it. From this pin, you need to make a loop for hanging the ball, and around its base, fasten a thread with several knots that fixes the angel at the desired height.

20. Now everything is ready :-)


1. Work with clean hands and clean tools. You can use thin medical gloves, which in principle is useful for miniature work with white materials.

2. The less glue, the cleaner. Apply glue with a toothpick or needle.

3. You may have noted a rather complex system for manufacturing and attaching wings. If you are planning to put your angel in a balloon, you should not be so philosophizing. It will definitely be enough to simply glue these wings. But if you want to make it an independent toy, then it's better to listen to my advice about the wire loop and sewing the wings on with a thread. The loop allows you to adjust the position of the wings relative to the carcass, because. located on the back of the angel, and the sewn wings will definitely not fall off.

And here comes the most Holy holiday in the year - Christmas! We always look forward to this holiday and not only to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve, but also to rejoice in the birth of the Savior.

Christmas is always associated with angels. On this holiday, they descend from heaven to bring the good news to us. And at the same time, they are our defenders from the dark forces. And it is precisely in Christmas time (from January 6 to January 19) that any devilry the most active. Therefore, in every house there must be an angel figurine that will protect you.

Now there are a lot of ready-made figurines, postcards, toys - choose any!

But for a long time, it is customary to make angels with your own hands. Such angels decorated a house or a New Year's beauty - spruce and gave it to their loved ones. When we make a decoration or a gift with our own hands, we put a piece of our soul into them - such crafts will only delight us and become the most expensive!

An angel can be made from any material: paper, fabric, beads, threads, sweets, even.


But first of all, an angel is a talisman and at Christmas time it is a very relevant protection! Incense or a cross are put into such dolls. An angel decorated with white feathers or down looks very gentle.

Charms are mainly made from fabric and thread. The fabric should be taken in white and bright colors, because an angel is a bright spirit. So, for the angel amulet you will need:

  • fabric (white light burlap or any other with a large weave looks best);
  • threads (to match the fabric);
  • silver thread (nimbus and belt);
  • cotton wool or other filler (even swatches of fabric will do);
  • Christmas mood!

We cut out a square of the required size from the fabric, make a fringe along the edges.

We form a ball from the filler, measure the center of the square and lay it on the fabric.

Then, fold the fabric in the middle, make the head of an angel, fix it with a thread. All edges of the fabric should be the same length.

Let's get to the hands. We turn the opposite corners inward, then again bend both corners to the middle. Tie with thread.

From the fabric that remains, we form the wings and skirt of the angel. The torso and head of the figurine are decorated with silver braid. The angel dress can be made in two versions, as you like.

There is a similar version of the amulet doll, in which only wings are made (without arms). from tape or satin fabric make extra wings.

Here such an angel can be packaged in transparent paper and presented to guests when they bring you or feast on.


I present to you another fabric angel with which you can decorate a Christmas tree or a window for the Christmas holidays.

For such an angel you need to prepare:

  • two types of fabric;
  • felt (for the wings and head of the figure);
  • gold braid (narrow and wide);
  • a button to match one of the fabrics (felt star);
  • scissors, pencil, thread, black and red marker, glue gun(or superglue);
  • good mood!

We cut out two identical circles from the fabric, sew them together and turn them inside out.

We seal the hole, edges inward.

We wrap the parts of the circle, forming a collar for the angel. At the junction, we connect the parts with a button or a star (glue it).

For the face, you will need felt circles, which we paint with markers (eyes and cheeks). Nimbus - wide ribbon.

Wings - cut out felt hearts, sew them with threads and glue them narrow tape in the form of a loop between them.

We glue all the parts together and get a cheerful angel!


Look very airy paper angels. They will even "flutter" from your every movement.

All that is needed for such an angel is to enlarge the diagram to the full screen of the computer, attach paper, redraw the diagram and cut it out. Or print on a printer.

If you know how to work with paper in quilling style, then such angels are beautiful in their own way!


Looks very soft and airy angels crocheted . Only such angels will take time, so knit them in advance.


For lovers beadwork, angel theme also won't go away.


Well, if you don’t have anything at hand, then angels can be made from pasta! Glue pasta of different shapes together, paint with spray paint.


From improvised means, for example cotton pads, snow-white angels are obtained. These delicate and simple angels are perfect for decoration. New Year's gifts or Christmas food.

For such angels, take any cotton pads, toothpicks, beads and sparkles (best mixed with glue).


Now it has become fashionable ice sculptures of angels. They decorate the streets on holidays and are carved from a whole block of ice.

But we will do it much easier. When you are, freeze the ice angels yourself and hang them on the trees - it will be very original decoration!

And making angels out of ice is very simple. Take soap molds or any other silicone angel molds.

Fill with water, put a loop tape inside and send it to the freezer. Once the water freezes, our decoration is ready!


Of course, for the sweet tooth you can bake angel-shaped cookies or make lollipops.

Cookies are baked and decorated like any other, only in the shape of an angel.

We make sweet caramel angels according to the same scheme and recipe as.

We take the forms of angels, for lollipops or soap making and pour multi-colored caramel.

These lozenges are perfect for baby gift. And if you decide to decorate a room with them, then after pouring the caramel, put a ribbon in it.

You can just put them on the table in a glass, but instead of a ribbon, put a stick (toothpick) or a New Year's cane in liquid syrup.

I have described to you only a small part of the production of Christmas angels ... You can choose any for yourself!

Bright and happy New Year holidays!

Good afternoon, in this article I have collected a variety of crafts in the form of Christmas angels. On the eve of this New Year, I want to do something kind, touching, pure and sincere with my own hands. I would like to let a kind, quiet helper into my life - an angel soaring nearby. Let today you want to make a little homemade angel with your own hands. And I will show you the most different ways fulfillment of this desire.

Angels are magnets.

(craft for children

with your own hands).

from cardboard, gift paper and a magazine page can be made beautiful angel on a magnet. Cut out a face from cardboard (regular beige-brown packaging). On it with a marker we draw black eyes (with lowered eyelashes), a nose and a mouth. We cut out the hair from the magazine page - we are looking for a photo of a girl with hair in an old magazine and on this “hairy place” we cut out the silhouette of an angel's hairstyle (photo below). In the same magazine you can find photos from jewelry or lace and cut it out - to use the head decoration of an angel (as in the photo below).

From white cardboard we cut out an angel's dress, from patterned wrapping paper cut out a semicircle - these will be the wings of an angel. We collect crafts for glue. On the reverse side we attach a magnet (on glue or double-sided tape).

And your New Year's angel fridge magnet with your own hands is ready.

To decorate angels, you can use lace, the remains of wallpaper with embossed pattern, beautiful covers from old notebooks, old Greeting Cards, old gift bags, candy boxes, crispy liners-layers in candy boxes and other shiny and beautiful planes. An old CD cut in half can also become angel wings. Take a look around and you will find the right dressing material right at home.

And for the wings it is very good to use openwork paper napkins for pastry baking (as in the photo below).

If you want your angels to be not flat, but stood steadily on the table as 3D figurine thick paper or cardboard. Then you can do something like this configuration of the lower part of the angels(as in the photo below). That is, the lower cardboard skirt of the angel CONTINUE DOWN and bend it twice - to the back of the angel, and glue it at the back. Then your New Year's angel will stand on the table like a toy.

paper angels

fold-outs with wishes.

Children in kindergarten with their own hands they can make such cute angels from colored paper. those

Below I drew a diagram of the assembly of such an angel. To make it clear to everyone how simple it is. Hair cut out of a strip of paper, before cutting, bend the upper part of the strip into a fold. And we cut the corners of this fold in a semicircle (we get such a shape as in the diagram below, with a bang zone and a loose hair zone). We put a circle of pink paper (face) under the fold line and bend the bangs from above.

The body of a paper angel is easy to fold according to the diagram below. We take a rectangle of paper and bend its upper corners down - to the middle of the bottom line of the rectangle (exactly as we do when assembling paper boat). Trim off the top and you're done.

Paper towel angel.

Craft for the New Year.

And here is an interesting proposal for table setting for the New Year. From cardboard we express a simple CONTINUOUS FORM - a head with wings. In the middle of the wings (in the chest part of the angel) we make a triangular slot. And we insert the tip of a paper napkin folded in the shape of a sharp cone into it.

Here I drew the outlines of the template for this craft in the form of an angel. Now your napkins will lay beautifully on the plates with angels - a great table design for Christmas. AND simple craft for children.

Crafts - angels

Based on a PAPER CONE.

We all know how to make paper bags. Cut out the paper circle. In the circle we cut off a sector of any size. We glue (or connect with a stapler) the side of the sector and get a cone.

If we take a narrow sector of the circle, then we will get a long thin cone. If we took a wide sector (half a circle, or more), then we get a fluffy wide cone-skirt for our angel.

Below are some ideas for crafts on the theme of the New Year's angel, where a paper cone is taken as the basis for the angel's shirt.

These angels are glued from a sector into a quarter of a circle. That is round sheet cut into quarters like a pie. We glue each quarter-sector into a cone and get four blanks for the angel. Further, according to the scheme below, we make wings (with a slot in the middle) and a head. We combine all this together into a common craft in the form of an angel who folded his hands in front of him in a Christmas prayer.

But crafts-angels where the cone is made of thick gift paper. In the gift wrapping department, we can buy rolls or sheets of gift paper with a bright holiday pattern. From such paper, angels are very elegant. The heads of paper angels can be made from ping pong balls (they can be tinted with beige gouache, or beige eye shadow, fix the paint with hairspray). And on these balls you can stick hair from threads. Cut the threads into segments, arrange the segments in a row in a bunch. Sew this bundle with stitches in the middle - as if to make a parting in the hair. And then stick this hair with a parting on the head of an angel. Next, shape the hairstyle of your choice.

For small crafts of paper angels, you can use a large bead as a head.

You can give your craft in the form of an angel a textured shape. To do this, all parts connected together can be glued paper napkins. Spread the cone with PVA glue and overlay with pieces of a torn napkin, apply a layer of glue on top of it again and again a layer of napkins - so we get a strong papier-mâché craft.

And here is an interesting cutting of a paper angel based on a cone - where the wings are not glued to the angel separately, but are already included in the overall pattern of the craft. Below I give step by step instructions how to draw such a scheme for an angel by hand.

  • First, we draw a circle - either with a compass, or circle a large plate on a piece of paper.
  • Then we find the middle line of the circle (draw a line with a pencil).
  • Above the line, draw a circle of the head, and the outlines of the wings of an angel.
  • We take scissors and cut off the excess - the part that is above the drawn head and between the edges of the wings.
  • And with scissors on the center line we make two cuts - the first from the right edge of the line, and the second on the left side of the angel - from the base of the head (angel's neck) towards the edge (as in the photo below).
  • Next, we collect the angel with our hands. We bend the skirt part like a cone-bag - and insert the slot into the slot. It turns out a solder fastener due to these cuts. And the wings themselves bend to the sides and the head sticks up.

paper angel

From an openwork napkin.

And here is an example of an angel made from a paper napkin. Here we make three cones at once - a skirt cone, and two cones for the hands. Inside the sleeves of the cones, we see the angel's handles - they are made from a slightly broken ice cream stick. Under the skirt of an angel, a base is hidden (a cork from a bottle of wine, or a cut neck from plastic bottle. The base under the skirt is necessary so that our cone skirt does not bend under the weight of the ball-head and arms.

And here is another angel made according to the same pattern but with elements of paper torsion (quilling). Here the wings are made from strips of paper rolled and glued using the quilling technique. Hair is also twisted strips of paper, pens are also quilling modules. But the dress, with sleeves and a collar, is just paper elements. Which are decorated with lace made with a simple hole punch. We cut out conical blanks, and before wrapping these blanks into cones, we first make an openwork row of holes along the edge - with an ordinary office hole punch. It turns out elegant and unusual.

Angel with your own hands

From corn leaves.

Corn stalk, when properly dried, is a very durable material for crafts. From it, like from corrugated paper, you can cut and fold any craft. And an angel can also appear from a corn leaf. We wrap a round ball with corn cake (we get the head and trunk of the neck passing down into the body of an angel. We attach a fan skirt, wings, etc. to this trunk. You can find many more crafts from a corn leaf on this site in the article Crafts from natural material for children.

Craft angel for kids

From an egg carton.

The cardboard cassettes in which we buy eggs are the source of cone shapes. Cut out the conical parts of the package. We paint from to White color and use as the basis for the New Year's children's angel crafts. You can place such angels on festive table, hang them on the Christmas tree as a Christmas toy or make them part of New Year's composition to decorate the interior.

DIY angels

From ice cream sticks.

Here's an idea for you Christmas decorations in the form of Christmas angels. We paint the ice cream sticks in white gouache, We fix the paint with hairspray so that our hands do not get dirty. And we collect an angel for glue. We add elements from cardboard, wooden beads, threads and foil. We receive a Christmas tree pendant-toy on New Year.

Angels for children

Crafts from plates.

From ordinary disposable plates- plastic or paper - you can make an angel for Christmas.

Below we see an example of a children's flat application. Here we cut out only a segment of the skirt from the plate, and everything else from cardboard and fluffy wire made.

But voluminous angels - where a round plate is the basis for twisting the cone. And the angel is created according to the principle of a cone paper craft

Craft angel for kids.

In print technique.

Children are very fond of handprint graphics. If you put your palm on a sheet of paper three times (tightly squeezing your fingers), then we will immediately get the whole silhouette of an angel - with a dress and two wings behind its back. It remains only to supplement this craft with a face, thread hair and a halo above the head.

Salt dough angels.

Salt dough is an interesting craft material. With it, we can make any images and figures using only pure imagination and sleight of hand. The dough is plastic and holds its shape well after vysypanie. beautiful crafts that will delight your loved ones for a long time.

Felt angels

and crocheted.

If your child has already taken up needlework from fabric and thread, then you can organize a feasible craft for children's hands. Cut out the paired parts of the angel - the front and back, and give the child the task of connecting these pairs to each other along the edge with the usual edging seam.

And here is an example of a crochet angel. For those who know how to knit, this is a simple task. Just run the canvas in a circle, and decrease the number of columns in the row if you want to narrow the canvas, or add if you want to expand it.

The design of your crochet angel depends on your imagination and the threads that you have available. Angel hair is easy to make by stretching long strands by picking up the posts along the edge of the angel's face.

Or you can hook the threads to the angel's head along the central parting. And then collect in a pigtail or other hairstyle.

These are the ideas in this New Year on the topic of how to make an angel with your own hands.

Also, you can

become angels yourself

Angels fly because I feel light (someone once remarked so correctly)

Let's lighten our hearts by helping other hearts (photo below).

In order to become an angel for a WHOLE YEAR, you need to fill out a small form on the website - thanks to which 1 time per month will be debited from your bank card 100 rubles to the "Children's Hearts" aid fund.

May this New Year be filled with small handmade miracles.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.
