Graduation gifts for teachers 9. Graduation gifts for teachers: what to give a class teacher? When a former student is a beloved child

College graduation is a celebration for students and their teachers. They exchange souvenirs, graduates thank the teachers of the school for their knowledge.

Most often they give useful surprises that will be useful in future work. For class leaders educational materials, and for students - nice souvenirs that will remind you of the years of study.

What to give students

Most often, students themselves present surprises. educational institution. But in some cases, the college congratulates students and gives them presents. Reasons for giving:

  • victory in the olympiads;
  • victories in sports competitions;
  • prom.

If the student continues to study, then in honor of winning the competition, he can be awarded:

Graduation is a special holiday for those who graduate. He opens new stage human life. Therefore, a celebration is held on this day. The college presents diplomas and memorable souvenirs to its wards. On this day class teacher I also want to congratulate my students.

The gift of the class teacher to graduates should be made from the heart:

  1. With joint photos. Each person will keep it all his life as a memory of the years of study.
  2. Souvenirs related to future profession: thimbles, dictionaries for translators, a chef's hat for cooks.
  3. Cake - you can order or bake yourself.
  4. Souvenirs with a group photo: mugs, pillows, t-shirts. Interesting options:

Not required to do expensive gifts for college graduates, the main thing is that they be from the heart.

Surprises for teachers

Teachers are congratulated every year on Teacher's Day. Most often they give a general surprise from the group.

College Teacher's Day Gift Ideas:

It is also customary to present gifts on the day of graduation. Ideas for what to give a teacher for college graduation:

  1. Subscription to the theater or opera. If you know that the teacher likes to go to the theater, then you can buy a subscription for the entire season.
  2. Tea sets. In between classes, teachers like to relax with a cup of tea. You can buy them a tea set, teapot,.
  3. An expensive pen or writing set is a classic. Any teacher will need this subject.
  4. E-book or tablet. These gadgets will help in the work and provide leisure for the teacher.

It is always more difficult for men to choose gifts. College Graduation Favor Ideas for Male Teachers:

  • . It will be appropriate if the teacher wears it to work.
  • Expensive alcohol. It is worth presenting it if you know for sure that a person consumes alcoholic beverages.
  • Technique: beam pointer, .
  • Leather briefcase.

What to present to an educational institution

Alma mater presents from graduates are associated with two occasions - anniversary and graduation. These events are widely celebrated, and graduates find special words to present the gift.

Ideas for a college anniversary gift:

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on gifts, you can make them yourself. A gift from students should show how much they value their education and their teachers.

College graduation gift ideas from students:

  • Technique. It is customary to make large-scale presentations: computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards.
  • Furniture and school supplies: desks and chairs (they can be purchased as far as students can); set of textbooks.

When choosing an idea for a college gift, consider the group's budget and practicality. You can choose souvenirs - watches, paintings or make useful gifts- Appliances, chairs, tables.

Now you know what to give to students and teaching staff, as well as to the institution itself. Remember that it is not the value of the gifts that matters, but the attention you give to your colleagues. A gift for an anniversary does not have to be expensive, be guided by your capabilities.

In the life of each of us, very special events happen that happen only once, in youth it is: first love and, of course, school prom. And all the participants of the ball: graduates, parents and teachers want everything to go perfectly. I would like the script of the evening and, entertainment- with a bang, the menu - to everyone's taste, outfits and hairstyles - were a success, I want everyone to leave the holiday touched and satisfied with the impressions and gifts received. How do you make sure you enjoy the holiday? How to choose, for example,?

We are talking about real gifts, and not about formal, hastily bought and according to a template. In many ways, graduation gifts for teachers, is determined by the traditions of the school, the well-being of the majority of parents (after all, the material burden of the entire event falls on them), the established relationships and the personality of the teacher himself.

1. Preliminary preparation for choosing a gift for teachers.

Before sending the initiative group to the store, it is recommended to do some preparatory work:

Arrange a survey among graduates, preferably anonymous (so the guys will be freer in their statements), about what gift and to whom they would like to give;

Conduct "reconnaissance" work to determine the scope of interests and tastes of each teacher;

From practical gifts- the most popular today are:

1. Household appliances (chosen to the taste of the teacher) or a gift certificate for its purchase (so that the teacher can choose the right one himself);

2. Gift certificates for a beauty salon, for a one-day resort, for the purchase of goods in a cosmetic, perfume or jewelry store;

3. For male teachers, an annual subscription to the bath is suitable (if the teacher is truly passionate about this). Give a fan a ticket for a match of the sport he enjoys. It is more appropriate for a fisherman, tourist or hunter to present something from the appropriate equipment (or, again, a gift certificate for its purchase;

4. A voucher for a weekly vacation in a sanatorium or a rest home or tickets for the whole teacher's family for a one-day cruise on a ship.

AND From expensive gifts to the class teacher, you can stop at the following:

1. Wristwatch in a gold case and on a leather strap;

2. For men, cufflinks or a tie clip made of semi-precious stones, gold or silver;

3. Ladies teachers can choose a decent bracelet, brooch or chain with a pendant made of gold or silver, or again a certificate with a certain amount, so that the class teacher herself chooses something to her liking;

4. A worthy gift for a modern teacher is a good cell phone, mini-ipad or iPhone;

5. It is appropriate to present the teacher with a leather-bound diary and an expensive pen with a silver-plated or even gilded case;

6. An excellent option is a desktop writing set or an office organizer made of semi-precious gemstone.

When making a gift, all teachers should not skimp on elegant baskets, boxes and bouquets, including fantasy ones - from balloons, photos of graduates or chocolates. Little things decide everything. (household appliances, books and Wall Clock can be placed in a gift basket decorated with flowers and fruits. Jewelry - in handmade cases).

When choosing a gift for teachers at graduation, remember that the greatest value is the presentation: sincere words of wishes and gratitude said when giving, the originality of the idea, attention and warmth, the general atmosphere of the holiday. A memorable gift differs from the usual one in that it evokes pleasant memories and emotions!

Spring has already come into its own, and the time is always approaching proms At school. According to the tradition that has developed as a sign of gratitude, respect and love, teachers are given gifts. How to congratulate the “second mothers” of children in an original way?

  • in the fourth grade, when children finish primary school and move from one teacher to several subject teachers;
  • at the end of the ninth grade;
  • when leaving school.

Presenting a gift to a teacher is a kind of expression of the attitude of students and parents towards him, therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of choosing presents not formally, but with soul and creativity.

A sweet classic that can accompany any gift

To determine the desired “subject”, several opinions of both parents and children should be collected. In some cases, you can give 2 presents - both from students and from their parents. You can make inquiries about the hobbies and passions of teachers and choose something with this in mind.

Of course, one of the important points is the material side. Limited funds can be a serious obstacle when buying a present. But there is a way out of this deplorable situation - to show ingenuity, apply skillful hands or do something creative and unusual.

Who said that a gift to a teacher should be only material? Scenes, films, flash mobs dedicated to favorite teachers are much better remembered.

Gifts for subject teachers

For teachers leading lessons in certain subjects, gifts can be of two types:

  • with "binding" to the subject they taught schoolchildren;
  • irrelevant, general.

If you are not creative, then you can simply “make happy” all teachers with the same gifts. This has its advantages - no need to run around looking for different presents, teachers will not compare gifts, which will eliminate possible insults.

You can buy dissimilar souvenirs, but combine them with a single stylistic design. For example, use the same packaging bags or add the same small item to each present - a flower, a pen, a postcard, etc.

And how do you like this option - the same items (watches, vases, boxes, pens, etc.) with personalized engraving?

If you want to not only give the teacher a gift, but also focus on the subject that he taught, then you will have to work hard to come up with something unhackneyed and original.

What can be given in this case? Literature teacher - a dictionary or a volume of favorite poems, mathematics - an unusual calculator or magnets in the form of numbers for an interactive whiteboard, a geographer - a globe of sweets (sweet bouquet). A physical education teacher will surely be delighted with a natural leather ball, and a technology teacher for girls will be overwhelmed by a container for useful little things. A historian will be interested in a unique document, hardly obtained from archival sources, and for a biology teacher, you can find an exotic flower.

There is an exclusive option - to order unusual diplomas for each teacher on the Internet.

Diploma and medal for a subject teacher

Present for class teacher

More frequent contacts with students and parents suggest a more significant present for the class "mother".

The ideal solution to the issue with a gift is to combine two “offerings” at once (from students and from parents). Moms and dads of schoolchildren can present something expensive and meaningful, if there is such a desire and opportunity. It could be Appliances or a certificate for its purchase, expensive cosmetics, a subscription to a massage parlor, a ticket for a one-day boat trip, tickets to the theater, etc.

Of the expensive presents, wristwatches in an expensive frame, jewelry of famous brands or precious jewelry (pendants, cufflinks, rings, etc.) are acceptable. A manifestation of wealth and good taste will be an office organizer or a desk set for writing in an exclusive design.

The cost of the gift is directly dependent on the wealth of the parents and the allocated funds for this prom expense item. The value of the presentation is inseparable from the individual characteristics of the teacher, with their attitude to such manifestations of respect and love of graduates.

School graduates, regardless of the graduation class (4th, 9th or 11th), can most accurately guess what the class teacher needs, because they spent a lot of time together.

A memorable and unforgettable gift can be the "art" of the graduates themselves - specially learned dances, poetic performances, wall newspapers, slide shows, etc.

Many teachers love handmade gifts. They are not like anything else and will definitely leave a mark in the soul of the teacher.

Candy bouquet in memory of graduates

Fourth Grade Options

Gifts for a teacher after graduation elementary school are usually chosen by the parents. Children participate indirectly in the process of “approving” gifts. Most often, parents decide what to give teachers, and with the help of children, bring these ideas to life.

Children together with their parents can master the creation of an exclusive "palm" album.

The palms of the students in memory of the teacher

There are as many palm pages in the album as there are students in the class. Each student draws his hand independently, at his own discretion, and then all the pages are combined into a single whole. By the way, a good option is to add the palms of their parents to the children's hands with more adult wishes or poetic verses.

You should not think that the wall newspaper is the last century ... It is very interesting and original to depict all students in unusual angles, you can also use palms with photos of schoolchildren.

The class teacher can be presented with a man-made "tree" with leaflets-photographs of students as a keepsake.

"Tree" made by hand, with a photo of schoolchildren

The first teacher is often called the mother of elementary school students, and rightly so. After all, the class teacher has to not only teach the kids, but also often take care of them - straighten their clothes, wipe their noses, feed them. Perhaps a bouquet of toys is suitable for such a caring teacher, because all her pupils for her are bunnies, kids, kittens-children.

Bouquet of bunny toys

Literary and musical compositions dedicated to their favorite teachers cannot fail to touch the strings of the soul of every teacher whom the children turn to from the stage. Parents will help prepare such a surprise.

Congratulations in verse will decorate any prom

What can ninth graders give

Graduation in the ninth grade is an evening of slightly matured guys, but still children. They can already make independent decisions, but are not always sure of their correctness. Such children, striving for adulthood, can confirm their “non-little” status if they learn and show an incendiary dance on the school line or organize a school flash mob to the teacher’s favorite musical composition. Some schoolchildren by such an act can surprise their teachers very much and remain a topic of discussion in the teacher's room for a long time.

At this age, the creativity of schoolchildren is very strong. Skillful hands are indispensable for creating a creative gift.

Such candy bouquets can be presented to subject teachers

Candy bouquet for a music teacher

You can literally mold the teacher and the whole class by combining everyone in one picture (the “salt dough” technique).

"Photo" for memory from salt dough

Graduation of ninth graders is a great occasion to sit together and discuss future plans over a cup of tea. A sincere conversation between students and teachers will be much more productive and interesting if it is “reinforced” with a piece of creative cake, which, of course, will be shared by the teacher who received it as a gift.

A cute cake with the names of graduates will come in handy at graduation in grade 9

The well-known expression “Children are the flowers of life” can literally be brought to life and presented to the class teacher or all teachers with such a pot with your favorite flowers.

Albums with photo collages of students are an indispensable "magic wand" when choosing a creative gift.

What to choose for future students

Farewell to school is always a very touching and significant event in the life of every person. Schoolchildren and teachers have passed side by side for so many long years! The natural desire in this case is a manifestation of gratitude for the work and love given to children.

How can you impress teachers at graduation in the eleventh grade? Of course, as in previous years, do-it-yourself gifts are relevant. embroidered pads, knitted doilies teachers keep sawn souvenirs as carefully as mothers keep the first drawings and poems of their children.

A hand-made bouquet of sweets in a school theme is suitable for both a class teacher and subject teachers. A box of sweets with photos of graduates will not leave any teacher indifferent.

Exclusive box of chocolates

The transience of time can be reminded by presenting a unique watch with early photographs of graduates.

Interesting watches with photographs of schoolchildren will definitely please

A non-standard photo album of all graduates can be presented to the class teacher. Moreover, the background on the blackboard can depict the dreams of each student.

Cool photo against the backdrop of your dreams

A declaration of love to teachers does not have to be verbal. The dance shell of the "love lyrics" is a perfect embodiment for those who are not very friendly with the language, but have excellent command of the body.

Dance gift for teachers

As a keepsake for each teacher, students can give plates with a photo of the teacher and the subject of his teaching or hobbies.

Nameplates will be a real decoration for every teacher.

Don't skimp on nice words to the teachers, they are so in need of confirmation of the relevance of their work. Show your imagination and come up with something of your own, unique, that will make your teachers at least a little happier. For example, such a pencil bouquet!

A bouquet of flowers framed by colored pencils - bright, positive, creative!

"Forbidden" gifts

It is bad manners to give teachers alcoholic drinks (even if they are very expensive), unless, of course, the teacher collects exclusive wines.

Do not just "get off" and present an envelope with money. But again, there may be exceptions - if the teacher himself hinted at a cash gift.

No need to give gifts and do not think over the process of their presentation. A careless attitude to presenting a gift, ugly or untidy packaging can spoil the impression of even the most sophisticated present.

Do not think that all teachers are waiting for only expensive presents. Kind words, soulful songs, surprise moments, handmade gifts will surely delight school teachers.

On the eve of school graduation in grade 9, students and their parents face a lot of important tasks. And one of them is the choice of a gift for the class teacher. After all, a person who puts not only his strength, but also his soul into his work, wants to leave something special, interesting and necessary as a memory of himself.

The value of a gift is usually determined by parent meeting. But the orientation of the presentation already directly depends on the mood, age, preferences and character of the teacher. In addition, when choosing a gift, you can take into account the subject of the class teacher or his hobby, which he often and with pleasure talks about. But in any case, you need to choose a special, high-quality, individual thing. And what it can be, we will now tell you.

So, we bring to your attention the TOP 14 original gifts for the class teacher for graduation from parents and beloved students. Read, order and say goodbye to school beautifully!

Exclusive general gift to the teacher for graduation 9th grade from parents

Jewelry box "Victoria"

If the class teacher beautiful woman with a subtle sense of style, then you can give her a luxurious jewelry box "Victoria", made of mahogany. A spectacular box will help express your admiration for the teacher and will become an incomparable memorable gift that has every chance of becoming a family heirloom.

Wool Throw Very Important Persons

Is your children's class teacher a school principal or a head teacher? Then we know what gift he will be genuinely delighted with! This is a double-sided plaid made of natural merino wool, decorated with knitted autographs of Camus, Tesla, Kant, Nietzsche, Einstein and other prominent people whose work has positively influenced the course of history.

A teacher simply cannot find a more interesting, functional, modern and intellectual present!

Coffee pair Versace Medusa

Since we are talking about exclusive gifts for the teacher at the graduation, we could not help but mention the porcelain luxury from Versace - the Medusa coffee pair. Status tableware will adequately decorate the teacher's office, and turn every coffee break into little holiday souls.

The blue-gold color scheme of the coffee pair makes it a universal present for both a woman teacher and a man class teacher.

How to choose a gift for a teacher for graduation (grade 9)? An original and inexpensive souvenir from students!

Keychain "Best"

Being wise, considerate, caring and responsible is very good. But it's even cooler to be just the best!

Keychain "Best" is an unusual gift-compliment that will always cheer up your favorite teacher and charge you with exceptionally positive emotions.

Mug "Favorite teacher"

A colorful mug with a touching inscription "Beloved teacher" is another nice and inexpensive memorable gift for a class teacher from students.

Every time during a tea break, the teacher will proudly remember his pupils and in high spirits go to pass on his knowledge to new students.

Ballpoint pen-stylus "Casper"

Stationery is often referred to as "template" presents. We fundamentally disagree with this, because we believe that there is no more useful gift than a convenient ballpoint pen, complete with a flashlight, laser pointer and touch screen stylus. Do you agree? Then order the teacher for the graduation pen "Casper". It has all of the above!

Interesting gifts for subject teachers at graduation in grade 9: an original present for a teacher of Russian language and literature

Wardrobe of Wisdom

We were confused what to choose as a gift for the teacher of Russian language and literature - a collection of poems by A.S. Pushkin or Dahl's dictionary? Give away a whole closet at once! No, this is not a joke. And the real “Wise Cabinet”, which is waiting for its owner in our virtual showcase.

In the "cupboard" the teacher will find gift editions with works by Nietzsche, Pascal, Dostoevsky, Chesterton and other classics. A philologist cannot find a more desirable and unusual present!

Cacharel set (designer headphones and silk scarf)

If you have to congratulate a young and advanced teacher, then the best choice will be a set from Cacharel, consisting of an elegant silk scarf and headphones in a similar design. Headphones will always come in handy for a girl to listen to audiobooks, and a scarf will make even the most strict everyday look interesting and bright.

What gift to give to a historian, mathematician and geography teacher?

Compass Magnetico

Is your child's class teacher a man, and his subject is history? Just great! After all, we know how to impress him! This is a unique Magnetico compass, which is an exact copy of the medieval instrument of the Spanish navigators.

The compass impresses with its fine details and precisely working mechanism. It will become a worthy decoration of the office and the pride of its owner.

Table clock "Rubik's Cube"

How to compliment the extraordinary mind of a math teacher and at the same time give him a memorabilia for graduation? And just order from us an original table clock with a case in the form of a Rubik's cube. The teacher will appreciate.

Flash drive "Map of Russia"

You can give a geography teacher one more card for graduation. But not like the one hanging on the wall in his office, but small and extremely functional.

We are talking about the "Map of Russia" flash drive, the shock-resistant case of which is made in the color of the national flag. A flash drive is useful for a teacher to store work information, music, movies and photos.

Ball puzzle "Old map of the world" (240 details)

Everyone loves to collect puzzles. This exciting activity helps to brighten up your leisure time, find friends with the same interests and distract from sad thoughts. So if you do not know what gift to give to a teacher of history, geography or mathematics - order an unusual ball puzzle "Old map of the world", consisting of 240 parts.

When assembled, the puzzle will become original decoration living room, teacher's room or private office.

What to give a physics teacher and a chemistry teacher?

Rollerball pen Relativ

The fact that physics is a boring science is considered only by those who have not heard anything about Albert Einstein at all. The amazing scientist, who liked to stick his tongue out and say that science will take you from point A to point B, and imagination - anywhere, did not at all resemble a boring uncle in a jacket stained with chalk.

Therefore, physicists can and should also be given original gifts. For example, such as the Relativ rollerball pen. The body of the pen is decorated with a portrait of Einstein and his famous formula E=mc2. Order, the physicist will be delighted.

tea box

But it is not at all necessary for a chemistry teacher to give a portrait of Mendeleev. It is better to present a woman with a solid tea box, which at the same time plays the role of a comfortable tray with handles.

How is tea related to chemistry? Yes, very simple. You will not find such a quantity of useful chemical elements as in tea in any drink!

Original ideas for a memorable gift for a teacher for the graduation of 2019 for those who do not want to give services, money or vacuum cleaners, but want to express their gratitude to the class teacher or favorite subject teacher.

Graduation 2019 is not only outfits, solemn speeches, and farewell to the school. It is also a gift to the teacher, the class teacher, who has always been there for the past few years. What to give a teacher for graduation, especially if it is graduation grade 11? We will give a few original ideas graduation gifts for teacher

There are several standard options for what to give a teacher for graduation. As a rule, teachers are given flowers, books, beautiful pens, vases, and edited videos at graduation.

But what if you want to do original gift graduation teacher. If it was a special teacher that the students will miss, will remember him, and therefore they want to leave the teacher a memory of themselves in the form of an original gift.

What to give a teacher for graduation

We offer several ideas for original gifts for a teacher for graduation 11th grade.

Flowers are not a very original graduation gift for a teacher, especially if it is 11th grade. But not if these are succulents from goosucc. Original plants in unusual flowerpots are great gift for both men and women.

If you liked this teacher graduation gift idea, succulents in wooden tubs cost 200 UAH. Succulents in ceramic tubs - 600 UAH

Posters are good because you can easily choose something as a graduation present for both male and female teachers. Clan P has a large selection of posters that cost from 220 UAH.

very practical and useful gift for any teacher and not only for graduation - a diary. You can find a diary that suits each individual person. These can be ascetic diaries in a good binding, and art books, and even diaries with motivating instructions from professional coaches, as in the diaries of

Graduates of the 11th grade as a gift to the teacher can make an Instagram, poster or calendar with school photos of the whole class that they posted on their Instagram accounts. This will be an original and touching graduation gift for a teacher. You can order this gift from
