Is it possible to get pregnant if the blood is thick. Thick blood during pregnancy: what to do? Features of drug treatment

During pregnancy, a woman has to take many laboratory tests, and after evaluating the results of one of them, she may find out that she has thick blood. Is this blood condition dangerous for the expectant mother and her baby? Why did this happen? What to do? Is it possible to do without medication? All these and many other questions will certainly arise in every woman who is faced with such a problem, and in our article we will answer each of them.

When detecting thick blood of a future mother, in no case should you panic. Often, this blood condition during childbearing is not dangerous and is easily corrected, but sometimes a woman will need to undergo a course of treatment that will be aimed at preventing certain risks.

What blood tests can indicate a blood clot?

If you suspect an increase in blood viscosity, the doctor will prescribe a blood test for clotting.

The causes of thick blood can be a variety of factors and diseases. In some cases, a woman may not even be aware of them.

In most cases, a pregnant woman finds out that she has thick blood at the next doctor's appointment after she has passed a general analysis. The doctor will definitely notice an increase in the level of blood cells and hematocrit and inform the woman about it. Sometimes a pregnant woman can learn about thick blood from a laboratory assistant who takes blood from a vein and notices that it is poorly absorbed into the syringe, clogging the needle lumen. Such a phenomenon should be reported to the doctor.

If the above signs of blood density are detected, the doctor will definitely refer the pregnant woman for such an analysis as a coagulogram. It is this research method that will help to study the state of the blood coagulation system in more detail and predetermine further tactics of diagnosis and therapy.

Coagulogram indicators determine the following blood parameters:

  • fibrinogen - the norm is 2-4 g / l, with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the indicator increases to 6 g / l;
  • thrombin time - the norm is 11-18 s;
  • APTT - the norm is 24-35 s, with an increase in fibrinogen due to an increase in the gestational age, this indicator accelerates to 17-20 s;
  • prothrombin - the norm is 78-142%;
  • lupus anticoagulant - normally absent.

With increased blood density, the coagulogram parameters change as follows:

  • fibrinogen - increases;
  • thrombin time - accelerates;
  • APTT - accelerates;
  • prothrombin - increases;
  • lupus anticoagulant present.

Remember that only a specialist can decipher the results of a coagulogram and assess the degree of blood density! It is he who will be able to decide on the advisability of prescribing medical treatment.

Is thick blood dangerous during pregnancy for a woman and a fetus?

Having identified a change in blood density in a pregnant woman, the doctor assesses the degree of these disorders and determines the tactics of managing the patient.

It is according to the results of the coagulogram that the specialist will be able to determine the degree of danger of blood clotting during pregnancy. In some cases, with minor changes in indicators, the doctor does not attach serious importance to the density of the blood and gives the woman general recommendations regarding diet and fluid intake aimed at eliminating this symptom. In such situations, you should not worry, because such a thickening of the blood does not pose a threat to either the expectant mother or the fetus, and after childbirth, the coagulation parameters stabilize on their own.

Sometimes the cause of blood clots during pregnancy is the intake of iron-containing drugs, which are prescribed with a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Such a symptom should also not cause excitement in a woman, because after eliminating anemia and canceling these medicines blood condition stabilizes.

With more serious changes in the indicators of the coagulogram, the doctor may recommend that the pregnant woman undergo a course of therapy to thin the blood. In such situations, a woman should also not worry, but simply follow all the doctor's prescriptions. The danger of such a thickening of the blood lies in the increased risk of blood clots and obstructed blood flow through the vessels, but this situation can be corrected.

The slow flow of viscous blood through the vessels and a more intense load on the heart causes an insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to all tissues and organs. This leads to the appearance of such symptoms in a pregnant woman:

  • constant lethargy;
  • memory impairment;
  • drowsiness;
  • dry mouth;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • cold extremities.

With a sedentary lifestyle and no treatment, an increased tendency to thrombosis can lead to the development of such complications in a future mother:

  • thrombosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (, stroke,).

Significantly increased blood density negatively affects the condition of the unborn baby. As a result of increased thrombus formation and slow blood flow from the fetus, the following disorders can be observed:

  • miscarriage or premature birth;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • hypoxia;
  • developmental delay.

It is in connection with the above possible complications of thick blood that women planning a pregnancy should refuse to conceive until the completion of the course of therapy for this condition. In some cases, this violation in the blood coagulation system can be life-threatening for the expectant mother and baby, and while carrying a child, a woman can not take all medications. Therefore, it is better to get rid of this symptom before pregnancy.

When planning a conception, the doctor will definitely prescribe a coagulogram to exclude violations in the blood coagulation system. It is especially important to conduct such a study in certain risk groups:

  • in the anamnesis of the woman there were cases of miscarriages or missed pregnancies;
  • a woman or her relatives have varicose veins;
  • close relatives of the woman had thrombosis, heart attacks or strokes;
  • a woman professionally goes in for sports, which is associated with intense physical activity.

What to do with thick blood during pregnancy?

When identifying the first symptoms of thick blood, a woman needs to tell the doctor about them. If signs of blood clotting were detected during the tests, then the doctor will definitely prescribe a number of additional studies to the pregnant woman to determine the severity of such a violation of the coagulation system and find out the reasons for its occurrence. A variety of diseases and pathologies can provoke blood clots: antiphospholipid syndrome, liver diseases, blood pathologies, glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc. That is why the tactics of further examination will depend on each specific case.

In the absence of significant violations in the coagulogram and diseases, the doctor may recommend to the woman some changes in lifestyle and nutrition. These include:

  • sufficient daily intake fluids in small portions (about 1.5 liters, but the daily rate may change in the presence of edema and other diseases);
  • sufficient physical activity, which contributes to better blood circulation;
  • regular walks in the fresh air, which prevent oxygen starvation;
  • the introduction into the daily diet of foods that contribute to blood thinning, and the restriction of those foods that cause it to thicken;
  • salt restriction.

For such patients, the doctor will definitely prescribe repeated coagulogram tests, one of which will be carried out after an individually defined period of time (to monitor the effectiveness of preventive measures), and the second - a few weeks before childbirth.

With a more pronounced thickening of the blood of a pregnant woman, it is not enough to adhere to the above recommendations. In such cases, in addition to the course of treatment of the underlying disease that caused the blood density, the doctor will prescribe drug therapy to the woman.

The following drugs may be prescribed to thin the blood:

The duration of treatment, the selection of the dose and the drug can only be performed by a doctor who takes into account the general condition of the woman and is guided by the indicators of the coagulogram (primary and repeated). At the 36th week of pregnancy or 14 days before the expected delivery, all drugs are canceled, because they can cause various complications during childbirth.

Despite the fact that thick blood is found in many pregnant women, all women are advised not only to remain calm, but also to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. Such a violation of the blood coagulation system does not always indicate a significant risk for the future mother and fetus, but in certain cases it can lead to the development of severe consequences. By fulfilling all the doctor's prescriptions, a woman will be able to prevent formidable complications and preserve the health and life of herself and her unborn baby. Remember this! Do not self-medicate and be healthy!

The expectant mother has to regularly monitor her health. But the control of well-being alone is not indicative, therefore, pregnant women are shown dynamic monitoring of the results of laboratory tests. In structure biochemical analysis There is such a thing as blood viscosity. It reflects the state of important processes in the body. During pregnancy, a situation may arise when the blood is thicker than usual. What is the reason for this, how it manifests itself and what is required to normalize the analysis indicators - these are the most important questions in the structure of the problem under consideration.

General information

Blood is the main tissue of the body, having a liquid consistency. It contains 40% of formed elements (erythro-, leuko-, platelets) and 60% of plasma. The latter almost entirely consists of water, and only 10% is allocated to various organic and inorganic components. Blood has a viscoelastic consistency, which, along with other features, allows it to perform the main functions: transport, respiratory, immune, homeostatic.

The viscosity of blood depends on many factors: hematocrit (the ratio of the volume of formed elements to plasma), the deformability of erythrocytes, the speed of movement, the cross section of blood vessels, and temperature. Therefore, it is quite difficult to calculate it, but there are special devices for this purpose - viscometers. Normally, blood viscosity is at the level of 4-5 mPa * s, although there is no single research methodology yet.

Causes and mechanisms

The parameters that determine blood viscosity can change under the influence of various factors. During pregnancy, most often we are talking about a decrease in fluid content and an increase in coagulation (coagulation) properties. And if the latter can be observed under physiological conditions - before childbirth, then dehydration during childbearing is difficult to associate with normal processes. During the bearing of a child, on the contrary, there is an increase in the volume of circulating blood by 50%, mainly due to plasma. But certain conditions can change the ratio of its main components:

  1. Severe early toxicosis (vomiting and salivation).
  2. Dietary errors (drinking less fluid, lack of salt, increasing carbohydrate and fatty foods in the diet, rare meals or overeating).
  3. Intense physical work.
  4. Immunological incompatibility between mother and fetus.
  5. Taking certain medications (diuretic, antipyretic).

The viscosity of the biological fluid may increase in response to bleeding, as a compensatory reaction. But more often, an increase in the coagulation properties of the blood is observed due to pathological conditions:

  • Late preeclampsia (preeclampsia).
  • thrombosis and embolism.
  • Ischemic stroke.
  • Varicose disease.
  • Heart and lung failure.

In turn, thick blood during pregnancy leads to disruption of the function of gas exchange and redox processes in tissues. The heart has to make more effort to push it through the small capillaries. This provokes further disturbances in the body.

The causes of blood clotting during childbearing have a different origin. But most often we are talking about pathological processes.


Too viscous blood impairs the functioning of many body systems. It cannot go unnoticed, and the symptoms can be quite numerous. But most often a pregnant woman pays attention to such signs:

  • Headaches and dizziness.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Discomfort in the region of the heart.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • General weakness, drowsiness.
  • Decreased attention, irritability.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Coldness of extremities.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Oligouria.

Some of these manifestations can be mistaken for symptoms associated with the course of pregnancy in early or later dates, but their combination should give rise to the idea of ​​​​probable blood clots.


It should be noted that thick blood during pregnancy is dangerous for both the woman and her child. First of all, the risk of thrombotic complications increases: pulmonary embolism, heart attacks and strokes. Any vessels suffer, including those that are part of the uterine-placental complex. And their blockage leads to adverse consequences for the fetus:

  • Hypoxia.
  • Intrauterine growth retardation.
  • Fading pregnancy.
  • Spontaneous abortions.

In order to prevent a deterioration in the condition of the unborn child, it is extremely important to identify the pathology at an early stage. After all, even the death of the fetus is possible, and this is the most tragic for a woman in position.

Additional diagnostics

Plays a decisive role in the diagnosis laboratory research blood. And although its increased viscosity, with sufficient experience, can even be determined visually, but this is not at all enough. The standard analysis in such cases is a coagulogram. It is she who determines the main indicators of the coagulation system:

  • fibrinogen.
  • Clotting time.
  • prothrombin index.
  • Retraction of a blood clot.
  • Heparin tolerance.
  • Activated partial thromboplastin time.
  • Soluble fibrin-monomeric complexes.
  • D-dimer.

Additionally, during pregnancy, the blood is examined for lupus anticoagulant. Normally, it shouldn't be. And the necessary indicators general analysis is the content of formed elements (primarily erythrocytes and platelets), hematocrit, hemoglobin, ESR. The results should be interpreted only by a doctor, because further measures depend on it.

A diagnostic study in case of suspected increased blood viscosity must necessarily include a coagulogram and a general analysis.


It is possible to prevent the dangerous consequences of thick blood for the expectant mother and her child only with the timely correction of this condition. To do this, use drug therapy. The following drugs are used:

  1. Antiplatelet agents (Curantil, Cardiomagnyl).
  2. Anticoagulants (Fraxiparine).
  3. Venotonics (Phlebodia).
  4. Infusion (solution of sodium chloride, glucose).

Blood thinners should be discontinued no later than 2 weeks before delivery. Otherwise, the risk of bleeding increases. In any case, the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

While carrying a child, it is important for a woman to adhere to proper diet. If she does not have pronounced edema and arterial hypertension, then it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fluid (at least 1.5 liters per day). You should limit carbohydrate, fatty, fried foods, smoked foods, marinades and pickles. You need to eat more vegetables, fruits and greens. Blood density can be reduced with the help of berries, citrus fruits, beets, tomatoes, dried apricots, birch sap, vegetable oils. It is better if the diet of a pregnant woman will correspond to the time of year.

Blood viscosity is an important indicator that must be monitored when carrying a child. If, according to the results of the analyzes, it is increased, then deviations should be corrected in time. Delayed treatment can result in serious consequences for a woman and her unborn child.

A pregnant woman has to take a lot of tests. This is done in order to prevent serious consequences as a result of the resulting changes. Despite this, one should not react negatively to any report that the analyzes show abnormalities.

Thick blood: description and diagnosis

Many women during pregnancy are faced with a diagnosis of "thick blood", which develops while taking drugs to increase hemoglobin levels. This diagnosis should not be cause for concern, as it is a kind of norm. However, it all depends on the indicators of the analysis. Sometimes such a diagnosis becomes a real problem that requires an immediate solution.

You can determine the pathology visually even when taking blood for analysis, the results of which will finally confirm the assumption, demonstrating the presence of a large number of formed elements. In this case, the parameters of the coagulogram change in the pregnant woman:

  • fibrinogen. A person should not have fibrinogen in the blood, but in pregnant women, from 2 to 4 g / l is allowed.
  • APTT. Indicates the rate of blood clotting, normally this figure should be from 24 to 35 seconds, during pregnancy it can be much less.
  • TV. Thrombin time, which is normally 11 to 18 seconds, may be slightly increased.
  • Lupus anticoagulant. This indicator should not be. Its presence indicates that there are disorders in the woman's body, possibly autoimmune.
  • Prothrombin. The norm is in the range from 78 to 142%. Excess is dangerous because there is a risk of premature detachment of the placenta.

It is important to control the level of blood viscosity throughout the entire period of pregnancy, periodically passing control tests, because the considered indicators tend to change constantly.

Interestingly, the indicators of TV, APTT, fibrinogen, prothrombin, etc. change during the period not only of gestation, but also in the postpartum period (while the body of a young mother returns to normal after childbirth).

Why is this pathology dangerous?

Blood clotting should not cause a panic mood in a pregnant woman, since such a phenomenon is quite frequent during the period of bearing a child. In addition, iron preparations prescribed to many women to raise hemoglobin can affect this process. However, these indicators cannot be completely ignored either. It is important to monitor how it changes over time to determine the degree of risk.

Thick blood moves much worse through the blood vessels, especially through the capillaries. In this regard, stagnation may occur, leading to the formation of varicose veins and blood clots. Organs do not receive the required amount of oxygen. The brain is the first to react to such changes, resulting in a sharp decrease in performance, memory worsens. In addition, in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, the presence of thick blood can lead to serious diseases: atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, stroke and heart attack.

An insufficient amount of oxygen can cause serious problems for a growing fetus, and, worst of all, lead to its death.

Due to poor blood supply and circulation, fetal waste products are poorly excreted. They gradually accumulate in the placenta. A large concentration of these harmful substances can lead to a delay in fetal development, fading of pregnancy, miscarriage.

Increased blood viscosity entails a danger to the mother - this is the formation of blood clots

Causes and symptoms of the disease in expectant mothers

To prevent the unpleasant consequences caused by blood clotting, it is important to know the reasons that can cause it:

  • increase in erythrocytes, platelets and hemoglobin;
  • predisposition to increased blood clotting;
  • lack of certain enzymes;
  • increased acidity in the body;
  • excessive activity of the spleen;
  • exposure;
  • low water intake, leading to dehydration;
  • insufficient amount of trace elements and individual vitamins;
  • uncontrolled (excessive) consumption of carbohydrate foods and sugar.

In most cases, only one of the reasons is typical for a pregnant woman, moreover, temporary. This is due to the fact that the load on the body is doubled. Unfortunately, the thick blood that results from antiphospholipid syndrome almost always results in fetal death.

As such, there are no symptoms of thick blood, since they also appear with other concomitant diseases. It is more important to pay attention to the clinical manifestation of blood clotting, expressed by fatigue, increased blood pressure, depression, headaches, heaviness in the lower extremities.

Blood thinning methods

Drug treatment

Any person can have a thickening of the blood, but in pregnant women the situation is aggravated due to the fact that not all blood thinners can be taken. But in cases where it is not possible to avoid taking medications, they are still prescribed to pregnant women. Most often, doctors advise taking the drug Curantil. Two weeks of admission must alternate with a two-week break. The duration depends on the parameters of the coagulogram. If no improvement is observed, more powerful drugs are prescribed. These include Cardiomagnyl, Fraxiparine, Thrombo ACC or Phlebodia. These drugs are given by injection.

Whatever drug is prescribed by the doctor, after 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is canceled regardless of the coagulogram indicators. In the most extreme case, the appointment should be canceled at least two weeks before delivery. Otherwise, these drugs can cause serious problems directly during childbirth.

Diet for pregnant women

In cases where there is minimal opportunity to avoid taking medicines it's important to use it. To do this, sometimes it is enough to perform simple physical exercises and change the diet. Couple simple exercises performed daily, are able to relieve fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, eliminate pain in the legs and restore cheerfulness and vigor.

It is useful for a pregnant woman who has blood clotting to drink more water, but only if there is no predisposition to edema. The amount is set by the attending physician, but it is at least one and a half liters per day. Water should be clean, without gas, but not distilled, because it does not contain any trace elements necessary for the body. It is important to take several sips of water every 20-40 minutes. Excessive drinking at one time does not lead to positive results, because the body cannot absorb more than 70 g of water at a time, all the excess goes into edema.

It is also necessary to change the diet to improve the condition of the body. You should completely stop taking fatty, salty and spicy foods. And, conversely, in addition, start actively consuming blood-thinning foods, in particular those that contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C. Representatives of such foods are red-orange fruits and vegetables. They can be consumed in the form of juice or salads.

The "champions" in blood thinning are:

  • almost all citrus fruits (especially orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime);
  • dried fruits (preferably dried apricots);
  • pomegranate juice and pomegranate itself;
  • a pineapple;
  • most berries (mulberry, strawberry, raspberry, currant, cranberry, viburnum, sea buckthorn);
  • red vegetables (leaders are tomatoes and beets);
  • Forest mushrooms;
  • garlic (especially young) and green onions;
  • chocolate (only black) or cocoa;
  • birch sap, as well as an infusion made on the basis of birch bark or its buds;
  • any vegetable oils;
  • some spices (turmeric, curry, dry dill, oregano, paprika, ginger, thyme, cinnamon).

Photo gallery of products that promote blood thinning

Approximate daily menu

  1. Breakfast - Fresh vegetable salad with cold-pressed linseed or sunflower oil, scrambled eggs, green tea.
  2. Second breakfast - cottage cheese, fresh fruits(one large grapefruit), which can be replaced with a glass of fresh juice, boiled lean meat.
  3. Lunch - Vegetable soup, mashed potatoes with steamed fish, compote.
  4. Dinner - Vegetable garnish with steam cutlets from low-fat meat, tea.
  5. Snack before bed - a handful of dried fruits, a glass of fresh yogurt.

Folk methods of treatment

There are also folk remedies to help thin the blood that is too thick.

A decoction of Caucasian Dioscorea has proven itself well. 1 teaspoon of rhizome is poured into 1 cup hot water, kept in a water bath for half an hour, after which they still insist for 45 minutes. Then the broth is filtered, topped up boiled water so that the total volume is equal to one glass. Take only after eating 3 tablespoons three times a day.

Infusion and tincture of horse chestnut are also indicated for blood thinning. The infusion is prepared on the basis of dried flowers and water. One tablespoon of flowers is poured into 1 glass of water, put on fire, brought to a boil, insisted for 8 hours, consumed within 3 weeks.

Horse chestnut is one of the most effective means for blood thinning

To get a tincture, fresh horse chestnut flowers are poured into a jar, alcohol is poured into it to the neck, set aside to infuse for twenty days in a dark, cool place. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered and taken three times a day, adding 30 drops per 50 ml of water, always 30 minutes before eating. The term of admission is one month.

They also take 2 tablespoons of dry sweet clover, pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire and boil for ten minutes. Take this decoction in a third of a glass three times a day.

A decoction of several medicinal herbs and fruits helps well. It will require:

  • Sophora fruits - 1 part;
  • rosehip - 2 parts;
  • dry chestnut - 2 parts;
  • chaga powder - 2 parts;
  • elecampane root - 2 parts;
  • sweet clover - 2 parts.

Everything is well mixed, take one tablespoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour, take 100 ml in the morning and evening for a month.

Video about nutrition with thick blood

Thick blood should not cause panic and bring a pregnant woman to nervous state. But doing nothing is also unacceptable. You should change the daily routine and diet, and if this does not help, then start taking drugs that are safe for the unborn baby.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman periodically takes a blood test, according to which it is possible to determine the condition of the future woman in labor. A study on blood viscosity or a coagulogram is considered mandatory, which makes it possible to determine the content of a number of compounds that affect plasma density.

Minor changes in blood viscosity in pregnant women are considered normal, but they should not exceed a critical mark, be constantly high. Too thick blood negatively affects the development of the unborn baby, the condition of the woman herself.

What is dangerous thick blood

Increased viscosity is dangerous for a developing fetus due to a lack of incoming nutrients. Oxygen exchange is slower, its deficiency affects the development of embryonic tissues. The baby's waste products are not removed in a timely manner due to low circulation, there is a risk of poisoning, death. Hypoxia is also reflected in the mental development, weight gain of the unborn child.

For a woman, thick blood increases the risk of stroke, heart attacks, there is a possibility of thrombosis, and high blood pressure can be observed. Insufficient plasma circulation leads to malnutrition of all internal organs, which provokes a variety of dysfunctions and pathologies.

Blood thinning methods during pregnancy

With timely measures to thin the blood, it is possible to prevent related complications for the baby and mother. For these purposes, the following methods are used:

  • Diet;
  • Drinking mode;
  • Folk methods;
  • Lifestyle correction;
  • Elimination of the causes of thick blood as a method of treatment;
  • Medical treatment.

The possibility of using each of the options is discussed with the doctor, since the decision of what to do if there is thick blood during pregnancy should not be taken on your own. Together with a specialist, you can choose the best way, as well as using analyzes to track the dynamics of improvements.

Diet for pregnant women with high blood viscosity

Restriction in certain foods, as well as supplementing the diet with special foods that help stimulate blood thinning, is one of the safe and commonly used options for maintaining pregnant patients. The diet is made taking into account the condition of the patient separately by day, or products that increase viscosity are simply excluded.

If we consider a menu that is useful for pregnant women with thick blood, then it should contain the following ingredients:

  1. Citrus. Vitamin C does a good job of thinning the lymph, but it is important not to overdo it so that allergic reactions do not appear. This is undesirable during pregnancy. It is better to eat a variety of fruits, for example, lime, orange, drink tea with lemon.
  2. Berries. Depending on the season, it will be useful to use fresh or frozen berries. Cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, wild strawberries, currants, viburnum, plums and other berries of predominantly sour varieties. The ascorbic acid contained in them will stimulate a decrease in blood viscosity.
  3. Vegetable oils. It can be olive, linseed, sunflower or corn, as long as it is natural.
  4. Spices. They need to be consumed in moderation, choose seasonings that are not hot and spicy. For pregnant women, dill, paprika, oregano, cinnamon, turmeric, curry are suitable.
  5. Vegetables, preferably red. Recommended beets in any form, tomatoes, as well as onions, garlic.
  6. Seaweed, seafood. Food is useful in terms of micronutrient content, as a source of iodine, and also as a food that promotes normal blood circulation.

The menu can include birch sap, with caution mushrooms, bitter chocolate and in the minimum dosage. Food should be eaten often, but in small portions. More is not better, so even healthy fruits, vegetables or other foods should be eaten in reasonable amounts.

A diet for pregnant women does not imply a reduction in food intake, but simply eliminates products that are harmful in this position. To improve the condition, you need to abandon canned food, butter, fatty meats, minimize the consumption of bananas, dairy products, buckwheat, white bread, potatoes, pastries. Although some women are drawn to "salty", this component of the dishes should be excluded. If this cannot be done completely, then the amount should be minimal.

What could be the menu
A diet to prevent a high blood viscosity is conditionally called a diet, since in general the food remains quite varied, complete and nutritious. For an example menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast. Omelet, green tea with lemon, rye bread with cranberry jam.
  2. Lunch. Berry mousse or orange, cottage cheese.
  3. Dinner. Boiled turkey or steamed lean meat cutlets, rice, vegetable soup, tomato salad. Seasoned with vegetable oil.
  4. afternoon tea. Kefir or light fruit salad.
  5. Dinner. Seafood, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote.

During the day it is necessary to drink water, vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women are not canceled.

Drinking regime

The average amount of fluid that a pregnant woman should drink per day is about 1.5 liters. If a problem such as viscous blood is diagnosed, then the drinking regimen can be adjusted upwards. Such actions are appropriate if the expectant mother does not have edema, weight gain is normal, there are no abnormalities in the urinary system or other contraindications.

Pure water is used as a drink, but not carbonated, compotes, fruit drinks, tea. Drinks should not contain dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives. It is necessary to drink liquid in small amounts (several sips) during the day. If you drink a couple of glasses of water at a time, then there will be no benefit.

Folk methods

There are prescriptions for blood thinning that are used in traditional healers. Although they use exclusively natural ingredients, the use of decoctions and tinctures must be agreed with the supervising physician. Of the common methods that reduce the viscosity of the lymph, we can distinguish:

  1. Infusion of sweet clover. The crushed dry plant is poured with boiling water, infused for several hours, drunk 3-4 tablespoons a day.
  2. A blend of ginger, cinnamon, green tea and lemon. Green tea is brewed in the usual way, only small amounts of ginger and cinnamon are added to it, as well as lemon juice or a slice of citrus. For pregnant women, this drink can be drunk no more than 1 time per day.
  3. Wormwood, sweet clover, meadowsweet. Herbs are mixed in equal amounts, for example, a tablespoon, poured with a liter of boiling water, infused for several hours, taken 1-2 tablespoons, twice a day.
  4. Garlic and honey. A clove of garlic is crushed, mixed with 100 gr. honey, taken in a teaspoon before meals.

Folk recipes can really improve the condition of a pregnant woman, but you do not need to completely rely on the properties of herbal decoctions and infusions. With caution, you should try the chosen remedy, starting with the minimum dose, this event is previously agreed with the doctor. Some herbal ingredients can provoke conditions that are dangerous for a pregnant woman and a baby, especially on early dates.

Lifestyle Correction

Carrying a child is a serious burden for the body, but this does not mean that moderate physical activity should be completely excluded. An exception is a difficult pregnancy, when absolute rest, bed rest is required.

Lifestyle indirectly, but still affects the blood viscosity index. Low mobility, lack of moderate physical activity, for example, sedentary work, the constant use of transport for movement - reduces blood circulation in the body. You can change the situation by regular walks in the fresh air, gymnastics for pregnant women, which not only positively affects the overall blood flow, but also prepares the muscles future mother to childbirth.

Elimination of the causes of thick blood, as a method of treatment

An increase in blood viscosity is associated with changes in the body, and by identifying provoking factors, it is possible to more successfully normalize the structure of the plasma. For these purposes, additional diagnostic measures, blood and urine tests may be prescribed. The following reasons can provoke such a reaction:

  1. Inflated sugar levels, which is corrected by diet, minimizing carbohydrate foods, if this is not a symptom of the development of a serious pathology.
  2. Disease of the liver, kidneys, intestines. In violation of the function of these organs, special therapy is prescribed.
  3. Excess iron, which appeared while maintaining pregnancy, due to the intake of certain drugs.
  4. Inadequate nutrition. It is difficult to identify such a reason, sometimes the doctor is guided by the patient's condition, analyzes of biological materials, and the dynamics of fetal development.

If pathological processes are suspected, leading the blood to a thick state, narrow specialists may be involved.

Medical treatment

Taking special drugs to thin the lymph is prescribed last or in a critical situation, when there is no time to wait for a natural decrease in a high level of viscosity. Drugs are selected individually, as there are differences in the principle of action, contraindications. The following remedies may be prescribed by the supervising physician:

  • Curantyl;
  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • Thrombo ASS.

There are other drugs of identical action, which the specialist will inform about. Although there are some risks of taking such medications, especially in early pregnancy, the doctor is forced to prescribe them to prevent problems with the development of the baby. A woman with a high blood viscosity may experience complications during childbirth, and the likelihood of a stroke increases.

If, nevertheless, such a situation has arisen that there is thick blood during pregnancy and you need to decide what to do, the main thing is not to worry, but to realistically assess the situation. In many cases, simply following the diet already helps restore normal blood flow, and in the following months of pregnancy, such problems no longer arise. No need to independently choose drugs, practice folk medicine, as this can lead not only to a lack of results, but also to complications.

Video: how to thin thick blood without medication

A woman gives up while carrying a child great amount a variety of analyses. One of the most important is a blood test, which allows you to monitor the condition of the future mother and fetus, in a timely manner to identify various deviations from the norm.

So, thick blood during pregnancy can indicate both the development of a serious disease, and be an individual feature of the body. It is important in this situation to understand what reasons caused the blood to thicken.

Causes of high blood viscosity

Blood is a type of connective tissue, 60% of its composition is plasma, and 40% is formed elements. This substance for easy passage through the vessels must have a certain consistency. For women, the norm of viscosity is considered to be 35 - 40%. However, in most cases, for girls in position, this figure is higher.

The reasons for the increase in viscosity are different:

  • physiological characteristics of the body;
  • drinking insufficient water;
  • beriberi, deficiency of minerals and other useful substances;
  • insufficient activity of digestive enzymes;
  • taking iron-containing drugs, which are often prescribed to pregnant women with reduced hemoglobin;
  • the content in the diet of high levels of sugar and carbohydrates;
  • increased work of the spleen.

A variety of pathologies can cause blood clotting:

  • intense bleeding;
  • blood diseases;
  • pain shock;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome - this pathology is characterized by increased blood clotting, which can cause early birth and fetal death;
  • problems with the kidneys, liver, intestines.

Thick blood during pregnancy can be caused by one reason, but often the deviation develops under the influence of several negative factors.

Note! In most cases, increased blood viscosity during pregnancy is a benign condition caused by the body's reaction to the upcoming birth. Thus, the risk of opening severe bleeding is significantly reduced.

Symptoms of thick blood

Pregnancy for a woman is a difficult period during which various changes occur in the body. It is quite difficult to independently recognize an increase in blood viscosity, because the signs of this pathology are very similar to the usual state of a pregnant woman:

  • the appearance of frequent headaches;
  • the occurrence of a feeling of dryness in the mouth, thirst;
  • excessive sleepiness and feeling tired;
  • memory impairment, the appearance of irritability, apathy;
  • heaviness and feeling of coldness in the legs and arms;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension.

In some situations, with an increase in blood density, any symptoms may be completely absent.

Deviation diagnostics

Often, the laboratory assistant determines the increased viscosity of the biomaterial visually. So, when blood is taken from a finger, it does not flow well and folds almost immediately. When taking physiological fluid from a vein, the needle of the syringe is clogged.

However, a coagulogram will help to determine any deviations most accurately. This diagnostic method allows you to identify the presence or absence of pathology of blood clotting, allows you to develop effective measures for treatment and prevention. The analysis is given exclusively on an empty stomach.

When studying the coagulogram, the doctor pays attention to the following indications:

  1. The prothrombin index is the percentage expression of the clotting rate of the patient's serum with normal plasma. The norm is 110% +/-32%. Exceeding these numbers indicates increased density.
  2. amount of fibrinogen. In the early stages of pregnancy, this figure should be 2 - 4 g / l, in the last trimester - up to 6 g / l.
  3. thrombin time. A clot should form within 15 seconds. For women carrying a baby, a time of 25 seconds is acceptable.
  4. Lupus coagulant. This indicator is normally negative - a positive test indicates the presence of a systemic blood disease or toxicosis.
  5. Activated partial thromboplastin time - the norm is 24 - 35 seconds, but in women who are carrying a child, due to increased amount fibrinogen clotting can be accelerated, and be 17 - 20 seconds.

The danger of pathology

High viscosity interferes with the normal circulation of blood through the vessels, resulting in blood clots and varicose veins. Tissues and organs distant from the heart are deficient in oxygen and nutrients.

The most dangerous for the fetus is a condition such as blockage of blood vessels, due to which the child develops hypoxia, which can cause spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pathologies of development. For the mother, blockage threatens with a heart attack and stroke, cerebral hemorrhage.

With thick blood, a missed pregnancy is often detected. Due to poor blood circulation, an insufficient amount of useful nutrients for the fetus enters the uterus. This prevents the embryo from attaching normally to the uterine wall.

Blood thinning

The detection of thick blood during pregnancy may be a physiological norm, which will pass on its own after childbirth. In this situation, gynecologists do not prescribe any therapeutic measures.

However, if the pathology can cause dangerous complications, the specialist will give recommendations for blood thinning.

Diet change

During the period of bearing a child, it is contraindicated for patients to take various medications, therefore, the treatment of thick blood during pregnancy consists in adjusting the diet:

  1. You need to drink enough water. The exact amount of fluid needed by the body depends on body weight - on average, this figure is 1.5 - 2 liters. It is worth drinking only pure non-carbonated water (not distilled!). Soda is bad for pregnant women. It is worth drinking often, but in small doses: drunk at a time a large number of fluid will cause swelling.
  2. It is necessary to exclude or minimize the use of salt, which retains fluid in the body and causes tissue swelling.
  3. It is worth adding foods containing vitamin C to the menu - berries, fruits, fresh natural juices, red and orange vegetables.
  4. Citrus fruits will be of particular benefit.
  5. Of the berries, it is worth giving preference to strawberries, black currants, viburnum, cranberries, raspberries.
  6. When choosing spices, you should focus on paprika, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, oregano, dill, cayenne pepper and thyme.

It is worth eating tomatoes, beets, garlic, onions, plums, dried apricots, pomegranate and birch sap. Sunflower oil must be replaced with linseed, olive or rapeseed. It is important that the fruits, vegetables and berries consumed are in season.

Note! Any product consumed in excess can cause an allergic reaction.

It is necessary to abandon products that increase the viscosity of the physiological fluid. These include bananas, buckwheat, potatoes, soda, salty and spicy, fried, alcohol.

In addition to dietary changes, thick blood during pregnancy requires moderate exercise to improve blood flow. Physical activity contributes to the disappearance of apathy, irritability, drowsiness, lethargy, swelling and pain in the limbs.

Performing simple exercises every day and following a drinking regimen will help stabilize your well-being and cheer you up.

Drug therapy

When blood clotting poses a threat to the mother or fetus, and a change in diet did not give the expected results, medications are prescribed.

These funds include:

  • Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin;
  • Thrombo ACC (Anopyrin);
  • Diovenor, Vasoket;
  • Curantyl, Dipyridamole;
  • Fraxiparine, Nadroparin calcium.

The selection of a specific drug is based on the study of the coagulogram and the condition of the woman. Taking any drug stops at 36 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes at 38. This is necessary to avoid possible problems during childbirth.

Pregnancy planning and blood viscosity

When planning the conception of a child, it is necessary to pass an analysis for hemostasis in advance, which will prevent the occurrence of possible difficulties during the gestation of the fetus.

This is especially true for the expectant mother, who:

  • there were people in the family who had a stroke or heart attack;
  • had a history spontaneous abortions or frozen pregnancy;
  • lifestyle associated with heavy physical exertion;
  • varicose veins were diagnosed or relatives suffered from this disease.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period during which it is extremely important to monitor your health, take all tests in a timely manner and follow the recommendations of a gynecologist.
