GCD abstract for designing in the senior group on the topic: Snowman. Abstract of the design lesson "Soon, soon the New Year!" in the senior group Designing Christmas toys from paper senior group

Goal: Development of spatial thinking.


Teach children to create a layout that meets certain requirements. To form generalized ideas and knowledge in children. Make a layout from parts, navigate in space, enrich the horizons of children.


Develop imagination, spatial thinking, constructive abilities, with independent choice and use available funds expressiveness. To promote the development of skills of a creative approach to solving practical problems. To consolidate the ability of children to invent and design landscape compositions without the help of a visual model.


To cultivate communication skills, diligence, interest in the created layouts, be able to work independently, in an organized manner. To form the ability to coordinate their actions in teamwork.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction on a New Year's theme.

Consideration of illustrations, postcards depicting a variety of New Year's interiors.

Didactic games "Nature and New Year's mood", " New Year decoration”, “Winter pattern”.

Materials (in the box) - various boxes, colored paper and colored cardboard, foil, cotton wool, napkins, scissors, PVA glue, brushes, plasticine, tinsel, Christmas decorations.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time"Pass the Snowflake"

Hello! I came to visit you to play with you. Do you like to play?

Let's stand in a circle and play the game "Pass the snowflake and say your name." My name is Svetlana Valentinovna - passing a snowflake in a circle. That's where we met.

2. The teacher goes to the waiting room and brings the box.

Guys, whose is this box? Who left her? Maybe yours? No?

What do you think is in this box? (Thunder, rustle)

Let's see what's in it. Opening the box - the contents of the box

put on the table.

What are these decorations for? (Decorate the Christmas tree). What holiday are these decorations for?

Guys, where is the new year coming? (Answers of children).

3. - Now you will collect split pictures and find out where else you can come New Year- to complete the task - listen carefully to me. Take one part of the cut picture each and go to the table of the same color, now turn the cards over and connect the details of the picture (the children complete the task by laying out the pictures “Forest”, “River”, “Street” on the table - dividing children into microgroups).

What is in your pictures? Can the New Year come to the forest, to the river, to the street?

Let's do it so that the New Year comes there soon.

What do you need to do to make the New Year come? (Decorate)

So the box that was in the reception room will come in handy - this is probably Santa Claus left it.

I put a box with materials and decorations on the table - the children, at their request, choose materials for making a model of a forest, river, street and decorate it.

4. Independent work of children in microgroups - making a model of a forest, river, street and decorating it.

5. “Tell me how the forest, river, street has changed with the advent of the New Year” - each microgroup in turn tells how they made models of the forest, river, streets and decorated them. Other micro-groups listen and add what could be done.

6. Reflection - What new did you learn today? What's interestnig? What do you tell your parents at home? (Answers of children).

Nomination: Kindergarten, winter holidays, preparatory group, Summaries of classes, GCD, design and manual labor for the New Year
Title: Abstract of the lesson for the New Year in preparatory group on the design "Where the New Year comes"

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU "Berezovsky" kindergarten No. 4"
Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Berezovka village

Abstract of the design lesson "Soon, soon the New Year!" V senior group

Program content:

To develop in children the ability to carry out buildings according to their own plan and according to schemes. Pin name geometric shapes building material. Strengthen the ability to self-select necessary material for construction. Recall the famous buildings of your hometown.

preliminary work:

Consideration of illustrations of cars and trucks, buildings.

Execution of passenger transport buildings according to schemes and according to one's own design. D. /games « Miraculous Pouch» , "Color, shape, size", "Geometric Shapes", "I am builder"; reading x / literature A. Borto "Machine" and others.

materials: building material laid out in forms; "road" for each child; Christmas trees according to the number of children; snowmen by the number of children; "waybills with the address of delivery of goods"- for each child; a letter from Santa Claus; Wooden horse with a sleigh; freight transport schemes; tablets with photos of famous buildings of the city; audio recording of the music for the song "It's good that there is New Year»

Tables are placed letter "P". Cardboard boxes are laid out on each table. "roads-carriageways and pedestrian crossings". The building material is laid out in forms and placed in front of the tables so that the children can move freely without interfering with each other. There is a horse on the table, Christmas trees and snowmen in the sleigh.

Before designing organizational game is being played "I will freeze".

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables and makes a riddle.

* We are not afraid to shudder if we dance and sing.

We have fun near the Christmas tree, and we are waiting for gifts for ourselves.

Around the elegant Christmas tree we dance together.

We celebrate a glorious holiday

This festival - (New Year)

Children:- New Year.

You know guys, Santa Claus has a lot of work right now. He prepares gifts for all the children of the planet so as not to leave anyone without a gift. Today the postman brought us a letter from Santa Claus.

Let's read (he reads a letter in which he asks you to help plant Christmas trees in the microdistricts of the city. The drivers will be his snowmen assistant friends.

Well, guys, let's help Santa Claus?

Children: Yes!

Where can you plant Christmas trees around the city? By bus or taxi?

D: Not on trucks, they can be built.

Why on trucks?

D: City trees are high, and large, powerful, cargo cars are needed.

Well done guys, you found the right solution.

(consider several schemes placed on the stand, noting from which parts. Which part of the machine can be built)

Guys, our drivers, snowmen, after work will need to rest somewhere, spend the night. Let one of you build a hotel for them (children decide who will build the hotel. They look at pictures, diagrams and choose which building, proposed or according to their own plan, will be carried out)

Now, I suggest that you decide on your own what kind of building you will do, select the necessary material and begin construction. (during construction, the educator sets leading questions: Why did you choose these parts, To be more stable, which part can be replaced? How many parts did you use to build? Why did you decide to build a three-story hotel? And so on.)

Upon completion of the construction, the children choose their own "snowman drivers";get a Christmas tree; waybill; place snowmen in cabins; loading Christmas trees; start the engines and ride around the tables; the educator in the direction of travel sets up tablets with photographs of buildings on the tables; children unload and install Christmas trees.)

Guys, you did a great job today, helped Grandfather Frost. You got a variety of trucks. All buildings are made stable. Our snowmen friends probably want to relax, let's settle them in hotel rooms and

sing them a goodbye cheerful song about New Year?

(children sing a song to the music "It's good that there is in the world New Year»

Duration 25 minutes

Elena Teterina
GCD abstract on design with drawing elements " Christmas tree toy-bell» for the preparatory group


Learn to make Christmas tree toy


Educational: Generate interest in the upcoming New Year holidays.

keep learning design christmas toys from waste material using semolina for finishing.

Strengthen the skills and techniques of working with glue (sticking additional elements) .

Correctional development A: Promote the development of creativity, imagination, fantasy of children.

Develop auditory, visual and tactile perception; fine motor skills of hands, memory, thinking, speech.

Educational: To educate children in independence, perseverance, the ability to bring work to the end.

Technologies used: health-saving, gaming, technology of musical influence, personal-orientative.

Dictionary activation: plastic tableware, decoration.

preliminary work:

Classes on teaching the technique of working with semolina, looking at pictures depicting different Christmas decorations, conversation "New Year holiday", learning songs for the holiday, observations in nature.


Disposable plastic cups, PVA glue, brushes for paint and glue, watercolor, semolina, jars of water, napkins, buttons, beads, ribbons. Sample, manufacturing scheme, Christmas tree, musical accompaniment (song "I was born in the forest herringbone» , classical music compositions).

Course progress.

1. Introductory part.

Children play on the carpet, the song of Alexei Kortnev is heard "bells".

caregiver: Guys, you hear somewhere funny music is heard.

The door opens and a snowman comes in - a mailer (tree in hands).

Snowman: Hello guys! Did you recognize me? (children answer). Do you know what time of year it is?

caregiver: Of course, snowman, our children know everything. Now we will tell everything. What season? What are the signs of winter? What holidays do we celebrate in winter?

Snowman: What good fellows you are! Guys, I did not accidentally come to you. You said that in winter we celebrate the New Year. That's why Santa Claus sent you herringbone. But only he is already old and forgot to dress her up?

caregiver: Guys, what can we do with this work? Let's remember with you how to decorate a Christmas tree? (tinsel, rain, Christmas decorations) . Where can we take toys? (in the shop). Yes guys now we can buy toys in the store, and in the old days toys did it by hand. How do you think we can do toys by ourselves?

Snowman: Guys, I'm sorry, but I have to say goodbye to you, I have to give Christmas trees to other children. In parting, I want to play with you game.

Fizminutka: "Snowman"

We make a snowman

(imitation of making snowballs)

From fluffy snow.

Here they rolled the first lump,

(bending over "roll a snowball")

That's how big he is.

(shrug hands from top to side down)

The second one is a little smaller,

(same, but slightly smaller spreading arms)

The third is the head.

(draw a circle in the air)

The hat will be from a bucket.

(put palms over head like a roof)

The nose is a carrot, and the eyes are

(point to nose, eyes)

Two funny embers.

Everything, our snowman is ready,

He looks pleased.

The mouth laughs from ear to ear

(point to mouth)

He amuses all the children.


The snowman suddenly comes to life

And the kids are chasing.

The snowman says goodbye to the children.

caregiver: Goodbye snowman, the guys and I invite you to our holiday.

caregiver: Well guys, let's get down to business?

2. Practical part:

caregiver: Guys, look at your tables, how many different materials I have prepared for you. Now we will try to make from this material toy - bell, for our Christmas tree.

Let's sit down with you correctly, put our legs straight, we will take care of our posture with you.

Work progress display: Look guys, first I will choose my materials. I'll take a glass, I'll make a bell out of it. For decoration, I will use semolina, tinsel and beads.

The first thing I will do is draw patterns on the cup with glue, you can paint whatever patterns you want. Then I sprinkle the places smeared with glue, semolina. In order for the pattern to turn out bright and colorful, I watercolor paints paint the patterns. Look, I'm trying to get the job done right. I got a bell with a pattern. Now I'll add tinsel to make my bell dressy, and I'll add a little more beads in the middle.

Look what a bell I got.

You can choose any colors and materials to decorate your toys.

Tired? Let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics: "We decorate the Christmas tree"

One two three four five. (Alternately connect the fingertips of both hands).

Let's decorate the tree. (Join palms, "house" above your head and spread your arms to the sides).

We'll hang balls (Connect the fingertips of both hands, forming a ball).

Bright flashlights (They press their palms together, fingers apart, perform rotational movements with their palms back and forth).

Merry Parsley (show long nose).

And different toys(Pulls palms forward).

And a playful bear (Show "Bear Paws" and sway from side to side).

And a cowardly hare (Put open palms to head).

caregiver A: I see you are ready to go. Tell me where do we start? What technique do we use for coloring? What materials will you choose for decoration? (I ask each child).

Well done, let's get to work.

Independent work of children.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Snowballs".

(Children perform movements in accordance with the words of the teacher).

Take snowballs in your hands

And you look at them.

Now pick them up

Up, look at them.

Down the snowballs you lower,

And look at them again.

Snowball to the right

Snowball left.

"Draw" circle skillfully.

Snowball is close, far away

You look carefully.

Here is our snow

Smile at him, my friend.

Blink fast, blink fast

And keep working.

sounds during operation. "Classical music". Individual work with children.

3. Final:

caregiver: Well done, guys, everyone tried and finished their work. What did we make today? And why should we toys? What materials were used? I propose to decorate our herringbone and sing her a song together.

Children and teacher lead a round dance and sing a song "I was born in the forest herringbone»

Paper construction " Christmas ball toy» for children of the preparatory group

Summary of the ID lesson in the preparatory group«» .

1. Theme « New Year's voluminous toy-ball»

2. Integration of educational regions:

Artistic - aesthetic development (construction) ;

cognitive development (experimental activity);

Socio-communicative development (labor education);

Speech development;

Physical development (health-saving technologies).

3. Activities: paper construction

4. Preliminary work: Conversations about the future new year holiday , viewing New Year's toys.

Material: Colored paper, cardboard, templates of geometric shapes cut out of cardboard; scissors; braid for making loops; glue; napkins paper and cloth.

vocabulary work: template, voluminous.

Program content:


Continue to improve your ability to work with various materials and techniques and practices paper construction;

To form the ability to independently achieve the expressiveness of the created image;

We learn to make a product of a three-dimensional form;

Practicing the technique of working with scissors.


To form a sense of color, shape;

Develop visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking;

Promote the development of attention, memory.

Learning to work with materials and tools for paper construction.


Stimulate interest in paper construction;

To cultivate the ability to hear the verbal instructions of the teacher, his instructions;

To cultivate accuracy when working with materials and tools.

6. The course of the lesson:

Introductory part

1. Create interest in the topic paper construction« New Year's voluminous toy-ball»

Guys, I have a letter for you. It was written for you by Santa Claus.

“Hello, dear guys, I am sending you a Christmas tree and I suggest you make it yourself christmas toys. I send detailed instructions how can you do it yourself « New Year's volumetric toy-ball» , as well as herself toy.

2. Examination and examination of the object

The teacher shows toy children and asks to determine how it is made.

The children make their guesses. The teacher clarifies and shows the manufacturing method, commenting on his actions and turning to the children for clues.

3. Show how to make

We take a template cardboard form (circle) and prepared strips of colored paper(yellow, blue, and other colors, we fold the prepared strips in half. Next, we apply a template, circle with a simple pencil and cut out a circle along the contour. We immediately get 2 identical circles of the same color. You also need to do the same with colored strips different colored papers. There should be six circles. We bend each of them in half and glue them together (half to half, alternating colors. We attach a loop of braid so that the ball can be hung on a Christmas tree. As a result, we get such a voluminous toy.

4. Motor activity

Guys, I invite you to warm-up.

One - bend down, stretch

Two - unbend, stretch.

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider.

Five, six - sit down quietly.

Guys, what are we going to do today?

Only after answers children start productive activities.

Main part

5. Productive activity

In the process of work, the teacher makes sure that the children, using the template, firmly press it against the colored paper and circled it with a simple pencil, used scissors correctly, glued parts correctly toys.

It also encourages resourcefulness. children, their desire to decorate toy in your own way without repeating the proposed sample and the work of comrades.

Final part

6. Summary of the lesson

At the end of the lesson, the children review their toys, hanging them on the Christmas tree, they discuss what kind of Christmas tree has become. The teacher reads a poem

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Directly - educational activities: design, manual labor "Snowman in a hat"

Target: Making crafts for the new year.
- Use at work different materials;
- development fine motor skills hands;
- develop aesthetic taste
Forms of GCD: subgroup
Class type: occupation is creativity.
Material: tubes from toilet paper, scissors, multi-colored woolen or synthetic threads, PVA glue, eyes, spouts, napkins, oilcloth, brushes, napkins.

The course of directly - educational activities:

caregiver: Guys, we made a beautiful snowman on a walk, listen to a poem about him.
He is neither small nor big

Snowy white snowman.
He has a carrot nose
He loves frost
In the cold, it does not freeze.
And spring comes - melts,
What to do, how to be?
How can we save it?
Maybe white
Buy for a snowman?
Educator: Tell us what can upset us?
Guys, what can we do so that we have a snowman for the whole year? What can you suggest? (children's answers)
Educator: We will make paper snowmen from cardboard cylinders. And that each snowman was different from each other, we will dress them up with colorful hats that we will make ourselves.
Educator: Take a cardboard cylinder each. Look at the lines drawn on them. It is necessary to divide our cylinder into two parts along this line: for the snowman and for the hat.
Educator: After you cut the cylinder, take the part that is larger. They took white paper, wrapped it around the cylinder, smeared the inside of the cylinder with glue from two edges and wrapped the excess parts of the paper inside the cylinder.
caregiver: We took the eyes, smeared the reverse sides with glue and placed them on the snowman's face so that the eyes were not too far and close to each other. So that there is a small distance between the eyes.
caregiver: Now take the ready-made orange paper noses, which I have already made and glue them between the eyes, but a little lower. We draw the mouths with felt-tip pens.
caregiver: Now let's start making hats. Threads of your choice different colors which one do you like more. Educator: Prepared a small part of the cylinder. They took one thread, bent in half. To form a loop at the fold. Now we put the threads inside the cylinder with our left hand, and we put the thumb and forefinger into the loop and pull the ends of the thread and tighten it into a knot.
Educator: We place the threads close to each other so that the cardboard does not come out.
Educator: When you're done. You can put the threads inside the cylinder at the same time and pull them out. And then tie up. And you can immediately tie up as you like.
Educator: And it remains to tie a scarf from the same thread. What amazing snowmen we got. Great gifts for the New Year! Your parents will be very surprised.
