Women's field uniform. Form of the Russian Navy: casual, full dress

In 2015, the Russian army completely changed its clothes. Today, all military personnel without exception have a military uniform of a new type. The plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense, which consisted in the complete re-dressing of the army for more than a year, was fully implemented. This was repeatedly stated by senior officials of the main military department. The need to change the ranks of the army of our country has existed for a long time. Together with the new set of uniforms, new rules for wearing them have been put into effect.

In 2014 alone, the new uniform was issued to half a million servicemen. The distribution of uniforms was carried out in accordance with the developed schedule. The transfer of military personnel began precisely with those who served in the regions of the Far North.

General dressing began in 2013, actively continued in 2014, but the bulk of the Russian military personnel received an updated military uniform in 2015. Now the naval and full dress military uniforms are next in line for revision. Male and female employees will be fully dressed. Part of the 2015 Russian Armed Forces Uniform is a pattern of US military clothing.

Reforms in the field of military uniforms under Serdyukov

Modern military uniforms have been required by the Russian army for a long time, and the current attempt to completely change the clothes of military personnel is not the first. Overseas clothing for military personnel is significantly superior in performance to the uniform of the military of our country. Periodically, the Ministry of Defense introduces samples of military clothing with more advanced characteristics. As a result of each such attempt, the country's budget loses huge amounts, and the dress uniform is an even more unjustified cost.

For example, under the disgraced Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, about 25 billion rubles were allocated for the dressing up of the Russian army. Price of development and implementation new form in 2014-2015 is still kept secret, but given the scale of this process, it is safe to say that the amounts are cosmic.

The military uniform has been taken for revision by the Ministry of Defense since 2007, including the dress one. The main initiative came from A. Serdyukov, who held the post of Minister of Defense at that time. On a competitive basis, from the provided sketches of the selected developers, the variant proposed by the famous Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin won. It took 2 whole years to prepare the final samples of the updated uniforms. The presentation of the new form was held in 2010. In many respects, both external and operational, it was similar to the uniforms of the US armed forces. But the developers strongly denied such a comparison.

The Russian uniform for the winter season caused a lot of unflattering responses from both specialists and the military personnel themselves, who had to experience new uniforms on themselves. Complaints were received by the Ministry of Defense almost daily. Due to the low performance of the new uniform, the number of colds in the army has increased dramatically in just one winter period. In addition, external signs of the new form also caused discontent. After all, now shoulder straps were not located in the usual place, on the shoulders, but following the example of the armed formations of the NATO bloc, they were moved to the chest area. Plus, the quality of the material from which the form was made also left much to be desired. The servicemen noted that the fabric quickly becomes unusable and breaks, and the threads are frayed, and also become unusable.

Among other innovations, it should be noted the presence of a warm sweater in the clothing set of an officer of the Russian army, and the presence of individual components with Velcro, a narrowed model of overcoats, and the complete abolition of footcloths and boots. By the way, the last abolition was valid only according to the documents, because. in fact, it was far from immediately possible to come to this in the entire Russian army.

Due to numerous complaints and dissatisfaction from the military, the military department thought about the advisability of developing a new form.

Now realized that model following the example of the form of the US military does not fit the conditions of our country. From now on, the military uniform used in the field included 19 items. It turns out that the set has been significantly expanded. The price of one such set is approximately 35,000 rubles. The parade military uniform has not yet undergone changes, because. there is no urgent need for this. Much more important was the field uniform, and not the dress one.

Complete set of modern uniforms for military personnel

The modern uniform set is a multi-layered suit. Depending on weather conditions and personal tastes, the military has the opportunity to personally select sets of clothing for themselves. Plus, from now on, the field uniform is identical for both the officer and the military from the rank and file. Dress uniforms will still vary. The standards for the operation of military clothing for an officer and a soldier do not differ (one exception is the full dress uniform of an officer).

The set of modern field kit for a soldier and an officer includes the following components:

Gloves and mittens;

Several types of jackets designed for each season;

Hat and beret;

3 types of boots, varying by season;


Standards for wearing uniforms for military personnel

Such rules are established in some detail in the departmental regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Employees use military uniforms of the following types:

dress uniform- during parades and various events with the direct participation of troops; V holidays military unit; in cases of delivery state awards and orders; in cases of presentation of the military unit of the Battle Banner; when the ship is launched and put into operation, as well as when the Naval banner is raised on the ship; upon enrollment in the guard of honor; when serving as sentries for the protection of the Battle Banner of a military unit. It is allowed to wear a similar form of clothing on non-working days, and during off-duty hours;

field uniform- in the presence of hostilities; during a state of emergency, liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, natural and other disasters; on training events, training sessions, combat duty;

everyday- in all other cases.

Characteristics of underwear for military personnel

The uniform assumes 2 separate sets for use in conditions of air temperature up to from - 40 to +15 degrees, and from + 15 and above. In one set, underwear is a T-shirt with short sleeves and boxer shorts. Such underwear is extremely practical, both from the technical side and in appearance. For a soldier, it has all the mandatory qualities, namely:

dries fairly quickly after absorbing moisture;

the degree of air exchange meets the mandatory standards.

For low temperature conditions, there are 2 sets of underwear: lightweight and fleece. Such underwear can be worn directly on the body. It also happens that a fleece set is worn over a lightweight one. This is usually done at lower temperatures. Lightweight underwear differs from the standard summer set with a longer sleeve and full-length underpants. The fleece set from the inside has a fleecy surface, plus, there is also a warming layer.

Sets for various weather conditions

The summer field kit consists of a lightweight jacket, trousers, beret and light boots. In the manufacture similar clothes the so-called mechanical stretch is used, which is initially subject to treatment with a special water-repellent compound. In the parts that are under the greatest load, reinforcing components are superimposed. This gives the suit resistance to mechanical damage, and the degree of wear is minimized.

Military clothing regulations allow for a fleece jacket with thick pile on both sides in cool weather conditions. There is a strong layer of thermal insulation. Plus, if necessary, the jacket can be rolled up to a minimum volume. A windbreaker jacket is used to protect against the winds. It is worn with layer 5 trousers. The windbreaker provides ventilation and the necessary air exchange.

For colder weather conditions the main set is demi-season. It provides excellent wind protection. The material from which the suit is made has sufficient vapor permeability and dries quickly. Such a suit is worn by employees in the US Army. For special field conditions, the military may use a windproof suit. In heavy rains, such a suit protects against moisture for a long time. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence of a special membrane. The seams of the suit are taped for greater reliability.

At severe frosts a warmer suit and a warmer vest are used. These elements are practical and light. They are made from wind and water resistant materials. Plus, in frosty weather, you can use a balaclava that can be worn as a hat, and an insulated hat for very frosty weather. For the manufacture of uniforms for the Russian army, a material is used, which includes cotton and synthetic elements in a ratio of 65/35.

The history of the military uniform of the Air Force of the Russian Federation is rooted in Tsarist Russia. For a century of existence, the form has changed many times almost beyond recognition. The main historical landmarks in the formation of modern Air Force uniforms are as follows:

  • 1910 - the formation of the Air Force of the Russian Empire;
  • 1918 - creation of the air force of the Russian Soviet Republic;
  • 1939 - 1945 - The Great Patriotic War ;
  • 1945-1990s - Cold War;
  • 1992 - reform of the Armed Forces of Russia;
  • 2009 - introduction of the form created by V. Yudashkin;
  • 2013 - the introduction of a new form of the Air Force by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S. Shoigu.

Uniforms of the Air Force of the Russian Empire

Initially, aviation was ranked among the engineering troops. Consequently, the uniforms were engineering, however, with slight differences - black cloth and silver buttons. Own appearance aviation form received only in 1914, just before the First World War.

The uniforms of the aviators were brownish in color, and the unit number was indicated in Roman numerals on epaulettes. For flights, leather jackets and helmets were used. In summer version Leather Jacket could be replaced with linen. At the disposal of the aviators were combatant and non-combat uniforms of protective shades.

USSR Air Force uniform

In 1922, order No. 322 clearly regulated the uniforms of the employees of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army of each branch of the troops. At the same time, forty emblems of the branches and types of troops were approved, two of which belonged to the air force.

In those days, aviation was not allocated to a separate division of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, but was a branch of the Red Army. In 1924, the color of the military aviators' uniform was changed to blue. In its cut, the aviator uniform differed little from the uniform of the ground forces. Only the color of the buttonholes and piping was different - they were blue. Subsequently, shoulder straps also became blue.

In 1935, Soviet pilots received new buttonholes with a gold field and black edging for political workers, soldiers and junior officers, and blue for officers. The insignia were placed on the buttonholes - enamel red rhombuses, rectangles, squares and rectangles (introduced in 1924) and the emblem of aviation - a winged propeller.

Also in 1935, gold and red chevrons were introduced. Initially, gold chevrons were intended for generals, and red ones for officers. But in 1940, there was a change in the uniform regulations, as a result of which the generals began to wear one wide gold color, underlined with a red stripe from below. A golden star was placed on top of such a chevron. The officers relied on chevrons of red and gold stripes.

Air Force uniform from Yudashkin

In 2007, the government allocated 170 million rubles for the creation of a new military uniform designed by Valentin Yudashkin. After two years of development, in 2009 this form was adopted. But having existed for three years, in 2012, it was abolished by the decision of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. According to his latest project, the uniform of all military branches will be like uniform employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Sergei Shoigu uniform reform

The Ministry of Defense announced a decision to reform the regular uniforms for command center employees and a new office suit for agency employees. In this case, the form will be the same for both civilian specialists and the military. The uniform will be produced in three colors - black, blue and protective. The color depends on belonging to a particular type or type of troops. The uniform is designed exclusively for everyday wear, and not for field conditions.

Air Force uniforms for today

The summer version of the office uniform consists of a blue suit, T-shirt white color, field cap, black boots with high berets, black socks and field cap. The winter version of the office uniform consists of a camouflage suit and a T-shirt (T-shirt), a muffler and a protective uniform coat, a camouflage field cap, black boots or low shoes with black socks and camouflage gloves. In the ranks, the uniform is complemented by a black belt. The stripes on the summer military uniform are always placed on the left sleeve, on the outside. Stripes should be located only on the tunic or coat.

officer uniform

The summer casual uniform consists of a blue tunic and trousers, a blue shirt. Under the shirt goes black tie with the obligatory gold clip. A blue or protective cap acts as a headdress. It is necessary to put on shoes in black shoes, low shoes or low boots with black socks. Uniforms for building uniforms are supplied with a black belt.

In winter, the uniform of Air Force officers consists of trousers and a blue or khaki tunic. Under the suit is supposed to be a protective shirt or blue color with a black tie and a gold clip. The outerwear is a gray or blue coat with a gray hat with earflaps. Gloves must be black. Under the coat - a protective or blue scarf. Shoes - low shoes, boots or boots with black socks. The uniform for the formation is complemented by a black belt.

The charter allows wearing caps, caps or berets, raincoats and jackets of protective or of blue color. In the winter version of the uniform, instead of a tunic, you can wear a blue or khaki sweater.

Uniform of senior officers

The main difference between the winter uniform of the higher officers is the presence of a gray astrakhan detachable collar and a gray hat.

The form of military personnel - women

The summer casual uniform of female military personnel consists of a skirt and jacket in blue or khaki, a blouse in khaki or blue, and a tie with a gold clip. As a headdress - a blue or protective cap. Shoes - shoes or boots in black or flesh-colored.

The winter office uniform is complemented by a khaki or blue muffler, and a khaki coat. The headdress is a gray astrakhan beret. The colors of the coats of officers and ensigns are blue and gray.

Uniform of cadets and enlisted personnel

The summer dress uniform of enlisted personnel consists of a blue or khaki suit, under which is a khaki shirt and a black tie with a gold clip. A woolen cap of a protective color acts as a headdress. Shoes - black boots or low shoes with black socks.

The winter full dress uniform of the rank and file, in addition to the suit and shirt, includes a coat and scarf in a khaki color, gray fur hat earflaps and black gloves. In summer, instead of a cap, it is permissible to wear a beret. In winter, it can be used instead of a hat.

Officer uniform

The summer version of the officer's uniform consists of a tunic and blue trousers, a white shirt with a black tie and a gold clip. The cap must match the color of the suit. Shoes - black boots or low shoes with black socks. A golden belt is put on for construction.

The winter full dress officer uniform is complemented by a gray or blue coat, a white muffler and black or white gloves. A gray fur hat with earflaps acts as a headdress. Shoes - black shoes, low shoes or boots. Berets or outerwear blue or protective colors.

The ceremonial uniform of the senior officers, in general, is the same as that of other officers. The difference lies in the gray false astrakhan collar and gray hat.

The form of military personnel - women

Summer ceremonial clothing for female enlisted personnel does not differ from everyday wear. The upper suit of ensigns and officers is blue. Underneath is a white blouse. The uniform for the formation is complemented by a black belt for the rank and file and a golden one for the officers.

The winter version of the dress uniform of the officers is complemented by a white muffler, the colors of the officer coats are gray and blue. The skirt and tunic of the officers are blue, the blouse is white, for the rank and file - protective. Soldiers and cadets wear khaki coats. The headdress is a gray astrakhan beret. The uniform for the formation is complemented by a belt, black for enlisted personnel, golden for officers and ensigns.

Air Force video

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Military clothing is the key to the high combat capability of the military forces. In Russia, the military uniform meets all the necessary requirements: it is comfortable, reliable and fulfills its main functions. A new military uniform in our country was released in 2015. Now every soldier of the military forces is equipped with it. Along with the new clothes, new rules for wearing them were issued, which must be observed by soldiers of any rank.

Military uniforms are divided into three main types:

  • Front - used by soldiers while participating in ceremonial events (parades, during military holidays, at ceremonies for receiving military awards, etc.);
  • Field - used during hostilities, service, providing assistance to civilians during natural disasters, etc .;
  • Office - used in cases not related to the first two categories.

Global reform of the form of the Russian army

The modern history of Russia has several unsuccessful attempts to dress military personnel. While a lot of money was spent on unsuccessful attempts in our country, military clothing in the US Army was getting better: convenience, performance increased, innovative materials were used, etc.

The modern military uniform began its journey in 2007, when Anatoly Serdyukov held the post of Minister of Defense. A large-scale sketch competition was organized, in which thousands of designers from all over the country took part. The Ministry of Defense selected sketches as the winner famous designer— Valentina Yudashkina.

For the next 2 years, specialists were engaged in the development of final versions of a new army uniform, which was to be used for further equipment of the Russian army. The result is a kit that is in many ways similar to American military clothing. The developers did not agree with this opinion, although many factors spoke precisely in favor of this option.

Winter military uniforms caused particular dissatisfaction. She did not protect the soldiers from the cold. For this reason, the Ministry of Defense received many complaints every day about the inadequate quality of the winter kit. This led to an outbreak of colds among the military in one winter period. There were complaints about the appearance: numerous stylistic decisions were copied from kits from other countries. The stumbling block was the quality of the fabric and threads: new military clothing quickly fell into disrepair.

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Negative reviews, dissatisfaction with soldiers and army specialists made the Ministry of Defense think about changing the equipment. The decision to take American clothes as a basis was bad, such costumes did not fit the conditions of our country. The new set of military uniforms consisted of 19 parts. The approximate cost of one set is 35 thousand rubles. The front version did not suffer any special changes, since it is the field version that is of particular importance.

The first change that caught my eye was the change in the location of the shoulder straps. In 2010, the NATO version was proposed, the pagons were located on the "belly". Many servicemen did not like this, as they were "used to seeing epaulettes on their shoulders." Chevrons on the uniform are located on both sleeves. The addition was the appearance of fitted overcoats, quickly fastened elements of clothing with Velcro. For the first time in history, Russian officers received warm sweaters. It was not possible to completely replace footcloths and boots.

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Valentin Yudashkin was blamed for the failed project of a new military suit. In 2012, he spoke to reporters, telling them that the clothes put into use are very different from his version. In particular, in order to reduce the cost, materials were replaced with lower quality ones. Journalists came to the conclusion that only the appearance remained from the version of the fashion designer.

The new generation military uniform was developed based on the feedback of thousands of soldiers from all over the country. The shape of the sun has become multi-layered. This allows each soldier to independently choose the necessary elements of clothing, guided by the goals and objectives set for him, as well as weather conditions.

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The redesigned kit includes a basic suit, several different jackets, boots for different seasons, and more, including a balaclava, a synthetic belt, and quality socks. Tailoring of military uniforms is carried out from a blended fabric, which includes 65% cotton and 35% polymer materials.

Russian military clothing of the new model was in every soldier at the end of 2015, as previously planned by the Ministry of Defense. The change of equipment took place in three stages. In 2013, 100,000 new kits were issued, in 2014 - 400,000, and in 2015 - 500,000. For 3 years, a million military personnel were provided.

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The complete rejection of footcloths deserved special attention. Modern military uniforms include 12 pairs of socks for one soldier, which he wears for a year. In the near future, it is planned to increase the number of pairs per military man to 24 pieces.

Sets for wearing at different atmospheric temperatures

The military uniform of the new sample is presented in two sets:

  • Basic uniform for wearing at temperatures above +15 degrees Celsius;
  • Multi-layer system for wearing at temperatures from +15 to -40 degrees Celsius.

In the winter season, soldiers use lightweight or fleece underwear sets. They are used depending on the temperature indicators. In particularly cold areas, both sets of underwear can be worn on top of each other.

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For equipment in summer period years, pants, jacket, beret and boots are used. The surface of the garment is carefully treated with an innovative solution that repels moisture. It allows clothes to stay dry in the rain for up to 2 hours. For protection against mechanical influences, military clothing is equipped with reinforcing elements. Such kits are used in parts with a high degree of load.

The rules for wearing military uniforms allow the use of a fleece jacket in the autumn season: excellent thermal insulation is ensured by the pile with which it is covered on both sides. From strong winds, a windbreaker jacket is worn with trousers of the 5th layer.

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For the autumn period, a demi-season military suit is presented. The material from which it is made provides soldiers with reliable protection from the wind, provides a good degree of vapor permeability and dries quickly after getting wet. During heavy rains, it is permissible to use a wind and water protection kit. The membrane and reliable sizing of the layers provide reliable protection against moisture.

In the winter period of the year, a warm jacket and vest are worn, which protect against moisture and wind. Despite the high degree of protection against frost, they are light and practical. At very low temperatures, it is permissible to wear a warm hat and balaclava.

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Modern dress uniform

The basis of the dress uniform has not changed for many years, as the adopted form still meets all modern requirements and pays tribute to history. Some elements, due to their obsolescence, were replaced in last years. The dress uniform is used by the military at parades, military holidays, when receiving military awards, etc.

In the Russian army, there are three approaches to the formation of such a set of uniforms:

  • Traditional. Clothing sets include elements created in the 19th century. A good example is the ceremonial set of the Presidential Regiment of the Russian Federation - their costumes are identical to the Imperial Guard, which were adopted in 1907;
  • Modern. The cut of the dress uniform corresponds to the daily set. Same colors can be used. For example, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the color of the ceremonial tunic matches the everyday one. Everyday elements are complemented by ceremonial elements;
  • Universal. The color of the ceremonial suit may be the same as the everyday one, but the colors of the ceremonial elements must be different without fail.

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The dress uniform of the military personnel of the Russian army is divided into 2 groups:

  • Guards of Honor formations are equipped with uniforms similar to those worn by the Imperial Guards;
  • Military formations of the modern army of the Russian Federation. A modern approach is applicable to clothes, some elements of the sets vary depending on the event of the season.

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Dress uniform in strict order must meet the following standards:

  • The stylist of the military uniform of the military personnel of the Russian Army must be observed;
  • A military dress for ceremonial purposes should be strict and elegant. Its shape should be such that all the features of the soldier's body are emphasized;
  • In production, only high-quality materials should be used.

Changes to dress uniforms are rarely made. The main stylist is determined by history. Each year, various additional elements may be changed. Changes in the materials used in production are acceptable if they improve the quality and performance of the suit.

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Attention deserves the ceremonial attire of the generals. It is also similar to a casual suit, but has a different color scheme. The color of the ceremonial uniform is gray, worn with bluish trousers and black boots. There are patches on the collar and cuffs.

Modern everyday shape

The color of the daily uniform depends on the rank and affiliation. Generals and officers wear olive-coloured casual military clothing, and blue in the Air Force. Caps match the color of the outfit. The color scheme was based on the 1988 pattern. The decorative elements on the caps are painted gold. Winter clothes men have not changed since the last reform.

Girls in military uniform can now feel comfortable. Dresses and skirts comfortably fit the body, emphasizing female beauty. Women's military uniform - olive or blue flowers. In the winter season, a short, fitted coat is used. Female sergeants and enlisted men wear an olive daily uniform. In the warm season, there should be a cap on the head, in the winter - an astrakhan ticket, which was introduced with the latest reform.

Sergeants, soldiers and cadets of everyday uniforms are deprived due to uselessness. Alternatively, they are encouraged to wear winter or summer field gear.

The military uniform of this type in the winter period of the year provides for a gray coat for military personnel (blue for the Air Force and Airborne Forces). For the autumn period, a blue demi-season jacket is provided, for rains in the summer season - an elongated raincoat that does not allow moisture to pass through. Black coloring for additional items of clothing (belt, boots and socks).

Modern office uniform

Such a set of clothes is a kind of everyday wear, used by generals, officers and employees of the Ministry of Defense of certain ranks. A military suit of this kind resembles casual clothes Ministry of Emergency Situations. The kit includes:

  • Soft cap. All military units Green colour, units of the Airborne Forces were left with a blue beret;
  • Cap-colored shirt with long or short sleeves (the choice depends on the weather). Velcro straps can be attached to the shoulders, a tie is not applicable;
  • White T-shirt (worn under a shirt);
  • Cap-colored trousers and straight-cut shirts.

In the cold season with an office uniform, the use of a warm jacket is acceptable. It is possible to attach an additional hood. The cap can be replaced with a warm hat with earflaps. Velcro shoulder straps are attached to the shoulders.

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Every year, the office uniform undergoes minor changes that are difficult to determine at first glance. This includes the introduction and abolition various sewing, changing the shape of insignia, etc. It is forbidden to use an office suit as a field suit. Wearing a military uniform of this type should be neat so that it requires minimal maintenance.

Military uniform maintenance

The rules for wearing military uniforms say that the suit must always be clean. To keep it that way, you need to know about some of the intricacies of washing it. The military uniform needs careful care. Improper washing or drying can spoil the appearance, which will lead to many problems in the service. Before cleaning, read the information on the label.

Woolen clothes are recommended to be washed by hand in warm water. If this is not possible, then you can use the washing machine, but the washing mode should be the most gentle. Military clothing sizes may become smaller if washed with hot water. Wringing wool products is prohibited.

Everyday military equipment is less whimsical to care for. It can be cleaned in washing machine any mode using any powder. Also, the suit is able to withstand water of any temperature. This is possible through the use quality materials in production.

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It is not recommended to clean a beautiful dress uniform at home. This process is best entrusted to professionals in the dry cleaning service. You need to know the types of military uniforms in order to choose the right way to care.

The new Russian military uniform, put into service in 2015, surpasses the previous generation in all respects. This became possible after the refusal to copy American uniforms, which are unsuitable for use in the climatic conditions of our country. The military uniform of the Russian Federation is considered one of the best in the world. During special operations, it is supplemented with modern equipment, which increases the combat capability of our soldiers.

" is a spotted or pixelated masking coloration used to reduce the visibility of people's clothes, equipment, weapons and other objects in environmental conditions by blurring and breaking up the silhouette of an object or person. Camouflage is designed and used to make it difficult for the enemy to recognize the outlines of a person or equipment on the ground when using visual, photo, or optoelectronic detection methods.

Camouflage colors, as a rule, are a multi-color (2-4 colors) spotted pattern or pattern (large or small spots of various colors), blurring and distorting the outlines of a fighter.

For the first time in the world, camouflage appeared in Khaki colors during the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) - this war was fought for the independence of the Transvaal from England. The British at that time wore red uniforms, which is why they suffered heavy losses compared to the Boers, who knew how to use the surrounding countryside for camouflage. As a result, the British army was dressed in a swamp-colored uniform (“khaki”). Further, camouflage began to be actively used by various armies, and during the Second World War, Germany was armed with about 30 different camouflage colors, some of which later migrated to the Soviet army (example: birch camouflage, which is used and modernized to this day.

Since the Cold War, camouflage has been divided into five large groups:
- "Forest" - "Woodland" - is used mainly in Europe and America;

- "Desert" - "Desert" - used in North Africa and Central Asia:
- "Jungle" (tropic) - "Tropical Uniform" - used in Southeast Asia, South America;
- "Winter" - actually the winter camouflage itself, in which white colors predominate.
- "Bush" - "Bush" - is used in southern Africa, there are very few types of this camouflage, due to the limited terrain and countries.

Since the 1960s, the development of camouflage types began to take place at a rapid pace and at the moment there is great amount types and colors of camouflage, ranging from military to commercial options. But at the same time, it is necessary to understand that there is no universal camouflage in principle, therefore each color was created and is designed to work only in certain environmental conditions and seasons.

There are several types of colors and names of camouflage types:

Army camouflage (Army camouflage used by the military of different countries);

Commercial camouflage (Commercial camouflage - those variations of colors that did not enter the army units for any reason, and this moment produced by certain companies (factories) exclusively for independent military units and lovers of hunting or tactical games. Also, commercial types of camouflage include variations of existing army colors, from which additional colors were excluded, or vice versa, additional colors were added).

Army camouflage of the Armed Forces of Russia and the USSR:

Digital Russian camouflage (Digital flora):

New pixel camouflage for the Russian Armed Forces.

HRV-98 Flora (Armed forces Russia-98 Flora):

It has been the main Russian combined-arms camouflage since 1998 (based on the official designation). Camouflage "Flora" very well disguises a person in central Russia. Because of the characteristic stripes, Flora was nicknamed "watermelon" camouflage. Produced in three variations.

VSR-93 (Armed Forces of Russia-93):

He's a "vertical". Russian camouflage pattern 1993.

Butane (Oak):

He is also "Dubok" This camouflage was developed in 1984. Such a pattern well breaks the silhouette of a person at various distances against the background of vegetation.

Silver leaf pattern 1957):

Camouflage "Silver Leaf", aka "Birch" and "sunbeams", as well as "camouflage of the border guard". Camouflage with a deforming pattern of the 1957 model. Great for camouflage in the deciduous forests of central Russia.

Camouflage pattern 1944 with a deforming pattern. Produced in four variations: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Russian camouflage issued in 1942. Produced in two variations: summer, autumn.


Camouflage issued in 1935. Produced in several versions.

Commercial Russian camouflage:

In 2015, the Russian army completely changed its clothes. Today, all military personnel without exception have a military uniform of a new type. The plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense, which consisted in the complete re-dressing of the army for more than a year, was fully implemented. This was repeatedly stated by senior officials of the main military department. The need to change the ranks of the army of our country has existed for a long time. Together with the new set of uniforms, new rules for wearing them have been put into effect.

In 2014 alone, the new uniform was issued to half a million servicemen. The distribution of uniforms was carried out in accordance with the developed schedule. The transfer of military personnel began precisely with those who served in the regions of the Far North.

General dressing began in 2013, actively continued in 2014, but the bulk of the Russian military personnel received an updated military uniform in 2015. Now the naval and full dress military uniforms are next in line for revision. Male and female employees will be fully dressed. Part of the 2015 Russian Armed Forces Uniform is a pattern of US military clothing.

Reforms in the field of military uniforms under Serdyukov

Modern military uniforms have been required by the Russian army for a long time, and the current attempt to completely change the clothes of military personnel is not the first. Overseas clothing for military personnel is significantly superior in performance to the uniform of the military of our country. Periodically, the Ministry of Defense introduces samples of military clothing with more advanced characteristics. As a result of each such attempt, the country's budget loses huge amounts, and the dress uniform is an even more unjustified cost.

For example, under the disgraced Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, about 25 billion rubles were allocated for the dressing up of the Russian army. The cost of developing and implementing a new form in 2014-2015. is still kept secret, but given the scale of this process, it is safe to say that the amounts are cosmic.

The military uniform has been taken for revision by the Ministry of Defense since 2007, including the dress one. The main initiative came from A. Serdyukov, who held the post of Minister of Defense at that time. On a competitive basis, from the provided sketches of the selected developers, the variant proposed by the famous Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin won. It took 2 whole years to prepare the final samples of the updated uniforms. The presentation of the new form was held in 2010. In many respects, both external and operational, it was similar to the uniforms of the US armed forces. But the developers strongly denied such a comparison.

The Russian uniform for the winter season caused a lot of unflattering responses from both specialists and the military personnel themselves, who had to experience new uniforms on themselves. Complaints were received by the Ministry of Defense almost daily. Due to the low performance of the new uniform, the number of colds in the army has increased dramatically in just one winter period. In addition, external signs of the new form also caused discontent. After all, now shoulder straps were not located in the usual place, on the shoulders, but following the example of the armed formations of the NATO bloc, they were moved to the chest area. Plus, the quality of the material from which the form was made also left much to be desired. The servicemen noted that the fabric quickly becomes unusable and breaks, and the threads are frayed, and also become unusable.

Among other innovations, it should be noted the presence of a warm sweater in the clothing set of an officer of the Russian army, and the presence of individual components with Velcro, a narrowed model of overcoats, and the complete abolition of footcloths and boots. By the way, the last abolition was valid only according to the documents, because. in fact, it was far from immediately possible to come to this in the entire Russian army.

Due to numerous complaints and dissatisfaction from the military, the military department thought about the advisability of developing a new form.

Now realized that model following the example of the form of the US military does not fit the conditions of our country. From now on, the military uniform used in the field included 19 items. It turns out that the set has been significantly expanded. The price of one such set is approximately 35,000 rubles. The parade military uniform has not yet undergone changes, because. there is no urgent need for this. Much more important was the field uniform, and not the dress one.

Complete set of modern uniforms for military personnel

The modern uniform set is a multi-layered suit. Depending on weather conditions and personal tastes, the military has the opportunity to personally select sets of clothing for themselves. Plus, from now on, the field uniform is identical for both the officer and the military from the rank and file. Dress uniforms will still vary. The standards for the operation of military clothing for an officer and a soldier do not differ (one exception is the full dress uniform of an officer).

The set of modern field kit for a soldier and an officer includes the following components:

Gloves and mittens;

Several types of jackets designed for each season;

Hat and beret;

3 types of boots, varying by season;


Standards for wearing uniforms for military personnel

Such rules are established in some detail in the departmental regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Employees use military uniforms of the following types:

dress uniform- during parades and various events with the direct participation of troops; on holidays of the military unit; in cases of presentation of state awards and orders; in cases of presentation of the military unit of the Battle Banner; when the ship is launched and put into operation, as well as when the Naval banner is raised on the ship; upon enrollment in the guard of honor; when serving as sentries for the protection of the Battle Banner of a military unit. It is allowed to wear a similar form of clothing on non-working days, and during off-duty hours;

field uniform- in the presence of hostilities; during a state of emergency, liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, natural and other disasters; at training events, training sessions, combat duty;

everyday- in all other cases.

Characteristics of underwear for military personnel

The uniform assumes 2 separate sets for use in conditions of air temperature up to from - 40 to +15 degrees, and from + 15 and above. In one set, underwear is a T-shirt with short sleeves and boxer shorts. Such underwear is extremely practical, both from the technical side and in appearance. For a soldier, it has all the mandatory qualities, namely:

dries fairly quickly after absorbing moisture;

the degree of air exchange meets the mandatory standards.

For low temperature conditions, there are 2 sets of underwear: lightweight and fleece. Such underwear can be worn directly on the body. It also happens that a fleece set is worn over a lightweight one. This is usually done at lower temperatures. Lightweight underwear differs from the standard summer set with a longer sleeve and full-length underpants. The fleece set from the inside has a fleecy surface, plus, there is also a warming layer.

Sets for various weather conditions

The summer field kit consists of a lightweight jacket, trousers, beret and light boots. In the manufacture of such clothing, the so-called mechanical stretch is used, which is initially subject to treatment with a special water-repellent composition. In the parts that are under the greatest load, reinforcing components are superimposed. This gives the suit resistance to mechanical damage, and the degree of wear is minimized.

Military clothing regulations allow for a fleece jacket with thick pile on both sides in cool weather conditions. There is a strong layer of thermal insulation. Plus, if necessary, the jacket can be rolled up to a minimum volume. A windbreaker jacket is used to protect against the winds. It is worn with layer 5 trousers. The windbreaker provides ventilation and the necessary air exchange.

For colder weather conditions the main set is demi-season. It provides excellent wind protection. The material from which the suit is made has sufficient vapor permeability and dries quickly. Such a suit is worn by employees in the US Army. For special field conditions, the military may use a windproof suit. In heavy rains, such a suit protects against moisture for a long time. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence of a special membrane. The seams of the suit are taped for greater reliability.

In severe frosts a warmer suit and a warmer vest are used. These elements are practical and light. They are made from wind and water resistant materials. Plus, in frosty weather, you can use a balaclava that can be worn as a hat, and an insulated hat for very frosty weather. For the manufacture of uniforms for the Russian army, a material is used, which includes cotton and synthetic elements in a ratio of 65/35.
