Personal personalized congratulations to the boys at the graduation. Extra-curricular event "Named congratulations for graduates on the graduation party

Dear, beloved 9th graders! So the harsh school days are over for you. warm ahead summer days. Maybe some of you would like to come back and finish 2 more years of school. But those of you who are leaving us forever, may they find their way in life and be happy. Good luck guys!

You sound proudly - a student!
You sound like a nightingale's trill!
You are a pure conductor of knowledge,
Your whole family is proud of you.

You went through 9 years of study,
I tried for myself, for them,
And if there were torments -
You shouldn't remember them.

Everyone wants to congratulate you
They want to know the way forward.
But whatever you decide to do,
We wish happiness to spur.

Your graduation 9th grade
It means so much to all of us.
Today we congratulate you
We wish you the best roads.

Imperceptibly passed 9 classes,
You won the first race.
May you still be far from the aces,
Continue to exercise your run.

There are many more obstacles ahead.
You still have a lot to go through.
In September you will return to classes,
Maybe someone decides to leave.

But remember, children, a moment,
When you have embarked on an adult path.
And so that the eclipse does not cover you -
Don't forget to take everything you've learned!

You are Graduates of Grade 9,
You are our protection, our support.
You are pride, and you are our joy,
You will finish school soon.

One early summer morning
The school yard was decorated.
There was also a cat, a scientist, wise,
Oak, with gold chain.

Everyone gathered on a bright holiday,
To congratulate the young mind.
Ninth graders, in the cherished,
All dressed in costume.

Congratulations, you accept
After all, today is all for you.
Everyone wants to congratulate you
Our native, 9th grade.

We congratulate you on the holiday
And we sincerely wish you happiness.
Our dear 9th grade,
Let's hug you.

Grade 9, and now with the school
You forgive forever.
And look with mute reproach,
Never return.

Well, here you are saying goodbye to school,
Your lessons are over.
Be kind, sweet, mischievous, cheerful!
May fate keep you, girl!
You enter adulthood with great courage.
May success be your friend!
Live intelligently, brightly and skillfully,
So that your sonorous laughter is always heard!

Right choice, bright path!
School "Goodbye!" quietly you say
If you want to cry, just fix the bow,
And forget the children's doubts, leave!
Near classmates, all teachers -
And you have to suddenly leave loving.
Your adult life is calling you ahead.
Let, my good, it is always lucky!

Eleven years flew by like birds -
Your name is graduate today!
Around dear, familiar faces,
And there are many words of congratulations here!
May the road be wonderful and firm,
Which one will you choose among all
Let them meet you at the school threshold
Good luck and joy, love and success!

With bows braids and white aprons -
This last call at the girls.
We wish to be the most courageous,
To get you under your starfall!
So that all cherished desires come true
About the scores of class and easy exams.
May thoughts always be only bright,
To be lucky in everything and everywhere!

This date was long awaited and feared -
This is the day the school will close the door.
The years of childhood flew by so quickly.
You have become an adult, confident now.
We wish you strength and patience
And ingenuity, thirst for creativity in everything,
The brightest and most beautiful impressions,
And good luck, inspiration day after day!

You graduated from eleven classes.
Everyone gives gifts, sweets, flowers.
Your last call has already rung.
Don't rush to class now.
Now, congratulating, we want to wish:
Be patient and don't be discouraged
Make plans and boldly go
And find your happiness in this life!

Day of fiery, solemn speeches,
Day of bows, farewells and hopes!
Everything will come true, it will come true, believe me,
And there will be many ups and downs.
After all, you are very beautiful and smart.
We wish you the best!
And happiness - it will be, and in full!
Fate will give a chance to comprehend it!

You will say goodbye to school today.
But don't be so sad!
Already the call has sounded for a new life.
Opportunities are plentiful - don't miss out!
Darling, straighten your shoulders!
Congratulations! Know everything is ahead!
And the last native school evening,
To remember it, spend it!

Lessons, exams are over.
IN new life paths are open.
Fight hard, succeed
Daughter - mom and dad fun!
School is over, don't be sad!
A lot of happiness is yet to come!
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Good people and luck in fate!

Well, school is behind us!
And you're almost a university student.
Step of study ahead
May happiness and good luck muse
Accompanies everything always
Everything will be fine on the record.
May the school memory of the year
Live in the soul of a girl forever!

You are very big now
I'm so glad to see
And when did you manage to
Grow up and grow up!

I wish you guys
Strength, courage always,
To not knock you off the road
Trouble and trouble!

We are big now
How funny are we?
Went to first grade
And the school met us!

You taught us well
And they got pretty good.
That's why we have you
Got the highest class!

Farewell, our friendly class,
Graduation is now.
We came as little ones
And now they've grown up!

Today you are graduates
On this memorable day of yours,
So that you do not have longing,
I will give you my song.

School is behind us now
And you're almost free
And like funny bumblebees
Break into your dream world.

I wish you one
Know what you want
Live very well
Also, yes, love it.

For a long time at school we studied
And put up with the loads
We laughed at the fat ones
And everyone fell in love with the beautiful.

Didn't get bored in class
And they wrote notes.
Well, if it was necessary
That was suggested in unison.

Saying goodbye to school is an exciting moment.
After all, it simply means that childhood has come to naught.
Rather, I would like to hug you all in a crowd.
And maybe we will cry. Well. Such a lot.

We wish you a job to find and not to mess up.
Of course, don't forget your studies.
More in the life of affection, warmth.
And so that, in general, fate be good to you.

So the fourth year has flown by,
You have become a little older.
Tomorrow it will be summer, which brings
Days are more fun than each other.

Congratulations on your last day
Conducted by you in this class.
Next year, ignite a brand new fire,
What will replenish your stock of knowledge at the box office.

Grade 4 isn't over yet
But you all did a great job.
Each of you is well done today,
You have been in step all year with good luck.

We congratulate you on this day -
Happy small, but still victory.
Let this summer be a sweet dream
Run, have fun, homebodies!

Your graduation today
Your friendly fourth grade,
For you, he became native,
In his life he only once.

How much pain and trouble
You endured - a graduate,
After the nursery - no worries,
Balamut and mischievous.

You move to the highest rank
The world of science and ingenuity,
It's not for nothing that so many years
They taught to live without a cheat sheet.

May your future success
crowned with omniscience,
There will be valiant armor,
With good conscience.

Peace in life, and warmth,
Bold, competent accomplishments,
So that fate always leads
For questions - a hundred solutions.

Today at this school
Your first graduation.
It is very important for you
And so significant!

With the first teacher
Farewell now.
Everything that you have learned
She taught you.

So much more knowledge
Should you receive
And different things
You will teach.

Now you are big
Go to fifth grade
We are all proud of you
And congratulations.

From now on, you will have many items,
You are now in the fifth grade.
Don't be afraid of this change
New knowledge is waiting for you.
Algebra, physics, chemistry too

It will help you a lot in the future.
History awaits you and literature,
Well, my favorite subject is physical education.
In general, friends, after a vacation in the summer,
You will be introduced to a wide range of subjects.

Four years flew by quickly
She grew up, our children became friends!
Now the swings will be empty in the yard,
It's time to go to high school!

Our dear, smart graduates,
We wish you to study in the fifth grade for five!
Backpacks will become heavy from textbooks,
Many new adventures will meet!

Our children have grown up very quickly.
Four classes unlearned with a bang!
They went to drawing, sang in the school choir,
And now you are waiting for serious business!

You are about to go to the senior school,
So we wish you to learn and shine!
Very soon you graduates will understand
Your friendship grows stronger! You know how to dream!

Left behind the initial fun time,
the fourth grade is like the first step,
we said goodbye to him and seemed to have matured,
We don't look like little kids anymore!

And the first school graduation for us,
though not the last, but also very important,
and we are standing on the school line,
and everyone is exemplarily smoothed!

The fourth grade is like a small milestone for the school,
here we stand ready for those new changes,
came our first graduation at this school,
and soon we will study for other rather shifts!

And the teacher stands first and hides her tears,
the very first path she went for us,
everything that we need further for study,
She gave us and we will carry out such an order!

After graduating from school, she suddenly became an adult,
And ahead - an independent life.
May it never be difficult
And gives joy every moment of it!
Create a dream, confident and stylish,
Be cheerful, shine with success!
And the most cheerful, happy,
Meet youth with an open heart!

As it should be in our school -
Sharing both joy and sorrow:
All of you, tirelessly, studied,
We have worked hard for you!

You have overcome the granite of sciences,
They became smarter, matured,
And here is May, a farewell call,
Native to pain

Every year, hundreds of graduates leave the walls of their native schools to the sounds of a waltz. An adult, independent, mysterious, now adult life begins. All celebrations were preceded by long years of study, serious preparation for passing exams. Solemn events take place in all cities, in every village.

getting ready holiday scenarios, poems and songs are written, the halls are decorated with balloons and flowers. By tradition, the official presentation of state certificates, letters of thanks, awards and medals for educational and sporting achievements takes place first. And finally, the solemn sounds of the last, farewell, school waltz sound. Young people dressed in strict suits invite girls in lush ball gowns to the dance. Classmates get into pairs and dance in a circle in front of their parents, friends, loved ones, who have become their own teachers over the years. After that, some people ride boats until dawn, others celebrate in cafes with jokes and practical jokes. Of course, years later, each class will still come together to remember the carefree school years, look at the photo, and, of course, remember that magical school ball.


Beautiful girl, something to be proud of ...
Today - especially. You are a graduate.
And now you're entering a new life
Like the day you came to first grade!

Everything is alien, and new, and scary, of course,
But don't be shy, even though your childhood is over.
A lot of good lies ahead
I wish you - boldly go!

Let there be a beautiful and fabulous life,
Do not be afraid of obstacles, you smile at them.
May the future distance be blue.
Believe me, fate will smile at you!

Today is your graduation.
And a lot of roads before you
And a lot of things ahead.
You boldly go through life!

You choose the right path
Taught something - do not forget
Bring your ideas to life.
Good luck ahead!

So, perhaps, one of the most important days in your life has come - graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school, and so many roads are opening up to a new life. I wish you always with warmth to remember your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary. I want you to do right choice and take the path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, bypass all failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never back down.

May this day be remembered for a long time -
And the first ball, and the first graduation,
All the petty hurts and anxieties
Already left somewhere behind.

And ahead - sunrises and sunsets,
And there are a lot of plans and projects ...
Childhood is already leaving without a return.
Another life is coming - meet it!

School days flew by like a moment -
Here is your adult draft.
Hidden in a drawer is an old diary,
Finished school, you're a graduate.

Waiting for you to change ahead
Boldly go up the stairs of life
Believe in yourself, live without fear,
Graduation is only the beginning of the journey.

Today is your adult holiday -
Today is the best graduation ever!
All congratulations for you!
Take them from us, love!

Go boldly through life
Let flowers bloom for you
And every day let him give only
Good luck, happiness and prestige!

Today is not an easy day
Long awaited graduation
And feelings mixed in the heart,
Joy and a little sadness.

But today celebrate boldly
And go meet the dawn
The world is huge, limitless
Open for yourself!


The last bell rang
Leaving childhood behind.
Today you are older
Today is school graduation.

On your life path
Let there be no worries, changes.
I want to find myself
Not giving much in return.

Make the first step easy
On the road called life.
Let the changing winds blow
Hold on to your dream.

Fun, joy and success
You don't give it to anyone.
Increase love and laughter.
You can. I believe. Dare!

Passed exams. You have received your certificates.
Dressed up so that you can't take your eyes off!
May your life be bright and rich.
Good luck and happy travels.

That good, reasonable and eternal,
What have you already gained?
Keep in yourself. Be human
And do not stray from the right path.

Fulfill your dreams,
Do good, rejoice, and let
A fair wind will inflate the sails,
And your life path will be easy.

Recently in 1st grade
Mom and dad saw you off
And now for the last time
You folded your school books.

We wish you that this start
Was inspirational and successful
Getting up from school desks
You walked confidently, slowly.

Let everyone find their berth
He will master the work to his liking,
Let everything be done, get
Successfully build your life!
BB-code to insert into the forum:

This slender young man is dear Maxim.

So many things in our school are connected with him.

He is distinguished by inquisitiveness, intelligence and altruism,

healthy eating and attention to everything.

Always ask the teacher a question

Well, he is also the best reader and Santa Claus

You are a phenomenal creature of nature:

Graceful mind with graceful beauty.

Everyone needs this, of course.

And Vlad has it.

Seriously studying history

And understands economics.

The character is sometimes spiky,

But she has a kind heart.

Masha is the personification of comfort,
Home warmth and hearth.
She is, firstly, my mother's friend,
Friends, of course, are also dear.
Maria is a sweet ideal:
Modest, kind and smart, of course.
Friends feel close to you
Always comfortable and safe.
You rescued everyone more than once,

When I drew newspapers for the whole class,

When writing essays

And happy birthday greetings.

She sings, dances, jumps in the mood,

And often, for no reason, he will suddenly take it and cry.

She worries about everything, she takes everything,

He is the best at competitions.

Persistent, truthful, fair in life.

Excellent girl M....kova Alyonka!

Fragile, but so strong!

Ira captivates everyone with her calmness,
It rarely gets out of balance.
It's just a pity that sometimes
Melancholy comes to her.

If touchiness is removed from the character,

That will be everything in your life at "five".

Anastasia, dear Nastya!

Yes, it would not be, perhaps, a holiday with us

Without your active participation.

Your energy knows no bounds

She's used to getting her way in everything.

With all my heart we wish you

So that in life you would be lucky in everything.

She is endowed with remarkable talent,

And in sports, Marina has surpassed many.

Having a sharp judgment on everything,

However, I found friends everywhere.

Design is her vocation and joy,

May your achievement be your reward.

It is more difficult than others to win in life,

But the main exam - for stamina - he already passed with a "Five".

From ... new Slava - glory to you today!

It is easy for him to communicate with people,

Let something not give up in subjects, -

He will take with his sincerity,

And of course we won't.

He is respectful, responsible, caring,

Always set to positive

And outwardly slender, light and beautiful!

We sincerely wish from everyone:

May good luck and success await you!

Our Dasha is just a beauty,

Justice is also famous.

There is only one secret about her that we know for sure.

How strong is the friendship between her and the phone:

At all lessons it sounded like a background:

"Dasha, put your phone away!"

Overall, she is a great student.

Everywhere can excel in knowledge,

And the school can be proud of this.

K ... ov Rodion, he’s just great.

Passed all the exams, without straining,

Calmness and composure differing.

We wish that on the path of life

Luck could help in everything

Come to you!

Dark eyed,
And her name is "marine".
Marina is a persistent soul,
How good are you!

Not everything went smoothly
Not everything worked out
But let's talk about
What happened:

You were able to listen
The best.
From the bottom of our hearts we wish:

May success await you.

He loses his artistic talent

And in computer science, Gleb is just a genius,

But life is normal

Did not change to virtual.

He is astonishingly fascinated

Girl and computer.

Friends are fine too.

He is so real.

This girl is Natasha

She is our pride.

Even if you always wear headphones

But the main thing will never be missed.

With her stubbornness, you can move mountains

And even scoop out the sea with your hands.

And all lovers of tricks know -

Jokes are bad with Natasha.

A girl with a rare name Emma,

You can talk to her about any topic.

She can write poetry

But water is her main element.

Champion and Master of Sports,

It will also be a specialist of the highest grade.

Makar - great guy and girls idol,

He loves his phone, and with it the whole world,

Play guitar, ride a skateboard

And he will be able to watch a film on mathematics.

He is a goal oriented guy.

The granite of science just gnawed.

And so hard preparing for the exams,

That in the lessons he fell asleep from impotence.

Responsibility is his dear sister,

Nikita is always different from her.

And amazing persistence

The second desk at the window ...

He was faithful to her for many years.

B ... ov Kostya was wondering both in weight and in height.

He is an excellent boxer - try, compete with this one.

At competitions and on subbotniks it was reliable with him.

His awards just do not count,

And he has many friends.

You rarely meet such a comrade and son,

At least paint a picture of him.

Anton I ... ov, beloved by all.

Charming and nice.

All got good grades.

Although not very active,

But how ironic and rechist.

Can get along with everyone

This is something to be proud of.

Once again, he hears:

"Well, blame yourself!"

And, sighing, he writes again,

But it's already spring outside!

Oh, if you knew how hard it is to sit,

Stick your nose into your notebook.

We wish you, Maxim, all the same

Win over yourself!

Like an unsolved mystery

Living charm breathes in her,

We watch with awe

Into the quiet light of her eyes.

She is trusting, open and humane,

And the behavior is always on the "Five".

From delicacy a little shy,

But he knows how to make friends

And forgive for mistakes.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, Tonya,

To resist the storms of life too.

Cheerful girl Xenia,

Very, very modern.

Self-confident, but in moderation,

He knows the value of himself and people.

Loves beautiful everything,

There are also achievements in sports,

Sings and dances excellently.

Xenia is very cute!

Head with feet in harmony -

Who wouldn't be happy with that?

And a half-face smile from Ilyusha is a good fellow.

Flexibility of the camp and mind,

The charm of the bin!

This is a pass to anywhere

For great things.

Julia, Julia, Julia...

Can I think of a better idea?

The name sounds like a melody

Seemingly unusual.

And she doesn't look like anyone either.

Charm smile, shoulder-length hair,

Gentle whisper in the lesson -

She will always tell you

Therefore, Julia's assessment is often

Divides in half with a neighbor.

From what galaxy, from what planet

Did they send this girl to us?

Entertainer, smart and activist,

Sings and dances like a famous artist!

She and the Snow Maiden, she and the presenter,

She invites everyone to the campaign and to the cinema!

A girl can't have everything at once,

Intervened, apparently, an alien mind.

There is no more charming And ... on Danila,

He is slender and handsome, like Apollo,

Maybe he'll be a good mechanic.

Or maybe he will be a famous diplomat.

He is artistic, loves to be in the center of attention,

Always ready to please beautiful ladies,

And has a rare talent -

Find a way out of difficult situations.

Calm Kostya H ... n and very reliable,

He does not show his emotions

So restrained that it is impossible to imagine

So that he was very much indignant at something.

Courteous, gallant, modest,

He knows the English language

Konstantin has huge potential,

And besides, he is musically gifted.

For a long time with a computer on "you" our M ... itz Dima,

He comprehended the language of computer science incomprehensible.

He understands the history of cinema,

He always gets to the bottom of everything.

And he himself will come to the right decision, -

Any such institution will be happy.

Sasha Po ... you are independent, practical,

Knows the right decision to take,

And understands our life perfectly,

Able to defend her own opinion.

One of them understands biology

And he knows chemistry at "Five",

She'll make an excellent doctor.

We have already understood this.

Quiet, modest Anastasia,

We didn't have any trouble with her.

She will understand everything from a half-word.

She's just fine

In addition, Nastya is pretty,

Charming, smart, gifted in every way.

Always resolute and firm Nikita S ... n,

He comprehended martial arts of oriental wisdom;

He developed endurance and strength

And I'm used to defending my opinion.

Right or wrong, but in a dispute he does not back down,

There are no eternal truths for him.

Having set a goal, Nikita achieves it,

And what he decided - he will achieve his goal.

He is handsome,

Yes, and in life it is practical:

And why, tell me, brothers,

Spray on problems?

He is sure that he is the best -

May success come to him.

Where is he?

Who is he with?

Where is he?

When is he?

Why is he?

And who is he? Rodoin.


Poems for children by name for kindergarten graduates

"Nominal verses"
Names can be changed

As an artist, our Dasha
Draw landscapes for you
Still life and portrait.
There is no better than our Dasha!

Sasha is a serious boy,
In order not to waste time -
He does everything quickly.
And he runs to play.

Vlad quickly grew up,
He managed to get everything.
He strives for new knowledge.
It will come in handy at school.

Our Nastenka is smart,
Endowed with kindness.
We believe that only "4" and "5"
There will be notebooks to fill in.

From any position
You will always find a way out
Do you like to fantasize?
You will never get lost.

Stasik, you are a daredevil
In everything you are great.
Feel free to go to school
And learn science.

Lena, we sincerely wish
Meet good friends
To be as kind, glorious
And get fives.

Dancer, anywhere!
And the mind and all took.
We will miss you.
Promise to visit us.

Likes to build, craft,
Talk a lot.
We sincerely wish him
It is best to count, write,
Read many books.

It is sad to part with Cyril,
But we will still smile.
unknown, wonderful.

Our Andrey loves to draw,
Adults like to help.
He has many talents.
Let there be a bright road!

Anya wish true friends,
Lots of health and sunny days,
Good luck with your studies and all the best.
May your life be full of joy!

Fair and calm
Praise is always worthy.
Children respect Dima
Everyone wishes him success.

You can sing beautifully
dance, read poetry
You can even play the piano
The plays are difficult to play.
But it's time to say goodbye
Gotta go to school

golden sun
We have in the group.
golden sun -
The beams are uncountable.
We wish Vika
And at school shine for everyone.
Good grades
Bring from school.

Egor is escorted to school
And with all our hearts we wish
So that the lessons answered
Without hesitation, without difficulty
And the teacher even gasped
And he said, "Wow!"

Let's take Dasha to school
With all our hearts we wish
Do your best at school
Work hard.

The third day, as if from a bucket,
The rain is pouring. And from the yard
From heavenly whim
Sad Lisa, bored Lisa.
Lisa began to speak
I began to whimper and ask:
"Our dear sky,
I would like to run on the grass
I would like to play with my friends
I just want to take a walk!"
The clouds heard Lisa
Gone. And much better
Became birds, trees and people ...
We will not forget to say thank you to Lisa?
When someone asks the sky for something -
We call such a request a prayer.

You see - Yulenka! Curly -
Lambs gallop through the meadows -
White river.
Look at the sun across the sea
How the wave runs
Like curls in the open
Tenderly cheerful.
Look, Yulenka,
Radiant in the mirror
You will see, honey
Golden curls!
Handles are white, smooth,
The eyes are small, narrow,
And they shine like beads
Eyebrows with a black arc,
Can't find another one like it!

Our Ivan is a shirt guy!
He won't disappear anywhere.
Well, if need be,
Will lead you.

There are no equals in Lesha's gym.
We wish him victories
It is best to count, write
And "excellent" to receive.

Our Alena is a laugher,
Cheerful and nice girl.
Can read, draw and sculpt.
The school will love her very much.

Christina loves to sing, dance,
Read different books.
We wish to study it only on "5"
And develop your talents at school.

Artyom loves sports, movement,
He strives for achievement
He's not used to retreating.
School is the best student!

Nikita is the winner
Nikita is our hero
He easily manages
With a candy mountain
He easily manages
With hot chocolate
Fights with compotes
And delicious marmalade.
From these tests,
Your parents will tell you
Nikita is sure
Comes out the winner!

Ilya is assertive in aspirations
And we respect in achievements;
Approaches the matter in detail
Works very diligently.
Avoids noisy companies
Only a narrow circle prefers
Friends that he knows personally -
He is accustomed to being among them.

If you are called Ilya,
You can't go wrong in life.
You will be strong and healthy
Always needed, always new
Because mom and dad
Grandmother and grandfather
strong and important
They gave the baby a name.
Be proud of your name
Never get angry for no reason
And then around you
The earth will be happy!

Danilka is a good-natured boy,
Hospitable and welcoming
And though he looks calm,
His heart is on fire.
Danil is fearless not for appearance -
Danil will not let himself be offended!

We accompany Sasha to school
And with all our hearts we wish
So that the lessons answered
Without hesitation, without difficulty
And the teacher even gasped
And he said, "Wow!"

We escort Yulia to school
With all our hearts we wish
At school, you try
Work hard.

Ira is sad to say goodbye
But we will still smile.
After all, there are so many interesting things at school,
unknown, wonderful

Our Roma is very courteous,
He is both smart and handsome.
He is an example to other boys.
Roma is a true gentleman!

Nikita is a serious boy. not proud.
Who to be? He knows this for a long time and firmly.
He will become a firefighter when he grows up.
Girls, he will save any of you!

We have Polinka,
Girl - picture.
Friends with dance, friends with song -
There is no girl more interesting!

Little blue skirt, ribbon in a braid.
Who does not know Olenka? Everyone knows Olga.
Girls at the party will gather in a circle.
How Olenka sings here! Louder than all friends!

Today we say goodbye
With beloved kindergarten,
We have grown, we have grown
We need to go to school.
Thank you educators
Thanks to our nannies
Both the doctor and the cook
We will say "thank you" to everyone.
Today is a special day -
Both sad and funny.
We have grown, we have grown!
Let's go to school!
