What is given for the 25th anniversary of marriage. twenty five years of marriage

At 25 married life a silver wedding is a must. For a quarter of a century, the marriage union has become harmonious, feelings are stable, and existence without each other is impossible. The anniversary symbolizes the silver-plated metal strength of the union, its nobility and beauty. A couple that has managed to maintain a marriage union, overcome obstacles and maintain love is worthy of compliments and can rightfully be proud of their achievement.

About the number 25

The number 25 is very controversial from the point of view of the science of numerology. The neighborhood of two digits does not represent the most the best combination. "Two" is the Moon, and "five" is ruled by the planet Mercury. The Moon is neutral to Mercury, but the warlike planet is most hostile to the Moon. What does this mean in light of the anniversary? It means that end of unstable lifecycle. Having gone through contradictions, resentment and troubles, the couple learned to find compromises and get out of difficult situations with honor. With the help of their close friends, relatives, relationships become stable and strong. You can be proud of the achievements on the path to happiness and well-being. It is after this period that life experience comes, which allows you to avoid quarrels and be more tolerant of others.

Silver Magic

The symbol of the anniversary is noble silver, which has the most magical properties among all metals. All the religions of the world claim that silver is God's gift, many beliefs are associated with it, protective and healing properties are attributed to it. Let's watch a video in which we learn a lot interesting facts about this precious metal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq4kV9g9A4k In addition, metal is under the magical control of the moon, carries great energy and protects from negativity. Due to this, it is in demand for the manufacture jewelry, amulets, dishes. The chemical element is able to store information about the state of mind of the owner, redistribute negative energy and is used to cleanse the aura. It is also a well-known antiseptic and water purifier. From the point of view of astrology - metal symbolizes the purity of the soul, awakens sensitivity and helps control emotions.

The symbol of the solemn event is a silver ring, symbolizing the beauty, strength and nobility of relationships. This is not an ordinary ordinary gift, but a sign of gratitude of the spouses to each other for patience, mutual understanding and care.

Ceremonial Day Traditions

twenty-fifth anniversary life together- a serious anniversary, which should be celebrated in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of close people. A fancy party is a desirable event, but above all, it is necessary to observe the fine traditions solemn day. By doing this, you will pay tribute to folk wisdom, bring spirituality and deep symbolism to the celebration.


Traditionally, after waking up in the morning and kissing, the newlyweds should draw clean, preferably spring water into a silver dish and proceed to ablution. Lovers wash each other three times, washing away sorrows, problems and experiences. After that, the spouses gently wipe each other with a towel and put the dishes with the remaining water in the sun until it has completely evaporated. It is believed that all family misunderstandings and illnesses go away with evaporating water.

Ring exchange

Immediately after bathing, the spouses exchange rings, which are put on the middle finger. right hand and are worn until the golden wedding anniversary. Of course, the rings must be made of silver, and to make them mysterious and unusual, perhaps with the help of engraving, the meaning of which will be clear only to lovers.

At the same time, gold rings are removed and stored in a box for a year, after which they can be worn on an adjacent finger. The ceremony can be made solemn by inviting the closest and dearest people to it: parents, children, friends.

Evening tea

Important! The rite can be performed only after the departure of all guests. The wife must brew strong fragrant tea, after which the newlyweds drink it while sitting at a table with uncleaned dishes. The rite symbolizes comfort, warmth of relationships and confidence in a happy future, despite the hustle and bustle.

How to celebrate a celebration

You can celebrate a silver wedding according to a predetermined scenario, chosen to your taste and focusing on opportunities and circumstances.

  • A celebration classic - invite former witnesses and guests to the same registry office and restaurant where the wedding took place. The event will be remembered for a long time, and all those invited will have something to remember and compare with;
  • Celebrate the anniversary in the country or at home in a close family circle . This option is for those who value family comfort and prefer a more relaxed environment;
  • Theme party. The option is suitable for energetic spouses who have not lost their young enthusiasm. The heroes of the occasion choose a theme and everyone dress up in the chosen images: fabulous, fantastic or aristocratic;
  • romantic celebration. There are couples who on a solemn day want to enjoy only themselves and their love. They can relax in an expensive restaurant, go on a trip to an exotic country or visit a city. eternal love– Paris.

But no matter how the lovers celebrate the celebration, one tradition remains the apotheosis - the exchange silver rings. The hero of the day can dress in White dress, and the spouse needs to thank her life partner for the years lived together by presenting a gift and flowers. The celebration will not do without a lush loaf or cake, cooked to order. As in their youth, the spouses cut the dishes so that all the invitees taste them - together with the anniversaries, they must share the joy for family happiness and mutual love.

What to give "newlyweds"

A silver anniversary gift should be distinguished by sophistication and beauty. to emphasize the strength of family ties and the ability of a couple to cherish love. The icon "Peter and Fevronia" in a silver frame, embodying fidelity, love and the significance of marriage in Christian culture, can become such an exquisite present. And of course, traditionally, on such a significant day, the newlyweds are presented with items made of precious metal - jewelry, vases, figurines, dishes.

Favorite among gifts - silverware

The first place is rightfully occupied by silver cutlery: forks, spoons, piles, knives. The gift is standard, but necessary every day. If engraved, it will remind the couple of the solemn event for a long time.

The hit of the parade is an assortment of souvenirs: vases, goblets, figurines.

The price of silver products is very significant, so it is better to choose functional items that will bring a special touch to the household's life: milk jugs, coffee pots, trays.


If you know that anniversaries love silver, then feel free to give bracelets, pendants, chains. At the same time, there is a necessary condition - gifts must be paired. Friends can present a tea or table set with a delicate silver pattern or luxurious silk bed linen, and relatives can present a honeymoon trip to warm countries.


I always want to congratulate close, dear people on their anniversary with memorable words. Living together is a huge mental work, finding compromises and overcoming life's troubles.

Pick up congratulations, toasts in advance and you will pleasantly surprise the anniversaries. Today you can find a lot of options for every taste.

But the most important thing is not how long and how long the congratulation will be, but what feelings and emotions the congratulator will put into his greeting. It is important to remind the anniversaries of their achievements, of the events experienced together, and with all my heart to wish the very best!



  • “We want to congratulate you on a wonderful silver wedding day! As not every bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper, so far not every married couple is able to overcome the path of a quarter of a century. And you made it, you made it! You have a wonderful family, wonderful children. On the road, you have not lost your feelings, kindness, youthful enthusiasm. Saved friends, parents and gained our love and pride for you!”
  • « silver wedding- an extraordinary event and proof that the union of two loving hearts strong as magic metal. You convinced everyone that for a long time it is possible to cherish and store feelings without spilling a single drop of the divine drink of love. You exchanged anniversary rings, and we wish you that your future path will be as unhindered, strong and beautiful as these jewelry. We wish you harmony, happiness, strong love. Bitterly!"

A silver jubilee happens once in a lifetime - and this is a confirmation of real feelings and a role model. Prepare in advance for the solemn event and do not forget about the traditions of this day. Congratulate yourself on the triumph - together you have come to a wonderful life milestone - when everyone knew, learned everything, fulfilled their main mission - raised children and still have the strength for new achievements!

Silver wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

A nice addition to your gift will be your sincere wishes and the most nice words to the anniversaries.

With all my heart I congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of your marriage, on your silver wedding! I wish your happiness to shine and shimmer like silver in the sun, so that your feelings always warm your hearts and fill your home with comfort, so that there are no disappointments in your life together, so that many more joyful events and happy holidays await you ahead!

I congratulate you with all my heart on the 25th anniversary of your family life— with a silver wedding! I sincerely wish you to pass the second half of the way to the golden wedding just as beautifully, happily and successfully. I wish prosperity to your home and peace, true love and good luck!

I congratulate you on this wonderful, silver day! The family is a living organism based on mutual understanding. You have proven that you are able to love and understand each other. Therefore, I wish you to always live together, in peace and love, and most importantly, take care of each other! So many years of mutual patience, attention and care were not in vain! You are one whole, and this whole is beautiful! I congratulate you on the fact that you managed to create your own unique, kind, cozy world that we love so much! Happy twenty-fifth anniversary to you!

We have been watching you for all these years and want to say that this union is the strongest and happiest. You proved that love can be preserved for a quarter of a century and not lose a single drop of happiness. We wish that in the future your union will be as strong as the rings that you exchanged today. We want to wish you that on your golden anniversary you can meet the dawn as happily as today!

25 years is a quarter of a century, more than nine thousand days spent next to your loved one! It deserves the highest praise. May love and harmony continue to reign in your life, and every day becomes better than the previous one, because there are native person! Happy Anniversary!

I congratulate you, dear ones, on a wonderful joint date, on a silver wedding! You have been together for 25 years, which means that a silver age has begun in your life, which will surely give you poetic lines of sweet moments and happy stories of family life. I wish you a wonderful mood and constant comfort in the house!

Dear spouses, today your family experience was marked by a silver figure of 25 years! Over the years, you have become a single indivisible whole, created strong family have gone through hardships together. We would like to wish you the joy of living together for many years, love, harmony and prosperity!

Kids! Twenty-five years is an indicative age, especially for a joint union! May it be pure as silver, prosperous and indestructible! Happiness to you, be healthy and cheerful in spirit, support each other in all endeavors!

Dear Mom and Dad! You've been together for so many years that it's hard to imagine. You have a silver wedding and it's a whole quarter of a century. May your marriage continue to flourish, full of happiness and love! I wish you to celebrate your wedding anniversary many, many more times!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Today's date shines with the silver of the 25th anniversary of the 25th anniversary you passed together! We wish that every day of living together gives you only love, mutual understanding, support and assistance, tenderness and care. Be truly happy for years to come!

You are the role model to be respected and appreciated! Having lived in marriage for 25 years, you have kept love, warmth and affection for each other. I sincerely wish you that quiet, family happiness that you deserve with your whole life! Thank you for being in this world! Live long and happily!

Congratulations on the wonderful 25th anniversary of your family life, on your silver wedding! I wish you bright and sparkling joy, strong and faithful love, reliable well-being and unquenchable happiness, a friendly family and joint success!

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling, like yours, can overcome the years! Congratulations on this victory! May your love conquer all the hardships of life! Health, warmth to you, comfort and calm family happiness!

Your family is that stronghold of love and reliability that more than one generation is equal to. You have lived 25 "silver" years of your life in harmony, bypassing all the pitfalls of marriage. We wish you serene happiness, pleasant moments and a well-deserved rest, which will become a real earthly paradise for you! We are happy to congratulate you on this wonderful event!

On this beautiful day, we congratulate you on successfully overcoming a difficult distance - twenty-five years! There were many obstacles on your way, but you successfully overcame all obstacles, because good guides led you forward - love and mutual understanding. You rightfully deserve a silver medal! And we wish you the same success in the next distance on the way to the gold medal!

For twenty-five years you have been living together, walking side by side through life, sharing happiness and adversity for two! Congratulations on your silver wedding! I wish you good health, cheerfulness and joy to live until the golden wedding! Carry your youthful love and friendship through your whole difficult life, wait for great-grandchildren and pass on to your descendants your great life wisdom, easy disposition and contagious optimism! Be healthy, happy, cheerful and lucky! Love each other and receive blessings from the Lord for a long, good, prosperous life!

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary! This noble silver date has made you a magnificent couple living in peace and harmony for so many years. From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a feeling of complete happiness, unity, spiritual closeness and joy from the fact that you have each other! Be healthy, love and enjoy life!

Dear spouses, let me congratulate you on a wonderful significant date that your family has come to full of love, mutual understanding, comfort and prosperity! Love each other as passionately as in the first year of marriage, appreciate every day spent together, do not part for a long time!

Congratulations on a wonderful date, a silver wedding! 25 years of marriage is care and tenderness, love and support every day! We wish you to always be young in body and soul! So that every moment of a life lived together brings a feeling of dizzying happiness!

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary! Let this silver wedding be filled with sparkling champagne, romantic mood, tenderness and devotion, love and mutual happiness! Let your dreams come true, all the desired paths open, luck keeps pace with opportunities and a warm feeling inspires you for a long and wonderful life together!

Dear anniversaries! I raise a glass for the fact that for a quarter of a century you have not dropped your high rank - spouses, have not added an unnecessary prefix "EX" to it and have raised the banner of devoted and happy love high. We are happy and wholeheartedly congratulate you and wish you happiness, health and many years of life!

Our dear newlyweds! Today is exactly 25 years since the day you started your life together! It was not always strewn with flowers, it was not always even and smooth, but you managed, were able, survived those moments of happiness that this life gave you, and the dear ones that paid a dear price for them - your love, patience, wisdom and forgiveness! May the remaining three times of 25 years become for you continuous, enduring happiness and great joy!

You have been married for a quarter of a century and all this time you have cherished, helped, respected and, most importantly, loved each other. And today, on the day of your silver wedding, I would like to wish you warmth, luck, prosperity, happiness, smiles, tenderness. Enjoy life and each other to the fullest!

Dear ours! Today is a wonderful day, and we want to congratulate you on a wonderful event in your life - a silver wedding. Not every couple will reach this solemn day together, but you have reached and very successfully - you have raised wonderful children, now you are helping to raise grandchildren. You have not lost your love, your talents, the kindness of your hearts on the road. We didn't lose our friends either. So let me congratulate you on this wonderful date, and may your home always remain the happiest!

Joint life 25 is a big date, Holy holiday! Let the symbol of your anniversary make your life just as brilliant, radiant, strong and bright. May your love not fade away, may joy grow day by day, I wish you health and happiness, warm the family hearth with bright fire!

A wonderful holiday, when 25 years together, I sincerely congratulate you on your silver wedding! I wish you to carry the banner from year to year happy family filling your home with comfort and joy, goodness and understanding. Let silver be only second place, let it be an incentive to achieve a gold medal. I wish you strong and unquenchable love, prosperity and funny songs life!

Congratulations on a wonderful date, on the 25th anniversary of family life! May your happiness flow like a silver stream through your life, may your love never become weaker! I wish peace and understanding in the family, harmony and prosperity in the house!

Congratulations on your silver wedding! I wish you, my dear ones, that your family will always be so friendly, cheerful, long-lasting and strong. I wish you good health, immense family happiness, wisdom, patience and kindness! May your love only grow stronger and stronger every day, and bring you many more pleasant moments and events!

For you dear! On this happy and joyful day for you - the day when you got married 25 years ago, I sincerely want to wish you to celebrate more than one anniversary of your wedding together! May your love and respect for each other grow! For you, our beloved silver anniversaries!

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary! All these years you have walked hand in hand, shared hardships and joys! Your family chest is already full of silver, and now the road leading to the gold mines is ahead! Good luck on this path! Let love inspire and support you!

A wonderful and still in love couple, a happy and wonderful family, I congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of conscientious life, on the silver anniversary! I wish you bright sparks of joy and inspiration in family hearth, I wish you unquenchable and blazing love in your hearts, I wish your dreams and hopes to sparkle with silver and be sure to come true in the end!

Congratulations on your silver wedding! I wish that in your relations, as before, harmony and mutual understanding reigned! So that nothing in this changeable world knocks the ground out from under your feet, so that you always love each other just the same and live happily until the golden wedding!

Today we are gathered here to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the great joy! Our anniversaries have been together for 25 years already, so let them continue to go through life together, hand in hand! May happiness be with them forever, for a long life! For you, your love and prosperity! For a happy joint longevity!

From the bottom of my heart, I want to congratulate you today on your silver wedding, on the wonderful 25th anniversary of your family! I wish you undoubted happiness in every day and great luck, great ideas and wonderful mood, family good and home comfort, unfading love and good hopes!

Congratulations on the well-deserved silver of your family, on a great achievement and a big date! You have been together for 25 years, holding hands tightly and caring for each other, overcoming all life's barriers and obstacles on the path to good and happiness. I wish you to continue your joint journey just as bravely and beautifully, not to let your love fade for a minute, to achieve everything you want together and always!

Today is your big holiday, the great silver anniversary of your marriage! Congratulations on your silver wedding and I want to wish you bright and sparkling happiness in your family, good health and unquenchable strength, memorable and dear moments to your hearts, true love unbreakable by time and circumstances!

Congratulations on your silver wedding, on a successful quarter of a century! Dear ones, I sincerely wish you the same bravo and beautiful life, tenderly love each other and carefully preserve your happiness, I wish you good luck, a bright world and good prosperity!

There is a family-patience, relaxing to the loss of self-awareness. There is a family-competition that irritates and exhausts spouses. But today I raise a glass for a family-happiness, in which husband and wife understand and forgive each other for 25 years, for a family in which there is harmony with time and circumstances!

How much good you have lived, and we will not remember the bad. I wish you to keep your love and closeness of souls until old age. Let your family be a model for everyone! May your loved ones always feel your support! I wish you grateful children and loving grandchildren!

Today you, dear newlyweds, have an important date - your wedding anniversary, and not just a simple one, but a silver one! You have lived together for a long period of your life, you have not been broken by failures and disappointments. And now, looking back, you can safely say that you are a worthy couple! So let the invisible thread continue to firmly bind your hands, everything in life succeeds, and feelings grow stronger and harden!

Today is a wonderful day, and we want to congratulate you on a wonderful event in your life - a silver wedding! As the classic said, "not every bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper." Not every pair of newlyweds will come together to this solemn day. And you have reached and reached very successfully. You raised wonderful children, now you are helping to raise grandchildren. You have not lost your love, your talents, the kindness of your hearts on the road. We didn't lose our friends either. May your home always remain bright, warm and open to all who enter it!

Congratulations, my dears, on a wonderful date - 25 years in a happy married life! You have already gone through a lot: both good and bad, but these circumstances have not broken your family idyll, and I want to wish you that it will be like this for more than a dozen years. Let everything be fine in your family circle, incomes increase, love multiplies, trust grows stronger and doubts never arise regarding each other! Many, many positive and bright days, kind tender words, continue to love and go through life only together, without opening your own hands! Happy silver wedding!

Nature loves the color silver: silvery clouds, silvery streams of rain, silvery surface of the river and snow hoarfrost. So you are now having the best and most wonderful period of your life! And I wish you, our dear spouses, traditionally, real long happiness, mutual love and well-being!

Today we will celebrate wedding 25 with you! You know, your business is tight, that you cannot live without each other. You have gained a lot of wisdom, since you have been married so much. You have been around for a very long century, and we wish you forever. Love each other, live peacefully, and raise grandchildren together!

Dear children! Twenty-five years is a long time! Here one can only rejoice and wish a huge cup of happiness, which will only be filled as more years pass. Let love not fade away, but shine like a comet rushing across the sky!

Until the silver wedding, those couples survive in which the wife has a golden character, and the husband has iron restraint. It is these qualities that helped our anniversaries reach this milestone. So let them not lose these qualities in the future and celebrate golden wedding! Happy silver wedding!

Today we have gathered to witness the great and significant 25th anniversary of family life! We are happy that the luck that helped you meet has not left you. May she continue to be your good companion and may your path together be filled with good luck, love and happiness!

We attended your wedding, said words of congratulations on your tenth anniversary, but, perhaps, on this day we received the greatest honor! Today we are attending such happy anniversary, today you have new wedding! I wish you happiness, as huge as the starry sky on a July night; a mutual understanding as complete as the glass of wine I hold in my hands; love as hot as the sun's rays; money, as light as fluff, and, of course, health, as strong as steel. But that's not all - I want you to be able to celebrate your next anniversary as fun and provocatively as this one!

25 years of legal life together is a huge reason for pride, because your feelings were able to overcome a number of difficult trials and not lose their former fuse. You are like heroes from a beloved, kind book, who could become an example for many, since you, like no one else, know what support and understanding are. On this special day for your union, I would like to wish you with great pleasure amazing life, lightness, harmony and happiness. Carry your love through many years, thereby becoming an example of true feelings. You are a quarter of a century together, live three times as long, stepping over many other anniversaries!

Our dear anniversaries! Congratulations! On this day, your family turned 25 years old. Half of life has been lived, and we want to wish the second half to be much happier and more successful!

Mom and dad, since we could not congratulate you on your marriage for the first time, today we want to correct this oversight by congratulating you on the 25th anniversary of your union. Today you again exchange rings as a sign of love and fidelity. May this exchange, this second marriage between you, be even more fruitful and happy. But our wishes do not end there. We also want to see you join hands and build not only plans for the future, but also your future family life!

This wonderful date, the beautiful 25th anniversary, indicates that your union is very strong and happy! You proved that love can be saved for a quarter of a century and not lose a drop of happiness! We wish your family to be just as strong in the future, so that you always remain the same young, beautiful, happy and always love each other! Live in happiness for many years! All the most beautiful and wonderful to you, and may life give only the best, only joys, pleasant events and bring the most wonderful news!

Silver wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

Your twenty-fifth anniversary

I wish you more fun!

Let the glasses be in your hands

Fireworks are beautiful in the sky!

Smiles of relatives and friends!

AND the whole world- for you two!

Marriage is a good thing

If the marriage is "twenty-five".

You can safely congratulate

And wish you success!

A quarter of a century is cool

It's not one minute.

Not a month, not a year.

Let your family stronghold

Year by year it only grows stronger

Let love crown him!

Let your house be filled

White silver!

It's not just twenty-five

Long years to love, suffer,

Conquer all trials

Live in great understanding.

Congratulations on your anniversary

And we wish you the best!

25 is not a date yet

It's only a third of the way

How many years have you been married

Three times more you go!

Lived together for a quarter of a century

And they valued their love.

May you be the best reward

Many more years to be together!

Let troubles, quarrels pass by -

You are always a support for each other!

Silver wedding. Bitterly!

We congratulate you, friends.

Lived a quarter of a century steadfastly

You have a wonderful family!

You through thunderstorms and bad weather

A spark of hope has been carried.

We wish you great happiness

Good luck, loyalty, love!

A joyful wedding broke out -

25 happy years!

Silver shines again

Aroma streams bouquet.

Dear, congratulations,

And we wish not to grow old,

25 wonderful years

Lived like one day.

Wish you happiness today

People are not lazy at all.

Happy silver wedding today

I warmly congratulate you!

Live as much more - in the world,

I wish you love and care!

You have come a long way together

Together we reached the silver

Let's raise our glasses,

So that your house is full of happiness!

I wish you no stress

Now to drive to gold!

And only great pleasure

Always receive from life!

Your wedding day with noble silver

Today the bond of marriage illuminates

It is everywhere - festive table,

And in the hair, and in the way the look shines ...

And the two of you, like the same metal,

Could bend - just not break!

And because the ball is still in full swing -

You will still be in love for a long time!

What a wonderful occasion

Gathered today all the guests,

Silver wedding,

Family life anniversary!

May happiness not leave you

Let the home hearth not fade away,

Love burns even stronger in the hearts.

And brings the golden wedding closer!

Ah, the silver wedding.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Never let it be

In regards to winter!

25 years is a long time

So we want to wish

So that three times the number

You should have celebrated!

silver wedding

Oh my god, what a date!

Already a quarter of a century

You are happily married!

May your life be

Happy hundreds of days!

May your union grow stronger

Stronger every year!

The sound of silverware

Cake and food on the table.

Everyone believes in miracles

This couple on Earth.

Let today the cries of "Bitter"

Fill the house with happiness.

Let there be so many emotions

Enough for later!

You lived a quarter of a century

Only in harmony, in love!

Congratulations on your anniversary.

This holiday is for two!

Let the silver wedding

It will give you only peace.

We wish you much happiness

And live to be golden!

Silver wedding,

Silver in the temples.

25 years together

"Bitterly" everyone screams.

Your kiss is gentle

And strong love.

In the ocean of life

Everything is clear without words.

Let your eyes shine

Happiness and warmth!

And joy flows

Bright silver!

Year after year - twenty-five!

Behind empty wilds

Outsiders do not understand

Silver anniversary.

It looks like silver

Seems opaque

After all, as if a demon in the ribs

Newlyweds again.

A quarter of a century behind.

Your patience

Like medicine, put

To our generation!

You are strong and rich with each other,

Your bonds are strong and imperishable!

Your destinies are intertwined

For two - one life road,

You, as a whole, two halves,

You were created by God for each other.

May your marriage be like a thousand springs

Blossoming with love and passion!

And fate will bring on a tray

Happiness in silver glasses for you!

We are happy for you, dear!

You have lived for twenty-five years.

And they became more than relatives,

Give care and light!

And we all want to get together

After the same period.

Let him hide from evil misfortunes,

The Lord is your cozy little world!

Your marriage is like a luxury of silver!

The time to understand exactly

That fate was kind to you -

We wish you equal feelings,

But, so that the passion does not subside,

Touch you to your native lips

And love again, as before!

Happy, wonderful anniversary!

You have been together for 25 wonderful years!

May your life be happy

And keep your joy a secret!

As before, walk hand in hand

On the long path of life

Respect each other, adore,

To save love from various storms!

Silver wedding - love reward!

You are walking hand in hand.

And more, it seemed, was not necessary,

Than to feel loved care.

Another hundred years you live together together,

Do not know any grief or sadness of days!

We shout "Bitter!" bride and groom!

So that your fire of love burns stronger!

You are so close! Isn't that a miracle!

And for friends an example of great love!

The interweaving of your two faithful destinies,

What a young dream come true!

What, have you made good?

Got silver?

Twenty-five is such a thing

You will never miss.

May grace come to you

And I want to tell you:

You are young again

You are twenty-five today.

We just came to visit

And we want to congratulate you

Happy silver day, happy.

Pour this hour!

How quickly the years fled into the distance

And they covered your heads with silver.

Yes, everything is transient, but it does not matter:

You are together! You are family! And it's great!

You take care of your silver

Take it as a sign of distinction!

Let there be only goodness in your house!

Live happily and just prosper!

You have been together for 25 happy years,

We are celebrating the Silver Wedding.

And on this day, filled with good,

We wish you all continued love!

Let the gardens of desires bloom in the soul,

And the rivers will gently spill with honey.

And the most beautiful years

For the two of you, it's just getting started!

You've been married for a quarter of a century!

Peace and happiness to you two!

Here with such a glorious date

We want to congratulate you.

Twenty five! What happiness

Understand everything and forgive everything.

Both in weather and in bad weather

Love the same!

Do not bend from blows

Do not become pessimists

Stay young

Having lived together for twenty-five!

Days and years go by.

Foliage, flowers are replaced by snow flakes ...

Halfway to your golden wedding -

And, therefore, together for a whole quarter of a century!

We wish you not to know quarrels in the future!

Long live the silver wedding!

Silver wedding - silver medalist,

The high peak of everyday difficult mountains.

Silver horses will not reach the goal,

When the good family harmony does not rule on the way.

Hand in hand always - both in happiness and in adversity,

The crystal string is ringing on the most tremulous note.

And the wealth of love will grow a luxurious garden,

Silver wedding - more expensive than all awards!

Well, for starters, our wishes -

Happiness, youth and love!

To keep you always close

Supported in difficult times

To all family barriers

Wouldn't be a hindrance to you!

Well, to make life easier,

We want to wish you modestly -

So that all problems and worries

Ended up at 25!

Silver on the temples

And the heart is warm.

You, our relatives,

Together for so long!

Next to you in life

For many years.

Kindness and happiness!

And you do not know troubles!

What a blessing that you were able to carry

Your love through these twenty-five!

I wish you in a marital way

No troubles, no disagreements to meet!

Let your hearts sing in unison

Live in peace, harmony and prosperity,

There will be no end to happiness

May everything always be in order for you!

You have achieved in love and fidelity

Imperceptibly the number 25!

Slowly the family temple was erected!

And they were able not to lose their ardor!

And now, silver date

You should celebrate with pride!

Do you have children and grandchildren?

And you need each other too!

Silver wedding - 25,

I heartily congratulate you.

All my life I wish you to live together,

I wish you good and happiness.

And let the years go, run,

You don't pay attention

Keep faithfulness and love

Celebrate your wedding every year!

25 years old, silver glitter

Silver wedding

It's time!

And let the gray hair

Silver on the temples

Love like before

Sparkle in the eyes!

The groom kisses the bride again

You have divided your life into two.

Let it be given

Happiness by fate

Let you have it for the wedding

Leads gold!

Your love is admirable

Even lyrics are hard to convey.

All the importance and solemnity of the moment,

Not a joke - a quarter of a century to exchange!

Glasses clink now only in your honor,

And noble wine flows

After all, better and more beautiful than your couple,

In the world there will not be the same!

25 is a great time

To learn a lesson!

It openly says

How easy it is to get along.

Your couple is something!

Share worries together

Happiness, joy and luck.

Our blessing to you!

And we hope, of course,

That your love is forever.

What more could you want?

Only "50" to celebrate!

One of the best days in my life

Today we celebrate together -

Silver your anniversary!

We congratulate you on this day!

We wish you health

Well-being and consent,

Let things go well!

Big love - and a lot of happiness!

Once you were connected by a feeling,

Which everyone calls love.

Since then you have been together. Isn't this art?

Art! And also hard work.

Let a quarter of a century fly by quickly

We wish life to boil again,

Don't let cry and get bored!

Your family is twenty-five today!

How many years have passed since the cherished date,

Today we want to wish you

So that you are rich in life:

You are rich in love, understanding!

Children are rich, grandchildren, friends!

May you have enough tenderness, attention!

You create your own happiness!

Your wedding shone with silver,

With congratulations, we are coming to you today!

May luck always favor you

And let the family hearth burn brighter!

To live together for many more years

Without sorrows, without worries, resentments and troubles!

And when you mark 25 more,

Congratulations on your golden wedding!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.

And today is our wedding anniversary!

There is no more reliable person in the world -

For each other you are the most valuable!

We wish you peace and care,

Be a little wiser every day.

Let all adversity go around your house,

Sunny and joyful days to you!

You with a silver wedding today,

My dears, congratulations!

With admiration, delight, love

I wish you health and happiness!

There was everything in life - and what?

Everything in your soul you will keep holy.

Every year you are somehow younger

Even though they've been married for twenty-five years.

There will be time to go unnoticed

There will be years to fly - you will not catch up.

Has it been many years? No!

Only a quarter of a century for two!

Worthy date of respect

You are exactly twenty-five together.

You went to each other for rapprochement,

To strengthen relationships!

And now everything is smooth for you:

To be happy together!

Ah, silver is a solemn date,

And your grandchildren are sitting side by side.

God forbid that exactly the same as once

You met a series of upcoming dates!

And accepting our congratulations,

They confessed their love to each other again,

As in youth, understanding with all my heart,

That only love rules the world!

How quickly the years go by

They can not be returned and not caught up.

You have a silver wedding

You are exactly twenty-five together!

You are our role model

Anyone will envy you!

Now we wish you the main thing -

Survive until the golden wedding!

Congratulations on your Silver Wedding!

And we want to sincerely wish

To you: health, success, good luck,

And always understand each other!

Quarter of century! After all, it's a lot

To test your feelings.

We will fill the glasses today

On this holiday of great Love!

Lovely, faithful, gentle -

The path you have traveled is not easy.

To the date of the beautiful, silver,

As if they came to victory.

Life won and chores,

Believe in the power of love

And with surprising ease

Disputes were resolved.

Love has become your reward

The best companion in fate,

And I would like to wish you -

Live in happiness, love and dream!

Silver rain fell today

Twenty-five years your union lasted!

We wish the sun always shines on you,

And the power of heaven helped in everything!

Be happy and inspired

Let your paths be incomparable,

Lucky, beautiful, worthy, kind,

May your cherished wishes and dreams come true!

Wedding ring,

So much happiness brought!

Silver all around

A heartbeat is heard.

25 - lived together

And do not tell the bride.

It was different in fate

You didn't break anywhere.

We wish you only health,

On your brilliant anniversary.

And we hope that happiness

Will last for many days!

On this day you celebrated your wedding!

Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge!

A quarter of a century in joy, in sorrow!

Silver sparkles at the temples!

Congratulations on your silver wedding!

But we wish you not mountains of silver!

Love, happiness be you rich!

And may luck be generous to you!

The silver wedding is knocking at your door.

There have been so many ups and downs in life!

But you didn't break that thread of love

What connected you on the path of life.

We wish you longevity, warmth,

Family comfort, health and kindness,

Look into each other's eyes, and feel the thrill,

And in the starry evenings hug with love!

It's been a quarter of a century! And as if only

At the wedding, they shouted a sweet “Bitter!” to you.

And now the family date is silvering,

And there it will imperceptibly reach the gold!

We wish you happiness, health, success

May your bright life be calm,

They do not know the fatigue of thought and hand,

Children and grandchildren keep you warm.

Let comfort in everything decorate fate,

Let difficulties never stop you!

We wish you an anniversary

Pleasant joyful chores!

So that you sit for champagne,

To have fun, sing songs,

So that this anniversary feast

Brought health, happiness, peace!

Whatever you think, let it come true!

Let only the good be remembered!

Let your eyes shine with happiness

And good people let you meet!

It will be useful for everyone to know

That you are all twenty-five

Winters are fierce, very hot years

That vow given to each other

Resolutely kept in their hearts,

And every year only loved

Everything is sincere and stronger!

About your hectic life

Many books can be written

But I want to wish you

Keep romance, loving.

You have the main thing - family!

Today is not just an event

Today is our anniversary

How glorious are our parents,

They are proud of their family.

After all, a quarter of a century has already passed,

How they go through life together

And let the gray hair flash

Live with a young soul

Both mom and dad are loved,

From the heart of everything we say

You be so happy

We love and honor you dearly!

Let the days fly and the years

You have been for so many years

Solving worries

Always soul to soul!

It's nice to look at you -

Full of reasons.

The wife is incredible!

Husband is the best of men!

And we congratulate you

With a silver ring

And we want to see you

Golden wedding!

No hesitation, no doubt

I'm happy to report:

Silver is a priceless metal!

Your years will confirm!

Let the whiskey turn silver -

It is wisdom that colors them;

Let youth disappear far away -

Forever happiness for two!

Just don't get tired of life

Happy every time...

Me with a silver wedding

Congratulations to you today!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century!

We congratulate you, keep it up!

There were strife and joy.

But you were able to hold each other.

And love gives birth to your pride.

We will test it to the fullest.

Congratulations on silver today!

Let the wave of happiness cover!

From fun wedding time

The days are quickly drifting away

Marriage ties are a pleasant burden,

If nothing is a pity.

Days and years, anger and mercy,

All the goodness of the heart

Tempered, turned

In expensive silver!

Let the gunpowder not decrease

Let the flame not go out!

You are at the golden wedding

Call me anyway!

When the first snow falls on the hair,

The person becomes wiser.

In price, believe me, not blind passion,

And tenderness is quiet, simple!

I want to thank you all the time

That I am not tired of giving myself,

For all those twenty-five years together -

Happy life dropped ticket!

Thank you dear

that you are always by my side,

Let's go one way

And we feel each other's eyes!

I wish you joy

Good health and strength!

You know that on the mainland,

I love you, my best, dear!

Congratulations to you my wife

I am with our anniversary in a quarter of a century!

I officially declare to you

That there is no closer to me in the world of man!

You are the most beloved, dear!

Walking through life is easy for me with you!

So give me your hand, dear!

I love you like before! Be always with me!

It's hard for me to find the words now

To convey how happy I am with you!

We share all the hardships in half,

And we multiply joy with love.

When we started living together

Everything seemed new, unknown,

We created our cozy home

And they were looking for common interests.

And on the anniversary of the wedding, I will say:

We succeeded and even very much!

I'm sorry, I can't find more words

And as a sign of love I will put an ellipsis ...

We are with you a quarter of a century

We hustle together.

How can we live without each other

We don't know anymore.

Congratulations dear husband

With our glorious date!

Everything related to family

It will only be holy!

We want to live forever

Peacefully and with love!

I admire, my dear,

I am always with you!

Gently sparkling silver -

Wedding anniversary!

Let prosperity reign

In your only homestead!

Let love warm in a blizzard

Happiness - life will be hammered,

Gentle, quivering breath -

Joy will burst into the house!

May luck be a ringing song

It flows like in a fairy tale

Let the days become more interesting

And only in bright colors!

This day is so special

And so important to all of us

For a silver wedding

Everyone was gathered at this hour.

Numerous guests

The whole family from all sides

So that silver feelings

Haven't darkened in years!

To shine with freshness

Radiating light of happiness!

To patience, understanding

Created an ideal

An exemplary gentle couple

Whose experience of life is not small!

Silver wedding,

silver tune,

silver feelings,

And how many years together?

Only 25

Love is a great gift

And we congratulate you

Feelings are on fire.

Keep your happiness

All the years in spite of

And let your waltz sound

And don't take your hands off!

Stop the years for a moment

Take your time! Time, don't rush!

Love and joy to you, eternal flowering,

I sincerely wish, from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you happiness and live without getting old,

More joy for you, less sadness,

And troubles so that they never knock on you!

Health to you! And never be sad!

WITH good mood live to a hundred years!

At the temples - silver, on the date - silver!

May Love and Kindness not leave your home!

May the remaining years of endless light

It will be warmed by love and friendship!

May you be loved everywhere, may you always be appreciated,

And your lucky star does not go out,

Under which you have gone through so much together

On the difficult, difficult roads of the Earth!

You have been walking hand in hand for twenty-five years,

You give us a good example

In how to respect, love,

To please each other and be close!

Grandpa, Grandma, keep it up!

We wish you happiness to fully know,

Feelings sincere, inspired, wonderful,

Days together bright and interesting!

Lived together for a quarter of a century

Today is a very important day!

After all, two beautiful people

With love as strong as flint,

Silver wedding is celebrated.

Still the same 25 years of happiness,

Nobody rules out!

There are different things in life

But you can't change

You are together forever

They promised to please, appreciate,

We wish you to live as long in love!

A quarter of a century a couple together -

Millions of tender words

The groom says to the bride

Ready for everything for her.

Although the groom is already experienced,

But the bride is young.

Now we just say one thing:

So let it be forever!

Our wishes are not new,

What more could you want,

If you have kept the base,

When you are already 25!

You saved love like a hearth,

You took care of her every day.

And so we all today

They came to you for the holiday of happiness!

Eye to eye, intertwining hands

And understanding thoughts with a glance ...

It's great to be around

Reliable friend and interlocutor,

Your personal critic and adviser,

Your doctor, cook and mediator,

And sometimes your scout.

Walking this path together

You survived 25 winters.

And if you return again,

You wouldn't change anything.

We wish you to live happily

At least half a century more!

Surround with love, happiness

Native in a person's life!

They once asked an old man - did you want to divorce your wife?

He looked at his wife and thought - I don’t want it yet!

Here you have it, whatever one may say, but a quarter of a century behind your back,

You have been one family for so many years and it's great, friends!

We wish you to always keep, take care of each other,

You are tightly bound for years, so God bless you for all the years

Smiles, happiness, change, and renewal among grandchildren,

Health to gray knees, and let there be no boredom in the house!

Love, love, love, love

The one you keep in your hearts

Give joy to each other

And always be happy!

Over the years you have become more beautiful

Nice to see you two!

In honor of your silver wedding

In verse we send you news!

You have become dearer to each other,

And the fire burns with passion.

To your family circle

Everyone has been envious for a long time.

We wish you well and health!

Go ahead with your dream!

Come together and with love

Before your golden wedding!

Confess how you found the secret

Solved the secret of happiness

How to live life in love

As without grief and bad weather

Only joy deserve.

You are an example for many. Know!

All glory and honor to you!

Silver wedding, chime of bells,

And each of you is newlywed,

We want you to take care of yourself

More amorous meetings for you,

So that the children do not shake their nerves,

So that you are faithful to each other,

So that there were dofiga attendants,

Away away so that the blizzard

Hold on tight to each other

As if you are soldered with a paper clip!

Your silver wedding

Native grandmother and grandfather!

Brighter than a holiday and more beautiful

There was not and is not in the world!

So young, light, healthy,

Beautiful, like a long time ago!

For you not cow's milk

We drink sparkling wine!

There is no trace of Godkov on the faces,

There is no fatigue and sadness!

We praise grandma and grandpa

Live together until a hundred years!

The date today is long-awaited,

Silver wedding desired

And we wish the young

Intimacy to be always cool

So that peace reigns all around, everywhere,

And there was no place for trouble

Love burned like a star

And your dream come true

Union so that it is strong like steel,

And in my heart I sang for spring!

Today the wedding is twenty-five!

And the heart confuses beats -

Such honor and grace

Congratulations to the glorious anniversaries!

You are together for so many years and winters,

That have become an indivisible whole!

And I want to wish two

All the best in the world! Without limits!

May this wedding be silver

Bring happiness to your couple!

well-being, goodness,

The warmth of love and joy gives!

Congratulations on your silver

We wish sincere love

Let happiness fill the house

Let luck beckon!

We wish you many bright days

To be strong for each other,

We wish you bold ideas,

And don't be sad about anything!

We wish you not to be discouraged

Let gray hair not upset your hair.

Dreaming of walking together

Your wedding is golden!

Happy anniversary to you, wife,

A quarter of a century together you

So congratulate each other

With new owl wisdom!

You deserve silver

Bitterly we will shout

So that they are friends like this all their lives,

And don't back away!

Your union is strong

May it grow stronger every day

And your ancestors are proud of you

So that the house is full of happiness!

Today, dear ones,

Champagne splashes like a wave

We came to congratulate you on your wedding,

After all, you celebrate silver,

We wish you were together

Family ship to sail

Songs sounded for you,

None of the relatives forgot

Let children and grandchildren please

Health to be at five,

Wouldn't you know that boredom

Dreamed, loved again!

You are both young again

Though your union

Today exactly 25!

matrimonial ties,

Like a fine wine

Everything gets stronger with age.

Let the life of a lived movie

Warms your soul!

And ahead of you,

We really believe in it

Many years, wonderful dates

And many anniversaries!

Joint life - twenty-five!

And you, parents, are the same:

Young and in love again

And your feelings are just as fresh!

You are the perfect family

And there is no better couple in the world!

I want to equal you!

I congratulate you on this date!

And here is the silver date -

One of the best dates

And everything that you once lived,

Now it's a hundred times more expensive!

Years have gone, feelings remain

Which simply has no price,

Although sometimes a little sad

What can not return the former spring.

Let the silver lay invisibly

For your long years -

You need each other

Today is the same as always!

Gave forks, spoons

And other junk

And bracelets, and earrings,

And a silver service!

After all, a silver wedding

Celebrates magnificent people!

In a restaurant or a manor,

If they give you income.

We wish you a lot of money

And live to be golden!

Let the joint road

It will be amazing and simple!

I look at you and I know for sure

What is love in this world!

For a quarter of a century your marriage is strong,

And there is no need for extra words.

You unraveled the secret of happiness

You are a model for other couples!

We wish you not to know sadness

And look in one direction!

To love each other without a mind

Live without betrayal and falsehood!

And so that eternal May sang in the hearts!

Congratulations on your silver wedding -

Twenty-five wonderful long years!

They, like a film, would be squandered,

To unravel the secret of happiness.

I want bonds to be strong

So that love does not leave the heart!

So that marriage does not become a burden for you,

And from passion the blood boiled more often!

To make the children happy

So that your house is a full bowl!

Be the happiest in the world

And on the anniversary in gold!

Silver wedding celebrating

We ask you to keep silent about age,

Do not think about illnesses and sorrows,

And just to receive congratulations!

You raised two wonderful children,

You have come a long way together!

It certainly wasn't all in vain.

You are filled with love today!

The date is crowned with silver,

And on a beautiful, solemn day,

Once tied their fates

And stepped on happiness step.

25 ran and yet,

Your feelings are strong, as then,

After all, there is no more family in the world,

And love that goes through the years!

Let feelings not fade from the difficulties,

And the years do not carry away the heat,

Living in love is also an art

So keep it forever!

Twenty-five is the experience, this is the term - twenty-five,

Twenty-five is a round date!

Today we are young again,

Young again as once!

Let's gather all the family and friends around the table!

Let congratulations sound in our honor!

After all, today is our family's anniversary -

Her twenty-fifth birthday!

Let the glasses clink with silver

Let silver hearts beat!

You've been through a lot together.

So stay close to the end!

Let the music play in the soul

Like a bell ringing!

And what you're missing

Let him give now!

May your grandchildren always love you!

And you love, do not lose heart!

And so that there is no separation,

Waiting for your golden wedding!

For a silver wedding

You are unrecognizable today

Every year more and more beautiful

Everything is getting tougher!

Let the years pass by

Don't be sad, don't be sad

How old are you dear?

Well, twenty-five of course!

Who said twenty-five?

For two you are seventeen,

You can start again!

I'll tell you about your family

What I don’t know is stronger and friendlier,

And I catch myself thinking

Of course I envy her!

As many as 25 happy years,

In the midst of adversity, you could save

That love, which is not better!

I wish for many, many days

To live in full harmony with you,

Celebrate your next anniversary

And continue to love each other!

A silver wedding is a lot:

Roads passed next to each other

Lived half my life in one apartment

There is no one closer, more expensive in the world!

I wish you to live fifty years,

In health to wait for great-grandchildren,

Each other, understanding and loving,

Forgiving and enduring all mistakes!

Let beautiful love flare up again

To enjoy life again and again

Only joy, happiness from children,

May you have more fun every day!

A quarter of a century together you!

Yes, dreams do come true!

Your house is bright and comfortable,

And your union is just wonderful!

Family life with good -

The holiday will be with silver!

Wish - many years

To live together and without trouble,

Full of young life -

So, before the wedding golden!

Fifty dollars if divided

into the same parts,

Let's have many years of love

All-consuming happiness!

And let it shine with silver

The path of the moon is behind you!

So that you always, while together,

Each other wrapped hearts!

We walk the wedding twenty-fifth time!

And nothing that without a veil is a bride,

After all, all the same, the groom does not take his eyes off,

Enchanted, he does not leave the place.

And at twenty-five you are young at heart,

It's nice to hold your hands!

Although gray hair has already appeared,

You still love to hug!

Silver wedding and ringing rings again

What does a quarter of a century mean for loving hearts?

After all, it seems that many days have been experienced,

But the road ahead is now even brighter!

You became one in twenty-five years,

Any storms, storms are not afraid of you now,

After all, love filled the sails!

So let the wind be fair

There will be no tears, sorrows, troubles,

So that you are happy for half a century,

Although, yes, there is a whole century!

You are the bride and groom, as it was then,

Your pure love is not subject to years!

We built a house together and shared our dreams!

Heart with heart over the years forever related!

And the silver wedding bell rings,

You sing that there is still a lot to live,

So many roads to pass together for many years,

And patience is not the last thing!

Enough wisdom for you to forgive and understand

Enough power of love to start something again!

So that your family hearth burns forever,

At home - a full bowl and joy in the eyes!

I have never seen a more beautiful couple

Love once firmly bound you.

And now silver is your talisman,

I hope there will even be a diamond!

I wish you a life without quarrels,

Love will solve any conflict!

Let the children bring good news

Live for at least two hundred years!

Year 25 brightly celebrates

Great, beautiful family!

I look and believe - miracles happen.

Love to you, happiness, tenderness, kindness!

Eyes burn, as before, on the day of acquaintance,

It's like we just met yesterday!

All the same thrill, no pretense at all,

And your hearts beat in unison!

I wish you another twenty-five years

To love everything just as hard, just as hard!

I want to take a walk at the golden wedding

And shout the word "Bitter!" 50 times.

Silver wedding,

Silver in the temples

What tenderness with you

What a happy look!

And the air is silver

And the guests gathered

Wish you today

So that life becomes a fairy tale!

And so that your peace in the family

It was colorful, cozy,

And every new day

With recognition to each other!

On this important day for you -

You have tied your lives.

And after many years -

There is no better couple in the world!

Your tremulous feeling

You carried through the years!

Forever young bride

And the groom after all though where!

Separation didn't kill you

The bitterness of life is a difficult moment.

Did not suffer boredom together

And the fire of love burns!

How many years have you lived together

Survived grief, joy and sadness,

You are still like the bridegroom,

You notice every detail in each other!

We wish you love so strong

To be tempered over the years, like steel,

Let the cupid of love, that accurate shooter,

Awakens feelings, holy as a tablet!

On your wonderful day - anniversary

Friends, we decided to congratulate

Be proud of your love!

You kept it in your heart

For twenty-five whole years

And believe me, it's not enough

God bless you from all troubles,

So that life fulfills all dreams!

Let health and happiness

Settle in the house forever

And your life will turn into paradise!

We wish you endless love!

How quickly a quarter of a century has flown by...

Years run, and we are always in a hurry!

I'm dad and mom happy wedding anniversary

Today I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Live long, laugh, don't swear!

Be healthy, always happy!

And stay young forever

After all, the one who loves never gets old!

Today is a great day:

Not five, not ten - twenty-five!

And of course we are very happy

Congratulations on this date!

Husband and wife, everything is very simple:

Live together, eat and sleep together...

Give each other joy

Love, protect and respect!

We wish you much happiness

And a sea of ​​stars overhead

Let the road lead us all

For the golden wedding celebration!

The event today is not easy -

Silver wedding, wonderful day

Years passed without any stagnation:

Not a year, not 2, not even as many as 7,

But 25 already lived together!

Oh, how much happiness you have received!

And you, as a groom and as a bride

We wish to be in love now

Once in 25 each other were more

And got even more joy

So that the wallets are much thicker,

May you spend more years together!

May your wedding be silver

Surprises everyone with cleanliness

You radiate good

Blind by spiritual beauty!

May it never fade

In native hearts of love glow,

It's better than a couple, gentlemen,

In my life I have not seen!

May your tenderness, kindness

And relationships are beauty -

Survive until the golden wedding!

My sweet wife

There is no woman related!

25 years you give light

In my crazy life!

Happy anniversary

And thank you for everything!

Know you like on the day we met

Just as passionately I love!

Take care of our fragile hearth,

Save our feeling!

I want to live with you

In understanding and love!

Important day today: anniversary,

And you are a role model for everyone!

There is a very important reason for this

And here is the content:

You have been living together for 25 years,

And there were a lot of both successes and troubles.

But you made it through all the hardships

Carry love and friendship.

We wish you sunny weather

On your life path!

And feelings of habit are not inferior!

Perfect family,

And today is a holiday for you!

Congratulations, friends

We are with a silver wedding!

Long twenty-five years

Soul to soul you have lived!

Keeping your love

All adversity won!

So live a hundred years

And let there be only happiness!

Never know trouble

Conquer all bad weather!

One fourth century

Rushed like a moment of happiness!

Today we, all your children,

Thank you very much!

For our sunny childhood,

For the happiness of seeing you, loving,

Because we are - yours -

We wish you a long life!

To marry more great-grandchildren,

"I love!" speak more often

Always forgive each other!

Since you guys lived together for 25 years,

You know what this date means for life!

You are so smart that marriage has always been appreciated,

After all, you loved each other faithfully and affectionately!

You just have to wish good luck

They will cherish their grandchildren and simply adore them!

Everything else you own for a long time

And any family dispute is capable of winning!

Such a wonderful idyll you have!

May the light in the souls not go out either tomorrow or now!

Over the years - only gets stronger, becomes stronger,

And more sensual, and more affectionate, and only more tender!

A quarter of a century you are with each other,

awesome family,

Children at the table and grandchildren,

After all, you can't do without them!

Not in vain you once

We went to the registry office together!

Didn't want a big wedding

They insisted on it!

And today you can not hide

Joy lived for years

Congratulations and wish

So that in life there is only light!

Already a silver wedding -

So many years have already passed!

You never forgot

What a feeling of light came!

You gave each other joy

Lighting the way with love

Were faithful without trying

Deceive fate somehow!

Love in the soul feeds strength -

Always remember this

And no matter how life "kneads" you,

May trouble not touch you!

Anniversary of an exemplary family,

Positive and true!

Twenty-five already! Hooray!

And it seemed like yesterday

Rings, registry office, veil and dress...

And today the guests are here:

Twenty-five already! Hooray!

Like the properties of wine:

The older you are, the richer

And love is stronger, brighter!

Twenty-five already! Hooray!

Peace, happiness and kindness!

Twenty-five is no longer ten

A quarter of a century is a long time.

you lived these years

Strong, friendly family!

Maybe there were disputes

We don't care, we see

That today you are into each other,

As always, in love!

Let the past bad weather

Melt like smoke!

Twenty-five is the number for happiness

Let's shout "bitter!" young!

silver wedding- it's whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is precious metal. A twenty-five-year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a whole quarter of a century will never part, their love has been tempered over the years, they appreciate, respect and love each other.

For a silver wedding, a husband and wife should exchange silver rings with each other, which will henceforth be worn on the middle finger of the right hand, next to wedding ring. Also, in addition to the rings, the spouses exchange bouquets of 5 flowers.

Invited guests are also required to donate silverware, including jewelry and crockery. You need to celebrate the anniversary without skimping on treats. Guests, in turn, should not skimp on gifts. After all, the value of gifts should correspond to the value of a twenty-five-year relationship.
It is recommended to celebrate this celebration in the same place where the spouses first exchanged rings. On this anniversary, in the circle of guests, the spouses remember best moments married life.

You have an anniversary today
And a great date.
How many months and days
Gone since you've been married!

Oh, how to scream
Such a beautiful couple "Bitter!".
What is "twenty-five"?
A hundred times you live so much.

Today is the Silver Day
And silver is a sacred metal.
Let the head shine
And the feelings will remain the same.

Already the twenty-fifth anniversary
And it seems not so much.
But feelings are stronger and brighter,
The road has already been paved.

We wish you not to break
Those bonds that tightly bound you,
And do not be sad, and do not be bored,
Even if they got tired somewhere.

And there's another stage ahead
Now we must strive for it -
Survive to the golden wedding
And enjoy this moment.

Happy, wonderful anniversary!
You have been together for 25 wonderful years.
May your life be happy
And keep your joy a secret!

As before, walk hand in hand
On the long path of life
Respect each other, adore,
To save love from various storms!

Congratulations, my dears, on a wonderful date - 25 years of a happy married life! You have already been through a lot: both good and bad. But these circumstances did not break your family idyll, and I want to wish you that it would be like this for more than a dozen years. May everything be fine with your family: incomes increase, love multiplies, trust grows stronger and doubts never arise regarding each other. Many, many positive and bright days for you, kind tender words. Continue to love and go through life only together, without opening your own hands. Happy silver wedding!

How quickly the years go by
They can not be returned and not caught up.
You have a silver wedding
You are exactly twenty-five together!

You are our role model
Anyone will envy you.
Now we wish you the main thing -
Survive until the golden wedding!

Fate brought you together for a reason,
Led difficult roads.
But if the hand is in the hand and the heart is sweet,
The couple will be together forever!

We heartily congratulate you on your anniversary,
Not a joke - a quarter of a century outside the window.
How important it is to meet a person in life
And share a common home with him.

A silver wedding is a date.
Segment of life as much as twenty-five.
Kiss, hug like once,
Well, turn back the years!

We wish you well, love and respect,
But, the truth is, we know it's all with you.
The key to family comfort is the height of patience.
Today all words are for you!

You have come a long way together
Together we reached the silver
Let's raise our glasses,
So that your house is full of happiness!

I wish you no stress
Now to drive to gold!
And only great pleasure
Always receive from life!

Your family is twenty-five today!
How many years have passed since the cherished date,
Today we want to wish you
So that you are rich in life:

You are rich in love and understanding.
Rich in children, grandchildren, friends.
May you have enough tenderness, attention.
You create your own happiness.

You lived a quarter of a century
Only in harmony, in love.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
This holiday is for two!

Let the silver wedding
It will give you only peace.
We wish you much happiness
And live to be golden!

Silver you got
You have lived twenty-five years
Together husband and wife
Happy anniversary, happy day!

We wish you keep it up
And don't give up positions
So that you live happily
And golden before the wedding!

We wish you not to be bored
Don't get tired of each other
So that love always reigns
Joy, happiness, to give!

twenty five wonderful years
Happiness will warm your little world!
I send in this glorious hour
Congratulations for you!

I wish you well with all my heart
And love is big without end,
A lot of joy, prosperity,
So that you always live sweetly!
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The wedding faded, the wedding sparkled, the newlyweds saw off the last guests and finally were left alone. Quite imperceptibly, the first weeks of married life flow smoothly into years, and then into decades, and now the family is on the threshold of the 25th anniversary. How the silver wedding will go, what gift to give to each other, whom to invite to the family's birthday - all this is up to the so-called newlyweds to decide.

Why is it called an anniversary?

Twenty-five years of life together can rightly be called the first significant event for any married couple. If two people have lived together for a quarter of a century, then they have managed to maintain love and mutual respect during this time. This day just needs to be celebrated! To celebrate the anniversary of their life together, spouses, as a rule, invite only relatives and closest friends.

A silver wedding is an important and solemn event for a family. During this period, the two halves who once met managed to survive both the joys and hardships of family life. The children have already grown up, and, perhaps, there are grandchildren. On this date, the spouses, trying to surround their soul mate with care and sensitivity, thereby revive the former romance in their relationship. Can't this be considered the best gift for each other on a silver anniversary?

Why exactly twenty-five years of marriage is called a silver wedding? The fact is that silver is considered a fairly hard and durable metal. Accordingly, it symbolizes the strength and stability of relations. Spouses have long understood each other not only from the first word, but also from one glance. Common habits and traditions emerged.

On this day, the spouses are full of pre-holiday troubles, because everything happens exactly the same as 25 years ago. A silver wedding happens only once in a lifetime, and this event must be celebrated on a grand scale.

How to celebrate this holiday together?

A chic high-profile wedding today is not always and not everyone can afford. Even some newlyweds, when they are about to cross the threshold of the wedding hall for the first time, prefer to celebrate family celebration either in a narrow circle, or only together. If you calculate all the expenses for the celebration, you can see that the family budget will suffer serious damage. And who will like a crowd of drunken revelers shouting "Bitterly"?

Therefore, a wedding for two away from numerous relatives, boring contests, fuss and other routines is gaining more and more supporters. You can celebrate a family birthday in a relaxed, inexpensive, but chic way! After all, a wedding is a solemn day for only two, and not for huge amount Rodney.

If the spouses are going to celebrate the anniversary of marriage only between themselves, then for this you can arrange a romantic candlelit dinner at home, book a table in a small cafe, or just spend the whole day together devoting it to each other. Although there are a number of options for celebrating the anniversary of living together:

  • a married couple can take a walk in the same place as 25 years ago;
  • it would be nice to take a trip to such romantic places like Rome, Paris, Venice;
  • you can organize a picnic in nature, where only two guests will be;
  • It would be a good idea to arrange a joint viewing of photos and videos from the very first wedding;
  • you can go horseback riding, flying hot-air balloon or a small water trip;
  • an interesting solution would be a joint visit to the photo studio, theater and other cultural institutions.

We invite relatives

Those who prefer not to arrange noisy gatherings can celebrate the anniversary in a close family circle. Moreover, such an event will allow you to communicate with your closest people, because in everyday life there is sometimes no time for meetings at all. In this case, the silver wedding can be celebrated as follows:

  • collect for family table only the closest and dearest people;
  • organize a small picnic against the backdrop of a forest or pond;
  • rent a guest house outside the city for the weekend;
  • arrange a collective visit to entertainment events (zoo, attractions);
  • play entertaining home games (bingo, Monopoly, forfeits, interesting board strategies and word guessing).


  • Spouses can arrange a remarriage, this will evoke the feelings that they experienced on their wedding day.
  • Church wedding. The Silver Wedding Anniversary is considered the perfect day to seal your marriage before God.
  • Event in a restaurant. The method, of course, is banal, but it has long become traditional and beloved in terms of holding various celebrations.
  • wedding anniversary can be celebrated in an unusual way. For example, arrange a masquerade ball or organize an evening in retro style. In addition, you can invite friends and relatives to a disco in the spirit of the 80s.

The tradition of celebrating wedding dates has existed for many years, and when preparing for the event, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  • Any date of family life has its own name, and therefore each year lived together is traditionally celebrated in accordance with the symbols inherent in the name of the date. Eg, print wedding, pewter or silver.
  • Family birthday can be celebrated both at home and in a restaurant. Depending on the venue of the festival, you can think over the theme of the event and the appropriate design of the hall.
  • Round wedding dates are usually celebrated more lavishly, so you need to decide on the number of guests. If at home, according to calculations, it will be crowded, you will have to take care of the banquet hall.
  • Money problem. Whatever one may say, the scale of the solemn celebration of the silver anniversary directly depends on the availability of funds that the spouses are willing to spend on their wedding anniversary.

Since ancient times, there has been an interesting custom of washing. As soon as the spouses wake up, they must wash each other three times, and the water must first be infused in a silver dipper or jug. It is believed that silver cleanses, expels all adversity, envy, and illness from the family.

It is also a good idea to exchange silver rings. It is not necessary to choose elaborate options, the simpler the rings, the better. It is worth wearing such jewelry for a year, then you can return to your usual rings.

When decorating the table, give preference to silver appliances, be sure to complement it with candlesticks made of the same material. You can put a beautiful silver service, which will be in perfect harmony with the theme of the holiday.

Gift ideas for parents

What gift can children present to their parents for a silver wedding? Whether the surprise will be successful or not, it all depends on the imagination and a great desire to please such dear people. First of all, you need to think about colors. A beautiful lush composition will be very helpful. You can, of course, stop at this, but the “newlyweds” will be much more pleasant if an invitation to a romantic dinner is in addition to the bouquet.

Tickets to the theater or to a movie show can also make spouses very happy. The practicality of a gift sometimes becomes an important aspect, an example for this can be a set of beautiful bed linen or decorative pillows with embroidered names of the “newlyweds”.

In addition, even the participation of children in the design of the holiday will be a pleasant surprise for the heroes of the occasion. Toddlers can draw beautiful drawings, participate in the design of the premises, learn songs and rhymes, make postcards.

The obligatory gift is also a cake. It is best to make it yourself, but you can turn to the master, who will make a real work of art. Place the number "25" in the middle of the cake.

Good presents will be silverware, beautiful silver jewelry, cufflinks, lighters, belts with silver buckles.

Options for original congratulations to friends

Surprises in the traditional style are very wonderful, but sometimes there is a desire to present something peculiar as a gift in order to cause a pleasant surprise among wedding anniversaries. It can be either a fun entertaining show or an evening dedicated to some topic that is close to all those present. Gifts of this kind can be given not only by children or close relatives, but also by best friends.

Some Ideas unusual gifts may look like this.

  • You can stun the hosts of the evening and guests with amazing fireworks or a light or fire show.
  • An excellent gift would be the launch of air lanterns. A soaring fiery heart will look amazing in the night sky, surrounded by several small lanterns, which, together with their spouses, will be launched by guests.
  • Children and friends together can prepare a wedding ceremony in the registry office. True, it is advisable to notify the “young” about this in advance so that on this solemn day they look as amazing as they did 25 years ago. A wedding march, an exchange of rings, a kiss will help to awaken slightly extinguished feelings and add romance. During the entire ceremony, without stopping, congratulations to the couple should sound.
  • Helping spouses surround themselves with an aura of love and former romance can rest at a sea or mountain resort, as well as walk along the quiet streets of one of the European cities.
  • You can capture the beautiful moments of this solemn day with the help of photography. It can be a studio shoot, or a master photographer's trip to your home or to the bosom of nature.
  • big posh a wedding cake with miniature figures of "newlyweds" will also pleasantly surprise the hosts and guests of the evening.

Pretty common practical gift is household appliances. But in this case, it is better to consult with the anniversaries in advance about the appropriateness of the presentation. To keep the surprise until the end, it will be easier to present a gift coupon.

If silver anniversaries have common hobbies, then you can give them a gift that meets the interests of both. For example, for theater fans, these can be tickets to a fashionable performance, but for avid picnic lovers, a cooler bag, barbecue or a grocery basket is suitable.

Husband and wife, who have been married for 25 years, are celebrating a silver wedding. Just think, a quarter of a century together is a wonderful and amazing date. Silver is a precious metal, and relationships that have been hardened in a quarter of a century have also become precious, harmony and stability have been established between the spouses. Such a beautiful date is not celebrated every day, which means that gifts should be special.

Silver wedding customs

The first bottle is for the husband, the second is for the guests, and the third is for the couple to drink together during the feast on the 25th anniversary.

After the feast, without clearing the table, the spouses are simply obliged to drink a cup of tea together. Prepares it for both spouses. This is a symbolic custom, because joint tea drinking is confidence in each other, as well as the willingness of the spouses to overcome together all the obstacles that will be in their life path.

What to give my husband for his 25th wedding anniversary?

It is worth thinking about a gift for a beloved husband for a silver anniversary in advance. On the 25th anniversary, you can give your husband a watch with a silver bracelet, a silver pendant with a zodiac sign, a silver ashtray. But it is not necessary to choose a gift made of silver, you can choose the thing that he has long dreamed of.

What to give your wife for her 25th wedding anniversary?

Often the question of choosing a gift for a beloved wife can confuse a man.

First of all, you can think about buying silver jewelry: earrings, chain, pendant, ring, bracelet. And you can give a set of silver jewelry. Surely, the woman will be delighted with such a surprise.

You can give your wife a box with silver trim on the 25th anniversary of marriage.

A wonderful gift for your wife will be a portrait commissioned from a professional artist.

But, probably, the most desired gift for the wife will be what she has been dreaming of for a long time. And for this, a man needs from time to time to listen to what his woman is talking about and dreaming about.

Any gift for the wife must be accompanied by beautiful bouquet flowers, it is better if this bouquet will consist of 25 flowers.

For a bouquet, give preference to roses, chrysanthemums or lilies of delicate shades. Or you can show originality and give your wife an anniversary composition of flowers and sweets.

What to give spouses for a silver wedding?

If you follow the traditions, you need to give silver items, which is a symbol of noble and reliable relationships that have been tested for strength.

Silver Gift Ideas

As a rule, for 25 years of marriage they give silver sets for wine or cognac (see also a personalized cognac glass as a gift). But it is more correct and more useful to present a set of silver for drinking water on the 25th wedding anniversary, which includes a jug and 6 glasses in a silver frame.

A wonderful gift for a silver wedding would be a decorative silver dish or a silver tray. Such a present can be decorated with an engraving with a congratulatory inscription.

A popular silver gift is a cutlery set. But since this set contains sharp objects, it is better to ask the recipients of the gift for a coin before giving, as a symbol of the redemption of the gift.

A pair of silver figurines, which will become a symbol of a strong and close relationship between the heroes of the occasion, will be a wonderful memorable gift for friends on their 25th wedding anniversary.

You can consider the following options for paired figurines: Chinese ducks, a couple of swans, doves in love - these birds symbolize marital peace and harmony.

A great gift for a silver anniversary would be a silver tree of happiness, which will contribute to the prosperity of the family. Parents can present their adult children with a silver horseshoe on the 25th wedding anniversary, which will surely become an attraction of good luck to their home.

You can also give silver bells or silver coins with a commemorative inscription for the 25th wedding anniversary.

Interior items will be appropriate gifts for a silver wedding. As an option, you can give a wall or table clock, decorated with silver inserts. Parents for their 25th wedding anniversary can be presented with a beautiful picture in a frame with silver inserts or a silver photo frame.

If a decision is made to give silver jewelry to the heroes of the occasion, then they must certainly be paired for the husband and wife.

When choosing individual jewelry, be sure to choose harmonious jewelry for both spouses. For example, a brooch for a wife, matching cufflinks for a husband; a pendant for a wife, a tie pin for a husband.

Believers for a silver wedding can choose a silver frame, a Bible with silver clasps.

But do not focus only on things in which silver is present. You can choose useful the right gift, which spouses will be happy to use in everyday life.

Bedding set good quality or a warm blanket will never be superfluous. And to make the gift exclusive, you can order embroidery of the names of the spouses - the heroes of the occasion on the bed linen.

Great silver anniversary gifts would be items household appliances. This technique exists specifically to simplify household chores. As gifts, you can consider a coffee machine, a bread machine, a biofireplace, a slow cooker, a double boiler, an air humidifier, a TV in the kitchen, a food processor, etc.

Spouses on the 25th anniversary of marriage can be presented with a set of good terry towels with their names embroidered, and so that it does not look trite, complete such a gift with a set of lamps that can be immersed in water. Such lighting will fill the bathroom with romance, and this is very necessary for spouses.

You can give the heroes of the occasion a set of beautiful dishes for the 25th anniversary of marriage. Of course, for so many years of family life, a lot of dishes have accumulated, but a new one always brings joy and a festive mood.

Moreover, over the years, the family has acquired not only children, but most likely the children also acquired their own families, which means that family members have increased at the festive table. Therefore, a good set of dishes will always be in demand.

Give summer residents anniversaries a garden swing or a deck chair, such items can provide people with a wonderful rest after a hard day at their summer cottage.

Funny garden figures will be wonderful gifts for decorating a summer cottage. You can show romance and get a couple of swans or storks for spouses.

Active people can be given a joint vacation trip, a tour of beautiful places or a short trip around Europe for the 25th anniversary of the birth of the family.

Art aficionados will love the paired annual subscription to the Opera and Ballet Theater or the Philharmonic, as well as the exhibition. Readers will love e - books loaded with a library of favorite books .

As an addition to the main gift, children can give their parents a 25th wedding anniversary photo collage collected for different years family life. Alternatively, you can give an electronic photo frame with uploaded photos of spouses and their family members.

For a silver wedding, you can give friends a small table fountain.

A wonderful gift for the 25th anniversary of marriage will be an anniversary medal dedicated to this beautiful date. This gift can be made to order. Without a doubt, such a thing will become a family heirloom for the spouses.

Give your spouse Chinese lanterns for their anniversary. During the holiday, you need to set aside time for the spouses to launch these lanterns into the night sky.

You can arrange a second honeymoon for the heroes of the occasion and give them a ticket to a boarding house.

Any gift must be accompanied by a bouquet of flowers and sincere wishes strong love and family happiness.

25 years of marriage is a great date. Give beautiful gifts rejoice with all your heart and soul for those who, after so many years, were able to carry love and respect for each other and retained these quivering feelings.

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