What happens to your mood during pregnancy? Mood variability during pregnancy Why do pregnant women have a bad mood.

Pregnancy is an exciting, joyful and responsible time in the life of a future mother. Little by little, the contours of the woman's body change, as does her mood.

Why do pregnant women often change their mood?

The well-known reason is a large number of hormones. In the life of girls, emotional outbursts occur during menstruation, and during pregnancy, all feelings become much more aggravated, which, oh, how hard to control.

In some ways, grandmother's wisdom is right, but you should not eat for two, but rest. The female body is experiencing constant stress and stress on all organs and organ systems. Lungs, hearts, kidneys and spine work with additional load.

The pregnant woman has increased anxiety, a sense of fear

At the same time, a woman is tormented by her own fate, career and how the best way take care of your beloved child. An increased sense of vulnerability can cause resentment for anything, an unfortunate compliment, or even untimely advice.

The task of loved ones is not only to take care of the health of the pregnant woman, but not to disregard the mood. Depression and irritability for any little thing should not prevail over a woman.

Sudden tears and unreasonable screaming are not the norm for a future mother. It is impossible to control oneself, emotions are uncontrollable. The only solution is understanding and support of loved ones.

Do not forget from the first days of conception you are responsible for your baby. You will not be protected from stress, but you can learn to experience them more calmly. The best way control yourself and don't change your lifestyle. Keep doing what you were doing before pregnancy.

Do not delay consulting your gynecologist if you experience frequent mood swings, as the responsibility for the health of two lies with the mother.

What causes mood swings and how to deal with it.

Women gave birth, give birth, and will give birth, and nothing can be done about it, since this is the biological function of the female body - procreation. A woman in position can evoke various associations for each person, but everyone knows that they become nervous, capricious, quarrelsome, fall into childhood, their mood changes several times a day, and in general they acquire a lot of oddities (each has its own ). Yes, everyone knows, and everyone perceives this as a temporary phenomenon and treats a pregnant woman condescendingly (especially men, who are often lost and simply do not know how to communicate with their pregnant wife). Few people really try to understand pregnant women (a woman is already very difficult to understand, and there is also a special psycho-state), even women who already have children do not understand how they could behave in this way, only a few not only understand, but also know What exactly happens to a woman who is expecting a child. But at all stages of pregnancy, women are at risk of mental disorders (sometimes serious), neurotic reactions, and this, in addition to the fact that there is a huge load on the physical body, the occurrence of complications, unpleasant and pain and much more. Not a single man could stand it on himself, since he is psychologically much weaker, and “breaks” faster (many have already begun to admit that the stronger sex is female, and it’s not about physical strength), men even feel pain stronger and sharper, since their pain thresholds are lower than those of a woman. In order to endure and survive childbirth, nature took care to increase the pain threshold for a woman, but still, some after childbirth, after a painful shock, acquire schizophrenia, and here no one is 100% insured. Perhaps, after reading the information below, you will begin to relate to pregnant women in a different way, and look at them with different eyes.

As you know, the period of bearing a child takes 40-41 weeks, about 9 months, this period is divided into trimesters (three months for each), each of them has its own characteristics and its own specifics in physiological and psychological terms. The obstetrician-gynecologist monitors the normal development of the child and health, and no one, psychologically, until the woman begins to behave extremely inappropriately. Although in Lately there are clinics that take care of the psychological support of pregnancy and childbirth, but not everyone can afford it. The first problems arise from the moment when a woman began to suspect that she was expecting a child. There are different situations, a woman is not always ready for this, although theoretically this possibility always exists, but theory and practice can be very different. It is not known how the father of the unborn child, relatives will react, life changes dramatically in an instant, even if the family has prepared in advance for this event. And if the child is unwanted during this period of life? But we will not analyze this sensitive situation and discuss in more detail the situation when a woman decides to give birth ...

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by an ambivalent (ambivalent) attitude towards the child, there is a struggle between two opposing tendencies. The first is the infantilization of a woman, she behaves like a little girl, she likes guardianship and care from others. The second trend is the emergence of a sense of adulthood in connection with motherhood. It is the struggle of these two tendencies that leads to a frequent change of mood, which is perceived by others as unmotivated. And besides this, hormonal changes occur in the body, which also affect the nervous system. At this stage, a large number of neurotic reactions can be observed. Increased sensitivity to smells, sounds, a large number of vegetative reactions: headaches, dizziness, pressure surges, sweating, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting. It is in this trimester that toxicoses of pregnancy (histosis) occur, which, in addition to physiological grounds, also have psychological causes. So, according to Adler's theory, histosis is symbolic, vomiting is a show of disgust for the child. Freud believed that histosis occurs in connection with the weakening of the will to motherhood, as a consequence of the excessive civilization of human society. In addition, histosis is a manifestation of an unconscious attitude towards her husband. Our domestic psychologists believe that the leading role in the occurrence of histoses is played by the personality characteristics of a woman. Therefore, the sign of women can be divided into two categories:

  1. This includes women with minor affective disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of irritability, irascibility, women are tearful and touchy, at the peak of these experiences, gistosis occurs. These women before pregnancy were distinguished by a harmonious personality and a realistic approach to solving emerging difficulties.
  2. The picture of the course of pregnancy is polymorphic, many manifestations, the most common of them are chills, fever, headaches, fainting, jumps in blood pressure, swelling. Emotional disorders: unconscious fear, constant feeling of anxiety, stress. This group of women before pregnancy had many crisis situations and stresses, therefore, during the bearing of a child, they have more problems than women of the first category.

The second trimester is the most favorable and stable period. In mentally healthy women, disorders do not occur, histoses disappear by this time (very rarely they are observed throughout the entire period of gestation), the physical condition returns to normal. With the support and care of her husband and relatives, a woman feels like a completely full-fledged person and does not throw tantrums on every occasion (again, if her life is stable and calm). However, depressive reactions are quite often observed, which are associated with a deterioration in appearance, because they involuntarily begin to pay attention to a woman on the street, and you no longer look in the mirror to admire yourself. Again, if the husband does not particularly focus on changes in appearance, but shows his feelings, as before, then the woman will not be so upset.

The most difficult period is 7-9 months, psychological disorders occur in 80% of women. Pregnant women become introvented, unsure of themselves. At the initial stages of the trimester, the phenomenon of “immersion in the child” is observed - this is the appearance of obsessive thoughts about the child, about possible consequences childbirth for him, the fear of the presence of defects in the child, in general, the woman becomes very impressionable and fearful when it comes to the child. As birth approaches, fear arises. labor activity. Therefore, it is very useful to read literature, watch special films, set yourself up only positively, because loved ones will be there. There are several types of prenatal anxiety:

  1. generalized - fear in response to various sensations, all unusual sensations are perceived as the beginning of childbirth;
  2. physical - occurs when a woman is hard on the physical aspects of pregnancy;
  3. fear for the fate of the fetus;
  4. fear of having to take care of a child;
  5. fear of feeding a newborn;
  6. psychopathological variants of anxiety - the occurrence of neuroses and psychopathy, and they can also occur in mentally healthy women. So, the syndrome of rough treatment with the fetus is an expression of anxiety, while the woman hits herself hard on the stomach in the absence of a desire to provoke an abortion, is an indicator of aggression towards the child.

Postpartum psychosis (3-5 days after childbirth) manifests itself in a woman's attempts to harm the child, is a reaction to psychotrauma, therefore, a new mother needs to be monitored so that she does not harm the child (on given time She is not accountable for her actions.)

Of course, this is not all that can happen to a woman in a long nine months, and the most difficult is yet to come, these are new fears and sleepless nights. But in order to understand, you need to know. Maybe now you will look differently at a pregnant woman in public transport, and maybe give her a seat, not because the rules of decency and etiquette require it, but because now you understand her a little more.

During pregnancy, serious changes occur in a woman's body: the load increases, it is necessary large quantity oxygen and nutrients, the hormonal background is unstable. Not only the physical state changes, but also the emotional state.

Mood swings during pregnancy

Often, while waiting for a baby, women encounter regular mood swings, notice increased tearfulness and susceptibility, empathy and compassion for others (especially sorry for children and animals). What is it connected with?

Why Mood Swings Happen During Early Pregnancy

Basically, excessive changes in emotional state occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. This occurs due to a number of reasons:

  1. Unstable hormonal background. Hormone levels fluctuate greatly over the course of pregnancy, causing bursts of joy or despondency.
  2. A high load on the body provokes a deterioration in well-being and mood. This is especially true for those women who continue to work, because they are more susceptible to negative changes due to fatigue.
  3. Early toxicosis takes strength and negatively affects the emotional state.
  4. Metabolism during pregnancy changes, which also affects well-being.
  5. Anxiety for the child, for myself and a new role as a mother.
  6. Anemia causes a breakdown.


By the norm is meant when a woman experiences mood changes with a small frequency that are not regular.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the hormonal background is unstable, the load on the body is increased, and toxicosis prevents you from enjoying your favorite dishes, all this contributes to a change in mood. Closer to the second trimester, the condition stabilizes.

If a woman does not experience constant malaise, apathy, then you should not worry.


Despite the fact that unstable mood is a common occurrence during pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. Sometimes fatigue, laziness, constant drowsiness are signs of pathology. You should consult a doctor if a woman observes the following symptoms:

  1. Severe fatigue and general loss of strength may indicate asthenia. Usually this happens due to toxicosis, when there is a lack of vitamins and nutrients, due to increased stress or regular stress. If a woman in labor notices that she is unable to perform even simple tasks that she used to cope with easily, constantly wants to sleep and does not feel joy, then it is necessary to change the diet, replenish the vitamin reserve and consult a doctor.
  1. Frequent stresses contribute to the depletion of the body and negatively affect the fetus: they can provoke pathologies in the development of the central nervous system, miscarriage. A lack of vitamins can cause a developmental delay and reduced immunity in a child in the future.
  2. Some women sometimes experience depression due to personal experiences, social factors, and even fear for the child and themselves. It is important not to keep it to yourself, but to turn to a psychologist.

Close people, relatives during pregnancy should be attentive to the expectant mother and try to protect her from stress, conflicts, provide peace and positive emotions.

Depression and stress harm a woman, a child, and can even cause a miscarriage on early dates.

Mental disorders

In rare cases, pregnancy can provoke a mental disorder. This is mainly found in women who have a predisposition to the disease. In such cases, an urgent consultation with a psychologist is needed. Symptoms of a mental disorder:

  1. A woman without a reason and with constant regularity falls into despondency, then experiences an unreasonable feeling of joy. May suddenly cry and laugh sharply in minutes.
  2. The patient is not oriented in time, has difficulty with coordination.
  3. Falls into a trance.
  4. Suffering from memory loss.
  5. Often depressed.
  6. May not recognize family and friends.

Mental illnesses in which mood swings occur regularly: ADHD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality, intermittent temper disorder.

Mental health problems are a serious pathology that requires constant monitoring and treatment. Ideally, a woman with the disease should be screened before conception to rule out negative heredity for the child.

It is advisable for even healthy girls to undergo this procedure in order to identify a problem or make sure that there are no threats to the unborn baby.

Frequent mood swings, what to do

To stabilize the emotional state in the early stages of pregnancy, you should follow some rules:

  • positive attitude. You need to think more about the pleasant, and try to avoid stress and conflict;
  • walk more and be in the fresh air;
  • study special exercises for pregnant women - swimming, yoga, light morning exercises, stretching complexes, leg and arm swings, fitball exercises;
  • read books;
  • watch movies (comedies, biographies, light melodramas);
  • take vitamin complexes, preferably on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • if there are no contraindications, then you can drink soothing tea. Ivan-tea is universal.

A woman should carefully monitor her emotional state, sometimes serious illnesses lie behind apathy and indifference.

How to survive emotional swings in the early stages of family and friends

Not only the woman in labor suffers from mood swings, but also her environment. Close people should support a woman in such an important period.

Emotional changes are short-lived and natural, especially for girls who are expecting their first child. If possible, it is important to protect a woman from stress and conflict, to be tolerant of desires.

By the end of the first trimester emotional background stabilizes, but even after that, attention and support for the woman in labor is necessary, this is one of the keys to peace and a successful pregnancy.

Mood swings while expecting a baby are a natural process. For some, this happens more rapidly and often, while someone does not notice the changes at all. Pregnancy is different for every woman. Relatives should try to create a favorable environment at home for the benefit of the woman in labor and the unborn child.

Useful video

The mood during early pregnancy can change like a sine wave, from strong to weak, from joyful to depressed, from confidence to fear about the future. Changes in the body and the conditions of your life play a big role in this.

Internal physiological changes accompanying the onset of pregnancy play a primary and key role. The restructuring of the body and the emotional state during early pregnancy are inseparable from each other:

  • . Taste sensations change. As a result, the mood can also change. Some products (even previously loved ones) can be unbearable in taste, up to disgust. On the contrary, other foods will cause a passionate desire to eat them and as much as possible. You may also want to either not eat anything at all, or the feeling of hunger will haunt you all day long. In both cases, you should eat as recommended by your doctor - changes in mood and appetite in early pregnancy should not greatly affect the diet necessary for your health and the health of the baby.
  • Restructuring in the central nervous system. The brain (or rather, its small but very important structural part - the hypothalamus) qualitatively and quantitatively controls the regulation of hormones. And hormones - mood, and quite long. It is impossible to regulate the work of the hypothalamus on your own, so you need to adapt and be prepared for the fact that the mood can change very much: from irritability and even anger to tears of happiness. An event and details that previously did not affect you can cause a very strong emotional reaction, and something that previously worried, disturbed or pleased you may no longer affect you. By the way, this may also apply to the perception of sounds, you may want to listen to certain music more often, or maybe it will be comfortable mainly in silence.
  • Metamorphoses of smell. Closely associated with changes in the central nervous system. Previously beloved perfumes can at best cause rejection and misunderstanding of how they could previously be used and admired. The same goes for food and cooking.

Smell is the strongest stimulant of memories and mood. If there have been changes in the perception of smells, you should surround yourself with those smells that cause, if not admiration, but at least a neutral attitude. Buy new perfumes, change something in the kitchen. You can’t ignore it: mood swings due to smell can be a cause of stress.

pathology in the mood

Not always emotional swings and changes in mood can be explained solely by physiological reasons.

  • Asthenia is a severe decline, weakness and general constant drowsiness. Those tasks and responsibilities that were previously easy to do, seem impossible. Possible pallor and circles under the eyes. Get over this state better rest and sleep, regular meals, walk in the fresh air. The main thing is not to bother yourself with activities that require strong emotional or physical involvement, so as not to expend energy that should be spent on restoring a healthy state.
  • Stress during pregnancy in the early stages is a normal and frequent occurrence, since pregnancy, although natural, is a very strong load. And you should organize your day so that pregnancy remains the only strong load. The severity of stress in each person is individual and does not change much over the course of life. If you feel stressed, you should either sleep or switch to a pleasant activity, such as a hobby. This will distract you, and pleasant and desirable activities in themselves are not sources of stress.
  • Depression in early pregnancy is actually rare. More often, a depressive syndrome occurs after childbirth (the so-called postpartum depression).


A serious psychiatric diagnosis that is treated with medication: often requires the simultaneous intervention of both a psychiatrist and a psychologist.

What causes depression:

  • depressed mood after waking from sleep. Often the mood improves significantly with the onset of the late evening;
  • simultaneous feeling of irritability and weakness;
  • the feeling that the world has lost its colors, everything may seem gray;
  • reluctance and a feeling of physical impossibility to do something. Severely weakened will.
  • regular self-deprecating thoughts (“I bad woman and mother”, “I do not deserve life on earth”, “My whole life is terrible and meaningless”);
  • suicidal thoughts and plans;
  • self-harm attempts.

The above signs are also typical for asthenia and for the usual. These are sufficient reasons to consult a specialist.

Depression is a disease that needs to be treated. If most of the symptoms described above have been observed for more than two weeks (or the last three have only made themselves felt), you should immediately contact a psychotherapist. If a woman has harmed herself or attempted suicide, immediate psychiatric help is needed.

How to deal with depression

We recommend that you accept changes in your mood as normal. Often self-acceptance the best medicine. A change in mood during pregnancy in the early stages is a normal and correct signal, indicating that the necessary restructuring of the body is taking place.

You should more often turn to what brings joy and satisfaction, which can distract from everything bad (for each woman, of course, this is individual): a walk in the fresh air, reading books, watching movies, going to the theater or museum, cooking, work ( working during pregnancy is not harmful, but it’s impossible to recycle, and if possible, if there is a choice between work and taking care of yourself and your health, you need to choose the second), hobbies and hobbies (moreover, new hobbies may appear during this period), (which , of course, cannot and should not replace everything). In some women, sexual desire fades in the early stages, and even for the entire period of pregnancy; and for some, on the contrary, libido only intensifies. If you are concerned about this issue, then talk to your doctor, almost always sex during pregnancy is harmless and rather beneficial.

Professional help

Sometimes there may be a need for the help of specialists: an observing doctor or a psychologist.

You are not alone in your experiences, mood swings during early pregnancy occur to one degree or another in every woman. Accept your changes as normal and natural. Do not self-diagnose - if you have doubts about your health or emotional state, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Watch your diet and sleep patterns. Try to be in such conditions in which the mood, if it changes, is only for the better.

Before using any drugs, be sure to consult your doctor if there are any contraindications. You should not self-medicate!

A bad mood during early pregnancy is a frequent guest of women and an enemy of their health. Of course, all the nuances that spoil the life of young mothers cannot be taken into account, but any pregnant woman needs to learn one lesson: get ready for humility and follow it all 9 months.

When the mood begins to change, the body experiences stress, it seems to heat up from the inside. And during pregnancy, this condition becomes three times worse. Think about it before you go into conflict and cry all the time! The very first weeks after the conception of a baby are characterized by the construction of especially important systems of the child. This construction can end in failure if you do not cope with a bad mood.

Bad mood in pregnant women: how does it change?

Changes in the mood of a pregnant woman are noticed by all the people around her. Moreover, one mother can cry for all 9 months for no apparent reason, and the other can scream forever. What other conditions can be noted in women?

1. Restlessness and nervousness. These two symptoms of a bad mood can overtake you with or without any reason. You leave the entrance and feel that you have forgotten the keys. What will you do? You return home. Already being in the apartment, you understand that the keys are in your bag. But how did you feel about losing them! Be careful even in the simplest situations. Anxiety can turn into depression.

2. Tearful mood during pregnancy. Have you noticed that you cry a lot? Then isolate yourself from the TV and scary programs. Don't read horror movies. Many pregnant women like to scare themselves with films and related literature. Some people just want to cry, and they deliberately create situations for themselves when they can shed a tear.

3. Forgetfulness, inattention. This condition begins to come to mothers in the second trimester of pregnancy. Going to work, to the antenatal clinic, check your bag several times.

4. Diffidence. Suddenly, for no reason at all, you decided that you were not confident in your abilities, beauty and former functionality in general. Your strength goes to the health of the baby, so there is nothing to worry about in your condition. Just don't dramatize the situation. You are still the same. Just sometimes you need to be patient, lie down in bed, drink some tea and calm down.

Having caught at least one sign of a bad mood, immediately take measures to eliminate stress. How to do this, you will read in this article.

Bad mood in a pregnant woman: what happens in the body?

Bad mood during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is due to a number of changes in the body. Here are some of them:

  1. Change in hormone levels, and, as a consequence, a change in the intensity of metabolism. As you know, many hormones affect mood. Therefore, your household from the first weeks of your new position can easily guess what happened to you.
  2. many life circumstances do not allow the pregnant woman to create comfortable conditions around herself for bearing a child. Someone continues to work, and even in the hospital does not part with the computer. Some do not want to stop drinking, smoking or exercising. Although in most cases, gynecologists immediately put a ban on the usual way of life. Of course, all these factors affect the female body, which, when processed, simply malfunctions, which leads to stress and bad mood.
  3. , especially in the third trimester, is caused by excessive concern for the baby. Usually, the last weeks before childbirth are very difficult: swelling, varicose veins, allergies and other troubles occur. During this period, mommy is especially worried about herself and the baby. In addition, before the hospital, she needs to have time to prepare all the things for the baby and herself. Agree, this is no less stressful than the birth itself.
  4. In the early stages the body is just adapting to the new position. Because of this, the mood of a woman can also worsen.

In addition to psychological reasons, there are also physiological ones. For example, toxicosis. Someone suffers from it almost the entire pregnancy. This is also a big reason for a bad mood in future mother. During the development of the baby in the womb, a woman's perception changes. For example, some favorite smells can become very nasty. Imagine that you cannot eat your favorite ice cream or salad because these foods have begun to exude an unpleasant aroma for you. And if your new favorite perfume began to cause disgust? Of course, even such trifles infuriate.

But a bad mood during pregnancy, whether it is in the early stages or just before childbirth, can be eliminated.

Bad mood during early pregnancy: what to do?

A bad mood during pregnancy in the early stages brings a lot of grief. But what is its reason? Now one trend has come into fashion: now, if a couple wants to have a baby, she must be examined, prepare for pregnancy and childbirth, both mentally and physically. On the one hand, this is correct. Because in the age of digital technologies, people have forgotten about the environment and the state of human health. On the other hand, planning a baby does not mean wanting one. Some already after childbirth understand what a happiness it is to have a son or daughter. Others immediately refuse the baby.

Unfortunately, women today have simply forgotten about the maternal instinct. Because of this, they have a hard time during pregnancy.

Bad mood and pregnancy, unfortunately, are gradually becoming synonymous.

Therefore, psychologists have brought out a number of tips that future mothers are simply obliged to listen to:

  1. Do not plan your pregnancy. At some point in the preparation for childbirth or conception, you may get bored with the whole process. The kid is a full-fledged person, and not a toy that can be thrown away or given away.
  2. When you have learned about your new position, find out more about pregnancy and childbirth. Read several books on parenting. Or just hang out with other moms.
  3. Whatever your financial situation or whoever you live with, know that you will never have a closer child. Work on yourself and your mind. Don't jump to conclusions.
  4. Do not take any medication without your doctor's permission. If you really feel bad, drink tea with mint and lie down to rest.

Know that in the early stages of pregnancy, your psychological attitude towards the child is important.

How to cope with a bad mood during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

When the bad mood of the early period has already gone, and the second trimester pregnancy is on the threshold, it's time to calm down and find yourself for the entire 9 months. What is meant by this? You should find something to your liking in order to periodically be distracted from all the bad things.

  • Get creative. Maybe you dreamed of learning to play the guitar or the piano? You may be good at drawing. And best of all, compose a fairy tale for your baby! In general, take your soul as you please, within the framework of creativity, of course.
  • Try knitting. Why not? Knit your first baby booties or baby's undershirt. Perhaps this will become your additional income.
  • Be sure to replenish your circle of acquaintances with good people. Meet a couple of pregnant women, talk to them about your condition, tell them about your hobby. It helps a lot to get rid of negativity.
  • Try to surround yourself with beautiful pictures. Pregnancy is the most best time to meet great artists. Also take up reading Russian and foreign classics. Fill your soul with only beautiful and selective information.
  • If you have the opportunity, change your wardrobe. Treat yourself, at least a little. Buy a blouse or dress.

These tips will definitely help you avoid your bad mood. Look for yourself in a variety of activities, and you will find what will help you calm down.

Bad mood during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

The third trimester is the most difficult and responsible. Even a bad mood in early pregnancy, which can be characterized by a special outburst of emotions, cannot compete with the last weeks before childbirth.

G inecologists, together with psychologists, advise you to refer to the following recommendations:

  1. In the last weeks before the birth, try to joke more and perceive the world in terms of humor. Believe me, this is possible in any life situation. Many people, being in terrible places, for example, in a dark forest, survived only thanks to the strength of the spirit, which rests on a good mood.
  2. After waking up recharge yourself good mood, thinking about the new day and saying a few nice words to yourself.
  3. Never discuss your problems with anyone just before the birth. The less they know, the more they sleep. In general, this advice is universal, but if you are that talker, learn to be silent.
  4. Before giving birth, do not try to find out who gave birth how. Everyone knows that childbirth is unpleasant and painful. Every woman goes through it differently. And unnecessary details of other people's births are useless to you.
  5. Create a zone of your own comfort: remove things in the house that annoy you, communicate less with those who, in your opinion, do not wish you well. Eat what you want (only within reason).

Of course, you may not achieve complete comfort, but you can make your pregnant life better.

Bad mood during early pregnancy: we are treated with a diet

Since the mood of pregnant women changes often, and you want to eat a lot when stressed, nutritionists advise adjusting your diet as follows:

  1. Forget about various seasonings and marinades. Eat more vegetables and greens. Basil and some curry are also allowed.
  2. Avoid fried foods. Roast vegetables and boil them. Try to use the grill very infrequently.
  3. Eat more fish. Treat yourself to red fish species. Be sure to eat mullet, slightly salted herring and sardine. Fish is rich in vitamin B6 and phosphorus. Thanks to her, you will be less nervous.
  4. Use foods rich in vitamins A and E. You can also buy them in drops and add them to food and even shampoos.
  5. Chromium is very beneficial for the body. It helps get rid of stress. To replenish its reserves, eat peas, meat and wholemeal bread.
  6. Now let's move on to forbidden foods: give up sweets. Sweets, cakes and pastries will not help you. True, they gain weight well. Do you need him?

Do not overeat, do not make a plentiful table. If you're afraid of overeating, start counting calories.

Bad mood during pregnancy: depression in the early stages

A bad mood during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, can derail all your plans. But sometimes it becomes unclear whether it is hormones that are raging, or whether a woman has problems.

How to deal with the symptoms of depression in a pregnant woman?

  1. Follow yourself. Do you have a depressed mood? How often does it visit you? Perhaps every day. This is the first sign of depression.
  2. Do you feel weak? If it occurs frequently, then you should contact your gynecologist.
  3. Do you think that you can no longer do anything useful in this world?
  4. Can you do what you love? Do you have the strength to get out of bed and make yourself some soup?

Answer these questions for yourself. If the answers to them scared you, do not delay and go to a psychologist. Under the guise of a bad mood, real depression can be hidden.

Bad mood during pregnancy- the phenomenon is very frequent and unpleasant. Especially it starts to bother in the early stages. Psychologists say that stress and depression can be avoided if you think a little about your new position. Try to find the positives in your current state. Do gymnastics, exercise. Cheer yourself up by any means. If it’s really hard for you, find a congenial person or seek help from a psychologist. Don't give in to a bad mood!
