Protective balm against wind and cold Weleda. Frost creams

How quickly time flies! More recently, we have been thinking about how to protect the skin of the face from the burning rays of the sun, and now it's time to think about how to protect yourself from the winter cold, how to protect the skin of the face from frost.

To begin with, remember that with any seasonal skin care, the type and condition of the skin should be taken into account. Of course, dry and sensitive skin requires special attention in winter care. It is she who especially suffers from cold wind, snow, frost. But other types of facial skin no doubt require special care, special care during the cold winter months.

How to protect the skin from frost in the cold season?

Try to find time every morning for additional skin care. Even before washing, apply a simple cosmetic mask for a few minutes. For these purposes, sour cream, cream, mayonnaise, raw egg yolk will go. After applying, wait 5-10 minutes, remove the product from your face with your favorite cosmetic product or just wash with warm water, wipe the skin with tonic.

Then apply a nourishing cream to cleansed, prepared skin. Please note that in winter it is better to use a nourishing cream, but not a moisturizer! It can damage the skin during frost. On very cold days, use the series for special protection against frost and wind. Almost all well-known manufacturers produce such protective equipment. cosmetics for skin care.

After applying the cream in the morning, you should wait 20 minutes before going outside. Usually there is no time to wait, so do not neglect the winter tonal means protection. Foundation excellent protection in the cold. After application, it is useful to lightly powder the face.

Next, you can proceed to makeup. Here, too, has its own characteristics. Use more oily lipstick than usual in winter. It will well protect your tender lips from the appearance of cracks, chapping. If there is a snowstorm outside the window, and you need to go to work, use waterproof mascara. The mascara won't smear black smudges all over your face as temperatures change and you squeeze into public transport.

When you get home, don't wash your face right away. Let the skin adapt, get used to the heat. In winter, try to use special cleansers for cleansing and removing makeup: cosmetic milk, cream. If the skin is dry, sensitive, use cream. For normal and oily - better fit milk.

But if you love water, are used to washing, then after the evening water treatment be sure to apply a nourishing cream if the skin is dry and a moisturizer if the skin is oily. Blot the rest of the product with a soft cloth. Remember that the use of moisturizer in winter is only permissible in the evening, when you are not going to go out.

Protective, nourishing cosmetic masks to protect the skin in winter

If you are concerned about the problem of how to protect your skin from frost in winter, make it a rule to do nutritious twice as often as in summer. Ready-made masks can be purchased at a pharmacy or store, then just alternate them. But it is best to prepare a mask yourself from natural products:

Grate on a fine grater, preferably plastic, a piece of fresh, mix with 1 tbsp. l. fat fresh sour cream. Apply the mixture on cleansed skin, wait 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

2 tbsp. l. rub fresh small cottage cheese with 3-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, add fresh egg yolk, 1 tsp. rice flour (optional) Apply to face and neck for 15-20 minutes, then wash with warm water.

Grate fresh, add 1 tsp. ground, mix well. Apply the resulting slurry on your face, wash with warm water after 20 minutes.

If you are prone to, the skin has visible, asterisks, never go out into the cold without making medical protection.

To do this, lubricate your face before applying the cream with products containing rutin, linden extract or. They can be bought at a pharmacy. These components will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the effect of frosty air on your skin. In the evening, a multivitamin cream containing amino acids is perfect for you.

If, after staying in the cold, red spots form on your face, you will need anti-inflammatory masks with chamomile, calendula. It is good to use a healing cream containing beeswax, petroleum jelly and shea butter to relieve inflammation.

I really hope that my tips on how to protect your skin from frost will be useful to you. They will help preserve your beauty and welcome spring, surprising and delighting you with your beautiful appearance, fresh young skin, and healthy complexion.

Be healthy, beautiful and happy!


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Low temperature negatively affects the health of the skin, it can cause redness, inflammation, peeling. Therefore, in winter, at the beginning of spring and at the end of autumn, you need to be especially careful when planning to go outside.

The site site in today's article will reveal several secrets on how to protect the skin from frost and cold wind. You will find out which cosmetic products are best used for this, how often you should resort to them, and, most importantly, what you can actually prepare them from at home.

How to protect your skin from frost

This is possible due to the inclusion of glycyrrhizic acid, mangosteen and jabara fruit extract in its composition. I recommend using this tool as follows:

  1. Before going out into the cold, lubricate your face with the contents of the tube.
  2. Distribute the mass evenly.
  3. Massage your skin.
  4. Wait until the cream is absorbed.
  5. Do not apply it in the eye area.

What to do with oily skin

If the temperature outside is below 0, be sure to use creams with cryoprotectants. One of these, and, in my opinion, quite good, is Mirra.

It has the following effects:

  • improves blood circulation in tissues;
  • does not allow dehydration of the epidermis;
  • gives skin elasticity;
  • puts in order metabolic processes in the dermis;
  • protects the face from the aggressive effects of cold winds and sub-zero temperatures.

To achieve this effect, the cream must be applied to areas of the skin that are not protected by clothes in the morning in the cold. This should be done in a thin layer, evenly distributing the mass over the surface. It does not require rinsing, just let it soak in. The cost of Mirra cream is approximately 600 rubles. It will be especially useful for owners of dry skin.

From folk remedies, in my experience, olive oil, which has a bright moisturizing effect, really helps. To do this, in the morning it is applied to the face, left for half an hour and then washed with cleansing foam.

How to protect the skin from frost if it is dry

It is naive to believe that in winter, dry skin does not need moisturizing. Rain, high humidity, snow - all this does not contribute to him in any way, moreover, they even harm, injuring the epidermis.

  1. Melt the beeswax - about 30 ml.
  2. Heat jojoba oil - about 10 ml.
  3. Squeeze the juice from 2-3 young aloe leaves.
  4. Measure out 10 ml of rose water.
  5. Mix all ingredients.
  6. Let the composition stand for at least a day.

After the mixture becomes thick, beat it with a blender and use it an hour or two before going out into the cold. Since it will turn out to be quite liquid, I recommend applying it with a brush. For it to work, 10-15 minutes are enough, after which the product is washed off with warm water and wiped off. The remaining cream will need to be poured into a glass container and stored in a warm, inaccessible place for children. It perfectly soothes inflamed and irritated skin, relieves redness and moisturizes.

How to protect your skin from the cold

First of all, I recommend buying good gloves for your hands. They should be made of dense materials that do not allow air to pass through. It is best if wool or sheepskin is used. This applies to both the outside and the inside of the product. The main thing is that there should be no synthetics that irritate the delicate skin.

In the cool season, it is also necessary to use special protective hand creams. They should be oily, with a moisturizing effect. Good, in my opinion, options are tools such as Vichy Essentielles (400 rubles), Garnier " intensive care hands" (200 rubles) and Natuderm botanics "Ginkgo and sea buckthorn for mature skin" (190 rubles).

If none of the suggested remedies is suitable, I suggest using Vaseline. It perfectly moisturizes and is especially useful for cracks. You can also prepare a warming ointment from the following ingredients:

  • olive and coconut oil (50 ml each);
  • beeswax - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vitamin E in the form of an oil solution - 5 ml;
  • vaseline - 10 ml.

Combine all ingredients, bring to a boil and let cool. So that the finished cream can be absorbed, I recommend using it 2-3 hours before leaving the house.

That's all the main effective ways how to protect your skin from frost in winter.!

Thick and fragrant Nivea cream in a blue jar is one of childhood memories for many. Its formula has not changed for 80 years and is kept in the strictest confidence, but it is still known that it manages to effectively moisturize and nourish the skin with the help of eucerite, panthenol and glycerin in the composition. They also help the product to "reanimate" cracked, flaky, weather-beaten skin - this is especially valuable in the conditions of the Russian winter. The cream is suitable for care not only for the face, but also for the body; not only for adults, but also for children with their sensitive skin. The versatility of the product is also manifested in the fact that it can be used on any type of skin.

Nourishing cream for dry skin Hydra Beauty Nutrition, Chanel

The cream should provide the skin with everything it needs in inhospitable winter weather: deep hydration, intensive nutrition, enhanced protection and a feeling of comfort. The first is possible thanks to the extract of camellia alba, the second - due to the oil obtained from the seeds of the same camellia, the third is the blue ginger extract, which is a powerful antioxidant and helps the skin restore its protective barrier in order to fully perform "protective" functions again. . As for comfort, the rich texture of the cream will bring to his skin, which is quickly absorbed and the dry surface of the skin instantly turns into soft, delicate and smooth.


Cream for youthful skin Rosa Arctica, Kiehl's

Under acceptable temperature conditions, the cream will satisfy the skin's need for nutrition, and during a 20- or 30-degree frost, it will make the skin seem to not notice the cold at all, and will prevent it from chapping, peeling, "tightening" - in a word, the appearance of any unpleasant consequences. The cream contains an extract of one of the Gaberlea species - a flower that can survive for about 31 months in drought conditions, falling into a state of suspended animation, and return to life in a few hours if the level of humidity around returns to normal. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ingredient also helps the skin to protect itself from negative external influences. By the way, it should also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, so that the cream will act in the direction of anti-age.

Revitalizing cream Comfort On Call, Clinique

True to its name, the cream provides the skin with a feeling of comfort due to its thick, rich texture. In addition to the fact that the product should moisturize and nourish throughout the day, it helps it resist external aggressors, which in winter are dry cold air, the same wind and snow. The cream allows you to quickly remove irritation, and also makes the skin less sensitive over time due to its soothing properties, which are given to the product by the Enviro-Soothe complex with jabar extract, mangosteen and glycyrrhetinic acid (they are the ones that are able to fight irritation).

Anti-aging nourishing cream Capture Totale, Dior

In the case of Dior, the rich texture of the cream is devoid of "heaviness" - it is soft and delicate, promising to envelop the skin with a pleasant layer. Substances from the formula of the product should act both on the surface and in the deep layers of the skin, and not only moisturize, nourish, soothe it, but also fight the signs of age that are inherent in dry mature skin (including wrinkles and loss of elasticity). skin, as well as uneven tone).

Creme Rich Desalterante, Clarins

The tool can be trusted to care for very dry skin, as well as the fact that unbearable suffering brings dryness due to cold weather. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for the effectiveness of the product (you know that it perfectly moisturizes the skin), arctic cloudberry oil (it nourishes and restores the protective barrier of the skin), kartafaya bark extract (it prevents skin dehydration) and other ingredients. The instant effect promised by the cream is getting rid of irritation and feeling of tightness; over time, the skin should begin to feel more and more comfortable, and also to endure the effects of cold and other external factors without consequences.

Ultra-Nourishing Shea Cream, l'Occitane

The prefix “ultra” in the name of the cream is not accidental - it consists of ¼ shea butter, which can save the skin from any degree of dryness (if African women use it for this purpose, then oil will help even more so in our latitudes). Thanks to this ingredient, the tightness of the skin disappears, instead of it, smoothness and softness appear. The cream also promises to strengthen the natural protective barrier. The texture of the product should be quickly absorbed and not leave a greasy film.

Extraordinary cream-oil “Luxury nutrition”, L’Oréal

Rich oily textures are perhaps best suited for winter skin care, and L'Oréal decided to combine them with cream textures for an even more pleasant and skin-friendly formula. "Luxury nutrition" promises to instantly fill the skin with valuable nutrients, make it supple and restore its healthy glow, and day after day appearance the skin is getting better and better - about dullness, lifelessness and fatigue, the brand promises, there will be no more talk.

Weather protection cream Zima, Faberlic

The face cream, which is part of the Faberlic line, released especially for winter, is designed to prevent cold, wind, frost and sudden changes in temperature from dehydrating the skin and making it dry, flaky, and irritated. This is its primary, not a secondary task, and it distinguishes the remedy from others. It is worth noting that, according to the manufacturer, the product does not clog pores and allows the skin to "breathe", which is sometimes impossible due to the dense texture of such nourishing creams. The proper action of the product is provided by raspberry, shea and cocoa seed oils.

Deep care cream for very dry skin Nutrilogie 2, Vichy

The product promises a 24-hour action aimed at caring for dry and weathered skin. Thanks to its formula (it is based, by the way, on Vichy thermal water with useful minerals), it should begin to produce more lipids - this, in turn, will improve the protective functions of the skin - and also become soft and supple. Despite the fact that the texture of the cream is rich, it promises not to leave a greasy film on the skin.

In late autumn and winter, the skin of the face and hands is under real stress: cold wind, light rain - everything affects it. Often the skin begins to dry, peel and redden.

In order for the skin to remain young and healthy longer, in the cold season it needs special protection and care, which means that it is necessary to use special cosmetics.

After all, going out into the cold from a warm room, we are faced with uncontrolled hypothermia, which is fraught with capillary spasm and, as a result, oxygen starvation. Consequences - deterioration of complexion and premature aging.

Even more unfavorable factors than low temperatures are high humidity and wind. It is this combination that can lead to frostbite, that is, to cell death, even at very low sub-zero temperatures. The insidiousness lies in the fact that frostbite can occur imperceptibly, but it can take 5-7 years to completely overcome its consequences.

Another enemy of the skin is dryness: in an air-conditioned room and in a room with central heating, moisture from the surface of the skin evaporates very actively. The body does not have enough resources to restore the natural water balance. starts operation "Winter skin protection” and offers TOP 10 cold remedies that will help you survive the cold.

Emulsion for dry skin based on thermal water, Nutric 2,5%, La Roche Posay

To protect against the cold, a simple moisturizer may not be enough - try La Roche Posay Thermal Water Emulsion for Dry Skin.

The tool was created specifically to effectively combat the main signs of dry skin. Biolipid complex at a concentration of 2.5%, consisting of 11 fatty acids, protects the skin from aggressive factors external environment, eliminates irritation and peeling, softens the skin and compensates for the lack of sebum. The texture of the product, copying the skin lipid barrier absorbs immediately without leaving a greasy sheen. As a result, the skin is perfectly moisturized, there will be no trace of peeling, redness and tightness. By the way, this tool can be used before applying makeup.

Estimated price - 820 rubles.

super saturated cream Cell Shock, Swiss Line

If you have sensitive skin that is prone to redness and allergies, we recommend trying Cell Shock Very Rich Cream from the Swiss company Swiss Line, which has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

Velvet cream creates an enveloping shell on the surface of the skin, protecting it from the aggressive effects of the external environment. Thanks to the anti-aging and tightening ingredients that make up the cream, the main functions of the skin are restored and its appearance is significantly improved.

The product also contains microsphere capsules with vitamins A and E, a complex of barley grains and vegetable oils of shea and argan, grape seed oil, fruit milk from apricot, peach and tangerine. And UVA and UVB solar filters will protect the skin from the bright and no less harmful rays of the winter sun.

The cream has a specially designed water-in-oil emulsion texture, which can lead to the formation of a thin yellow film on its surface, which does not affect the quality and effectiveness of the product. To avoid this, we recommend that you close the lid of the cream tightly after use and store it in a dark, cool place.

Estimated price - 5 074 rubles.

Cream for sensitive skin Comfort on call Allergy tested Relief Cream , Clinique

Protecting the skin in winter is very important for maintaining its beauty and elasticity: a broken protective barrier makes the skin more susceptible to the effects of allergens and polluted environment.

Designed for people with sensitive skin, Clinique's new Comfort on Call Allergy Tested Relief Cream helps the skin defend itself against external irritants. This deeply hydrating cream contains an extract from the rare citrus plant jabara to help soothe irritated skin.

The cream instantly improves the condition of dry, dehydrated and irritated skin, and is also suitable for skin that becomes very dry when exposed to low temperatures.

Estimated price - 1 850 rubles.

Night Cream Olay complete W named protection, OLAY

Cream Complete Winter Protection provides the skin with gentle and effective care during the cold season. Thanks to its caring formula, it restores the balance of the skin from the inside and maintains it all winter long. The multivitamin complex (B3, B5, E) with soothing panthenol contained in the cream nourishes and protects the skin. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, protected and prepared for the challenges of the cold season.

The cream helps restore daytime moisture loss, strengthens the skin's protective barriers to retain its natural moisture content, and provides the skin with effective care throughout the night, preparing it for the next day's toughest winter conditions.

Estimated price - 370 rubles.

Hand cream lipidose , Vichy

In winter and autumn, the skin of the hands needs special care. Wind, frost, cold air and sudden changes in temperature make it dry, cause redness and cracking. Lipidiose hand cream from Vichy is designed specifically for the care of chapped and damaged skin, so in the cold season it is simply indispensable.

The formula of the cream contains a unique RE-FIBRIL complex, which combines asianic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, and vitamin A, which restores and softens the skin of the hands.

Estimated price - 350 rubles.

Lotion Hydra complete , Estee Lauder

Cold is a serious test for the whole organism, but your skin, not accidentally called a protective cover, is the first to take a hit. Her most tender and vulnerable part - her face and hands - finds herself on the front line in an unequal struggle with wind, snow and frost.

In order not to lose in this fight, it is necessary to provide the skin with special care. Regular use of Estee Lauder Hydra Complete lotion will allow the skin to adapt to constant climatic changes: it will take on a fresher look, and fine superficial wrinkles - the consequences of dehydration - will smooth out.

Hydra Complete Lotion by Estee Lauder provides multi-level skin hydration with an immediate and long-lasting effect.

The cream contributes to the formation of a natural thin protective layer on the surface of the skin, isolating it from sudden changes in the relative humidity of the air. And the mineral-rich bio-activated water in the cream, formulated to be identical to its natural state in the skin, helps instantly hydrate skin and replenish all-day moisture exactly where it's needed most.

Estimated price - 1 700 rubles.

Hygiene lipstick S tick L evres P rotecteur with cottonseed oil Belweder

Your lips also need special care in autumn and winter. When outside the window is minus temperature, it is necessary to use a protective agent for the lips.

Hygienic lipstick S tick L evres P rotecteur from Belweder is designed specifically for use in the cold season. It contains natural ingredients: aloe leaf extract, cottonseed oil, beeswax, carnauba wax, candilla and lanolin. They prevent the loss of skin elasticity, improve its structure, relieve the feeling of tightness and dryness. Smoothes, regenerates and moisturizes lips.

The lipstick is easy to apply and spread on the lips. Has a thin nice smell exotic fruits. Does not contain artificial colors.

Estimated price - 100 rubles.

Winter shampoo for hair "Salvation from dryness", head & Shoulders

There are many reasons to love winter: ice skating and skiing will help you to be in great shape, playing snowballs will make you feel like an enthusiastic child in new year holidays, the most long-awaited and fun of the year. But, despite all the delights of winter, this time of year - big stress both for the whole organism as a whole, and for your hair: as a result, dryness and dandruff appear. In the cold season, hair and scalp especially need careful, gentle care and close attention.

The active components of the K-complex, which are part of the cream, restore the hydro-lipid balance of the skin, restoring its softness and elasticity. Olive and wheat germ oils have a nourishing and regenerating effect, wheat proteins moisturize, evening primrose extract restores collagen and elastin fibers, and neutralizes the action of free radicals. Linoleic and linolenic acids maintain the hydro-lipid balance of the skin and increase local immunity.

Use this mask once or twice a week for an easy and enjoyable way to prevent wrinkles and protect your skin during the cold season.

Estimated price - 700 rubles.

Body Oil Lavender mint , Paul Mitchell

It has long been known that lavender and mint extracts, on the one hand, monitor the condition of the skin, and on the other hand, soothe, improve mood, and help to relax. Tea tree oil, used in aromatherapy, balances thoughts, and at the same time perfectly moisturizes and relieves irritation.

Part of Paul Mitchell's first Lavender Mint body care line, these ingredients help to quickly revitalize the epidermis, removing and preventing the flaking characteristic of winter. At the same time, the cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. In addition, it contains a powerful antioxidant - vitamin E: it effectively fights free radicals, makes the skin supple, supple and radiant.

Estimated price - 720 rubles.

If we can hide the body from severe frost under clothes, the face is constantly open, so it is most affected by dry air, extreme cold, wind, bright sun. What to do? Additional protection, special care is required. To reduce the impact of various harmful factors, as well as to maintain attractiveness, it is enough to follow the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Wash your face properly

Remember, in no case should you wash your face before you go outside. Try to do this in half an hour or better in an hour. All procedures are carried out with warm water, sage. But wiping the skin with ice cubes should be avoided.

Skin hydration

In winter, the air in the room, on the street has low humidity, subsequently the skin dries out a lot, so try to constantly moisturize it. At the same time, you should not get carried away with masks, creams before leaving the house. It is best to do this before bed.


When the skin is exposed to frost, it becomes thin, sensitive, subsequently flaky and inflamed. To prevent damage, use only delicate products. You will have to completely abandon soap, rough scrubs, products that contain alcohol. Give preference to soft gel, milk. If you have done peeling, do not immediately go out into the cold.


Severe frost is a serious burden on the skin, for this reason it needs additional nutrition. Use a special emollient. Apply it every day - 40 minutes before you go outside. This time is enough for the product to be completely absorbed, forming a thin film that reliably protects from the cold.

Cream can be replaced olive oil, it is applied after the skin is completely cleansed, the product is left for 20 minutes, then removed with a napkin. Also, the skin needs additional nutrition. You can use homemade masks. Perfectly nourishes the skin with sour cream, vegetable oils, cream. Useful shea butter, cocoa. In winter, you can delight yourself with masks with finely chopped carrots, you can also additionally use ingredients such as: lemon juice, fatty sour cream.

Internal protection

In winter, the vessels have a huge load - they either expand or narrow. Everything ends with a spasm, deterioration of blood supply, malnutrition of the skin, metabolism. In addition, in frosts, the vessels begin to burst, everything ends, it appears in the form of red-violet streaks. To avoid the problem, the vessels need to be constantly strengthened. To do this, it is best to use vitamin A, E, C. You can enrich your body with these substances if you revise your menu, include healthy foods, and take special vitamins.

How to protect the skin around the eyes?

The whole face suffers from frost, but the skin around the eyes suffers the most. In order to protect her from various negative impact, try to choose a suitable cream, it should contain the following components:

  • Animal oils.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Grape seed oil.

It is also recommended to regularly nourishing masks for the skin, based on decoctions of herbs. Improves skin condition sage, parsley, linden. It is necessary to fold the gauze in several layers, moisten it in a decoction, apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes.

If on the street hard frost, a mask with sour cream and finely chopped parsley will be useful. To enhance the effect, you can add vitamin E (oil solution).

The use of decorative protective cosmetics

Cosmetologists do not recommend giving up cosmetics in the winter, cold time. On the contrary, it is necessary to use it to the maximum. Pay attention to lipstick with different oils, powder, Foundation. This set of cosmetics will reliably protect the face from the cold, protect the skin from temperature fluctuations, dehydration.

What to do with rosacea? The face with the vascular network suffers the most. A woman before going out into the cold should carry out several medical procedures:

  • Before applying the usual cream, lubricate the skin with linden extract, rutin.
  • In the evening, apply a multivitamin cream with added amino acids.

Winter UV protection

It is important to remember that the skin in winter suffers from the sun as well as in summer, in the heat. It is not difficult to explain this - the sun's rays (even the dimmest ones) are reflected from the snow, in this way they negatively affect the skin. For this reason, it is best to use nourishing creams with UV protection.

Popular cosmetic products

Cream Nutrilogie 2, Vichy

The tool works during the day, with its help you can improve the condition of dry skin, which is exposed to adverse weather conditions. The cream is based on Vichy thermal water, rich in beneficial minerals. The cream has a rich structure, does not form a film on the skin.

Winter line Faberlic

The cream does not allow wind, cold, frost to dehydrate the skin, after which it begins to peel off, become irritated, and becomes too dry. We note that the product does not lead to blockage of pores, does not disturb the "breathing" of the skin - these problems often occur when using oily, nourishing creams. The cosmetic product contains cocoa butter, shea butter, raspberry seeds.

L'Oreal "Luxury food"

The tool immediately enriches the skin with nutrients, gives it a healthy glow, elasticity, relieves fatigue, dullness, lifelessness.

Thus, in order to avoid problems with the skin in winter, you need to pay due attention to care. First of all, follow the basic rules, then choose a quality tool that suits you. Do not forget to delight your skin with different homemade masks. Be always the most beautiful!

Balm RESCUE Frost

A novelty from the Russian pharmaceutical company "LUMI" - cosmetic balm RESCUER from frost. It is applied to the skin before going outside, reliably protecting it from the negative effects of low temperatures. The balm consists only of natural ingredients, does not contain chemical flavors and dyes. Can be used by both adults and children. Suitable for regular use.
