VII All-Russian cognitive Olympiads for preschool children. All-Russian subject Olympiads (pictures) Hello, dear colleagues

TERMS AND PROCEDURE OF THE COMPETITION September 11, 2017 - November 10, 2017 - acceptance of applications, registration of participants; September 20, 2017 - November 20, 2017 - acceptance of competitive works; November 21, 2017 - December 5, 2017 - summing up the results of the Contest and distribution of award materials by Russian Post. MAIN OBJECTIVES AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPETITION - acquaintance with a new drawing technique - inkblotography - through the plot of A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"; - acquaintance with the tale of A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"; – learning a new drawing technique; - learning to smooth out conflicts, put up, show that there should be no quarrels and insults between friends, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other; - development of imagination and creative activity of preschoolers, expansion of their cultural range; - providing children with the opportunity to compete on a scale that goes beyond the region, without leaving it. EQUIPMENT - landscape sheets; - paints (watercolor or gouache); - brush; - straws for drinks (you can do without them); - water for diluting paints; - cotton buds or felt-tip pens, pencils; - napkins; - book by A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" or illustrations for it. PARTICIPANTS OF THE COMPETITION The following can take part in the competition: - preschool educational institutions various kinds; - general educational institutions that include preschool groups; - early development studios. The competition is held without preliminary selection of participants. Participation in the Contest is voluntary, it is strictly forbidden to involve children in the Contest against their will. The decision to participate in the Competition is made by children and their parents (legal representatives). Participants of the Contest (hereinafter - Participants) can be children 2-7 years old. The minimum number of participants (children) from an educational institution is 10 people. FINANCING OF THE COMPETITION The organization and holding of the Competition is financed by organizational fees. Arrangement fee - cash paid by the parent (legal representative) for the participation of the child in the Contest. Organizational fees form a fund intended for financial support of the organization of events (covering postage, production of award materials, staff salaries and other expenses). In 2017-2018, the registration fee was set at 75 rubles per participant. 5 rubles per participant remains at the disposal of the organizer from the educational institution to pay the bank commission and other expenses. Accordingly, the organizer pays 70 rubles for the participation of one child. Payment of the registration fee is carried out by the organizer with one receipt for all participants. The procedure for collecting the registration fee is determined directly by the educational institution. ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT OF THE COMPETITION General management of the Competition and its organizational support carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Center. Functions and tasks of the Organizing Committee: - setting the dates for the Competition; – registration of participants of the Contest; – development of technical documentation of the Contest; – creation of the competition commission and approval of its composition; – organization of the work of the competition commission to evaluate the work of the Competition; - preparation of methodological materials for the Competition in the preschool educational institution; - Summing up the results of the Competition; – preparation and distribution of award materials by Russian Post. The Organizing Committee collects and processes the results of the participants of the Competition - citizens Russian Federation– in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation governing the collection and processing of personal data. Surnames and names of participants, their age, educational institution and its address are subject to collection and processing. The fact that the educational institution sent the works of the participants of the Competition means that educational institution guarantees the availability of the consent of parents (legal representatives) required by law for the processing of personal data of the authors of submitted works and bears all the responsibility arising from this. The organization of participation in the Competition of preschoolers is carried out by a representative of the preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer). Functions and tasks of the Organizer: - inform children and their parents (legal representatives) of information from the Center's official website, information letter or other source about the Competition; - submit an application for participation in the Competition on the website in the section "V All-Russian competition children's drawing"WONDERFUL BLOT"; - indicate in the application the names and surnames of the children participating in the Competition, while in each column it is necessary to indicate one child; - indicate in the application the full name of the Organizers from the DOW; - indicate the method of obtaining diplomas: electronic (the organizer downloads award materials after summing up the results of the competition in the personal account) or paper (materials are sent by registered mail by Russian Post after summing up the results of the Competition); – print out a receipt for payment for participation (in the personal account of the Organizer) and pay for participation in any branch of the Bank. The receipt is calculated automatically depending on the number of participants (children); - confirm the payment by attaching copies of payment documents in the personal account of the Organizer, you should not send receipts for payment in letters with works; – print the technical documentation of the Contest; - organize the holding of the Competition; – send competitive works by Russian Post to the Center’s postal address: To: CMS Russian Culture LLC To: 659300, PO Box 100, Biysk, Altai Territory – when choosing to receive diplomas in paper form, control the receipt of award materials by Russian Post after summing up the results of the Contest by the number of the mail identifier, which will be reported in the personal account; – when choosing to receive diplomas in electronic form, download electronic award materials after summing up the results of the Contest in the personal account of the Organizer. DETERMINING THE WINNERS OF THE COMPETITION The Competition Committee sets the parameters of the criteria for evaluating competitive works and determines the winners of the Competition. Competitive works are evaluated in two age categories: from 2 to 5 years, from 6 to 7 years. AWARDING THE WINNERS OF THE COMPETITION Participants who have taken I, II and III places - diploma winners of the Competition - receive diplomas of I, II and III degrees. All participants (children) who took part in the Competition and did not win prizes receive diplomas of participants. All representatives of the OU involved in the organization of the Competition will be awarded diplomas for the preparation of winners or diplomas of the organizers. Award documents, when indicating receipt of them in paper form, will be sent by Russian Post to the address of the educational institution specified by the Organizer during registration, by registered mail. The identification number of the postal item will be indicated in the personal account so that the Organizer can track the movement of the postal item and control its receipt. When you specify electronic way receiving diplomas, the Organizer will need to download award materials in his personal account after summing up the results of the Contest within 3 months from the date of opening access to download (after December 5, 2017). Dear Colleagues! We invite you to work together. Sincerely, Organizing Committee of the Center.

WITH September 15 to December 31, 2019 in preschool educational organizations in Russia are held VII All-Russian educational Olympiads for children preschool age .

Download assignments: Olympiad FUN MATHEMATICS
Download assignments: Olympiad DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH
Download assignments: Olympiad WORLD


September 15 - December 31, 2019 - accepting applications for participation on the website;
September 15, 2019 - January 20, 2020 - Olympiads, filling out electronic answer forms, downloading diplomas.


Maintaining and strengthening the cognitive motivation of preschool children;
- identification of gifted children among preschoolers;
- development in children of interest in scientific (research) activities, promotion of scientific knowledge.


The following can take part in the Olympiads:
- preschool educational organizations of various types;
- general educational organizations that include preschool groups;
- early development studios.
Olympiads are held without preliminary selection of participants. Participation in the Olympics is voluntary, it is strictly forbidden to involve children in the Olympics against their will. The decision to participate in the Olympics is made by children and their parents (legal representatives).
Recommended age of participants - 6 -7 years.
The minimum number of participants on the application - 10 people.


In order to take part in the Olympiad, a representative of a preschool organization must register and submit an application on this website in the All-Russian Olympiads for Preschool Children section. Format of the Olympiad:electronic. Organizer downloads everything necessary materials in your personal account, conducts Olympiads and fills out electronic answer forms for each participant in your personal account. The software automatically checks electronic forms. After that, in the personal account, the organizer downloads personalized diplomas in electronic form.


General management of the Olympiad and its organizational support is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Center.

Functions and tasks of the Organizing Committee:
- development of technical documentation for the Olympiads;
- preparation of tasks for the Olympiads;
- verification of electronic forms of answers of participants;
- Summing up the results of the Olympics.
The organization of participation in the Olympiads of children is carried out by a teacher, head or other representative of a preschool educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

Functions and tasks of the Organizer:
- inform the children of their preschool educational organization (their parents) information from the official website of the Center, information letter or other source about the Olympiads;
- on the site in the section "All-Russian Olympiads for Preschool Children" apply for participation - register;
- in the personal account of the Organizer, add the organization that he represents;
- form an application for participation in the Olympiad (in the personal account of the Organizer);
- indicate the teachers from the institution participating in the organization of the Olympiads in the field;
- print out a receipt for participation payment (in the personal account of the Organizer). Payment of the registration fee is carried out by the Organizer by one receipt for all participants;
- pay for participation and confirm payment by sending copies of payment documents (in the personal account of the Organizer);
- hold the Olympiad in the preschool educational institution;
- enter the answers of children in your personal account;
- download premium personalized materials in your personal account until January 20, 2020;
- print and hand out diplomas to children.


The organization and holding of the Olympiads is financed by organizational fees. Registration fee - money paid by a parent (legal representative) for the participation of a child in the Olympiad. The registration fee forms a fund of funds intended for financial support of the organization of events. The amount of the registration fee is annually set by the Organizing Committee. For 2019-2020 academic year the amount of the registration fee from one participant for one of the proposed items was set at 100 rubles. 10 rubles per participant remains at the disposal of the Organizer to pay the bank commission. Accordingly, the Organizer pays 90 rubles for the participation of one participant in one subject.


Olympiads are held in an educational organization. The order of the Olympiads is determined directly by the preschool educational organization, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, the daily routine, etc. The tasks contain 10 questions in the form of a test, with a choice of answers from 4 options. Each question may have one or more correct answers. Reading questions to children by the educator is allowed. Electronic forms are filled in by the Organizer after the child marks his answers directly in the sheet with tasks (in order to simplify the performance of the Olympiad by children, they mark their answers directly in the sheets with tasks by circling or underlining the answers).


The winners of the Olympiads receive diplomas of I, II and III degrees. All participants who took part in the Olympiad and did not win prizes receive diplomas of participants. All teachers involved in the organization of the Olympiad will be awarded with thanks or diplomas from the organizers.

Sincerely, Organizing Committee of the Center.


From September 15 to December 30, 2019 in general educational organizations of Russia are held XI All-Russian Subject Olympiads 2019-2020.


September 15 - December 25, 2019 - acceptance of applications for participation (paper format);
September 15 - December 30, 2019 - acceptance of applications for participation (electronic format);
September 15 - December 30, 2019 - distribution of assignments;
September 15, 2019 - January 31, 2020 - Olympiads.


English (grades 2-11);
biology (grades 6-11);
geography (grades 6-11);
history (grades 6-11);
literature (grades 5-11);
literary reading (grades 1-4);
mathematics (grades 1-11);
social science (grades 7-11);
the world(grades 1-4);
subject mosaic (grades 1-11);
Russian language (grades 1-11).


Development of schoolchildren's interest in Russian national culture through academic disciplines;
- development of creative activity of schoolchildren, expansion of their cultural range;
- activation of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren;
- providing the participants of the Olympiad with the possibility of an alternative assessment of their own knowledge.

Download:Regulations on holding the XI All-Russian Subject Olympiads



In order to take part in the Olympiads, the school organizer must submit an application and register, while choosing the format for holding subject Olympiads: electronic or paper.

Electronic format.
With the electronic format of the Olympiads, the school organizer downloads all the necessary materials in his personal account, conducts Olympiads and fills out electronic answer forms for each participant in each subject in his personal account. The software automatically checks electronic forms. After that, in the personal account, the organizer downloads personalized diplomas in electronic form.

paper format.
With the paper format of the Olympiads, the school organizer receives all the necessary materials by Russian Post by registered mail. The Organizer holds the Olympiads and sends the answer forms by registered mail by Russian Post to the address of the Center. After the Center checks the answer forms, the organizer receives personalized award materials by Russian Post by registered mail.


General management of the Olympiads and their organizational support is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Center.

Functions and tasks of the Organizing Committee:
- development of technical documentation for the Olympiads;
- preparation of original layouts, replication and distribution of printed materials of the Olympiads;
- checking the participants' answer forms;
- Summing up the results of the Olympics;
- Preparation and distribution of award materials.

The organization of participation in the Olympiads of students is carried out by a subject teacher, head or other representative of the school (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

Functions and tasks of the Organizer:
- inform students of their school (their parents) information from the official website of the Center, information letter or other source about the Olympiad;
- on the website in the section "All-Russian subject Olympiads for schoolchildren" click on the button "Apply";
- register;
- in the personal account of the Organizer, add the educational organization that he represents;
- form an application for participation in the Olympiads by subjects and classes (in the personal account of the Organizer);
- indicate the teachers from the educational organization participating in the organization of Olympiads in the field;
- specify the format of the Olympiad;
- print out a receipt for participation payment (in the personal account of the Organizer). The receipt is generated automatically for all participants in the personal account of the Organizer. Payment of the registration fee is carried out by the Organizer by one receipt for all participants;
- pay for participation and confirm payment by sending a copy of the payment document (in the personal account of the Organizer);
- hold the Olympiad in an educational organization;
- present diplomas to the participants.


The organization and holding of the Olympiads is financed by organizational fees. Registration fee - money paid by a parent (legal representative) for the participation of a child in the Olympiad. The registration fee forms a fund of funds intended for financial support of the organization of events (covering the costs of purchasing stationery and postal supplies, manufacturing award materials, staff salaries and other expenses). The amount of the registration fee is annually set by the Organizing Committee. For the 2019-2020 academic year, the amount of the registration fee per participant for one of the offered subjects is 100 rubles. 10 rubles per participant remains at the disposal of the school Organizer to pay the bank commission and postage. Accordingly, the Organizer pays90 rublesfor the participation of one student in one subject. If a student expresses a desire to take part in the Olympiad in several subjects, respectively, he must pay for his participation for each subject.


The winners of the Olympiads are determined based on the results of the participants in the relevant disciplines (subjects), which are entered in the final table. The table is a list of participants. The first place is awarded to the participants who scored the maximum possible number of points (100 points), the second and third places - respectively, 95 and 90 points.


The winners of the Olympiads receive diplomas of I, II and III degrees. All participants who took part in the Olympiad and did not win prizes receive diplomas of participants. All teachers involved in the organization of the Olympiads will be awarded diplomas for preparing the winner or diplomas of the organizers.

Dear Colleagues! We invite you to work together. Sincerely, Organizing Committee of the Center.

We invite you and your pupils to take part in the IX All-Russian competition children's drawing "Rainbow", organized by the Center for International Cooperation "Russian Culture".


September 15 - November 30, 2019 - accepting applications for participation on the website;
September 20 - November 30, 2019 - acceptance of competitive works;
December 1 - December 20, 2019 - summing up the results of the competition, distribution of diplomas.


Creating conditions for familiarizing children with the main colors of the rainbow.


- introduce children to a natural phenomenon - a rainbow;
- to study the main colors of the rainbow and the sequence of their location;
- develop observation of natural phenomena.

Dear teachers and educators preschool institutions! The participation of children in the Competition will allow them to explain the emergence of such a complex natural phenomenon as a rainbow in an easy and relaxed atmosphere.

Understanding the world around and the phenomena that occur in it makes children attentive and observant. During the competitive lesson, children will get acquainted with the colors of the rainbow and learn how to better remember the sequence of colors.


Download: Vertical stamp sheet (A4 format)
Download: Sheet with a stamp horizontal (A4 format)
Download: Illustration-blank with a stamp No. 1 (A4 format)
Download: Illustration-blank with a stamp No. 2 (A4 format)
Download: Illustration-blank with a stamp No. 3 (A4 format)
Download: Illustration-blank with stamp No. 4 (A4 format)
Download: Illustration-blank with stamp No. 5 (A4 format)


The following can take part in the competition:

- preschool educational institutions of various types;
- general educational organizations that include preschool groups;
- early development studios.

The competition is held without preliminary selection of participants. Participation in the Contest is voluntary, it is strictly forbidden to involve children in the Contest against their will. The decision to participate in the Competition is made by children and their parents (legal representatives). Participants of the Contest (hereinafter - Participants) can be children 2-7 years old. The minimum number of participants upon application is 10 people.


The organization and holding of the Competition is financed by organizational fees. Registration fee - money paid by a parent (legal representative) for the participation of a child in the Competition. Organizational fees form a fund intended for financial support of the organization of events (covering postage, production of award materials, staff salaries and other expenses). The registration fee is 100 rubles per participant. 10 rubles per participant remains at the disposal of the organizer from the educational institution to pay the bank commission and other expenses. Accordingly, the organizer pays 90 rubles for the participation of one child in the Competition. The procedure for collecting the registration fee is determined directly by the educational institution.


General management of the Competition and its organizational support is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Center.

Functions and tasks of the organizing committee:
– setting the dates for the Competition;
– registration of participants of the Contest;
– development of technical documentation of the Contest;
– preparation of teaching materials for the Competition in educational institutions;
- Summing up the results of the Competition;
- Preparation and distribution of award materials.

Organization of participation in the Contest is carried out by a representative of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

Functions and tasks of the Organizer:
– Inform children and their parents (legal representatives) of information from the official website of the Organization, information letter or other source about the Competition.
– Submit an application for participation in the Competition on the website website in the section "All-Russian competition of children's drawings for preschoolers."
– Indicate in the application the names and surnames of the children participating in the Competition, while in each column it is necessary to indicate one child.
– Indicate the names of all Organizers in the application.
- Specify the method of obtaining diplomas:
electronic (the organizer independently downloads award materials after summing up the results of the competition in the personal account from December 21, 2019 to January 31, 2020);
· paper (materials are sent by registered mail by Russian Post after summing up the results of the Contest and their publication).
– Print a receipt for payment for participation (in the personal account of the Organizer) and pay for participation in any branch of the Bank. The receipt is calculated automatically depending on the number of participants (children).
– Confirm payment by attaching a copy of the payment document in the Organizer's personal account, you should not send payment receipts in letters with works.
– Print the technical documentation of the Competition.
– Organize the holding of the Competition in accordance with the rules of the competition (see Regulations).
– Before sending, familiarize the parents (legal representatives) of children with the submitted works (if possible, take pictures of the works).
– Send the competition works by registered mail by Russian Post to the postal address of the Center: 659300, PO Box 100, Biysk, Altai Territory, Russian Culture Center for International Cooperation.
– When choosing to receive diplomas in paper form, control their receipt by the Russian Post after summing up the results of the Contest by the number of the postal identifier that will be reported in your personal account.
– If you choose to receive diplomas in electronic form, download electronic award materials after summing up the results of the Contest in the Organizer’s personal account in the “Previous Contests” tab no later than 2 months from the date of opening access for downloading, announced on the official website of the Organization.
- Present diplomas to the participants.


The Competition Commission sets the parameters of the criteria for evaluating competitive works and determines the winners of the Competition.


Participants who take I, II and III places receive diplomas of I, II and III degrees. All participants who took part in the Competition and did not win prizes receive diplomas of participants. All representatives of the OU involved in the organization of the Competition will be awarded diplomas for the preparation of the winner or diplomas of the organizers.

Dear Colleagues! We invite you to work together. We are sure that participation in the Competition will make the stay of children in kindergarten more vibrant and exciting.

Sincerely, Organizing Committee of the Center.

Results of the VIII All-Russian competition of children's drawings "Magic Lines"

Hello, dear organizers, parents and our little participants of the VIII All-Russian competition of children's drawing "Magic Lines"!

Dear colleagues, we express our gratitude to you for your professional assistance in organizing the children's competition!

Dear parents, thank you for raising such talented and gifted children!

We want to express our sincere gratitude to our young artists for such colorful, bright and varied drawings!

When evaluating children's works, the competition commission selected 1235 competitive works that took I, II and III places. By decision of the jury, the best children's drawings were selected, photographs of which are presented in social network Odnoklassniki, in the group of our partners -

The competition was held in preschool educational organizations from March 11 to May 10, 2019. It was attended by 1312 preschool educational organizations, 25749 entries were submitted.

Participants who take I, II and III places will receive diplomas of I, II and III degrees. All participants who took part in the Competition and did not take I, II and III places will receive diplomas of participants. All representatives of the institutions involved in the organization of the Competition will be awarded diplomas for the preparation of winners or diplomas of the organizers.

Access to download award materials from personal accounts in electronic form is open! Award materials will be available for download until June 10, 2019.

We inform the organizers who indicated the method of obtaining diplomas by Russian post that all diplomas were signed and taken to the Russian post office. Track - numbers will be entered in the very near future in personal accounts as they arrive from the post office.

Dear organizers and parents! According to your numerous appeals, the Russian Culture CMS, in order to organize preschoolers in the summer months, will hold a summer children's drawing competition from June 15 to August 15, 2019.

Hello, Dear colleagues!

We invite you and your students to take part in VIII All-Russian competition of children's drawings "MAGIC LINES" organized by the Center for International Cooperation "Russian culture".


March 11 - April 26, 2019- accepting applications for participation on the site site;
March 26 - April 30, 2019- acceptance of competitive works;
May 1 – May 10, 2019- Summing up the results of the competition, distribution of diplomas.


  • acquaintance with a new drawing technique - coloring with lines;
  • study different lines (straight, wavy, closed, etc.);
  • expand children's knowledge about the world around them and embody them in artistic images;
  • develop the ability to express their feelings and emotions through creativity;
  • develop fine motor skills and hand coordination
  • cultivate an interest in drawing.


Participants of the competition are invited to perform a competitive work according to a specially given template or on a free topic using the “line coloring” drawing technique.

Dear teachers and educators of preschool institutions! Acquaintance with a new drawing technique will allow you to game form to study different lines with children (straight, wavy, closed, etc.), and this is the knowledge that children need for further education. The ability to constantly change the style in one work (type and direction of lines, their color) teaches children to experiment. Therefore, such work does not tire, and a high level of activity throughout the lesson develops a positive attitude towards drawing. Coloring with lines develops not only fine motor skills and hand coordination, but also develops the imagination of children. When creating a new image, children learn to more fully comprehend the world around them.

Laying new associative links between real objects and their depiction on paper through different lines, children create artistic images, which is the first step towards developing the creative potential of the younger generation. New technology allows children to express their emotional state: relive pleasant events or splash out negative emotions. Coloring drawings with lines is a game that brings a lot of positive emotions, both from the process itself and from its result.


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