Homemade masks for velvet hands. How to make a nourishing mask for dry skin of the hands at home? Nourishing hand mask at home

Nourishing hand masks made at home from sour cream, potatoes, clay, and other useful ingredients are especially indispensable and necessary for dry, aging skin. In winter, they will help get rid of peeling, and the exfoliating mask that you will do at home every week will restore softness and tenderness to the skin.

Important task: exfoliation

The cells of the epidermis constantly die off and, layering on top of each other, form a rough upper layer of the skin, which prevents its normal breathing and renewal. As a result, the hands become rough to the touch, premature wrinkles appear on them. And if there is still not enough moisture, then excessive dryness will not keep you waiting.

To prevent this, it is necessary to regularly, once or even twice a week, arrange an exfoliation procedure at home.

sour fruits

To make a gentle but effective peeling at home, you can use the pulp of citrus fruits and any other acidic fruits: kiwi, strawberries. Why is it so effective, because in such products there are no abrasive particles that cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells. As it turned out, fruit acids cope with this task very well. Their action is based on the fact that the acid softens and dissolves the coarsened layer, completely eliminating it from the surface of the skin. You can use a lemon wedge to rub it on your hands, then rinse off the acid and apply cream to your skin.


Without oatmeal or oatmeal, it is difficult to imagine a natural hand scrub. oatmeal not only acts as a good exfoliating mask, but also saves from peeling, softens and slightly. To prepare the scrub, dilute the hercules with water and after 5-8 minutes treat your hands with it. For greater effect, add lemon juice to the resulting slurry.

Sugar, salt

A good exfoliating mask can be made with salt or regular or brown sugar mixed with any of the following ingredients:

Effective nutrition and softening

To maintain the beauty, softness and youthfulness of the hands at home, as well as to prevent peeling, a nourishing mask made of clay, sour cream, oils, starch, honey and other products is always useful. We bring to your attention some recipes.

Honey and sour cream

A sour cream mask is a simple yet powerful remedy for dry skin. Every week, mix ½ tablespoon of sour cream and a dessert spoon of honey, ideally lime or acacia. Apply to hands for 20-25 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water and lubricate the skin with cream. This mask can be alternated with a mask of sour cream and lemon or banana pulp.


Potato regenerating mask, prepared at home, nourishes with milk, works against peeling. Mash the boiled potatoes and pour a small amount of warmed milk until a thick slurry is formed, hold on your hands for 20 minutes. You can also make a mixture of potatoes and honey at home, which is no less effective for peeling and rough hands.


Cosmetic oils noticeably nourish the hands: olive oil, as always, comes first, coconut, almond and many other oils also act quite effectively against peeling. Take pink clay 1 tbsp. l., add 1 tsp warm water to it. and 1 tbsp. l. any oil. Such a restorative mask should act for 25 minutes.

From peeling and dryness at home, use a mask with starch, olive oil and a decoction of medicinal chamomile. Instead of a decoction, you can take the essential oil of marigold, or calendula.

Worthy Goal: Hydration

The moisturizing procedure is necessary for hands several times a day, which is why girls always carry hand cream in their purse. And if during the day, while at work, it is possible to maintain a balance of moisture only with the help of a cream, then at home the choice for useful hand skin care is much more diverse.

Dissolve a teaspoon of glycerin in 2 tablespoons of water, add honey, mix and apply to your hands. Clay recipes have a good moisturizing effect, here are a few options:

  • 1 tsp pink clay + water +1 tsp. fat sour cream;
  • 1 tsp blue clay + 4 drops essential oil roman chamomile + water + 1 tsp. oils;
  • 1 st. l. green clay + water + 1 tsp. aloe.

For at home, you can use some vegetables. For example, grate boiled carrots on the smallest grater and mix with flax or olive oil, spread your hands for 20 minutes. A good moisturizing mask is obtained from raw zucchini puree with oatmeal and a little sour cream. Another useful pulp of melon with starch and lemon juice.

Essential help for aging skin

Withering hand skin needs to be given special attention, this will help nourishing mask of sour cream, honey and aloe juice. Sour cream can be replaced with warm olive oil, and aloe juice with gel. It will not be superfluous to add 3-4 drops of essential essence of lemon or geranium to this mixture.

When conjuring at home in the kitchen over the next culinary masterpiece, do not forget about the most beneficial properties of a chicken egg for the skin. A nourishing and revitalizing mask for the skin of the hands is usually made from the yolk and 1-2 complementary components that you can choose from this list:

  • oatmeal;
  • linseed oil;
  • gelatin;
  • olive oil;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • clay.

For example, a mask made from yolk, linseed oil and honey is very effective for aging skin. Whatever natural recipes for cooking at home you have not chosen, remember that a nourishing hand mask should be used every week.

For the sake of preserving youth and beauty, women are ready to make any sacrifices. They visit salons, carry out various procedures that allow them to preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face and neck for longer, but the hands in these anti-ageing events are given a minimum of attention.

And in vain: after all, it is the hands that can treacherously give out the age of a woman.

A treacherous network of wrinkles first appears on the hands, the dermis becomes dry and thin, veins clearly appear through it, and ugly age-related pigmentation may appear on its surface.

To slow down the aging process of the dermis of the hands, hands need to be carefully and regularly looked after, and rejuvenating hand masks will be especially useful in this comprehensive care.

But before talking about the usefulness of such procedures, let's deal with the question - why does the skin of the hands age so quickly.

Premature aging of the skin of the hands: causes

The reason for the rapid course of the aging process, the dermis of the hands are the following factors:

  • Constant contact with water and household chemicals. Try to count how many times a day you wash your hands, how many times you wash dishes, do laundry. In these procedures, you always use soap, detergents and homemade powders, which means that you expose your hands to the aggressive effects of chemical components. Moreover, with regular contact with water, the protective fatty and lipid film is washed off the surface of the epithelium, which is designed to protect the dermis from penetration of bacteria and from the loss of natural moisture;
  • Premature aging of the epithelium of the hands and palms can be triggered by the weather factor. In summer, delicate ladies' hands are intensively exposed to harmful ultraviolet radiation, which can destroy natural collagen in the epidermis and contribute to the manifestation of age-related pigmentation. In winter, under the influence of cold wind and low temperature, spasmodic contraction of capillaries occurs in the dermis of the hands and palms, which leads to disruption of normal blood circulation. With impaired blood circulation, the epithelium quickly becomes dry, loses its tone and elasticity, and begins to peel off;
  • Aging of the dermis can also be observed with various hormonal disruptions in the body. When the level of estrogen drops sharply in the female body, there is also a decrease in the production of healthy fats and collagen, which help the epithelium stay young.

And, of course, the dermis on the hands can age in the general process of natural age-related changes in the body. With age, moisture, healthy fats gradually leave the cells of the dermis, collagen and elastin are synthesized in them in smaller quantities. The dermis becomes thin and transparent, veins begin to appear through it and appear dark spots.

To slow down all these sad processes, it is extremely important to take timely preventive measures to rejuvenate the skin of the hands and maintain its healthy and well-groomed condition.

Let's get acquainted with the best recipes for mask compositions that rejuvenate the skin at home, and also find out the rules for their application and use.

Anti-aging hand masks at home: rules for use

In order for anti-aging mask formulations to be as useful and effective as possible, cosmetologists advise following these rules when using them:

  • The mixture must be applied to clean and dry epithelium, and therefore it is advisable to wash the hands before the procedure. natural soap, lightly rub their dermis with a special scrub, and then wipe thoroughly with a clean towel;
  • For the best effect, anti-aging masks are best done at night and kept on the surface of the epithelium for at least 7-8 hours;
  • In order for the components of the composition to be fully absorbed into the epidermis, after applying the mixture, put on special fabric gloves on the handles.

Do not forget that even if you did the mask all night, in the morning it must be washed off the skin with warm water, and then applied to the palms and hands of a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

The best recipes for anti-aging hand masks

Recipe #1

One of the best mask recipes for rejuvenating aging hand skin at home is a composition of grated fresh cucumber. To prepare the mixture, you need to take one large mature vegetable, with no signs of wilting, and grate it on a medium grater. Apply the resulting mass thickly on the hands and palms, hold for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. After the procedure, generously lubricate the dermis with olive or jojoba oil.

Recipe #2

For anti-aging care at home, a recipe for a composition of boiled potatoes is also useful. For the mixture, two large potato tubers in their skins are pre-boiled, peeled and mashed to a puree state.

Three tablespoons of warmed milk and a full spoonful of olive oil are poured into the crushed puree. The mixture must be stirred and then applied liberally to the dermis. It is recommended to keep the composition on the epithelium for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe #3

Honey-based masks will take great care of the fading dermis. Hand masks made from real honey prevent dehydration of the skin, the appearance of a network of wrinkles and age spots. They are made like this: melt 1-2 tablespoons of fresh honey in a water bath and pour the product into a deep ceramic bowl. There also beat in one yolk of a chicken egg and add two tablespoons of fatty (rustic) sour cream. Stir until smooth and use immediately.

Recipe #4

A mixture of fatty cottage cheese and macadamia oil has an excellent age-related effect. Due to the high content of protein and amino acids in the composition of cottage cheese, the epithelium of the hands is perfectly moisturized, and the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis are accelerated in it.

The mask is being prepared according to the following recipe: put a couple of tablespoons of fatty cottage cheese into a glass or plastic container, pour a full spoonful of macadamia oil into it. Thoroughly mix all the products and then add a spoonful of lemon zest and a spoonful of strong brewed green tea to them. Mix everything again and put the mixture in the refrigerator until chilled (about an hour). It is best to treat the dermis of the brushes with the mixture at night.

Prevention of hand skin aging

If you want the skin of your hands to remain young and attractive longer, start taking care of it in a timely manner. Protect your lovely hands from the harmful effects of external factors, nourish their epidermis with vitamins and minerals, take care of the full hydration of the epithelium.

Homemade hand masks effective method protecting the skin from the harmful effects of external factors. As clinical studies have revealed, hands are more susceptible to the negative effects of the environment, which means that they need special attention.

Dryness, peeling, premature wrinkles, cracks and spots are clear signs of a violation of the fat metabolism of the skin. This can happen due to many factors, which are almost impossible to avoid in everyday life. That is why the lack of attention to the hands in any case will result in skin problems.

In order not to encounter them, it is necessary to use masks, the result of which is manifested in the form of elasticity, smoothness and softness of the skin. The most important thing in such masks is natural composition, which makes them popular, affordable and effective compared to other cosmetics.

Rules for the use of masks

Hand masks are necessary even without external manifestations of skin problems. For the prevention of skin diseases, it is desirable to carry out procedures in courses, without disturbing the regularity.

There are certain rules for applying the prepared product to the hands at home:

Moisturizing hand masks

Moisturizing masks contain moisture that penetrates deep into the skin to combat cracks and flaking.

Name of the mask Ingredients Quantity
Curd with glycerin parsley curd mass
almond oil
50 g
2 branches
5-6 drops
30 ml.
  1. Add the remaining products to the chopped parsley, mix.
  2. Spread your hands with a ready-made product, leave for 20 minutes.
Honey linseed oil
lemon juice
potato decoction
1 tsp
1 tsp
0.5 lemon
  1. Mix the existing components, lubricate with a hand tool.
  2. After an hour, wash the skin of the hands with potato broth.
  3. Moisturize your hands with a special cream.
With honey and almond oil almond oil
egg yolk
lemon juice
25 g
25 g
1 PC.
1 lemon
  1. Mix all products.
  2. Lubricate your hands with the resulting product, put on gloves, hold the mask for 3-4 hours.

Nourishing hand masks

Hand masks at home, in addition to moisturizing, may include a nutrition function. It ensures the saturation of the skin with essential substances and the acceleration of the exchange process between cells.

Name of the mask Ingredients Quantity Preparation and use
Vitamin linseed and almond oil
vitamin A oil based solution
oil-based tokephorol solution
1 tsp

1 tsp
10 drops

  1. Heat honey, add almond oil to the liquid.
  2. Cool the solution, add linseed oil and oil solutions of vitamin and tocopherol to it.
  3. Spread the skin with a mixture, keep the mask for no more than half an hour.
With Panthenol olive oil
sea ​​buckthorn oil
oil-based solutions of vitamins A and E
ointment Panthenol
1 tbsp
1 tsp
5 drops 5 cm from a tube
  1. Mix olive and sea ​​buckthorn oil.
  2. Add vitamin solutions to the mixture.
  3. Squeeze 5 cm of ointment from a tube with Panthenol and mix until it is completely dissolved in oil.
  4. Thickly smear your hands with a ready-made product, put on mittens, let the mask soak in until morning.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure no more than four times a week for a crescent.

with aloe aloe
olive oil
2 sheets
1 tsp
1 tsp 1.

Thanks to healing properties aloe mask will soothe skin irritations, heal small wounds, eliminate cracks.

Rejuvenating hand masks

Hand masks at home can be a remedy for wrinkles on the skin of the hands. The procedures for applying such masks require special attention, since the visibility of the result depends on the regularity of their implementation.

Most masks of this type must be made at night and left until the morning, wearing special gloves.

Name of the mask Ingredients Quantity Preparation and use
Anti-aging egg yolk

olive oil
lemon juice
1 PC.
1 tsp
5 drops
  1. Whipped butter and egg yolk mixed with citrus juice.
  2. Spread the skin with the prepared mass, put on gloves, let the mask soak in all night.
orange orange juice
grape seed oil
0.5 orange
2 tbsp
  1. Squeeze juice from citrus, mix it with the remaining component.
  2. Warm up the resulting solution, lubricate the hands with rubbing movements with warm liquid.
  3. Soak gloves in the remaining mixture, put them on your hands.
  4. Keep the mask for about an hour, after putting on the cellophane on the gloves.
Skin smoothing sauerkraut juice 0.5 cup
  1. Heat the prepared juice until warm.
  2. Soak cloth gloves in warm liquid and put them on your hands.
  3. Leave the mask on for half an hour.

The mask will help correct sagging skin. Salt and acid contained in cabbage juice can cause pain on hands with wounds, scratches or severe cracks.

Honey based masks

Honey is a common ingredient in cosmetics due to its healing and nourishing properties. Therefore, honey-based masks are considered very effective and are often used to treat skin problems and prevent diseases.

Name of the mask Ingredients Quantity Preparation and use
With glycerin honey
oatmeal flour
1 tsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
2 tsp 1.
  1. Bring the existing products to homogeneity.
  2. Lubricate the skin with the finished product, leave for half an hour for complete absorption.

It is desirable to carry out the procedures in weather with low temperatures, because under such conditions the hands are prone to cracking.

Softening honey
grapefruit juice
1 tsp
1 PC.
4 drops
  1. Add honey and juice to grated raw potatoes.
  2. Apply the finished mask to the skin, leave for half an hour.
Honey honey
egg yolk
oatmeal flour
1 tsp
1 PC.
1 tsp
  1. Mix all products.
  2. Rub the product into the skin for 5 minutes.
  3. Put on mittens, let the mask soak into the skin all night.

Already at the first appearance of wrinkles on the hands, it is necessary to start doing the application procedures regularly.

Potato masks

Name of the mask Ingredients Quantity Preparation and use
With milk potato
2 pcs.
1/3 cup
  1. Crush boiled potatoes, add milk to it.
  2. Apply the puree to the skin, put on cellophane, wrap a towel over it.
  3. Keep the tool on hand for three hours.
With lemon potato
lemon juice
2 pcs.
2 tsp
  1. Crush boiled potatoes, add citrus juice squeezed in advance to the resulting puree.
  2. Spread a thick layer of the finished mixture on your hands, put on cellophane.
  3. Hold the mask for 20 minutes.
  4. Moisturize the skin by applying a special cream.
Honey with yolk potato
egg yolk
2 pcs.
1 PC.
1 tbsp
  1. Boil potatoes and grind.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the puree and mix.
  3. Lubricate your hands with a ready-made product, let the mask soak into the skin all night.

Oatmeal masks

Hand masks at home can be made from a variety of components.

Oatmeal among them is very famous due to its unique properties:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • healing;
  • exfoliation;
  • moisturizing;
  • whitening.

Thus, oatmeal universal remedy which will cope with almost any skin problem.

Name of the mask Ingredients Quantity Preparation and use
Oatmeal with honey oat groats
1 tsp
1 tsp
  1. Boil the cereal, cool it and mix with honey.
  2. Lubricate the hands with a mixture, hold it for 30 minutes.

The mask will soften rough skin, which loses its softness after contact with chemicals.

Softening oat groats
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
  1. Grind the cereal to the state of flour.
  2. Mix milk and oatmeal, stir.
  3. Rub the finished product into the skin of the hands.
  4. Keep the mask on for half an hour.
oily oat groats
olive oil
2 tsp
2 tsp
  1. Boil oatmeal, let it swell.
  2. Add oil to the cereal, mix thoroughly.
  3. Lubricate the skin with the resulting mixture, put on gloves.
  4. Allow the mask to soak into the skin for no more than half an hour.

Mask of cottage cheese and parsley

As you know, household products are harmful to skin health.

This mask will help restore the softness of the hands after regular contact with chemical products.

Products in the composition:

  • cottage cheese - 3 tsp;
  • parsley juice - 1 tsp;
  • fish oil - 0.5 tsp

Usage features:

  1. Add the liquid from the greens to the curd mass.
  2. Mix the mass with fish oil.
  3. Lubricate your hands with the finished mixture.
  4. Hold the mixture for 30 minutes, clean your hands with water.

Curd face mask with green tea

With the help of green tea, the skin of the hands will be cleansed, moisturized and saturated with oxygen, so it is advisable to carry out this procedure regularly.


  • cottage cheese - 1 tbsp;
  • tea - 2 tsp;
  • oil - 1 tsp


Oil mask

Oil mask very simple in its preparation, but the effect after the procedure is no less significant than that of complex masks.

Hands after using the mask will become softer, and cracks in the skin will be less noticeable.


  • oil from vegetable fats - 2 tbsp.


Bread mask


  • white bread - 1 piece.


  1. Let the bread soak in water, knead it to a mushy state.
  2. Lubricate the skin with the resulting gruel, if desired, put on gloves and leave the mask for half an hour.

grape mask

Grapes is in a good way natural hand peeling, that is, it qualitatively exfoliates the skin and makes it soft.


Application rules:

  1. Brew oatmeal, cool it to a warm state.
  2. Mix grape pulp with boiled oatmeal.
  3. Lubricate with hand rub with rubbing movements.
  4. Massage the skin for half an hour.

Melon mask


  • melon - 1 tablespoon;
  • citrus juice - 0.5 lemon;
  • starch.


  1. Grind the pulp from the melon, mix it with citrus and add a little starch.
  2. Lubricate hands with a thin layer, leave for half an hour.

Egg-linen mask


  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • linseed oil - 1 tbsp;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • citrus juice - 1 squeezed lemon.

Application features:

Carrot mask

Carrot-based mask helps to cope with chapped hands, small wounds, scratches and cracks thanks to the lactic acids of carrots.

Some are afraid that this vegetable will negatively affect the color of the skin of the hands. If the carrots are steamed, the pigment will not be eaten into the skin, so there is no need to worry about the color of the hands during the procedure.


  • carrot pulp - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 30 g;
  • oil - 15 ml;
  • starch - 30 g.


  1. Grate steamed carrots.
  2. Take half of the crushed mass, mix it with the rest of the products.
  3. Apply the mixture on both sides of the palms, cover with cellophane and put on mittens.
  4. Let the mask soak into the skin for a quarter of an hour.

Corn flour jelly mask



  1. Mix all the products, grease your hands with the resulting jelly, leave for half an hour.

with cucumber

The procedure will help saturate the skin with essential vitamins that are in the cucumber.

The mask gives the desired effect when used up to 40 years.


Application Features:

  1. Mix the chopped cucumber with the remaining ingredient.
  2. Spread the mixture on your hands and let it soak in for 20 minutes.

with an apple

Apple masks are a skin rejuvenator.

It is desirable to apply such a mask regularly to women under fifty years of age.


  • half an apple;
  • honey - 3 tsp;
  • oil - 1 tsp;
  • yolk - 1 pc.

Usage features:

  1. Grate the fruit, mix the rest of the products with the resulting apple mass.
  2. Spread the mixture on your hands, hold the mask for a quarter of an hour.

With wheat germ oil

The procedure with this component has a special rejuvenating property. It copes with large wrinkles and flabbiness of the skin.

Required Ingredients:

Preparation and features of use:

  1. Let the oatmeal soak with linden decoction.
  2. While the flour is swelling, mix all the oils.
  3. Mix all remaining ingredients.
  4. Lubricate the resulting mixture of hands, leave to soak for no more than an hour.

With vitamins

Vitamin mask copes with dry skin, nourishing it with vitamins included in the products.

Required products:

  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • sea ​​buckthorn fruit oil - 10 ml;
  • vitamins A and E (in capsules) - 2 pcs.;
  • ointment Panthenol - 1 tsp

Terms of use:

  1. Add sea buckthorn oil to warmed olive oil, pour vitamin capsules.
  2. Add Panthenol to this mass, mix.
  3. Apply the resulting product to the skin, put on cellophane.

With lemon zest

Lemon peel is a kind of skin scrub with a whitening effect.

The procedure is best performed on women aged 30-40 years.

Products in the composition:

  • lemon zest - 1 tsp;
  • sour cream - 1 tsp;
  • oil - 1 tsp;
  • tea leaves - 1 tsp


Purifying mask-scrub with granulated sugar

Sugar is an effective scrub that will remove dead skin and speed up the metabolic processes between cells.

The procedure must be carried out every week.


  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • vegetable fats - 2 tbsp.

Usage features:

  1. Mix the mask products, avoiding the complete dissolution of sugar in the liquid.
  2. Massage your hands for no more than five minutes.

with aloe

Thanks to the healing properties of aloe, the mask will help speed up the recovery of the skin after microtraumas, scratches and cracks.



  1. Mix the remaining products to the honey heated to a warm state.
  2. Beat the finished product, grease your hands with it.
  3. Hold the mask for no more than half an hour.

With chocolate

A chocolate mask gives the effect of freshness to the skin, eliminates wrinkles and sagging.


  1. yogurt (without flavoring additives) - 1 pc.;
  2. bitter dark chocolate - 4 slices;
  3. honey - 1 tsp

Features of preparation and rules of use:

  1. Add warmed honey to the melted chocolate.
  2. Mix yogurt with chocolate mixture and honey.
  3. Apply the product to the skin, put on tight gloves on your hands and leave the mixture to be absorbed until the morning.

Masks in mittens

Mittens are necessary in order to fix a too liquid or thickly applied mask on the hands. They are also needed in order to leave the mask at night and at the same time feel comfortable. The main property of such gloves is impermeability.

There is no need to purchase special cosmetic gloves, it will be enough to use ordinary household gloves, which come from simple materials.

For the production of such gloves use:

  • polyethylene;
  • rubber;
  • silicone;
  • jersey.

There are masks using gloves:

Name of the mask Ingredients Quantity Preparation and use
With paraffin cosmetic paraffin
terry mittens
plastic bags
150 g

2 pcs.
2 pcs.

  1. Melt the paraffin, cool to a warm state.
  2. Immerse your hand several times in the melted liquid, put cellophane on it and wrap it with a towel, do the same with the other hand.
  3. Wait for the paraffin to cool completely (approximately half an hour), remove its remnants.
  4. Put on gloves, leave the mask on overnight.

The procedure thanks to paraffin is very useful for healthy looking hands. Skin impurities and toxins are absorbed by paraffin, due to which the effect of rejuvenation is manifested.

Glyceric glycerol
  1. Cleanse the skin of the hands, rub glycerin into it.
  2. Put on waterproof gloves, wrap your hands with a warm cloth on top.
  3. After half an hour, clean the skin with napkins.
Moisturizing corn oil 2 tbsp
  1. Heat corn oil, spread with hand solution.
  2. Let the mask soak into the skin until morning.

Hand masks after 60 years

For aging skin, it is necessary to use masks that contain dairy products, vegetable or aromatic oils, honey and vitamin solutions.

Name of the mask Ingredients Quantity Preparation and use
Whitening cottage cheese
egg yolk
cypress ether
2 tsp
2 tsp
1 PC.
2 drops
  1. Mix the necessary components, smear the hands with the resulting mixture in a thick layer.
  2. Let the mask soak in for 30 minutes.
Nutritious starch
almond oil
1 tsp
1 tsp
0.5 avocado
  1. Grind avocado, add starch to the mass. and oil
  2. Hold the finished product on your hands for 30 minutes.

Hand mask for the night


  • almond oil.


  1. Heat the oil slightly until warm.
  2. Lubricate the skin with a solution, put on gloves.
  3. Let the mask soak into the skin all night.

The composition of this mask includes useful fatty acids, as well as vitamins that are found in many cosmetics.

Thanks to this procedure, the skin of the hands will be smooth and tender with a lifting effect.

Mask for age spots


  • sour cream - 30 g;
  • lemon juice.


  1. Mix sour cream with the juice of half a citrus.
  2. Lubricate the skin with the finished product.
  3. Massage the skin with rubbing movements for three minutes.
  4. Put on gloves, leave the product for half an hour.

The acidity of the lemon can cause irritation.

Balm for rough skin

Orange balm oil based.


Application features:

  1. Lubricate the skin with a solution of a mixture of all ingredients and put on gloves.
  2. Let the mixture soak for no more than half an hour.

A five-minute massage will be enough instead of a mask for prevention purposes.

Baths for hands

Hand masks at home can be partially replaced with baths. These procedures speed up the metabolism and nourish the cells with useful substances.

Bath name Ingredients Quantity Preparation and use
Dairy milk
lemon juice
200 ml
1 lemon
  1. Warm up the milk a little.
  2. Keep your hands in the liquid for 15 minutes.
  3. Wipe the skin with napkins, moisturize your hands with lemon juice.

The milk bath prevents skin aging, moisturizes and whitens it.

With potato broth potato 3 pcs.
  1. Let the potatoes boil in a small saucepan.
  2. Cool the resulting broth to a warm state.
  3. Hold hands for a quarter of an hour, rinse the skin with water.
Starchy starch 3 tbsp
  1. Let the starch dissolve in the water.
  2. Keep your hands in the solution for 30 minutes. Thanks to the starch, the product is able to penetrate deep into the pores to moisturize the hands and make them smooth and toned.

At home, hand masks can easily and affordably help women of all ages achieve healthy looking skin. Thanks to conventional product-based treatments, early signs of aging and other skin problems will bypass well-groomed hands.

Article formatting: Oksana Grivina

Video about hand masks at home

Effective Recipe with oatmeal:

Wrinkled and dry skin of the hands upsets a woman and makes her uncomfortable. Moreover, it betrays her age, and sometimes even adds extra years. And housework, heaters, cold water, strong wind or hot sun contribute to this as well as possible. In order not to age prematurely, use hand masks made from natural ingredients.

Home remedy for dry skin.

This mask will help eliminate irritation and peeling on the hands. It is especially useful in the autumn-winter period, when weather conditions have the strongest effect on our skin. The basis for it is honey. He contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that will help heal cracked and inflamed areas.

A teaspoon of thick honey should be heated in a water bath. But he must not become hot, otherwise all of his beneficial features will be lost. In the meantime, a few leaves of aloe should be cut, passed through the garlic and squeezed with gauze. All you need is a teaspoon of juice. But remember that before that, it is important to keep the freshly cut leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for at least 10 days to enhance the effect of the juice. very much appreciated in cosmetology. It is often used as an elixir of youth and an antibacterial agent.

Included in many homemade beauty recipes and is excellent for dry and aging skin. It will also be needed for this mask to soften and restore damaged tissues. It is necessary to pour about 90 ml of olive oil and 5 drops of sandalwood oil into the already prepared mixture of aloe and honey. The latter improves skin elasticity, rejuvenates it, and is even used in aromatherapy to combat depression.

The mask should be kept on hand for 15 minutes. It is applied both on the back and on the outside of the palms. Wrap with polyethylene on top and put on mittens. All this time, the hands should be warm. At the end of the procedure, the remnants of the product are wiped with a soft dry cloth.

Carrot mask for chapped hands.

With its help, the skin will become velvety, and there will be no trace of wounds and cracks. There is no need to be afraid that after the session the hands will turn orange. To prevent this from happening, carrots need to be held in a steam bath or in a double boiler. After that, the coloring pigment will go away, but the beneficial substances will remain. Take two tablespoons of finely grated carrots and mix them with 30 g of fat sour cream, 10 ml of olive oil and 30 g of starch.

Carrots will give the skin elasticity and freshness, and restore its health. Lactic acids will soften the hands and exfoliate dead skin cells, and starch will relieve inflammation. Apply the mask in a thick layer on your hands, put on disposable gloves, and warm kitchen gloves on top. To fix the result, repeat the procedure 7 times.

Video recipe with yolk and sunflower oil.

Double action mask.

This is a unique home remedy that moisturizes the skin and makes it look younger. It is especially useful to use it in the cold season. It is enough to spend two sessions a week to notice pleasant changes in appearance hands This mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Prepare for her two tablespoons of cottage cheese and knead all the lumps in it. It must be high in fat content to nourish the skin well. An acidic product will, on the contrary, dry it out.

Pour in 25 ml of olive oil and add the zest of one lemon. Citrus fruits perfectly whiten the skin, remove excessive pigmentation from its surface and soften the cuticles. You will also need a tablespoon of brewed green tea. It relieves redness, strengthens capillaries and helps prevent the development of rosacea - the vascular network. With a curd mask, you need to stay for about 25 minutes. After that, it is washed off with warm water, and the hands are lubricated with almond oil.

Softening composition from viburnum.

Thanks to him, your hands will be saturated with microelements and vitamin C, become tender and pleasant to the touch. The acid in the composition of the berries will create a peeling effect for rough skin areas. Combine 200 g of viburnum, 100 g of fatty cottage cheese, 4 leaves of cabbage and 20 ml of glycerin and castor oil. The last component smooths minor wrinkles and eliminates dryness, which is very important for aging skin. Whisk all products in a blender and apply on hands for 10 minutes. To revive chapped skin, use the mask 4 times a week.

relieve you of peeling and cracks on the skin. The root crop must be cleaned, finely grated and combined with banana pulp, 10 ml of olive oil and 5 drops of vitamin E. After mixing all the components, the resulting composition is applied to the skin and washed off with warm water after 20 minutes. If you carry out the procedure every day for a week, you can solve the problem of dry hands.

Super remedy for aging skin.

If your hands are rough and dark from constant hard work, prepare a rhubarb mask that will whiten the skin and restore softness to them. The peeled stems of the plant must be poured with boiling water, put in a steam bath for 15 minutes, and then cool and smash in a blender.

After that, 6 teaspoons of the resulting puree should be combined with the same amount of homemade cream, 15 g of starch, 10 ml of olive oil, egg yolk, 20 g of mashed potatoes, 3 drops of lemon oil, 5 drops of verbena and geranium oils, as well as a tablet diluted in milk cosmetic yeast.

Mask for dry and flaky hands

suitable for both adults and children. Its main ingredient is beeswax. It relieves inflammation and heals cracks. Only 3 g of wax needs to be melted in a steam bath along with three teaspoons of shea butter and cocoa butter. Then you need to pour in 30 ml of almond oil. When the mask has cooled down a bit, it can be applied to the hands.

Dried fruit mask

will help to give your hands a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. Dried apples and pears should be poured with boiling water. When they are steamed, you need to grind them through a sieve or beat with a blender. After that, 50 ml of cream and egg yolk are added to the crushed mass. The mask can be made every day and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Rejuvenating composition with a lifting effect.

Pour 25 g of gelatin with 50 ml of milk. After an hour, put the swollen mass in a water bath. Do not let it boil and stir constantly. Then add 30 ml of liquid honey and the same amount of glycerin. Mix the ingredients and apply to the skin. This mask can also be applied to the face and décolleté.

Carrot mask for wrinkles.

Steam the carrots, grate them, mix with 10 ml of liquid honey, the same amount of olive oil and 8 drops of lemon juice. The mask will thicken with oatmeal. After the procedure, your skin will become healthy and soft. Do beauty treatments once a week.

Untidy hands not only give away a woman's age, but also make her look older. To prevent this from happening to you, always use protective equipment when gardening and when in contact with cleaning agents. Never neglect nourishing and moisturizing creams, as well as homemade beauty recipes.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


You don't like the way your hands look? If the skin becomes wrinkled, dry, and the nails brittle and brittle, try folk remedies. A rejuvenating hand mask at home will easily transform your look. Use it regularly to saturate tired skin, restore softness and tenderness, cheer up with pleasant aromas. Find the right recipe, and hand care will be a pleasure!

How to rejuvenate the skin of the hands at home

Many women for skin rejuvenation should try complex therapy:

  1. Include fish, fresh vegetables, flax seeds, nuts in your diet: they will saturate the body from the inside.
  2. Gloves will be a reliable barrier to dangerous chemicals while cleaning the house.
  3. Use protection before starting work, and after - a means of nutrition.
  4. For the winter, buy a greasy cream, wear mittens, use sunscreen in the heat, and moisturize your skin.
  5. Systematically pamper her with masks or baths so that she remains young and well-groomed.

Anti-aging masks for hands and nails

With age, unpleasant changes occur with the skin: smoothness is lost, wrinkles, roughness appear, the color becomes dull. To maintain beauty, she needs more fat and moisture. Anti-aging hand masks at home are prepared from natural products, provide proper care, solving both problems: hydration and nutrition. Below are some recipes. simple masks prepared from natural products.

Nutritious baths

Need a long-term effect? For these purposes, it is necessary to prepare the skin, which warm baths for hands and nails will do just fine. The mixture should be slightly hotter than your comfortable temperature. Dip your hands, gently massage them, this will help speed up the process. After 15 minutes, complete the procedure with a soft scrub and rich cream. To restore the skin of the hands, repeat the baths three times a week, the ingredients can be alternated.

Mix options:

  • decoction of nettle (gently cleanses pores, exfoliates) and calendula (treats inflammation, micro-cracks);
  • sea ​​salt will relieve irritation, strengthen;
  • whey or milk (2 cups) - cleanses pores, brightens age spots, eliminates wrinkles;
  • infusion of blueberries and blackberries - tightens pores, strengthens blood vessels, restores damaged cells, saturates with collagen;
  • cabbage brine with crushed flax seeds - deeply cleanses, heals cracks, helps soften the skin of the hands;
  • 2 liters of chamomile decoction, 4 drops of iodine, 30 g of any oil - saturates with moisture, evens out color, regenerates, restores elasticity, improves tone;
  • decoction of St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves and berries - tones, relieves inflammation, helps to rejuvenate the hands, the skin becomes soft and supple.

Homemade hand cream

A self-made cream made from natural products softens the skin, is perfectly absorbed, and is easy to prepare. Store in refrigerator. Recipes for youthful skin that can be used daily:

  1. Mix well the decoction of the string (teaspoon), softened butter (50 g), honey (teaspoon). The cream refreshes, rejuvenates the skin, makes it soft, smooth, heals wounds and cracks.
  2. Mix glycerin (4 tablespoons), lemon juice, vodka (1 tablespoon). Pour in the crushed oatmeal until the density of sour cream. The cream eliminates dryness, makes the skin soft.

Recipes for effective anti-aging hand care masks at home

To make the hand mask at home more useful, follow some rules:

  1. Use fresh produce.
  2. Reschedule the procedure if the skin is damaged.
  3. Before applying the compositions, remove the varnish, use a scrub with small particles.
  4. After applying the mixture, put on cloth gloves and leave the product for at least half an hour, you can overnight, so it will be better absorbed.


From lack of moisture, the skin ages, loses its smoothness, becomes dull, and there is a feeling of tightness. Elasticity decreases, wrinkles deepen, irregularities form. Anti-aging hand masks at home will moisturize dry skin and relieve flaking. To maintain the effect for a long time, apply mixtures regularly, recipes can be alternated, new components can be added.

Paraffin for hands

Paraffin therapy will restore the skin of the hands, heal cracks, strengthen joints, and remove toxins. You will notice the result immediately, and to get a long-term effect, do 5-10 procedures. Before applying a paraffin mask, use a scrub, after - a serum or cream saturated with collagen. Break the paraffin into pieces, melt with a water bath. Dip and immediately remove your hands (the liquid should be warm), repeat 7 times. Put on plastic gloves, wrap with a woolen scarf or put on mittens. After 30 minutes, wash off the paraffin, apply a nourishing cream.


A useful honey mixture, penetrating into the smallest pores, saturates the skin, starts the process of cell renewal, restores youth and freshness. It is good to make a mask for several hours (at night). Wear gloves to absorb well. Mix the ingredients thoroughly:

  • egg yolk;
  • lemon slice juice;
  • 50 g honey;
  • olive oil 30 g.

With olive oil for nails

Monounsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins, which the composition of the oil contains, help prevent delamination and strengthen nails. Effective masks:

  1. If you need to strengthen your nails and speed up their growth, rub warm olive oil on them daily before going to bed.
  2. Mix olive oil (a tablespoon), the same amount of lemon juice, add 3 drops of iodine. Apply to clean nails, wipe off with a paper towel after 20 minutes.


If the hands lack vitamins, roughness, small cracks appear, they peel off, lose their elasticity. The main goal of nourishing masks is to deliver minerals and substances that are indispensable for cell renewal deep into the skin. Effective glycerin, whey, citrus extracts, vegetable oils, bee products, boiled potatoes.

For hands at home with glycerin

Glycerin for hands will help to saturate with moisture, protect and smooth the skin. Recipes for masks based on it:

  1. Melt honey (a teaspoon is enough), add the same amount of glycerin, starch and dilute the mixture with herbal decoction until sour cream is thick.
  2. Finely chop the lemon slice, mix it with the yolk, add a small amount of glycerin and sour cream. Distribute by hand. The composition will rejuvenate, restore velvety and smoothness to the skin.

Mask for nail growth with lemon

Lemon will help to strengthen, saturate nails with useful fruit acids, and accelerate growth. Remember that this is an aggressive remedy that should not be used frequently, maximum once a week. Lemon itself or aroma oil is suitable for the mask:

Homemade anti-aging hand mask
