How to make black beldi bath soap. Bath soap: it is better to choose a natural soap-based bath soap recipe

In this post I will talk about already known products - white and black soaps from "Grandmother Agafya", as well as about the intrigues of competitors - green soap from "Floresan".

For starters - black and white soap from Grandma Agafia

Natural Siberian bath soap. Agafia black soap

Description from the manufacturer

Rare wild plants contain a phenomenal amount of vitamins and nutrients, so their extracts are indispensable for skin and hair care. Based on many years of experience and traditions of the inhabitants of Siberia, our cosmetologists have selected 37 of the most healing herbs and have been creating the formula for more than two years. perfect care for the whole body. The composition of black soap includes tar and birch chaga, so this product is unusual for black soap. It can be used both as a shampoo and as a shower gel.

Compound: water, oils: cedar, Dahurian soybean, silver fir, Altai sea buckthorn, juniper, amaranth, dog rose, burdock, linen; infusions: sage, celandine, lemon balm, lungwort, chamomile, succession, yarrow, nettle; sodium laureth sulfate, cocamide dea; extracts: bearberry, elecampane, siberian root, pine resin, black alder cones, golden root, oak moss, usnea, Siberian cones, white and red soap root, marshmallow root, maral root, licorice root; Altai mountain wax, tar, birch chaga, bee bread, Siberian larch pomace, stone oil, preservative.

Expanded opinion:

This soap is main gift for my friends living outside the Russian Federation. Everyone loves it, including myself. I use it for washing the whole body and for washing my hair after homemade henna masks - it washes everything off perfectly, giving my hair a pleasant unobtrusive aroma. It cleanses the skin well without overdrying it. Quite economical - the bank is spent for a long time.

Price: 120 rubles in Auchan
Grade: 5+ out of 5
Test period: more than a year, as soon as one can ends, I buy the next one

Natural Siberian bath soap. Agafia white soap

Description from the manufacturer:

The composition of white soap, in addition to many medicinal Siberian herbs, includes goat milk, white willow extract and some of the most valuable oils for skin and hair, which makes this product the most nutritious, light and fragrant. The soap can be used both as a shampoo and as a shower gel.

Expanded opinion:

Soap from the same manufacturer, but a completely different product: not jelly like black soap, but a dense white mass with a floral scent. I take the third or fourth jar solely for the sake of variety, although I like this soap less than black - it does not wash my hair so well, after white soap they get confused. For the body, it works similarly to black soap - it does not dry out the skin, but it is distributed worse over the skin.

Price: 120 rub.
Grade: 4 out of 5
Test period:

The manufacturer also has a flower soap, but, unfortunately, I have never seen it in Auchan.

A couple of weeks ago, running into a row of stands with cosmetics, I saw on the shelf not only white and black soaps from Babushka Agafya, but also three types of unfamiliar jars: black, white and green bath soaps from Floresan. After sniffing the black and white (they look great like Grandmother Agafya's products), I came to the conclusion that I don't really like the smell - it smells like chemistry, but the green one had a pleasant coniferous smell, I took it for a test.

Floresan Natural taiga green soap for bath and shower for body and hair care Formula: 38

Description from the manufacturer:

Natural taiga soap for baths and showers for body and hair care The development of cosmetics in Rus' is largely due to the history of our country. Ancient Russian pagan beauties especially valued natural remedies and skillfully used them. The healing properties of herbs and flowers were widely used. A special role in skin care was played by the Russian bath, which was a kind of beauty parlor. It was believed that the bath helped to heal not only the body, but also the soul. That is why we have created Natural Taiga Soap, developed on the basis of natural saponins contained in the soap root, enriched with extracts of medicinal plants. Due to the high content of oils, when using soap, an aroma therapy effect is created, which is enhanced when soap is used in the bath. All extracts and oils are good for both body and hair, so our soap can be used as a shower gel and hair shampoo.

Natural taiga green soap, developed on the basis of natural saponins contained in the soap root, enriched with extracts of horsetail, nettle, wild rosemary. Due to the high content of fir, pine, pine nut oils, when using soap, an aroma therapy effect is created, which is enhanced when soap is used in the bath. All extracts and oils are good for both body and hair, so our soap can be used as a shower gel and hair shampoo.

Compound: it was not possible to take a picture directly on the bank - I had to tear off the label

Expanded opinion:

Outwardly, the soap looks like black soap - the same dark jelly, it also looks similar to the touch. True, there is no funny birch leaf, as in black soap, in green - but they could at least put a twig :) It has a strong smell of needles. My body does not dry them, it is well distributed over the skin, but the hair got tangled after the first wash and I will not experiment anymore.

Price: 100 rub.
Grade: 4 out of 5
Test period: 2 weeks

Have you tried Floresan bath soaps?

No matter how much the majority of sauna visitors dislike the biting blows of a steamed broom, the main purpose of the steam room is to wash the body, which is carried out with the help of special cleansers. They can be either solid or liquid. One of these products is bath soap, the choice of which is distinguished by its own characteristics.

Soap in the form familiar to us appeared relatively recently. In the old days, sand and ash were used to cleanse the body. In ancient Egypt, beeswax paste diluted with herbal infusions was used. But such a composition was affordable only for wealthy citizens. The prototype of modern soap was developed in Italy in 1424.

And although today they produce a wide variety of types of products, our grandmothers still used standard soap bars. Now anyone can buy soap to their liking: solid, pasty, liquid, with the addition of scrub and cream. At the same time, many manufacturers strive to return to the roots, releasing soap with the maximum content of natural substances.

The benefits of a natural product

Natural soap is best suited for use in hot, humid bath conditions. It does not contain chemical compounds, which means:

  • Not only cleanses the hair, but gives it volume and strength;
  • It has a healing effect on the skin.

This tool costs a little more, but it also lasts for a longer period.

How soap works

When soap and water interact, a foam is formed that absorbs and dissolves dirt. After washing off, the skin becomes clean and beautiful.

If the soap contains a significant percentage of alkali, then the foam must be removed very carefully. Otherwise, it will disrupt the acid balance of the skin, cause irritation and inflammation. It is not recommended to use soap to cleanse the face of people with sensitive skin.

Bath soap selection

One of the most important factors influencing the choice of soap is the type of skin. For example, in no case should you wash a dry cover with an oily one.

When buying soap, pay attention to its expiration date. It seems to many that the product can be used indefinitely. But if the soap is made from natural ingredients, then after a certain time its use will give an unpredictable reaction.

The composition of the product is important. The presence of certain components allows you to solve various problems:

  • Glycerin softens the skin and reduces the negative effects of hard water;
  • Alkaline supplements help fight acne;
  • Creams and essential oils improve the condition of dry skin.

Overview of modern bath soap options

Modern production offers many options for bath soap. They can have a different composition, shape and color.

Soap from "Grandma Agafia"

A popular product, consisting only of natural substances. This soap smells good, cleans the skin well, does not dry out the hair, has a uniform consistency and affordable price.

The only downside is the packaging. You have to take soap with wet hands (there is no other way in the bath), which means that water will get into the jar anyway.

Soap natural Siberian

The black product, "decorated" with a leaf and placed in an unusual-looking jar, is characterized by almost unique properties. It perfectly foams and moisturizes, has a pleasant woody-herbal smell, looks like black and green jelly.

When creating Siberian soap, 37 medicinal herbs are used, giving a phenomenal amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Honey soap

Tonic product consisting of real honey, oil grape seeds, vitamin E, natural loofah, a mixture of coconut and palm oils. Soap helps with cellulite, improves skin condition.

Soap "Peppermint"

Formulated with mint & olive oil. Ideal for all skin types, including sensitive ones. Qualitatively brightens dark spots, smoothes and tones the skin.

The inner layer of soap consists of an olive base, Shea and avocado oils, natural loofah. Regular use of the product in the bath makes the skin soft and supple, saturates it with oxygen, improves blood circulation.

Soap from Floresan

Green soap, created specifically for the bath. Emits a pleasant, coniferous aroma, enriched with extracts of medicinal herbs. Its use in the bath allows you to create the effect of aromatherapy.

Homemade soap with goat milk

Boiled in goat milk with the addition of natural silk, essential oils of neroli, Shea butter, certain aphrozodiacs. Allows you to remove irritation and apathy, make the skin more "alive".


The main thing to rely on when choosing soap for a bath is the positive characteristics of the product, the desired effect of use, and, of course, the personal preferences of the steam room visitors.

Who knew how to completely abandon working days and get real pleasure from seemingly familiar hygiene procedures, so these are our ancestors! A hot stove, a resilient biting broom, fragrant bath soap and, at the end, a puffing samovar of tea brewed with medicinal herbs - bathing in the bath was like a special festive ritual.

After the bath, the person seemed to be reborn anew, the tired body left the tension, and it was possible to plunge back into routine everyday life.

Soap types

Soap differs in composition, purpose and scope:

  • Medical - depending on the additives, it has both disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, and is also a dandruff remedy;
  • Bath - designed specifically for washing steamed skin. Thanks to the addition of plant extracts, it cleanses the skin as well as possible. The so-called "black bath soap", containing birch tar and chaga, is also suitable for washing hair;
  • Toilet soap - it is this that most often lies in the bathroom of the inhabitants in the soap dish. Composed of synthetic fatty acids or natural sodium salts. Sometimes additives are used. It is used for personal hygiene in combination with other body and hair care products;
  • Household - universal, the alkalis included in its composition qualitatively and quickly dissolve dirt.

Bath soap - black soap with tar

A bit of history

Soap appeared relatively recently, only in the 14th century in Italy. Before that, they washed with the help of improvised means: ash or sand. The ancient Egyptians, well, not real sybarites, used a special paste cooked on the basis of beeswax with the addition of herbs and honey. Such pasta cost fabulous money and was beyond the reach of many even wealthy people.

For a long time, soap was the only effective skin cleanser. With the development of science and technology, a breakthrough has also occurred in the cosmetics industry: today, store shelves are literally bursting with a variety of shampoos, shower gels, scrubs, masks and other products. However, true connoisseurs of the Russian bath still prefer to wash with soap, ignoring industrial achievements. Why?

Benefits of bath soap

  • High disinfecting properties;
  • Natural composition: in bath soap there are many times less perfume and aromatic additives that can cause allergies or irritation on steamed skin and more of all kinds of medicinal components;
  • Affordable price - soap is available to all segments of the population, and for many, alas, it is the only means of hygiene.

What is bath soap made from?

Bath soap contains:

  • Sodium salts of edible fatty acids;
  • Animal fat (meat production waste);
  • Water;
  • Palm and coconut oil;
  • Titanium dioxide (bleach);
  • Antioxidant;
  • plasticizer;
  • Additives (fruit and berry extracts, essential oils, herbal infusions).

How to make your own soap

Handmade bath soap is not only a natural and environmentally friendly product, but also an opportunity to bring your ideas and fantasies to life. The soap-making process is very addictive and often turns from a simple hobby into something more, bringing significant income to the family budget.

Required Ingredients

  1. The basis . White or transparent soap base is freely sold in specialized stores. You can also take the usual baby soap(for those who are trying to make soap for the first time, it is better to take it);

  1. Base oil - it can be absolutely any oil: peach, olive, apricot, depending on your preferences;
  2. Essential oil - here you need to clearly define for what purposes the end result will be used. For an attempt to get rid of cellulite, orange oil is ideal, it will cleanse oily problematic skin - tea;

  1. Dyes - food or special. Here you can save and use natural products A: coffee, juice, chocolate, etc.;
  2. Other additives . They are introduced into the composition to give the soap some given property. For the manufacture of scrub soap - oatmeal or ground coffee; for more velvety skin after washing - honey or cream;
  3. Soap molds.

If you are new to soap making, use the usual children's molds that are played in the sandbox, this way you will reduce the cost of the first experience.
Well, if you started cooking in earnest, it is better to fork out for more practical and diverse special forms.

  1. Water bath container;
  2. A decoction of medicinal herbs, warm milk or plain water for diluting the base;
  3. Alcohol or vodka for lubricating mold surfaces;
  4. Fantasy.

Stages of work

The instructions for making soap are simple, however, in order for the final result to bring satisfaction, you must carefully follow the technology.

  1. The soap base or a piece of baby soap is cut into small pieces or rubbed on a coarse grater;
  2. On water based on 100 gr 3 teaspoons;
  3. While the base is heating, add cream or milk (very little) to it until a creamy mass is obtained. You can replace the liquid with sugar, from this the base will melt better and faster;

  1. When the soap base is completely melted, it's time to add the ingredients:
    • - essential oil - 5 drops;
    • - glycerin - a teaspoon;
    • - dyes, flavors - to taste, but within reasonable limits;
    • - various additives - at the discretion of the creator (there is an opportunity to fully satisfy their ambitions of the artist and perfumer combined);
  2. Pour liquid warm soap into the mold. We must spray the surface with alcohol (in extreme cases) with vodka - this will eliminate the appearance of air bubbles;
  3. 2-3 days the soap cools down and hardens. To speed up the process, you can put it in the refrigerator;
  4. Carefully remove the bath soap from the mold and voila! it's ready to use!

How to use bath soap

bath soap self made you can wash your hands, body and even laundry, although this is expensive and unreasonable. It will bring the greatest benefit and a lot of pleasant sensations in the bath.

Before use, the soap is moistened and lathered. Next, apply the foam with your hands or a washcloth on the body. Soap deeply cleanses open pores, essential oils fill the skin with vital energy and give it a delicate aroma. The body is rinsed with water and blotted with a towel.


Bath soap, as they say, is "in trend", as it was many decades ago. Undoubtedly, its composition has undergone changes, but it still copes with its main mission - the fight against dirt, perfectly well.

The video in this article will show you a lot more interesting on this subject. Dare, who knows, maybe a real soap maker is sleeping in your soul, and this business is your true calling!

Table of contents:

White and black soap

Probably, every fan of taking a steam bath in the bath thought about what kind of hygiene product to choose for these purposes. It is best to use natural and organic products, and bath soap is no exception. Today, the market can offer a huge selection of useful hygiene products.

But earlier, when soap did not yet exist, people washed with sand or ash. The ancient Egyptians used a specially prepared paste, which was made from beeswax with the addition of a variety of aromatic herbs. For a long time it was considered a luxury, and not everyone could afford to buy it.

In 1424, the prototype of modern soap was brewed in Italy, which is considered the closest thing to today's products. Previously, a solid type of soap was more often produced. This is what our grandmothers used. Today, manufacturers strive to satisfy the needs of customers and provide a wide selection of a wide variety of products: liquid soap, with the addition of cream, scrub. You can buy an exclusive handmade product or make it yourself.

Soap and water will be the most effective means purification. And the best result can be achieved when visiting the bath. The foam that forms on the surface of the skin when water and soap interact, absorbs all the dirt and remnants of sebum.

Many cosmetologists talk about the need to take into account the composition of soap, as it may contain various alkalis. They adversely affect the condition of the skin, disrupting its acid-base balance. Rinse off such a remedy should be carefully so that the residue does not cause irritation or other unpleasant symptoms.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, you should choose your toilet soap carefully. Indeed, its composition often includes aromatic components that can cause allergies. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to use baby soap - no provoking components are added to it.

There are special types of soap.

  1. Means of medical purpose. Usually they are used for the treatment and prevention of acne. The composition may include borax, sulfur or tar and other medicinal components.
  2. Another type of soap is deodorizing. It is used by people with excessive sweating to get rid of bad smell and reduce sweating. It leaves a fresh smell on the body for a long time and prevents the growth of bacteria.

But you don’t need to get carried away and constantly wash these types of soap. This may cause an allergic reaction or skin problems. Before using such drugs, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

If you have sensitive skin, it is best to refrain from using soap when washing your face. Use special tools for these purposes. Today, an increasing number of manufacturers are striving to reduce the acidity of their product and make it as natural as possible.

How to choose a quality bath soap?

When choosing a bath product, consider your skin type. For dry, for example, the use of soap, which is intended for the greasy type, will be disastrous. It will dry out already dry skin. Be sure to pay attention to the following factors.

natural and healthy

  1. Best before date. It would seem that such a product can go bad. But if it is made from natural ingredients, then after the expiration date, an unpredictable reaction to these components is likely.
  2. Compound. After studying it, you can determine the presence of components that are unacceptable to you.
    • if glycerin is present in the soap, it will not only help soften the skin, but also reduce the negative effects of hard water;
    • various alkaline substances in the composition of the product will help to cope with acne;
    • essential oils and cream care for dry skin.

The brand is very popular today. natural cosmetics"Grandma Agafya's Recipes". Used for its preparation folk recipes based on useful properties ah herbs, fruits and other gifts of nature. Products "Recipes of Grandma Agafia" are made from natural ingredients and only cold-pressed oils. Literally all products of this product line use medicinal herbs.

The brand offers the following bath products:

  • natural Siberian white soap Agafia,
  • natural Siberian black soap Agafia,
  • natural floral soap grandmother Agafia.

Each remedy contains about 37 different medicinal herbs. You can use this soap not only in the steam room, but also in the shower. It is also suitable for washing hair.

When visiting a bath, you need to responsibly approach the choice of a cleanser. Today the market is rich in a variety of products. But in a place where the body is very well cleansed and the pores open, I would like to use completely natural products that will saturate the body with vitamins and improve the appearance.

The leader of sales is considered "Black soap of grandmother Agafya". This is a versatile product that can be used for all skin types. It has a pleasant smell, but will not kill the aroma of the bath itself. Its color is not typical at all - black soap. Try this popular black remedy from the "Grandma Agafya's Recipes" collection and evaluate its properties for yourself.

The entire line of bath products

Features of the action of the soap components that are also part of the products "Grandma Agafia's Recipes".

  • Aloe. It heals very well and has a beneficial effect on wounds or small cuts. Promotes renewal of the epidermis, makes the skin silky and smooth.
  • Celandine. The product in which it is included helps with skin problems.
  • birch extract. Perfectly eliminates the smell of sweat and reduces sweating. Highly recommended for use in the bath in the summer. Prevents inflammatory processes.
  • St. John's wort. Enhances skin tone and makes it elastic. The use of such soap in the steam room will improve the effect of the useful component.
  • Needles. The most common ingredient in bath cleansers. Its aroma soothes and relaxes very well, reduces inflammation and prevents ulcers from developing.
  • Various medicinal herbs - string, chamomile, nettle, oregano. They have a general strengthening effect. Favorably affect blood circulation in the vessels of the skin and stimulate its regeneration. The aroma of these herbs invigorates and adds strength.
  • Forest flowers. The most common flower additives are lavender and violet. This is not only an impeccable and persistent aroma of soap, but also the presence of useful properties that are inherent in each flower. Violet disinfects very well and is suitable for all skin types. Lavender removes excess fat from the surface.
  • Calendula. Well narrows the pores and reduces sebum secretion. Ideal for oily and acne-prone skin.
  • Fruits. Such additives do not have a therapeutic effect, but their distinguishing feature is an easily recognizable pleasant aroma.

Natural soap is always in price

A product with fruit extracts affects the skin condition in different ways.

  1. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and essential oils. Strawberry soap is good for dry skin. It will nourish it and revive the appearance.
  2. Apple - this soap base is suitable for all skin types. It perfectly cleanses the pores and gives tone.
  3. Raspberries are rich in organic acids. Raspberry base is recommended for combination skin, as it has a beneficial effect on its acid-base balance.
  4. Lemon - refreshes and brightens, nourishes with vitamin C.
  5. Currant - like lemon, will refresh the complexion and give a pleasant aroma.
  6. Strawberry and peach - well moisturize the skin, give it velvety and youthfulness.
  7. Pear is the basis of a universal soap that suits any skin type. It is rich in vitamins.

Whatever soap you choose for the bath, the effect of visiting the steam room will definitely not be long in coming. Our grandmothers were very fond of bathing. The procedure will energize you and give you great amount positive emotions. And most importantly - you will feel clean and light, like never before. After all, through the pores that expand in the bath, all toxins will come out, and the body will be cleansed not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Today, cosmetics manufacturers produce many options for body care. The traditional and most common type is soap, which is suitable for daily use. But it often happens that such cosmetic products are not intended for going to the bath, as the composition does not withstand high temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase special agent designed for these purposes.


Bath soap is different from toilet soap the usual version, which we are so accustomed to using for everyday hygiene. Thanks to the use of such a remedy in a sauna, you can get rid of many skin problems. Especially popular is liquid black soap.

Here are some of the salient features of the bath:

  • cosmetic product can be used as a shampoo;
  • during application, the skin does not dry out;
  • The natural ingredients present in the soap cleanse the skin well.

Particular attention should be paid to the composition. For the production of soap, only natural ingredients are used. Synthetic additives and various chemical constituents must be completely excluded from the composition during the creation process. This is due to the fact that under pressure high temperatures in the bath, such low-quality soap has a negative effect when used.

Another feature of this cosmetic product is the presence of antibacterial properties. Natural ingredients perfectly cope with minor skin problems. Soap is often used as a shampoo. In this case, you can get rid of problems such as itching and dandruff.


Modern manufacturers of cosmetic preparations offer several types of bath products. The most popular is solid soap. The main advantage of such products is that they are convenient to use. Only natural ingredients are used in the manufacture of the products.

One of the most popular products is honey. This component is combined with coconut and palm oils, which have a positive effect on the epidermis. Thanks to the use of a cosmetic product, the skin becomes moisturized, dryness and peeling disappear. Honey composition is popular among women, as it helps to get rid of cellulite.

An equally common option is white bath soap. It resembles a cream, during its application a voluminous foam appears. The composition contains such natural ingredients as milk, essential oils and nutmeg.

One of the universal types is natural Siberian soap, which has a black color. Its main advantage lies in its healing properties. Using a black remedy, the skin becomes moisturized, the cells are saturated with useful substances. During application, a pronounced woody aroma is felt, a lot of foam is formed.

Another natural option is a floral bath soap. It contains nectar and pollen, and wax plays the role of an additional component. It is good for taking care of problematic skin. The product has a moisturizing and nourishing effect.

How to choose

When choosing the right soap for the bath, you need to pay attention to several important points . One of the decisive factors is the type of skin. It is quite easy to determine it, it can be done without the help of specialists. If you notice that the skin is dry, peeling and irritated, you need to look at a product containing oil in the base. Already after the first use, the condition of the cover improves significantly.

But for oily skin it is worth choosing an option with natural ingredients that can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Fortunately, such products are presented in a fairly wide range.

One of the important factors is the composition of the product. It is best to choose products containing glycerin in the base. This substance softens the skin and protects it from the effects of negative external factors. Often, alkaline additives are present in the basis of cosmetic products, which is also an advantage. Their effect on the skin prevents the appearance of irritation and acne.

good option for the bath will be a thick cream soap. Most often, such products contain essential oils, which improve the condition of dry skin.

An important point is the expiration date of the product. If the base consists of natural ingredients, after the specified period, the cosmetic product may not benefit, but harm. Often, when using an expired product, allergic reactions on the skin appear.

How to do it yourself

If you did not have time to pick up soap for a bath in a store, you can easily make it yourself. To do this, you need to prepare a few simple ingredients. The main component will be an opaque soap base (100 g). You can prepare it using a water bath or a simple microwave.

In the process, be careful not to overheat the base. Bubbles should not appear on the surface, as this will affect the quality of the product in the future. The base must be removed from the bath immediately after it becomes soft.

The soap composition must be thoroughly mixed, and then the remaining ingredients should be introduced. Pre-prepare oils, crushed dry seaweed (sold in a pharmacy) and glycerin. All of these ingredients are good for dry skin. Glycerin (5 drops), algae (2 tsp) and, at the end, oils are added to the base.

If you want to give the product a rich color, you can add a dye to the composition. The hot mixture is well mixed, and then poured into molds. If there are no special containers at hand, you can use plastic food boxes.

Then you need to wait until the product is completely dry.. To make the soap separate easily, you need to lightly press the bottom of the mold. It is worth noting that such a handmade product will be an excellent option for a present.

Coffee can be used to create cosmetics. Women claim that the use of such a remedy allows you to get rid of the hated cellulite on your legs.

For cooking, you must use a soap base, coffee, oils and vitamins in ampoules. All these components can be purchased at any pharmacy. The manufacturing principle is similar to the previous one.

Top Producers

On the modern market there are many products for the bath from different manufacturers. The most popular are products from " Grandmother Agafya". The peculiarity of this brand lies in the fact that in the process of creation, manufacturers are guided exclusively by folk recipes. Many buyers note that thanks to this solution, the composition of the products is incredibly high quality and safe.

Soap from " Grandmother Agafya" may have different colour, composition and form. The most popular is the natural black product. The tool is sold in interesting jars, the composition is described in detail on the packaging. Based on customer reviews, we can conclude that the product has unique healing properties.

A good option is the Peppermint". The main advantage of the product is that it can be safely used for any skin type. The main active ingredients are mint and olive oil. During the use of soap, skin tone is evened out, age spots are lightened.
