Essay "a fairy tale about a teacher". "Why I Became a Teacher"

I was taught how to make theatrical toys at the "Children's School of Arts" in the city of Lesnoy. A very exciting process! I named my doll Emelya.

And together with the parents of the pupils, we got an unusual puppet theater. Parents made toys according to the model. And the children were satisfied that they can show fairy tales like real artists.

It is convenient for a child to act with such a doll, because its base is a tube. You can put the base on your finger or take it in your hand and drive the doll. Children and adults show fairy tales on the table, using different items for the interior of a fictional fairy tale. Or all the artists stand behind a theater screen, and only puppets are visible above, which makes it even more interesting.

Work sequence.

1. Roll a sheet of A4 paper into a tube so that the middle finger fits into the hole.

2. We wind a beige thread at the end of the tube. This is the future head. We wind until the base becomes round shape. We fix the end of the thread with glue.

3. We make out the face from colored paper: eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, nose, mouth. We sew hair from thick threads.

4. We cut out the shirt from printed fabric. We cut the rectangle on the side from two sides - these are the sleeves. We sew the seams of the shirt with a needle and thread.

5. We make hands from pink fabric. We fold the fabric like an airplane, and insert it into the sleeve, rewind it with a thread to secure the arm.

6. We process the edges of the resulting shirt and collar with braid.

7. For pants, you need a rectangle, which we cut from below. Got trousers. We sew legs into them (in boots or bast shoes, or in other shoes).

8. Patches can be sewn on the shirt and pants of the hero.

Thus we make other characters of the fairy tale. But for the head we use threads according to the color of the animal (a fox is orange, a pig is pink, a frog is green, etc.). We also sew clothes for dolls.

Material: character clothing fabric, different color and invoices; yellow tape; woolen threads of different colors, braid for processing the doll's dress, glue, needle, cotton threads, fur, colored paper, scissors.

The educator is the first person, after the mother, who meets the children on their life path. Educators are people who always remain children in their hearts. Otherwise, children will not accept and will not let them into their children's world. The most important thing in our profession is to love children. Give them your heart, love just like that, and not for something.

Why am I an educator? The answer to this seemingly simple question is still a mystery to me. Or maybe it's fate? Don't know…

A long time ago, in a certain kingdom, in a small state, there lived a beautiful girl. She studied well at school and always loved helping teachers organize holidays for the younger ones. schoolchildren. The years flew by like birds and now it's time to leave my native school. And where to go - there was no doubt. She went to study at a teacher training college.

How long, how short, but three years flew by unnoticed. And here she is with a teacher's diploma primary school in her arms she was supposed to go to the Far Far Away kingdom - the state to teach children the mind-reason. But fate decreed otherwise. Misfortune came to their family: then she died younger sister girls. And the father said: “You will not go to the distant kingdom - the state of children to teach! You will be by my side!" And the girl listened to her father and stayed at home.

Six months later, the fair maiden met a good fellow and fell in love with him. They began to live, to live, and to make good.

But the story is not over...

A little sun was born to them - a beautiful daughter. And she grew by leaps and bounds. And then one day they went for a walk together in the Buf Garden. And there is such a beautiful tower - kindergarten! It is full - full of guys! And everyone is playing and laughing. Then the daughter asked her mother: “I also want to play with the kids.” She thought about it: “How can I make sure that my daughter goes to the garden, and I don’t have to part with her for a long time?” And here's what she came up with. She took her pedagogical diploma, and went to that garden to ask that they be taken together. And in that garden there were all kind people, they gladly accepted their daughter into the garden, and the girl was told to work as a teacher. And it was called "Our Garden".

“It's like mother the second,” she thought, and agreed. She liked being a teacher. Came to the garden first. In that garden, every day is a holiday and new fairy tale. Today she is the Snow Maiden, and tomorrow she is the Gray Wolf. The children lived with her like in a fairy tale, and their eyes shone with happiness. Every day she realized more and more that she loves her children. And he loves any of them, just like that, and not for something. Well, the children answered her with their sincere affection and love.

So several years passed. The daughter grew up and went to school. And by that time, a heroic son was already growing up in the family. And he also went to Our Garden.

The girl thought then: but a few years ago she could have gone the wrong way. After all, she was destined to become not a teacher, but an educator. And having gone such a long way, there was a girl in a fairy tale called "Childhood".

Having solved this riddle now, and I can answer the question "Why am I an educator?" Because fate itself led me to my land of fairy tales. And I will never leave her. After all, my story has a happy ending.

Teremok on new way(Teacher's Day)

All employees of the kindergarten are invited to the music hall. The central wall is decorated with autumn leaves. In the center there is a flat house, on which the letters "Kindergarten "Swallow"" are glued.

Presenter:Dear Colleagues! Our dear, respected colleagues! Now we have our own holiday, the day of professional celebration - the Day of the Preschool Worker.
The host passes the word to the head of the preschool educational institution. Supervisor preschool thanks all employees for their work, sincerely and warmly congratulates on the holiday.

Children read poetry

1. Today is a holiday in Rus'

Educators of the country!

May their dreams come true

really transform!

2. Our favorite kindergarten
It's called "Swallow".
He is happy with children and adults,
Nice to live in!

3. We congratulate today
Their educators.
We love them, respect them
And now we will sing for them.

Children of the older subgroup sing the song "Ding-Ding Kindergarten"


The teacher will do everything:
He will punish, regret
Kiss and feed
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.
"Teremok" in a new way

Kindergarten will show us!

Tale "Teremok" in a new way

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok,
He's not low, he's not high, he's not high
Who lives in a teremochka?
Who-who lives in the low.
And children live in them,

Kids are like candy

(Soundtrack "Mustachioed nannies")
Looking wonderful
Diligent in deeds,
They love to work hard
And then have fun.
Adults are always around
No matter what trouble comes to the house.
(Soundtrack "Tired toys are sleeping")
A nanny walks across the field, a nanny is a sleepwalker.
She approached the teremochka and asked:
Who - who lives in the teremochka?
Who-who lives in the low?
We are kids - sweets, and who are you?
And I'm a nanny
I will caress the children
Put them to sleep at night
Sing a lullaby to them
Watching the kids...
(Affectionately sings a lullaby)
Come live with us.
With a nanny, the issue is resolved
The case became with the cook
How can we feed our children?
Who will cook the porridge?
(Soundtrack "I love pasta." The cook appears)

Who - who lives in the teremochka?
Who-who lives in the low?
We are children - candy
I am a nanny - a lullaby, and who are you?
And I'm a chef
Kitchens I'm a great gift!
Shchi, borscht, tomatoes,
Kasha and salads.

I will feed all my favorite children deliciously
We need such a person
Come and live with us.
What will the cook cook from now? You need a specialist who can get everything.
(Phonogram. The manager enters)
Who - who lives in the teremochka?
Who-who lives in the low?
We are children - candy
I am a babysitter
And I'm a chef
And who are you?
Supply manager:
And I am the manager, I will solve any issue
I've got it all
The bills have been paid (shows papers)
In any business I can stick my nose
And I'll settle the matter this minute
(looks around)
I will furnish your Teremok
I deliver great furniture!

We need such a person
We will never be separated from him.
Only kids need suddenly
Their best mentor, friend.
(Soundtrack "Kindergarten farewell", the teacher appears)

Who - who lives in the teremochka?
Who - who lives in the low?
Children are sweets, a nanny is a lullaby, a cook is a culinary specialist, a supply manager - I will solve any issue
And who are you?
We are educators quick legs
We do everything with children
We sculpt, write and play.
I am an educator, an observer for children
I will pick them up in the morning and exercise

Without such specialists
Not enough in the garden
Come work with us
Then life will boil
Your work must be directed so that everything is on time and according to plan.
We urgently need such a specialist.
(phonogram appears Methodist)
Who - who lives in the teremochka?
Who - who lives in the low?
Children are sweets, a nanny is a lullaby, a cook is a culinary specialist, a supply manager - I will solve any issue, teachers are fast legs.
And who are you
And I am a Methodist educational process observer
I make charts
Working hours count
I watch you work
If something is suddenly wrong
I clear everything quickly
I do something

Completely agree with you
We will be friends with you
Treasure this friendship

Adults and children know
It's not easy to lead.
And, of course, the first lady
It's also very hard to be.
Keep the rating of the garden,
Keep the answer in the RAYONO
For the work of the team
To speak loudly and beautifully
Account for things.
We really need a manager
(The Pink Panther soundtrack sounds, the manager appears)
Who - who lives in the teremochka?
Who lives in the low?
Children are sweets, a nanny is a lullaby, a cook is a culinary specialist, a caretaker - I will solve any issue, teachers are fast legs, a methodologist is an observer
And who are you?
I will answer you honestly
There won't be a song without me
I will make all decisions
I give advice to everyone
I'll scold someone
Or I'll give you an award.

Completely agree with you
We will not argue, it's clear
Finally a teremok
Fully equipped
Now everything seems to be in place
(Soundtrack "Oh, early, the guard gets up", the watchman enters with the inscription "Protection")
Who - who lives in the teremochka?
Who - who lives in the low?
Children are sweets, the nanny is a lullaby, the cook is a culinary specialist, the caretaker - I will solve any issue, the teachers are quick feet, the methodologist is an observer, and the head mother cannot convey everything in words. And who are you?

And I'm a watchman, I'm a guard
Without me, you just "YAM"
I will keep your tower
And watch out!
We need you very much
Come to us in the tower to live.
All in unison
In his new terem
We've been living for a long time
Our Teremok is simply amazing
It's so clean and beautiful here.
We say "Thank you"
And thank you for everything!

The child reads the verse:

4. A lot depends on you -
Fate before the school threshold,
And your role in it is so important
The soul grows in your hands.

Children of the preparatory subgroup sing the song "Teacher".

The child reads the verse:

5. We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you the most important
So that all children are happy -
All over the earth, all over the planet.

Tatyana Ovsyannikova

Once upon a time there was a teacher and her name was Tatyana Leonidovna. Every morning she woke up, washed her face, brushed her teeth and went to work in a kindergarten, a beautiful one, "Golden Hive" is called. Tatyana Leonidovna was a teacher in the junior group and affectionately called her babies "why", since every minute the children vied with each other to ask questions: "why is the grass green? "where does the rainbow come from? "how does the tractor work?" "why is the bee buzzing?"

And every day teacher taught them independence: who to put on pants, who to hold a spoon, collect toys for themselves. The kids tried very hard, but much still did not work out. Tired Tatyana Leonidovna, sat down to sort through the children's drawings, and suddenly she saw a rainbow pencil on her desk. Decided tutor check, what color is the pencil, and wrote the word "flower" on a blank sheet of paper. And suddenly, everything around shone, shone and appeared in front of Tatyana Leonidovna a flower of extraordinary beauty. Understood teacher that the pencil is magical, called kids to tell about it. And the children did not believe Tatyana Leonidovna, decided that she was telling them another fairy tale.

Then teacher I decided to prove to the children that I was right. But didn't want to Tatyana Leonidovna wasting magic for nothing on toys and ice cream, and she began to wait for the moment. And when once again the boy Lesha could not put on his pants, Tatyana Leonidovna asked him: "Don't you want, Aleshenka, to learn how to put on panties quickly, as if by magic." And Lesha is happy shouted: "Yes, yes. I want, I want." Took Tatyana Leonidovna that magic pencil, wrote Alyosha's desire. And at the same moment everything sparkled again, shone, and everything began to work out for Lesha. Aleksey believed that the pencil was magic and ran to tell the guys. The children ran up, shouting their desires with each other. But wise Tatyana Leonidovna explained to them that a pencil should not be wasted. All day the teacher told fortune for her kids who wants to hold a spoon firmly, who wants a pencil, who wants to put on socks, who fastens a button. Tired of the kids, and went to bed, and Tatyana Leonidovna I looked at the scattered toys and decided to make a wish too. She looks at the pencil, and it is already almost written on, a small piece remains. It was barely enough for her to write her wish. Again, everything around sparkled, shone. closed her eyes Tatyana Leonidovna from such a bright light, and when she opened her eyes, the group was perfectly clean, each toy lay in its place, and on the table, in a vase, there was a flower and shone with some special, magical radiance.

Now every morning when I come to work, Tatyana Leonidovna admired the extraordinary beauty of a flower that reminded her of recent adventures, and she met her "why-why" with even greater joy

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Author:Olga Yuryevna Postnikova, educator, MBOU "Malakhovskaya secondary school", structural unit of the kindergarten "Teremok"
Material Description: a fairy tale dedicated to all workers preschool education, written after talking with children senior group about the profession of an educator, about how they want to see him. Can be used in the joint activities of the educator and children: selection of photographs from the life of the group and children's family photographs as illustrations for this fairy tale.

Tutor Doesn't yell
Does not sit without work:
Everyone goes to him with desire
In the mornings for education -
And Alyosha, and Seryozha and Tanya.
Will illuminate everyone with a smile
The teacher does not shout.

And Galya came to Nekrichit
"Learn to play the guitar"
And Andrey came to Nekrichit -
"Let's go to the gym soon"
And the parents came running
And they shouted: “Oh! Oh!
Come quickly to our house!
Our boy, our bunny,
Such unbearable.
He shot with a slingshot
Broke through all the notebooks
He doesn't eat or sleep
And he's naughty all the time."

Says Nekrichit "It doesn't matter,
Bring him here
I'll say the magic word
And he will be educated again."

And they brought a child to Nekrichit -
So funny and mischievous
But after five weeks
He learned to write and read.
And with him a happy mother
As if on wings began to fly,
Cries with happiness and says:
“Well, thank you, Nekrichit!”

How much progress has been made
Jumped SMS.
But who is scribbling them?
Maybe an old friend Vorchit?

"Come, dear friend,
Hurry to my garden
I have no more life from these kids.

"What is it, really?
Are you fed up with kids?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!
Masha roared in the morning,
Dasha crawled under the table,
And Vadik ate sweets -
Now my stomach hurts.
You come soon
My good Nekrichit!

"Okay, okay, I'll come running,

Help with the kids!
But where to look for you -
Is there eight or five in the house?

“We live on Nekhochukha,
I don’t want - Nemoguhe,
In that naughty garden
Under the name of Caprice!

And Nekrichit got up, Nekrichit ran,
He flies through the streets like on wings
And only one word repeats Nekrichit -
Caprice! Caprice! Caprice!

And in his face the wind, and snow, and hail:
"Hey, Nekrichit, come back!"
But Nekrichit is in a hurry and repeats on the run:
“Help! Help! Help!”

And in the garden
And in the garden
Where is the car going?
Sitting and crying
At kindergarten
Sad friend Grumbles.

He is in a group, in a corner
Sitting under a palm tree
To mess with terror
Looks into all eyes.
And waiting for it to arrive
Our kind Nekrichit.

And the fidgets are jumping
They don't cry yet
But they speak angrily
"Why is there no Nekrichit?"
And next to the rascals -
Girls and boys
They are tired of running
And stand on your ears.

And then the preschoolers
Good guys,
But sorry, sorry, sorry
Poor preschoolers!
They sit and cry
“Well, how to solve the problem?
We need, we need, we need
We need a teacher!
They do not sleep and rave
"When will he arrive,
When will he arrive...
Will teach us everything!?

And next to three babies
You got bumps on yourself
And little Vityusha
I have been wanting to eat for a long time.
But the nanny got sick
And without her, not for days,
Neither days nor nights
He doesn't eat anything.
And hooligan Katya
Everything jumps on the bed
And for nothing in the world
She won't sleep.
Ah, little children
So who, who, who
Can you be educated?

But then a car appeared on the mountain,
And Nekrichit sits next to the taxi driver,
In a hurry, thinking "Somewhere
The children suffer, and my friend Grumbles"
Suddenly he sees below -
The kids from Caprice are waving.

And glad and happy all the kids:
“I have arrived, I have arrived! Hooray! Hooray!"

And runs unscreamed to the kids
To vermin and rascals,
And all in order
Teaches order.
Reads, reads stories to them.
And hooligan Katya
He finds a job
And he gets along with everyone
Stroking everyone on the head.
And every caress
Each caress
He treats with care and affection.

Several years
He doesn't eat, drink or sleep.
Several years in a row
Spare no effort for the guys.
Reads, reads stories to them.

That's how he raised them all.
Naughty and disobedient those
So I gave it to the school
And not how tired

Will remember Nekrichit kids.
And his parents shout "Hurrah!"
And lead to him with desire,
In the morning for education
Their glorious, their glorious kids!

Taught a friend to work Non-screaming,
And Vorchit Vorchitich doesn't scream anymore.
Nekrichitu became an ally in everything -
Smart and diligent teacher.
Glory to the good, glory to our educators!
