Eudialyte mineral properties. Eudialyte - characteristics and historical facts Where is the mineral used

A mineral that has an unusual multi-colored color and is mined only in Greenland, Canada and on the Kola Peninsula (near the Khibiny mountain range). Eudialyte stone is considered a rare representative, so its cost on the market is quite high. Eudialyte is a source of rare earth metals and a complex silicate of several chemical elements. Due to its unusual structure, it most often looks like a granular mass, and not like beautiful crystals.

magical properties

The stone harmoniously combines the energy of Yin and Yang, and if eudialyte is used correctly, its properties will manifest themselves as brightly as possible. The presence of powerful and strong energy inside the mineral allows it to increase the influence of other crystals on a person. It should be understood that energy can be bidirectional: positive and negative. Orientation is set depending on the nature of the owner.

Products from the mineral eudialyte are rare and expensive because it is rich in rare earth metals and is mined in only three countries of the world. Several centuries ago, the stone was considered the main attribute of warriors and fighters. It was believed that he reliably protects them from enemy attacks.

Summer therapists advise warriors to wear jewelry with eudialyte stones for the following reasons:

  • improved physical activity and health outcomes;
  • development of willpower;
  • elimination of fears, phobias, fears and subsequently cowardice;
  • reliable protection against injuries;
  • protection from traumatic situations.

It is recommended to be worn by entrepreneurs, businessmen, athletes and people whose professional activities are associated with any manifestations of risk. Eudialyte stones have the ability to direct all power and mental flows in a positive direction. Thus, a person gets the desired result.

  • self-confidence, the correctness of decisions;
  • helps to cope with causeless unrest or reduce their number;
  • gives positive and good energy to the owner;
  • relieves cowardice;
  • contributes to the development of invulnerability and sobriety of thinking.

Moreover, the mineral improves the psychological health of a person. It relieves chronic melancholy, blues, stressful experiences, depression. The stone gives hope good development events in the future and an optimistic vision of life.

How to choose jewelry with such a stone?

The mineral eudialyte in the form of an amulet will be an excellent addition to a business or everyday male image. The mineral will become a chic keychain for car or house keys. Its presence in the representative of the stronger sex can cause sympathy for a beautiful and smart girl.

Fortune tellers use eudialyte as a magic ball because of its positive energy. Wearing such jewelry is not necessary on a permanent basis. It is better to alternate mineral accessories with products from other stones.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Eudialyte occupies an important place in astrology, as it has a very strong influence on many signs of the zodiac. The magical properties of the stone may change depending on which sign eudialyte is combined with. It is a favorite object for study by representatives of this field. Its importance in this science is sometimes underestimated.

Who is this stone for? People born under the sign of Virgo need to get eudialyte. He will bring happiness, love and pleasant moments into their lives. The mineral will also affect Dev as follows:

  • save from melancholy;
  • quickly get out of a depressive state;
  • contribute to the return of the desire to live happily and interestingly;
  • return interest in previously forgotten favorite activities;
  • will help to reveal creative potential;
  • arrange love affairs;
  • set up contacts with old friends and allow you to find new ones;
  • will give internal strength;
  • help to cope with serious problems;
  • give confidence in action;
  • will inspire faith in the implementation of plans, etc.

Virgo men will help make important decisions, especially if the problem has been bothering you for a long time. Virgo women will notice the positive side different situations will begin to love life after some tragedy has happened.

Eudialyte will have a good effect on Lviv and Sagittarius. It will help to cope with excessive aggression and irascibility, promotes the development of emotional intelligence.

Healing properties

The chemical formula of eudialyte is zirconium silicate, sodium and calcium. These elements of the periodic table are endowed with certain magical properties that were transferred to the stone.

IN traditional medicine the mineral is used as a remedy for despondency and melancholy. If a person, for unknown reasons, begins to see hallucinations, he should wear a necklace or ring with eudialyte.

Some healers claim about such possibilities of the crystal:

  • cleanses the blood, saturating it with oxygen;
  • contributes to the fastest recovery from a cold;
  • destroys bacteria and infection provocateurs in the body;
  • affects the alpha rhythms of the brain;
  • Reduces the pain of frequent migraines.

While wearing a stone, even a pronounced pessimist changes his worldview in a positive direction.

The structure of the mineral, which includes rare earth metals, helps to get rid of problems with the pancreas and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid. The stone is used as a prophylactic against pancreatin, hypothyroidism, diabetes.

Those who have problems with the organs of vision will also not hurt to purchase eudialyte. If you start wearing jewelry with a mineral immediately, then after a week or two, improvements will become noticeable. Nearsighted individuals will be able to see distant objects, farsighted individuals will start easily and without auxiliary tools. It is important to contemplate on the stone several times a day. In the process of thinking should be optimistic

Eudialyte has a positive effect on the organs of the cardiovascular system, activating their activity to a normal mode.


You need to choose the shade of the stone based on your sign and what exactly you want to get from the jewelry, jewelers advise doing this in special establishments. If this is not possible, then you can view photos of products in online stores. It must be remembered that the appearance and color of the mineral in reality may differ slightly from the image.

The name "eudialyte" itself comes from the ancient Greek word "eudiálitos", which means "easily soluble". There are additional names for this stone: almandine spar, Sami or Lappish blood.

It is interesting to consider why the name of the stone is associated with blood. There is a legend that describes events since the existence of the ancient Sami. Once the Swedes attacked the Sami land, but the Sami won this fierce battle for freedom and independence. And in those places where the blood of warriors was shed, dark red gems appeared. Since then, the mineral has acquired such an unusual name. There are also stones of burgundy and crimson flowers with white-gray patches, which makes eudialyte truly beautiful.

Magical and healing properties

What power does the gem have? It has many useful properties:

  1. Since ancient times, warriors carry the mineral with them, since magical properties stones are aimed at protection from combat wounds. And talismans made from a gem contribute to the fact that a cowardly person becomes bold and courageous.
  2. Eudialyte is a stone of uncontrolled passion. It cannot be worn in combination with other minerals, as it enhances their magical properties, often insufficiently studied by scientists.
  3. Serves to get rid of melancholy and melancholy, is able to reduce heartache. People with prolonged depression are advised to wear a eudialyte talisman that gives optimism and transforms reality.
  4. What does the zodiac horoscope say? It is believed that the stone enhances the strong-willed qualities of Taurus and Capricorn. But it brings the greatest benefit to Virgos, increasing their innate potential: talents in various fields of activity. For Virgo men, the gem will help to cope with a sense of insecurity and their own male insolvency, and for Virgo women it will return the joy of life after being separated from a loved one. Ladies should wear a gem in a silver setting, and men are advised to carry a keychain with this stone.
  5. The mineral is the talisman of firefighters and climbers, as it serves as a protection against unforeseen circumstances and accidents.
  6. The energy power of eudialyte is great: the properties of the stone will help you develop extrasensory abilities. This is explained by the fact that the mineral deposits are located on the Kola Peninsula, which is a biogenic zone with powerful energy.

Eudialyte has a positive effect on human health:

  1. It has the effect of cleansing the blood, saturates it with oxygen.
  2. It is widely used in the treatment of migraines. Additionally, the mineral is used to get rid of obsessive thoughts and hallucinations.
  3. It is recommended to carry with you to people with an unstable psyche in order to avoid emotional upheavals and exhausting mood swings.
  4. For people suffering from cholelithiasis and pancreatitis, healers are advised to periodically carry a gem with them, which helps fight gastrointestinal diseases.
  5. The mineral has a beneficial effect on improving visual function, reduces intraocular pressure.
  6. Used as an aid to restore vitality and energy.


Eudialyte contains valuable rare earth metals. Strontium, which is part of it, is highly radioactive, although its radioactive background is not dangerous to human health. However, this is still the reason why it is so rarely made Jewelry from eudialyte.

The fact is that large crystals are forbidden to be processed due to the fact that the stone is radioactive. And small crystals are extremely rare in nature. Cabochon is a common form of eudialyte in processing.

The mineral is quite soft, so it is used as inserts in earrings and rings, which helps reduce the risk of scratches.

Eudialyte has a granular structure, so it looks harmonious in combination with beads or small beads. Cabochons look very beautiful when they look like two halves of different colors. Additionally, magic balls and figurines can be made from the mineral.

It is important to understand that it is worth carrying the stone as far away from the thyroid gland as possible and birthmarks. You can not carry a stone with you for a long time, as well as keep any product from this mineral in the workplace.

The beauty and sophistication of the gem make you want to buy it immediately. But, having become a happy owner of eudialyte, remember that you can not abuse its magical and healing properties.

Eudialyte has been known since the end of the 17th century. as "red leafy garnet" from Greenland. As an independent mineral, it was described in 1819 by Stromeyer. The name is from the Greek "ei" - good, "dialithos" - decomposable, according to the easy decomposition of the mineral in acids.

English name for the mineral Eudialyte

Synonyms: Eucolyte- eucolite (Scherer, 1847); mesodialyte - mesodialyte (Kostyleva, 1929); "Sami ( Lappish) blood», loparite(Fersman, 1940). Eucolite was isolated (Scherer, 1847) as an independent mineral. The name from the Greek "eucolos" is sufficient, since with a low content of SiO 2 it is quite saturated with FeO. Identity with eudialyte was proved in 1857 by Moller and finally confirmed when deciphering the structure. However, the title eucolyte firmly entered the literature to designate optically negative eudialytes containing increased amounts of Ca, Fe, Mn, Nb, TR. Under the name mesodialyte, isotropic eudialyte stood out. Barsanovite, described as a new mineral, corresponds to eudialyte with a pronounced piezoelectric effect. For its altered (hydrated) varieties, the names hydroeudialyte, oxyeudialyte, water-potassium eudialyte have been proposed.

Eudialyte, aegirine, sphene in nepheline syenite. Khibiny. Ca 6 F e 3 Zr 3 2 2

Chemical composition

Chemically, a mineral of complex composition containing variable amounts of additional cations and anions (up to A 5 X 10 , X-O, OH, Cl) in cavities formed by ring structure elements. Structural features of eudialyte make it impossible to express its composition by a single formula. Formula considering possible additional cations and anions;

Na 12 Ca 6 Zr 3 Fe 3 2+ 2 2 +4Na+K+2Cl
Na 12 Ca 6 Zr 3 Fe 3 2+ 2 2 + 3Na + K + Si + 2Cl + (OH)
Na 12 Ca 6 Zr 3 Fe 3 2+ 2 2 + 2Na + K + 2Si + 2Cl + 2(OH)

The theoretical composition of E. without taking into account additional cations and anions: Na 2 O - 13, 33, CaO - 12.06, FeO - 7.73, SiO 2 - 51.69, ZrO 2 - 13, 25, H 2 O - 1 .94. Characteristic isomorphism isovalent (between Na, K and H 3 O (?); between Ca, Sr, Fe 2+ and Mn; Zr and Ti) and heterovalent (between Na and Ba; Ca and TR; Zr, Nb and Ta; between Fe 3+ and Mg; Si and A1; O and OH-). Ferrous, manganese, rare-earth, rare-earth-ferruginous and rare-earth-manganese varieties of eudialyte are distinguished by composition.

The ratio of Zr:Hf in eudialytes is quite constant and equals 41-72 for Khibiny eudialytes, 42-70 for Lovozero, 75 for eudialyte from Greenland. Higher Zr:Hf ratios are characteristic of eudialyte from Cape Turye on the Kola Peninsula (72-83) and especially of eudialyte from Norway (122.6); wide variations in the Zr:Hf ratio have been established for eudialytes of the Middle Tatar massif (58-144). A high content of (Nb, Ta) 2 O 5 is noted in eudialytes from Norwegian massifs of nepheline syenites (2.35-3.52%) and from other alkaline massifs: Khibiny (up to 3.68%) and Lovozero (up to 1.86% ) on the Kola Peninsula, Dara-Pioz in Northern Tajikistan (up to 3.35%), Middle Tatar on the Yenisei Ridge (up to 2.45%), Ilimausak in Greenland (up to 1.57%). If it contains Nb and Ta, Nb usually predominates. The Nb/Ta ratio in the Lovozero eudialytes is about 9, in the Khibiny 9.2-54.8, in the Greenland 10.1-10.4. An abnormally high content of Ta (Ta 2 O 5 - 1.61% with Nb 2 O 6 - 1.43%) was found in eudialyte from albitites of the Neworpakhk mountain.
The highest content of TR 2 O 3 (up to 10.2%) is characteristic of eudialytes of alkaline massifs. The modified "eucolite" from the island of Madagascar has 22.5% TR 2 O 3 . The content and composition of the group of rare earth elements are typomorphic for eudialytes from rocks various types. The composition of the group of rare earth elements in eudialytes from nepheline syenites is essentially ceric, but with an increased (compared to coexisting TR minerals) content of heavy rare earth elements and Y. Eudialyte from nepheline syenites of Tomtor (Northern Yakutia) is characterized by an unusually high content of lanthanum. Eudialytes from alkaline syenites and alkaline granites are even more enriched in heavy rare earth elements and especially Y .
Most eudialytes contain Cl (up to 2.37%); the content of F is insignificant (up to 0.32%). In the eudialyte massif
Ilimausak was found in Li and Rb, in a mineral from Kovdor (Kola Peninsula): Li, Rb, Cs. In the Kovdor eudialytes, cesium may predominate over rubidium. In the stone from Cape Turye (Kola Peninsula), Sc was determined, in the Lovozero eudialytes - V, Cr, Ni, Cu. The content of thorium in eudialytes is usually very low. A high content of thorium (0.44-0.50% ThO 2 ) was noted for eudialyte from the Dara-Pioz massif. U was found in eudialyte from the Ilimausak massif; weak α-activity was found in two samples of the mineral from Greenland.

Crystallographic characteristic

Syngony. Triganal.

Symmetry class. Ditrigonal - scalenohedral D 3d - 3m (L 3 3L 2 3RS). The ratio of the axes, s/a-2.107.

Crystal structure

The structure of eudialyte, which is very complex, was deciphered by Giusepetti et al. on the material from Nayakasik (Greenland) (composition, according to X-ray analysis: Na 2 O - 13.6, K 2 O - 0.5, CaO - 11.0, MnO - 0.4, FeO - 6.4, Fe 2 O 3 - 0.5, TR 2 O 3 - 1.3, SiO 2 - 49.1, ZrO 2 - 14.0, Nb 2 O 5 - 1.1 , H 2 O - 1.1, Cl - 1.2%) and, independently of them, Golyshev et al. (1971) on material from the Khibiny massif.
A feature of the structure is the simultaneous presence in it of Si - O-rings of two types: triple (as in catapleite) and nine-membered (so far only found in eudialyte). In the latter, the diorthogroups alternate with single SiO 4 -tetrahedra turned inside the rings; the valency of the internal O atoms in the tetrahedra is not saturated, their place is probably occupied by OH groups - .

Along the period c (~30 A), 12 floors separated by O atoms are distinguished, which break up into three mica-like packets. In each package, the “core” of Zr(+Na)O 6 octahedra is covered from below and above by triple and nine-term rings, alternating along the threefold axes. CaO 6 -octahedrons are located between the packages, connected by edges into six-rings, which are covered from above and below by triple rings, and border on the rings along the periphery. Rings of CaO 6 -octahedrons are located at the nodes of the hexagonal grid, uniting through Fe 2+ -polyhedra of an unusual square configuration into a continuous openwork grid. Na + ions are located in the interstices of the cationic and anionic layers of the structure. Six Na atoms are located in Zr-"cores" and six - in silicon-oxygen rings, i.e. Na occupies a different position than Ca. The arrangement of atoms in the structure corresponds to the centrosymmetric law (R3m), but the Na atoms are significantly displaced, which causes a decrease in symmetry to R3m and the manifestation of a piezoelectric effect in some stones. There are cavities along the triple axes in the structure different sizes and configurations that accommodate additional cations and anions capable of ion exchange substitutions. In this way, its structure resembles the structure of feldspathoids or zeolites.
According to Golyshev et al., a rather large K + cation can enter the cavity inside the six-ring CaO 6 -octahedra, and two large Cl atoms can enter the cavity surrounded by three Na atoms from the Zr-“core” and three Na atoms from the silicon-oxygen ring . Two additional Si atoms can enter the center of nine-fold silicon-oxygen rings; in this case, 3 (OH) of the internal tetrahedra are replaced by O, the free vertex of the tetrahedra is completed with an OH group, and the 15 - radical is transformed into 15 - . However, Giusepetti et al. suggested that an additional fourth Zr atom, rather than Si, enter the center of the ninefold silicon–oxygen ring. The dimensions of these cavities allow the entry of Cl instead of Si (or Zr). Additional Na atoms can be statistically distributed in smaller voids. In total, 4Na + K and 2Cl or 3Na + K + Si and 2Cl + (OH) or 2Na + K + + 2Si and 2Cl + 2(OH) can enter the framework voids (per rhombohedral cell).

Form of being in nature

Crystal Shape. Crystals tabular according to (0001), rhombohedral, prismatic. With uniform development, positive and negative rhombohedra acquire a hexagonal shape.

Doubles not known.

Aggregates. Crystals (usually small, rarely more than 2-3 cm), crystalline aggregates, granular masses.

Physical Properties


The color is usually pink, crimson, blood-red, yellow, yellow-brown or brown differences are less common, sometimes white, purple, purple, green. The color is mainly due to the ratio of Mn 3+ and Fe 3+ .

Damn. White, light grey.

Glitter glass

low tide bold

Transparency Transparent in small fragments; crystals are usually turbid with alteration products or inclusions of the mineral-forming medium.


Hardness 5-6. Microhardness 511-681 kgf/mm 2 . Fragile.

Density 2.74-3.11.

Cleavage according to (0001) perfect (not always). Imperfect cleavage was noted along (1120), along (1010) or along (1014).

The fracture is small-cracked, uneven.

Chemical properties

Easily soluble in dilute HCl, H 2 SO 4 , acetic and oxalic acids with the release of silica precipitate; The pH of the suspension in water is 9.35-9.45.

Other properties

Luminescence in ultraviolet and cathode rays is absent or very weak. Weak electromagnetic.

Behavior on heating. When eudialyte from Greenland is heated to 400°, its birefringence decreases, but when cooled it recovers or even increases. When eudialyte was heated, a change in the optical sign was observed.

Artificial obtaining of a mineral

Eudialyte synthesized from a mixture of 6SiO 2 + ZrO 2 + 6Na 2 CO 3 + CaCO 3 + FeCl 2 + 4H 2 O c Na 2 SiF 6 or K 2 SiF 6 in the temperature range 450-550 ° at a water vapor pressure of 85-700 kgf / cm 2. The formation occurred only in a strongly alkaline medium (with an excess of Na2CO 3 ), in water vapor, with a significant predominance of Na over Al, in the presence of Ca and Cl (zircon crystallizes in a less alkaline medium and with a lower excess of Na relative to Al); in the presence of F, crystallization proceeds faster (isotropic or weakly anisotropic hexagonal eudialyte plates with n= 1.592 were obtained).

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Diagnostic signs

Eudialyte is often mistaken for garnet. It differs from it in the form of crystals, less hardness, brittleness, lower refractive indices, easy decomposability in acids.

Associated minerals. Zircon, sodalite, molybdenite.

Origin and location

Typomorphic accessory mineral of alkaline rocks and pegmatites. It also occurs in fenites, orthoclasites, and albitites associated with alkaline rocks. It forms significant accumulations only in agpaitic nepheline syenites. Usually associated with K-Na-feldspar, nepheline, aegirine, arfvedsonite, enigmatite, lamprophyllite, astrophyllite, rinkite and other rarer minerals of the alkaline complex. Eudialyte is confined to nepheline syenites.

Mineral change

In the low-temperature hydrothermal stage, it is replaced by catapleite, lovoserite, and, more rarely, zircon. Cases of replacement of eudialyte by elpidite, vlasovite, velerite, neptunite, monazite are described. Raspberry-brown eudialyte is replaced by honey-yellow, sometimes enriched in TR, Mn or Nb and Ta. In the course of post-magmatic processes (possibly also during hypergenesis), Mn 2+ and Fe 2+ are oxidized and eudialyte is hydrated to form hydroeudialyte, densely colored oxyeudialyte, and hydrous-potassium eudialyte. Catapleite, aegirine, neptunite, monazite, britholite, schizolite, white and brown mica, analcime, natrolite and fluorite, zircon, elpidite, narsarsukite, aegirine, and zeolites were found in polymineral pseudomorphs after eudialyte from pegmatites of the Ilimausak massif. In the pegmatites of Langesundfjord (Norway), there are pseudomorphs after eudialyte, composed of brown mica, chlorite, aegirine and fluorite; in pegmatites of massive urtites of the Yukspor and Kukisvumchorr mountains (Khibiny massif) - pseudomorphs of vadeite, aegirine, lepidomelane, natrolite and djerfisherite; in aegirine-riebeckite alkaline granites (the so-called fasibitikites containing up to 20% quartz) near the village of Amphazibitika (Madagascar) - pseudomorphs of quartz and zircon in association with pyrochlore and galena. With hypergene alteration of eudialyte, cirfesite, cirsite and potassium cirsite are formed, which, apparently, are mixtures of insufficiently studied oxides and hydroxides of Zr, Fe, Si, and TR. The group of rare earths is significantly depleted in heavy elements and Ce; the removal of Ce is explained by its transition to a more mobile one in Ce 4+ solutions.

Place of Birth

In melanocratic agpaitic nepheline syenites, it is widely distributed in Lovozero massif on the Kola Peninsula and the Ilimausak massif in the South-Western Greenland. In the Lovozero massif, it is constantly present in the rocks of the differentiated complex, lujavrites and pegmatites occurring in all these rocks; in vein varieties of eudialytic lujavrites and eudialytites, the content of eudialyte is up to 70-90%; associated with murmanite, lomonosovite, lamprophyllite, ramsaite, and loparite. In the Ilimausak massif, up to 12% of eudialyte is found in nauyaites, up to 14% in lujavrites, and up to 20-40% in kacortokites; the association of eudialyte with rinkite, enigmatite, astrophyllite, sodalite, neptunite, epistolite, polylithionite, stensrupine, nauyaksite, ramzaite, schizolite is typical. Eudialyte enriched in alkalis and chlorine is widespread in both massifs. In similar rocks, it was found on Ruma Island in the Los Archipelago (Guinea), in Waso (Piece, Wisconsin, USA), in the Pilandsberg area (Transvaal, South Africa), in Kargour Ibrahim on the southwestern coast of Libya, in lujavrite dikes Koksharovsky massif (Southern Primorye). In two clasts of agpaitic melanocratic syenite in association with orthoclase, nepheline, aegirine, cancrinite, wollastonite, apatite, titanite, and pyrrhotite, eudialyte was found on the slope of the cone of the active carbonatite volcano Oldoinio Lengai in Tanzania. In nepheline syenites of the normal series and in pegmatites, it occurs in association with enigmatite, astrophyllite, rinkite, titanite, apatite, ilmenite, britholite, lovenite, and rosenbushite. It is widely distributed in khibinites, foyaites and poikilitic nepheline syenites (rischorrites) of the Khibiny massif of nepheline syenites, in foyaites and sodalite poikilitic nepheline syenites of the Lovozero massif on Kola peninsula, in foyaites and sodalite foyaites of the Ilimausak Massif (Greenland), in foyaites of the Pilandsberg area (Transvaal), in nepheline syenites of Nosy Komba Island (Madagascar), Pump Station Hills, pcs. Texas (USA), the Ruma Islands in the Los Archipelago (Guinea), the Langesundfjorden Islands (Norway), Bu-Agra in the High Atlas Mountains (Morocco), the BezaEone massif (Madagascar), in the Kiysky and Middle Tatar massifs ( Krasnoyarsk Territory), Tomtor massif (Northern Yakutia), Queen Maud Land (Antarctica), in grennaites of the Norra-Ker region (Southern Sweden). Eudialyte has also been found in albitized nepheline syenites (mariupolite type) of the Berikul massif and the Dedova Gora massif (Kuznetsk Alatau), in albitized nepheline syenites of the Burpala massif (Northern Baikal region), and in albitized zones of the Yllimakh and Golts Strelka massifs (Central Aldan). In vein and igneous facies of nepheline syenites, eudialyte occurs in phonolites of Jebel Fezzan (Libya), Rum Island (Guinea), Apache, pc. Texas(USA); in the tinguaites of Kargour-Ibragim (Libya), the Kokshar massif (Southern Primorye), in the vein aegirine nepheline syenites of the Odikhinga and Oegincha massifs on the northern margin of the Siberian Platform. In nepheline-syenite pegmatites, eudialyte is also found in the Korgeredaba massif, the Sangilen upland (Southeastern Tuva), on Cape Turiem (Kola Peninsula), in Magnet Cove, pc. Arkansas (USA), Biapow Mountains, pc. Montana (USA), in exocontacts of the Dugda massif in the upper reaches of the Yenisei. In association with lamprophyllite, murmanite, ramsaite, and apatite, eudialyte is found in aegirine-arfvedsonite-feldspar pegmatites, cutting the dunite core of the Konder massif (Aldan); in association with rinkite and velerite in pegmatites of the Bii-Khem massif; with aegirine, velerite and zircon - in pegmatites occurring in gabbro-syenite of the Kadyr-Tag ridge (Eastern Sayan); with britholite, zircon, melanite and fluorite - in pegmatites of the Esil massif (Northern Kazakhstan); with melanocerite, leucophane, calcium seidoserite, and lithium biotite in albitized pegmatites and albitites of the Burpala massif. When nepheline-syenite magma interacts with rocks of contrasting composition, even more specific associations arise. For example, in the Inaglinsky massif (Central Aldan, Yakutia), in pegmatites occurring in dunites, eudialyte is associated with leucosphenite, ramsaite, batisite, innelite, and thorite. In Miller Mountains, pc. Texas (USA) and Otero, pcs. In New Mexico (USA), where nepheline-syenite and nepheline-analcime-syenite porphyries intrude limestones, eudialyte is associated with zeolites and calcium contact-metasomatic minerals.
In rocks of the melteigite-urtite series and associated pegmatites, eudialyte occurs in the Khibiny and Lovozero massifs, in veined malignites and ijolites of the Turye Cape, and in ijolite-urtites on the Yenisei Ridge. In the igneous analogs of urtites, the nepheline basalts of the Hobart region (Tasmania), eudialyte is associated with olivine, aegirine-augite, nepheline, sodalite, apatite, magnetite, and perovskite. The eudialyte of carbonatites of Kovdor (Kola Peninsula) is spatially related to ultramafic alkaline rocks. In alkaline syenites without nepheline, eudialyte occurs in the Talas Range (Central Asia), in aegirine-diopside syenites in the Tulin intrusion of the Maimecha-Kotui complex (Yakutia), in pulaskites of the Ilimausak massif (Greenland), in syenites of Pontic County, Quebec (Canada), Kipava Lake (Quebec) and Seal Lake (Labrador, Canada), Dun-Keldyk-Saya (Eastern Pamir); in association with albite, pectolite, apatite, and clinozoisite in aegirine syenite from Iwaki Island (Japan). In association with quartz, eudialyte is found in some quartz syenites and alkaline granites; in association with elpidite, epididymite, and neptunite, in aegirine-feldspar pegmatites with quartz in contact with sandstone xenoliths among the augite syenites of Narsarsuk (Greenland); in association with albite, titanite, thorite and titanomagnetite - in aegirine-feldspar pegmatites with quartz, genetically related to quartz-bearing pulaskites in the Synnyr massif (Northern Baikal region), although eudialyte was not found in nepheline syenites of this massif. In the Dara-Pioz massif (Northern Tajikistan), in pegmatites among quartz syenites, eudialyte occurs in quartz-feldspar block zones in association with titanite, betaphyte, ridmergerite, stillwellite, ecanite, thorite, polylithionite, schizolite, neptunite, apatite, and fluorite.
It is common in high-temperature contact-metasomatic formations: phenites and tweitosites of the exocontact aureole of the Lovozero massif (in association with lamprophyllite, neptunite, ramsaite, pectolite, murmanite, rinkite), in fenitized sandstones of Turiei Cape - with narsarsukite, in albite-aegirine veinlets with cancrinite in fenitah Kovdorsky massif. In garnet-wollastonite and diopside-wollastonite skarns replaced by pectolite and aegirine, at the contact of quartz syenites with limestones, it is associated with titanite and neptunite, Barnaway deposit, Ireland. Known in apophyllite veins of Mount Yukspor (Khibiny massif) with natrolite.

Practical use

Alkaline rocks rich in eudialyte are raw materials for obtaining zirconium.

Physical research methods

Differential thermal analysis. The DTA curve has a wide endothermic trough at 50-160° (removal of low-temperature water) and an exothermic rise at 820-960° (destruction of the mineral).

Main lines on radiographs:

ancient methods. Under the blowpipe, it fuses easily into green glass.

Crystal optical properties in thin preparations (sections)

In thin sections it is transparent, colorless or slightly colored in pink, yellowish or brown tones. Strong pleochroism in red, crimson, yellow, brown, lilac or violet tones is characteristic only of oxyeudialytes. No > Ne or Ne > No; sometimes varies in different parts of the same grain.
Uniaxial, sometimes anomalously biaxial (2V to 15°); optically (+) or (-), sometimes almost isotropic ("mesodialitis"); the optical sign often changes within one grain. The previously assumed dependence of the optical sign on the composition was not confirmed. The refractive indices (n o = 1.567-1.652, n e = 1.572-1.640) depend mainly on the content of Fe, Mn, TR and the degree of hydration of the mineral. Birefringence up to 0.012, less often up to 0.020. Concentric zoning and a sectorial distribution of areas with different birefringence (“hourglass” structures) are often noted, often the zones differ in optical sign. An anomalous dispersion of birefringence is observed, most often in almost isotropic varieties ("mesodialites"), in intensely colored brown-violet manganese "eucoliths" and in purple oxyeudialytes; it is associated with the appearance of abnormal yellow-brown and bluish-violet interference colors. Anomalously biaxial eudialytes have a strong dispersion of optical axes, r v.

This gem attracts attention immediately: it is too unusual. Eudialyte stone is sacred to the Saami, a people living in northern Russia. It has properties that more eminent minerals cannot boast of.


The mineral is found in North America and Europe. Where the Saami live (a small people of the Finno-Ugric group; their second name is Lapps).

The following legend has been preserved about the origin. When the militant neighbors Svens (that is, the Swedes), led by the hero Kuiva, tried to seize the lands of the Sami, local warriors defeated them. The battle was fierce, Kuyva turned into a rock, many died. Where drops of the blood of the Saami warriors fell, eudialytes formed. It is a constant reminder of the sacrifice made on the altar of independence.

Eudialyte is the official scientific name for the mineral. For the indigenous people, this is “Sami stone (blood)” or “Lappish blood”.

On the Kola Peninsula, the stone was found and described by the Finnish geologist Wilhelm Ramsey.

The gem received its scientific name in 1818. The German scientist Friedrich Stromeyer displayed in it the ability of a stone to quickly dissolve in acids: from the ancient Greek, the term "eudialyte" is translated as "quickly dissolving".


Eudialyte is a mineral with a vitreous luster, transparent in thin plates. Red shades are considered classics - from pink to crimson. There are yellow, brownish, purple specimens.

Crystals are rare, more often they are coarse-grained agglomerates interspersed with eudialytes (the so-called "chintz") among nephelines and apatites.

A unique feature of eudialyte is its crystal structure. It is a combination of three rings (calcium and zirconium octahedrons plus silicon tetrahedrons).

For the Saami, the mineral kakortokit is also valuable. This is nepheline with red and black inclusions of eudialyte and. It is mined only in the Khibiny and Greenland. Kakortokit and eudialyte are the main talismans of this nation.

Physico-chemical characteristics

According to the chemical classification, the eudialyte mineral is a silicate of igneous origin with a complex structure and a long formula.

admixtureSr, Nb, Ti, K
ColorRed, yellow, tan, purple
Dash colorWhite
TransparencyTransparent, translucent
Hardness5 - 5.5
CleavageImperfect by (0001)
kinkuneven, conchoidal
Density2.8 - 3 g/cm³
Refractive index1,598 - 1,602

IN pure form almost never occurs, more often with impurities (including rare earth elements).

A variety of eudialyte is the mineral eucolite. The main components of its composition are calcium and iron, which makes the gem darkish.

Place of Birth

Eudialyte is found only in three places on the planet, in its Far North. These are Russia (Kola Peninsula), Greenland and Canada.

The Russian deposits in the Murmansk region (Levozerye and Khibiny) are the richest, their potential exceeds 80 million tons of rock.

Single specimens are found in other countries.

How to wear and care

The physical properties of the mineral are specific:

  1. It is fragile, can break from any fall or impact.
  2. It dissolves in all acids (hydrochloric acid turns it into a gelatinous mass).
  3. Melts even under the flame of a candle.

Therefore, you need to take care of it carefully: store products with a gem separately, remove them before applying makeup or doing homework. Clean with warm water, you can use baby soap.

Eudialyte beads, other massive jewelry should not be worn near the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, large moles.

Where is the mineral used?

The unique composition and beauty of the mineral determined the scope of its application.


Eudialyte ore is a source of rare earth metals. More than half of them (up to 60%) are present in the ore. These are the most valuable hafnium, niobium, tantalum, titanium, zirconium, strontium for industry, new technologies and science.

Eudialyte rock

However, strontium creates weak radioactivity. It is not dangerous in small nuggets, and after processing the mineral is zero.


Physical properties limit the range of eudialyte jewelry. Crystals, if found, are small. It is forbidden to use large ones due to radioactivity.

The source nuggets are polished with a cabochon: the play of color impurities is manifested to the maximum.

Earrings with eudialyte

Agglomerates are in demand, including two types of stones. For example, white apatite and red eudialyte. A product with such an insert looks more effective.


Master stone cutters have mastered the production of a wide range of stone products. They create small plastic, powder boxes. A box made of eudialyte is not cheap (10-12 thousand rubles), but it looks premium. Mirrors are framed with a gem, lighters, table appliances are decorated.

Fans of esotericism are not forgotten. Magic balls, eudialyte eggs, and pendulums are carved for them. The structure of the stone itself creates a mysterious glow. This property allows you to distinguish a real stone from a fake.

Therapeutic effect

Sami healers have studied the significance of the stone as a healing artifact for centuries. For them, according to local legends, he was "responsible" for blood and everything connected with it.

Talismans were prescribed to a person whose blood became “bad” or wounds did not heal for a long time.

Modern lithotherapists have expanded the list of healing properties of the gem:

  • It activates the waves emitted by the brain. Therefore, earrings, hairpins, and other head products are considered a strong remedy.
  • Daily close contemplation of the play of light in the stone sharpens the eyesight, trains the eye muscles.
  • The gem improves the functioning of the pancreas.

Yogis say that the stone corresponds to the heart chakra. In this sense, wearing a pendant or pendant is effective.

magical properties

Legends also determined the magical possibilities of the gem.

For the Sami people, this stone is a talisman of real men, defenders of their native land from enemies.

Shamans made personal amulets for them, which were supposed to protect them from injury, even death.

The magical properties of eudialyte are also useful for residents of other regions:

  • The gem puts blocks from extraneous intrusion into thoughts, prevents clouding of the mind, the emergence of unkind thoughts.
  • His magic is an ally of everyone whose work involves risk: employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, policemen, testers. Or extreme people in life.
  • The optimistic color of the stone brings out of depression, stimulates to enjoy life in all its manifestations.

Medical and magical power eudialyte is enhanced by a silver frame.

Esotericists warn: its meaning for a person is ambiguous. The stone multiplies the strength of other gems, but equally enhances actions with a plus and minus sign.

Eudialyte and the Zodiac

After studying its influence on the signs of the zodiac, astrologers came to the conclusion that eudialyte is suitable for Virgos. Having a talisman, people of this sign will flourish, show themselves from an unexpected side, discovering dormant talents.

Ladies will become more optimistic about life, men will receive additional protection from external dangers, and will be more confident in themselves.

For other signs of the zodiac, this is more of a decoration.


In the Russian segment of the Network, you can buy a wide range of jewelry, magic items and collection material (price / rub.)

  • ball (7.4 cm) - 4,890;
  • sample (2-3 cm) - 920;
  • keychain - 670;
  • lighter decorated with eudialyte - 1,550;
  • pendant (3.5-4 cm) - 2,160;
  • polished pebbles (8.5x4.5x3.3 cm) - 4,250.

This is the price for raw materials from Khibiny (Murmansk region).


Eudialyte looks unbanal, but requires caution. It is better to buy jewelry or collectible material from trusted sellers. Preferably with documents confirming radiation safety.

Not many people know and have seen the eudialyte stone. But the one who met him will forever leave this unusual, beautiful, rare mineral in his memory. Its name "easily decomposable", it received for its good solubility in acids.

Characteristics of the mineral, deposit and application

Eudialyte has a complex chemical structure. A mineral of the subclass of calcium silicates, zirconosilicate. The most common form of secretions is granular or confluent aggregates. It is very rare in the form of individual crystals.

The palette of colors mainly consists of red tones: crimson, deep pink, yellowish or brownish-red, sometimes reddish-brown. blue, yellow, purple shades unique to this stone.

The mineral is translucent, shines like glass, lends itself well to polishing. Hardness 5-6, brittle. Handle with care as it may break if dropped. The mineral often accompanies nephelines and apatites and is of igneous origin. It dissolves well in all acids except hydrochloric. In this acid, it turns into jelly.

This is a rare mineral, there are only a few places where you can find it in natural conditions.

These are the island of Madagascar, Greenland (Ilimaussak), Mount Saint-Hilaire and the Sheffield massif in Canada, the Khibiny and Lovozero tundras on the Kola Peninsula. The last of the most large deposits. This mineral was first explored in Greenland in 1819.

This stone is unique. It consists of chemical elements that occupy almost half of the periodic table. Here hydrogen and chlorine, oxygen and silicon, iron and manganese, zirconium, cerium, sodium and calcium. All these elements endow eudialyte crystals with magical properties. Moreover, it still contains impurities of all rare earth metals. This creates a barely noticeable radiation background for him.

Self-occurring crystals of red shades are a rare occurrence, and yellow and blue colors are completely unique, there are only a few of them in the world.
The mineral is fusible, a slight heating is enough and it turns into a vitreous opaque mass.

The mineral eudialyte is highly valued for its properties, both as a storehouse of chemical elements and as an excellent material for the jewelry industry. Applicable in the following industries:

The multifaceted beneficial properties of this stone are used in many industries, both the beauty of the mineral and its chemical composition are used.

Eudialyte Jewelry

The most common type of mineral jewelry is the cabochon. It is a way of cutting precious and semi-precious stones. There are four types of eudialyte cabochons:

The type of cabochon chosen depends on the play of eudialyte crystals. The type is chosen in which uniqueness and beauty will manifest in full force. Red overflows on the surface create an iridescence effect, flickering drops look like magic crystals with a special hidden energy of magic.

Cabochons look like stone lollipops. The same smooth, translucent, multi-colored, shiny. With this form of cutting, eudialyte most fully reveals its beauty, nobility and originality.

Large crystals of the mineral are not allowed to be used for processing. They have a rather tangible radioactive background due to inclusions of rare earth elements. Single crystals of this stone are rare, most often used for the production of jewelry by combining eudialyte with other stones - apatite or quartz. They shade and effectively complement each other. They are used to decorate caskets, inserted into silver frames of rings and earrings, and magic balls are made.

The mineral is too soft, easily scratched, so in jewelry they try to frame it with metal frames as much as possible.

Nowadays, eudialyte is gaining more and more popularity. Its great rarity and unusual places finds give the stone mystery, originality, majesty and magical properties. Local residents have always used products from it as a talisman for housing, they gave the owners peace and discretion, brought warmth and comfort to the family.

Medicinal properties of eudialyte

The second name of eudialyte is the Sami stone. Among the local Sami tribes, its red blotches have always been associated with drops of blood. There was a belief that this was the blood of the Sami warriors who defended their land from enemies. They wore amulets with this stone to cleanse their body of "bad blood".

This stone helps the pancreas to work. It is carried with you with pancreatitis. It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood vessels, promotes oxygenation of the body.
Focusing on the play of light in its depth, you can train the muscles of the eyes, while the pressure of the fundus is normalized, vision improves.

This stone treats melancholy, improves mood, improves brain function. The one who wears this stone changes his outlook, the person calms down and positively perceives the manifestations of the world around him.

Rare Mineral Magic

The magical properties of eudialyte have been noticed for a long time. Psychics are very fond of using balls from this mineral to enhance their superpowers. holding in my hands Magic ball, they warn clients of the danger that threatens them, predict their future fate.

This stone enhances intuition, causes prophetic dreams. People have the power of divination. This property of the stone is so realistic that some were even afraid of it. Sami stone dulls fear and protects against serious injuries and injuries. It was worn by warriors during the battles, believing in the miraculous power of the talisman.

For those whose profession is associated with a risk to life, with an increased risk of injury, it is not superfluous to use eudialyte protection. These are miners and firemen, military men, sportsmen, steeplejacks, climbers.

The property of the stone is known to enhance sexual energy, to harmonize the energy of Yin and Yang, it brings harmony and mutual understanding to the family.

With caution, this mineral should be combined with other stones, as it enhances not only positive, but also their negative properties.

The stone with its magical action enhances talents, sexuality, increases the abilities of those born under the sign of the Virgin. In case of failure, it helps to overcome depression, improve mood. Protects his wards from serious injuries and dangers, inspires self-confidence.

Products from eudialyte will adequately complement the collection of lovers of natural stones. An unusual stone will become a reliable amulet for the house. Its beauty and eccentricity always accompany the most fashion trends. It will help keep you healthy and give you strength.
