What to buy for a 3 year old girl. Gifts for girls

What to give a girl for 3 years old, when she already has a whole mountain of toys? Usually this Stuffed Toys or dolls. Birthday - great way...

Even 30 years ago, any little girl watched with bated breath as her doll closes its eyes and says “mother”. And today the assortment and functionality of toys strikes the imagination even of adults. I want to buy everything for a little baby and enjoy her surprised eyes and a grateful smile. But what to give a girl for 3 years, when she already has a whole mountain of toys?

At the age of 3, many children themselves can “order” a birthday present. Contact the parents of the birthday girl. They will help not to repeat with the present and suggest the interests of the baby, which are already clearly manifested in children of 3 years old.

Gift a friend

Any child has at home such a toy with which he does not part either in a dream or on a walk. She was lost and found many times, washed and sewn up, but, despite her not so attractive appearance, she remains the baby's main friend. In girls, these are usually soft toys or dolls. Birthday is a great way to make a new friend.

Doll - always relevant

Even girls of 3 years old should not give dolls that personify adult women yet. They impose stereotypes about appearance and distract from the main tasks of the game. The best doll for a 3 year old girl is a baby doll or a girl doll of the same age as the birthday girl.

Modern baby dolls are equipped with everything to make the game of “daughter-mother” absolutely real: several sets of clothes, a bottle, a diaper, a pacifier, a bib and a toy potty on which you can seat a plastic baby. And they have everything, like a real child: wrinkles on the body, facial expressions change, they cry, yawn and snore in their sleep. If the baby already has such a baby doll, you can give him a crib, a toy bicycle, a high chair, a stroller with interchangeable blocks and a bag, a bath for bathing.

Children associate themselves with girl dolls. With such a “girlfriend”, all situations that excite the child are lost. Here the doll went to the kindergarten, now she makes purchases, and then the girl scolds her, imitating her parents, for her unwillingness to eat or scattered toys.

Stuffed Toys

A 3-year-old boy is unlikely to be happy with a big teddy bear on his birthday, which cannot be said about a girl. You can also give the baby a heating pad toy. A cute soft animal will warm the girl on cold nights, save her when her tummy hurts, or just help her fall asleep. Such toys are heated in the microwave and retain heat for several hours. You can saturate the animal with some soothing oil, and now, it turns into an aromatherapy agent.

Popular among girls and Bunnies Mi. These are branded, but inexpensive soft toys. Charming muzzles, pleasant colors and good quality material - that's why mothers and daughters choose these rabbits. You can buy a large Bunny (30 cm) that can stand, a "sitting" friend or a miniature Bunny that fits in children's backpack.

Gifts by Interest

3-year-old girls are enthusiastic natures. They love to sing and dance, draw and sculpt, run, jump, build, imitate adults and just have fun. All their interests are fully supported by the advanced industry of children's products, which will not only entertain the child, but also help develop talents. What will interest a 3 year old girl?

The dance mat is a gift for the mind and for the body. It will help improve coordination, make the child pay attention and reinforce the names of colors. The rug can be made in the form of "classics" that the baby will play at home. In others, when the melody sounds, you need to jump to a certain place or hit with a hammer, which contributes to the development of mindfulness. And there are those that will help organize games for several people: the kids run around the rug, and at the signal they must quickly take their place. Any child will be happy with such a gift on his birthday!

Karaoke book

Another gift for a future star. Lyrics are written in a colorful book, they can be read to a child by an adult to recall the words. Also included is a children's microphone, which has buttons. The little singer presses a button, choosing a soundtrack, and sings a song. You can switch to song mode and sing along to your favorite characters.

For future chefs

Surely your birthday girl already has a small kitchen at the age of three, in which she, imitating her mother, cooks. The only thing left is the products. It can be toy vegetables for cutting, a breakfast set or an entire ice cream factory with bowls, cups and special plasticine.

You can also give a pizza master. This is an unusual culinary designer with which the girl will be able to cook her own pizza. By choosing a variety of fillings that are attached with magnets to the “dough”, you can create your own masterpieces or be guided by ready-made recipes. Pieces fastened with Velcro are cut with a small knife, and the dish is served on a beautiful wooden plate.

Playing shop

Special play sets will help you feel like a sales assistant-cashier. They usually consist of a digital cash register, fake products, and money. More expensive models are equipped with a rack, a refrigerator, a shopping trolley, and scales. In them, cash registers are in no way inferior to real ones: they are equipped with a real calculator, there is a terminal for credit cards, you can enter a pin code, and the sale of goods takes place under a realistic “beeping” of the scanner.

Children often imagine themselves as hairdressers, doctors and educators. Role-playing games are extremely useful for the development of a girl, they help to get to know each other better. women's professions, allow you to dream up, train in thematic dialogues, and also teaches you how to position yourself in a team.

Useful educational gifts

You always want to “invest” as much as possible in the development of a child, which is why educational toys are so popular among parents. For children 3 years old, it is still very important to stimulate fine motor skills, the development of sensory, logic, thinking, memory and attention.

To such useful gifts can be attributed, for example, tactile lotto. The playing field depicts animals with fur of various textures. The task of the child is to twist the arrow and select the given material by touch from the bag. Cards with animals that are hidden in a bag can be sorted by textures and colors. And colorful images will help the baby remember the names of animals through tactile sensations.

magnetic mosaic

Develop imagination, spatial thinking and Creative skills mosaics help. Everyone knows about the traditional plastic carnations that are inserted into the playing field, and the girl probably already has such a toy. From the new one, try the magnetic mosaic. Elements on the playing field are laid out according to a given picture, which is within the power of children of 3 years old, or sketches are invented by the child himself.


Few have heard of this unusual mass, and even more so would decide to give it to a child. But similar to chewing gum, the polymer promotes the development of finger motor skills, develops creativity and is a good remedy to relieve stress. It can be crushed, cut or stretched. At active influence the mass hardens and you can even hammer a nail into it, but after a couple of minutes the structure will spread into a puddle.

On your birthday, give some Neo-Gham flowers, or find one that glows in the dark. There is even a mass with magnetic properties on sale!

Constructor for a girl

A series of Lego toys is famous for its high-quality and safe elements, unusual plots and big amount thematic details.

Girls' sets include, for example, a house for a family, the elements of which are folded into a two-story cottage with furniture, figurines of residents, a fence, a swing and a stroller. The realism of household items at home is also striking: tables, chairs, a ladder, a barbecue set, coffee table with a vase and even a liftable toilet lid!

The other set is a fairytale castle. Its inhabitants, Cinderella or Rapunzel, are surrounded by fabulous furniture, lots of accessories and other magical utensils.

If the baby already has such a designer, give her a carriage or a gazebo to the set. A cafe or a supermarket is suitable for a dollhouse. Any parent will want to join their daughter and dream together in the game.

For beauty and more

If you still have not decided what to give a girl for 3 years, remember that women of any age are not indifferent to new outfits, jewelry and cosmetics. Yes! Girls 3 years old can be given cosmetics, but not ordinary, but special children's.

You can decorate the baby's room with a beautiful lampshade, a sensory lamp or a fabulous clock.

At the age of three, children do not yet evaluate gifts by their value. Therefore, if you are on a budget or bought a useful item ordered by your parents, be sure to supplement it with an inexpensive toy. Beautiful packaging, a ribbon, a couple of balloons will make this day magical for the baby.

And what would you recommend from gifts for three years? Share in the comments!

Your princess, your beloved baby, has a birthday soon. Figuring out what to give a girl for 3 years, as a rule, is not a problem, since you know perfectly well what your child dreams of. But there are numerous relatives who also want to please the girl. They call you and ask what gift they should buy. Therefore, today's article is devoted to a review of toys that will be interesting and useful for a little girl.

Baby development

The main motto of a 3-year-old child: "I myself."

At the age of three, a child experiences a leap in his development. He quickly remembers everything that interests him, learns new skills, imitating adults. He already knows a lot, and strives to independently do what he does not know how.

At this age, it is very important for the baby that parents devote time to him, play with him, because the game for him is to repeat the actions of adults.

A three-year-old kid listens to fairy tales and poems with pleasure. His attention is drawn bright pictures in books.

Thinking, memory, imagination, speech develop rapidly.

Already at this age, girls spin a lot in front of the mirror, trying on different jewelry and outfits. They ask their mother to paint their nails with varnish, play with mother's cosmetics. They say: "how beautiful I am." Adults do not think that this is how the self-esteem of the future girl, her attitude to her appearance, is formed.

When deciding which gift to present to a girl for 3 years, of course, first of all, her preferences must be taken into account. On the other hand, don't be afraid to buy a toy that your child has never had before. He needs to develop and explore the world.

Considering all of the above, it is possible to carry out a conditional classification of toys.

Little fashionista

  • A beautiful dress, fashionable shoes, stylish trousers, T-shirts, sweaters, cozy pajamas and dressing gowns. Let the baby feel like a real fashionista.
  • Suitcase with children's jewelry. The set includes bracelets, beads, clips, beautiful hair clips. The girl can also make jewelry on her own with the help of adults (all materials are given).
  • Personal care. You can give baby shampoo, animal soap, shower gel, bath foam, lip balm. Many options for sets that include a comb, comb, mirror, clips and hair ties. The girl will enjoy perfumes (scented water). At 3 years old, it’s already time to brush your teeth, so you can present a delicious and beautiful toothpaste in a set with a toothbrush.

Toys for the “story game”

Story games are games that repeat the most familiar everyday activities of adults.

The doll is a daughter. She needs to be dressed, combed, washed, fed, taken for a walk, put to bed. Games of this kind are necessary for the child: they develop his imagination, speech. Story games are the basis for the development of role-playing games, communication skills.

The most standard gift for a little girl is a doll or baby doll. Don't be afraid to "don't guess". There are not many dolls. It is better to give those that come in a set with extra clothes or a comb and a hair clip so that the child can perform some actions with the toy.

For different games, the girl will need a lot of different toy sets, namely:

  • crockery
  • stroller for dolls (winter and summer)
  • doll bed
  • Dollhouse ik
  • doctor's kits
  • bed, table, chairs, in short, doll furniture

You can give a toy vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher, a stove, an ironing board with an iron, so that the girl feels like a real hostess, like a mother.

Yes, and also sets of products from which a real puppet dinner will be prepared. There are a great many of them. For example, I was captivated by this one:

Items are not plastic, but soft, and look like real ones.

You can present sets for playing in the sand, as well as toy shops, castles, etc.

Toys “in the interior”

This refers to things that serve the child (and mother) in everyday life.

The best gift from this group is a sports complex. Some daughters are given such a gift for 3 years by their grandparents. Often this is a favorite simulator not only for the birthday girl, but also for all their friends who come to visit. Fidgets can arrange competitions in speed, agility and strength, climbing a rope, pulling themselves up on a horizontal bar. In addition, such a sports complex will be actively used, even if the children have already grown up.

Also, 3 summer girl will be happy with a children's swing, a tricycle, all kinds of "wheelchairs" (for example, a horse on wheels).

You can give "cozy" toys:

  • towel;
  • toy-transformer-plaid;
  • pillow toy;
  • Stuffed Toys;

If a girl is afraid to fall asleep in the dark, then a good gift There will be a night light.

It is always a pleasure to sit down at a beautifully set table. And if the tableware is pink, orange or pistachio, then the child's appetite is guaranteed. Present the baby with a beautiful set of children's dishes.

If there is room in the children's room, donate a tent house. Children are very fond of organizing games “in houses”.

Educational toys

And, finally, the most numerous and necessary group of toys. With the help of these toys, the child will easily learn letters, numbers, learn to compare, analyze. The kid is passionate about the game, he is interested, he learns a lot of new things. Speech, memory, imagination, attention, fine motor skills of the hand develop. This will come in handy when preparing for school.

Educational toys include:

  • All kinds of constructors. The most popular is Lego Duplo.
  • Mosaics. Excellent develop fine motor skills hands, synthesis, imagination.
  • "Lacings".
  • Puzzles. For a three-year-old child, they should be large and with a small amount of detail.
  • Sets for children's creativity: colored pencils, felt-tip pens, plasticine. Coloring pages and stickers. With the help of these toys, we prepare our hand for writing.
  • Nikitin games. Aimed at the development of logic. “Fold the pattern”, “Dice for everyone”, “Unicube”, “Fractions”, “Clock”. Tasks should be offered to the baby from simple to complex.
  • Zaitsev Cubes. In my opinion, these are the best aids with which a child can learn to read and count. Their main advantage is visibility. Cubes of different sizes, colors, with different fillers. Their principle is to teach the child to read syllables. Knowing the syllables, children quickly begin to read words, and then whole sentences. Sold with instructional CDs and instructions. detailed description games.
  • Board games and puzzles. There are a lot of them and very diverse, choose what you like best.
  • Doman and Montessori manuals. For example, Doman's cards "World on the palm of your hand." The child receives information about the world around him: animals, plants, birds, fish. The cards are bright and memorable. The game is about interesting facts, includes riddles, descriptions of simple experiments, interesting tasks. Montessori frames and inserts will give your child an idea of geometric shapes, develop coordination of movements, logic, imagination.
  • Books. Fairy tales and poems with bright, large pictures.

Dear mothers, fathers and other relatives! You, no doubt, love your three-year-old beauty very much. Please do not spare your time, play with your child, read books to her, do joint creativity. And have fun watching your daughter and granddaughter grow and develop!

A three-year-old child does not sit in one place for a long time, has many versatile hobbies and interests, knows how to express his desires and needs aloud and plays with his peers or older children to the fullest. Therefore, when choosing a gift for a 3-year-old girl, you should not rack your brains, because any new toy can arouse the interest and attention of the baby.

Many children love creative games and activities where you need to draw, sculpt and craft. various crafts. In addition, when adults participate in the game, there is even more interest, every kid loves to help his parents and is not afraid of any tasks. The main task when choosing a gift for a girl for three years is the safety of a new hobby, because even the most accurate kids quickly forget about any warnings.

A three-year-old child learns more and more new things every day, rapidly studying and mastering the world, quickly remembers everything that is interesting to him, learns new skills, imitating adults, knows how to love, regret and worry.

His games become more difficult and his toys more interesting. At this age, children can play for a long time on their own, being carried away new game or a toy. But not unimportant is the attention of parents and joint games, because for a child at the age of three, the game consists in repeating the actions of adults.

Children 3 years old enjoy listening to poems and fairy tales, fascinating stories, love bright colorful books and objects. At this age, fantasy and imagination, thinking and memory are rapidly developing. Therefore, you can often hear fantastic stories from kids.

A 3-year-old girl likes games where you need to be an "adult" and behave like a mother. For adults, watching a little daughter mastering the skills of self-care and choosing a wardrobe is a pleasure. After all, it is at this age that girls begin to spin in front of the mirror. After that, how can the question arise - what gift should a daughter look for for 3 years if girls want to be like their mother in everything.

When choosing a gift for a 3-year-old girl for her birthday, one should not forget about her preferences, despite the fact that she is still quite a baby. But, on the other hand, do not be afraid to buy gifts for a child for three years, without having any pre-prepared ideas. If it is a completely new toy, unlike a number of existing ones, it will definitely appeal to the little birthday girl.

So, what to give a girl for 3 years, so that the gift is interesting and exciting at the same time, and how to make the right choice?

If you want to find the best gift for a girl for 3 years, then you should work hard:

  • Try to find out what the daughter dreams about on her third birthday and what gifts she wants to receive.
  • When choosing a gift, take into account the character, hobbies, sociability and activity of the baby.
  • Considering different gift ideas, be guided not only by the price, but also by the meaning of the gift. It can be inexpensive, but bring more emotions and impressions than an expensive doll - a character from a popular cartoon.
  • If it’s very difficult with the choice of a gift, organize bright holiday in a children's entertainment center with cartoon characters and children.
  • Do not postpone the choice of gifts for the last day, most often such purchases do not bode well and useful.

Gift Overview

Choosing a gift for a girl for 3 years, you can make a conditional classification according to the interests of the baby.

For little fashionistas

  • Beautiful outfits, trendy shoes, cute pajamas and robes.
  • A suitcase with a variety of jewelry and accessories - bracelets, beads, rings, hairpins, bows.
  • Personal care products - shampoos, bath foams, perfumes, lip balms, sets with combs and a mirror.

For lovers of story games

This section of toys should include the most familiar everyday activities of all adults. For little girls, the doll is perceived as a daughter, she needs constant care - feeding, washing, bathing, combing, dressing, walking and putting to bed. Such games develop thinking, imagination and speech well. Story games are useful for kids of this age, as they form the basis for the development of communication skills.

A standard gift for a girl for 3 years is a doll or baby doll. And do not worry that such a purchase will not be to your taste, there are never many dolls, and if there are many of them, then a great game will turn out in kindergarten. It is best to pay attention to those dolls that come with clothes or some accessories, then it is convenient for the child to perform additional actions with the toy.

For different story games you will need different toy sets, which is a good list of gift ideas for a 3 year old girl:

  • crockery sets;
  • baby strollers;
  • bedding sets for dolls;
  • Dollhouse;
  • doctor's set;
  • furniture for dolls - beds, chairs and a table.

For a girl’s birthday, a toy appliance will be a good gift - a vacuum cleaner, dishwasher or washing machine, stove, ironing board and iron. Such toys will allow the young hostess to feel like an adult.

In addition, sets of toy products are sold, from which the baby can prepare various culinary masterpieces, which can also be a good gift for a 3-year-old girl. Moreover, now there are already not only plastic sets, but also soft ones, they are pleasant to the touch, look bright and colorful.

For lovers of toys "in the interior"

Such gifts serve the child in everyday life for more than one year. The best gift for a 3-year-old girl, who will be chosen not only by the birthday girl, but also by her parents, is a sports complex. Often such birthday gifts are presented by grandparents. Active children quickly find something to do with such “toys” - they arrange competitions for speed, strength and agility, demonstrating to each other the ability to climb a rope, pull themselves up on rings or a horizontal bar.

Thinking about what to give your daughter for 3 years, consider options for a swing, a new bike and various wheelchair toys. For a baby who is afraid to sleep in the dark, it would be useful to purchase an original night light as a gift for a 3-year-old girl, which will illuminate the room at night and become a beautiful attribute in the children's room during the day.

Birthday gifts for a 3-year-old girl can be very diverse, up to a set of their own children's dishes. It can be pink or yellow, with beautiful swirls or gold framing, but if the child likes it, then the food will be a pleasure.

Educational toys

A girl at the age of three is already very independent. She begins to show "feminine" behavior, copying her mother. She is no longer a burden to sit and wait for her mother to braid her beautiful pigtail. And in general, she considers herself a princess.

When choosing a gift for a girl, you need to take into account her preferences, whether she needs a doll, of which she has 10 pieces, or paints with plasticine that she already has. After all, an uninteresting and unnecessary gift will only upset her. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to this moment and ask the girl what she dreams about, how she sees her holiday.

What to give a girl for 3 years?

Choosing toys, it is desirable to pay attention not only to the price, but also to the indispensability of the gift. Often inexpensive gifts surprise kids more than expensive ones. And also there is no need to purchase overly complex, intricate toys, as they will discourage the child from playing with them because of their complex functions. Do not be afraid to buy toys that the girl did not have, because she just needs to explore the world and develop.

As a rule, all parents know about the desires of their daughter, but many relatives do not know what to give, so it would be right to tell them the desires of the little princess.

Don't put off buying a gift for your little one. last days, and if you had to buy toys in a hurry, you can buy a beautiful elegant doll, a soft toy or a kitchen for a little hostess. Girls always love these gifts..

Also, as an option, arrange a holiday in the entertainment center with friends, animators, interesting competitions. Be sure to buy a cake, perhaps with the image of your favorite characters.

Three years is a turning point in a child's development. Children at this age remember everything with lightning speed, imitate adults, try to do everything on their own, even what they don’t know how to do. Parents need to devote more time to their children, to play games with them in which children copy adults. And also three-year-olds love to listen to fairy tales and rhymes., to consider colorful pictures, because during this period memory, speech, and imagination are rapidly developing.

Choosing a gift for a 3 year old girl

What is better, a lot of small gifts or one big one? Both options are good in their own way. Small gifts are more interesting for the baby, because each toy is considered a separate gift. Various small toys are always needed, as they need to be replaced often and there are never many of them.

A big gift is practical, because the girl will play with it for a long time. At the time of buying an expensive gift you can group with other invitees and purchase one big, memorable gift.

Classification of possible gifts

Gifts for a little beauty

At this age, girls are fashionable in beautiful outfits, mother's jewelry in front of a mirror. They love to paint their nails with varnish, like mom and ask her to help do it. They also study and play with mom's cosmetics. It is at these moments that the attitude of the future girl to her appearance begins to form. . Little fashionista will be delighted from a donated dress and fabulous shoes, as well as a suitcase with children's jewelry, which includes: beads, bracelets, rings, earrings, hair clips and blanks for self-made jewelry (with the help of adults).

In turn, gifts that emphasize beauty and femininity will be very good, such as: a dressing table, a children's handbag, a hair band or a hoop, the Hairdresser's game.

A win-win gift option would be children's shampoo, bathing agent, bath foam, soap in the form of an animal, children's perfumes (water with a pleasant smell). There are many ready-made kits, which include a mirror, comb, rubber bands and hair clips.

At the age of three, a girl brushes her teeth herself and can be pleased with a set of delicious toothpaste and a brush.

Interior toys for birthday

These are things that help the child in everyday life. The first place in this series is occupied by a sports complex, which subsequently becomes a favorite simulator for both the hostess and all her friends who visit. Children go up the rope at speed, pulled up on the horizontal bar. This gift is durable, because it can be used even when the children grow up.

Interior gifts include:

Almost all girls dream of a room like a princess. You can update the baby's room, but so that she does not see the changes before the holiday. Buy new furniture, matching curtains and other accessories. It is necessary to arrange everything reasonably to leave as much free space as possible for games and creativity. Colors should be chosen not very bright. Be sure to allocate space for a desk, because very soon the baby will begin to learn to read and write, as well as purchase shelves for toys and books.

Story games and toys for them

Story games are when children repeat the daily actions of adults. For example, if a girl plays with a doll, then it is necessary to feed her, comb her, change her clothes, walk with her, put her to bed. Playing such games, a little girl develops thinking, imagination, speech, so the most common gift is is it a puppet or a doll, which will come in a set with a hairbrush, hairpins, extra clothes. Then the girl will be able to perform any procedures with her.

Gifts for a little hostess and a future mother will teach you how to care for a baby.

There is a great variety of toy sets:

  • doctor's set;
  • play kitchen with a set of toy dishes;
  • stroller-transformer for a doll (carrycot and stroller);
  • doll house;
  • doll furniture (table, chairs, bed, wardrobe);
  • toy vacuum cleaner, stove, kettle, washing machine, dishwasher;
  • iron and ironing board;
  • toy store;
  • cash machine;
  • sand play sets
  • sets of products (fruits, vegetables) from which the baby will cook lunch. Although they are plastic, they look very realistic.

Sports toys for a three year old birthday

These include:

  • Swedish wall (horizontal bar, rope, bars, rings);
  • bike;
  • scooter;
  • cycling;
  • fitball;
  • various "wheelchairs", such as a horse on wheels and others;
  • swing;
  • jump rope;
  • trampoline.

Development toys

This category of toys is considered the most necessary, because with these toys the girl will quickly learn numbers and letters, and also learn a lot of new things, learn to analyze. In the form of a game, memory, motor skills, attention, speech develop, and all this will come in handy before entering school. These toys include:

Gifts for creativity

The age of three is the most suitable period for children's creativity. At this age, children love to cut, draw, glue, sculpt.

You can present:

Gifts for entertainment

Such original toys bring fun and good mood . It could be:

  • children's musical instruments (synthesizer, piano, accordion, xylophone, drum, tambourine, guitar, pipe, whistle, microphone);
  • musical rug;
  • music book;
  • talking and singing toys (talking cat Tom, repeating hamster);
  • kinetic sand with molds.

toys with cartoon characters

Almost all kids want to have their favorite cartoon characters. You can consult with the parents of other children in choosing a toy of this kind. All girls will be happy if they are presented with:

  • Baby Born doll (you can feed, water her, change diapers, put her on a potty, the doll can cry, close her eyes);
  • Peppa pig with his whole family;
  • dolls Winx, Moxie, Bratz, Sonya Rose;
  • set of horses May Little Pony;
  • Philly the horse
  • Elsa - The Snow Queen;
  • Figurines Fixiki, Smesharikov, Masha and the bear.

Thematic sets and toys

Such sets perform several functions at once - playful, entertaining, educational. Psychologists advise purchasing kits with elements of "adult life" to develop the ability to communicate in society, greater knowledge of the world around, correct behavior in different situations.

Girls at the age of three can buy:

  • shop (cash register, a set of products);
  • school;
  • cafe;
  • a set of medical instruments;
  • set with hairdressing accessories.

Such games will teach the baby to overcome her childhood fears, help others, empathize. If a girl is afraid of doctors, then the "Hospital" set will come in handy. Dress the baby in a white robe, cap and treat family members, dolls, animals together. After that, the girl will understand what a necessary profession it is and will no longer be afraid of going to the hospital.

Brilliant birthday party

Birthday is a great time to spend a day with your baby at the zoo, water park, circus. It would be a great idea to arrange a holiday with your favorite characters, animators, clowns, because a cheerful and interesting presenter is the main thing in children's holiday. But for such a holiday you need to prepare in advance. You can invite friends and girlfriends of the hero of the occasion and go to the entertainment center with them, there must be a sweet table with an unforgettable cake.

The same can be organized at home, only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should accommodate all those invited, and there should also be a place for games, dances, and competitions.

Now very popular theme parties, but for this you need to prepare props in advance, mini-gifts for participants (colored pencils, baby dolls, small cars). Prepare children's meals and decorate them interestingly. Be sure to film the holiday on video and photograph the whole company.

Third anniversary - milestone that separates infancy from childhood. During this period, children have their own formed opinion, and before preparation, it is necessary to consult with your child, at this age, children are very offended if their opinion is ignored.

The most important thing when choosing a gift is that the girl likes it, and not just be useful. Often, parents think only about the development of the child, and do not take into account the interests. You need to choose realistic toys that are similar to existing animals, fish, birds, people. This is necessary so that the girl's imagination about the existing world of wildlife is not disturbed. There is no need to purchase vampire, monster, zombie dolls. The psyche of the baby is not yet fully settled and this can negatively affect her.

Beautiful gift wrapping - additional, joyful, exciting minutes before meeting with a toy. Be sure to wrap the toy in a beautiful gift wrapping and attach a bow.

What to give a girl for 3 years? If a person is concerned about this issue, then he is very lucky: among his relatives or friends there is a charming little girl who invited him to a birthday party or just a visit. Or maybe it's a beloved daughter? Then you are doubly lucky! In order to understand what to give a child, you need to figure out how a girl develops at 3 years old, what her needs are.

Children by the age of three acquire many new skills and abilities. If one year old baby only begins to master simple games, learns to assemble a pyramid, say the first words, then a three-year-old is already an independent person. At this age, most children speak well and a lot, they know how to take the initiative. Kids strive for independence, they want to feel like adults, strong, independent. The child has already mastered many household activities: he can fasten buttons, undress, dress. You can entrust the child with a simple task, for example, take a cup to the kitchen, he will do it.

The movements of a small person become more coordinated, the emotional range expands. A kid can experience a whole range of feelings: love, resentment, anger, envy, pride, fear ... He can empathize with fairy-tale characters, as if putting himself in their place. He or she already knows that Baba Yaga is bad and the bunny is good. By the age of 3, children are interested in drawing, modeling, music.

The sphere of interests of a three-year-old is very extensive, so it is not difficult to choose a gift for a girl at this age, there are many options.

What are the toys

What to give a goddaughter for 3 years? How to please your niece, younger sister? What do kids like at this age? What a gift for a daughter for 3 year will do to her and will be useful for development? Before making a choice, it would be good to figure out what kind of games and toys for three-year-olds are in general. It is not very pleasant to give gifts that are not suitable for age and boring for a birthday girl, for example. The third birthday, although not an anniversary, is still a very important day for the little princess and her loved ones!

Active games

  • We all know what children are fidgets. A trampoline will be a great gift for a little naughty girl. On sale there are trampolines of small size, about 90 cm in diameter, can withstand up to 70 kg of weight. Such a gift is suitable if there is space in the apartment, and will also bring a lot of joy in the country.
  • Another favorite entertainment for children is a dry pool. Balloons sold separately, suggested great amount options for where to put them. It can be an inflatable trampoline, a play tent, in fact, a special ball pool itself, which is easy to assemble and convenient to carry. You can buy balls and a container for them immediately in the kit.

In addition to fun, the storm of emotions dry pool gives the effect of massage, trains the child's muscles, develops tactile sensations. Along the way, the child can learn colors by examining and sorting the balls.

  • A big ball with handles that you can jump on will also appeal to a mobile girl. These balls are in the form of little animals, it is very amusing for kids.

  1. For a “summer” birthday girl, you can give a bicycle or a scooter for her birthday. An excellent gift for a 3-year-old girl will be a children's electric car, motorcycle or ATV. It would not be superfluous to purchase a fall protection kit along with such a gift so that broken knees do not spoil the joy of riding a scooter along park paths.
  2. For winter games, there is such an unusual thing as Sno-Baller, it is also called the "snowball maker". It can be used to blind a large number of snowballs, without freezing your hands, without soaking your mittens. Great item for snow lovers. For those who love to ride downhill, snowtubes, or the so-called "cheesecakes", are suitable. This new version of our "ices", which makes skiing safer, since the snowtubes are inflatable and have a round shape.

music and dancing

  • In any toy store you can find children's musical instruments. There is a huge variety of options: drums, flutes, xylophones, synthesizers. You can give a girl at 3 years old a set right away to give the child enough room for creativity. You can buy battery-powered drumsticks for the drum. Such sticks imitate the sound of different drums when struck, and by pressing the button you can turn on the melody and play the drum part to the beat.
  • Another "musical" gift is a dance mat. This is a special playground with non-slip coating, a simulator of dance machines. We saw such devices in films, and now there is an opportunity to dance at home. There are separate children's musical rugs, they can be in the shape of a piano or with images of animals. The musical rug is connected to the computer or the TV, in a set there is a disk with melodies.

During the dance, the sense of rhythm, the musical ear of the child are trained, and it is also a great option for joint games between parents and children. If you have chosen a musical rug, then you have successfully solved the problem of what to give a child for 3 years.


What to give a girl for 3 years, no matter how materials for creativity? Children love to draw, sculpt and create new things with their mothers.

  1. Finger paints - the simultaneous development of creative thinking and motor skills, the process of drawing with them is very exciting! Most paints say that they can be used from 2-3 years old, look for non-toxic compounds, substances should be as safe as possible. You do not need to buy many colors at once, 4-5 of the most basic ones will suffice for a start. For paints, you can buy whatman paper, oilcloth for the floor, a special children's apron for drawing.
  2. Another great birthday gift that will suit a three year old is kinetic sand. This is a bewitching living sand that reacts to the movements of the hands, either crumbling or as if flowing down, while it does not dry out and does not stain the palms. For the first experiment, you can take 2-3 kg, and if possible, there can be more sand, for example, you can fill an inflatable sandbox with it. Along with the sand, you can take various molds and tools for playing.

Kinetic sand is pleasant to the touch and can be used as a stress reliever. From it you can build the most different figures or just knead with your hands, enjoying the texture.

  1. Classics of children's creativity - mass for modeling. Now there are a huge number of colors and sets, a good mass does not dry out during modeling, is not poisonous, does not have a pungent odor, and does not stain hands. Look for bright and pure colors. Some manufacturers offer interesting accessories for playing with plastic mass. For example, a press in the form of a turtle, from which various sausages appear when pressed. A set with mass for modeling and interesting mechanisms will be a great birthday present for a 3-year-old girl.

Constructors, puzzles, mosaic

  • For three years, a child can already be presented with a designer or cubes. The constructor should be with large blocks, it is good if it has specialized elements: parts with wheels and in the form of a roof, windows and doors that can be inserted into a finished house. It is also better to buy cubes in a large set with many shapes. Such diversity will help the child to embody their ideas, for example, to build a city.
  • Puzzles fit large, with recognizable characters. It can be heroes of your favorite cartoons, animals. The number of parts - up to 40 elements. Pay attention to wooden puzzles or made on thick cardboard. Such a gift will serve the child longer, it will not be easily torn and wrinkled during the game.

By the age of three, a child can assemble a complex mosaic, you can buy almost any. The main thing is that she good quality, nice colors. Details cannot be fragile, paint should not peel off from them, plastic elements should not have a pungent odor.

Role-playing games

If you are thinking what to give a girl for 3 years old, be sure to consider such an option as toys for role play. Role-playing games are the most important stage in the development of each personality. During the role-playing game, the emotional world of the child is formed, the baby comprehends the world of adults, relationships and laws in it. Of course, fantasy and social skills develop.

  1. Any toys that imitate adult things will be a wonderful gift. These can be cleaning kits, dishes, special kitchens and Appliances, toy phones. Job games are very popular with children. Give the baby a set for your favorite children's game "to the store" or "to the doctor". If a girl often sees how her father repairs something in the house, she may like a set of tools “like daddy”. Down with stereotypes! Girls are no less fond of various dump trucks, excavators and other machines. In the sandbox you can play construction, and at home you can build a city for toys, and ambulances and police cars will come in handy there.
  2. At the age of 3-5 years, dolls and soft animals are important. A child can identify himself with his favorite toy, put it to sleep next to him, feed him porridge, arrange tea parties for bears and hares. If you can find a doll that looks like a birthday girl, she will be delighted! If the family has youngest child, then a baby doll with a stroller or a sling will be especially relevant, which the girl will be able to walk, proudly pacing next to her mother.
  3. The dream of many girls is a doll house. Now it is easy to find whole series of toys, you can buy new residents, furniture, accessories. There are families of animals or dolls living in such a house. As an option - a farm with animals or a zoo.

Interactive toys are things that can respond to a child's actions. They can talk with the baby, offer some tasks, ask questions. More often interactive toys provided with educational programs. They can teach letters and counting, animal names and colors, and riddles.

  • There are special children's computers and tablets, outwardly they look like adult equipment, which children really like.
  • There are also interactive posters with the alphabet. When you click on a letter, that letter or the word that begins with it can sound.
  • Interactive soft toys seem very funny to children, which repeat words after a person, answer questions, some of them need to be fed and cared for like real pets.

Such gifts for a 3-year-old girl will delight her and give her mother a few extra minutes for herself.

Favorite fairy tales

  1. If a child loves some kind of cartoon, he will be very happy with a gift in the form of his favorite character. Such a hero will become a true friend of the baby, an excellent partner for games. Great gift for a 3-year-old girl - finger theater. This is not only a joy for the child, but also a helper for parents. By using finger theater you can play scenes from life, simultaneously teaching the child how to behave in a given situation, it is very simple and fun to learn rhymes and songs. The advantage of this toy is also in active interaction with the parent, and this is never superfluous.
  2. The book is the best gift at all times, especially at this age. Plots should be simple and understandable, preferably with instructive overtones, illustrations should be large and bright. You should not take complex, ambiguous stories, but a collection of children's poems is perfect. Pay attention to the binding and pages: the book must be strong, withstand repeated reading and examination.

Three-year-olds are well-known "why", a good educational book will help mom and baby answer questions. Many books develop fine motor skills and sensory abilities of the child, pieces of fabric of various textures are sewn into them, some need to stick stickers, press buttons.

When choosing a gift for a girl at 3 years old for her birthday or just when she comes to visit, be sure to take into account her character, interests, needs. Let your gift be relevant and fulfill the dream of a little princess!
