Public services: checking the queue for kindergarten. How to check the progress of the queue for kindergarten via the Internet? What are the benefits of electronic registration?

Modern parents know very well that placing their child in kindergarten IR near the house is not so easy today. There are a lot of children, but unfortunately there are a limited number of places in preschool institutions.

Therefore, soon after the birth of the baby and receiving all necessary documents, mom and dad put him on the waiting list for kindergarten.

How is the waiting list for kindergarten formed?

Today this can be done in three ways:

The application is assigned a serial number, which must be written down, because this data will be needed to track the progress of the queue.

How can I track my place in line for kindergarten?

This can be done in several ways:

  1. In the appropriate section on the website of the regional administration at your place of residence. Usually on such resources you can find out the queue for kindergarten by application number.
  2. By reference number for support of users of the State Services website: 8-800-100-70-10 (24 hours a day). In this case, the request is made by the child’s last name or by his birth certificate data (series and number).
  3. Actually, on the portal Here you will need to enter the number assigned to your application.

How to find out the queue number for a kindergarten through the State Services website?

Before receiving this or any other information on government services, you will need to register on the site. If you submitted an application for a place in the kindergarten on the State Services portal, you only have to log in using your username and password.

Register on the electronic portal

To do this you will need to enter:

  • a number of personal data that the system will ask for,
  • passport ID,
  • SNILS.

Please remember that after registration it will take some time to confirm your information. After the data has been confirmed, it will be necessary to complete the registration by personally visiting the nearest Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services.

Find out the queue to the garden

So, if you have an account on the State Services website, you can find out the queue number by following the sequence of actions:

  1. Log in to your personal account using your login (as a rule, this is the insurance number of an individual personal account) and password.

  1. Go to the “Electronic Services” page.

  1. In the “Services by Department” section, select “Education Department of the City Administration... (your city).”
  2. In the list of services provided by the education department, select the appropriate item - “Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions of the city... (your city).”

  1. Click on the inscription “Get a service”.

  1. Click on the inscription “Proceed to submit an application”, enter in the window that appears the number assigned to your application for placement in the kindergarten queue.

  1. On the page with the subtitle “Admission to kindergarten”, you should select the type of application from the drop-down list - to receive information about the status of the queue.

  1. After short-term processing of the request, the system will provide information about the status of the queue on this moment time.

In what order are applications placed in the queue?

Applications are placed in a queue according to the date of their submission, which is also the date of registration of the preschooler. The age of the children is also taken into account. Thus, children of the same age group are located in the order in which the parents submitted their applications.

It should be borne in mind that this applies to children entering kindergartens on a general basis, that is, without benefits.

A child’s place in the queue indicates how many other children of the same age group are waiting for a place in kindergarten and applying for it before your baby.

How are preschoolers standing in line assigned to kindergartens?

Allocation to preschool educational institutions occurs automatically.

The system sorts applications, placing them in order, taking into account the following data:

  • serial number of the application;
  • category of the population to which the future kindergarten student belongs: preferential or on a general basis, in turn, beneficiaries are also arranged in a sequence corresponding to the level of benefits and the date of application;
  • age of children: in each group, applications are arranged according to numbers and taking into account applicants with benefits;
  • priority kindergarten (if there is no place in it, the system will consider the nearest ones, and only then the distant ones).

Thus, the system selects different children for each specific kindergarten. age groups depending on their place in the queue and taking into account benefits.

This usually happens in summer period. However, it is possible to end up in kindergarten throughout the year, since groups are replenished every three months if free places appear in them.

It is worth considering that the distribution of places in any kindergarten may change after some time. This is due to the fact that parents of referred children do not plan to send them to kindergarten in the coming academic year or got a place in a garden that was not suitable for them.

Taking this information into account, the lists are adjusted and kindergartens are restocked.

Why might the place in the queue for kindergarten change?

The queue at kindergarten can surprise the child's parents with both pleasant surprises - in the form of an upward jump, and not very happy facts - a downward shift. What are the reasons for these movements?

An application can be moved up in the queue in the following cases:

  • if the child higher on the list dropped out of the queue (the family changed their place of residence, the parents completely refused to attend kindergarten for the child, the child will not go to kindergarten this school year);
  • if a higher-ranking beneficiary has lost his status and now takes a place on the list in the garden according to the date of entry into the queue (later than you);
  • if there are “transfers” (that is, those who do not agree to a place in a given garden) or “refuseniks” in the queue.

The queue may go down for the following reasons:

  • if a beneficiary appears in it;
  • if the list includes “transfers” (those who transferred from another kindergarten to yours, but submitted an application before yours).

An electronic queue for kindergarten is certainly a useful service. Today, parents do not need to visit RONO several times a month with a stack of documents and knock on the doorsteps of gardens in search of a place.

It is also convenient that you can look at the queue at any time to find out whether it is moving in the right direction. However, it is important to submit an application as early as possible so that your child can be in kindergarten at the planned time.

Discussions about whether it is possible to look at the queue for kindergarten online through “State Services” and join this queue have been going on on the World Wide Web for several years now. Let us clarify: in 2019, it is possible to queue for a garden through State Services, but not in all regions. In this case, the portal user must have an identified account to receive this service.

How can I register my child for a place in kindergarten through State Services?

Submitting an application for enrollment in a kindergarten is carried out according to the following scheme.

Select the “Services” section in the top menu of the portal.

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You will be taken to a page for selecting the desired service from the 3 proposed options. Click on the “Register for kindergarten” link again.

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Next, you will be taken to an information page that tells you how to correctly register your child for a place in kindergarten, and clarifies that You can not only borrow, but also check the queue for the garden through “State Services”.

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If your State Services account is not identified, the system will not allow you to proceed beyond this step. Block number 1 in Fig. 4 explains how you can verify your account information.

Among the types of receiving services, select When you select “Personal visit”, the site will only tell you what documents will be needed to get in line in the general order.

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Check out the list of documents that are needed to put your baby on the waiting list. Mandatory documents are:

  • Birth certificate.
  • Parent's passport.
  • A document confirming the child’s place of residence.

If the application is submitted by a guardian, you need a document confirming his right to represent the interests of the child. You can attach additional papers if they give you the right to receive benefits and priority enrollment.

Click the "Fill out application" button.

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Next, you will need to fill out a page with personal data. As for your data, it will be automatically downloaded from your account (including passport details). All that remains is to indicate the degree of relationship.

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But the child’s data will have to be entered manually, starting with the full name and ending with the SNILS number, if the child’s “green card” has already been issued. Is it possible to issue SNILS for a child through government services?

  1. Enter the addresses of the actual residence and registration of the baby (if they do not match).
  2. Select from the map the most suitable kindergarten in terms of geography (and other criteria). If there are no places in the selected kindergarten on the desired enrollment date, State Services will offer you a choice of several more nearby options.
  3. Indicate the enrollment parameters, namely the desired date, the specifics of the group (general education, compensatory). If you have benefits, then mark which ones.
  4. Upload scans of documents from the list above. Please note the file requirements: it is possible to upload only documents in .jpg, .doc, .pdf, .xls formats, each of which does not exceed 3.5 MB in size. It's better not to take risks with .docx files.
  5. Carefully check everything you entered and click “Submit”.

A few days later, you will be notified of successful placement in the queue or refusal in the way that you indicated in the application form (SMS, email).

How to check the queue for kindergarten?

To be aware of how to find out the queue for a garden online through “State Services”, read the following instructions:

  1. Return to the service selection page (Fig. 3) and follow the “Check queue” link.
  2. You will be taken to a page with up-to-date information about your place in the queue. Notification of your child’s enrollment in kindergarten will also be sent to your email, so you won’t miss any important information.

Please note: you can not only view the queue for kindergarten online through State Services, but also change an application that has already been submitted, for example, adjust the desired date of enrollment. To do this, from the service selection page (Fig. 3), follow the second link “Cancel or change entry.”

New parents are advised to immediately after receiving the child's birth certificate. But even this does not fully guarantee that the child will go to the nursery on time, so it is necessary to periodically check the status of the queue through the government services portal.

Only registered users can check the status of an application to kindergarten. Therefore, if you do not yet have a profile, it is recommended to create one. Or use other methods.

Important! Information about the queue for kindergarten will be available even if the application was submitted in a different way.

Authorization in your personal account is carried out by number mobile phone or email address specified during registration. A permanent password is also set when registering in the system. As soon as you successfully log into your account on the government services portal, you will be able to view information about the kindergarten queue.

Exact information can be found if you go through the branches “Service Catalog” - “Family and Children”

Note! The “Family and Children” section is a large catalog. Finding the right section in it is not always easy. Look at the TOP services.

The “Check application status” page, if you have already placed your child in the queue, has only one functional button – “Check application”. After clicking on it, the child's serial number will be displayed, which shows how many children of the same age will receive a place in kindergarten before your baby.

How are children assigned to kindergartens?

Distribution to kindergartens occurs automatically, based on data from the electronic queue.

However, there are essentially 2 queues:

  • Beneficiaries;
  • Children who enter kindergarten on a general basis.

Beneficiaries have priority in enrollment over the second group. However, the same number of places are allocated for them as for the group on a general basis. There is a ranking between children in the preferential category, depending on what rules it falls under. For example, a federal benefit child has priority over a municipal benefit child.

In fact, it turns out that if beneficiaries do not have enough space in accordance with state indulgences, they are placed in a queue on a general basis. Moreover, the earlier the application was submitted, the higher the applicant's name will be in the queue.

Previously, there were district commissions for the distribution of children in kindergartens, but since 2012 everything has been done in an electronic queue. District departments only determine the deadlines for enrolling children in groups. The first wave of enrollment begins in the spring and ends in early summer. But in August, some of the children graduate and go to school, so another part of the places are vacated.

Children from 3 to 6 years old can apply for vacant places. Admission to senior or middle group carried out if there are few such applications (1-3 pieces), in other cases a group of different ages is gathered.

Children over 3 years of age are admitted to kindergarten as a priority. Children 2-3 years old go to kindergartens whenever possible, however, due to overcrowding, such groups are formed quite rarely. The child's age is calculated as of September 1, that is, if the baby turns 3 years old on September 15, he will only be included in the next enrollment group.

Why do places in the queue shift?

Upon reaching 3 years of age, the child ends up in the “real” queue, since from this age they are assigned to kindergartens and groups. In the queue that is reflected on the public services portal before this age, the number should not change, but sometimes this happens.

The shift can be up or down, so parents need to remember the status of their application. Usually the place changes only a couple of points, since all cases of queue changes are associated with individual children. Changes can occur not only in the queue on a general basis, but also among beneficiaries. The increase in place on the list is due to:

Refusal of an “earlier” child.

This may happen because they decided to send the child to kindergarten later, or because he will not go there at all. In this case, it is necessary that the objector be in the same queue as you (on a general basis or a beneficiary), but submit an application earlier.

Moving a baby.

If parents move within the same municipal area, they do not lose their place in the queue. A parent or guardian has the right to apply to 3 preschools. If a child on the waiting list for the same kindergarten moves, his preferences will most likely change, because another institution will be closer. Accordingly, a place will be freed up in the queue at the kindergarten you need.

In this case, only the place in the queue for children with priority enrollment is increased. A child who has lost the right to early enrollment in kindergarten is put on the waiting list on a general basis.
Demotion by a point or several in the electronic queue is associated with:

Moving a child with an earlier registration date.

This point follows from a similar one in increasing priority. If a child moves, he vacates a place in one kindergarten and applies for a place in another preschool institution. Accordingly, if a child moves, whose parents managed to register him earlier, your place will be lowered.

In case of loss of benefit rights.

In this case, the place in the queue is reduced on a general basis. A child who has lost the right to priority enrollment is placed on the general waiting list. And if his statement has an earlier date, yours will go down a point.

Checking the status of your kindergarten application allows you to roughly assess your chances. Based on the location, you can determine whether the child will enter the nursery by the specified age or whether the mother will have to endure an extra maternity year.

Video about how to check the queue at kindergarten

All young mothers and fathers are well aware that enrolling a child in a state kindergarten is not at all easy. There are many children, but there are a limited number of vacant places. And, despite the fact that people are accustomed to solving issues as they arise, it is necessary to take care of the kindergarten in advance. In this regard, practically in the first month of a child’s life, parents need to be puzzled by the issue of collecting documents for registration in a kindergarten, and in the future they should be able to check the queue for kindergarten through State Services.

What opportunities are there to register for kindergarten?

  1. Fill out an application on the State Services website and join the queue for kindergarten via the Internet;
  2. Also using the Internet on the website of your city administration;
  3. When visiting a branch of the Federal Migration Service in person, you have the opportunity to fill out and sign a real application in the presence of a service employee.

Important! Each application is assigned a number that must be saved, since this is what you will later use to check the queue for kindergarten.

Now you have the opportunity to track the queue to your kindergarten at any free time.

How can I check my place in the queue?

There are several options here:

How can I find out my current position in the queue for kindergarten through the State Services website?

To receive the necessary services on the State Services website, you must be registered on the portal. If you initially filled out an application through the portal, then all that remains is to log in to the site using the login and password that were specified during registration .

Accordingly, if you already have an account, then you can find out the kindergarten queue number using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account using your login (mobile and e-mail) and password.
  2. Select “Service Catalog” from the menu list.
  3. Inside, select the “Family and Children” subsection.
  4. In the “Family and Children” section, choose from the popular “Kindergarten Registration” services.
  5. Next - “Checking the status of the application.”
  6. Next, click on the blue “Check Application” button.

After the few minutes required to process the request, you will see information about the status of your application and find out the queue number for the kindergartens that you indicated when submitting your application.

In what order are applications placed in the queue?

Parents' applications are placed in lists relative to the submission date on which the preschooler was placed on the waiting list. This includes taking into account the age of the children. That is, children of the same age are placed in line in accordance with the date on which parents submitted applications for kindergarten. It is important to note that we are talking about children who enter kindergartens without any benefits. Accordingly, the number in the queue also shows the number of children of a similar age who are also waiting for a place and will get it before you.

How are children distributed among kindergartens?

Children are automatically assigned to kindergartens. The database sorts applications based on the following information:

  • application system number;
  • in accordance with the category of the future visitor preschool: this can be a general or preferential category, it is also divided according to the level of benefit and the date of application;
  • according to the age of the children: in groups, applications are arranged strictly by number and taking into account privileges;
  • regarding the selected gardens (if there are no places, the system will give priority to nearby ones, and then to more distant gardens).

Consequently, the system makes decisions about the selection of children of different birth dates in each kindergarten regarding benefits and places on the list.

As a rule, the distribution of children is carried out in the summer, usually in June, but you can also get a place in any quarter, since replenishment occurs if places become available.

It is worth noting that the queue may move, as some parents change their plans and do not send their children to kindergarten, choose paid institutions, decide to use the services of a nanny, or get a place in a kindergarten to which they do not want to send their children.

In accordance with the above, the lists are adjusted and groups are added.

Why does the shift occur?

The data on the portal is updated periodically, and one day you will find that you have sharply moved up several places in the list or, on the contrary, moved lower. For what reason could this happen?

You can be higher in the queue in the following cases:

  • the child who was higher in the line left it because the family moved. Either the parents changed their minds about sending their child to kindergarten or decided to go in another year;
  • if the beneficiary who was in front of you suddenly lost the benefit and got into the queue for a place on the date of his application, and it turned out to be later than the date of your application;
  • if the list includes refuseniks or those who do not want to go to the proposed garden.

You can slide down the queue if:

  • a new beneficiary has appeared in front of you;
  • “transferrs” have been added to the list (those who transferred to your garden from another, but their application date is earlier than yours).

Please note that it is really worth checking the website regularly for the availability of your application and its status. Unfortunately, there are cases of applications missing from the portal.

Therefore, try to control the queue after completing your application. If the application disappears from the system, you may need to contact your city’s Education Committee in person or by phone, and then to the staffing commission to clarify whether your child is on the list. Most likely, a technical glitch did not affect the number in the queue, but it is better to make sure for your own peace of mind.

Kindergarten is a place where children undergo the primary stage of socialization. This period is very important not only for babies, but also for their mothers and fathers, who after maternity leave can continue their labor activity. It is customary to register for preschool institutions immediately after the baby is born, but you can check the queue for kindergarten at Mosreg at any time remotely.

Residents of the Moscow region have the opportunity to receive a variety of government and municipal services remotely. To do this, you need to register on the website Using the portal you can solve the following issues:

  1. Attachment to a clinic and registration of vouchers for an appointment with a selected medical specialist.
  2. Registration of children in preschool and school institutions (1st grade).
  3. Payment of receipts, taxes, fines, state duties, etc.
  4. Ordering and servicing transport cards.
  5. Obtaining licenses and hunting tickets.
  6. Submitting applications for free sanatorium and resort vouchers for privileged categories of citizens.
  7. Registration of special permits for vehicles and much more.

The process of registering a new user takes 1-2 minutes and includes entering some personal data (full name, phone number and/or email address).

Advice! If a resident of the Moscow region has an active account on the portal, he can log in to “Mosreg” - “Services” and find out the queue for kindergarten without additional registration steps.

Checking the queue for kindergarten

The number of children who need a place in preschool institutions in the Moscow region is not decreasing. To understand why a particular child goes or does not go to kindergarten this year, you need to imagine a sequence formation scheme. Several factors are important:

  1. Year of birth. Regardless of what age the child was at the time of applying to kindergarten, there are certain criteria for admission to a preschool institution. For example, most organizations work with children between the ages of 3 and 7. That is, regardless of the time of application, applicants will have to wait to achieve the right age son or daughter.
  2. The date the service request was generated. If the age or preferential information is the same, the first in line will be the child whose parents or other legal representatives have previously submitted an application to attend the kindergarten.
  3. Availability of benefits. If children or parents belong to a preferential category of citizens, they are given priority or priority enrollment in a preschool institution.

The following categories of citizens have the right to preferential enrollment of children in kindergarten:

  • military personnel;
  • police officers;
  • investigators;
  • prosecutors;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl consequences;
  • large families;
  • disabled children;
  • children raised in a family where one or both parents have a disability group.

Important! Children living near a preschool institution have a priority right to admission to kindergarten among candidates with similar input data (age, availability of benefits, etc.).

The formation of the queue is carried out using automatic sorting as follows:

  • a selection of applications for children of a suitable age category (the age of candidates is calculated as of September 1 of the current year);
  • first in line are priority candidates, then first-priority ones, then the main stream (children without benefits);
  • sampling among each group according to the date of the request for admission to a preschool educational institution;
  • the priority of the kindergarten for a particular applicant is taken into account (residence near a preschool educational institution).

How to check the queue for preschool

You can check the queue for a kindergarten in the Moscow Region at This opportunity is provided to those citizens who filled out an application through electronic queue. The algorithm of actions for a user who wants to clarify when his child should go to kindergarten is as follows:

  1. Enter the official website of public services of the Moscow region.
  2. Log in to gain access to your personal account.
  3. Select section " Preschool education and education”, then “Learn the queue”, press the “Learn” button.

The system will redirect the user to a page to obtain information about the queue for enrollment in the preschool educational institution. You will need to go through 3 stages:

  1. Agreement. The user must confirm the reliability and accuracy of the data specified in the application, as well as confirm their understanding of their responsibility for providing false information. In addition, a mandatory condition is to give consent to the use of personal data of the child and parent.
  2. Selecting a verification method. Users can carry out verification using their own SNILS number or the child’s, as well as using the baby’s personal data (series and number of the birth certificate).
  3. Queue status. After entering all the required data, the system will issue a queue number that is current at the current time.
