Interesting topics for debate. Group Discussion Methods

Anna Gladkova
Discussion with game elements on the topic "Drug Addiction" for teenagers aged 14-14

State government institution

social services of the Krasnodar Territory

"Otradnensky Social Rehabilitation Center for


Subject: « Addiction»

Conduct form: discussion with game elements.


Gladkova A. S.

Third rehabilitation group

Target audience: minors 14-18 years old.

Form and working methods: conversation, discussion, exercise, discussion, role play.

Target drug participants


providing information about addiction

narcotic or a toxic substance;

narcotic substances.

Expected Result: to develop skills of self-defense and prevention of problems with drug addiction, children's awareness of the harmful effects addiction on the human body.



1. Beginning of the lesson: greeting, exercise "Snowball".

2. Introduction: conversation-discussion.

3. Main body: exercise "My expectations", discussion"What's happened addiction» a relaxation exercise "Polyanka", discussion, role play "Methods of opting out drug» .

4. Final part: reflection, summing up.

« Addiction»

Target: find out the degree of awareness about drug participants; expand and deepen the information.


develop skills that will help you make positive choices;

in life situations, make decisions with a clear awareness of their own behavior and with a responsible attitude to the social and cultural requirements of society;

develop self-defence skills and prevent problems.

providing information about addiction as a socially significant disease;

developing skills to resist suggestions to try narcotic or a toxic substance;

developing a wary attitude towards people who use or offer narcotic substances.

materials: drawings, fabric of different colors, felt-tip pens, paper, self-adhesive sheets, adhesive tape, scissors, tape recorder, music.

Course progress.

1. Beginning of the lesson.


Exercise "Snowball".

Today we will talk about addiction. Why this topic given that much attention? Because addiction represents a great danger, both for a person and for society and civilization as a whole.

2. Introduction.

Let's start our lesson topic, which we will now define together. I post pictures. Who is pictured? What is the topic for discussion? That's right, let's talk about addiction.

"All that one person can help another is to reveal to him truthfully and lovingly the existence of an alternative."

Erich Fromm

"A traveler walking along the river heard desperate children's cries. Running up to the shore, he saw drowning children in the river and rushed to save them. Noticing a man passing by, he began to call for help. He began to help those who were still afloat. Seeing the third traveler, they called for help: But he, ignoring the calls, hastened Steps: "Do you care about the fate of children?" - asked the rescuers. The third traveler answered: "I see that you two are coping so far. I will run to the turn, find out why the children fall into the river, and try to prevent it."

Discussion: What is this story about? This parable illustrates possible approaches to solving the problem. addiction. A large role is assigned to preventive measures "to run to the turn and prevent".

Danger start to take drugs exists at any age. But research suggests that many drug addicts started joining narcotic funds already from 8-10 years. Every year their number increases, but especially at the age of 13-15 years. Find yourself in narcotic addictions can be both children from dysfunctional families and children who are called in society "golden youth".

3. The main part.

The purpose of our lesson: substance use prevention - drugs.

Exercise "My expectations".

Target: find out the expectations of the participants from the session.

materials: self-adhesive colored papers and felt-tip pens.

Ask participants to write their expectations on colored slips. It is important to warn participants that only one expectation or one question can be written on one piece of paper. Then the leaves are glued to a large sheet, hung on the board and read out.

You already know a lot about drugs, let `s talk about addiction, state, behavior drug addict with thematic drawings.

Discussion"What's happened addiction".

Target: find out the level of awareness of the participants on the problem addiction. Distribute drawings to participants. Drawings: gift, vessels, sponge, fish on a platter, ball game, feeding porridge, horse team, weather, ball on an inclined plane, fence, rose, flower, weed, entry into cold water, wasp in the room, communicating vessels. Within 3 minutes, compose an associative story, starting with words: "A person who uses drugs:", "drug addiction is:"

Possible answers (from the answers of schoolchildren of the 8th grade): a gift "a person is specially given as a gift a dose of drug, for free, thereby "hooking" him on drug. Then, as a result of developed dependence, a person will be ready to buy a dose from dealers for any money";

vessels: "a person who uses drugs, at first started with a small dose, then he needs more and more. Often there is an overdose and drug addict dies";

sponge: "a person who uses drugs absorbs everything that causes a state of intoxication";

fish on a platter: "a person who uses drugs like a fish on a platter open mouth thirsty for air, water, and drug addict- saving dose for him drug, immersing yourself in his usual habitat - pleasure, high, detachment ";

ball game: "a person who uses drugs like in a game ball: got the ball (pricked, caught a buzz and nothing else worries him - no rules games, no human relationships, no summer cloudy day:";

porridge feeding: "a person who uses drugs loses independence, like a baby unable to make informed decisions";

team of horses: "a person who uses drugs forced to drag behind him "a heavy cart of dependence on psychoactive substances." Drugs rule it. It is very difficult to get rid of the harness, you need help with sides: doctors, families, people around and their willpower";

weather: "mood drug addict as changeable as the weather?";

ball on an inclined plane: "a person who uses drugs roll down very fast. It's very hard to keep up."

fence: ": overcomes any difficulties, obstacles just to get a dose, even crosses the line of the law";

rose: "aggressiveness, irascibility, causing pain to others";

flower: "worm is drugs destroying internal organs";

weed: "uselessness, uselessness of existence";

entering the cold water: "although he knows that it is dangerous, he still steps. "River" drugs quickly take him away. It is very difficult to get out against the current, out of dependence";

wasp in the room: "like a wasp striving to fly to freedom, so addict in search of a dose";

communicating vessels: "brings suffering to everyone. Problems arise in the family, and at work, and interpersonal relationships."

Medical aspect addiction. (5 minutes)

Every person is free. And he can choose what to do with his health. But any choice should be based on knowledge, between what and what you choose. How drug acts on the human body. Did you know that in the human body there are substances similar to drug. When you have fun, eat something tasty, your brain produces special hormones, which are scientifically called endorphins. If a person starts taking drug, his body ceases to produce natural substances. And a person becomes no longer able to enjoy life without drug. To elementary be in good mood, and then, in order to exist, it becomes necessary drug

To make it easier for you to understand this, we can give an example from biology. You probably know that the cuckoo itself does not hatch chicks. She throws her eggs into other people's nests. For example, in the warbler's nest. The warbler does not notice the change. And he takes the cuckoo's egg for his own. As a result, the cuckoo throws out warbler eggs and occupies the entire nest. Now the foster parents are making every effort to feed the chick. And he insatiably demands more and more. But a cuckoo will grow from a cuckoo, and a warbler will not have its own offspring. That's drug, like a cuckoo, leads to the death of a natural substance for humans. However, he is not going to perform those functions that are necessary for normal operation.

(Medical video can be used addiction.)

Relaxation exercise "Polyanka".

materials: fabric, adhesive tape, scissors, music recording, tape recorder.

Music sounds "Sounds of nature". Sit back, close your eyes, listen to the sounds music: Imagine a sunny summer day. A warm breeze sways the leaves of the trees. You step barefoot on the soft green grass: In front of you is a meadow all dotted with colorful flowers. Consider carefully which They:

Open your eyes. Let's create our own flower from pieces of fabric. We work in pairs. Find a place for your flower in a clearing (green fabric). Present your work: what is the name of the flower, its features, hobbies.


It turns out that flowers can talk. I tell the beginning of the tale "A flower named Stranger". I take the names of flowers from the "Glade" exercise presented by the participants.

Each flower in this clearing tells another forest news. It is fun and interesting for them to live in this clearing. One morning in the clearing a new flower appeared on a thin stem, with small leaves and a very small unopened green bud.

You are like ordinary grass, said the big Lotus flowers. - After all, you're so green.

No, answered the new flower, I am the Stranger flower.

What kind of flower are you if your bud has not opened! Lily said.

There are no such flowers, - the Bells rang.

And all the flowers in the meadow said: "There is no such flower, you are not ours, we will not be friends with you!"

The little thin green Stranger looked at herself. "Yes. I'm not like them, no one wants to be with me talk: "From this thought, she felt so alone and abandoned by everyone! She became fade: the already thin stalk became even thinner and wanted to. But then she heard a voice Roses: "Don't be sad! Na, prick: What is weak? What are you afraid of?" "Yes, I'm afraid. Yes, I'm scared!" she replied. forget-me-not:

Target: developing skills to behave correctly in a situation of dispute, pressure from peers.

Discussion: What problems did the Stranger have? (low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority, feeling like a "black sheep".

Conclusion: having a reasonable sense of danger is natural. Fear drugs and their use is not a sign of cowardice, but of a reasonable, responsible attitude towards oneself, towards one's health. There is the problem of responsibility to oneself for one's life and the problem of infantilism. The choice is made only by the person himself - to move towards health or death.

Development of exemplary options failure:

Calm-confident "No!" and look straight into the eyes of the one who offers drug.


Role-playing game When can be offered drug. Ways of refusal».

Each person makes choice: accept him drugs or not. But he, unfortunately, makes a choice only once - the very first time. All other decisions are made by the individual. drug.

Let's look at the situations in which it can be offered drug.

1)On discotheque. And it will be offered very skillfully. The dealer will manipulate you (i.e. control like a puppet). And will do it professionally. What is it for? So that you come again and get a dose, but now you will have to pay. What phrases do they use?

So you will have more fun!

It's safe and will help you relax!

Is not drug. Who do you take me for. These pills are just uplifting.

That it is dangerous to you mom and dad told. They just control you. Listen more to your ancestors, they tell you fairy tales.

I accepted it too. And now I can light up until the morning.

Everyone accepts it. You just fell behind. You will become tougher.

2) Suggestion from a friend. It is likely that a friend wants to try the pill, but one is scared. And second option: if the friend is already drug addict. And when addiction there can be no friendship. At drug addict one master - drug. And for the sake of drug he is ready to betray a loved one.

3) Proposal of adults. In this case, too, there is manipulation. drugs are presented as an attribute of adulthood and coolness, masculinity. Possible phrases:

You know how cool it is. You are no longer small! You are not a mother's boy!

You're an adult, you can already decide for yourself that it's time for you to try weed.

Here we must remember that masculinity is not about using, but about defending one's opinion and one's position, although this is much more difficult. Not always the majority that surrounds you is right. It is important to have your own opinion. It depends on whether you survive.

Let's think about how to get rid of drugs.

Ways of refusal:

1. Just say "No" without explanation;

2. Refuse and explain causes: "I do sports. This will hinder your success.", "I don't want to die young" etc. ;

3. Offer to do something instead of the proposed one;

4. Refuse and leave;

5. « broken record» (repeat for all persuasion "No", "I won't");

6. Ignore the offer;

7. Try to team up with someone who shares your opinion;

8. Try to avoid dangerous situations

You should learn right away to express your position confidently, not to use such turns as "I will think", "Maybe I'll try it once". These turnovers are very similar to promises.

Now I offer you an exercise in which you should think over several options for refusing to accept drug and suggestions to try it.

The work is done in pairs. One student suggests trying drug, the other refuses. Refusal should be tactful, but firm. Then the students in pairs switch roles. The time allotted for pair work is 5 minutes.

After completing the exercise, two questions should be discussed. question:

- Is it easy to pick up worthy refusals?

– How did the participants feel in the roles of persuading and refusing?

What are the reasons for taking drugs?

Brainstorm Why are they starting to take drugs (15 minutes)

It is proposed to speak freely about the reasons that prompt a person to use alcohol or drugs. The facilitator fixes the answers as they come in on a piece of paper, encouraging all participants to be active. Sample answers might look like So: "A person uses because drugs and alcohol that these substances help to him:

Remove barriers in communication

Satisfy your curiosity

Relieve tension and anxiety, fight stress

stimulate activity

follow accepted tradition

Gain new experiences."

At the end, a summary is made and a generalization is made, the question is asked how it is now for them to remember these reasons, what was difficult, whether any discoveries were made. In the course of the discussion, it is useful to pay attention to what human needs are allegedly satisfied with the help of alcohol and alcohol. drugs and are there other ways to achieve the same effect. For example, a person uses alcohol to relieve mental stress. The same can be achieved through exercise, walking, pursuing a hobby, talking with a friend, etc.

10 reasons not to take drug. (15 minutes)

1. Drug leads to the addiction trap. There is an opinion that after the first application drug dependency does not occur. On the one hand, it is. Since physical dependence occurs from the third or fourth time. But there is another type of addiction - psychological. It comes up the first time. And stays for life. It cannot be removed, it can only be muffled. Future drug addict by trying drug for the first time experiencing intense pleasure. And he tries to repeat it again. But the second time, he no longer experiences such sensations. He wants to repeat them over and over. And this is where the fatal third and fourth times arise. And jump off drug becomes impossible. But still there is drug, on which dependence appears the first time. Its name is crack. Pleasant sensations, when smoking crack, pass very quickly. To repeat the effect, you need to smoke another dose. drug to remove the break. An overdose occurs very easily and can lead to serious consequences. Crack drug addict often prone to suicidal thoughts.

2. Relations with relatives deteriorate. drug addict it doesn't matter who is in front of him. He can easily rob his parents, use physical force against them. Love for relatives simply ceases to exist. As a result, he loses the people closest to him. He condemns parents to suffering. After all, no parent wants to bury their children. And parents drug addicts are often doomed to do so.

3. Relations with a girl / guy deteriorate. Many drug addicts had a close relationship. But they were before the reception drugs. Then the love disappeared, and all that remained was the desire to use your boyfriend / girlfriend, get money from him / her for drugs.

4. Poor academic performance. When you receive drugs The brain is the first to suffer. And the student is no longer physically able to study. He simply lacks the strength and ability to study. (drawing drug addict) .

5. End of career. All people want to be successful, they want a prestigious job. But everything that a person achieves in an instant can be lost. All dreams are shattered. Blame it drugs.

6. Loss of self-respect. For drug addict there are no moral values. He destroys everything because he can't stop. He will steal from loved ones, girl- drug addict will enter into intimate relationships with those who have money for drug, and endure any humiliation and bullying for a dose.

7. Problems with the law. By using drugs, a person begins to lead a criminal lifestyle. People lose control of themselves under the influence drug, and become capable of any crime. Drug is expensive and never enough. To buy it drug addicts are ready for anything. Therefore, each of them dealt with law enforcement. Each of them has a criminal record that prevents them from becoming successful in life.

8. Mental disorders. By using drugs you will get irreversible changes psyche: impaired speech and coordination, epileptic seizures, delirium, hallucinations. As a result, suicide is possible.

9. Destruction of health. Most drug addicts have hepatitis, HIV, often drug addicts limbs are amputated, because they are affected by gangrene.

10. Death. Majority drug addicts dies 3-5 years after the start of use drugs. Former there are no drug addicts. Only one in a thousand manages to return to a more or less fulfilling life.

This requires tremendous willpower, an appropriate environment, which will be ready to fight for this person, and special treatment is necessary.

4. Final part.

Addiction- a few seconds of pleasure and premature death. Choose life. For a sane person to accept proposals drug tantamount to an offer to jump off a roof.

Summing up the lesson.

Reflection: Are preventive exercises necessary? What wishes?

In this article, we will touch talking points for teenagers, i.e. I will try to answer the question: “What can I talk to him about so that he is interested?” After all, it often happens that somehow imperceptibly conversations with a son or daughter are reduced by parents to school and sections, and it is through communication that the emotional connection and build rapport with them.

Let's start with the fact that more than anything a teenager, regardless of gender, is interested in the question "Who am I?" and “What makes me different from other people?” (in other words, “Why am I cooler than them?”). If you do not know what to talk about with your child, then this is a direct hint for you.

In second place in terms of interests for a teenager are ways to build relationships with other people. Contrary to existing stereotypes, friendship is more important for him than love. Do you know what is the meaning of life? - Decide as soon as possible, because this question torments your son or daughter quite often. As well as why they live, and what is their purpose.

Teenagers are terribly interested in everything that has to do with relationships between men and women, but this is only because they are absorbed in what is happening in their bodies - i.e. also an important topic of discussion in the family. By the way, if it comes to intimate relationships, then try to limit yourself to answering questions that they themselves will ask you. In no case do not tell them about your sex: "Children should not know anything about this side of their parents' lives." It is better to tell them, if the need arises, that this is the experience of your friends or acquaintances.

Your minor children are constantly in conflict with adults, this happens for two reasons:

  1. They are unrequited creatures who, however, want to have all the rights of adults and no responsibilities, like children.
  2. They feel the disrespect of adults and want an equal relationship with them.

These are also topics for conversation, in which you can constantly negotiate new conditions for your relationship, proportionally distributing the emergence of new rights and new duties. Your task is to gradually prepare a teenager for the fact that an adult is a responsible person.

In conversations with a son or daughter, you can find out the tastes, behaviors, views of his friends, but never criticize them. Because teenagers strive to imitate this and will never want to be drastically different from their company. The contradiction of this age lies in the fact that a teenager still strives to be different from others, he is looking for his own lifestyle, being original, emphasizing any difference from others, originality. But he does it within the framework of what is accepted in his environment. If you help him with this, you will become his best friend.

Guide him, but do not educate him so that he understands this. At this age, every young man and every girl is engaged in self-education, becomes the authors of his life, its creators and masters. Play along with them, you know who really educates them, only here we are talking about a completely different approach to education - through communication and persuasion.

These are not all topics for conversation with teenagers. Which of them are you ready to use, what do you usually talk about? Share in the comments.

The fantasy of "School Projects" is endless. Humble yourself. But there are other formats of educational debate, some of which are over a hundred years old. About the most common today - in our material.

Lincoln-Douglas debate

This format is named after a real-life debate that took place in 1858 in the United States between Illinois Senate candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. The main theme was slavery and the moral values ​​behind it.

The purpose of the debate is to determine which values ​​are more important to society and form their hierarchy. It does not sound very sharp, but in practice it turns out that there are many different values ​​​​in society and from time to time they contradict each other.

Debate Topics

They can be divided into two types:

  1. Refers to philosophy, and compares values. For example: "Freedom is more preferable for life."
  2. More generally, it involves the evaluation of statements. For example: "Restriction of human rights in carrying weapons is justified."

The course of the debate

The affirmative and negative team consists of only one person. Participants must present a compelling moral position that they can defend against criticism and use to make counterarguments without self-contradiction or denying the complexity of the issues being contested.

A feature of the format is a long preparation for the game: topics are announced a month in advance and provide an opportunity to take a time out to prepare a speech.

This format is debated mainly in the United States of America. Tournament information can be found on the National Speech and Debate Association page.

British parliamentary debate

A debate modeled on the British Parliament, in which two affirmative teams (Government teams) and two negative teams (Opposition teams), of two speakers each, try to convince the judge that they are right. Based on the results of the round, teams receive a rating from 1 to 4. The first World Debating Championship in this format was held in 1981 in Glasgow.

Debate Topics

Topics in such debates are not always specific. For example, "This government looks to the east, "This government will open its doors to the world." In order to make the subject of the debate sufficiently clear, the affirmative team has the right to interpret the topic. For example, if the theme is "This government will open its doors to the whole world," then the interpretation might be "The Chinese government will open up its economy."

The course of the debate

Of great importance for victory is the horizons of the participants and the ability to quickly respond to the performance of rivals, because the topic of the round is announced 15 minutes before it starts. When preparing, you can use any source of information.

A characteristic feature of this format is the absence of cross-questions - a round when the speaker of one team asks questions to the speaker of the other. Instead, requests for information are used - small questions or remarks that speakers must say during the opponent's speech with his permission. The duration of the request cannot exceed 15 seconds.

In Russia, this format is widely used for holding championships among students. Below is a video of one of the finals of the Word tournament, which takes place in St. Petersburg in December.

American parliamentary debate

The format gained popularity in the US in the mid-1990s. It was at this time that the first national championship was held under the auspices of the National Parliamentary Debate Association. It happened in 1994 at Colorado State College.

The course of the debate

Debates are led by the Speaker of Parliament. The game involves two teams (Government and Opposition) of two people each (Prime Minister and Member of the Government, Leader of the Opposition and Member of the Opposition). Both teams learn the resolution some time before the game and are told to defend the negative or affirmative position.

A characteristic feature of the debate is the interactivity of the format. After all the speeches have been delivered, the audience asks the debaters questions. Judges also have this opportunity, among whom there are often experts on the topic of debate. The decision on the bill (definition of the winning team) is made either by the spectators - an imaginary parliament, or by judges by a simple majority of votes. After the game is over, judges sometimes come forward and tell the spectators what important aspects were not touched upon in the game and what arguments are the strongest.

In St. Petersburg, debates in this format are held by Major Debate League. This year will be the ninth season of this tournament, the opening took place in the Book Club Bookvoed on Vosstaniya. The topic of the debate was: “This chamber will oblige employees of companies to give full access to the employer to view their page in in social networks". The quarter-finals will start next Friday, so if you want to see the strongest debaters from St. Petersburg, come.

Debates by Karl Popper

The format is named after the developer of the "Open Society" concept, the Austrian and British philosopher and sociologist Karl Popper. According to some reports, while teaching at the London School of Economics (London School of Economics), he first offered students a new format for discussing the issues under study. Subsequently, this format of debate became widespread among schoolchildren.

The course of the debate

Speeches (speeches) in this format are clearly divided into three types.

  1. Constructive speeches in which arguments are presented and put forward. The affirming side gives the primary presentation of the case, and the denying side comes into conflict with the affirmative and presents its case. In these two speeches, all arguments should be presented.
  2. Rebuttal speeches in which they refute the arguments and restore their system of arguments after the "attack" of opponents. Here, details play an important role, you need to answer all the arguments of the opponents and comment on how effectively they confirm or refute the topic. No new arguments are allowed in these speeches.
  3. Concluding speeches, in which attention is paid to the main contradictions of the positions. These speeches sum up the debate. Speakers talk about how the debates went, what are their strengths and why they won.

A feature is that each team has the right to take no more than 8 minutes during the game to prepare for performances, but no more than 2 minutes before each speech.

In Russia, this format is not actively used now, but it is very popular in the Baltics. The championship closest to us is in Latvia. At the RigaGo! 2017”, which was held in Riga from March 16 to March 17, 2017, teams from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus and Russia played. There were two language tracks: Russian and English. The theme of the tournament, which is approved in advance in this format, was: "Donations to charity benefit society."

World School Debate Format

The World School Debate format is a combination of British Parliamentary and Australasian debate formats. It was created in 1988 in Australia specifically for the World School Debating Championship.

The course of the debate

Each round of debates has two teams of three speakers each: one team is required to state that the topic is correct. This command is named ‘ approval‘ (affirmative), or sometimes ‘ government‘ (proposition). The other team is required to argue that the topic is not correct. This command is named ‘ denial‘ (negative), or sometimes ‘ opposition‘ (opposition).

The speakers of both teams give a total of eight speeches. The first six main speeches are 8 minutes each, after which each team ends the debate with a 4-minute closing speech. Tournaments are divided into two leagues: junior (up to grade 9) and senior (grade 9-11). Topics for the game can be announced both in advance and 15 minutes before the start of the round. Depending on whether the topic was prepared or impromptu, and depending on the league in which the teams play, the length of speeches may vary.

A feature is the absence of a round of questions (as well as time for additional reflection on the team's strategy) and the inclusion of information requests in the speech of opponents. At the same time, the speaker is the "master of time": he can accept, reject the request, or make the speaker wait a few seconds.

In Russia, this is the most common format of educational debates. In our city, you can find out about tournaments in this format on the page

(can also be used for persuasive speeches)

What gave Russia Bolshevism

Is paid education necessary?

How to study history

Everyone can be taught

Who cannot be a student

Do we need to study (a subject matter)

Are entrance exams required?

Why do we not know foreign languages ​​well?

Are there shameful professions

Does society need religion?

Is there a future for folk music (or any other musical direction)

Is Vegetarianism Good for You?

Should there be unemployment in society?

How to treat the poor, the homeless

Does everyone need to have a secondary education?

Do you need free attendance

Is a jury trial necessary?

Can prison fix

Is the death penalty necessary?

Do you need school uniform

Should we build nuclear power plants?

Should freedom be total?

Can the market be regulated

Is there any benefit to multiparty

Is corruption invincible?

Should land be private property?

Can generational conflict be avoided?

How to live without fighting

Do we have a democracy

Can freedom of speech be complete

Should abortion be banned?

Why do people drink

Is it possible to beat drunkenness

Can crime be eradicated?

Can corruption be defeated?

Does society need a strong vertical of power

Aphorisms for educational speeches

A person who tries his best to live without enemies loses friends (Yu. Yakovlev, writer).

It is impossible to live life honestly without making enemies (B. Vasiliev).

Scoundrels are rarely cheerful people (M. Gorky).

Loving humanity is easier than doing good to your own mother (G. Skovoroda).

Try to say what you want - there will always be smart and educated people who will say the opposite (N. G. Chernyshevsky).

Experience is like a stick, it helps you walk, but it prevents you from flying.

Mediocrity usually condemns everything that is above its understanding (La Rochefoucauld).

I instruct the gentlemen senators to keep speech in the presence not according to the written, but only in their own words, so that the foolishness of everyone is visible to everyone (Peter I).

I have lived a long life and never laid a single egg. But this does not mean at all that I cannot judge the quality of scrambled eggs (B. Shaw).

There are no gloomy times, there are only gloomy people (R. Rolland).

If you give a hungry man a fish, he will be fed for one day, but if you teach him how to fish, he will be fed for a lifetime (Indian wisdom).

Even a person deprived of his own thoughts and his own individuality, at the moment when he is endowed with power, acquires essence and content ... Power, credit, fame create individuality and face for someone whom nature has deprived of these properties (L. Feuchtwanger).

If someone spat on my tailcoat from behind, it is up to my lackey to wash off the spit (A. Pushkin).

I am accurate when I go on dates because I have noticed that those who wait do not think of anything else than the shortcomings of people that make them wait (Boileau).

The art of marriage consists in the ability to move from love to friendship (A. Morois).

When foolish people do something of which they are ashamed, they are justified by the fact that they fulfill their duties (B. Shaw).

Of the two quarreling, the one who is smarter is more to blame (W. Goethe).

It's unbelievable how much rules can hurt the moment you put too much pressure on everything. strict order(G. Lichtenberg).

You need to rely only on what resists (Stendhal).

People should be treated better than they deserve.

He who does not see good in others does not have it himself.

If a donkey kicked me, would I sue him? (Socrates)

A worthy person is not one who has no shortcomings, but one who has virtues (V. O. Klyuchevsky).

Rules of conduct for subordinates: Point 1. The boss is always right. Point 2. If the boss is wrong, see point 1. Point 3. Points 1 and 2 are non-negotiable.

A statement does not become true just because we repeat it over and over again. It will not come close to the truth, even if put to a vote (S. Parkinson).

Do not argue with the interlocutor which side of the street to go on - go along the side of the street on which he wants, but lead him where you need to go.

In troubled years, a blind man always follows a madman (W. Shakespeare).

Three commandments of success in business: do not trust anyone, do not be afraid of him, do not ask anyone for anything (S. Fedorov).

There will always be Eskimos who will develop instructions for the inhabitants of the Congo on how to behave during the heat (S. Lets).

Those who put blinders on their eyes should remember that the kit also includes a bridle and a whip (S. Lets).

The smaller the inhabitants, the greater the empire seems to them (S. Lets).

They say that a person who has lost his teeth has a somewhat freer tongue (S. Lets).

Freedom is the ability to do everything that the laws allow (Catherine II).

For most people, the punishment is the need to think (G. Ford).

Our failures are more instructive than our successes (G. Ford).

Constant importance is a sign of mediocrity (Voltaire).

If there are no thoughts in the head, then the eyes do not see the facts (I. Pavlov)

Among us there are people who are at different stages of development (M. Zhvanetsky)

There can be no statement more absurd and harmful to mankind than that all men are equal. In nature, there are no two objects that are absolutely equal (G. Ford).

In production, the principle is: "Give me what's mine, and I'll take it." It was adopted by all employees - from the board of the company to the workers (N. Tichi, M. Devanna, American managers).

The political leader is responsible not only for how he leads, but also for what those led by him do (V. I. Lenin).

A nation collapses from within if its citizens begin to ask the government for what they can get themselves (R. Reagan).

Empty dishes rattle (Ya.A. Komensky).

There are two ways to decompose a nation: the first is to punish the innocent, the second is not to punish the guilty (F. Engels).

People of high culture are not hostile to other people's opinions and are not aggressive (D.S. Likhachev).

Whoever thinks a lot is unsuitable as a party member: with his thought he easily breaks through the boundaries of the party (F. Nietzsche).

For a stupid forehead, a clenched fist is rightfully needed, in the form of an argument (F. Nietzsche).

Strong jets carry away a lot of stones and brushwood, strong minds - a lot of stupid and confused heads (F. Nietzsche).

Every business has four stages: 1. Humor. 2. Confusion. 3. Punishment of the innocent. 4. Rewarding non-participants.

It will not be possible to fool the people all the time (A. Lincoln).

It is difficult to define what democracy is. She is like a giraffe. Once you look - and you will not confuse it with anything else.

People are floating pots: one beats against the other (W. Goethe).

It is necessary that the leader, specialist and intellectual be one and the same person (M. Zhvanetsky).

In order to have a lot of money, one does not need to have a lot of intelligence, but one must not have a conscience (Taleyrand).

Talents must be helped, mediocrity will break through on their own (N. Ozerov, poet).

The mind loses all its charm if it is imbued with anger (R. Sheridan).

Strangers are fairer than friends (L. Vovenarg).

The capable are envied, the talented are harmed, the genius is avenged (Paganini).

Usually, only as a last resort, people pay tribute to the merits of others (L. Vovenarg).

The mind is sharp, but not wide, jumps forward at every step, but cannot move forward (R. Tagore).

It's not a shame to learn, it's a shame not to know.

People hate those they have to lie to (In Hugo).

An adversary who reveals your mistakes is more useful to you than a friend who wants to hide them (L. da Vinci).

Just as a medicine does not achieve its goal if the dose is too high, so is censure and criticism when they pass the measure of justice (A. Schopenhauer).

Talentless people are usually the most demanding critics: not being able to do the simplest possible and not knowing what and how to do, they demand from others the completely impossible (V. O. Klyuchevsky).

Stubbornness is born of the limitations of our mind: we are reluctant to believe what is beyond our horizons (La Rochefoucauld).

All merchants in the world profess one religion (G. Heine).

I made it a rule for myself to believe only in what I understand (B. Disraeli).

Passion for power comes not from strength, but from weakness (A. Fromm).

Leading the people is easier than moving them (D. Fink).

Aggression is the other side of fear.

When there is nothing to steal, the thief is the guardian of the law (Talmud).

Whoever has never made enemies has never done anything (P. Muni).

Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom.

Knowledge that is paid for is remembered better.

I never refuse. I never mind. I just forget (B. Disraeli).

The treatment of Jews in every country is a thermometer of its civilization (Napoleon).

Each person is like a letter in the alphabet; to form a word, one must merge with others.

A submissive wife commands her husband (B. Disraeli).

A silent woman is a gift from God (Apocrypha).

If it were not for the ability to forget, a person would never have gotten rid of sadness (A. Bakhya).

We anger God with our sins, people with our virtues.

The East is a true trickster, it reveres maniacs as prophets, but we look at the prophets as maniacs (G. Heine).

Each dogma has its hour, only ideals are eternal (I. Zangvil).

When the bore leaves the room, it seems as if someone enters.

Illusion, that is, delusion, not knowledge, is what brings satisfaction and happiness (S. Zweig).

The whole value of society depends on what opportunities it provides for the development of individuality (A. Einstein).

There is no truth that cannot be distorted (Spinoza).

Art begins where knowledge merges with love or hate (L. Feuchtwanger).

Truth does not become more significant from frequent repetition (M. Maimonides).

The charm of first love is due to ignorance that it can ever end (B. Disraeli).

No love, except intellectual love, can be eternal (Spinoza).

What we call public opinion is, in essence, public emotion (B. Disraeli).

If people guessed what others think of them, they would kill each other.

The more poverty, the more hope (Sholom Aleichem).

Nationalism is a kind of childhood illness: it is the measles of mankind (A. Einstein).

Where there are many people, there is a lot of ignorance (W. D'Acosta).

People hate what they do not understand (A. Ibn Ezra).

Education is what remains after everything that we have been taught is forgotten (A. Einstein).

I am in loneliness, which is painful in early years but sweet in mature (A. Einstein).

Many complain about their appearance, and no one complains about their brains.

What can a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life? (Einstein).

Fear the one who fears you.

Dying for beliefs is the business of a warrior. The writer's mission is to pass them on to others (L. Feuchtwanger).

Disputes do not mean the fallacy of the statement, just as universal agreement does not mean its correctness (B. Pascal).

The arguments that a person thinks out himself usually convince more than those that came to the mind of others (B. Pascal).

Youth is not a time of life, but a property of the mind (S. Ulman).

Happiness is a state of mind.

A person gets tired of everything and even of love. It is useful to propagate this truth, because it seems to be unknown to many young and even old people (A. Morois).

There is one thing that is more important than freedom - this is order (W. Goethe).

You never love your loved ones as much as when you risk losing them (A. Chekhov).

Those who decide to act are usually lucky. And who only does what he talks about everything and hesitates is unlikely to be the winner (Herodotus).

In order to justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve the goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed (F. La Rochefoucauld).

The hopelessness of the situation most often lies not in the absence of a way out of it, but in the inability to find it (E. Sevrus).

Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity (Aristotle).

People who always have no time usually do nothing (G. Lichtenberg).

If you want to have little time, then do nothing (A. Chekhov).

The biggest crime is impunity (B. Shaw).

The biggest mistake is when a person considers himself absolutely perfect in everything (T. Carlyle).

Beware of minor expenses; a small leak will sink a big ship (B. Franklin).

We know useless things more than necessary (L. Vovenarg).

Anyone who can't get along with people shouldn't be in business, because it's people who surround us (Lee Iacocca)

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king (A . Schopenhauer )

Cheerful people recover faster and live longer (A. Pare).

A small amount loaned makes the debtor a friend, a large amount an enemy (Seneca).

A person is young and old, depending on how he feels (T. Mann ).

The best way get rid of the enemy - make him a friend (Henry IV).

You can always find enough time if you use it well (I. Goethe).

There are never big things without big difficulties (F. Voltaire).

Not the friend who regrets, but the one who helps (T. Fuller)

There is nothing more dangerous than a fool who tries to portray smart (I. Goethe)

The most stupid woman can deal with a smart man, but only the smartest can deal with a fool (R. Kipling).

The envious person is his own enemy, created by himself, because he suffers from evil (Ch. Montesquieu).

It is necessary to lead in this way: arrange people and not interfere with their work (Prof. I.P. Raspopov).

Truth is born as heresy, and dies as prejudice (I. Goethe).

Love is like luck: it does not like to be chased (T. Gauthier).

The lifestyle that some people lead convincingly confirms the hypothesis that they are descended from monkeys (E. Sevrus).

In hard times from business people more sense than the virtuous (F. Bacon)

In fact, very few people live for today. Most are preparing to live later (D. Swift).

You have to study a lot to understand that you know little (M. Montaigne).

Aphorisms about communication and rhetoric

He who does not know how to speak will not make a career (Napoleon).

Rhetoric is the art of controlling people's minds (Plato).

Speech is an indicator of the mind (Seneca).

Poets are born, speakers become (Cicero).

Wise men think over their thoughts, fools announce them (G. Heine).

The arguments to which a person thinks out himself usually convince more than those that came to the mind of others (B. Pascal).

The opinions that we express about others testify to what we ourselves are (A. Graf).

I consider the speeches from the pulpit of students useful only and only for those of them who themselves are preparing to serve in the scientific or educational part; for others, I consider this to be decidedly harmful and I cannot allow it to continue, because it instills in them the habit and desire to shine with eloquence, which is contrary to the spirit of our decrees and is completely useless (Nicholas I.) (Russian opinions about themselves. Compiled by K. Skalkovsky. M., 2001, p. 246)

A dispute cannot be eliminated by another dispute, just as the rage of one cannot be eliminated by the rage of another. It is necessary to convince (Antisthenes).

IN good story, as on a warship, there should not be anything superfluous (A. Chekhov).

The squalor of speech is, as a rule, an external sign of the squalor of the spirit (B. Barton).

In oral speech, you can put an even more subtle meaning than in writing (J. La Bruyère).

The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words (Plutarch).

A long speech also does not move things forward, as long dress does not help walking (S. Talleyrand).

The tongue is the most dangerous weapon: a wound from a sword is easier to heal than a wound from a word. (P. Calderon)

We are not yet ripe for public discussions (E. Lamansky, manager of the State Bank of Russia, late 19th century).

If you want to be famous, ask questions.

If a person is able to listen to an insult with a smile, he is worthy of becoming a leader (N. Bratslav).

A person who talks a lot usually talks about himself.

Fools are refuted by facts, not arguments (I. Flavius).

People acquire opinions in the same way that children learn the alphabet - through repeated repetition. ( Browning).

People are divided into two halves. Some, entering the room, exclaim: "Oh, whom do I see"; others: "Here I am!" (E. Van Beuren).

A gentleman is a person who can disagree while remaining pleasant (American saying).

Of the two quarreling, the one who is smarter is more to blame (W. Goethe).

Whoever talks a lot, he says a lot of nonsense (P. Corneille).

Wisely write only about what they do not understand ( V. Klyuchevsky).

Any text benefits from reduction (Prof. ZD Popova).

Why do the listeners fall asleep, but the lecturer never? Apparently, they have a more difficult job (M. Zhvanetsky).

You, Fedya, have strength in words, but you don’t know how to arrange them (M. Zhvanetsky).

There is only one way to become a good interlocutor - to be able to listen (K. Morley).

The speaker himself sometimes does not know exactly what his goal is until he fully formulates it (P. Soper).

In public speech, one must say what is needed, and not say what is not needed (Cicero).

Exact proofs should not be demanded from the speaker, just as emotional discussion should not be demanded from a mathematician (Aristotle).

There are people who need to be stunned in order to be convinced (Helvetius).

Outbred dogs bark the most.

Do not say "I have little time, otherwise I would tell you ...", as this difficulty is overcome by the speaker at the preparation stage.

Everyone loves a speaker who respects the rules.

Those who follow the rules always have a good report.

They don't argue with the rules.

Whoever speaks briefly speaks correctly.

Compliance with the rules gives listeners a few minutes of life.

There are people who cannot be listened to; there are people to listen to; But there are people who can't be ignored.

Main used literature

Baeva O.A. Oratory and business communication. Minsk, 2001.

Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. The human word is mighty ... M., 1984

Vvedenskaya L. A., Pavlova L. G. Culture and art of speech. Rostov-on-Don, 1995.

Daletsky Ch. Workshop on rhetoric. Moscow, 1996.

Zimnyaya I.A. Psychological features perception of the lecture in the audience. M., 1970.

Carnegie D. How to develop self-confidence and influence people by speaking in public. M., 1989.

Krizhanskaya Yu.S., Tretyakov V.P. Grammar of communication. L., 1990.

Kriksunova I. Create your image. SPb., 1997.

Kupina N.A. Rhetoric in games and exercises. Yekaterinburg, 1999.

Kupina N.A., Matveeva T.V. Russian eloquence. Reader. Yekaterinburg, 1997.

Mikhalskaya A.K. Fundamentals of rhetoric. M., 1996.

Mikhalskaya A.K. Russian Socrates. Lectures on comparative historical rhetoric. M., 1996.

Pavlova L. G. Dispute, discussion, controversy. M., 1991.

Pedagogical rhetoric / Ed. N.A. Ippolitova. M., 2001.

Piz A. Sign language. Voronezh, 1992.

Snell F. The Art of Business Communication, M., 1990.

Soper Paul A. Fundamentals of the art of speech. M., 1992.

Sternin I.A. Introduction to speech influence. Voronezh, 2010.

Sternin I.A. Practical rhetoric. Ed.5, add. and correct. M., "Academy", 2008.

Sternin I.A. Business conversation. Voronezh, 2009.

Tarasov E.F. Analysis of the lecture audience. M., 1984.

Ushakova N.V. Kozlov N.I., Egides A.P. Fundamentals of the psychology of communication. M., 1990.

Ernst O. The floor is given to you. M., 1998.

Yunina E.A., Sagach G.M. general rhetoric. Perm, 1992.

From the author
Topic 1. The concept of public speaking. Types of public speaking
Topic 2. Basic requirements for public speaking
Topic 3. Work on the speech form of speech
Topic 4. Preparation for public speaking
Topic 5. Beginning of the speech
Topic 6. Behavior of the speaker in the audience
Topic 7. Maintaining attention during a speech
Topic 8. Completion of a public speech
Topic 9. Argumentation
Topic 10. Informational presentation, its main features
Topic 11. Advertising performance
Topic 12. Telling about yourself
Topic 13. Story about the event
Topic 14. Protocol and etiquette performance and its main features
Topic 15
Topic 16. Praise
Topic 17. Entertaining performance, its main features

Site search:
Topic 18. Persuasive speech, its main features
Topics for educational public speaking
Topics for debate and discussion

The purpose of this extracurricular activities To acquaint teenagers with the nature and causes of conflicts and help them master the skills of resolving conflict situations. I used game, role-playing, group and interactive technologies. The lesson is held in the form of a debate-game. This topic arouses a keen interest among students due to the relevance of this topic for children of adolescence. The lesson is built taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Children were offered problem situations from real life, which they had to analyze and suggest ways to solve them.



Class hour - discussion in grade 7 on the topic:

"Conflicts among teenagers".

Form of work: group

Objectives: To help students master the skills of resolving a conflict situation, strive to evaluate the conflict situation itself, its content, and not the human qualities of partners.


1) Describe the concept of "conflict", consider the nature of the conflict, determine the positive and negative sides.

2) To acquaint with the methods of conflict resolution, to develop the ability to behave constructively during the conflict.

Equipment: cards with speech supports, tree of tolerance, colorful circles, A3 sheets, pens, cards for dialogues.

Event progress:

1.U: I want to start our event with you with poetic lines, and you have to guess what the topic of our conversation today is.

We make up, we quarrel, it happens in different ways.

Conflicts are born and move in a circle.

That something is not clear to us, then we are not understood.

How important and useful it is to simply listen to each other!

Let's just learn to speak

Among problems and theorems, we learn to communicate.

Try to be polite, try to be friendly!

Then hurtful words will not be repeated.

That's right, our topic is "Conflicts among teenagers."

2.U: Let's brainstorm. Since we are talking about adolescent conflicts, name with whom adolescents may have conflicts. (Student answers - with parents, with friends, classmates, with neighbors, with relatives, with teachers, with coaches, etc.)

3.U: Guys, you have A3 sheets on your tables. You work in groups. In the center of the sheet, you must write the word - conflict - and around this word, each team member must write what causes conflicts among teenagers (N: too much homework, boring lessons and teachers, lack of pocket money, etc.) 2-3 minutes, then the teams get up, go to the next table and analyze the work of the neighboring team. The teacher half the queue asks the teams to voice their answers.

4.Now take pieces of paper and pens and make a list of these problems in order of importance for you personally (the most important problem for you will be under the number 1, and the less important one under the number 10). Table number 1, number 4 - name the most important problem, table number 2, number 3, name the least important problem for you. You see, everyone has different problems. And tell me why conflicts arise, right, because we are all different, we different colour skin, different religions, different tastes, passions and beliefs, but we must respect each other's opinions.

5. Teacher: Please tell me what conflict is in your understanding, and what is it associated with? (Student answers - quarrel, resentment, tears, bitterness, disappointment, depression, hopelessness of the situation, etc.) According to the explanatory dictionary, conflict is an intractable contradiction associated with confrontation and acute emotional experiences. The conflict arises as a result of incompatibility of ideas about the situation, action, and methods of action . The conflict ends if the parties are satisfied with the gain or loss, or recognize that the continuation of the conflict is meaningless.

6. Teacher: What do you think, is the conflict harmful or useful?

Let's play optimists and pessimists (Team No. 1, optimists and believe that conflicts are useful, and team No. 2 are pessimists and believe that conflicts are harmful). Answers:

Optimists - without conflicts, life is insipid and boring; conflicts allow you to clarify the claims of opposite parties and come to an understanding.

Pessimists - human dignity suffers from conflicts; vision deteriorates, nerves, the cardiovascular system are affected; spoil the relationship of previously close people.

Well done!

7. Teacher: And now I want to introduce you to a reminder on conflict resolution, and you listen carefully and remember them, because at the end of our event I will ask you to reproduce them:

1. Speak polite words to each other more often!

2. Always tell the truth. Lies do not make a person beautiful.

3. Be natural in communication. Respect the feelings of others!

4. Do not be afraid of the truth spoken to you!

5. Do not interrupt the interlocutor. Dare to listen!

6. Do not pollute your speech with obscene words!

7. Never make excuses for yourself (no one listens to me, no one understands me).

8. Do not get personal, do not criticize or insult the interlocutor!

9. Work on a solution to the problem. Suggest ways to resolve the conflict!

10. Know how to apologize if you are wrong and admit your mistake!

And remember, please, the factors of conflict-free communication:

Smile, friendly tone, politeness, neutral tone, friendliness, interest, ease of gestures.

11. Teacher: now let's play role-playing games. Team No. 1 plays a plot dialogue for a given situation, and Team No. 2 acts as psychologists, they determine who are the participants in the conflict situation, the subject of the conflict, and ways to resolve it, and then they change roles.

Dialogue #1.

Hey, Oleg, quickly give me the remote control!

No, I won't. In 5 minutes, my favorite TV series "Youth" about hockey players will begin. I always watch it at this time!

I also want to watch TV. Today is the World Cup.

Mom, Sasha won't let me watch TV!

Snitch! I also have the same right to watch TV as you!

Mom, and he calls names! (Two brothers, TV, agree to watch TV in turn)

Dialogue #2

Olya, go wash the dishes, take out the trash, and then go to the store for bread!

But, Mom, why me again? And Natasha again does nothing!

Daughter, Natasha is preparing for exams, she has no time!

Yeah, and she has time to go to the disco on Saturday!

But she must rest! Don't argue with your mother. Do what is said!

How tired I am of all this! (Mother and daughter, household chores, equal distribution of duties)

12. Teacher:

How hard it is to communicate.

Everyone has the right to personal strangeness.

And if opinions usually differ,

Tolerance must come to the rescue!

It complements understanding.

Leads to the expansion of the boundaries of visibility.

Soul warmth fills the mind.

We just lack patience sometimes.

Before you is a tree of tolerance, I ask you to write on stickers what needs to be done so that there are fewer conflicts in our lives, and how to resolve them peacefully. Look at what a multi-colored tree of tolerance we have, how many people, so many different opinions!

13. Teacher: And in conclusion, you have multi-colored circles on your tables - red, green and black. You must now answer my question with these circles.

Do you find discussion of this topic useful, and will it change your behavior in a conflict situation (yes - red, no - black, doubtful - green)


In life, you can live in different ways,

In sorrow, but perhaps in joy.

Eat on time, drink on time

And do bad things to someone.

And you can do this: get up at dawn,

And thinking of a miracle

Get the sun with a burnt hand and give it to people!
