School uniform of the USSR: description, photo. Brown school uniform School brown dress with apron

Recently, two Russian ministries - the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Education and Science - offered the government another version of the school uniform, but for various reasons they were once again rejected by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. Meanwhile, 2.5 years have passed since the President introduced compulsory school uniforms in all secondary schools. educational institutions countries. As before, in the Soviet Union.

However, the school uniform in the USSR did not always exist. Until 1948, students went to class in ordinary clothes, and the traditional uniform, considered a bourgeois relic, was abolished.

From the history of school uniforms

Compulsory uniforms for gymnasium students were approved as early as 1834 and included in the general system of civil uniforms of the Russian Empire. Two years later, the Regulations on gymnasium uniforms for girls were developed and approved.

A tunic girded with a wide leather belt, a cap, shiny metal buttons, emblems and piping - in style and color, the uniform of the gymnasiums of tsarist Russia resembled a military uniform. The obligatory outer uniform - the overcoat - added similarities with it. The uniform of the schoolgirls was not much different from the outfits pupils of boarding houses of noble maidens, at the same time reminiscent of the working clothes of maids. In this form, the school uniform for boys and girls existed in Russia until the revolution of 1917 and was preserved in the first year of Soviet power. The only change has been outerwear: the uniform overcoat for boys became optional.

The uniform dresses of the gymnasium girls were of the simplest cut, they were supposed to have white (on holidays) and black (on weekdays) aprons, as well as a white lace cape, which in the USSR was transformed into a removable collar. Senior schoolgirls also wore white gloves. An interesting point: the age of the girl could be determined by the color of the uniform. So, the smallest students of the "preparatory" classes, who were from 5 to 7 years old, wore brown dresses (this color of school dresses later became the main one in the USSR). Gymnasium students from 8 to 10 years old were supposed to wear blue or blue dresses. Middle school girls aged 11 to 13 wore gray uniforms; senior gymnasium girls - white.

How did the school uniform appear in the USSR

In the postwar years in the Soviet Union, there was a boom in "universal uniforms", when entire departments were dressed in uniform. It was then that schoolchildren were also remembered - this is how the Soviet school uniform arose in 1948, which, in terms of cut, color and accessories, was actually copied from the uniforms of the tsarist gymnasiums and gymnasium girls.

School uniform for boys

Created in the image and likeness of the uniforms of pre-revolutionary gymnasium students and approved in 1948, the school uniform for boys existed unchanged until the end of May 1962 - that is, until the end of school year. On September 1 of the same year, the boys went to school in an updated uniform, which lacked a tunic with a waist belt and a cap with a cockade.

IN new form elements of "military" were completely absent: instead of semi-military clothes, the boys received a half-wool civilian suit gray color: single-breasted jacket with three plastic buttons and classic pants. Under the jacket, a white or plain light shirt was recommended.

In 1975, the boys' school uniform underwent significant changes again. The gray fabric was replaced with dark blue, the jacket was replaced with a classic denim jacket in order to please the “denim fashion” that was flourishing at that time. The cut of school trousers has not changed, but the jacket was decorated with epaulettes and chest pockets with flaps resembling a brace. Plastic buttons were replaced by aluminum ones, and a patch appeared on the sleeve like a military chevron with the emblem of enlightenment: an open book against the background of the rising sun.

High school students now wore classic trouser suits in dark of blue color with a blue emblem on the sleeve. In such elegant suits, the guys looked pretty cute, causing keen interest not only among classmates, but also among girls from middle and even lower grades. Is it true, stylish look somewhat spoiled by a not too aesthetic emblem, which, moreover, was quickly erased and took on a sloppy look. Therefore, the boys of the senior classes simply cut it off.

While there was a significant transformation of the boyish school costume, the girlish uniform remained the same: a knee-length brown dress with white detachable collar, white festive and black casual aprons survived until the early 70s. The only slight change was in the length of school dresses: they became shorter.

Author's digression

According to the rules, the uniform dress was slightly above the knees. But which of the girls followed these rules? In my memory - no one, including me. And at one time, my mother and I had a silent duel: she unfolded the hem of her school dress, and I stubbornly folded it again. Then my mother, without saying a word, seizing the moment while I did not see, again did the same procedure: unfolded the hem and carefully steamed it with an iron through wet gauze. This went on for some time, until I got tired of this silent argument - and then I accepted drastic measures: simply cut off a hated piece of fabric. Mom had to calm down. And it turned out just like in the photo.

The last change in the girl's school uniform of the times of the USSR underwent in 1984, when a blue three-piece suit was introduced for high school students instead of traditional brown dresses: a pleated skirt, a vest and a jacket with patch pockets. Individual elements of the costume were allowed to vary: the skirt was worn either with a vest or with a jacket, and in some regions of Siberia, the Far North and the Leningrad Region, it was allowed to replace the skirt with trousers in winter.

In addition to the everyday, in Soviet schools there was also a ceremonial pioneer uniform. For girls it was a white uniform shirt with long sleeves, aluminum buttons and a pioneer emblem on the sleeve and a blue-gray slightly flared skirt. The boys did not have a separate pioneer uniform, and for solemn occasions it was provided White shirt and uniform pants. And, of course, the dress uniform of both was crowned with a pioneer badge and a pioneer tie. This uniform was worn during solemn pioneer events: festive lines, detachment and squad gatherings dedicated to some important event, etc.


In 1994, three years after the collapse of the USSR, the compulsory form in Russian schools was abolished. For 19 whole years, starting from the spring of 1994, the school uniform was an optional attribute of schoolchildren throughout post-Soviet Russia, its presence or absence was regulated by the internal rules of each individual school or by order of the school principal. A few years ago, the president, by his decree, returned the compulsory form to Russian schoolchildren. But this decision, like many others, remained only on paper. How and by whom it will be executed, and whether it will be executed at all - we'll see.

The first school uniform appeared in Russian gymnasiums in 1834. Boys and young men wore a uniform similar to a military one, and girls and young ladies were supposed to have three sets of uniform dresses: daily they wore a dark brown floor-length dress with long sleeves and a small black apron. On holidays, it was supposed to decorate the dress with a white apron and a lace collar. On weekends, the gymnasium student had to wear a dress of a similar cut, but of a certain color: junior students - dark blue, girls over 12 years old - blue-green, and graduates - brown.

In 1918, the school uniform was abolished: in the country that survived the revolution, there simply were no funds to provide all children with uniforms, moreover, in the Soviet country, unlike the Soviet empire, education was supposed to be for everyone, and not just for children from wealthy families. The school uniform was declared a relic of the past and a symbol of lack of freedom, and it was abandoned.

Forties - return of form

The school uniform returned only after the Great Patriotic War, in 1948. Then a decree was issued according to which all schoolchildren were required to wear uniform. The uniform, in fact, was no different from the uniform of the gymnasium students: the boys again dressed in tunics, and the girls in dresses with aprons. But the dresses became shorter, but the white apron could be worn more often.


In the sixties, the school uniform finally ceased to resemble a military uniform: the boys changed their tunics to suits, and the girls' dresses became even shorter. In fact, the length of the dresses of high school students was no different from the mini-skirts that were fashionable at that time. Aprons were still obligatory, but there was a variety in hairstyles: if earlier schoolgirls were supposed to wear only braids, now they were allowed to make model haircuts and even wear jewelry.


At first glance, everything remained the same: the boys in blue suits, the girls in brown dresses with white or black aprons. But this rule was now valid only for elementary school. And for high school students, dark blue three-piece suits appeared: a skirt, a vest and a jacket. This uniform was difficult to get, but some girls were still lucky to change the boring cropped dress of the schoolgirl for an adult and fashionable suit.


In 1992, the school uniform was again canceled and again for the same reason: it was believed that it symbolizes the lack of freedom and the slavish position of schoolchildren. Some schools at this time had an unwritten dress code that regulated the style, but in general, schoolgirls and schoolchildren throughout the country were allowed to wear jeans and T-shirts. As a rule, only too short skirts, deep necklines and transparent blouses were forbidden. In all other respects, schoolchildren, especially high school students, allowed themselves complete freedom. Including stilettos.

Zero and our time

Today every school in Russia has its own uniform. General and obligatory is only the recommendation to adhere to the business style, so the boys from the lower grades wear suits, and the girls wear uniform sundresses or skirts with vests, most often in a cage. Most seniors don't wear uniforms.


In this section, we have formed a special offer for high school students. Here you can buy Soviet uniform fully equipped for solemn events dedicated to the last call. All our range is presented with a photo will help you make a worthy choice for the long-awaited holiday.

What is included in the kits?

Each set of the USSR school uniform includes the following items:

  • School dress.

There are options with long and short sleeve, brown and blue, with front and back closure. All dresses are made of high-quality, pleasant fabric, they fit well on the figure. Our managers will help you choose the size. Even if you have big size or tall, you can easily buy a Soviet school uniform from us, as we offer a wide dimensional grid models of different sizes.

  • White elegant apron.

This element of the school uniform can be called the most important, since it is he who gives the image an elegant, festive look. Therefore, we pay special attention to the development of unusual, interesting and very beautiful aprons. In the online store "Success" you can buy unique models that are sold only here and nowhere else.

  • White collar and cuffs.

Each set is formed in such a way that the apron is combined with accessories, and you no longer need to select them yourself.

Do you want to dress beautifully and harmoniously for the Holiday Bell? Then take a look at our section "" (another name is "Soviet school uniform") and choose a kit that is already completely ready, assembled by specialists.

School uniform for girls in the USSR with a photo

If you want to know what the Soviet school uniform looked like, photos of our models in this category will help you deal with this issue. Most of the kits look almost exactly like their historical prototypes, because we use authentic Soviet-era patterns in production. Therefore, the school uniform in the photo in our store evokes fond memories of their childhood and school years for many representatives of the older generations. Of course, we are pleased with this - it means that we managed to recreate the atmosphere of those years and show what the school uniform of the Soviet years looked like.

However, our assortment does not completely copy samples of previous years. There are differences. First of all, they are in the choice of fabrics and accessories. The cost of the uniform in the USSR was low in order to make it affordable for all segments of the population, so expensive fabrics and lace were not used in its tailoring. We are not limited by such strict social guidelines and GOST requirements, so we can use any fabrics that are allowed for sewing children's clothes when sewing. And we take advantage of this opportunity.

For example, our aprons, even the most similar to Soviet ones, are decorated with expensive stuffed lace, which is produced to our order on special machines in Turkey. Or look at the aprons "Elite" and "Caprice" - can you imagine that the school uniform for girls in the USSR (photo in the section) looked so expensive and chic?

Sizing for girls

Before placing an order in our store - you need to measure the volume of the chest, waist and hips. Also consider growth. Measurements are taken closely, without a margin for free fit.

Size Height Bust Waist Hip girth The length of the sleeve Product total length*
30 110-118 58-61 52-55 69-72 44 63
32 120-128 62-65 55-58 73-76 45 65
34 131-136 66-69 58-61 77-80 48 72
36 137-142 70-73 61-64 80-82 50 77
38 144-156 74-77 64-66 82-86 54 82
40 155-165 77-80 66-70 80-86 59 85
42 155-169 84-87 68-74 86-96 60 86
42-2r 167-175 84-87 68-74 86-96 93**
44 160-170 87-91 70-80 90-98 63 88
44-2r 167-175 87-91 70-80 90-100 94**
46 163-170 92-95 74-86 92-104 63 90
46-2r 168-177 92-95 74-86 92-104 96**
48 165-172 96-99 80-92 100-110 63 91
48-2r 170-178 96-99 80-92 100-110 99**
50 166-177 100-104 86-95 105-112 64 94
50-2r 172-180 100-104 86-95 105-112 102**
52 167-177 105-108 90-102 108-114 64 94
54 167-177 109-113 96-104 110-118 66 96

*Full length is measured from the shoulder to the bottom of the skirt
** Dresses of the 2nd height (with an elongated skirt) are available in 2 chocolate color models: and

Sizing for girls (30-38 size)

For younger girls school group, in sizes 32r-38r there are growth and fullness.
Those. Size 34, with bust 68cm, can fit 3 dresses: 34-1height (122-128cm), 34-2height (128-134cm), and 34-3height (134-140cm).
When choosing a size, you must first consider child's height, and then the volume of the chest and waist.
Also in the size 36r, 38r, 40r fullness is presented - these are dresses with a large margin along the waist line, and chest circumference.
Our technologists have taken into account all aspects of this age group, and developed models of the USSR school uniform with a comfortable cut and for different heights of children.
You can always get advice from our manager, and clarify the availability of a particular model in stock.


Height, cm

Bust, cm

Waist, cm

Hips, cm

The length of the sleeve

Product total length*

30 size

36p (2nd fullness)

38n (2nd fullness)

40 n (2nd fullness)

42n (2nd fullness)

- - - - 38 38 38 38 38 38 - - - -
Cuffs long sleeve, cm 21 21 21 21 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
* error is +-1cm

Table of measurements of school dresses for finished products

Size Chest circumference, cm Waist circumference, cm Semicircumference of the hips, cm Sleeve length with cuff, cm Full length cm Arm circumference, cm
40 41 39 42 59 87 15
42 45 39 46 60 90 16
44 47 43 48 63 90 17
46 50 45 49 63 90 17
48 52 48 53 63 91 18
50 55 49 54 64 94 19
52 57 51 56 64 94 19.5
54 58 52 57 66 95 19.5

The question of the need for a school uniform is still open. He has many opponents and supporters. Today, a uniform has been introduced in Russia that is very similar to the style in which the USSR school uniform was created, although parents and children have the opportunity to choose styles, colors, and fabric quality.

The main argument of the opponents of the school uniform is the assertion that it deprives a person of individuality, does not allow him to express himself. Supporters of the form argue that it disciplines children, sets them up for study. Both of them are right.

Today it is fashionable for the first and last call put on school uniform Soviet times. This is a tribute to the past and an immersion in the history of school uniforms. The photos presented on the site will help you remember how the school uniform of the USSR arose, and what it was like a few decades ago.

In pre-revolutionary Russia

The school uniform of the USSR is rooted in the history of uniforms for schoolchildren in Tsarist Russia. The year of reference is usually called 1834. It was at this time that the school uniform for boys was introduced, as shown in the photo. Under Nicholas I, it was very similar to the uniform of the military.

The girls acquired the uniform much later - in 1896. At this time, the students of the Smolny Institute had to wear a uniform that depended on the age of the girls:

  • 6-9 years - brown;
  • 9-12 - blue;
  • 12-15 - gray;
  • 15-18 - white.

In 1918, after the revolution, the school uniform was abolished and called "a relic of the past." However, there were other reasons for this:

  • the state did not have money to sew the same clothes for all children;
  • the form was associated with the upper classes;
  • it restricted the freedom of students.

The "shapeless" stage continued until 1949.

For boys

After the Second World War, the school uniform was introduced as compulsory clothing for students. At the time of I. Stalin, the uniform for boys was very similar to the clothes of high school students: a tunic and wool trousers as shown in the photo.

In 1962 there was a reform in clothes for boys. Now she was a gray wool suit, but the military style remained in fashion for a long time. In addition to the gray suit, the young men wore caps with cockades and a belt with a badge (see photo).

In 1973, another reform of boys' clothing takes place. The color has changed: now the suits were dark blue. This is clearly visible in the photo. Iron stripes and buttons, cuffs were added to them. Two chest pockets are left over from the old uniform.

In 1980, the previously existing trousers and jacket were replaced with woolen suits. The color has remained the same. Pioneer paraphernalia red ties are added, as in the photo.

The school uniform was completely abolished in 1992, but today this tradition has been resumed, and each school has the opportunity to independently choose the color and style of clothing for students.

For girls

The school uniform of the USSR for girls practically did not change and reminded many of the clothes of the students of the Smolny Institute. The photo is clearly visible Long Dresses and neat aprons with frills that almost covered the skirt of the dress.

At the time of I. Stalin, the uniform for girls was brown dresses with a skirt below the knees and an apron. Subsequently appeared blue dresses. The everyday apron was black, and the front one was white (see photo).

So that the student's outfit did not seem gloomy, white cuffs were sewn onto the sleeves and collar. When they got dirty, new ones were sewn on. The hairstyle was a braid in which bows could be braided.

In different republics there could be differences in the color of dresses. For example, in the Uzbek SSR, girls wore blue dresses and aprons. Otherwise, however, experiments in the style and style of school uniforms could be severely punished.

Only in the 1980s did the length of the skirts of the students become a little shorter. At the same time, blue three-piece suits were introduced and hair rules were slightly relaxed. The photo shows what they were last changes in the style of a school uniform of the Soviet era.

Despite significant differences in the school uniform of modern educational institutions, the tradition of putting on the dress uniform of the Soviet era in honor of significant events in the life of students is being renewed.

Soviet life is a magical world: sideboard, string bag and kefir...

10 symbolic objects of the USSR era.

November 7 is still a red day for many people. If only because it is an excellent occasion to remember the Soviet childhood and youth. And at the same time - those things that surrounded the citizens of the USSR. Komsomolskaya Pravda talked to Alexandra Sankova, director of the Moscow Design Museum, about the outstanding artifacts of the life of the country of victorious socialism.

String bag

This bag is, without exaggeration, ingenious. In Soviet times, it was problematic to go and buy something. Everyone got it or grabbed it on occasion. I went out for a lunch break, I saw a line - I got up. You definitely need it! And what “it” is, you can find out closer to the counter. Carry a shopping bag? Too voluminous. The string bag (the name itself reflects the unpredictability of the appearance of goods) easily fit in your pocket. Everyone had it and is now returning to our bags and pockets. Today it is loved for its environmental friendliness. Unlike plastic bags, it is not disposable and does not decompose for centuries, like plastic. By the way, they came up with a shopping bag specifically for triangular milk packages. In an ordinary bag, they made holes with their corners. And the string bag was not torn.

Cologne "Chypre"

The undisputed symbol of the Soviet era was created in France by perfumer Françau Coty. The name of the cologne is nothing more than a distorted "Cyprus" - Chypre. At first, this perfume was for women, and then changed gender. In the USSR, it was produced by the Novaya Zarya factory, having changed the composition, which, of course, made the fragrance lose. Cologne was loved not only by fashionistas (however, it was not considered particularly prestigious), but also by alcoholics. The alcohol content in it is at least 70 percent!

In general, the basis of "Chipra" became part of many cult perfumes - for example, in "Chanel No. 5". By the way, "Shipr" can be bought now. Online stores offer it for a ridiculous price of 200 rubles.

Kefir bottles

Now, too, on the shelves you can see a lot of similar containers. But they are far from the Soviet kefir bottle. The most important thing is that those Soviet bottles had no labels. The packaging was returnable, and so that the enterprises did not have to stick labels each time and then wash them off, foil lids were used to recognize the goods. different colors. Silver - in milk. Green - on kefir. Saturated pink - on cream. The production date is stamped on the lid.

Empty bottles could be returned - 15 kopecks per 0.5 liter bottle. Before delivery, they were washed with a brush. If the neck of the container was chipped, the bottle was not subject to return.

Chandelier "Cascade"

Remember the scene from the movie "Mimino"? “The chandelier is not made of Venetian glass, but made in Voronezh, in the artel named after Clara Zetkin and is sold at a retail price of 37 rubles 46 kopecks.” Mass models were even cheaper, about 20 rubles. And hung in almost every second apartment! The small lamps had cascades of two rows. In chandeliers for three - five light bulbs - up to four rows of curly pendants. At first, the chandelier pleased with its brilliance and brightness, but soon the plastic became cloudy and lost its former splendor. Washing such a chandelier is a real hard labor. Each element had to be removed, washed and hung back. No wonder they got lost every now and then. And it was impossible to buy spare parts. So after a while, the cleaning of the light bulbs went bald ...


Brown school uniform

School uniforms for girls were introduced back in Tsarist Russia, in 1896.

After the revolution, such attire was considered something bourgeois, they tried to do without it. Uniform dresses returned again in 1949. By the way, female form almost all Soviet times was the same, unlike men's.

Most of the models were sewn from inexpensive fabrics, so by the end of the first term, the skirt of the dress was quite shiny. Soviet girls dreamed of somehow ennobling a dull toilet. Cuffs and collars were sewn on the dress.

Every day the girls wore black aprons over their dresses, and on holidays they wore white aprons. It was the same with bows. Any other than blacks and whites were forbidden.


Although this toy is familiar to every Soviet and Russian child, it was not first invented in the USSR. And in Japan. And nine centuries ago!

In pre-revolutionary Russia, these toys were called "somersaults" or "roly-poly-ups". So the roly-poly as we know it, in a red plastic dress, is an echo of the "old world".

Its familiar look was developed by specialists from the Zagorsk Research Institute of Toys in 1958. Vanka-vstanka is still being produced.

And what else

Do you remember?

Boats "Goodbye youth". A very telling name, although unofficial. The bots got it for their not even modesty, but wretchedness. But they were warm, light and comfortable. The top is made of felt, there was a zipper. The rubber outsole is flexible and non-slip. These shoes appeared as a result of the marriage of galoshes and felt boots. The boots were developed by Soviet shoemakers in 1961. Serial production started already in 1963. By the way, this model is still sewn, it is in demand.

Sideboard. Furniture design in the USSR began to be engaged only in the late 50s. Before that, old, masterly furniture was “wearing on”. Or they made something without thinking about the design. And in the era of mass building for tiny Khrushchev, it took a lot of furniture. And compact - to pass through narrow corridors. Sideboards appeared in each apartment, where the hostesses exhibited the most valuable thing that the citizens of the USSR had. Crystal, tea sets.

Bicycle "Eaglet". A personal vehicle is the dream of any Soviet child. Having received this miracle as a gift, the children tuned it as best they could: fringe was fitted on the steering wheel and seat. The knitting needles were covered with colored wires and rattles were inserted.

"Eaglet" appeared in Minsk in the 1950s. It was designed for children from 7 to 15 years old.

