How well to organize the 18th anniversary. Coming of Age Scenario for a Girl - Only About Love

We dedicate the birthday boy to all the hardships of an independent life, remind him of the army, but we emphasize that friends and family will always support him in everything.


Hello to all those who sit here,
And who is in a hurry to celebrate us,
Today everything will be fashionable here,
But also very noble
I ask you not to separate the guests,
Who is younger, sit down with the elders,
To make a vinaigrette
To eat the whole dinner together!
But something I said
I forgot about the birthday boy
It's time for us to call him
Tap your hands together!

(name of the birthday boy)


Here he is, all at the parade,
In the prettiest dress
But I'll tweak it a little here,
I'll post my snippets!

And so, the hero of our celebration, in order to distinguish you from all the other guests, I suggest that you put on such a funny tie (dresses), and give you a Diploma, because today you receive the title of adult! Hooray!

(a tie and a diploma can be purchased at a specialized gift shop)


And now I ask to the table,
To a delicious celebration!
(the birthday boy takes his place at the table)
Host (addressing the birthday boy):
You are eighteen today
So you can kiss
Also, try the wine.
Suddenly, didn’t it sour?! (smiles)
So come on, it's all for you
We drink glasses only to the bottom!
(musical break, meal)


Dear (name), now you are already 18, soon you will want to live separately from your parents. Let's see if you and I can do it! For example, can you cook your own meals, at least peel potatoes?! I announce a contest!


The competition is called: "Potato!". Participation takes the birthday boy, as well as two of his friends. Each is given a dish with 5 potatoes and a knife. At the command of the presenter, they begin to peel the potatoes. Whoever coped ahead and completed the task better, he is the winner. Prize: semi-finished potato - Chips.


Well, that's it, now you're ready,
The order in the kitchen is established,
Forget about hunger
Always everywhere you will be full!
That's what we're drinking for right now.
For being young!


Well now it's time to dance
And you will have to learn different dances
Who wants to come out bolder
And surprise us all with your dance!


The competition is called: “I dance the way I should!”. Everyone is welcome to participate. Lay out on the floor: toy swords, embroidered handkerchiefs, veils, berets. As soon as the music begins (Lezginka, Russian folk, oriental, etc.), the participants dance, corresponding to it and at the same time with the right subject(for example, lezginka, which means they take swords). Whoever does something wrong, gets confused, he leaves. And so on to the winner. Prize: a mug with a joke (you can find this in many stores).


Well, now back to the table,
Eat this different pickle,
cucumbers, salads,
Sweets in different candy wrappers.
And now a toast to the parents,
And let it be simple in appearance,
But we thank them
That they raised their son like this!



And so, we were already preparing for an independent life. But they forgot one thing! 18 years old is certainly good, but is freedom waiting for you, or our Russian army?!
So come on and we will prepare you for this. Let's choose, of course, not the most difficult, but still necessary. I announce a competition!


The competition is called: "Change clothes in a few seconds." The birthday boy and his friends take part. Each is given a package with the following things: cap, machine gun (toy), boots, socks, T-shirt. At the command of the presenter (she records everything with a stopwatch), they begin to dress, and then undress, whoever does this ahead of everyone is the winner. Prize: a pistol with sucker bullets.


Now the army for joy
We practiced here a little,
It's time to return to the holiday,
And touch congratulations!

I invite all the guests here, let's each, in your own way and with high solemnity, you congratulate our adult birthday.
(relatives and friends congratulate the birthday man and give him gifts)

I also want to say the words
And wishes to give you:
May your life be bright
May there always be friends in it,
Your parents, relatives,
And all who are dear to the heart!
I also wish you good luck
To solve all your problems
To find your love
To understand it without words
In general, everything
What is the best only wound up!
And as a gift from me, accept this pendant of goodness!

This talisman will help you always, everywhere and in everything!

(talisman pendant, can be purchased at a specialized store, it costs about 150-200 rubles, this will surprise the birthday man and he will be pleased)

(good incendiary music plays, the holiday continues, but already without a host)

Some girls born in winter often complain that their birthday fell on an unsuccessful period for one simple reason - a terrible cold. But actually winter holiday can be no worse, and perhaps even better than any other. You can also have fun celebrating a girl's 18th birthday in winter if you arrange:

  • Skating rink. This is the perfect winter activity. The level of training of the skaters is not important here (in extreme cases, holding on to the side, everyone will be able to move around the rink), the main thing is good mood. And then the cheerful laughter of the birthday girl herself and her friends will sound even during the falls. And with good skating skills, you can even dance on ice. After the rink, it will be great to treat everyone with cocoa with marshmallows and cakes in the nearest cafe.
  • Photo session in nature. Some people will think that this sounds strange. Although in fact, many dream not only of a birthday photo session held in the winter, but even of a wedding. And all why? Yes, it’s just that winter is beautiful in its own way, and if you choose the appropriate entourage (plaid, thermoses, Wicker basket), then the photos will be incomparable. Although it is impossible to think of anything better than live emotions (for example, playing snowballs or riding a hill! Arrange such a holiday for yourself in the company of your best friends, and a professional photographer will capture everything. After that, warm up all together at home, in the company of tea with honey and pies - this will ideally complete the birthday.
  • Rent a country house. Many people think that this is advisable only in summer, forgetting about such purely winter activities as snowmobiling, sledding or skiing. In addition to contemplating a beautiful landscape (others usually do not happen at camp sites), these active activities will bring a lot of pleasure.

How to celebrate coming of age in spring

It would seem that in the spring there should be more options for celebrating coming of age. However, if in winter only snowfall can become an unpleasant surprise, then in the warm seasons this list expands significantly (rain, hail, thunderstorm). Therefore, no matter how much you want, it will be wrong to categorically dismiss the options for celebrating indoors. For spring holiday consider:

  • Visit to the petting zoo. It's much better than the classic version. You can not only watch animals, you can stroke them! This will delight both the birthday girl and her guests. As a rule, in such places there is always a staff photographer who will capture the touching moments of the first meeting with each of the inhabitants of the petting zoo.
  • Outdoor picnic or gala dinner on the restaurant terrace. In case of good weather, nothing better can be imagined. It is in the spring that the air is somehow special, it is literally saturated with happiness, and on the day of the 18th anniversary, a meal in the open air will charge everyone with positive energy for the whole year ahead, until the next holiday.
  • Visit to the water park. Everyone wants to be a little child, especially when they officially left the tender age quite recently. The water park with its numerous pools and slides will appeal to both the 18-year-old birthday girl and her guests.

18th anniversary in the summer - where to celebrate?

Summer - favorite time many, and therefore those who were born at this time can be called the real lucky ones. To perfectly celebrate the 18th birthday, a girl will do:

  • Beach party. Rent a part of the beach or find a secluded place outside the city. Take soft drinks, badminton, footballs or volleyballs. Active recreation is great, and if there is a body of water nearby that you can plunge into, then this is a real paradise. Relatives will be grateful if they visit such a holiday.
  • Walk on the ship / boat. Enjoy the magnificent views of the water surface, feel the light breeze and be in the company of friends - what could be better? Perhaps only if the picture is complemented by a basket of soft drinks and light snacks.
  • Mini trip. Take all your loved ones and go for a weekend outside the city. There are a lot of options where to go - a neighboring city or an old country estate. The main thing is that your company will spend time together and take a walk in new, unfamiliar places.

Coming of age celebration in autumn

"It's time for the eyes of charm" as a rule, is not loved by most people, and completely in vain. This time of year is ideal in terms of temperature - not cold and not hot, such conditions are suitable for the following types of celebrations of the 18th anniversary:

  • A walk to the movies. Now there are halls for 10,15,20, etc. Human. You can rent a whole cinema room and enjoy watching your favorite movie with your guests! Popcorn and Coke are also a must! Then enjoy a walk around the city.
  • Weekend at the recreation center. There is no suffocating summer heat, no bitter cold. Can be in ideal conditions take walks, take pictures in a beautiful autumn forest and then enjoy a delicious barbecue!
  • Spa day. If, with these words, you immediately thought that we were talking exclusively about a women's company, then in vain. Now there is a huge range of procedures for both men and women. There is also a traditional option - all together take a steam bath in a sauna, sit in a steam room filled with eucalyptus herbs and swim in a cool pool. Such a rest is what you need in anticipation of the onset of cold weather, it saturates the body with health and energy.

How to celebrate 18 years at home

As a rule, everyone immediately tries to refuse home day birth, considering it boring and banal. However, if you approach the organization of such a holiday wisely, it will turn out to be fun. Arrange:

  • Pajama party. Let all the guests come the evening before the X day, taking funny pajamas with them (maybe someone even has a kigurumi), watch horror movies all night long, eating fear with various goodies. In fact, it is in these little things that happiness lies, at the age of 18 you can and even need to allow yourself (and guests at the same time) to remain a child.
  • Karaoke evening. Songs and dances until you drop are associated only with the club? In vain! At home, you can come off just as well, for this you don’t even need a microphone, it’s enough to have the Internet and a company of cheerful friends.
  • Costume party. Mafia-style, the world of fairy tales or pirates? Anything! Let the guests arrive in strict accordance with the dress code, but the decoration of the house, musical accompaniment and treats on the table should also be in the theme.

In order to celebrate the 18th birthday, a girl does not need large financial investments, the main thing is a great company and a cheerful mood.

A few days before the celebration, guests need to send out invitations - children's drawings with text about the place and time of the event. The proposed cool one is suitable for a celebration, both at home and in a cafe. But, in any case, the room needs to be decorated with bright colors. balloons, soft toys, posters with congratulations. On one of the walls you should hang a fence made of paper (from whatman paper or wallpaper sheets) - for cool wishes.

At the appointed time, the birthday girl meets guests, accepts gifts. Then everyone takes their seats.


Tomorrow, our dear (name of the birthday girl) begins her adult life. And today is a holiday of farewell to childhood. I declare it "Day of Disobedience"!

Adults do not like it when children make noise, so we will shout loud and loud: “Happy birthday!”.

All the guests in chorus shout out the phrase several times.


And also - today you can write on the fence everything that you wish for the birthday girl.

Guests write congratulations on a paper fence.


I propose to hold an auction in honor of the birthday girl. Who will be the last to say nice word our (name), he won. Instead of money, there will be compliments, and as a lot - this treasure chest (a beautiful box with sweets inside).


Let's remember how the birthday girl's path was from birth to her adulthood, and we will reproduce it in competitions. I offer the first competition for the most gambling guests!

Dummy Relay Competition

Each participant receives a pacifier. His job is to spit it out as far as possible. The birthday girl gives the winner a prize - a beautiful pacifier.


(Name) went to the kindergarten, where she always participated in matinees. How was it?

Competition "Artist"

Participants pull out pieces of paper from the bag on which children's quatrains are written. You need to stand on a chair and beautifully, solemnly read a poem. The most artistic player is determined by applause and receives a prize - lollipop.


The birthday girl, like all children, loved to play, eat sweets, and be capricious in her childhood. How did she do it?

Fanta game

Guests receive descriptions of activities. They need to portray the birthday girl:

  • in childhood in the classroom with rhythmic gymnastics;
  • in kindergarten during quiet hours;
  • in a store demanding to buy a doll;
  • eating sweets secretly from her mother.

(you can come up with any options according to the number of invitees).


Every year (name) celebrated her birthday. And always got beautiful gifts from relatives and friends. What did they give her? And what did she do with the presents?

Game "Gifts"

There are two boxes in front of the guests. In one - sheets of paper with the names of gifts (candy, bicycle, doll, pencils, dress, etc.). In the other box - actions (eat, try on, play, examine, hide in the closet, etc.). Each the participant pulls one piece of paper from each drawer, telling others what the birthday girl was given and what she did with the gift.


Our (name) is beautiful. Since childhood, she loved to dress up and make faces in front of the mirror. Let's remember how it was?

Surprise bag game

The guests stand in a circle and begin to dance, passing each other a bag containing various items of clothing and accessories: a hat, a blouse, a scarf, fluffy skirt, beads, glasses, etc. The one on whom the music has stopped must pull out the first thing that comes across from the bag and dress up in it. The game continues until the last clothes.


(Name) as a child, she loved to play "daughters-mothers" with her friends. Let's see if she forgot how to dress up dolls and babysit them?

Competition for friends of the birthday girl "Mothers and Daughters"

Participants are divided into pairs and become hand in hand. right hand one and the left of the other girl are tied with a ribbon. And each pair is given a toy baby doll with a set of clothes. The task is to dress the doll with free hands as quickly and accurately as possible. The winning couple receives prizes - toy baby dolls.


And so the "Day of Disobedience" ends. We wish the birthday girl the fulfillment of all desires! And they will definitely come true, because today is a special day - a birthday!

They bring out a cake with 18 candles.

The script for the birthday of 18 years old girl ends with a disco and cool photoshoot. To make your photos look really cool, try using different accessories. Now paper mustaches, smiles, glasses, crowns are very popular. We have made a selection of templates for such accessories. All you have to do is print the stencils and cut them out.

Merry holiday!

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The holiday assumes that those invited are young people aged 17-18 years. It is best to spend the holiday somewhere in a cafe, its design should correspond to the age of the guests, you can additionally decorate the hall with flowers, balls and funny inscriptions, for example, “That's it, I'm an adult now, and the door to childhood is closed!”.

The table is light, buffet table. Snacks - canapes, fruit on skewers, small pies, etc. , wine, champagne.

Musical accompaniment: DJ invited (or someone from among the guests who understands music) , accompaniment of the holiday according to the scenario is discussed in advance.

- Coming of age is a special holiday. Now for our dear birthday girl (Name*) golden time is coming - she can live independently, get married and even vote in the elections of our country. But, as they say, love rules the world - in this beautiful age, love rules the world of all young people. Therefore, our contests, songs and words of congratulations will only be about love.
(The birthday girl's favorite song about love sounds).

The presenter gives the floor for congratulations to the relatives of the birthday girl, the words should sound like a toast or the host will "direct them in the right direction."

Competition: "Pantomime"

Several players are called, who are divided into two teams: boys and girls. One girl and one guy are selected and set aside. The rest of the players are given cards with words that they must depict without words, that is, arrange a pantomime. Moreover, for guys these are the words “for girls” - mascara, powder, cosmetics, curling irons, hair dryer, handbag, etc., and for girls - “male” - hammer, nails, planer, drill, etc. Accordingly, the words that the girls depict are guessed by the guy, and vice versa. The team that guesses the most words wins.

- I want to give my friends a word,
Let them say kind words
Today you are together again
And your friendship is so strong!
The word for congratulations is given to friends.

Competition: Game "Childhood and youth"

Players are called into the circle, which are divided into two teams "Childhood" and "Youth", each player of the team names words that relate to the name of the team, for example, baby, toys, bows, carelessness, school, etc., and others - college, love, study, family, etc. The team with the most imagination wins.
(at the end of the competition, as a symbol of farewell to childhood, the birthday girl is given a large soft toy)

- My friends, if you think that the congratulations of friends ended on this, then you are mistaken. They prepared a special gift - an author's song.
(The song is performed to the motive “I’m already 18” gr. “Hands up”)

1.(performed by girls)
We're sure it won't be the same
We will have a holiday and joy,
Make all your wishes
May everything be fulfilled in this hour.
We sing to you now
It's better not to have you, friend,
And we wish you a friend
So that he loves you forever
Only gave joy in life.
Chorus (all together):
Happy Birthday to You!
We congratulate you, friends.
And we wish you well
Live so many more years!
Happy Birthday to You,
We congratulate, friends,
May you become a star
Just be yourself with us!

2. (Performed by boys)
You only deserve the best
Let everything be decent in life
After all, you're a girl - just a class,
And we are all happy for you now!
Your smile is like the sun
Stay always the same
Let everything work out for you
Well, there will be friends.
Chorus (all together).

- I think that the congratulations succeeded
And our mood has risen here,
Let's raise a glass together
So that everyone meets happiness in life!
(musical break, meal)

- What is love? We can read poems of poets and listen to wonderful songs, fall in love and part, but the meaning of this word is very difficult to explain. Let's try it ... to play.

Competition: "Love"

The competition resembles the game "Chairs" for children. A certain number of players are called from the hall and 1 less chairs are taken. The facilitator explains the rules:
- Today we are talking about love, and our competition is dedicated to the same. While the music is playing, everyone is running or dancing around the chairs, as soon as the music stops, I call the letter (in order from the word “love”) The participants need to have time to find an object with the desired letter, bring it with them and sit on the chair. The last one to perform the desired action is out. The winner is the one who remains the last (you can even bring your Beloved with you if it matches the letter).

- Has everyone already congratulated the birthday girl? Who else wants to say warm and kind words of congratulations, express their love for her? (congratulations from those who wish, toast)
(musical break, meal)

Competition: "Surprise in a box"

Several people are called to the center of the hall, sit in a circle and begin to pass a box to each other around the circle, which is closed, but there is a slot in it.
The box contains various funny things that you can put on yourself: a doctor's cap, a pilot's or diver's helmet, just hats, funny blouses, a doctor's coat, a waitress's uniform, if the company is "your own", you can put a bra and panties there. To the music, the box starts in a circle, and on whom the music subsides, he takes out a thing from the box and puts it on himself. The one who, by all accounts, looks the funniest wins.

- And now dancing! All invited dance.

Competition: "Hug me tight"

Girls and boys are called, girls are one more. The guys form an inner circle and stand facing the audience, girls stand around them. The music turns on, the girls go around the guys, dancing. As soon as the music stops, the guy rushes to hug the nearest girl (and the girls also rush to the nearest guy) . The girl who is left without a pair is eliminated, the game goes to the last pair.
On a special stand-table on wheels, the birthday girl is taken out a large cake (it is better to order, bright colors, two tiers and the inscription "18 years old", or "May come of age." You can use 18 candles, (or you can have a couple of fireworks candles that look very impressive) .
All guests sing the famous song "Happy Birthday"
The birthday girl makes wishes, extinguishes candles and treats guests with a cake.

- A wonderful holiday will close soon,
But let me also wish
So that personal happiness accompanies you,
And everything that she wished was fulfilled.
I wish you with all my heart:
Good luck be with you.
Let your beauty bloom brighter, brighter,
And every day is like morning dawn
It will give you a lot of happiness
And a good life for many, many years.
