Fun at the wedding for the bride and groom and for guests. Cool wedding photo shoots - photo In the style of "Oscar"

A wedding photo session is not only an event that helps to capture the most beautiful moments of the holiday. It is also an opportunity for newlyweds to get to know each other better, to see what remains invisible in Everyday life. Cool shootings, where the newlyweds are shown in an unusual style, especially contribute to this. A person's fantasy is limitless, he is constantly looking for something new, interesting in all spheres of life, and in wedding photography too. Deviate from the standards, become more inventive, and your photo shoot will be unsurpassed.

Ideas for a cool photo shoot of the newlyweds

Looking for something special, want to surprise everyone with bright, creative wedding photos? Then do the most important thing at first - loosen up, release your emotions at will. Become an artist, create an image. In cool photos, it doesn’t matter how beautiful the newlyweds look. Here you need to create a story that will make everyone who looks at the photo smile. These wedding shots are lively, cheerful, carrying a sea of ​​positive, they make the world kinder.

With the ball on the football field

Does the groom love football? Wonderful! You already have ready idea for a wedding photo shoot - shooting on a football field. It remains only to persuade the bride. If the newly-made spouses truly love each other, she will definitely agree, and he will find a lot of reasons to convince his beloved of the success of this event. Indeed, white Wedding Dress looks gorgeous against the backdrop of juicy green grass.

There are many cool scenes for a photo shoot at the stadium:

  • The groom stands at the gate, and the bride scores a goal for him;
  • The newlyweds hang together on the crossbar of the gate;
  • The gates are guarded by the guests along with the groom, and the bride hits the ball;
  • Young people sit or lie on the green grass of the stadium and look at the sky;
  • The newlyweds kiss at the gate;
  • The bride and groom play a soccer ball among themselves;
  • The bride uses a wedding bouquet instead of a ball;
  • The groom puts on the ring to the bride right on the football field.

Be sure that such cool pictures will appeal not only to the main heroes of the occasion, but also to all guests. You have a chance to break the standard in wedding photography, surprise everyone with funny, funny stories, such as in our video.

Photo shoot on the water in a balloon

In a hot summer, you will not find anything more romantic than a wedding photo shoot on the water. And in order for it to turn into a fun event, use unusual props. Young spouses inside a transparent floating ball cause big smile for everyone who sees them. You should prepare for such a shoot in advance so that the newlyweds feel comfortable in an unusual design, and the cool poses offered by the photographer do not cause fear. After proper training, a wedding photo shoot will give everyone indescribable pleasure.

In the back or trunk of a car

What is a wedding without funny situations and funny photos? Simulate a situation where the bride and groom are found kissing in the trunk of a car. The newlyweds will look even funnier in the back of a truck, which is absolutely not intended for a wedding photo. And if the bride is also a great actress, there will be many more cool stories for a photo shoot with the participation of her husband and enterprising guests.

False mustache or oversized glasses

If you have friends who work in the theater, they will get entourage for a photo shoot for funny, funny wedding shots. False mustaches, plump lips on sticks, big glasses, wigs will become a wonderful element of such photos. Invite girls to put plump lips on their faces, and young people to put on a dashing mustache, and you will immediately notice the revival and smiles among the wedding guests. Newlyweds can make such props on their own. Watch the video for tips on making cool wedding accessories for a photo shoot.

For wedding photography, it is not necessary to look for some picturesque corners of nature, your native yard or street, a children's or sports ground near the house, a beautiful park are quite suitable. Don't be afraid to improvise in front of strangers. Pose in the frame, enter the image, because the beauty of a wedding photo shoot lies in the naturalness, emancipation of the newlyweds. Even if in some photo you seem funny, it does not matter - it will become unique.

Photo shoot on motorcycles or bicycles

To come out beautiful wedding photography, it is not necessary to use rich scenery or travel out of town. Take a closer look at your native street, your father's house, remember your hobbies. After all, the photographs should reflect not only the appearance of the newlyweds, but also their inner world. Love motorcycles and bicycles? Then make them the main characters of the wedding photo shoot. The two-wheeled childhood friend with whom you spent so much time will also be next to you in the pictures on your most solemn day.

Ride the fun down the hill on one bike, just like in the old days. Perky laughter and a sea of ​​​​positive emotions are provided to you. The bride will present herself as a young schoolgirl who is being carried on the trunk of a barefoot friend. And the groom will become a courageous rider - behind him sits a fragile, gentle creature, for the life of which he answers with his head. A romantic wedding ride of the newlyweds on bicycles decorated with flowers and ribbons along a forest road will provide a lot of opportunities for extraordinary photos.

In summer, against the background of castles or hearts made of sand

Summer is a hot, sultry time, when most of all you want to be closer to the water and the coolness of the sea. Listen to your desires, go to the sea. Near the water, under the whisper of the waves, the most beautiful, romantic pictures are created. Let the newlyweds build their first house on the shore, it will not be stone, but sand. In the process of building a fairy-tale castle, a wedding photographer will catch many interesting poses and cool scenes for pictures.

After the construction of the castle on the seashore, holding hands, the newlyweds will kiss against the background of the sunset, and their silhouettes will seem to melt in the rays of the setting sun. A more romantic scene for a wedding photo shoot is hard to imagine. Sea pebbles, shells, stars, fresh flowers are used as details. Use sand to create a big heart on which to write your wedding date. The bride and groom can lie down in an embrace right on the sea sand near the created masterpiece, not sparing wedding dresses.

Horse-drawn sleigh in winter

Winter weddings happen less often, because the minus mark on the thermometer does not contribute to the desire of the newlyweds to frolic in nature. But even in the most severe frost and bad weather A good photographer will make your wedding photo session unforgettable and unlike any other. Not every young couple gets a chance to shoot against the backdrop of dazzling white snowdrifts, falling snowflakes, or ride a troika with ringing bells. At other times of the year, it is impossible to take such pictures, so they turn out to be unconventional, special.

Newlyweds and guests cover their faces with signs

An experienced photographer, working on a wedding photo shoot, will definitely resort to such an option as covering with signs. For a photo to come out creative, there is no need to capture people's faces on it. Pictures will look much more interesting, where the newlyweds and guests hold signs with the inscriptions “groom”, “bride”, “family”, “lovers”, “friend”, “friend”, etc. at the head level. wedding.

Instead of plates with inscriptions, they use round, face-sized photographs of the bride and groom attached to holders. Portraits are handed out to guests who, during a wedding photo session, cover their faces with them, creating many "clones" of the newlyweds. Subsequently, when viewing such pictures, guests do not always find out who is hiding under this or that mask. Funny pictures will provide good mood and the most pleasant memories of the wedding.

Cool wedding photos

If you managed to add a little mischief to your wedding photos, then the photo shoot was a success. Such cool pictures will arouse the greatest interest among the public. You won’t surprise anyone with a banal photo from the registry office. When guests look at a family album and find cool pictures there, they cannot do without merry laughter and enthusiastic exclamations. And the newlyweds feel overwhelming pride for having created such an original photo shoot.

A wedding is a holiday that you want to remember forever. In this collection, the portal “1000 ideas” decided to collect 100 unusual ideas for wedding photos and photo shoots and show that the flight of fancy in this matter cannot be limited.

Even if you want to come up with the most original wedding photo shoot, you will eventually have to come to terms with the idea that someone has already implemented all the ideas that you have. In this collection, we have included 100 unusual subjects for wedding photos and photo shoots. We deliberately refrained from photographs taken in natural places: at the ends of the world and wonderful sandy islands, against the backdrop of icebergs and snow-capped mountain peaks. Most of the ideas are quite repeatable and can be borrowed, if not in detail, then at least in essence. And maybe do much better.

Groom from the Well

Plot: A happy bride saves her lover from a well. Judging by the lack of a chain, the way the groom is holding himself, and the general mood, the well is clearly stylized.

Bouquet of cacti

By ordering a bouquet of cacti for a wedding, you can make it clear to your future spouse what lies ahead for him.

Creativity on the playground

A colored playground today can be found in many courtyards. And this couple proved that it is not necessary to pass by her.

Smiles on smartphones

One of the trends of modern wedding photos is to show your happiness and emojis using smartphones.

reflection in glasses

Yes, not just a reflection, but with the presence of the plot. The photographer managed to convey the characters and history of the couple.

Able to add drama to a love story. Like in the movies.

In order not to embarrass the couple and let them enjoy the moment.

Not the most original idea, but emotions come out more lively and natural.


The face of a dolphin in a photo with a love story is cheating. And there is nothing to say about two.


An example of how to make a couple smile from ear to ear and emphasize the smile in a photo.

An idea that is massively used in family photography, but perfect for this occasion.

IN last years it became fashionable to remember the weddings of their parents and to be photographed with their wedding photos.


And after all, there is nothing special in the picture, but the surroundings are wonderful.

The main thing is not to forget to make the illusion of the surrounding desert or wilderness.

Show everyone that your pet is actively involved in the preparation of the wedding, empathizes, spins around.

Mother accompanies the child

Who said, that wedding photo should cause continuous positive and smiles? Why is it impossible to sigh or cry, as a mother does, looking at her finally matured son or daughter?

Smoke bomb, convertible. For a complete idyll, the only thing missing is that the groom has the color of a butterfly and a shirt that matches the color of smoke.

A bit of tomfoolery with oranges, seasoned details and of course, so that everything matches the color of the bride's hair.

If someone stands out from the general row besides the bride, then this is even more interesting.

The thrown bouquet behind the lovers, as it were, says that the couple has just run away from the celebration and bustle of the holiday in order to be together.

A romantic plot can also be created with segways.

You can add fairy tales, if you are not afraid for the fate of the dress.

Create the effect of impatient waiting for lovers who are ready to see each other in wedding dresses and dance around.

With snowmen

Don't forget winter weddings. Even classic and popular stories with gloves, scarves and snowmen are not yet very worn out.

Another way to bring the bride and groom to live emotions.

There is no need to invent anything here. Everyone has already been created before you, you just need to come and agree on filming.

On a skateboard

It is a sin to miss such details from the life of newlyweds like a skateboard.

Jars of honey as wedding attributes are not yet so boring for everyone, and honey has good associations with this holiday.

If a couple met during a trip or the bride found her love far away, then why not show the story in the style of travel?

It is unlikely that such a fun and colorful combination can be repeated, but you can try.

You can try to convey love in the eyes.

You can play shy groom and hide behind balloons.

Show the morning of the bride, bridesmaids jumping nearby and all this fuss with preparations, anticipation in the eyes.

A win-win option that will make any frame “cute”. The raccoon will be remembered more than the newlyweds themselves.

Oscar style

The red carpet will add status to the wedding in the eyes of the guests.

mother and wife

Show in one frame the two main women in the life of every man.

Which suddenly suddenly appeared from somewhere in a fairy tale, as in the story about rabbits in the photo a little earlier.

Elephant Witness

You may be able to persuade zookeepers to rent an elephant and spark a boom in elephant weddings in your city.

We proclaim a moment of humor in our top.


Ask the groom's friends to show delight on their faces at the sight of the engagement ring.

Let the newly-made husband feel like her for a couple of minutes.

The poor man is dragged out of the trunk of a limousine at the behest of a petulant bride.

It is better to store such episodes in a separate folder or album.

Who wants to prove that she can play golf better than him.

Bride crushes her husband's friends

Let them rejoice and tease. Soon bachelors will overtake the same fate as their “lost” friend.

Or how you can merge the two halves into a single whole with the help of mirrors.

How can a photographer entertain himself at a wedding? Ask the bride to lean closer to the glass with her nose.

Why not pay tribute wedding traditions of the older generation and not take pictures with the palace?


A wedding photo before the launch of the zorb promises to be rich in emotions.

Some daredevil decided on the most exciting day to test the psyche of his chosen one to the fullest.

Idea for the north: Russian winter, deer, Russian beauty...

groom preparation

men love with important view tying ties and bow ties, making a serious face while shaving... Why not highlight their wedding preparation process?

Quite a popular technique, the possibilities of which are not limited in any way.

rainbow style

For the sake of unforgettable photos, all the bridesmaids wear multi-colored dresses and are armed with colored umbrellas.

Magazine-style stylized photographs are gaining popularity.

The reflection of the bride is one of the classic stories that can always be complemented by admiring bridesmaids, mothers, sisters and aunts.

The event is quite risky for the groom, as in last moment a girl can change her mind and run straight from the ceremony with some penguin.

If there are no mountains nearby, then a tournab will help. Tent, backpacks, fishing rod. And the river will be replaced by an aquarium with a goldfish.

The idea will require shoes that are not quite suitable for a wedding, but the idea is interesting.

Let the guests standing somewhere above the lovers do it.

Sea, romance, poetry, words, promises.

Bridesmaids, bottom view

A harmless photo excuse that can cheer up a wedding photographer.

Another idea for a photo that does not require any effort.


Don't try to copy tradition - show crazy modernity.

If you thought that no one had ever had an ATV wedding, you can cross this idea off your list.

The idea is simple - the photographer watches a couple at the exit from the pipe and takes unforgettable pictures. Oh yes! It is advisable to ask a couple not to close their eyes.

If he is a trucker

Then let during long trips and painful expectations, the wife always remembers whom she married, looking at such photographs.

Here is a little trick that can decorate any wedding album.

Closing elevator

If you find a decent-looking elevator, a few shots can capture a passionate and dramatic scene.

The bride defines her lover.

They just walked, walked ... And suddenly it rolled over!

Symmetrical family photo

Two families and two stories merge into one ending.

Use passports to show that love knows no boundaries.

The train car will add mystery and romance to any story. As a symbol of unexpected meetings, roads and all the adventures of the life path.

Your love story is unique. Why can't she be associated with the stable, races, horses in the photo, if such a connection actually exists?

Photo with ice cream

The talent of a photographer is to see an ordinary boy and a girl in a pair of lovers and be able to convey it.

In wedding photography, real emotions, dynamics and live photography that captures the moment are increasingly valued.

Bike wedding

A photo of a couple in love on bicycles is common, but how would a wedding look like, where all the participants would move to bicycles?

LOVE with fingers

One of the many options for how to show the word “love” without using signs, heart-shaped balloons and other attributes.

The bride and groom read love letters to each other in one shot.

Shoes holding a ring

If you want to come up with something unusual, but there is nothing, then there are always shoes and rings.

Enough butterflies to match the color of the shoes and a funny photo is ready.

An umbrella can always add intimacy to a photo, for example by playing with lighting and shadows.

How to clearly show that everyone is crazy about the bride's dress.

You can use the closed car window as a symbol of the couple's personal space, their cozy world filled with love.

External Flashes

Using flashes to highlight a couple from the surrounding space and create a magical effect.

For the most reckless newlyweds. Unforgettable photos are guaranteed with any photographer.

In the supermarket

Funny illustration of future charms family life and joint trips to the supermarket among the shelves with products.

Don't forget to lend your bowler hat or top hat to your favorite dog for some great shots.

A yellow taxi and checkered pieces can add a twist to a love story.

Another angle from below. This time with a male company that will always support and pick up.

What kind of wedding can you come up with for a football player or a fan, no matter how on the football field? A bride in a dress can be immediately put on the gate.

The bride can only climb inside - and foam is not needed. But the view from the window does not hurt.

The legs of the girls are one of the brightest details of the wedding, we must not forget about them.

Budget option for a bright photo shoot.

At a construction site

If the husband is a builder, then you can ride a crane and walk on the roofs. But the bride is doomed to look under her feet all the time so as not to tear the dress with some kind of pin.

It can emphasize or enhance a lot.


If you have already climbed onto the roof, then in addition to the dizzying view, remove the dizzying sky. Well, the bride.


If the shooting will take place on the beach, you can find a few sticks and use fabric to make colored boats. And the view is the tenth thing, the entourage will be created.

Elon Musk's Creativity Technique: The Art of Asking Questions

Creativity technique "Brainstorming 3.0"

What are the most common mistakes organizers of regular brainstorming sessions make, and how to effortlessly multiply the number of ideas from one brainstorming session? Guide to action.

A wedding can rightfully be called the brightest and most solemn holiday. Indeed, for the occasion of the celebration, not only the closest and dearest people gather every time, but also distant relatives, work colleagues, friends of the young, acquaintances of the parents - you can’t count everyone. There are no random people at a wedding, but a characteristic feature of this holiday, when it is celebrated widely and on a grand scale, is that some participants know little of each other, or even do not know each other at all. Appears share of risk, which may seem boring certain number guests. But a wedding is not only a solemn wedding in a church and romantic wishes for family happiness.

A wedding is a celebration of love and fun. That is why quite often a feast and jokes for a wedding are compatible concepts. Various funny jokes during the wedding, contests, games, quizzes and pranks serve not only for fun, but for getting to know each other and liberating the guests.

Jokes from the newlyweds

Wedding jokes have always been a successful technique in capturing the attention of the public, and therefore they are used not only by the toastmaster and guests - participants in the wedding feast, but even by a young couple.

Cheerful and happy newlyweds, despite the fact that they are the heroes of the occasion and all the attention of the public is concentrated on them, can also afford jokes for your wedding. Nowadays, many young couples who decide to get married have themed weddings. And those whose motto of life is humor, arrange not just parties with elements of a costume ball.

They turn their day into a real big show using their own wedding jokes. Comic promises and oaths, appropriate outfits, jewelry banquet hall, an exit ceremony in some interesting place, cool outfits of hosts and guests - all this is essential attribute such holidays. The time when people strictly adhered to some conservative traditions and blindly followed the established rules of the wedding day has already departed into the old days.

Preparation of jokes

Today everyone is free in his choice. AND fashion trends just prove it again. Pre-prepared jokes for the upcoming wedding can make it unforgettable not only for the young.

Often, during a photo shoot, the bride and groom take various photos with a hint of humor in the style of “wedding jokes”. Interesting photographs, which reveal all the adventurism of the couple and their craving for adventure - this is what will make the spouses smile after many years. Jokes of different weddings can often be seen on the video, which is filmed all day. Sometimes even the most unexpected and curious moments are captured on them.

Popular jokes for the groom

A wedding that is held in a very fun and organized way is a pleasant moment in the life of every couple. Today, everyone is trying to make this day not just special, but refined and fabulous. And the fun on the theme of "fun during the wedding" in this process is not the last role. The impression of the guests from the celebration depends on a properly prepared program.

They play both young and guests. The groom gets the most. The most common and well-known prank for the groom is "They stole the bride." It is prepared and carried out, of course, by the groom's closest friends themselves, he must pay a ransom to them so that they can find the stolen bride. Girlfriends of the young are sometimes also not inferior in humor and improvise the joke "The bride is lost." The groom again has to pay the ransom - already to the girls, and from time to time they pretend to be looking for the loss, bringing a fake bride into the hall:

  • girlfriend
  • mother;
  • grandmother;
  • one of the men

All the time asking, “Is that her? Not she? And what is your bride? The exhausted groom must clearly describe his beloved.

joke scripts

But sometimes the wedding itself is already a continuation of a whole cascade of humor and jokes. The most ardent pranksters begin to make fun of the groom even before the wedding, playing out the whole scenario of the ransom of the bride. The most popular jokes before the wedding include:

  • Before entering the porch or house of the bride, the groom must solve several riddles. These are riddles on a wedding theme: about the bride, her girlfriends, habits. The groom enters the house, only after guessing these riddles, his friends help him.
  • In a multi-storey building or on the porch of a private house - each step is also a test for the groom. Girls stand on each and ask him a question about the test, mother-in-law, about the day he met his beloved, what she was wearing, about the first kiss, etc. These are humorous, funny questions, answering them, the groom slowly moves up the stairs.
  • Often, large letters are painted on the stairs. It is possible on each step, if there are a lot of them - in two or three. Stepping on the letter, the groom must define his bride: L - beloved, E - economical, N - gentle, S - modest, B - cheerful, etc.
  • The groom should also reward his bride with wonderful epithets with humor in the following joke: matches are stuck in an apple. All whole, one half. The groom pulls them out with his teeth, while calling his beloved a bunny, a cat, an asterisk, a berry, a baby - as far as imagination is enough. Pulling out a broken match, the groom sighs with joy - the tests have stopped! But the word that he said at the same time, he must name the bride at the meeting.
  • Bridesmaids puff Balloons, hiding in each of them a leaflet on which the amount of money is indicated. One balloon contains an inscription - the key to the heart. The groom pops the balloons in turn, paying money until he finds the treasured key from the heart of his beloved.

Wedding jokes for guests

Various entertaining competitions for guests set themselves the goal of amusing, introducing and preventing the wedding from turning into a simple booze. When inviting guests to participate in the competition, be sure to take into account their age and social status. Although, in principle, at a wedding, this is all unimportant. Humor, fun and good mood are important.

Therefore, for guests, you can use the following jokes:

  • "Eat candy." Guests line up in pairs - a woman and a man. The toastmaster gives them a piece of candy, which they must unwrap and eat with their hands behind their backs. Whoever ate the fastest is the winner.
  • "Pass the ring." The guests are divided into two teams and become a line, in turn: a man, a woman. Everyone has a toothpick in their mouth. The first one puts a wedding ring on a toothpick and passes it along the chain. The task is not to miss the ring and pass it to the last one in the line.
  • "Knead the leaf." Men sit on chairs, each on his knees - a sheet of A4 paper or a newspaper. Girls sit on their knees. The time is set - 1 minute, music plays, and the sitting girls should spin and jump until the sheet is wrinkled. Who remembers more - won.
  • "First". Tamada invites a girl or a man to reach the floor with his palms, without tearing off his heels and without bending his knees. He carefully writes down everything that the player says at this time. If the guest does the exercise silently, you need to give leading questions: “How are you feeling? Is it hard for you? How does it feel? Then the toastmaster says: “This is what (player name) thinks about his first wedding night!" and read all statements.
  • "These eyes are opposite" Men and girls sit on chairs and look at each other. Music plays - different: slow, romantic, cheerful, folk, etc. In this case, the players must “dance” with their eyes.
  • "Hold the ball." Boys and girls become pairs, each pair is given a small tennis ball. While dancing, they must hold him with their bodies, without the help of their hands.
  • "Dress haute couture". Each pair is given a roll of white toilet paper. In 2-3 minutes (at this time the music is playing cheerfully), the man must create an exclusive dress for his partner, without using paper clips or anything else.

Features of wedding jokes

If you undertake the organization of the holiday on your own, you cannot do without specialized literature, from which you can borrow several contests and jokes for future wedding. Many jokes at the wedding are connected with the congratulations of the guests. Some of them are planned and prepared in advance. But many of them, as practice shows, are ordinary accidents associated with the shyness of most guests.

The more a person gets lost when speaking, the more likely it is to get into an awkward situation. She can become another wedding joke, which will then be legendary.

Trying to find good jokes for your wedding, you can refer to this article. When you search for “wedding and fun at it” or “weddings fun moments”, you will see not only articles and photos of jokes that have already happened at some wedding. On our site you can find blanks that can give your congratulations a special sophistication.

Well planned performance original wish with elements of humor always aroused respect not only for the young couple, but for all those present. Want to stand out? Prepare a beautiful performance, coordinate with the toastmaster all its necessary nuances, and you will become the best guest at the celebration.

Best award for toastmaster

Great photos, walks, feasts, various scenes and theme parties- not the whole list of what forms jokes at weddings. Moreover, it can be both a planned action and an accident, which eventually becomes the most beautiful and memorable highlight of the wedding. The way the world works is that the best things are unexpected.

Jokes about your wedding have always been the most discussed topic. Everyone present, including young people, always remembers such moments with a smile on their face. Cool contests and toasts make guests cheer up a little and look at the holiday from a completely different angle. Thanks to this, there is no feeling of boredom. Loud laughter is the main reward of everyone good toastmaster, which works all evening for people.
