How to whiten the fur of a fox, mink from yellowness? How to remove yellowness from fur and bleach it at home White mink turned yellow how to bleach.

A white fur coat (white mink) is unusually beautiful and looks very impressive on its mistress. But, unfortunately, over time, natural fur white color turns yellow, acquires an unpleasant yellowish tint and begins to look dirty and untidy. A variety of factors can provoke the appearance of yellowness: poor environmental conditions in a large city, cosmetical tools, tobacco smoke, ultraviolet radiation, improper storage of the product and others. You can stop the yellowing process of fur at home using the simplest means.

It is permissible to clean a mink (or muton) fur coat with starch, semolina, chalk or wheat flour. It is necessary to generously sprinkle the product with them and rub the fur well with your hands. After that, the fur coat must be thoroughly shaken or combed out with a soft brush. Those women who have already tried this method claim that the fur turns white right before their eyes. A more aggressive way to whiten a white mink coat is to use ammonia, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting solution and gently wipe the fur coat, preventing the fur from getting very wet. Dry the fur coat in natural conditions. A yellowed fox fur product is bleached with hydrogen peroxide, mixing it with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The solution is carefully sprayed with a fur coat from a spray gun so that it does not get on the mezra. After dry. In addition, processing it with a mixture of a third of a bottle of ammonia and two teaspoons of fine salt is considered to be a fairly effective method of bleaching white fox fur. The mixture is rubbed with a mink (mouton) coat in different directions, dry and then comb with a comb.

How to bleach a white mink (mouton) coat?

It is preferable to bleach a yellowed mink, rabbit or white Mouton coat by rubbing crushed chalk or potato starch into the fur. But it is also allowed to wipe it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. A very extreme method of bleaching is considered to be the treatment of the ends of the pile with a slurry of starch diluted with refined gasoline. The gruel is applied against the pile and dried. After that, it will be enough to comb out the fur with a comb, and it will again become snow-white.

A universal way to whiten all types of fur (including muton) is to use a professional whitening shampoo for dogs, which can be bought at a pet store. Just a few drops of the product, diluted in 1 liter of water, are enough to get a solution that needs to be rubbed yellowed fur in different directions and dried with a hair dryer or in a natural way.

Experienced fur coat owners advise storing white mink coats in dark blue fabric covers that minimize the aggressive effects of light and ultraviolet radiation.

Yellowness on a white mink hat appears for many reasons - this is prolonged exposure to sunlight, and untimely cleaning of stains, and, unfortunately, a natural process for fur. But there are several ways to bleach a white mink hat.

Here are some of them:

  • Potato starch. Apply starch to the cap over the entire surface and gently rub the powder into the fur. After that, shake the hat thoroughly and comb it.
  • Semolina. Apply in the same way as potato starch.
  • Bran(wheat or rye). Apply heated bran to the fur, gently brush the pile, then shake off the residue with a soft brush.
  • gasoline(must be cleaned) burnt magnesia and starch. Apply a mixture of the components in an even layer on the pile and rub against the pile. After some time, shake off the dried powder and brush the fur with a brush. If necessary = repeat.
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and water in equal proportions. Repeatedly wipe the fur along the pile with a moistened swab. Dry the product in the sun.
  • chalk. Gently rub the powder into the fur. Shake out the hat after cleaning.
  • Blue. Dissolve some blue in the water. With a swab dipped in the solution, treat the fur. Then dry the pile completely.

It is important, when buying a white hat, to remember that it is impossible to completely remove the yellowness, it can only be masked for a short time. If it was not possible to bleach the white mink hat in any of the ways, then, as an option, you can repaint the fur in a lighter color.

Products made of white fur can be considered elite. But, unfortunately, snow-white fur does not serve for a long time - its soiledness and natural changes in the structure of the pile are to blame - the fur turns yellow inevitably after a couple of seasons. You can pause and mask such changes. Let's see how to remove yellowness from white mink, arctic fox, rabbit and any other fur.

Home cleaning options

Any method must be tested on the inside of the product to avoid possible damage to the fur coat or collar. If the test is passed and the fur has not deteriorated, then the entire fur product should be treated in the same way.

Natural fur should not be wetted much, and the washed thing should be dried only in a natural way without the use of a hair dryer, heating appliances and other heating elements.

Cleaning natural furs: 4 methods

Any white product, whether it be a hat, collar or short fur coat, needs to be pre-cleaned from dirt. Already after this procedure, the yellowed wool can be refreshed, it will become snow-white and will look much neater.

To clean fur:

  • spread a damp sheet or a piece of cotton fabric of sufficient size on a flat, hard surface;
  • put the product on the sheet with the fur down, smooth and wrap the free edges of the damp fabric so that the fur is completely covered;
  • using a carpet beater or palms, work the entire surface with light tapping movements;
  • if necessary, rinse the sheet from dust, wring out and repeat the procedure. Dry white fur naturally.

Instructions on how to get rid of dirt and whiten yellowed fur with your own hands using improvised means are presented in the table:

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Method 1: Potato Starch

Starch, salt, flour, crushed chalk are excellent means of cleaning yellowed furs.

It is enough to lay out the thing on a flat horizontal surface, distribute the powder in an even layer and brush the hairs with a brush.

Long fur is cleaned according to hair growth, short - against wool.

After dry cleaning is completed, the product must be cleaned of product residues with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Method 2: starch and gasoline

If the white mink has turned yellow, there are unsightly stains from foundation or greasy areas - there is a way out!

A mixture of starch and refined gasoline will perfectly cope not only with yellowness, but also remove greasy stains:

  • mix starch and refined gasoline in such a way that a thick and very steep slurry is obtained;
  • using a rag or brush, the mixture is applied to the problem area, left to dry;
  • when the mixture dries, you should remove it with a brush and thoroughly ventilate the fur.

Method 3: hydrogen peroxide + ammonia + water
  • In a glass of warm water, dilute a few drops of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (about a teaspoon). A couple of drops of ammonia will also be enough.
  • Using a spray gun or sponge, apply to the surface of the fur and leave to dry.

Method 4: bran

If the blue mink turns yellow, then the following method is guaranteed to correct the situation:

  • heat the bran in a dry frying pan;
  • sprinkle over the surface of the product and distribute with hand movements along the entire length of the hairs;
  • leave for a while and shake thoroughly to remove excess.

You can not intensively rub and wring the fur - in this way it can fall off, fade and lose its appearance.

Cleaning imitation fur: 3 methods

Cleaning faux fur depending on the product, it can be produced using the methods described above, but the main advantage of artificial fur is that it can be washed by hand.

Since the hairs are of a synthetic nature, they are able to survive a delicate hand wash, dry it well enough and comb the fur after washing. But if there is a cotton fabric base, it is better to refuse such washing.

The following methods will help:

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Method 1: Glycerin

In equal proportions, glycerin dismounts with water and is stirred. The surface is treated with a sponge or cloth, and then dried.

Almost every person has mink hats. These products are able to warm in frosty weather and can last for many years. Over time, the lining of fur hats gets dirty, and the pile loses its natural luster. This article describes effective methods how to clean a mink hat at home.

Features of cleaning white mink hats

Light-coloured furs require special care. To clean them, you can use the usual household products that every housewife has.

You can effectively clean a white mink hat at home with talc and starch. These products remove grease and dust. It is necessary to sprinkle the fur with talc or starch and rub the hat thoroughly with movements, as in hand washing. Then leave the headgear for several hours. During this time, the cleaner will completely absorb all the dirt.

You can clean the product from residues with a clothes brush. You can also walk on the hat with a vacuum cleaner turned on at minimum power.

Clean dry fur should be carefully combed with a special brush. After all these procedures, the product will look like new.

Another effective way to clean white fur is with bran. It is necessary to place the bran in a saucepan or metal bowl and heat it over a fire, stirring constantly. Grind the headgear, as in the previous method. Comb out the cuts with a wooden comb.

Wet cleaning white fur hat

The most frequently asked question among the owners of fur hats is how to clean a light mink hat at home using water. Wet cleaning fur products can be carried out using washing powder. Dissolve the required amount of wool detergent or hair shampoo in warm water. Whisk the solution with your hands until foam forms. Collect foam on a foam sponge and apply evenly to the entire fur. Movements must be careful so as not to damage the villi.

After processing the product, the foam must be removed with clean water and a washcloth. Put a wet hat on a glass jar turned upside down so that it does not lose its shape. Leave to dry at room temperature away from sun and heat sources.

As soon as the fur dries, it should be combed with a rare brush.

Cleaning fur hats from unpleasant odors

In fur hats, the lining is most often contaminated. It comes into contact with the skin, hair and absorbs sweat and subcutaneous fat secreted by the body. The bacteria contained in them multiply instantly, which is why the lining quickly becomes bad smell.

There are two ways to clean a mink hat at home in the inside:

  1. Carefully flog the lining, wash it and iron it. Then in pure form sew on fur.
  2. If the lining is difficult to tear off, then you can try cleaning it with a washcloth dipped in soapy warm water. After the procedure, the lining should be wiped with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.

Effectively removes an unpleasant odor a solution prepared from ammonia or salt. Pour half a liter of water into a container and dissolve a teaspoon of one of the indicated products in it. Wipe the cap with the solution. Remove excess moisture with a towel and leave to dry naturally.

How to clean a fur hat from stains

Without resorting to dry cleaning services, you can get rid of stains on fur using household products. Experienced housewives share tips on how to clean a mink hat at home yourself.

  1. Yellowness can be removed with hydrogen peroxide. Add a tablespoon of peroxide to a full glass of water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray on the contaminated area. To enhance the action, the hat should be dried in the sun.
  2. For removing greasy spots on fur, vodka or medical alcohol is used.
  3. Salt solution removes old stains. To prepare it, you need to mix medical alcohol and salt in a glass in a ratio of 2: 1. Apply the solution to the stain with a brush and wash off with a washcloth dipped in water.
  4. The yellowness is removed by a mixture of aviation gasoline and starch. The product must be left on the fur until the smell of gasoline disappears, and then knock out the hat with your hands. If yellowness still remains, repeat the procedure again.

Before cleaning a mink hat at home, it is recommended that you read the following tips:

  1. Applying for cleaning natural products it is important to clean them thoroughly. If the remains of starch or bran remain in the headdress, moths can settle in it.
  2. You can not soak a mink hat. From moisture, the mezdra may become stiff, and the product itself may decrease in size.
  3. wet fur hat cannot be dried with a hair dryer.
  4. When using perfume or other aerosol cosmetics, you should try not to splash them on your hat. From their composition on the fur may remain oil stains, and the villi may lose their natural shine.
  5. Stains should be removed when they are still fresh. Old dirt is much more difficult to remove.
  6. Do not use cologne to clean white fur products. After drying, yellow stains may remain on the fur.

Proper storage of mink hats

In order for a fur hat to retain its original appearance for a long time, it is important not only to know how to clean a mink hat at home, but also to follow the storage rules:

  1. A clean product should be stored on a cabinet shelf. Be sure to put a moth repellant near the cap.
  2. Under no circumstances should you store mink hats in boxes and crates. In a closed and poorly ventilated place, favorable conditions are created for moths.
  3. Often air the closet in which fur hats are stored. It must be dry there.
  4. The place where the hats are natural fur must be protected from sunlight.
  5. After each wearing, the hat should be placed in such a way that air can enter its inside.

White mink fur is a symbol of luxury, elegance and status. And I perfectly understand the owners of snow-white fur coats who want to keep them snow-white as long as possible. So today I will tell you how you can take care of light-colored mink products and how to clean them.

Why mink turns yellow

Before telling how to clean a white mink, I would like to explain why it begins to lose its original color and turn yellow. There can be two reasons:

  1. Features of socks. While you are walking down the street in an expensive product, it settles a large number of dust and dirt. In addition, the spraying of all kinds of cosmetic preparations near it has a detrimental effect on the material.
  2. Improper storage. It is necessary to store a white mink coat, coat, hat or other product only in a special case and in a cool place. From temperature changes, the fur quickly loses its snow-white appearance.

Before storage, it is necessary to apply a special “anti-moth” impregnation on white fur.

Mink cleaning: 7 recipes

Caring for white mink products is quite complicated in itself. Of course, you can always take the item to the dry cleaners. But, firstly, the price for such a procedure is very high. And secondly, from exposure to chemicals, the inside of the fur coat can harden and begin to wrinkle.

So I offer you a few personally proven ways to clean mink at home.

Dry methods: 2 options

Dry cleaning is considered the most gentle for fur, but it is effective only for light pollution - street dust, for example:

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Option 1. White talc
  • Sprinkle the product with white talc.
  • Lightly rub it into the fur.
  • Wait a couple of hours, then shake off the talc, and remove its residues with a brush to care for fur products.

Option 2. Semolina
  • Lay the product on a flat surface.
  • Pour semolina over light fur. Pay special attention to the places that get dirty the most - the sleeves and collar.
  • With gentle movements that mimic washing with your own hands, treat the areas for 35-40 seconds.
  • Remove the remnants of semolina with a special brush.

Wet cleaning: 5 ways

Wet cleaning has a more aggressive effect on mink fur, but it allows you to cope with difficult dirt.

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Method 1. Starch and gasoline
  • Mix both components until a slurry is formed.
  • Apply the mixture to the hairs.
  • Wait for the homemade product to dry completely and comb out its remnants in the direction of villi growth.

Method 2. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

The use of a hydrogen peroxide solution allows you to effectively whiten mink products:

  • Dilute a teaspoon of the product in a glass of water.
  • Add a few drops of ammonia to the solution.
  • Apply the liquid to the fur with a clean cloth or cotton pad.
  • Wait for the product to dry naturally.

    In no case do not dry mink clothes near the radiator or with a hair dryer - this will only ruin the fur.

Method 3. Salt and ammonia
  • In two glasses of water, dissolve a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of ammonia.
  • Soak a cotton pad or a piece of clean cloth in the resulting composition, and wipe the surface of the mink product.
  • Hang the item to dry outdoors.

Method 4. Shampoo for animals

Enough unusual way how to clean a white mink:
