How to make a hair bow step by step instructions. Weaving a charming braid "bows

With the advent of summer time, many girls want to try new hairstyles. The tail and ordinary braids are boring, so it draws on experiments. Great hairstyle - hair bow. Some consider this styling to be childish, but it also looks great on adult girls. And thanks to the variety of options, it can be modified every day. This article provides step-by-step instructions for creating hair bows.

Who and when will this hairstyle suit

A bow made from your own hair is a good alternative to a bun, plaits, braids. With such styling, you can go to school, work. Little girls can go to school like that. The hair does not take long. If you practice, everything will turn out in minutes.

Hair benefits:

The bow is primarily suitable for stylish, young and active girls. This arrangement is also combined with ripped jeans, and with long dress. If desired, the bow can be supplemented with accessories: studs, invisible or ribbons.

The styling lasts a long time on the hair if it is properly fixed. It is better to do this hairstyle for owners of long hair, but medium strands can also withstand a bow. But for those who have short hair, it will be difficult to make a bow. In this case, it is better to use false tails, and already from them to build a structure.

Attention! The styling opens the face and emphasizes the forehead. Therefore, owners of large facial features, a large forehead or a massive chin should abandon such a hairstyle. She emphasizes the flaws even more.

How to make a hairstyle "bow"?

First you need to prepare the tools. Required:

  • round brush;
  • comb with fine teeth;
  • styling agent and strong hold varnish.

It is better to prepare a few small thin rubber bands. Instead of gel or mousse, you can safely take styling wax, it will give the desired shape.

mousse or

Making a bow is not difficult, but experience will come with time. At first, the hair can fall apart, so you should carefully fix it with hairpins.


High styling

  1. Make a high ponytail.
  2. Intercept it with rubber bands at equal distances. Then wrap these elastic bands with thin strands of hair.
  3. Carefully place the resulting ponytail into a bow.
  4. Pin the end with an elastic band, and then fix the entire hairstyle with hairpins and varnish. High styling for a special occasion is ready!

This option is much easier, but it requires long hair.

simple bow

If you want to make a simpler and more natural option, you should use the instructions:

  • comb your hair well and pick it up in a low ponytail;
  • pull the strands out of the tail so that you get a loop;
  • divide it into two parts;
  • close the middle with the tip of the hair;
  • fix the styling with varnish.

This bow is suitable for both little girls and adult women. The hairstyle looks cute and natural, but at the same time strictly.

How to make a high hair bow video

Options for special occasions

From simple bow easy to make dream styling.

First hairstyle:

  1. Wash your hair, comb your hair well.
  2. Divide your hair into a straight parting.
  3. Select two strands of equal thickness on each side.
  4. Remove the selected strands back and make a ponytail out of them. It is not necessary to stretch it to the end, a loop should form. But the tail must be well tied with an elastic band so that the hairstyle does not fall apart.
  5. Divide the loop in half, secure with hairpins. You should get a finished hair bow.
  6. Fix the styling with varnish. The remaining loose curls can be wound on curlers.

Bow on the side

The other one looks weird too. evening version- side. In this case, you should make the bow small.


Such a bow should serve as an imitation of a hairpin. The rest of the curls can simply be left loose.

How to make 3 different hair bows video tutorial

Some more interesting ways

It is not necessary to do styling from only one tail. It can be made from two. Instruction:

You can also make a bow out of braids. In this case, there are several options for creating styling:

  1. You need to comb your hair well, apply styling wax on them. Then pick up in a high ponytail. Divide into 4 parts and braid a pigtail from each. Lay the pigtails in the shape of a bow with 4 petals. The tips can be hidden under an elastic band, or you can simply fix it at the base. It will turn out easy and interesting styling.
  2. The method is similar to the first, but now you can make braids of different thicknesses. For example, the top two petals can be large and the bottom two small, or vice versa.
  3. You can simply combine a bow with weaving.

    You will have to work hard, because you need to braid the spikelet, which will go from the neck to the back of the head. This is difficult and will take time. Instruction:

    • comb your hair well, apply styling product;
    • gently braid the spikelet, while the head must be tilted forward;
    • at the back of the head, stop weaving, tie a tail and make a bow according to the previously described instructions.
  4. An interesting option is hair with many small bows. Such styling looks beautiful. At first glance, they seem complicated. In fact, everything is simple. You need to braid an ordinary spikelet all over your head, and then pull out a few hairs. Form small bows out of them. Usually you just need to stretch the strands and secure with hairpins.

  5. You can braid a lot of small braids, and then collect small bows from them all over your head. But such a hairstyle is painstaking, it will take time and patience. After all, the bows need to be well fixed with small hairpins, and this will not be easy to do.

You can choose for every day normal version, and on special occasions to do more festive hairstyles. For example, you can decorate a bow with hairpins or hairpins with rhinestones. Ribbons, headbands, flowers look interesting. All these accessories in a few minutes will make more smart any image.

A hair bow is an original styling suitable for a party, a solemn event, a romantic date. Small neat knots in the form of butterflies will fit into a business look, and spectacular designs, fixed on the crown and shifted to one side, will make the look avant-garde and outrageous.

A beautiful styling will be created in any hairdressing salon, but with the proper skills, you can create it yourself. A few hours of training, suitable accessories - and you will become the happy owner of a beautiful, attention-grabbing bow.

Features of styling and the history of its appearance

Butterfly-eight, assembled from curls - one of the options for the classic beam. The essence of laying is simple. Smooth strands are collected in a ponytail and divided into parts, while their ends remain under the elastic.

Then the strands are spread out in the form of petals and pinned up around the base of the tail in a certain order, some of them may remain free.

The design is located on the back of the head, on the crown, in the center of the head or on the side.

If necessary natural strands can be supplemented with overhead, and decorate the finished styling with decorative hairpins, ribbons, artificial or natural flowers.

The idea of ​​the bow style goes back to the traditional geisha style. Spectacular bow on the head considered a symbol of youth, femininity and sophistication. Similar variants were also found in Western Europe at the beginning of the 19th century.

Chignons were decorated with ribbons, decorative combs, precious stones. At this time, the bow most often acted as a ball hairstyle.

Nowadays, fashionistas owe the appearance of this simple and unusual styling to pop divas, actresses and other public figures. Lady Gaga, Paris Hilton, Sarah Jessica Parker and other style icons came out with funny bows.

Stylists who quickly picked up the new fashion trend, offer the most different variants this styling, from strict classical to mischievous and careless.

Bows are especially popular in Japan, with its cult of young girls. Dense, heavy and shiny Asian curls fit into a figure-eight without any problems, do not require prior straightening and treatment with fixatives.

Before you start creating beautiful bow,consider its location and shape. For tall girls, it is better to lay it on the back of the head, for a miniature one, you can lift the design to the top of the head to visually increase growth.

For the office or an evening out, a concise version of two or four parts is suitable, looks better in the evening a combination of a small flirty bow with loose strands.

Getting Started, you need to wash your hair and treat the curls with a smoothing leave-in conditioner.

The density and length of the hair is not fundamental. A beautiful figure-eight bundle can also be laid from strands middle length. Not too much thick hair before work, it is recommended to comb lightly to create the necessary volume.

Choose your accessories carefully. Elastic bands and hairpins should not pull out and spoil the hairs. Buy products in a neutral color, they should be completely invisible in the installation. If desired, the bow can be decorated by pinning a flower or a large flat hairpin.

Making a bow yourself

To create a hairstyle, you will need a small set of cosmetics and accessories. Prepare in advance:

  • a comb with rare teeth;
  • gum;
  • hairpins and stealth;
  • clip;
  • strong or medium hold varnish with a gloss effect.

To get started, try to make the simplest classic styling. It is convenient to design it in front of a mirror dressing table, which allows a good look at the back of the head.

Classic option: stylish and simple

Comb the curls, lightly sprinkle them with varnish to facilitate the work. Collect the strands in the tail at the back of the head and secure with an elastic band. The tail must be securely fixed, the strength of the structure depends on it.

If desired, a few strands can be left free, they will make the hairstyle lighter and more informal.

When making a ponytail, skip the curls through the elastic band not completely. They have to anchor at the base so that pretty long tips remained free, and the middle part formed a loop.

Flip the loose ends forward and secure with a clip.

Divide the loop into two equal parts. Alternately straighten each so that it forms a wide petal, and secure with hairpins and stealth. Petals should be perfectly symmetrical.

Remove the clip from the ends of the strand. Pull the tips back, masking the elastic at the base of the tail. Carefully tuck the ends under the elastic and pin with a hairpin. The classic bow is ready. Loose strands can be curled with tongs. Spray your hair with glitter hairspray.

On this picture step-by-step instruction with a photo on how to make a hair bow from hair:

And you can see how to braid a bow hairstyle on medium-length hair with your own hands in this video:

Romantic image: butterfly on loose curls

Do you want to create flirtatious feminine hairstyle? Combine a classic bow with loose curls. A beautiful figure-eight butterfly will not only decorate them, but also prevent them from crumbling and falling on your face.

The bulk of the curls can be straight or wavy, strands used for work must be pulled out with an iron.

Comb the curls, divide them into a straight or side parting and fold them back. Separate one part on the right and on the left.

Connect them at the back of the head and secure with an elastic band. The wider the strands, the larger the bow will turn out.

Pulling the strands through the elastic, leave the ends under it so that the main part forms a loop. Divide it into two parts, arrange each in the form of a half of a figure eight.

This photo shows in detail the diagram of how to make a bow hairstyle from hair on long loose curls:

And in this video, it is described in stages how to make a bow hairstyle on your head from loose hair:

For convenience, the strands can be wound on your finger. Pin both parts of the loop with invisibility, forming a bow. It should be neatly placed over loose curls.

Wrap the base of the ponytail with the end of the strands so that the elastic is completely hidden. Secure the structure with a hairpin. Fix your hair strong hold varnish.

You can see how to make a simple and practical hairstyle with a donut.

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Who won't fit

Despite its versatility, this simple and fashion styling is not for everyone. A bow on the head is not recommended for girls with both very thin and unruly hair, and on too short strands or trimmed with a ladder, it will also be difficult to make an elegant bow.

The hairstyle cannot be done even by the owners of curly, hard, curls that cannot be straightened.

Stylists are sure that frivolous butterflies are not suitable for girls with a full, monumental figure. Flirty styling will make the image even more heavy.

Petite ladies need to style the strands in a small, compact figure eight that does not violate proportions.

Laying will decorate the young, older adults need to carefully evaluate themselves in the mirror and make the simplest and most discreet version of the hairstyle.

Having tried to make a figure-eight butterfly from curls with your own hands, you will be convinced: despite the spectacular look, it is very easy to perform. Having learned how to quickly and accurately design basic options, you can start inventing unusual styling based on them.

This year, the most fashionable, extravagant and eye-catching hairstyle will be a hair bow. Not only men, but also women will look at the owner of such a bow, trying to figure out how to make it. At first glance, it seems that this is very easy, but without training and master classes, many do not succeed on the first try. Today we will tell you how to make your task much easier.

Lady Gaga was the first to appear in public with a bow hairdo. The outrageous singer liked this uncomplicated and elegant hairstyle so much that she showed it for a long time.

So Paris Hilton decided to support her friend, whom the paparazzi captured with the same hairstyle, which completely dismisses the assertion that a bow hairstyle is suitable only for young girls and infantile women.

On the contrary, both passionate and businesslike natures can wear a similar hairstyle. It will come in handy in any setting, from festive to everyday, because there is no flashy extravagance in it.

By the way, Lady Gaga wears a bow hairstyle on her hair of any length, from which we can conclude that the bow is simply attached to them. Here is your first little secret- a hairpin with a matching hair-bow can be bought at the store.

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Instructions: how to make a bow out of hair

There is nothing wrong with not having long enough hair to make a bow. In this case, you just need a lot of hairspray, as well as a good elastic band and bobby pins to give your hair a neat look.

1. Combed hair should be collected at the crown in ponytail and tighten with a rubber band.

2. Pulling the strands through the elastic, leave about a third free. This part will be needed for the final design of the bow, so decide for yourself how long the free strands will be.

3. Making this loop, throw the hair forward, fixing it at the roots with an elastic band.

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4. The hair of the loop should be divided exactly in half. A mirror will help you with this.

6. Now it's time important point creating a hairstyle when you need to fix the jumper of the bow at the back with an invisibility, hiding the ends of the hair under the base. You will also need to fasten the halves of the bow on the crown.

7. It's time to evaluate your creation and sprinkle it with varnish. Varnish can be added a little more if the day is active or the hair is short.

8. Hairstyle is ready. I hope the tutorial in pictures will help you better understand the principle of creating such a hairstyle. It is a pity that this hairstyle cannot be worn in winter, as it is easily wrinkled with hats.

Hairstyle for all occasions

You may not be able to create your dream hairstyle the first time. But do not despair, because you will certainly succeed, and the bow hairstyle will completely enter your arsenal for all occasions. For example, for a party, a bow hairstyle can be done a little on the side and decorated with a variety of accessories. For a working day, a strict bow at the back of the head is suitable, and for a ball, you can style your hair-bow so as to leave a few strands free.

To make it easier to create hairstyles, here are a couple of tips:

  • curly lush hair should be straightened and combed well.
  • Thin hair needs to be wound on curlers to give them volume.

Do not be afraid to show imagination and ingenuity.

Video lessons

Fashion ideas never cease to amaze. Today, the bow hairstyle is very popular. Favorite styling of Hollywood celebrities. It is simple to perform, but looks great, adding playful notes to the overall look.

Wide performance looks impressive. Coquetry is a great option for pretty young girls. Stylish and original bow took a firm place in the life of modern fashionistas. This is a fairly versatile and unpretentious styling. However, there are several subtleties that should be considered before making a choice:

  • For lifeless, dull, thin, brittle curls, it is better to choose a more suitable variation. Otherwise, the design will fall apart in a couple of minutes and will look untidy, drawing attention to the imperfect structure of the hair;
  • A distinctive feature is the open face. Therefore, owners of a massive chin or an excessively high forehead, an elongated nose, it is better to refrain from such a model.

In all other respects, the hair bow perfectly complements the daytime look and elegantly emphasizes the evening one. It also looks good on curly hair and can only emphasize the wavy texture. However, the classic design implies smooth strands, neatly laid in an attractive design.

Step-by-step instruction

  • On clean, damp strands, distribute a little foam or mousse;
  • Dry with a hair dryer;
  • To make the result really smooth, you need to use a straightener. If one is not at hand, it is enough to dry the strands with brushing, pulling them down;
  • Form a high tail in the center of the head;
  • With the last turn of the elastic, fix the tip of the tail towards the face;
  • The result is a massive beam;
  • Divide it into two equal halves, divorced to the sides;
  • With the remaining tail, cover the core and fix with invisibility;
  • If necessary, correct the elements so that their shape is smooth and neat;
  • Spray with varnish.

There is another classic way to create an attractive wonder.

First, decide on a location. It can be low, formed at the back of the head, high and on the side.
Tie a tight ponytail at this point. Define two strands: one thin (future middle) and wide (future "ears").

Secure the wide area at the tip with an elastic band. Divide into two equal parts. Form "ears". Reinforce the bottom elastic band to the main one with the help of studs and invisibles. Roll the tips into flagella and hide.

Wrap the previously set aside thin strand around the base and also hide the ends under the “ears”. Correct the result and sprinkle with varnish.

original bow

There are many creation options. Owners of thick long hair may like the following model.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Define a high ponytail. Wrap the base with a free narrow curl;
  • The tail strands should be secured with elastic bands in two places. The distance between them must be equal. Determine it, depending on the total length;
  • Next, bring the first fixed section slightly forward of the base of the tail;
  • Lay the second fixed place and free ends smoothly on the back of the head with the help of invisibility;
  • Form protruding sharp ends to the core;
  • Spray with varnish.

Bows can be both an independent hairstyle and an element that complements the main image. You can combine it with all types of styling, here the imagination is not limited.

A little experimentation, the desire to look charming and an amazing masterpiece is ready.

Braids with hair bows

A spectacular combination with a scythe can be done as follows:

  • The braid will not be braided in the usual way from top to bottom, but vice versa. That is, you should start from the bottom of the back of the head;
  • Tilt your head, comb thoroughly;
  • Start weaving a regular French spikelet with tiebacks;
  • Having reached the middle of the head, stop weaving and make a tail;
  • Create a bow using one of the techniques suggested earlier;
  • Fix with varnish.

Such a hairstyle can be a great addition to an evening look and elegantly emphasize everyday life.

You can combine various techniques weaving, refreshing them with both small and large decor. These can be falling waves in the form of Malvinka, the fastening elements of which are made in weaving, and a bow is designed in the center.

Pigtails can be small, openwork, large. You can braid a strand that covers the core.

Can be braided in a ponytail prepared for separation. So that each goes along the outside of the ear. It all depends on imagination, originality, skills and the desire to experiment.

Combinations of various hairstyles with a hair bow

Models in which the bow is an additional decorative element become an excellent performance, bringing chic and charm to the overall look.

Thanks to the efforts of stylists, it is possible to perform on curls of short, medium, thick and various textures.
Complex structures are created, with a combination of various methods of execution. A cute little one can complement playfully curled curls.

Hair bow for children

Perhaps this variation will be the most suitable and cute for babies. Princesses love bows, and when there are a lot of them, it will only bring joy and good mood young fashionista.

The execution technique consists of the following steps:

  • Divide your hair in half with a vertical parting;

  • Start working with the left zone;
  • Separate a small strand near the parting and pin it with a clip so that it does not interfere, you will need it later;

  • Braid the remaining shock into a regular French spikelet with hooks on both sides;

  • The weave should be tight enough. Pickups take uniform;

  • Stop at neck level and secure with an elastic band;

  • Bows will be formed from the previously left strand;
  • This will require a hairpin;
  • Insert the hairpin into the side link of the beginning of the pigtail;

  • Separate a thin strand, sprinkle with varnish;
  • On your finger, make a loop out of it and put it in a hairpin;

  • Pull the hairpin, forming two rings;

  • The hanging tip will go evenly along the braid, the following elements will cover it;
  • Follow these steps to the end;

  • Do the same manipulations on the other side;
  • As a result, correct all the elements so that they are even and the same;
  • Decorate the finished hairstyle by tying at the ends of the ribbon;
  • It is also acceptable to decorate the center of the links with studs with rhinestones for a more festive mood.

There are many variations of this performance. It can be festive models or more casual. Braided bows can be located only on one side or form a pigtail diagonally.

You can create an ordinary bow on children's hair using one of the previously proposed techniques.

From the first time it is not always possible to create a refinement on the head. However, after a couple of workouts, everything will work out. In addition, in the hairdressing assortment there are many hairpins-bows that are made of natural hair, and picking up a certain shade is not difficult.

Regardless of the style in which the performance will be, it is important to use fixing means. Mousse or foam will give the hair smoothness and obedience, and wax - shine. Fixing varnish is required. This will ensure the durability and beauty of the created hairstyle.

So that the structure does not fall apart at the most inopportune moment, it should be fixed with stealth and hairpins. So that the "ears" do not hang down and have a shape, it is also permissible to fix them with invisibility.

Decorative elements will add charm to the appearance. Hairpins with pearls, curly elastic bands, ribbons will be a great addition. Everything depends on the final result.

The main feature of the "Bow" hairstyle is its versatility. It looks great both on the cute heads of little princesses and on an exquisite socialite.

Due to its popularity, ease of execution and chic notes, many girls fell in love with it. Many variations of execution allow you to create an elegant, mischievous, business or solemn look.

Hairstyle from hair in the form of a bow will make every fashionista look stylish and attractive. She does not require additional accessories and you can make it yourself at home.

Hairstyle "Bow": for what occasions is it suitable

A hair bow is a versatile hairstyle. It can complement a casual, business or formal look.

For a classic and casual look, a bow made at the back of the head with bangs smoothly combed back or to the side is suitable. IN classic look the emphasis is on the outfit, so simpler styling is suitable for it.

at ceremonial events or romantic date a bow made at the crown will look perfect. In this case, the hairstyle can be decorated with accessories.

Tools for creating a hairstyle "Bow"

Before you start doing your hair, you need to prepare the tools that you will need. The main thing is not to forget anything, so that in the process of creating a bow, you do not have to look for any tool.

Tools needed to create a hair bow:

  • a pair of elastic bands of different sizes;
  • hairpins;
  • comb;
  • invisible (necessarily the same shade as the hair);
  • iron (used for styling unruly hair);
  • decorations (optional)
  • Polish for hair.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a hairstyle "Bow"

The hairstyle in question has several options, each of which has its own creation instructions. A bow can be made not only on long or medium hair, but also on short hair.

The hairstyle is performed on clean and combed curls.

How to make a bow for long and short hair

Hair bow hair step by step instructions (pictureslisted at the end of the article)

Step p / p

For long hair

For short hair

Step 1

Comb your hair well

Comb your hair thoroughly

Step 2

Braid the tail. On the back of the head or anywhere else on the head

Braid the tail at the crown or just below

Step 3

Braiding the tail, the hair is not completely tightened, it is necessary to leave a small bundle of about 5 cm and then divide it into 2 parts. Secure with invisibility on each side

Divide the tail into 3 equal parts. Using the second elastic band, form two halves of a bow from two parts and stab them with invisibility.

Step 4

Fix with varnish

3 part of the hair comb a little. Wrap the middle of the bow and stab with stealth

Step 5

The ends of the hair should be left on the side of the face. They should be shifted back in the middle of the bow and secured with invisibility

Use hairspray to make your hair last longer

Step 6

Fix the finished hairstyle with varnish

Step-by-step instructions for a bow hairstyle from hair with loose hair in pictures will allow you to accurately and correctly collect curls.

Bow for long flowing hair

Loose hair, collected at the back of the head, can be decorated with a bow of curls, which will give the hairstyle originality. Sequencing:

  • brush hair;
  • separate strands from the temples on both sides and draw them to the back of the head;
  • behind the head, combine the strands together and braid the tail (the volume of the hairstyle will depend on the thickness of the strands);

Popular and unusual hair bow hairstyle: step by step instructions and pictures
  • using the second elastic band, make a loop out of the tail (the longer the loop, the larger the bow);
  • divide the loop into 2 identical parts and stab with stealth;
  • put the ends of the tail through the middle of the bow and stab with stealth;
  • fix with varnish.

If loose curls are curled, then in combination with a bow, they will make the image more tender and romantic.

Do not make a very large bow on loose hair. It will look ugly and bulky.

How to make a bow with two ponytails

A hair bow hairstyle (step by step instructions, pictures will help you make it perfect) can be made from two tails:

  • First you should comb your hair and straighten it if there are curls.
  • Choose a place for the bow, for example, on the back of the head. Divide the hair with a straight parting into 2 parts of the same size from the forehead to the top of the head with a comb.
  • Braid 2 ponytails from each half, always at the same level. Part of the loose hair remains at the back of the head.
  • Tie the tail 1 and 2 from the bottom with an elastic band so that the distance between the elastic bands is the same.
  • Form bow ears from the ponytails. Each tail is bent and the elastic bands are connected to each other with hairpins.
  • Comb the ends of the hair and hide under the loops.
  • With a thin strand, from the remaining loose hair, make the middle of the bow stab with hairpins.
  • It is necessary to fix the hair with varnish.

Hairstyle bow malvinka from hair. Step by step instructions and pictures

Hairstyle "Bow Malvinka": instructions for creating

Hairstyle with a bow of hair "Malvina" has the following step-by-step instructions with pictures:

  • first of all, comb your hair;
  • braid the tail from the front and side strands, part of the hair should remain loose;
  • when making a tail, do not tighten the hair to the end, you must leave a small bun;
  • divide the beam into 2 parts of the same size;
  • make a half of a bow from each part and secure it with an invisibility;
  • stretch the ends of the tail hair through the base of the hairstyle to get a bow knot;
  • wind loose hair;
  • fix the entire hairstyle with varnish.

"Malvinka bow" is made closer to the crown of the head, and not in the middle.

Hair bow with braid weaving

This hairstyle is considered original and stylish. It consists of a pigtail-spikelet and a bow of hair. Only in this case, the spikelet is woven, on the contrary, from the neck to the back of the head.

How to make a hairstyle:

  • braid on combed hair french braid, bring it to the back of the head and collect the hair in a ponytail, leaving a small bun for a bow;
  • make a bow by dividing the beam into 2 halves and fixing the ears of the bow with invisibility;
  • draw a tail central part bow and stab with invisibility;
  • use varnish to make the hairstyle last longer.

Braid with small hair bows

A hairstyle with small bows of hair woven into a pigtail has a simple step-by-step instruction. The finished result of the hairstyle is clearly visible in the pictures presented.

Execution scheme:

  • Comb your hair well along the entire length.
  • From the temple on the left side, separate and leave a small strand (up to 2 cm wide) to the right ear.
  • To create a braid, you need to take part of the hair on the left side and divide it into 3 identical strands.
  • 1 strand is thrown over 2 and becomes the central one.
  • The right strand is changed to the next strand, now it is in the middle.
  • Continue braiding by adding side hair to the braid.

Important! The side strands, when added, should be the same size so that they do not stand out.

  • When all the hair is woven (except for the left strand), make a couple more bindings and secure the hair with an elastic band.
  • Now you can make bows. At the beginning of the braid, insert a hairpin under the first lower arc.
  • Take part of the hair from the remaining strand, comb it and then moisturize.
  • Roll a loop from the strand and thread it into the hairpin.
  • Start pulling the hairpin down so that a bow is formed. In this case, it is necessary to hold the loop with your finger.
  • On long hair so that the bow is not huge, the extra ends of the hair should be wrapped around the finished bow.
  • Take another strand for the next bow and repeat the action with the hairpin under the second arc of weaving.
  • Thus, make all the bows.
  • For the last bow, thread the hairpin into the extreme arc of weaving.
  • So that the bows do not stick out much, press their edges with hairpins to the head and fix with varnish.

All the waves in which the bow was made are fixed with hairpins. If desired, the hairstyle can be decorated with beautiful hairpins with flowers, they will simultaneously be decorations and hair fixtures.

Pro Tips: How to Perfect the Bow Hairstyle

When making a “Bow” hairstyle from hair, in addition to step-by-step instructions, even in pictures, even without them, you must follow the recommendations of specialists. This will help make the hairstyle perfect:

  • Hair will fit better if you wash your hair in the evening of the previous day.
  • To prevent the bow from falling apart, the ends of the tail must be well fixed.
  • If the gum is noticeable, it will not look very nice. Therefore, an elastic band for creating a bow should be chosen thin and neutral in color.
  • When fixing the hairstyle with varnish, the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the hairstyle will get a wet effect, like after being exposed to rain.

Don't use too much hairspray to fix your hair.
  • To secure the bow, it is advisable to use shortened hairpins.
  • A low hair bow is best done at the back of the head.
  • Elastic bands, hairpins and invisibles should be the same shade as the hair so that they are not conspicuous.
  • If there is a bang, then it must be straightened with an iron. This will make her look more attractive.

The hairstyle in question can be done independently in no more than 20-30 minutes. In addition, each image has its own version of a hair bow. From the very first attempts, the hairstyle may not always work out. You shouldn't get upset. In a few workouts, you can learn how to make a bow out of hair of varying complexity.

Useful videos about hair bow hair. Step by step instructions and photo:

Hair bow hair - step by step instructions + pictures - in this video:

How to make braided hair with bows - watch and learn:
