How to make a ninja turtle out of trash bags. DIY ninja turtle carnival costume

The mutant turtles from the comics have not lost their relevance for several decades. And after the release of a feature film about these fairy-tale heroes, the boys completely lost their heads. If your child is also delirious about some Raf, Leo, Mikey or Donnie, make the baby pleasant - Make a costume of your favorite character for the New Year's party.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume for a boy

First of all, carefully consider the pictures of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Please note that they Green colour, with huge muscles and numerous garters. The belly is brown with well-defined reliefs of the press. Behind the turtle shell, and in front of the eyes - a mask with long garters.

We sew a costume of a ninja turtle with our own hands

Based appearance ninja from the comics, we will select the appropriate materials for tailoring the costume.

Materials and tools

You will have to spend money on costume materials if nothing suitable is found at home. You will need:

  • 2 m of green knitwear;
  • 30 cm light faux suede;
  • 50 cm dark faux suede;
  • 50 cm red velvet;
  • 1 m sintepon.

In addition, stock up on newspapers for making patterns, a pen, a ruler, threads of appropriate colors, a needle, scissors. If there sewing machine- wonderful. If not, you will have to do all the seams manually. And it is unlikely that the machine will cope with a thick layer of padding polyester.


You can sew a jumpsuit for your son, but if you don’t have sewing skills, it will be easier for you to cope with the pants and jacket separately.

Suit cutting

The order of work on cutting is as follows:

  1. Take your son's sweater, spread it on a newspaper, folding it in half, and circle the contours of the halves with a pen.
  2. Cut out the pattern, attach it to the bend of the green jersey, folded in half, circle with chalk, leave allowances for the seams and cut out the shelf.
  3. Do the same with the back.
  4. Make a pattern for the sleeves and cut out two pieces.

Take suitable panties, transfer the front and back to the newspaper, then transfer from the newspaper to the same green jersey, cut out all the details and sew together.

Additional details

Now we prepare the "muscles" from the padding polyester. The main part will go to the stomach. We hem a piece of padding polyester to a light rectangle of suede, stitch it once along and several times across so that the muscles look embossed. We are preparing similar rounded seals for the forearm and hips. We fit the pieces of synthetic winterizer with a simple fabric and sew them to the sleeves and legs of the green suit from the inside.

From a piece of dark suede we cut out a belt with curly edges. We make tucks along the waistline, gather it up so that it looks beautiful, and sew on thin strips for tying.

We use the remaining material for leggings, which will also need to be collected.


We prepare a bandana on the head . We lay out the red velvet rectangle on the table, measure 1/5 of the right and left and make cuts about a third - these are garters for the headscarf.

Leave a piece of velvet for the mask, which is a narrow rectangle with slits for the eyes.


No ninja turtle is complete without a shell..To make it, you need a foil plate. You need to give it an oval shape. Next, glue on papier-mâché. Cut newspaper sheets into 5 cm squares, dip them in glue and apply to the outside of the plate. Make several layers, and cover with a layer of white paper on top so that the newspaper letters do not shine through.

When the design dries well, you need to paint it to match the color of the shell. It remains only to make four holes along the edges and pass the straps through them, with which the shell will be attached to the back like a backpack.


Additionally, you will need to cut ribbons and tie around the arms and legs to give a resemblance to the original. And the belt can be decorated with a cardboard plaque with a diameter of 10 cm. On it, write a large initial letter of the name of your favorite turtle.

Simplified version

If you categorically refuse to sew a suit or are not trained in this type of needlework, do it easier. Take the green sports suit a child who is not a pity to throw away. Draw a light brown rectangle on the front of the T-shirt. Divide it with dark paint into about six parts. Let the child put a piece of cardboard under the T-shirt so that the “muscles” look clearer. It is desirable to weight, as we said above, the muscles on the forearms and hips.

It remains to go to the toy store and choose a weapon worthy of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to complete the image. If it is uncomfortable for a child to walk with a mask over his eyes, you can simply draw it on your son's face.

With such a suit, you will have to tinker with more than one evening. But the result will be stunning, and the child will be satisfied, because he has been in the shoes of his favorite cartoon character.

Bold and funny cartoon characters, ninja turtles have appealed to many generations of kids. Although the cartoon about them appeared quite a long time ago, it still remains the most favorite for many kids. The boys are happy to try on the roles of their favorite cartoon characters, tirelessly acting out scenes from it. How to make a children's carnival ninja turtle costume with your own hands? Despite the apparent complexity, it is not at all difficult to do this. In our article, we will tell you how to sew a ninja turtle costume for your favorite mischievous.

For the costume we need:

  • children's pajamas without a green pattern;
  • yellow flannel;
  • a piece of red fabric;
  • acrylic paint;
  • dye for fabric;
  • sewing needles and threads;
  • brown ribbon;
  • big shape for foil baking;
  • Velcro;
  • remnants of holofiber or synthetic winterizer.

Let's get to work:

  1. The basis of our costume will be the usual children's pajamas, consisting of panties and a long-sleeved T-shirt. It is better to take pajamas in green, but if one is not available, then you can dye it with any suitable fabric dye.
  2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are distinguished by pumped-up torsos. To depict muscle cubes, cut out an oval from a yellow flannel.
  3. We sew an oval to the front of our T-shirt, laying three lines: one vertical and two horizontal. Thus, we will get three “pockets”, which we will fill with synthetic winterizer or holofiber to give relief. Let's stitch our oval along the contour - the muscle cubes are ready.
  4. For stripes on the arms and legs, take a bandana or any red fabric and cut out of it 5 strips 7.5 cm wide each.
  5. We sew the stripes on the sleeves and panties, laying a line in the center of each strip and leaving the ends free - we will tie them. You need to sew strips on the wrists, at the level of the elbows and knees.
  6. We proceed to the most important detail for the ninja turtle costume - its shell. For the shell, take disposable form for baking from foil of a suitable size and paint it with brown acrylic paint. To make the shell more textured, you can draw lines of the characteristic “turtle” color with green paint.
  7. We will fasten the shell with a belt, which we will make from a piece of brown tape. Using a knife, make two holes in the baking dish, thread the ends of the tape through them so that it passes on top of the shell.
  8. In order for the shell to be securely held on the back, we fix it with Velcro. Glue one half of the Velcro to the shell, and sew the other on the T-shirt. Thus, the shell will be securely held on the back of our ninja turtle without slipping off.
  9. Very important detail costume of the ninja turtles - a belt buckle on which each hero has the first letter of his name written. For the belt buckle, we cut out two circles with a diameter of 7.5 cm from embossed cardboard. We cut out the same circle from ordinary cardboard and put it between two cardboard parts.
  10. Glue all three parts of the buckle together. While our buckle is drying, we cut out the initial letter of the name of our turtle from embossed cardboard. Glue the letter to the center of the buckle.
  11. Glue the buckle to one half of the belt. Under the buckle on the back of the belt we fasten half of the Velcro, and attach the second part of the Velcro to the second half of the belt.
  12. Our costume is almost ready, it remains to add details to it: weapons and half masks. These attributes can be bought separately or also made independently from improvised materials.

With your own hands, you can make a child a costume of other popular characters, for example,

Now these heroes no longer cause former delight, but in the winter I completely forgot to tell you about another craft our dad made on this topic - and then he made a real turtle shell for his son!

In the Cinema 4D program, the husband himself drew a three-dimensional model of the shell and received a flat pattern for this model. I printed it out on a printer, pasted it on cardboard and got just such a blank for the shell itself and its stiffeners.

We collect the shell, strengthening each connection of the parts by gluing an additional piece of paper.

It is a pity that for some reason we do not have a photograph of the internal structure of the shell. Inside it has stiffening ribs that fix the shape. So that these ribs do not injure the child’s back later, and just for aesthetics, we glue a flat cardboard bottom to the shell.

In order to even out the texture of the shell and prepare it for painting, we glue it completely on the outside with scraps of toilet paper.

And then we color. First, the husband painted over the entire shell with green paint, and then painted turtle spots in black, after which the shell immediately acquired volume and became completely like a real one!

I also made a felt ninja turtle mask for my son, but he categorically refused to wear it. Apparently, they did not like that the mask interferes with the review.

Instead, we just tied it on our heads satin ribbon, and we got such a Mickey turtle in the winter.

And here are very fresh photos of a son who has matured for six months, all in the same shell. The guy has grown up, however!

The son in this form and somehow walked around the yard, and went to visit his grandmother. In general, such an outfit is quite suitable for any New Year's party. Last year, the son was still too small for public events, but for the next New Year we may well go to some "Christmas tree" in this suit. Unless, of course, until then, interests have not changed radically, and dad does not have to make an outfit for his son of a completely different hero.

Ask any boy who he would like to be for the New Year's masquerade. In response, be sure to hear the name of one of the cartoon or fairy-tale characters.

Boys love to be heroes. There is nothing wrong with this, but mom will have to try to sew a suitable children's costume with her own hands. Stories about ninja turtles have been around for many years, but boys still remain in awe of its main characters. Let's try to make a ninja costume on our own from improvised materials.

Sewing materials

Of course, you can take the ninja turtle costume and rent it. But creative occupation can turn into an interesting pastime for children and their parents. So, the ninja costume consists of:

  • green bases;
  • shell;
  • additional accessories in the form of bandages, knee pads, weapons and more.

To sew masquerade clothes for children with your own hands, you will need:

  • Turtleneck or green sweater, as well as trousers. It could be old green pajamas. It is desirable that the shade of green be darker. But light green is fine too. After all, this is your version of the turtle. The main thing is that it be recognizable.
  • Yellow fabric. It is convenient to use flannel. It is more flexible and dense. What you will do from it, we will tell a little later.
  • Use acrylic paint and fabric dye.
  • The brown ribbon will act as a belt.
  • You will need Velcro to connect the parts.
  • A piece of red fabric for additional accessories.
  • Holofiber or synthetic winterizer. It needs a little. Perhaps you have old sofa cushions. You can borrow some stuffing from them.
  • Form for baking. As you may have guessed, this is for the shell. The form should be large enough so that the children's costume is recognizable in it.

Arm yourself with thread and needles. And don't put off work until the last day. The result will exceed expectations if you start the task in a good mood.


In this section, we will show you how to make a children's ninja turtle costume from available materials.

  • Let's start with work on trousers and a jacket. If you don't have green clothes at home, take a white flannel pajama and dye it with fabric dye.
  • When the green base is ready, we continue to work on the torso of the turtle. To do this, cut out an oval from the yellow material.

  • We sew it to the green jacket as follows. We lay a line vertically - through the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe oval. Then two more lines horizontally. It is desirable that between them there was the same distance. In a circle, the yellow oval is not sewn yet.
  • When you have laid three lines, you will have six yellow pockets. We fill them with synthetic winterizer or holofiber for volume. Then it's time to sew on the oval. The hero's torso is ready.
  • We cut the colored fabric into strips, which we sew on the sleeves of the jacket on the elbow bends, cuffs. On the pants, colored stripes will appear in the knee area. If there is no time to sew them on, you can simply tie them. From a colored strip we make a blindfold.

  • We proceed to the manufacture of the most difficult and important part. I'm making a shell. It should be voluminous and light so that the ninja costume does not create discomfort when worn. To do this, use a baking dish of the appropriate size. First, paint the shape in Brown color using acrylic paint. Ask the children to do this. They will enjoy the job.

  • Lightweight shell enough to fasten on the belt. To do this, we make holes along the edges of our form into which the brown ribbon will be threaded. Another secret to attaching the shell is Velcro on the ribbon. One of its ends is attached to the upper part of the shell inside, and the other - to the clothes on the back.
  • When both the shell and the belt are ready, we proceed to the manufacture of the belt buckle. If you remember, each hero had the first letter of his name on it. Ask the children what they would like to be. We remind parents that the names of the turtles are Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo.

  • The buckle can be made from cardboard. We cut out a circle on which we glue the first letter of the name in advance, also cardboard.
  • Our ninja costume is almost ready. Not enough weapons. You can make it yourself by cutting it out of thick cardboard or buy it separately at a children's goods store.

    • If you don't have colored fabric and don't want to buy a new cut, use colored socks.
    • If your son is rollerblading, feel free to take knee pads and sleeves. So you don’t have to do them yourself and they will look more impressive.
    • If you are painting a fabric or a separate part, for example, a shell, wait until everything dries completely.
    • Attach accessories securely to prevent them from flying off. We are sure that your child will want to demonstrate the costume to his friends and classmates in all its glory, and for this you will have to get used to the role, jump, run, brandish weapons.

    If something doesn't work for you, don't despair. Set aside work for a while and come back to it when inspiration strikes. We are sure that during tailoring baby costume with your own hands you will have a lot of interesting ideas.

    In anticipation new year holidays there always begins a turmoil associated with the selection of images and costumes for a carnival matinee in kindergartens and schools. Each parent wants to find the best children's carnival costume for their child. It's no secret that children have long disliked being bears, bunnies and wolves. And if girls prefer the outfits of fairies and princesses, then the boys dream of dressing up as superheroes, transformers and ninja turtles. And this is understandable, because the kids grow up on cartoons with these characters. In this article, we will talk about how to sew a ninja turtle costume.

    Image details

    The first step is to determine what elements the outfit should consist of. A ninja turtle costume must include a base (overalls or jacket and pants), a shell, bandages on arms and legs, and a mask. Any boy will tell you how the four cartoon turtles differ from each other, and will name their names. We are talking about the color of the bandages and eye masks, which can be red, orange, blue or lilac. As for the color of the base of the costume, it can be any green shade. The shell and chest can be made yellow or brown.

    Another important detail is the weapon. Of course, you can’t give a kid a sharp plastic sword or nunchucks for a matinee with which he can hit one of the children, but if the weapon is sewn from fabric and filled with padding polyester, then there will be no danger in itself, but at the same time it will ideally complement image. Making a ninja turtle costume with your own hands is not easy, but the effort will be justified by the result, because the outfit will be exclusive.

    The basis of the outfit

    Children's ninja turtle costumes are usually made into a jumpsuit, but if there is no sewing experience hidden zipper, then it is better to choose the option with panties and a blouse, which will not require work with difficult fasteners.

    To cut out these elements of the outfit, you need to reshoot the cut details from ready-made clothes. This will require knitted t-shirt long sleeves and sweatpants that fit the child in size. Things are laid out on a table or on the floor and a piece of ordinary dense construction film is placed on top, after which all the contours and seams of the clothes are redrawn, straightening out all the folds. Pants need to be drawn from the front and back sides separately, but the jacket will be enough to circle once, while you need to determine the depths of the necks for the front and back.

    In order for the ninja turtle costume to be completely without fasteners, you should pick up knitted fabric which stretches well and keeps its shape at the same time. For this purpose, diving or duval is ideal. But if you plan to make an economical, but at the same time spectacular suit, it is better to give preference to crepe satin. In this case, it will be necessary to make a button fastener on the neckline, since this material does not stretch.

    It should also be noted that for a dress (non-stretch) fabric, allowances will need to be made for a free fit of products. Simply put, things should be wide and not restrict movement.

    Cutting and assembling the base

    After the front and back of the pants, half of the sleeve and the main part of the T-shirt have been outlined, all elements are cut out of the film and transferred to the fabric. They are circled on the material along the contour, and then allowances are drawn and cut out. It should be noted that it is also necessary to make indents on the sections to hem the bottom of the blouse, legs, sleeves and top of the trousers for elastic.

    If the fabric is not knitted, and the threads are crumbling from it, then all the details should be overcast on an overlock or in a zigzag. Next, the ninja turtle costume must be assembled together.

    First, the back and front seams of the trousers are sewn together, then the side and inner sections are connected. Then they make folds on the legs and at the top, leaving a small hole so that you can thread the elastic bands. They begin to assemble the jacket from the shoulder seams, then they process the neck and the cut for expansion on the back with an oblique trim, make a loop and sew on a button. Then the sleeves are attached and the side seams are closed. Next, the folds are processed.

    Open the shell

    How to make a ninja turtle costume recognizable? Of course, with the help of such an accessory as a shell. It is very easy to sew it from fabric. On the same construction film, an oval is drawn (slightly wider than the child’s back and height from the neck to the waist), cut it out and cut out two pieces of fabric and one piece of thick synthetic winterizer according to this pattern. If there is no thick synthetic winterizer, then you can fold a thin one in several layers to get about 8 cm in thickness. Next, the details of the fabric are glued with interlining and sewn along the edge, after drawing on one of them with chalk or soap markings for stitching identical to the shell.

    To turn the element out, you need to make a small incision on the non-drawn side right in the middle. The filler is then inserted into the same hole. Next comes the stitching. The bib is made according to the same principle. Only he should be rectangular shape and with stitching in the form of press cubes.

    For these elements, belts are made from the main fabric, with which they will be tied to the child on the shoulders, waist and hips.


    Nunchaku, daggers and swords can also be sewn from fabric of the appropriate color and filled with padding polyester. Such a weapon will look great on a belt, and a children's turtle carnival costume will acquire one more characteristic detail. To make such elements, you need to draw the corresponding objects on a sheet of paper in any form, cut them out of the fabric, make allowances, sew, turn inside out and fill with filler.

    decorative elements

    The main decorative elements can be considered bandages, which are best cut from bright shiny knitwear. For this purpose, supplex fabric is ideal, which stretches well and does not fray. Bandages should be on the knees, elbows and in the form of a mask over the eyes. To make them, it is enough to cut out the stripes, and cut holes for the eyes on the mask. In order for the distinctive color elements to stick well and not slip on the suit, they need to be grabbed with a few stitches to the base.

    After all the details of the costume are made, we can assume that the ninja turtle costume is ready. Such an outfit will definitely be the only one on the matinee.
