How to do Egyptian Cleopatra makeup. How to do Cleopatra makeup at home? Photo and step by step instructions

The art of make-up has been relevant at all times and in any civilization. Every year the best masters makeup artists compete in makeup techniques. Each season, a certain color accent is made in the make-up, which becomes a trend, one or another part of the face stands out to a greater or lesser extent. For example, today great attention given to the eyebrows. Therefore, the procedures of the eyebrow masters are very relevant. But how did the people of ancient Egypt make up and was there something special in their makeup? The fact that the art of makeup existed in ancient Egypt is an indisputable fact. Cosmetics appeared 5000 years ago and the Egyptians, in truth, can be called the founders of the art of makeup. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. These are containers with dyes of various shapes, bottles for storing oils and creams, mirrors, brushes, bags with colored powders. These accessories were found in both female and male burials. This made it possible to draw the final conclusion that not only women, but even men and children were wearing makeup. Subsequently, this was confirmed by illustrations on papyri, where it was also clear how not only noble and wealthy Egyptians, but also ordinary people, decorated their faces. It is important to note that makeup in ancient Egypt did not always have a decorative and decorative function. Sometimes "coloring" was used to scare away evil forces. The pharaohs also believed in this, so no one is surprised by their images with clearly drawn eyes and perfectly shaped eyebrows on sarcophagi.

Eyeliner was the main cosmetic product. It was received from natural stone black, by grinding to a powder and mixing with various oils. Green eyeliner was also popular. Eyebrows and eyelashes were emphasized with antimony, and shadows were made from lead, malachite and copper, which the Egyptians abundantly applied to the eyelids.
Often, soot was used to obtain a rich black color.
At first, cosmetics were applied with fingers, but with the development of civilization, tools such as brushes were invented. Along with eyeliners and shadows, lipsticks, hair and nail paints, and various skin oils were used.
The main beauty of early ancient Egypt is Queen Nefertiti. On the example of her image, you can see how the contour of the eyes was outlined and elongated arrows were drawn, eyebrows stood out. The eyes were large and very bright. This gave a dramatic look and did not allow evil spirits to enter the body through the look and capture the soul.
The skin was shaded with henna, which was also used to paint nails and hair. The body was lubricated with oils obtained from various plants.

Not always ways to create cosmetics in ancient Egypt were useful.
For example, a mixture based on animal fat with the addition of beeswax, red pigment or red clay was used as a lipstick. Very often, the lips simply swelled due to an allergy to wax.
But it is also known that cosmetics helped in Everyday life. For example, eye shadow made of lead repelled various insects, which were numerous in the hot climate of Egypt.
Today, the make-up of ancient Egypt is taken as the basis of Arabic makeup. Seeing bright black lined eyes in Arabic make-up, the image of Cleopatra immediately comes to mind. This queen was very fond of cosmetics, was not afraid to try new oils and fragrances on her skin, and even wrote a treatise on cosmetics. Cleopatra, as a true woman, paid special attention to her face and body and was not in vain considered the most beautiful and desirable queen of Egypt.

The bright image of the Egyptian was complemented by numerous accessories. Jewelry occupied a special place in the arsenal of any inhabitant of ancient Egypt. Even the poor had bracelets, not to mention the nobility. Queens and pharaohs adorned themselves with stones and gold from head to toe, and a large number of bracelets and tick (decoration on the head) were found by archaeologists.
It was believed that both cosmetics and jewelry would be useful in the afterlife.

Like many centuries ago, today women love not only to make up, but also to complement their image with jewelry. Of course, the fashion of Egypt is long behind and today women tend to more nude make-up, preferring naturalness and naturalness. Despite the huge number of cosmetic brands and the abundance of products, it must be remembered that the art of makeup is not a competition: who has the most cosmetic bag. This is the ability to pick the right means suitable for your skin, emphasize natural beauty, only correcting small flaws, and in no case drawing yourself a completely different “new” face.

makeup artist-stylist Tatyana Murkalova-Denisova

Who would have thought that a mixture of copper, clay, malachite and ash once served as the basis for. However, for the fair sex of Ancient Egypt, such a very eco-friendly set of cosmetics for body decoration was considered a sign of aristocracy and sophistication.

Queen Nefertiti herself did not disdain antimony in order to emphasize the elegance of her own forms and lines. The ruler of Egypt was not indifferent to cosmetics, she constantly experimented not only with men, but also with incense, and even wrote several manuscripts about decorative cosmetics.

Decorative cosmetics in ancient Egypt

It is worth noting that not only women, but also men used decorative cosmetics in ancient Egypt. Five thousand years ago, all makeup was mainly limited to the design of a clear line of the eyelids. The composition of eyeliner in ancient Egypt was quite prosaic.

The ashes from the fire were ground into powder and mixed with oils. Antimony served as a means for shaping the contour of the eyebrows, and the most inveterate women of fashion made shadows on their own from malachite, copper and lead.

Cloth pouches containing herbs and colored powders, earthenware containers for storing oils and incense, even buffalo tail tassels have been found in the burials of aristocrats of both sexes. The explanation for this is quite simple. Body decoration for the ancient Egyptians, unlike modern fashionistas, was not a luxury item, a desire to stand out, but rather a necessity.

It was believed that in this way a person protects himself from the influence evil spirits and protects against disease. That is why, the so-called serpentine arrow, ideally even and pretentiously elongated both at the right and at the lower eye contour, has become a hallmark of authentic Egyptian makeup.

If you turn on the fantasy, then such an "eyeliner" resembles the mouth of a snake. Such a “coloring” is still a way to scare away not only evil forces, but also a gentleman, if you do not know about the intricacies and basic rules for applying Egyptian.

Fortunately, to make an unforgettable image in the style of Cleopatra today, you do not need to crush herbs and ashes. Everything you need can be found in a regular cosmetic bag.

Five simple rules applying makeup in the Egyptian style:

Everyday Egyptian makeup is performed in the same sequence as the classic one. The only feature, the tone can be a little lighter, it must be applied in a thin, almost imperceptible layer.

More naturalness and naturalness - this is the main rule in creating a daily look in the style of Cleopatra.

The main emphasis in this case is on the eyes, you can even do without the use of shadows or limit yourself to nude shades. The main ban on lipsticks, or lip pencils. The classic version is a thin layer of gloss, or powder.

How to create a complete image. Important Points

  • Lenses. Those with grey, blue or green eyes should consider using artificial lenses to complete the look. This can be an additional highlight for a fatal look. True, it is not completely clear whether Nefertiti herself was the owner of brown eyes.
  • Wig. A bob with bangs is the perfect option to complete the look. The main rule than lighter skin, the lighter the color shade of the wig is selected. Otherwise, instead of the beautiful Nefertiti, you will get a character from the famous cartoon about Scrooge Mac Duck, the Witch of the Morning Magica de Hypnosis.
  • Accessories. Wide bracelets, pendants, tiaras, rings, necklaces, earrings - accessories occupied an important place in the fashion of the Egyptian nobility. They had their own special energy, they were made by craftsmen exclusively to order. An unusual accessory in addition to the image of an Egyptian seductress can be a “tika” - or an elongated pendant that is attached to, along the parting. Such decorations are still popular in India. In addition, massive pendants and a necklace around the neck will help complete the look. They were called pectorals - a necklace with large elements. Worn at first by male warriors, the plates were wide enough to protect its owner from injury during battle. Today, such necklaces can be found in the cultures of different countries.

Spectacular Egyptian makeup

Ancient beauty techniques have not lost their relevance and charm so far. Millions of men fell at the feet of their seductresses, melting under the bewitching look of cat eyes. Subject to the basic norms and rules, the image of the fatal seductress is still available today.

The main thing to remember is that the secret of success in men is not only external attractiveness and spectacular makeup, this is just a wrapper. Much more important, what ingredients will the owner of the catchy image of the queen of Egypt fill herself and her inner world with.

In the next video step by step makeup worn by the Egyptian queen:

In contact with

The Egyptians were perhaps the first to use cosmetics to improve their appearance and protect their skin. To this day, Egyptian makeup literally bewitches, giving its owners a mysterious, but at the same time strict image. However, oriental make-up is not suitable for everyone. It will look most advantageous on brunettes and girls with an oriental type of appearance.

Makeup base

As with any other makeup, the most important thing is to prepare the base. Degrease your face so that in the future there is no oily sheen. Lubricate it with a matting cream and, if necessary, even out the skin with a matte shade powder.

Correct skin tone

The skin of the Egyptian girls was dark and to achieve the appropriate effect, you need to use a bronze or chocolate foundation. You need to apply it all over the face, but in order for the image to be untidy and complete, you need to remember about the hands and décolleté area and also process them foundation. It is forbidden to use blush when creating the image of Cleopatra, the skin must be plain.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

The most important thing in the make-up of an oriental woman is her eyes, which have been striking in their depth for hundreds of centuries.

Bright mother-of-pearl shadows are applied to the moving eyelid, and a little higher to the eyebrows, it is necessary to apply shadows of the same color, but two to three tones lighter. Any color scheme is possible at your discretion and taste. However, the most popular are blue, golden and green shades for Egyptian makeup. Many also use small gold or silver sequins to create a brighter make-up.

It is necessary to correct the shape of the eyes with a black pencil and eyeliner. We draw the eye with a pencil, work with the lower and upper eyelids and create arrows. On the lower eyelid we apply the shadows with which we are working.

We duplicate the pencil, bifurcating the line at the corner of the eyes with liquid eyeliner. It should be noted that the make-up of the Egyptians is perhaps the only one in which the arrow extends beyond the inner edge of the eye, wrapping itself a little. Particular attention should be paid to the arrows, they must be strict and clear. And also to extend the line of the eye and only at the ends of the spruce noticeably rise up. The length of the arrow should be from 1 to 2 cm. Quite often, a double arrow is used in this makeup. It is located just below the main arrow, strictly parallel.

And at the end of the make-up of the eyes, draw the eyelashes with black or charcoal mascara. We use regular mascara because we do not need the effect of volume and lengthening. If desired, you can stick or build eyelashes. The lower lashes can be left unpainted.

We correct eyebrows

Eyebrows should be black and defined. Create a pronounced eyebrow line of medium thickness, if they are too narrow or wide, the effect of rich makeup will instantly disappear. Having created the correct shape for the eyebrows, it is necessary to draw them with a black pencil with small strokes along the hair growth. They turn out dark and look unnatural, so the paint on them must be carefully shaded.


In the Egyptian make-up, the lips are not emphasized, however, it would be wrong to leave them unattended.
Apply a natural-colored lipstick to your lips and cover them with a pearly sheen. Bright colors lipstick and lip liner in this make-up are prohibited. Since the main focus is on the eyes.

Bright make-up in the style of "beauties of the east" is ready, enjoy the chosen image. It is perfect for a costume party or stage performance. It is not recommended to use as a daily make-up.

How luxurious and wise this woman was, since her fame was not covered with dust a long time ago, but is still alive! The image of a powerful queen still inspires designers, make-up artists, stylists, photographers and artists today. Yes, and many ordinary women like the bright beauty of the legendary Egyptian. Of course, Cleopatra's makeup is too extravagant for everyday style, but if you have to theme party, photography, or you decide to surprise your beloved man with an unusual reincarnation, this image can be very useful.

Queen of the Nile

Cleopatra lived many centuries ago. Contemporaries described her with the most admiring words. It was not in vain that the fame of the fatal heartbreaker was entrenched in the queen, because she was used to admiring, seducing and taking everything she wanted. A significant role in this was played not only by the character of Cleopatra, but also by her bright appearance. As was customary at that time, the queen actively richly decorated her blue-black hair wearing luxurious clothes. A verbal portrait of our heroine will help you understand in which direction to move if you decide to do Cleopatra's makeup. Photos will show you step by step how the process is going.

Elizabeth's influence

Many films have been made about the great queen. But the most successful is considered to be this role played by Elizabeth Taylor. It is this actress who is most often referred to when talking about Cleopatra.

Therefore, in our article we will focus on it. Let the beautiful Elizabeth inspire you if you decide to do Cleopatra's makeup. The photo of the real queen, of course, does not exist, but there are plenty of shots from the film with Elizabeth Taylor.

Colors of Cleopatra

Cleopatra was flamboyant, but this woman definitely had good taste. Her colors are turquoise and gold. But in makeup you can not do without black.

What will help at work? Let's start by reviewing the contents of the cosmetic bag. It's great if you find an eyeshadow palette in turquoise. If there are none, perhaps green and blue will do.

Very useful in the work of eyeliner and eyeliner. A mascara is better to choose the one that maximizes the volume. If possible, use false eyelashes, and feel free to choose the longest and fluffiest ones.

Perhaps you still have cosmetics with gold from some party? Everything that is will do: shadows with a shimmer, glitter pencils, shimmering powder. In a word, everything that glitters is simply necessary for us.

Rhinestones and beads that are glued to the skin can be very useful. Of course, you also need a special glue for them (glue for false eyelashes is suitable).

In addition, you can not do without the usual means: a pencil or eyebrow shadows, blush.


Before you start doing Cleopatra's makeup with your own hands, put your face in order. The easiest way is to use the usual means.

Cleopatra, most likely, was swarthy. But you don't have to try to copy her appearance. It is better to apply a "native" tone that suits your skin.

Active blush for this makeup will not be useful, use the most delicate ones. Apply a small amount under the cheekbones and blend thoroughly.

Eye makeup

In the image, the most important emphasis will be placed on the eyes. Tint your eyebrows with shadows or a soft pencil, after giving them the perfect shape.

Apply light shadows of beige, peach or golden color under the eyebrows.

The same shadows can be used to work out the inner corners of the eyes. Cleopatra's makeup allows for other shades for this area, such as light pink or light gray.

Paint the outer corners of the eyes with a rich color: bright honey or turquoise. Highlight the center of the moving eyelid with turquoise a couple of tones lighter or cover it with gray shadows with a shimmer. Ordinary mother-of-pearl will do. Gently blend from inner corner to outer corner.

Draw a thin outline along the lash line with a black pencil. Cleopatra's makeup is the case when you don't have to worry about the arrow being thin. You can safely draw voluminous arrows with sharp, neat corners. Double arrows are also appropriate, the main thing is that the corners look in one direction, in the direction of the temple. You can bring the lower eyelid.

It remains to take care of the eyelashes. Apply mascara. If possible, use false eyelashes in bunches.


Finish Cleopatra's makeup with lipstick, gloss or tint. Lips can be either a natural shade or a brighter one, such as a warm maroon. The most extravagant lovers of the culture of Ancient Egypt can even experiment with turquoise lipstick. Gold would also be a great solution. By the way, it is quite possible to use mother-of-pearl lipsticks for this look, which are not considered trendy today. For such overflows will be quite appropriate.

But you should not experiment with shades of cold pink-lilac scale.


You probably noticed that Cleopatra's makeup, the photo of which is presented in our article, is a single whole with hair styling and accessories. If you're going to go all out with the style, take care of the hair too. The best choice- quads or shoulder-length hair, braided into thin pigtails. The queen was a burning brunette, and therefore it is better to choose a wig or a black tinted hair balm.


Cleopatra's makeup will be complemented by heavy gold metal earrings decorated with turquoise, small golden hairpins, and a diadem.

Small rhinestones can be glued into the corners of the eyes or under the outer corners of the eyebrows. Jewelry suitable for earrings will complete the look: bracelets, necklaces, rings.

Transforming externally, it is necessary to improve inside, completing a gentle and charming image with confidence in yourself and your own beauty. But it also happens that the chosen style in makeup contributes to the transformation inside.

What was the purpose of makeup in Egypt? In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs applied special lines to their faces. They were convinced that a huge force was needed to rule a huge country.

And the pharaohs knew where to get it. This great art of transformation is known today as makeup. And some women skillfully use it to look great both in life and in the photo.

What is the most common makeup mistake?

Makeup is able to emphasize our dignity and hide small flaws, and it’s a sin not to use it. Each woman is different, and makeup for each goddess must be selected individually.

The main thing in applying decorative cosmetics is to avoid the most common mistakes that can make even the sweetest and most beautiful face look ugly.

The first and most common mistake in makeup is its absence. In ancient times, the art of make-up was available only to representatives of the highest nobility, and commoners did not have the right to use its advantages for face correction.

Why, when this art is available to every woman, many women do not use it? Laziness? No time? These are excuses! Perfect and beautiful woman always beautiful and always looks after herself.

Pre-care and cleansing is the key to high-quality makeup

Whatever the make-up: fantasy, evening, natural or any other, the main thing is that it should be neat and well-designed. Therefore, it is best applied in sunlight or good and bright light. At the same time, be sure to preliminarily thoroughly cleansed face, clean hands and brushes.

For cleansing, it is best to use foams, gels, cream or milk step by step, and then tonic and moisturizer. If this procedure is not carried out, you should not even think about it.

Applying a tone to the face is a must. Makeup must be perfect, which means that it is imperative to even out its color and hide flaws with a foundation.

A tone is not required only for women with perfect, flawless skin. But there are very few such happy owners of beautiful and fragrant skin, and, therefore, most of us need correction.

If the skin is in normal condition, then it needs a tone in a small amount. And in case of poor skin condition, they should be used to a greater extent.

The right amount and selection of the perfect tone

Wrong color and not correct application foundation can ruin the whole look. Many women tend to abuse foundation.

And when applying it, it is most often applied either a little or a lot, so it is extremely important to look at your appearance in the mirror to make sure that the skin tone is set correctly.

Very often, due to the wrong choice of tone, the complexion is very different from the color of the skin of the neck, and it looks as if the face is dirty with something. And this is extremely ugly.

Another common mistake is applying the tone to one point and then spreading it over the face. This leads to the fact that the tone falls unevenly, forming a semblance of an ugly mask, gathers at the frame of the face, staining the hair.

We set the tone correctly and efficiently

The sponge is dipped in tone and bluishness under the eyes is corrected with point movements. After a dense corrector typed on a brush, small pimples and specks, pigment moments and burst capillaries become invisible.

To hide circles under the eyes, it is better to use a special yellow corrector, and for redness - green. Since it is these colors that can neutralize blue or purple, and green can neutralize red skin imperfections.

First, we hide the imperfections of the skin, and only after that we correct the tone of the face. This will help the correctors adhere better to the skin and make its presence less noticeable. Squeeze a little cream onto a neutral surface and scoop it up with a sponge.

This will allow you to use the tone more sparingly. It should be distributed with smooth, driving movements, in no case rubbing it into the skin.

How to apply eye shadow step by step

First of all, we give stability to future makeup with a base under the shadow or by applying a light layer of tonal foundation.

Next, we distribute the sandy golden color, which is the main focus of in a stylish way Cleopatra. Shadows should not be too shiny, as these highlights will look ugly in the photo.

Fill the crease area with white shadows, and fill the line above the eyelid crease brown tint. Working on shades with a brush to achieve smooth transitions shadows.

Create expressive look and style with gel eyeliner

We draw an arrow along the lash line from the inner corner to the outer. We thicken the arrow from the middle of the eye and draw the tail of the arrow flying towards the temple.

We thicken the tail, connecting the lines of the upper and lower eyelids by 1 mm. Under the black tail we display parallel line white eyeliner.

We place accents with purple shadows. We collect purple shadows on a flat brush and draw a line from the inner corner of the eye and under the white arrow. So that the shadows do not crumble, first wipe the brush on a damp cloth.

To avoid trouble in the form of crumbling shadows, a thick layer of colorless powder can be applied to the area around the eyes, and at the end of the process, brush it off along with the crumbled shadows with a wide brush.

Add clarity and radiance with a white pencil. We draw a stroke along the water line of the lower eyelid. We bring it to the outer corner, gently connecting it with a white tail.

We paint over the eyelashes with voluminous mascara or stick on false eyelashes to set the image of style and captivating charm in the image of Cleopatra. Such a bright and rich makeup will look very harmonious in the photo.
