How to protect your skin from the cold. How to protect your face from frost in winter and ensure proper care

How quickly time flies! More recently, we have been thinking about how to protect the skin of the face from the burning rays of the sun, and now it's time to think about how to protect yourself from the winter cold, how to protect the skin of the face from frost.

To begin with, remember that with any seasonal skin care, the type and condition of the skin should be taken into account. Of course, dry and sensitive skin requires special attention in winter care. It is she who especially suffers from cold wind, snow, frost. But other types of facial skin no doubt require special care, special care during the cold winter months.

How to protect the skin from frost in the cold season?

Try to find time every morning for additional skin care. Even before washing, apply a simple cosmetic mask for a few minutes. For these purposes, sour cream, cream, mayonnaise, raw egg yolk will go. After applying, wait 5-10 minutes, remove the product from your face with your favorite cosmetic product or just wash with warm water, wipe the skin with tonic.

Then apply to cleansed, prepared skin. nutritious cream. Please note that in winter it is better to use a nourishing cream, but not a moisturizer! It can damage the skin during frost. On very cold days, use the series for special protection against frost and wind. Such protective products are produced by almost all well-known manufacturers of cosmetic skin care products.

After applying the cream in the morning, you should wait 20 minutes before going outside. Usually there is no time to wait, so do not neglect the winter tonal means protection. The tonal basis perfectly protects in cold weather. After application, it is useful to lightly powder the face.

Next, you can proceed to makeup. Here, too, has its own characteristics. Use more oily lipstick than usual in winter. It will well protect your tender lips from the appearance of cracks, chapping. If there is a snowstorm outside the window, and you need to go to work, use waterproof mascara. The mascara won't smear black smudges all over your face as temperatures change and you squeeze into public transport.

When you get home, don't wash your face right away. Let the skin adapt, get used to the heat. In winter, try to use special cleansers for cleansing and removing makeup: cosmetic milk, cream. If the skin is dry, sensitive, use cream. For normal and oily - better fit milk.

But if you like water, you are used to washing your face, then after the evening water procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream if the skin is dry and a moisturizer if the skin is oily. Blot the rest of the product with a soft cloth. Remember that the use of moisturizer in winter is only permissible in the evening, when you are not going to go out.

Protective, nourishing cosmetic masks to protect the skin in winter

If you are concerned about the problem of how to protect your skin from frost in winter, make it a rule to do nutritious twice as often as in summer. Ready-made masks can be purchased at a pharmacy or store, then just alternate them. But it is best to prepare a mask yourself from natural products:

Grate on a fine grater, preferably plastic, a piece of fresh, mix with 1 tbsp. l. fat fresh sour cream. Apply the mixture on cleansed skin, wait 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

2 tbsp. l. rub fresh small cottage cheese with 3-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, add fresh egg yolk, 1 tsp. rice flour (optional) Apply to face and neck for 15-20 minutes, then wash with warm water.

Grate fresh, add 1 tsp. ground, mix well. Apply the resulting slurry on your face, wash with warm water after 20 minutes.

If you are prone to, the skin has visible, asterisks, never go out into the cold without making medical protection.

To do this, lubricate your face before applying the cream with products containing rutin, linden extract or. They can be bought at a pharmacy. These components will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the effect of frosty air on your skin. In the evening, a multivitamin cream containing amino acids is perfect for you.

If, after staying in the cold, red spots form on your face, you will need anti-inflammatory masks with chamomile, calendula. It is good to use a healing cream containing beeswax, petroleum jelly and shea butter to relieve inflammation.

I really hope that my tips on how to protect your skin from frost will be useful to you. They will help preserve your beauty and meet spring, surprising and delighting with beautiful appearance, fresh young skin, healthy complexion.

Be healthy, beautiful and happy!


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As a result, the skin becomes dry, flaky, ages prematurely, fades, wrinkles begin to appear. Therefore, it is important to constantly protect your face from the cold, using protective cosmetics, as well as observing the “winter” skin care rules.

Switch to nourishing cream

Do not use moisturizers before going outside. Switch to a nourishing cream, the so-called "winter" - thick in consistency, fatty and enriched with vitamins in composition.

This cream should be chosen according to your skin type and brand preferences. Note that the category "winter" cream include funds that include:
- hyaluronic acid, silicones, glycerin or sorbitol - these substances are responsible for creating a reliable protective "film" on the skin;
- vitamin C - strengthens the skin, provides it with energy;
- vitamin A - rejuvenates the skin, will contribute to its nutrition;
- natural oils- avocado, shea, jojoba, pumpkin, etc., which will protect the skin from drying out and dehydration;
- petroleum jelly - creams with this component, first of all, are necessary for people with very dry skin, as well as those who suffer from eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases;
- extracts of green tea, kola leaves, calendula, chamomile - aimed at relieving inflammation and irritation, as well as itching and redness, which so often occur in winter.
- UV filters - this cherished mark must be on your "winter" cream, because ultraviolet radiation is the main enemy of the skin not only in summer, but also in winter. Therefore, protect yourself - be sure to use a cream with UV filters.

Follow the "winter" principles of facial care
1. In winter, wash your face with warm (room temperature) water, as well as herbal decoctions - chamomile, calendula, sage lime, which will soften and soothe the skin. Do not wash with cold water. Undo and rubbing your face with ice cubes. These procedures are good for summer, in winter they work to deplete the skin.

2. Switch to fat-based creams with a minimum content of hormones, excluding moisturizers in the winter (they contain water that will simply turn into “ice” on your face).

3. Moisturizing cream can only be used if you do not go outside.

4. In winter, a nourishing cream, as well as makeup ( Foundation, powder, etc.) should be applied to the face at least half an hour before going outside.

5. Don't forget to cleanse your skin (in the evening, after removing make-up). In the winter season, replace your usual scrubs and exfoliating products with creamy, gentle peeling products (gommages). They don't hurt the skin. Rolling gently, gommage gently removes dead skin particles and flaking elements. Please note that after peeling in winter it is not recommended to go outside for at least 10-12 hours.

6. Replace foam for washing with milk or cream. In winter, the skin becomes especially sensitive and requires gentle care.

7. Do it regularly nourishing masks. Regardless of skin type, the basis of the mask should be nourishing (not whitening, moisturizing, cleansing, etc.). For dry and sensitive skin, make a mask at least 2-3 times a week, for oily or combination skin - 1-2 times a week.

8. Watch your lips. To prevent them from chapping and cracking, do not paint them with moisturizing lipstick and do not lick them on the street. Use "winter" lipsticks, nutritious, which contain vitamins A and E.

Determine your skin type

To choose the right nutritious cosmetics for the winter period, determine your skin type.

You have normal skin if...
The pores are not enlarged, the secretion of sebum is moderate (no shine and feeling of tightness). You are not prone to acne, depigmentation, etc. You may get pimples from time to time, but this may be a PMS signal or an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product.

To make sure that you have normal skin - press for 10 minutes clean skin clean white paper towel. If a uniform slightly oily trace remains on the napkin, then the skin is normal. And you got it right.

Do you have dry skin if...
The pores are narrowed, the skin often flakes or turns red, and fine wrinkles easily form on it. It is easy to confuse this type of skin with sensitive skin because the latter is also prone to irritation and inflammation.

For 10 minutes, press a clean white napkin to clean skin. If the napkin remains clean (without light oily prints), then you really have dry skin.

If you have oily skin...
The skin shines due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. The pores are enlarged, clogged, which makes the skin look sloppy and untidy. Pimples and acne often form.

Apply a dry paper napkin to your face, if there are uneven greasy marks on the napkin, then your skin is really oily.

Do you have combination skin if...
The T-shaped area (nose, forehead and chin) is usually oily, that is, they shine all the time, and the cheeks are mere (feeling tight) or normal.

Apply a dry paper napkin to your face, if there are greasy traces on the napkin only in some places, then the skin is combination.

Do you have sensitive skin if...
Painfully reacts to temperature changes, a new lotion or cosmetic product, as well as the action of chemicals and even plucking of eyebrows.

Start caring
In winter, nutrition should come first for you, but you should not forget about cleansing. The main thing is to do it with the right means.

- Dry and sensitive skin in winter, it is best to clean with cosmetic cream or milk.
- For normal or combined type it is better not to use lotions and tonics that you are used to in the summer. Cleanse oily areas of the face with oil-free makeup removers, and dry areas with cosmetic cream.
- oily skin in winter, only non-alcoholic tonics and gels should be cleansed. And avoid alcohol based lotions. Although it is worth noting that this type of skin is most adapted to frost and wind.

Making nourishing masks

For dry skin
Honey. Mix a teaspoon of honey with egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive or any other vegetable oil and beat this mixture well. The mask is ready. Apply it on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

yeast. Dissolve 20 grams of yeast in a tablespoon of warm milk and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

For oily skin
Kefir. Mix a tablespoon of kefir with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and add a pinch of salt. Let the gruel brew, then apply on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Apple. Mix a tablespoon of baked apple with a tablespoon of beaten egg. The mask is ready. Apply it on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes.

For normal skin
Yolk. Mix the egg yolk with a tablespoon of fat sour cream. Apply to face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lemon honey. Add 10-15 drops of honey to a tablespoon lemon juice. And apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes. Then remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

Important. try hard use cosmetics of the same series. For example, pick up a set of cosmetics from one of your favorite brands - day cream, night cream, cleansing milk, gommage, eye cream, etc. Because the skin care products of the same series work better together and have the greatest effect in the aggregate.

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Frost and wind dry the skin much more than the hottest sun. From prolonged exposure to low temperature, high humidity, harsh wind, dryness and increased peeling of the skin of the face appear, wrinkles form, and premature aging occurs. Frost also causes narrowing (spasm) of skin vessels, and in a warm room they expand. Such a "play of blood vessels" can lead to congestive redness, cyanosis, noticeably dilated vessels may remain on the skin of the nose, cheeks. Dry skin is especially susceptible to these undesirable changes. thin skin sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Cracks can occur on the lips, most often in those who habitually lick their lips. From the dry wind, the skin of the face and hands dries up, the natural fat layer is disturbed. Cold air constricts blood vessels, irritates the nerve endings embedded in the skin, and congestion occurs. Therefore, in winter it must be intensively nourished and protected.

How to prevent the adverse effects of cold? Harden your skin. Every day, preferably at night, wash your face with warm and then cold water. After washing, we recommend wiping dry skin with cream or liquid emulsion creams. Hardens the skin by rubbing the skin of the face in the morning with ice. Before going out into the cold air, especially in windy weather, never wash your face. If necessary, do this in an hour using room temperature water. Powder can be used. It is useful to lubricate lips with hygienic colorless oily lipstick.

If you are going to leave the house on a frosty day, do not apply nourishing, softening and especially moisturizing creams to your skin (the water contained in them, evaporating, helps to increase cooling). In winter, creams with a high content of natural fats and waxes (lanolin, olive, stone oil) are used. Apply them to the skin no later than 30 minutes before going outside.

Hands require special care in winter. Do not wash them before going out, wear warm mittens or gloves. Should be on the feet warm shoes or wool socks. Prolonged or frequent exposure to cold on the hands and feet can lead to disease. If the skin of the hands has become dry, cracks have appeared, make hot 10-15-minute soap and soda baths (a teaspoon of baking soda per liter of soapy water), then lubricate with cream.

On a bright sunny frosty day, dark spots or freckles. In this case, sunscreen will help you, but lubricate only those parts of the face that are sensitive to sunlight. You can also apply powder.

After returning home from the street - wash your face with cool water and, without wiping yourself (creams are better absorbed with water), apply any softening cream on the skin of your face and neck, according to your skin type. After 15-20 minutes, remove the remaining cream paper napkin. Such masks refresh the skin well, relieve dryness and peeling.

If itchy skin appears, make an infusion of flaxseed or marigold (calendula), chamomile, mint, or psyllium. Pour one tablespoon of any of these herbs into 1/2 cup of hot water, add potato flour and stir until sour cream is thick. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes, washed off with warm, then cold water. When peeling, masks made from oatmeal (hercules), flaxseed are useful.

Agree: there is a special charm and charm in winter. Here is her little surprise. Koto has fading, pale skin, rubbing with snow is very useful. Type two handfuls of snow into a canvas napkin or towel, twist the ends of the napkin (so that it takes the form of a bag) and firmly attach the middle part of the napkin with snow to your face, neck, eyelids, and chin. Continue this procedure for 3-4 minutes, on different parts of the face, until you feel cold. We recommend wiping with snow 2-3 times a week (pre-lubricate dry skin with a nourishing cream), they have a good tonic effect on the skin, improve color.

During walks, you can also not wipe your face with snow and dry it in the air.

IN hard frost it is useful to periodically massage the nose and cheeks with pressing and pinching movements. Or inhale the air, hold the exhale and strain until there is a feeling that the blood has rushed to the face.

Weather in the winter period of the year is a stress factor for our skin, which significantly worsens its condition. In winter, our immunity is noticeably weaker, as a result of which the skin becomes more sensitive and rapidly loses its tone. How to protect skin from frost?

It is worth noting that scarves and warm mittens remain the main means of protecting the skin of the neck and hands from the cold. The most difficult situation is with the skin of the face, especially around the eyes and in the corners of the mouth, since in this period it is not only sensitive, but also needs special, balanced and properly selected care. Today, manufacturers of the cosmetic industry offer a huge selection of skin care products in the winter. The composition of almost every such product includes various oils and fats. Such products perfectly nourish the skin and protect against frost. They should only be applied to a cleansed face. When choosing a protective cream, you should carefully study the packaging. In winter, it is useful to use cosmetics that have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, due to the components included in their composition. It is better to choose those funds, which include:

  • ceramides, which make the skin smooth and supple;
  • plant bioenzymes, hyaluronic acid and lecithin, which contribute to skin hydration and renewal;
  • liposomes that provide skin cells with the substances they need;
  • sesame oil, oil grape seed, honeycomb extract, due to which a protective film is formed on the skin that prevents the evaporation of moisture;
  • extracts of calendula, chamomile, aloe, cucumber juice, witch hazel, birch, papaya, avocado, which moisturize and tone the skin;
  • hydroviton - a natural moisturizer;
  • alpha hydroxyl fruit acids (ANA), which help maintain normal skin moisture balance;
  • vitamin B5, which is an excellent moisturizer and nourishment for the skin;
  • Coconut oil provides nourishment and protection to the skin.
In order to protect the skin from frost, in addition to the use of protective cosmetics, it is important to observe following rules:
  • The cream is applied to the face an hour before going outside, this is how long it takes for the cream to be completely absorbed and continue its work even in the cold.
  • Apply cleansers such as masks and scrubs in the evening and not before going outside.
  • It is mandatory to nourish the skin of the hands, but no later than an hour before leaving the house. It is worth knowing that some creams, which include glycerin, can cause peeling and itching of the skin.
  • During the winter cold, it is better not to wipe the skin with ice cubes from herbal decoctions. This procedure is very effective for all skin types only during the warm periods of the year.
If the skin is prone to inflammatory reactions, you can take nutritional supplements that include essential fatty acids of the omega-3 group (fish oil, walnut oil, flaxseed oil.). Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition of the skin, regardless of the season, so even in winter, a nourishing skin cream should contain UV filters.

It is no secret that with the advent of cold weather, the condition of our skin worsens, it becomes dry, loses elasticity, various reddenings appear, and the pores become enlarged. This is explained by the fact that in winter the content of oxygen and moisture in the air becomes less than necessary for normal skin respiration. The lower the temperature, the less water vapor the air can hold. Frost takes moisture from the epidermis, and ice microcrystals destroy its protective layer. To neutralize the adverse effects of environmental factors, it is necessary to choose the right special winter care program.

As temperatures drop, softer skin care products should be used. For dry skin, it is better to use cosmetic milk or cream with ginseng or aloe extracts, but you will have to give up tonic for a while. For oily skin, it is worth using a gentle cleansing foam, but without soap base, for example, with grapefruit or green tea, and not a gel with a drying effect. The make-up removal procedure, regardless of skin type, should end with the use of a fortified tonic without alcohol. It will perfectly cleanse the skin of dead particles, and also give it a glow. In addition, in winter, you need to use less hot water because it breaks down the lipid barrier of the skin. But the contrast water procedures help to strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation.

Any moisturizing cream intended for skin care in the cold season should effectively perform three functions: supplying the epidermis with hydrocomponents, trace elements and vitamins, their uniform distribution and restoration of the natural protective layer that prevents moisture loss. The most effective are those creams that contain hyaluronic acid and antioxidants (vitamins E and C), as well as lecithin, which is an active participant in the metabolism of fatty acids that help retain moisture in the deep layers of the skin. Those women who work on a computer need to irrigate it with thermal water every time skin tightness appears. After removing makeup, it is recommended to use a cream with a denser texture, as they effectively retain moisture and nutrients in the skin.

As effective remedy moisturizing, you can use 100% cosmetic oils - jojoba, walnut, shea, avocado, shea, etc. Creams based on petroleum jelly are recommended for people with very dry skin, as well as for those who suffer from skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.).

Humidity in the room is important for the skin, especially in winter. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the apartment, in the office, etc.: purchase an air humidifier, put a wet towel on the battery, or simply put a vessel with water.

In addition to water, our skin loses a significant amount of vitamins and microelements, so in winter it is necessary to make nourishing masks at least once a week. Nourishing masks should be enriched with vitamin A, as it accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells, affects the production of its own collagen and elastin, and also neutralizes negative impact external factors, namely, it reduces the sensitivity of the skin to temperature changes. It is good if vitamin PP is included in the nutritional masks, which improves tissue nutrition and blood circulation. Be sure to apply night products containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin and serine to the face at night, they restore the natural level of skin moisture and normalize lipid balance.

You should be aware that not all moisturizers can be used in winter. For example, summer moisturizers in creams, such as cucumber extract, cream gel base, and alcohol additives, begin to break down lipid layer skin already at -1 °C. And at temperatures below -10 ° C, water-based creams are not recommended. They must be replaced with products with a natural base: lecithin or mink oil.

If you need to be in the cold for more than two hours, immediately before going outside, apply a rich layer of cream-protector with a dense texture, which includes components that soothe and relieve irritation. By the way, the use of compact powder will have to be abandoned for a while, since it dries the hydro-lipid layer of the skin. But you can use oily foundation, which will effectively protect the skin from frost and wind, and also hide all its irregularities.

We operate from within.
In winter, it is very important to eat food rich in vitamins, microelements and amino acids: meat, fish, beef liver, seafood, dairy products, nuts, dried fruits. In addition, consuming foods such as juices, fresh herbs, herbal teas, legumes, seafood, and vegetable oils help improve skin elasticity.

Skin care, as mentioned above, at any time of the year should include three main stages: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, so all cosmetics should match your skin type. It is worth knowing that during the winter your skin type can change, if you have oily skin, then in winter it is highly likely that it will become normal. Accordingly, normal skin will become dry, and dry - sensitive.

Dry skin.
For dry skin type in winter, it is recommended to make nourishing masks 2 times a week and 1-2 times - fortified. It is best if these are masks with extracts of avocado, wheat germ, agave, almond and peach oil, lecithin. Since dry skin needs moisturizing, especially in winter, it is necessary to replace the nourishing mask with a moisturizing one 1-2 times a month. For dry skin, a mask of half a raw yolk, a teaspoon is very effective. olive oil and a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Or we rub the parsley root on a fine grater and add sour cream, mix thoroughly and apply on the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, the mask must be washed off with warm boiled water.

Oily skin.
Oily facial skin in winter suffers less than others from frost and cold wind. But regular care is still necessary. Women with oily skin types can use anti-aging products, since at this time the heaviness on the face from the use of such products will not be felt. Once a week it is necessary to make fortified and nourishing masks. For oily skin, masks with a soft, emulsion or gel texture are best suited. Oily skin type perfectly tolerates film masks. The most effective are masks, which include components such as rosemary, propolis, extracts of needles, cucumber, lavender. cosmetic, intended for skin care in the winter, containing a large number of fatty components should be applied to oily skin in a thin layer to prevent the appearance of comedones. For oily skin, a mask of 1 tbsp is effective. kefir and 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, which is applied to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes.

Normal skin.
Owners of a normal skin type should alternate vitaminization, nutrition and moisturizing procedures 1-2 times a week.

Eyes and lips require special care in winter. For eyelid skin care in winter, it is effective to use bioactive patches under the eyes, plates impregnated with by special means, which are applied for 20-30 minutes on the skin of the eyelids, after which they are removed, and a cream is applied to the skin of the eyelids.

Frost has a detrimental effect on the skin of our lips, it cracks, flakes, which causes the lips to lose their elasticity and natural shine, and sometimes even hurt. Therefore, 20 before applying makeup on the lips, you need to apply hygienic lipstick with gentle massaging movements. In winter, it is recommended to use lipsticks with a more oily texture, which include jojoba oil, mink oil, hyaluronic acid. For normal skin, a mask of raw yolk, a teaspoon of glycerin and a grated apple is ideal.

efficient natural remedy for the skin is the usual vegetable, olive or sea ​​buckthorn oil, which is applied with a cotton swab to the skin, rubbed, and then the remnants are washed off with warm water.

If for some reason you have frostbitten skin, you should rub it with a scarf or mitten, lubricate it with vegetable oil or fish oil at home. In case of severe frostbite, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Weather in the winter period of the year is a stress factor for our skin, which significantly worsens its condition. In winter, our immunity is noticeably weaker, as a result of which the skin becomes more sensitive and rapidly loses its tone. How to protect skin from frost?

When choosing a protective cream, you should carefully study the packaging. In winter, it is useful to use cosmetics that have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, due to the components included in their composition. It is better to choose those funds, which include:
ceramides, which make the skin smooth and supple;
plant bioenzymes, hyaluronic acid and lecithin, which contribute to skin hydration and renewal;
liposomes that provide skin cells with the substances they need;
sesame oil, grape seed oil, honeycomb extract, due to which a protective film is formed on the skin that prevents moisture from evaporating;
extracts of calendula, chamomile, aloe, cucumber juice, witch hazel, birch, papaya, avocado, which moisturize and tone the skin;
hydroviton - a natural moisturizer;
alpha hydroxyl fruit acids (ANA), which help maintain normal skin moisture balance;
vitamin B5, which is an excellent moisturizer and nourishment for the skin;
Coconut oil provides nourishment and protection to the skin.

In order to protect the skin from frost, in addition to the use of protective cosmetics, it is important to observe the following rules:
The cream is applied to the face an hour before going outside, this is how long it takes for the cream to be completely absorbed and continue its work even in the cold.
Apply cleansers such as masks and scrubs in the evening and not before going outside.
It is mandatory to nourish the skin of the hands, but no later than an hour before leaving the house. It is worth knowing that some creams, which include glycerin, can cause peeling and itching of the skin.
During the winter cold, it is better not to wipe the skin with ice cubes from herbal decoctions. This procedure is very effective for all skin types only during the warm periods of the year.

If the skin is prone to inflammatory reactions, you can take nutritional supplements, which include essential fatty acids of the omega-3 group (fish oil, walnut oil, linseed oil.). Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition of the skin, regardless of the season, so even in winter, a nourishing skin cream should contain UV filters.

To neutralize the adverse effects of environmental factors, it is necessary to choose the right special winter care program.

As temperatures drop, softer skin care products should be used. For dry skin, it is better to use cosmetic milk or cream with ginseng or aloe extracts, but you will have to give up tonic for a while. For oily skin, it is worth using a gentle foam for washing, only without a soap base, for example, with grapefruit or green tea, and not a gel with a drying effect. The make-up removal procedure, regardless of skin type, should end with the use of a fortified tonic without alcohol. It will perfectly cleanse the skin of dead particles, and also give it a glow. In addition, in winter, you need to use less hot water, as it destroys the lipid barrier of the skin. But contrasting water procedures help strengthen immunity and improve blood circulation.

Any moisturizing cream intended for skin care in the cold season should effectively perform three functions: supplying the epidermis with hydrocomponents, trace elements and vitamins, their uniform distribution and restoration of the natural protective layer that prevents moisture loss. The most effective are those creams that contain hyaluronic acid and antioxidants (vitamins E and C), as well as lecithin, which is an active participant in the metabolism of fatty acids that help retain moisture in the deep layers of the skin. Those women who work on a computer need to irrigate it with thermal water every time skin tightness appears. After removing makeup, it is recommended to use a cream with a denser texture, as they effectively retain moisture and nutrients in the skin.

As an effective moisturizer, 100% cosmetic oils can be used - jojoba, walnut, shea butter, avocado, shea, etc. Creams based on petroleum jelly are recommended for people with very dry skin, as well as for those who suffer from skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.).

Humidity in the room is important for the skin, especially in winter. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the apartment, in the office, etc.: purchase an air humidifier, put a wet towel on the battery, or simply put a vessel with water.

In addition to water, our skin loses a significant amount of vitamins and microelements, so in winter it is necessary to make nourishing masks at least once a week. Nourishing masks should be enriched with vitamin A, since it accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells, affects the production of its own collagen and elastin, and also neutralizes the negative effects of external factors, namely, reduces skin sensitivity to temperature extremes. It is good if vitamin PP is included in the nutritional masks, which improves tissue nutrition and blood circulation. Be sure to apply night products containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin and serine to the face at night, they restore the natural level of skin moisture and normalize lipid balance.

You should be aware that not all moisturizers can be used in winter. For example, summer moisturizing cream ingredients such as cucumber extract, cream gel base and alcohol additives begin to break down the lipid layer of the skin already at a temperature of -1 ° C. And at temperatures below -10 ° C, water-based creams are not recommended. They must be replaced with products with a natural base: lecithin or mink oil.

If you need to be in the cold for more than two hours, immediately before going outside, apply a rich layer of cream-protector with a dense texture, which includes components that soothe and relieve irritation. By the way, the use of compact powder will have to be abandoned for a while, since it dries the hydro-lipid layer of the skin. But you can use a greasy tonal base, which will effectively protect the skin from frost and wind, and also hide all its irregularities.

We operate from within.
In winter, it is very important to eat food rich in vitamins, microelements and amino acids: meat, fish, beef liver, seafood, dairy products, nuts, dried fruits. In addition, consuming foods such as juices, fresh herbs, herbal teas, legumes, seafood, and vegetable oils help improve skin elasticity.

Skin care, as mentioned above, at any time of the year should include three main stages: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, so all cosmetics should match your skin type. It is worth knowing that during the winter your skin type can change, if you have oily skin, then in winter it is highly likely that it will become normal. Accordingly, normal skin will become dry, and dry - sensitive.

Dry skin.
For dry skin type in winter, it is recommended to make nourishing masks 2 times a week and 1-2 times - fortified. It is best if these are masks with extracts of avocado, wheat germ, agave, almond and peach oil, lecithin. Since dry skin needs moisturizing, especially in winter, it is necessary to replace the nourishing mask with a moisturizing one 1-2 times a month. For dry skin, a mask of half a raw egg yolk, a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of cottage cheese is very effective. Or we rub the parsley root on a fine grater and add sour cream, mix thoroughly and apply on the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, the mask must be washed off with warm boiled water.

Oily skin.
Oily facial skin in winter suffers less than others from frost and cold wind. But regular care is still necessary. Women with oily skin types can use anti-aging products, since at this time the heaviness on the face from the use of such products will not be felt. Once a week it is necessary to make fortified and nourishing masks. For oily skin, masks with a soft, emulsion or gel texture are best suited. Oily skin type perfectly tolerates film masks. The most effective are masks, which include components such as rosemary, propolis, extracts of needles, cucumber, lavender. A cosmetic product intended for skin care in winter, containing a large amount of fatty components, should be applied to oily skin in a thin layer to prevent the appearance of comedones. For oily skin, a mask of 1 tbsp is effective. kefir and 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, which is applied to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes.

Normal skin.
Owners of a normal skin type should alternate vitaminization, nutrition and moisturizing procedures 1-2 times a week.

Eyes and lips require special care in winter. For eyelid skin care in winter, it is effective to use bioactive patches under the eyes, plates impregnated with special products, which are applied to the skin of the eyelids for 20-30 minutes, after which they are removed, and a cream is applied to the skin of the eyelids.

Frost has a detrimental effect on the skin of our lips, it cracks, flakes, which causes the lips to lose their elasticity and natural shine, and sometimes even hurt. Therefore, 20 before applying makeup on the lips, you need to apply hygienic lipstick with gentle massaging movements. In winter, it is recommended to use lipsticks with a more oily texture, which include jojoba oil, mink oil, hyaluronic acid. For normal skin, a mask of raw yolk, a teaspoon of glycerin and a grated apple is ideal.

An effective natural remedy for the skin is the usual vegetable, olive or sea buckthorn oil, which is applied with a cotton swab to the skin, rubbed, and then the residue is washed off with warm water.

If for some reason you have frostbitten skin, you should rub it with a scarf or mitten, lubricate it with vegetable oil or fish oil at home. In case of severe frostbite, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To keep lips from chapping oil them hygienic lipstick. Decorative lipstick can be applied to a layer of hygienic.

If your face is weathered, do peeling at home: For an "exfoliating cream" you need to take and mix 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 egg yolk. Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply warm on the face. Hold this mask for 5 minutes, and then make a mini-massage with jerky movements of the palms, walk over the skin, observing the massage lines. This procedure is suitable for all skin types, especially for chapped skin.

For all skin types, an apple mask is suitable. To prepare it, grate the peeled fruit, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil or milk (for oily skin egg white).
