How to make a flying rocket with your own hands. How to make a water rocket from a plastic bottle

Summer is in full swing! For those who have had their fill of barbecues and sunbeds on the beach, here's a cool idea for outdoor fun: the water rocket. The children will squeal with delight, the girls will be smitten on the spot, the neighbors in the dacha will be extremely surprised in a rage. The idea is not new, water rockets are very popular in foreign countries, there are even special championships for launching these things. You can buy them in the store, or you can make your own. We'll talk about this.

The principle of operation of a water rocket is extremely simple. You need a plastic bottle, one-third filled with water, a bicycle or car pump, a nipple and a launch pad (launcher) on which the rocket is fixed. The pump pumps air - the bottle flies high and far, splashing water around. All the “fuel” is squeezed out in the first moments after launch, and then the rocket flies along a ballistic trajectory (therefore, the center of gravity is moved as far forward as possible).
But technical variations in the manufacture of this design can be very different. Some amateurs create real masterpieces:

Consider one of the simplest options.

1. Choose a bottle

The rocket should not be too long or too short, otherwise the flight will be crooked or not take place at all. The optimal diameter / length ratio is 1 to 7. A volume of 1.5 liters is quite suitable for the first experiments.

2. We select a cork

You will need a cork-valve from lemonade or any other drink. This will be the rocket nozzle.

It is important that the valve is new, not worn out, does not let air through. It is best to check it in advance: close the empty bottle with a cap and squeeze tightly.

3. Attach the nipple

In the bottom of the bottle, you need to make a hole and fix the nipple in it, with the “nose” out. The main thing here is to achieve the highest possible tightness: tighten the clamping screw to the maximum, you can experiment with glue or plasticine. The bottle must be airtight.

4. Cut out the stabilizers

In order for the rocket to fly smoothly, it must be installed correctly. The easiest way is to make a stabilizer (legs) from another plastic bottle. To do this, the bottle is cut in half, straightened. Then, on this flat surface, draw the contour of the stabilizer, provide a backlog for attaching to the body of the rocket.

Now cut out the stabilizer along the contour and glue it to the rocket with tape.

The figure also shows the weighted body of the rocket, this author used the cut off part of another bottle with a bolt-weight in the cap. In fact, there is full scope for imagination and experimentation; it is possible to accurately determine the optimal load in the head of your rocket only after several launches. The shape of the legs can also be different, for example, you can use the top of a plastic bottle, attach plastic legs to it, and place the rocket itself inside:

As for the launch pad, here, too, you can be creative enough. Someone is preparing complex structures with a guide axis, someone is carving special devices out of wood, and someone is simply fixing the rocket on a flat surface with improvised means.
In principle, the simplest water rocket after the described actions is already ready for you. All you have to do is bring plenty of water, a pump, and an assistant to hold the rocket upside down and press the valve with your hands while you pump air. It is recommended to pump 3-6 atmospheres onto a 1.5 liter bottle (in this sense, a car pump is more convenient), then disconnect the hose and release the cork at the expense of “three or four”. Rocket launched! It flies high enough and spectacularly, and most importantly, the whole process is not life-threatening. True, the assistant usually has to take a forced shower from the "fuel" :)

If you like this idea and want to experiment further, we recommend reading, for example, there are more complicated rockets here, with real launchers. picture from step by step instructions, though in English, but everything is drawn quite accessible. Well, if you liked the video and wanted to repeat something like that, welcome to the rocket modeling club: serious uncles use several bottles of compressed air at launch, and only one contains water.

Fast rocket with turbo engines from a plastic bottle. Involve the child in the process of preparing for some event or make some kind of event closer to him. memorable date crafts help.

By creating a certain thematic image in any technique available to him, the baby will better understand the meaning and meaning of the upcoming holiday. For example, as a craft for Cosmonautics Day, you can make a rocket; it will be quite relevant as a craft for February 23.

While working on a rocket, you can talk with a child why it is customary in our country to single out these days among all the others; why so much importance is attached to the first flight into space and how important is the role of those people who have chosen as their main occupation the concern for our safety and the preservation of peaceful life.

Do-it-yourself rocket from a plastic bottle

A rocket can be created with your own hands from improvised materials - a photo with a sample of such a model is presented in our article. In order to make a rocket of this design, you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • glue gun;
  • White paint;
  • cardboard sleeves from toilet paper;
  • yellow, orange and red foam board;
  • scissors;
  • colour pencils;
  • decorative silver sequins;
  • caps from plastic bottles;
  • disposable plastic cup;
  • sheet cardboard.

Let's get started.

Pour glitter into the bottle.

Then we start pouring white paint and periodically shake the bottle so that the paint mixes with the sparkles and spreads along the walls.

Thus, we paint the entire bottle from the inside in a silver-white color.

We color a sheet of cardboard with colored pencils or crayons to add a twist to the craft.

We cut out two triangles from it - these will be the wings of the rocket.

In the same way, we paint cardboard sleeves from paper.

From foam board different colors cut out trapezoidal flames. We make their lower edge fringed.

We turn several foam cardboard trapeziums into a tube and insert it inside the cardboard sleeve. We also fill the second sleeve - we get rocket boosters with flames.

We fix the boosters on the rocket body with glue.

On the other hand, we glue plastic bottle caps - like portholes.

We fix the wings on the sides by bending their edge and smearing it well with glue.

We glue a disposable cup to the bottom of the bottle (rocket body) - this will be the final touch.

The rocket is ready to launch!

On Cosmonautics Day, you can arrange a small exhibition of rocket models. And on February 23, such a home-made souvenir will be especially pleasant to receive for those men who, during military service, were related to missile units.

Do-it-yourself foam rocket

We examined how a rocket can be made with our own hands from improvised materials. But if you wish, you can turn a foam base specially purchased for this purpose into a rocket. We took the egg-shaped base. For convenience, put it on a wooden stick (to make it easier to hold).

Painted the entire base blue.

And the top was highlighted with pink paint. Making wings and a porthole out of paper Gluing paper flames Rocket out of a cardboard sleeve

Great idea to make a salt dough rocket. IN salty dough add paint and some PVA glue. From such a color mixture, a very beautiful craft is obtained.

You can dry the rocket a little in the oven and varnish it.

Before Cosmonautics Day, various exhibitions of crafts are organized in preschool and school institutions. Today, a space rocket, a UFO or a solar system is easy to make even from improvised materials. Spend interesting leisure time with your children and turn disposable tableware, cardboard boxes or toilet paper rolls in creative crafts on the theme "Space". You can make many unique products on your own.

Flying saucer made of paper utensils

Interest in UFOs arose a long time ago, so any child will be interested in making a flying saucer, which he often saw in films and cartoons. The easiest way to do this craft is from plastic or paper. different sizes.

A UFO made of two plates will look original, one of which acts as a control cabin. In order to glue them, you need to make incisions on a small plate at the bottom, and then bend in a circle and stick it on a large plate. If you are working with paper materials, then it is easy to do this with ordinary PVA, it is better to glue plastic with hot glue. Do not forget to paint your craft with acrylic paints and decorate by gluing ordinary buttons along the contour.

The flying saucer from and halves will look original big egg from Kinder Surprise. You can even use part of a plastic egg, it will be much more convenient to glue it than a large half. Don't forget to decorate your craft.

DIY space station

From rolls of toilet paper and towels, you can either ship, but the whole space station. To do this, you will need plastic bottles, double-sided tape, spray paint, plastic plates or vessels, acrylic paints. First, consider the design and dimensions of the future station. Then prepare everything necessary materials and tools. The parts can be glued together with adhesive tape or hot glue. Make the base of the station from a 1.5 or 2 liter bottle. A beautiful stand is obtained from disposable plates or vessels that will need to be turned over and installed on top of each other.

Attach one long towel roll to the bottle and 6 small ones at the bottom. Small parts from old toys can be useful to you in making a space station with your own hands. After you have completely assembled the craft, you can start painting. First, use spray paint, and then apply a pattern or some kind of pattern with acrylics. Such a craft will definitely win at the exhibition of space works.

If your craft consists of a small number of small elements, then instead of paint, you can use ordinary foil, which completely covers the craft.

Master class: How to make a rocket

From an ordinary cardboard roll, which most often ends up in the trash after use, it is easy to make a real space rocket. To do this, take a roll and a piece corrugated cardboard. After that, make 4 cuts on the roll up to 5 cm deep and twist them so that you get a cone. This will be the top of the rocket. Glue it tightly with PVA.

Rocket from cardboard boxes for children

Space robots from improvised materials

If your child is excited about robots, it is not necessary to buy a ready-made toy in the store. Try to make a beautiful robot with your own hands. This does not require any specific knowledge and skills. You can use ordinary cardboard boxes of different sizes and toilet paper rolls. Give a metallic effect to a fake using foil.

Craft "Rocket" will become perfect gift on such a holiday as Defender of the Fatherland Day, or on April 12th. Photo various crafts missiles can be viewed on the Internet. Familiarization with several options for this type of craft will allow you to turn on your imagination and create real masterpiece.

paper rocket

In case you do not know what a rocket can be made of, it is recommended to turn your attention to paper. The composition of paper is different in that even children over the age of five can make it. The presented product can act as a gift to relatives.

Try to make a rocket together with the children, developing the eye, visual memory, and generally getting closer to the kids.

The process of creating a paper rocket includes the following manipulations:

First of all, you need to carefully fold the paper sheet, getting a rectangle. One half of the rectangle is folded to form a cylinder.

Do not forget that the edges will need to be carefully trimmed in a circle, this is done so that in the end the design is more stable.

Taking three squares and using scissors, you need to make a porthole. If children create crafts, then you need to remind them that you need to carefully use cutting tools.

All that remains is to glue the resulting porthole to the existing cylinder. Next, you need to move on to assembling the rocket. When the bow is fixed, you can proceed to decorate the "tail" of the product.

Such a simple master class on making a rocket will allow you to personally verify that there is nothing difficult in creating such a composition.

This leads to the fact that, if desired and with the proper approach, you can always create a spaceship with your own hands, and your children will be happy to help you.

Origami rocket - beautiful and original

Such a composition really looks unusual, if you want to create it, you need to make a minimum of effort, spending a little time, not forgetting to turn on your imagination, showing your exquisite taste. We make a rocket with our own hands step by step so as not to miss a single detail.

Such a composition can be a great solution for such a holiday as Cosmonautics Day, for example, it is quite possible to perform it in the technique modular origami. Older children will be able to independently realize the presented idea.

The creation of crafts is carried out according to the following plan:

At the very beginning, you will need to prepare paper squares, each of their sides should be ten centimeters. The square is folded so that the result is two rectangles and four squares.

It is important to note here that the four corners must be carefully bent towards the center, after which the figure is turned over, the corners are bent strictly to the middle. As a result of such elementary manipulations, it is possible to create a “star in a square”.

Next, you need to insert the already created modules into each other, carefully gluing them together. At the moment when you glue the bottom row, you can stick three more rows on top, connecting the body as a whole. Do not forget that any manipulations must be carried out carefully, only then it will be possible to achieve the same composition as a result.

But you can’t imagine a rocket without a nose, so proceed to create it, there is nothing complicated here. All you have to do is roll paper cone, it is easy and simple to do.

If necessary, or if desired, you can always make legs that are glued to the base of the module. By doing such simple manipulations, you can enjoy the fact that in the end you will have an original rocket.

Now you are familiar with the instructions on how to make a rocket with your own hands, and you could see for yourself that there is nothing complicated here. Therefore, helping your children, together you will be able to create a real masterpiece that can be presented to relatives, relatives, friends.

plasticine rocket

You can always make a spaceship out of plasticine. It should be noted that this option is famous for developing fine motor skills baby, this activity is useful, both for attention and for perseverance, which will definitely need to be taken into account. But in general, such an activity will definitely be able to attract children to love for creative activity.

The kids themselves must choose the block of plasticine that they like the most, rolling it on a gloss and creating a small oval. Next, the oval is transformed into a long sausage, it needs to be divided into 4 parts, since these will be the legs. To create a door, an oval is rolled up, attached to the bottom of the "homemade".

What do you need to know?

Making a rocket from improvised materials is an interesting and useful activity that children love. The main task of parents is to provide them with this opportunity, so you should treat this issue comprehensively and responsibly.

Photo crafts rockets

One of the most popular materials for making various crafts today is plastic bottles.

This material is likely to be found in every home, if not, then it costs a penny, and it also lends itself easily to all sorts of treatments.

And having shown a little imagination, he turns into the most unusual and original things. For example, you can make a rocket out of plastic bottles! You should definitely involve little fidgets in such an exciting process, they will be very interested!

This master class describes in detail the entire process of creating a rocket from a plastic bottle with your own hands!

Materials and tools for making a rocket:

- plastic bottle (any volume);
- colored cardboard;
- acrylic paints;
- brush;
- foil;
- glue;
- marker;
- scissors;
- pencil.

All handles and labels, if any, are cut off from the plastic bottle. The bottle will be the main part of the rocket - its body. It is necessary to choose a bottle of such a shape that it would be as close as possible to the shape of a rocket.

From colored cardboard, of any shade, it can be one-sided, a cone is created and securely fixed with glue.

It will be glued to the neck of the bottle, that is, to the top of the rocket body.

A porthole is drawn with a marker, which should be left unpainted.

Then, on a sheet of cardboard on the reverse side, a sketch of the prop of the rocket is made and cut out.

In total, 3 of them are needed, so that they are all the same, the template is cut out first, and then its outline is transferred to the same sheet of cardboard and also cut out.

On the body in the lower part, the places for three props are marked with a marker.

After, with the help acrylic paints, signs the body of the rocket.

WITH colors rockets, you can safely experiment and combine shades at your discretion.

The plastic case should be covered with paint for at least two dense layers, otherwise there will be bald spots on the surface, and this will significantly spoil the look of the product.

In the lower part of the rocket, notches are made along the marked lines to fix the props.

Then, ready-made props are inserted into these notches.

The convex bottom of the bottom of the bottle is drawn with black paint.

And cut out stars are glued to the supports.

You can decorate the rocket in a slightly different way, starting from your personal preferences.

This is such a wonderful rocket made of plastic bottles!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Such a plastic bottle toy will serve the child for a long time. The theme of "space" is very interesting for kids, which means that the craft will certainly take its rightful place on the shelf in the children's room!

As it is already customary with us, at the end of the master class, we propose to do new craft. This time we propose to make a hedgehog!
