Simple gifts for contests. Criteria for ideal gifts for contests

We all love holidays, both personal and corporate. After all, a holiday is a great opportunity to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere with friends, relatives, colleagues, to congratulate the hero of the occasion. And of course, have fun. What makes any holiday unique and memorable? Of course, the entertainment program. And here a sea of ​​questions arises from the organizers.

It is not enough to pick up interesting contests, to compose a non-banal scenario, but it is also necessary to approach the choice of prizes correctly. After all, you need to be firmly convinced that the gifts will please the guests, and not disappoint. What should be the prize? What criteria should meet the most successful, the most successful gift for competitions? We will try to cover all aspects of the ideal prize.

First of all, a holiday is fun. And it does not matter that serious men or respectable ladies are present on it.

Be sure to put fun, festive attributes in a bag of surprises. It can be crackers or bubble, clown noses or funny ears, serpentine or sparklers.

Do not hesitate, guests immediately use such things for their intended purpose.

But it's so much fun when a planned celebration with boring toasts suddenly turns into an interesting party with a million soap bubbles.

And just for a second imagine your strict boss with a clown nose or an important, always dissatisfied employee with angel wings behind her shoulders. Such props guarantee the success of any holiday.

Light and not voluminous - small gifts for competitions

Any successful gift should easily fit into an ordinary women's handbag or package.

Giving large or heavy souvenirs does not make sense. First of all, they are inconvenient to hand. The recipient of the prize has a headache, how to deliver such a gift home. Yes, even when purchasing a large number such presentations have problems with transportation, which can result in a decent amount.

It is better to give preference to small and piece souvenirs in the form of figurines, bonbonnieres, candlesticks, stationery.


Items that are fragile or have many small parts are not ideal as prizes.

It is best to avoid this choice. It's a shame if the chosen thing with a soul becomes unusable during transportation or directly upon delivery.

And on merry wild holidays, such a prize can easily fall, break, or be damaged.

Original gifts for wedding contests and more

The gift should have its own zest. It is simply obliged to cling, to cause a desire to possess it. Cool or evocative things are much more appropriate than faceless banal souvenirs.

Believe me, funny glasses, mustachioed masks evoke much more emotions than banal photo frames or lollipops.

Do not put piercing, cutting objects in a gift bag. This condition is related to the safety of storage, delivery, and transportation itself.

Of course, you can make an exception for sharps packed in safe boxes. But where is the guarantee that such a prize will not be instantly unpacked after receipt. Especially when it comes to children's parties.

Various gifts for competitions

The holiday becomes boring if the same or the same type of prizes are provided for all competitions.

What will be the intrigue when, after a couple of contests, it becomes clear to the guests that they will receive stationery or a funny hat as a gift. Prizes must be from different areas.

Funny and useful, original and good - let the guests guess what the next prize will be for the presenter.

Fortunately, the gift industry allows you to choose a variety of prizes. Be sure to provide completely different prizes and gifts for different contests and sweepstakes. Consider also gift options for men and women. It will not be very interesting for a guy to get a set of threads, and for an old woman pliers.

Choose kitchen or household trifles, toys and decorations, souvenirs or tools for competitions.

Long-lasting cool gifts for wedding contests

Pretty interesting presentations that remain in front of our eyes all evening.

Of course, gifts placed on the table will not cause a storm of emotions. But those things that you can put on your head, neck, shoulders or just hold in your hands, improve your mood.

You can easily create a festive atmosphere with huge scarves or funny ties, colorful balloons or funny wigs, rattles and carnival hats.

Having put on such a cool thing, any guest is unlikely to want to say goodbye to her before the end of the evening.


Contests with fun and funny gifts- This is wonderful. But besides this, the prize should cause good pleasant and bright feelings. For each person, good emotions are associated with different things.

But a soft toy received as a gift is always touching. And hand made souvenirs are generally a unique gift. Such things retain the warmth of human hands for a long time, which made efforts to create them, and are distinguished by their originality.

It is not necessary to purchase such souvenirs - you can easily make them yourself with your own hands.

What useful gifts are given at competitions at a wedding, birthday, corporate parties?

First of all, gifts that are useful in everyday life are in demand. There are just too many such gifts.

Of course, you will not greatly surprise your friends and relatives, but you will definitely please with kitchen towels or soap self made, wicker baskets or mugs with jokes, carved candles or shower gels, unusual photo frames or caskets, spice jars or a set of spices.

Most importantly, do not stop at the hackneyed and boring tricks.

Agree, even as a prize for participating in the competition, shaving foam or a set of socks received by a man will not cause positive emotions. Women can also react by getting into banal potholders, which clearly indicate her place after hours.

Matching the style of the holiday

Perhaps this is one of the most important criteria for any gifts that are awarded for contests. The theme and style of the celebration must be traced in gifts.

Gifts with erotic overtones at a sentimental style wedding will be completely inappropriate. In this case, it is better to dwell on things that have a romantic meaning.

It can be angels and hearts, swans and flowers. And it is not necessary to embody such ideas in the form of figurines. Fortunately, sentimental motifs can be traced in various gift paraphernalia.

But if a cheerful bachelorette party with immodest hints is being prepared, feel free to purchase various cool stuff in the form of fur handcuffs, erotic cubes and other girly paraphernalia.

Prepare a biker birthday - take care of serious gifts for tough men. At such a holiday, guests will be happy with fingerless gloves, beer mugs, themed posters.

And do not try to put fragrant soap in a bag of gifts, and even more so a soft toy.


Consider not only the style of the holiday, but also the theme, design solutions, and even the time of year when it is held.

So for a wedding organized in a certain color, try to pick up gifts in the same color scheme.

Even more thoughtful should be approached when choosing gifts for themed weddings. In this case, the topic itself suggests where you need to move.

At a knight's wedding, shields and swords, as well as foil helmets, will be appropriate.

You can buy a regular darts, which will be associated with a bow and arrow. Such gifts will not only fit perfectly into the theme of the celebration, but will definitely delight guests.

For any holiday that takes place in the winter months, and even more so on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, various New Year paraphernalia will do. Use serpentine and confetti, candles and tinsel, Christmas decorations and cones.

Souvenirs or toys that represent the symbol of the year, as well as interesting funny caps, will also be appropriate.

Relevant to a specific giveaway contest

Of course, it is easier to buy just a variety of souvenirs. But thematic presentations that are selected for each specific competition will look much more relevant and even funnier.

So, after the dance competition, the participant can be awarded not just a medal as the best dancer, but cool pom-poms used by girls from support groups.

But the competition for the head of the family should include gifts related directly to family life. It can be rolling pins, brooms, screwdrivers.

Tailored to the target audience

This criterion applies more to gifts that are given at corporate parties or personal holidays, where most of the guests-colleagues are present.

For a holiday where doctors gather, you can pick up cool vitamins, a sister's erotic costume, and hematogen bars.

But for a teacher's party, the same recipes or curved rulers are suitable.


This criterion does not apply specifically to children's holidays, but to all celebrations where kids are present. In any case, it is worth giving cute presents to children.

Believe me, such a gesture good will will be received with a bang by all the guests.

Children's gifts are enjoyed not only by kids, but also by adults.

Not a single adult will refuse to receive greetings from childhood in the form of a rattle or a small car, a coloring book or a doll, a set of plasticine or a skipping rope.

The most interesting and funny situations are played out when the owner of such a gift does not correspond to him at all.


This refers to souvenirs with the image of the hero of the occasion.

Thermal mugs or T-shirts, magnets or calendars, puzzles and just collages with photos of the birthday boy, young people look quite interesting.

Such a present will definitely not only be original, but touching, and will be remembered by all guests for a long time.

We have tried to find everything important criteria, which relate to the selection of gifts for contests. If you still missed important or small details, share your thoughts in the comments.

Photo: Gennadiy Poznyakov/

cook children's holiday? Stock up on prizes for contests! Let's talk about what gizmos will cause the most joy among the little guests.

It's great when everyone "promises" exciting fun with all their looks. Then both the hero of the occasion and the guests like them. It has been noticed that when children choose a gift from a variety of small toys, they most often prefer those souvenirs that they have not come across before. And if the prizes are wrapped in opaque packaging, both boys and girls, as a rule, are drawn to the most voluminous bundles.

Variants of "unsuccessful" prizes

We list the categories of toys that are better not to purchase as prizes for a children's party:
1. Items that may be hazardous to health. Do not give 3-4 year old children very small toys, sharp scissors or sewing kits that contain needles.
2. Sweets. Firstly, they, as a rule, do not impress children too much. Secondly, it is difficult to guess what delicacies parents allow this particular child to eat. Thirdly, on festive table, there are usually so many "sources of sugar" that little guests get just like that, without participating in competitions. However, a good prize can be a "combination" of sweetness and entertainment: chocolate egg with a surprise inside, an unusual-shaped lollipop, a set of "candy + mini toy".
3. "Boring" items: for example, the most common ruler, sharpener or primitive notebook. must be "with a twist."
4. Children's perfumery and cosmetics. It may turn out that for a small guest, parents buy products only of a certain brand, to which he is definitely not allergic.
5. Toys that are not ready for use. For example, products that run on batteries that are not supplied with batteries.
6. Decorative items that do not involve play or action. When the child understands that with a beautiful thing, for example, artificial flower, nothing special can be done, he will most likely be disappointed.
7. Expensive prizes. Little guests don't care about the price of the "reward". At one of the children's holidays, for example, a simple plastic ruler of an unusual shape, which at the same time was a safe knife for cutting paper, was very popular.
8. If a mixed company is planned, it is better not to choose explicitly "girly" or "boyish" prize options. The pace of children's holidays, as a rule, is rapid. The development of the game is often difficult to predict. In a hurry, you can inadvertently give the boy the “girly” option, and the girl - vice versa. In addition, children sometimes get frustrated because some types of prizes are given only to girls, and others only to boys.

Prizes that are always "out of place"

If you dream up, thousands of ideas for prizes for children's parties will come to mind. We list the most common categories that usually go with a bang for both boys and girls.

1. Stationery and school supplies.
Children will be interested in: toy sharpeners, erasers, rulers of bizarre shapes, stencils, cute notebooks, curly scissors. The main condition is that the office supplies are not quite ordinary. Children will be happy, for example, with pens that can be used as flashlights or key rings at the same time, or small fruit-shaped notebooks.
2. Smart mini-games. Now there is a large selection of board games that fit in the palm of a child: lotto, dominoes, tags, puzzles, metal or wooden puzzles, balls in labyrinths.
3. Items for creativity: crayons, stamps with pictures, scented felt-tip pens, paints, sticker sets.
4. Soap bubbles and everything you need to get them up and running.
5. Children's printing: reusable water coloring books, sticker sets.
6. Small toys: spinning tops, figurines of animals and fish, snakes, water pistols, kaleidoscopes.
7. Mini-books for self-study and knowledge of the surrounding world: counting sticks, compass, watches, binoculars, spyglass, flashlights.
8. Icons. Cute cartoon characters can be drawn on them. Badges with inscriptions, such as "The most best friend or "Very talented kid."
9. Toy Musical And Sound Instruments: whistles, pipes, microphones, wooden spoons, maracas, bells.
10. Jokes: masks with painted faces, eyeglasses, etc.
11. Slimes and anti-stress toys from jelly-like materials.
12. Beauty Items: elastic bands, hairpins, small mirrors, bracelets, combs. This category of prizes is appropriate if only girls are present at the celebration.


Some original prizes can be made with your own hands, together with your child. However, it is necessary to take care of good packaging and provide prizes with printed instructions or inscriptions - then they will not look “clumsy”. Here are some homemade prize ideas.

1. Set for a safe chemical experiment "Table Volcano": sunflower oil (200 g) soda (2 tablespoons), citric acid (2 tablespoons), food coloring, berry juice or red gouache (2 teaspoons). Pour sunflower oil into a small water bottle. soda and citric acid divide into sachets. Label each substance in computer font. For example, such: “fiery lava”, “volcano pathogen”, “magic powder”, “sorceress's potion”. Prepare a printout with instructions. The meaning of the experiment is that citric acid and soda are mixed and poured into vegetable oil. Then 100 g of water and dye are poured into the mixture. Then the liquid "spews" from the bottle.
2. Sculpting kit. Cut out the silhouette of an animal from white cardboard: cats, dogs, monkeys. Pick up a few bars of multi-colored plasticine. The child who will receive the prize will cover the cardboard figure, "painting" it. Prepare a drawing and instructions on how to turn the silhouette into a toy.
3. Jewelry (bracelet or beads) that the birthday girl herself makes for girl guests. It is better for mother to participate in the production process. Of course, this will take time and good imagination. Beautiful, original bracelets can be woven from rubber bands, beads, buttons.
4. "Lizun". In a plastic bowl, combine 50 g of glue and 0.25 cups of water. Add any dye (gouache, brilliant green) and 2 drops essential oil for flavor. In another bowl, mix 0.25 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Pour the second mixture into the first and mix well. Put the finished slime in a tightly closed jar. Keep it in the shade and cool.

"Intermediate" prizes

Children love to receive incentive prizes, for example, for guessing riddles or completing mini-tasks. These are mainly used for scoring. Experience shows that serious battles for such gizmos unfold during the holidays.

As "intermediate" prizes, it is best to use small stickers that are issued on sheets. But you can take colored office stickers for the same purpose (adhesive reminder papers).

Prepare “medals” for such stickers in advance - enough big circles from colored cardboard on a braid. What are they needed for? The fact is that immediately after the holiday, the guest's parents will rush to remove the stickers from the baby's clothes and skin. But if you place the pictures during the game on a cardboard medal, then elegant clothes guests will not deteriorate, and the medal will remain with the guest for a while as a keepsake of a fun evening. You can hang such a “decoration” on each child’s neck, wrist, or simply give it to their hands.

How to give prizes

Of course, you can just give the prize to the child for winning or for participating in the game. However, it is often better for a small guest not to know in advance what kind of “gift” he will receive.

To ensure privacy, it is best to wrap all prizes in napkins or wrapping shiny paper, or put them in a large opaque bag, from which small players will take out awards without looking.

In addition, it is much more interesting to turn the process into another game. How can I do that?

1. Hide the prizes and invite the children to look for them using the “hot-cold” commands.
2. Organize a search for prizes. The main gift can be found in unusual place but in a way that children can reach. For example, with the help of hints inside a nesting doll standing on a shelf.
3. Hide toys inside balloons, at which children will shoot darts for darts.
4. Hide small prizes under cardboard birthday caps. Children will choose a cap and receive a prize that is hidden under it.
5. The game "rope" delights children of all generations. Prizes are wrapped in napkins and tied with strings to a long rope. Blindfolded children take turns cutting "surprises".

As for the holidays, children are a very grateful "audience". If you prepare for the party in detail, having thought over the games and prizes in advance, you will create memories that will remain in small heads for a long time. They will remember you not only as a friend's mother, but also as a kind sorceress who works wonders.

The holiday will be more fun if you think in advance entertainment program for guests. The winning option will be the preparation of various competitions, for the implementation of which participants will receive gifts. In addition, you can organize a game for the birthday boy, for example, looking for a prepared surprise.

Birthday contest

You can give a birthday gift in an original way by arranging a quest contest, which is associated with finding a surprise. The task of the birthday boy is to solve all the riddles and find a cache with a gift. This activity can be done indoors or outdoors.

Indoors, the puzzles for the quest can be hidden in the following places:

In nature, you need to hide riddles in such places so that the birthday person understands where to go next. If the riddle is hidden on a tree, then it must be somehow marked so that the hero of the occasion is not forced to examine all the trees.

The fun "find a gift" will entertain not only the birthday boy, but also his guests, who will be happy to watch his efforts.

Games for guests

The success of the event is guaranteed if, for the entertainment of those present, to think over a lot of different games, for participation in which they will receive small gifts. Adults can be carried away by the following fun.

Board games

  • “All about the birthday boy” - guests are asked questions about the hero of the occasion: date of birth, names of parents, favorite color, hobby, etc. The one who answers correctly receives a prize.
  • Quiz "Guess the name" - you need to solve the riddle in which the name is encrypted famous person or the hero of a fairy tale. For example, “What was the name of the stewardess who became famous thanks to the popular song (Jeanne)”, etc.
  • “A bag of surprises” - they put souvenirs according to the number and name of the letters in the name of the birthday man. The guests are given the following task: to guess what surprises are in the bag, if the first of them starts with the letter ... (here the first letter of the name), etc. The guesser takes the present for himself.

For the team

Guests will enjoy fun team competitions - it is recommended to hold various relay races at the birthday party, followed by the presentation of prizes to all participants.
The essence of any relay race: to be the first to do a certain task, which each member of the team must complete.

Here you can pass any objects to each other, tie a tie or bow to the next player, overcome various obstacles and much more.


A comic lottery is a competition for presenting a gift from a birthday to everyone present. It is necessary to think over surprises in advance, which should be a little more than the guests present; prepare lottery tickets, lottery machine.

Prizes are put in a large opaque box, tickets are distributed to guests at the beginning of the holiday, at the right time a lottery drum is taken, for example, a hat with paper numbers.

The host announces the start of a win-win lottery, then takes out a piece of paper from the lottery drum, calls the number and hands a present from the box.

Children's fun

On children's day birthday, the following games will go well, which also involve the presentation of surprises to the participants:

Souvenirs for game participants

In order for the souvenirs to please the guests, it is important to know what gifts will be appropriate at the competitions. The presentation should be characterized by practicality, versatility, low price. Therefore, the following items can serve as gifts for birthday contests:

Children at a birthday party can be pleased with the following souvenirs:

  • bubble;
  • wax crayons;
  • markers, pencils;
  • notebooks of unusual shapes;
  • key rings; Here are some options:
  • sweet surprises (small chocolates, lollipops,);
  • unusual stationery (for example, fruit-shaped pens).

If the holiday was arranged in honor of the newborn, then for all those present you can prepare such memorable gifts as a magnet or a calendar with a photo of the baby, his date of birth, and name.

The central figure of any wedding is the newlyweds. Guests say a lot of warm wishes, compliments, give gifts. The newlyweds can thank the guests for this not only delicious food, but also interesting competitions. And there are prizes for contests.

What to hide - it is the opportunity to receive a gift that motivates many to participate in them. The variety of possible rewards for contests is beyond description. So let's talk about what they can be, how to find good prizes and not spend a fabulous amount on it.

Everyone loves to receive prizes, because everyone is pleased that he was encouraged for something, albeit purely symbolically. Incentives can be tangible or intangible..

The first option is the most popular. Of course, this is a separate expense item, but it is much more pleasant for guests to take a present with them, which will remind them of a solemn event. No one says that as prizes you need to buy expensive things, enough cute little things. The main value is not in the gift itself, but in its meaning, which the toastmaster informs the winner of the competition.

When choosing material prizes, many newlyweds have doubts about their appropriateness. For example, it may seem that giving soap bubbles to an adult respectable man is absolutely ridiculous and can offend him. This is partly justified opinion, so you should choose gifts depending on the age and social status of the guests.

Intangible prizes, even the smallest ones, can encourage even inactive guests to take part in. An original and interesting promotion will definitely not go unnoticed. The main thing is to present it correctly.

Intangible prizes may include:

  • applause;
  • gratitude from the young;
  • kiss the bride or groom;
  • the ability to include any song in .

Such "gifts" require the manifestation of imagination, and also save the budget.

So what to choose - tangible or intangible prizes? Of course, both options have the right to exist. Guests still come to the wedding, first of all, not for prizes, but in order to congratulate the newlyweds. On the other hand, the original present will be a pleasant reminder of this solemn event, which the guest will take with him. Some gifts can be very useful in everyday life. And, what to hide, even in the most comic competition it is pleasant to be a winner.

Errors when choosing

When choosing wedding prizes, newlyweds often make mistakes. The first and most common of these is buying the same gifts for all guests.. Think for yourself, would you be interested in participating in the competition if you knew in advance that you would receive the same gift for it as the other person? Of course not, it is much more interesting when the intrigue is preserved.

The second mistake is too expensive gifts . Of course, the newlyweds buy them with the best of intentions, trying to present something useful to the guests. However, this can put the person in an uncomfortable position. When for the most ordinary competition he receives, for example, a portable speaker, bewilderment may arise. A person will involuntarily begin to consider himself indebted to you. Therefore, prizes should be chosen more or less cheap. The main thing is to pick up even the simplest trinket with your soul.

When buying gifts, you should take care of their relevance. Knives, mirrors, watches, and the like are completely unsuitable as a gift, because they have a certain symbolic meaning, and many guests may not like it. Also, when choosing gifts, consider whether they will offend people's cultural or religious sensibilities.

Gifts "for show" is also a very bad idea. The choice of a present should be taken very carefully, show imagination, and not buy what first came to hand. It is best when you already have a list of competitions ready, and you choose prizes specifically for each of them.

What to give guests?

Prizes for wedding contests can be anything, as long as they are appropriate. You should buy presents in advance so that on the last day you do not waste time shopping.

However, newlyweds do not always decide which prizes to buy. Quite often, the choice is entrusted to the toastmaster. In this case, be sure to check out the list of contests and prizes so that there are no unpleasant situations.

Useful little things

gifts for wedding contests can be sold even in the nearest supermarket. Your own imagination will help in choosing them. For example, a chocolate bar can become a pleasant prize if you give it to a guest with a wish for a sweet life. Go to the nearest hardware store and you will see good prizes there too. For example, a set of hair ties can become a wonderful gift in competitions designed specifically for girls.

Important! Don't donate low quality items. Even if the gift is very cheap, it should look decent. Exists great amount things that you can buy for a ridiculous amount, but beat so that all guests want to get such a thing.

And if you go to the store low prices, which are now almost everywhere, there is a huge scope for creative ideas. Here are some of the most simple examples things that can serve as prizes for contests:

  • stationery- pens, rulers, notepads;
  • household goods- soap, shampoo or sponge for washing dishes;
  • beauty products, which are desirable to use in competitions for girls - sponges for washing, beautiful hairpins, hand creams;
  • kitchen utensils- strainers for brewing tea, coasters for cups, molds for baking;
  • useful little things- a spoon for shoes, clothespins, silicone rags for cleaning laptop keyboards;
  • Just cute thingsStuffed Toys, anti-stress pillows, head massagers.

Many of the listed souvenirs cost less than 100 or even 50 rubles.


If you give alcohol, then only good. However, not all newlyweds can afford a bottle of expensive cognac, and it is inappropriate to give too expensive gifts. It is optimal to give small bottles (about 200 ml each) good alcoholic drinks, it is inexpensive and quite convenient. If you really want to donate a large bottle, you should make a special contest for this, where this prize will be a worthy reward.

Sweets - what to buy?

If you give guests a delicious candy, a small cake or a lollipop as a prize, it will all be simply eaten, especially if the award is given for. It turns out that the guest will not even take anything with him from the wedding, he will only have time to feel the taste of the edible prize.

Note! If you give edible prizes, then only those that you can’t eat right away, so that the guests have at least something to remember your holiday.

For example, a good gift there will be a jar of jam, which, moreover, the presenter will be able to beat correctly. Here are some more examples of sweet gifts:

  • beautiful packaging of macaroons;
  • lollipops;
  • marmalade;
  • cookies in a festive box.


Handmade gifts are not always good. Firstly, handmade can be quite expensive, then it falls into the category of inappropriate gifts that will embarrass the guest. Secondly, a handmade gift made unprofessionally is also unlikely to be appreciated. An exception is if it has some kind of emotional coloring, for example, it was made by a child specifically as a prize.

But, despite these shortcomings, there are plenty of excellent souvenirs among handmade prizes:

  • scrapbooking postcards;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Handmade soap;
  • stylish decorative figurines.


Photos as a prize will be nice to take with you to all guests. These do not have to be photos from the wedding, you can also use pictures of memorable moments taken earlier.

One of the options is photos of the newlyweds.. Please note that only close relatives or friends will be pleased to receive prizes with such photos, others may not appreciate such a gift. Photos do not have to be printed at all, you can put them on any souvenirs, for example, magnets.

Another option is to give funny photos to guests.. These should be personalized gifts meant for specific people. Photos can show significant moments or just some funny shots. Try to choose a photo so as not to offend a person. In this case, contests need to be guessed for specific people. You can entrust it to the toastmaster.


Gifts for a wedding with images can be very different, it is not at all necessary to put photographs of the newlyweds or guests on them. They may also have original inscriptions or congratulations. Texts can be universal or intended for a specific guest. You can put inscriptions on pens, mugs, T-shirts and other things.

Also prizes may have some kind of symbolism designed specifically for the event. Of course, the facilitator should explain to everyone the meaning of the symbols.

Look great on various prizes cool pictures and inscriptions. A funny picture is sure to cheer up guests and enliven the event. The main thing is that the picture should not be offensive, vulgar or offensive.

Presentations with images can be made in the form of predictions. Then you can arrange not a competition, but a comic fortune-telling. For example, come up with good wishes which every guest would be pleased to receive.

You can also put a text on the prize stating that it was made at your wedding, the date of the event and the venue. Of course, it should not be simple, but beautifully designed text.

cool stuff

In any event program with competitions, it does not hurt to add a little humor. You can laugh not only during the competition itself, but also at the gift that is due for it. Examples of cool prizes:

  • colorful ties from the carnival store;
  • clown noses;
  • fan pipes;
  • crackers.

original ideas

What gifts are usually given for contests? Most of the time things are completely normal. But some newlyweds do not want to give something standard, but want to present original prizes to guests. Such things can also be found for very little money:

  • Board games is a great entertainment for a large group of guests. They contribute to the creation of a relaxed, comfortable, fun atmosphere at any party. Therefore, a board game as a prize is a wonderful and, moreover, a very unexpected option. The shops sell a huge number of small board games, for example, "Mafia", "Uno" or "Svintus";
  • beautiful lamp- also very good useful gift. In stores you can find lamps with a very unusual design;
  • Heating pad with charger function not only help to charge the phone at any time, but also warm in cold weather. This is a very unusual, but at the same time useful prize.

Besides, original prizes may be related to some topic. If the wedding itself is themed, you can attach gifts for guests to this. For example, the book “Memoirs of a Geisha” can be an original prize at a Japanese-style wedding.

Another unexpected gift is a gourmet book. Each country has unusual dishes that are worth trying. This book has a whole list of such dishes with their description and country of origin. Such a prize can motivate a person to gastronomic discoveries and he will definitely like it.

Of course, there can be much more original, beautiful and unusual prizes for a wedding. These are just a few examples of what you can give. Please note that Original gifts are often much more expensive than normal items. and they are much more difficult to find, so think in advance where you will look for such prizes.


Ordinary gifts are usually wrapped, but is it worth it to do the same with prizes for wedding contests? If the item is already packed, of course not. In addition, packaging is an extra cost. If the item is already so beautifully packaged, it is simply impractical to invent an additional wrapper for it.

Important! Under no circumstances should prizes be packaged in regular plastic bags even if they look decent. It’s better not to wrap them in anything at all, but to give them just like that.

But there are things that are impractical to give without packaging. For example, cakes Christmas decorations fragile items. You can come up with original boxes for them, buy beautiful little gift bags or wrap them in paper. Don't buy overpriced packaging., because the prizes themselves are usually cheap too. Items packed, for example, in craft paper, colored cardboard gift bags or bright boxes with ribbons look very stylish.

Packaging is also an important part of the gift, if it is supposed to be, then it should look decent.

Useful video

Some more interesting gift ideas for guests - see with your own eyes and rate:


You need to choose gifts that are not too expensive, but useful and of high quality. It is better to do this in advance so that the entire set of prizes for competitions is available in advance, then it will be easier to think over the program. Each thing must necessarily come up with some meaning and hand it to the person with the right words., then even the cheapest trinket will become a welcome prize, and your original approach will encourage guests to participate in contests.

The tradition of giving prizes at a wedding has become fashionable for a very long time and is very popular. The toastmaster often has pleasant little things in her arsenal for a successful celebration. In order for guests to willingly participate in competitions and actively participate in your holiday, we advise you to encourage them with cute gifts. Prizes for attendees don't have to be expensive. The main thing is the memory of such an important event, of the newlyweds, of a good time. In this article, we have collected many years of experience in choosing prizes for guests at a wedding.

Going to buy gifts for guests, you need to make a list of necessary prizes in advance. They must correspond to the competitions that will be held during the celebration. Be creative when choosing gifts. The gift received for winning the competition should be meaningful, and after the time has passed, warm the soul. Prizes for those present at the festival can be different, have different values ​​- it all depends on your capabilities. But even inexpensive prizes can please guests.

Prize Options

When choosing prizes, it is necessary to pay attention to which audience will be present at the event. For guests, gifts should be selected taking into account gender and age. For older people, prizes of one format are suitable, for children and youth - another. There are gift options for all ages and genders. Here are some prize options:

  • Original themed souvenirs.
  • Standard inexpensive souvenirs with hearts - symbols of love.
  • Photos.
  • Cool and funny prizes.
  • Sweets and alcohol.

Original themed souvenirs

Souvenirs must be original, otherwise they will be lost among faceless mugs and badges. You will find a large selection of original themed souvenirs in wedding shops. Or pre-order them through online stores, the choice of souvenir products is striking in its diversity. The following prizes will be lucky:

  • Stationery.
  • Cases for pens, glasses.
  • Bottle stand.
  • Photo frames.
  • Paper money with the image of "love story" of the newlyweds.

Standard inexpensive gifts

Such a celebration as a wedding carries considerable financial costs, therefore, along with stylish gifts We advise you to purchase standard inexpensive souvenirs. Such prizes will appeal to children and older people. Diversity in this matter guarantees the opportunity to gift everyone in the right way. For example:

  • Sweets, chocolates, gingerbread, cookies.
  • Calendars, badges, medals.
  • Figured soap, small towels.
  • Mugs, spoons, coasters.
  • Refrigerator magnets.
  • Key rings.
  • Calendars.
  • Candles.
  • Photo albums.
  • Souvenir books.

Photos for memory

An original gift for guests will be a portrait of the newlyweds as a keepsake. Decorate such portraits with beautiful, colorful frames. We recommend giving such photos at the end of the wedding for a long memory to all those present at the holiday. A surprise for guests can be a photo of a guest with the heroes of the occasion, and a super prize for winning the competition can be a personalized bottle of champagne with a photo of a married couple pasted instead of a factory label. Also, photographs of the spouses decorate prize cups, wrappers for gift sweets.

Cool and comic prizes

Wedding contests usually have a comic character, so it is better to use prizes with humor. For men, it can be colorful ties, elastic noses, crackers, small dumbbells. Suitable for women unusual hats, jewelry, candles, stockings, kitchen utensils, such as a rolling pin. The newlyweds will be able to amuse the guests by presenting various comic diplomas, certificates, medals.

Sweets and alcohol

Often at weddings, guests are given sweets as gifts. These can be chocolates, candy sets, candies on a stick in the form of cockerels, hearts, etc. Sweet pastries would also be appropriate: fortune cookies, sweets in beautiful packaging tied with ribbons. Tula painted gingerbread will be an original encouragement. Alcohol in unusual bottles is presented to male guests: it can be cognac, vodka, wine in small bottles, canned beer.

Video: medals for guests at the wedding for participating in competitions

Do you want to surprise your guests? Arm yourself with a color printer, paper, scissors, glue and tape, watch the video - and you will get beautiful and original medals for any competition. In the video you will get interesting ideas, and by showing imagination, you can easily make competitive medals:
