Jumping at 39 weeks. week of pregnancy - changes in weight in the expectant mother

The less time remains before the birth of a child, the more amniotic fluid. They are updated with the usual frequency, which is 3 hours.

The weight of a woman should not increase, but the child continues to grow. By week 39, he will weigh about 3300 g, and his height can reach 50 cm or more. Weight gain is carried out mainly due to the accumulation of adipose tissue by the child.

Fetal development

At this time, the child has already grown significantly, so he no longer has enough space in the uterus to make active movements. Now he can only turn slightly, and the woman will feel slight internal shocks. With the help of such movements, he begins to train coordination of movements, gradually increasing muscle strength. The expectant mother needs to monitor the frequency of movements. Normally, the child should make itself felt at least 10-12 times. It is important to pay attention to the nature of the movements. If they are too intense, or, on the contrary, absent for a long time, then this should be reported to the doctor as soon as possible, since such changes are a sign of trouble.

A baby in the womb can react to light and darkness. He feels touches on his stomach, hears loud sounds. From the first days of life, the baby will learn to focus his eyes, so you must definitely smile at him.

The baby is completely ready to be born. His lungs, digestive organs, heart and other systems will already be able to work normally outside the womb. However, they continue to improve, and this process does not end after birth.

At this time, myelination of neurons continues, reflexes are formed, and the nervous system is improved. The most developed will be the sucking reflex. After a few feedings, a chewing reflex will also appear.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the pancreas is already active in the child, which produces the enzymes necessary for the digestion of food. At the same time, the intestines of the child are sterile and covered with small villi. The first bacteria will appear in it after the child tries breast milk. Now the intestines contain only meconium (original feces). It can come out either after the birth of the baby, or even in the womb, before the onset of childbirth. The reason for this may be a lack of oxygen in the last stages of pregnancy. If meconium came out before the baby was born, then after the birth, obstetricians perform bronchial lavage to clear them. Like earlier fetus continues to receive nutrients through the placenta, but by 39 weeks it begins to age.

By this time, the child has taken its final position. There is little space for him in the uterus, so the legs of the fetus are pressed to the stomach, and the arms are folded on the chest. This is the most suitable position for the easiest passage through the birth canal. In 95% of cases, the baby's head is pressed against the pelvis.

Sometimes the child may be in the breech presentation. You should not panic about this, as it will be possible to give birth naturally without compromising the health of the woman or baby. If the doctor suspects any threat, then a caesarean section will be performed.

All women who have a child in a breech presentation are sent to the maternity hospital even before the onset of childbirth. There, a control ultrasound is performed, during which the size of the child is estimated, its location is clarified, and the method of delivery is determined.

What does a woman experience at 39 weeks pregnant?

At this time, a woman is most often in an agonizing expectation of when the child will be born. After all, the process of childbirth can begin at any time. It is important to maintain peace of mind and calmness: the bags for the hospital are packed, there are no health problems. However, slight nervousness, as a rule, is present in every woman. To remove it, you must definitely talk with the child, listen to his movements. After all, the baby will have to go through an equally difficult path.

It will not be possible to miss the onset of labor, since the first contractions are always expressed in the appearance of cramps in the lower abdomen. They will repeat every 10-15 minutes, and then even more often. It is not excluded the discharge of water and the appearance of bloody discharge. Some women experience increased appetite at the beginning of labor. Therefore, you need to take care of a light snack in advance.

It is worth paying attention to your blood pressure. Normally, it should be no higher than 140/90 and no lower than 90/60.

Harbingers of the onset of labor at 39 weeks of gestation

If the contractions have not yet begun, you need to carefully listen to your body. It is possible that it is already giving signals that labor will begin soon. For example, a decrease in appetite may indicate an approaching birth. You may also lose weight. Many women report a loss of 1-2 kg.

If earlier false contractions were weak and painless, then in recent weeks they can become more intense and frequent. And at their peak, hardening of the abdomen is observed. Some expectant mothers are very worried about the fact that they will not be able to distinguish between false contractions and real ones. In fact, it is difficult to confuse them. As a rule, false contractions end with a change in body position, or after a short walk around the apartment. If spasms and pains in the lumbar region disappear, then it is too early to go to the maternity hospital.

The mucus that appears in the vaginal discharge may indicate the imminent onset of labor. Sometimes it is transparent, and sometimes it can have a pinkish or brown shade. You should not be afraid - this is part of the mucous plug that comes out. The passage of the mucous plug is a natural process. The cervix gradually softens and contracts, preparing for the birth of the baby. Sometimes you can see the cork entirely. It is represented by a lump of mucus, in which there are streaks of blood. The entire volume of the cork can fit in 2 tablespoons. If this happens, then the birth will begin very soon.

Many women before the onset of childbirth feel an unprecedented surge of energy. With a vengeance, they begin to prepare the house for the appearance of a new resident in it. This is a very pleasant process, so do not deny yourself it. However, hard work cannot be done. Let other family members take care of it.

Another sign early delivery is a digestive disorder. It is possible to increase the feeling of nausea, indigestion, and sometimes appears.

Nevertheless, until real contractions begin, you need to continue to lead a measured lifestyle, spend as much time in the fresh air as possible, and take walks. At the same time, you should not go far from home, and it is better to keep the exchange card with you.

Prolapse of the abdomen

The abdomen most often drops between 36 and 39 weeks. This is one of the signs by which we can assume the imminent onset of childbirth. Although the prolapse of the abdomen may not occur at all.

When the stomach drops, it becomes much easier for a woman to breathe, because the strong pressure on the diaphragm stops. Also disappears. However, urination becomes more frequent, as the uterus begins to put more pressure on bladder.

You should also not worry too much about the appearance of pullers. At the 39th week of pregnancy, this is normal, because the birth will begin very soon.

Causes of pain at 39 weeks pregnant

The causes of pain at 39 weeks of gestation may be as follows:

    Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen occurs due to the fact that the body is preparing for childbirth: the stomach drops, and with it the baby in the uterus.

    Pain in the pubic, pelvic and sacral region occurs due to softening of the pelvic bones and ligaments. This happens under the influence of the hormone relaxin. Moreover, the bones gradually diverge so that the baby comes out easier. It is worth a little patience, because after the birth everything will pass.

    Pain in the back and spine appears due to the fact that the woman's center of gravity is shifted. The same reason causes pain in the lower extremities.

    Aching or shooting pain in the back of the leg occurs due to the fact that the femoral nerve is pinched. Sometimes the pain is so intense that it even reaches the knee.

    Sometimes women note some soreness of the breast. This is also a variant of the norm, because the body prepares it for the upcoming process. breastfeeding. Therefore, in addition to pain, a feeling of heaviness may appear in the chest, and colostrum will come out of the nipples.

To reduce pain in the back, lower back and legs, you need to unload them as often as possible. You should sleep in the correct position, it is equally important to wear a prenatal bandage.

Allocations at this time should be milky white, with a uniform consistency. A slight sour smell may also be present. Pinkish or clear mucus in the discharge is a variant of the norm and should not be scared. Thus, part of the mucous plug leaves, which closes the entrance to the uterus.

Pathology is indicated by discharges such as:

    Purulent-mucous discharge;

    Discharge with flakes;

    curdled discharge;

    Green or yellow discharge.

If such secretions are found, it is necessary to consult a doctor and treat the existing infection. If this is not done, then the risk of infection of the child during childbirth is high.

With the discharge of amniotic fluid, even in a small amount, it is necessary to go to the hospital. The waters look like a thin, watery discharge that may be clear or yellowish. Sometimes they leave immediately, and sometimes in small portions. The latter option indicates that the walls of the placenta have become thinner and began to leak fluid. In any case, medical consultation is necessary, it is impossible to ignore the discharge of water. So, with the thinning of the placental wall, the child becomes extremely vulnerable to various infections.

Allocations with blood require a woman to promptly call a medical team. Most often, this indicates placental abruption, which has a normal location. Sometimes blood in the discharge is a sign of placenta previa. However, presentation by this time is excluded from the list of pathologies, since the woman has undergone many examinations.

Previously, all doctors unanimously opposed sex on such a later dates pregnancy. This was justified by the fact that during orgasm the uterus contracts, which can lead to the onset of labor. On this moment time, this theory is not considered correct. Doctors point out that a woman should rely on own desires and listen to your body. If discomfort and fatigue reduces attraction to a sexual partner, then you should not step over yourself.

If a woman feels the need for intimacy, then you should not deny yourself either. Sex is a soft preparation of the cervix for an early birth, because male sperm contains a special hormone (prostaglandin), which makes it more elastic. Orgasm, in turn, trains the uterus and prepares it for quality labor.

It is worth remembering that during sex you need to be as careful as possible, since the child is very close to the birth canal. If pain occurs, then sexual intercourse should be interrupted. You should also abandon uncomfortable postures and exclude any pressure on the stomach.

An ultrasound examination at 39 weeks of gestation can only be performed for special indications. During an ultrasound, the doctor assesses the size of the child, determines the degree of its development.

The condition of the uterus and cervix is ​​also assessed, the quantity and quality of the amniotic fluid of a pregnant woman is determined. The placenta by this time has a third degree of maturity. The higher this degree, the thinner the walls of the placenta. However, it is through her that the child receives from the mother the antibodies that he needs to form immunity.

Ultrasound examination eliminates the risk of the umbilical cord wrapping around the baby's neck. However, it is not always necessary to perform a caesarean section when entangled with the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord itself can reach a length of 65 cm, so a woman is able to give birth naturally, and doctors simply remove the umbilical cord from the baby's neck immediately after it is born. Even if the umbilical cord is short and begins to tighten during the passage of the child through the birth canal, doctors are able to decide on the need for an emergency caesarean section.

What tests need to be done?

If there are no abnormalities during pregnancy, then the woman donates blood and urine for a general analysis.

At the same time, you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Sometimes at 39 weeks, the doctor performs a vaginal examination, assessing the degree of readiness of the cervix for childbirth.

How is childbirth at 39 weeks pregnant?

Childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation is physiological and has a standard course. If labor activity has begun, it is necessary to concentrate on your feelings. You need to monitor your breathing, take the correct position of the body. It is important to understand that not only the woman herself needs help, but also the baby, so you need to listen to all the doctor's instructions and follow them.

During contractions, you do not need to sit or lie down. It's best to stay on your feet as long as possible. If contractions get worse, it's time to remember breathing exercises that help relieve pain. You need to breathe deeply and calmly. This will save energy for the upcoming attempts.

It is the attempts that characterize the second stage of childbirth. They can sometimes be confused with the desire to empty the intestines. However, without medical supervision it is impossible to push. This should be done only at the command of the doctor. When a woman takes a seat in a chair, and the body is ready, then you need to start pushing. At this time, the entire volume of air that is in the respiratory tract must be directed down the abdomen. The diaphragm must work, which helps the child to be born. When the doctor orders to stop pushing, you need to stop. This time should be used to rest and relax all the muscles.

During childbirth, all fears must be cast aside. It is important to help the baby to be born, because he experiences stress, no less than the woman herself. The birth process takes a lot of energy from the child. It is very important to get together and not panic. The calmer the woman, the easier the birth.

When the child leaves the birth canal, the final stage of labor will begin - the exit of the placenta. At this time, the child will be examined by doctors. The doctor will cut the umbilical cord, the uterus will contract, the placenta will separate and come out along with the fetal membrane and the remaining umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is cut only after the pulsation stops. At the same time, the so-called afterbirth or children's place. On this, the birth process can be considered completed.

It is in the first 30 minutes of a baby's life that it will be attached to the mother's breast. This moment will be remembered for a lifetime. The first colostrum is very necessary for the baby for the normal completion of childbirth, for the normal functioning of the intestines, for the development of immunity. Being close to the mother will allow the baby to adapt more easily in an unfamiliar world.

Methods of pain relief during childbirth

Perhaps most of all, women are afraid of severe pain that accompanies the process of childbirth. Therefore, the question of anesthesia often arises.

Sometimes epidural or epidural anesthesia is used during vaginal delivery. In this case, the lower body becomes insensitive, the muscles relax, but the cervix continues to open. Conducting anesthesia contributes to the lengthening of attempts. Indications for anesthesia are cardiovascular diseases in a woman, slow opening of the uterus or an extremely low threshold of pain sensitivity.

Anesthesia is also performed in the case when it is necessary to start an emergency operation. It is important to understand that anesthesia is dangerous for a child. side effects therefore, anesthesia is not performed only to reduce labor pains.

Answers to questions about the 39th week of pregnancy

    At the 39th week of pregnancy, the cork came off. Days have passed since then. How soon will labor begin? As a rule, after the discharge of the mucous plug, childbirth begins in the coming days. Sometimes it can go out a week before the onset of labor. It is important to keep track of your condition. If the pain in the lower back has become severe, and training bouts have become more frequent, then childbirth will begin very soon.

    Increasingly, at the 39th week of pregnancy, the stomach becomes stony, in Lately this feeling became painful. Does this mean you need to go to the hospital? You need to go to the hospital when a woman has 5 painful and prolonged contractions in 1 hour. However, if a woman feels calmer in the hospital, then you can go there earlier. The doctor will examine the woman, assess her condition and decide on hospitalization.

    At the 39th week of pregnancy, the stomach pulls, the cork has already come off, there are pains in the lumbar region, but the water has not yet departed. How soon will I give birth? These signs are harbingers of an early birth, so you should not panic, but gather in the hospital.

    Why do my legs hurt so much at 39 weeks pregnant? Pain in the legs appear due to the fact that the uterus with a vengeance presses on the venous vessels, from which the venous outflow is disturbed. This may cause discomfort in the legs, but there is no danger. You just need to lie down as much as possible, putting your feet on a raised platform. Massage also helps a lot. Sometimes leg pain occurs due to muscle spasm. They begin against the background of a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body of a woman. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    I am 39 weeks pregnant. Water has been leaking for several hours. What do we have to do? It is necessary to go to the hospital, as the discharge of water is a harbinger of an early birth. Moreover, the child's natural protection against infections is reduced, so a professional examination is essential.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and social development(2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, 37 years have passed since the conception of the baby. full weeks, By lunar calendar is the last tenth month of pregnancy.

Changes in the body of the fetus

There comes a time when the fetus at 39 weeks of gestation is ready to be born at any moment. He occupies a permanent position in the uterus, and will no longer be able to change it before childbirth. That part of the body that is supposed to be (located closer to the exit - this is either the head or the pelvic end) has already been lowered into the small pelvis. In the event that the baby in the abdomen at 39 weeks of gestation takes transverse position(this is very rare, but it happens), natural childbirth is impossible, and a caesarean section is indispensable.

The bones of the skull of the fetus at this time are soft, pliable, between them there are sutures and fontanelles from an even more pliable connective tissue. Thanks to the sutures and fontanelles, during the passage of the head through the birth canal, it is configured and somewhat reduced in size. Immediately after childbirth, the head may look slightly elongated or altered because of this, but after a few days the bones return to their normal position.

In length, the child has grown to 51 - 52 cm, it weighs from 3200 to 3600 g. Its weight and height indicators depend on the conditions in which it grew in utero and on the physique of its parents.

The appearance of the fetus at 39 weeks of gestation corresponds to a full-term newborn. The baby is in the uterine cavity in the fetal position, which will be characteristic of him for some time after birth. The movements of the fetus in the abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy are regular and more targeted - the baby can play with his fingers or the umbilical cord, feel the face and body, the walls of the uterus. It is very important to control the activity of the baby by his movements, in 12 hours there should be at least 10 of them.

39 weeks of gestation is the period at which the testicles in boys must be lowered into the scrotum. If this did not happen, then we can talk about unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism.

Changes in the body of a woman at 39 weeks of gestation

At the 39th week of pregnancy, harbingers of childbirth may appear:

  • Departure of the mucous plug;
  • Periodic tension in the lower abdomen;
  • Lowering of the abdomen.

If the stomach has not dropped earlier, then this can happen at 39 weeks of gestation. Now the height of the bottom of the uterus above the pubis is about 34 - 35 cm. In connection with this, the woman notes an improvement in her health and easier breathing, since the uterus ceases to press on the diaphragm with the same force.

Isolation at 39 weeks of gestation from the genital tract is quite a large number mucus, by consistency and appearance resembling egg white - evidence of the discharge of the mucous plug. Sometimes streaks of blood are mixed with it, this is a sign that the cervix has begun to open. The discharge of amniotic fluid is manifested by the release of a large amount of colorless and odorless liquid from the vagina at the 39th week of pregnancy. If the fetus experienced a lack of oxygen in utero or an infection has joined, then the water may be colored greenish and have an unpleasant odor.

In connection with the lowering of the presenting part of the fetus, the pregnant woman may begin to be disturbed by constipation and frequent urination. At this stage, it is important not to miss the infection that has begun. urinary tract. Normally, against the background of increased urination, pain at the 39th week of pregnancy should not be.

Despite the fact that the pregnancy is coming to an end, at the 39th week of pregnancy there is a risk of developing late preeclampsia. Its main features are:

  • Deterioration of well-being;
  • Headache;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • Too much weight gain.

When childbirth is very close, a pregnant woman may experience an attack of diarrhea. The body of a woman is preparing for childbirth in this way, so you should not be afraid of this. The onset of labor can proceed according to one of two scenarios - either contractions begin, or the amniotic fluid first departs.

Most often, a pregnant woman is already familiar with training contractions for a period of 39 weeks; the onset of labor is characterized by a shortening of the time between them and the regularity of occurrence.

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Your baby will soon meet with you, at 39-40 weeks, labor may begin.

The 39th week of pregnancy is the middle of the last month of pregnancy.

The baby should have been fully prepared by this time to be born.

You must also be prepared both spiritually and materially. Always keep close mobile phone to call an ambulance. Get your bag ready necessary things. Tune in for childbirth, and everything will be fine.

Going to the doctor at 39 weeks pregnant

At the 39th week of pregnancy, you should definitely visit a doctor. It is possible that this week you will not have to take any tests, it all depends on the decision of the doctor. But they will examine you, measure your stomach, weigh you, also measure your blood pressure and check the baby's heartbeat.

What is a baby at 39 weeks pregnant

The fetus at the 39th week of pregnancy reaches a weight of about 3 - 3.5 kilograms, and in height - about 50-53 centimeters.

The child is fully developed. Theoretically, his lungs are ready to take the first breath, and the digestive system is preparing to process food on its own.

The central nervous system continues to develop. Thus, the spinal cord and glial tissue, which is responsible for protecting the nerves, as well as the part of the facial nerve, which is responsible for sucking, have already matured. But the rest of this system will continue to form only after the birth of the child.

Villi form in the intestines to move food forward. The stomach produces enzymes that break down food.

But for now, he continues to receive nutrients through the umbilical cord and placenta.

The skin of the child acquires a light pink hue, which means that the subcutaneous base is already well developed.

Condition of a woman at 39 weeks pregnant

By the 39th week of pregnancy, women can gain from 11 to 16 kilograms. From that moment on, weight gain stops. On the contrary, a "countdown" may begin, and you will gradually begin to lose weight.

There may be stabbing pains in the perineum. This is due to the fact that the uterus presses on the bladder. This symptom is considered quite normal.

Braxton hicks contractions are increasing now they occur 2-3 times per hour, it’s not painful, but the stomach seems to thicken, it becomes hard, but after a few seconds or a couple of minutes everything goes away, it’s normal, just the body is preparing for the birth of a child in this way.

Training contractions are more and more painful, as if menstruation is about to begin, while there is no periodicity in them, these are not real contractions.

Also at week 39, the stomach drops a lot, which is normal, all the same, the last week of pregnancy is going on.

At 39 weeks, the back may begin to hurt a lot, this can happen if the position of the child is back to back, in order to change the position of the child, it is recommended to sit on a large physical education ball, as well as in a position on all fours, and sit in a chair or on a sofa only straight.

Also, the usual sensations at this stage include a hard, as if petrified stomach, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. A mucous plug may come out, which is a yellowish or pinkish discharge with blood cells - this is a substance that blocks the entrance to the fallopian tubes. Also, there may be bloody discharge.

At week 39, the pregnant woman constantly feels tired, there may be poor sleep.

The digestive system fluctuates again, you may suffer from diarrhea or liquid stool and increased appetite.

And, of course, on the eve of childbirth, the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs.

Ultrasound photo at 39 weeks pregnant

What to do at 39 weeks pregnant?

All thoughts of a woman are directed to childbirth.
One of the first harbingers of childbirth at 39 weeks is the breast filling and colostrum flowing, for everyone, of course, this occurs at different times.
Also, a pregnant woman is nauseated in the morning, or she cannot eat at all, she can also feel nauseated throughout the day.

During this period, it is necessary to walk more than ever. The fact is that the placenta is aging, and so that the child does not feel a lack of air, you need to be in the fresh air more often.

Try to enlist the support and help of relatives. Do not quarrel with them, and if you have already quarreled, blame everything on the game of hormones before childbirth.

When do you need to pack up and go to the hospital?

First, the mucous plug leaves, the next day mucus with blood streaks may appear, the stomach also drops, as you can see - it becomes a little easier to breathe and it becomes visually visible that the stomach has become lower.

A clear sign of imminent labor if you put your hand under your chest and it fits between your chest and tummy.

There is also a stronger pressure on the bladder, on the intestines.

Not much blood may stand out, as you know, the mucous plug can leave both a week before the birth and one day before the birth, the mucus may contain blood streaks, this is also normal, but if blood is released, then as a rule, childbirth begins within a day. At the 39th week of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may periodically have a stomach ache, periodic pain in the abdomen is the beginning of contractions and it's time to get ready for the hospital.

39 weeks is such a period of pregnancy when the child has changed position, pressed his knees to his chin and is ready to be born. He is completely immobilized, his body weight continues to increase. All vital organs function in the same way as in an adult, but he is still very weak.

The umbilical cord still transmits useful substances to the baby, but at this stage there may be a danger if the umbilical cord twists into a strong knot around the baby's neck and cuts off oxygen to him. As a rule, this happens quite often, and does not carry serious consequences.

The woman does not feel big changes in a state of health at 39 weeks, especially if this is the second pregnancy and second birth. But the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Nervousness rises, and emotions go wild, but this is not related to the physiology of the body, but depends only on your fear of childbirth. The cervix regularly narrows and expands, over time, the mucous plug disappears, which protected the child. Because of this, bloody discharge from the vagina may appear, there is nothing to worry about.

Over time, the fetus descends lower and lower, so the woman's breathing improves and digestion speeds up, which can cause stool to thin. If you feel that the baby is descending at a high speed, and your breathing becomes much easier, it is quite possible that the birth will come very soon.

fetus at 39 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy is coming to an end, the beginning of childbirth is expected from day to day. And your baby can't wait to be born. At 39 weeks, the baby's lungs are fully formed and ready to receive the first portion of air, the pancreas produces enzymes for the full functioning of the digestive system. But beneficial bacteria will populate the still sterile environment of the intestine only after the first serving of colostrum.

The baby at 39 weeks of gestation is no longer moving so actively. This is due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, their renewal still occurs every 3 hours, but there is no longer enough room for movement and, as a rule, the starting position for the appearance of the baby has already been selected. The most basic reflex - sucking, is now developing most actively. After the first feedings, a chewing reflex will form.

At week 39, the rhythm of the baby's life is already about the same as it will be after childbirth. He actively reacts to light and darkness, distinguishes flickering, loud sound and touching the mother's stomach. Focusing the gaze at a short distance will become possible from the first days of life, do not forget to thank the baby for the efforts with your smile.

Development of the central nervous system the process is long and will continue after childbirth, monitor your emotional state, stress and anxiety are transmitted to the baby and negatively affect the small body. At the 39th week of pregnancy, at every slightest occasion, one should not ask constant questions: why and what to do? Take care of your psyche, keep calm and avoid negative information.

Your weight gain at this stage is not necessary, but the baby continues to grow. His height and weight are now very individual, but often already exceed 50 cm and 3500 kg. Subcutaneous fat gradually smoothes wrinkles, the skin becomes smooth and acquires a pleasant shade.

Photo ultrasound at 39 weeks


39 weeks of pregnancy is a difficult and tiring test for a woman, so future mother thoughts arise, how to speed up childbirth or how to give birth faster. The bottom starts to hurt. Any movement of the baby is felt with special force. About 10 kilograms of weight constantly put pressure on the bladder, causing a chronic desire to visit the toilet. At the 39th week of pregnancy, the pressure on the pelvic bones increases, pulling the stomach, lower abdomen and lower back. The pressure on the pelvic bones increases, aching pains in the lumbar region increase. The pain often radiates to the legs, making walking difficult.

To make your baby feel comfortable and not experience additional stress, provide him with enough oxygen, walks in the fresh air should be daily and long.

Physical malaise, weakness and fatigue during this period helps a woman overcome the "nesting" syndrome. Future mothers with frantic zeal seek to clean up the house, prepare a new environment for the long-awaited family member.

A charge of vivacity in many ways muffles discomfort and allows you to remember the end of pregnancy in best paints and emotions. But remember that it will be much more useful for you and your baby if you take on the role of an organizer, and the future dad and relatives will do all the work for you. Your strength will be needed during childbirth, take care of them!

The cervix at this time is significantly shortened and begins to open. The baby's head may drop a little and put pressure on the pelvic bones.

It is very important that your movements are not accompanied by prolonged pain, short discomfort and tingling are acceptable. Try to choose comfortable positions for sleeping and sitting still, respond to the baby's disturbing jolts, he may well tell you about his anxieties and experiences.

It is generally accepted that normal pressure at 39 weeks of gestation should not exceed 140 to 90 and not be lower than 90 to 60. Such pressure does not affect the condition of the mother and her child. Normal in this period is and, she is, as it were, a natural companion at week 39, and a woman often feels sick. This fact is due to the production of a large amount of progesterone. To reduce discomfort, you need to eat healthy food that does not have alkaline properties.


During this period of pregnancy, the abdomen can drop a few weeks before childbirth, mainly in nulliparous women, it can drop right the day before, most often in multiparous women, or not fall at all. A little cramped, but clear movements of the child at 39 weeks of gestation, up to 10 times in 12 hours, already indicate the baby’s readiness to be born. His head, with proper diligence, gradually enters the pelvic area, the tone of the press at 39 weeks noticeably decreases, and the bottom of the uterus deviates forward.

The size of the abdomen now seems especially huge to you. The skin is stretched and loses its elasticity, a pigmented stripe appears, itching and peeling can disturb. These symptoms can be alleviated with special means, and after childbirth they disappear by themselves.

The uterus at the 39th week of pregnancy begins active training, with false contractions and peak tone, the stomach can become hard. Rest will help relieve this tension.

Your previously active baby gradually becomes calmer, in the last weeks, his movements should be felt more clearly by the mother, but the visual swaying of the abdomen from side to side is usually not so clearly observed.

Photo of tummies at 39 weeks

Weight at 39 weeks pregnant

The preparatory period planned by nature before childbirth is actively expressed in helping the expectant mother to become more mobile and flexible. Your weight loss can reach 1-2 kilograms, but do not worry, this will not affect the weight of the child in any way, most often, excess fluid is intensively removed from your body. The normal total weight gain by the 39th week of pregnancy will be 11-16 kilograms, however, the individual characteristics of the body can lead to significant deviations in this indicator. Edema may also appear at the 39th week of pregnancy. If you regularly weigh yourself and fix your weight, then suddenly dropped kilograms can be the first bell of an approaching birth.

Some women notice a decrease in appetite or more frequent bowel movements before giving birth, but not everyone has these symptoms.


For a long time, doctors were unambiguously against sex in the last weeks of pregnancy. This was justified by the stimulation premature birth after contraction of the uterus during orgasm in the expectant mother. To date, this theory has been debunked. In this matter, you need to focus solely on your well-being and the needs of the body. If fatigue and discomfort do not allow you to relax as much as possible and feel attracted to your spouse, you do not need to force yourself.

But if you feel the need to be close to your husband, feel the need for his warmth and affection, sex at 39 weeks of gestation will be a soft preparation for childbirth. Moreover, the hormones released in the female body during orgasm can serve as a mild pain reliever, and the prostaglandin contained in male secretion will help increase the elasticity of the uterus and prepare it for the upcoming birth. Orgasm also contributes to the active training of the uterus, stimulates the productive tribal activity.

Despite the fact that the baby is securely covered with protective layers, having sex in late pregnancy should be as accurate as possible. If pain occurs, sexual intercourse should be stopped, also avoid uncomfortable positions and any pressure on the stomach, it is best if it is in a free position.

Pain at 39 weeks pregnant

Pain at the 39th week of pregnancy becomes especially pronounced and is chronic. Aching pain in the lower abdomen appears as a result of fetal pressure on the pelvic floor. and lower back arise due to the divergence of the pelvic bones. The totality of these harbingers of childbirth can be significantly enhanced, sometimes developing into stabbing and sharp forms. It is very important to learn how to relieve pain with breathing exercises and simple techniques relaxation, these skills will help you during the birth itself.

False contractions become more pronounced and can also cause a lot of pain, training uterine contractions are an important stage in preparing the body for childbirth, you cannot avoid them. But you can not aggravate the state of the body with excessive loads. Rest will be yours the best assistant in overcoming pain - change the position of the body, find a comfortable position.

Chest pain at week 39 will indicate the beginning of production, because after a while you have to feed your baby.


If in the last weeks of pregnancy you begin to notice breast swelling and the formation of the first colostrum, discharge may appear from the breast. This phenomenon is absolutely natural, continue to observe hygiene and protect your chest from hypothermia and injury. If this is the second birth, then you probably remember these feelings.

During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​blocked by a mucous protective plug, in the last weeks it can depart in parts, in the form of slight secretions of thick, viscous mucus that is yellowish, white or cream in color. Rare streaks of blood in a very small amount are also considered the norm.

Detachment of the cork does not yet indicate the onset of labor and it is not worth rushing to the hospital. However, remember that the absence of a plug makes the cervix vulnerable to infections, so sex and swimming in standing water should be avoided. Abundant spots of reddish spotting will indicate the imminent onset of labor activity, within a few hours.

If the discharge of mucus begins to be accompanied by bleeding, then you should go to the hospital immediately, this is a symptom of premature detachment of the placenta.

Allocations in the form of a clear liquid may be the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid, their leakage can be observed for a long time. Sometimes the bubble bursts immediately, the water leaves in a strong stream, this harbinger of childbirth cannot be missed.

You will not feel pain, it can happen at any time. It is not necessary to wait for contractions after the water flows out, you need to pack up and arrive at the hospital in a very short time, labor will begin soon. But it often happens the other way around: regular contractions at the 39th week of pregnancy pass without water discharge and even leakage, you should not worry about this - piercing the fetal bladder is an absolutely safe and harmless procedure.

Harbingers of childbirth

In the article, we have already mentioned various harbingers of childbirth more than once. Let's summarize them. First, the stomach becomes stony, and there are increased pains in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region and perineum. Secondly, frequent urge to empty the stomach and intestines. Thirdly, reduced appetite and slight weight loss. And fourthly, the lowering of the abdomen, and in connection with this, the relief of your breathing. One of the signs is also brown discharge. They may indicate a waste cork. And yet, if 39 weeks of pregnancy have passed, and the cork has come off, this does not mean that you will give birth right away, even if it is 2, 3 or 4 pregnancy. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But you should be wary, because there are often cases when childbirth occurs between 38-39 weeks of pregnancy.

By the way, about brown discharge and mucus at 39 weeks of gestation. They can be not only the result of a cork discharge, but also after an unsuccessful examination or sexual intercourse. In this case, they will last no more than two days.

If after 39 weeks of pregnancy you have pains like during menstruation, you do not need to be scared. This is considered a variant of the norm. It is necessary to know and remember about the harbingers, but be sure that you will never oversleep childbirth: real contractions are quite painful and increase all the time, it is difficult not to notice the discharge of amniotic fluid. Tune in a positive way, relax and try to rest as much as possible in between contractions, accumulate strength. A pre-assembled bag with all the necessary things for you and your baby will help a lot at this stage, you won’t need any fuss and extra movement around the rooms.

Delivery at 39 weeks pregnant

So the birth began. Now it is very important to focus on your well-being and carefully monitor your breathing, body position. Remember. Now help is needed not only for you, but also for your child, listen to him and strictly follow all the recommendations of doctors.

Lying and sitting during contractions is not recommended, try to stay on your feet as long as possible. When contractions increase, remember the exercises breathing exercises- deep and calm breaths will help save strength for the subsequent birth stages.

The second stage of labor activity will begin with the appearance of attempts. Initially, they can be confused with pressure on the intestines and we want to empty. But pushing without a doctor's command is not recommended, it takes a lot of strength. But after you take a comfortable position on the birth chair, and your body is completely ready for productive attempts after the uterus is fully opened, listen to the doctor's advice and push. Try to direct the flow of your breath down the abdomen, use the diaphragm as much as possible, it is she who can significantly help the baby move forward. At the request of the doctor, attempts should be stopped, use this time to rest and relax all muscles, restore spent strength.

Forget about pain and fears, all your thoughts should be directed to helping the child, believe me: he tries no less than you, and the birth will take a lot of strength from your crumbs. Now it will be important to get together and remember everything that you read and heard about in preparation for childbirth. Much will depend on your emotional state - do not panic, nature has taken care of everything.

During this period, more and more often a woman asks herself: when will I give birth? In fact, childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation is physiological, the baby is ready to be born, just help him with this. By the way, a planned caesarean section is most often done just when the pregnancy has stepped over the 39th week.

After the birth of the child, the third stage will come - the birth of the placenta. While your baby will be examined by neonatologists, and the obstetrician will cut the already non-pulsating umbilical cord, your body will continue labor activity - the uterus will contract, the placenta will separate, the fetal membrane and the remnants of the umbilical cord will come out. In the first half hour after giving birth, your baby will be attached to the chest - this exciting moment will remain in your memory for a lifetime. The first colostrum is essential for the final completion of childbirth, because it is the strength, health and immunity of the baby. Very important point the baby will be laid out on your chest, with your warmth you will have to warm him up and give him some time to adapt in an unfamiliar world.


  1. At 39 weeks pregnant, go for an ultrasound and check your baby's health.
  2. At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, a depressive prenatal state is possible. The woman has a lot of discomfort, she often runs to the toilet. She is worried about the unknown. At this time, the support of your husband and loved ones is very important.
  3. It is normal if there are sufficiently transparent discharges and real contractions can already begin, which differ from the preparatory ones in that they occur at regular intervals. If you have white discharge at 39 weeks pregnant, you should consult your doctor.

Visit stores for babies and for expectant mothers with your husband or loved ones. Get the necessary linen and something pleasant for the soul. You will do it better than your husband after childbirth. In addition, purchases always improve mood, and this is very important in last days before childbirth. Do what you want. If you are at 39 weeks, you can visit our forum and read others useful materials to help take care of the baby.

See also with this article

Author of the publication: Victoria Teterina

At 39 weeks repeated pregnancy, when 9 full obstetric months and 7 more days are left behind, the process of bearing a child is gradually coming to its logical conclusion. The child is already fully formed, and even if the birth occurs a little ahead of time, it will not pose a risk.

38, 39, 40 weeks of pregnancy before the second birth: medical examination

The expectant mother is under systematic observation from the moment of registration and until discharge from the hospital. During 38-40 weeks, the obstetrician-gynecologist needs to assess as accurately as possible what the condition of the fetus is and whether it is ready for birth. For this purpose, the following indicators are determined in a pregnant woman:

  • blood pressure level;
  • the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • abdominal circumference.

During the last month, a woman has to pass urine weekly for general analysis(this allows you to control the state of the kidneys, their work). The conclusion about the need for additional tests is made by the doctor who conducts the examination.

Also, the specialist must listen to the frequency of heart beats for the timely detection of possible pathologies. If it is planned to resolve childbirth with a caesarean section, then the woman is sent for an ultrasound scan.

The same applies to mothers who carry twins (thanks to ultrasound volume of amniotic fluid can be determined.

In addition, with the help of ultrasound, it is possible to detect the presentation of the fetus, or its entanglement with the umbilical cord. By the 39th week, the baby has time to take the position in which it will remain during childbirth. This allows the obstetrician-gynecologist to feel the baby's head, both inside and out.

Second pregnancy: harbingers and signs of childbirth at 39 weeks

The main signs of the imminent appearance of a child at 39 weeks of the second pregnancy are manifested in the following:

If during the first birth the child appeared naturally, then the second will take place in the same way, since the cervix is ​​​​already elastic enough and prepared for this process. The principle of "as the first, so the second" also applies to caesarean section and the appearance of cracks and tears (new injuries usually appear in old places).

Understanding this, obstetricians try to minimize possible negative consequences if possible.

39 week of the second pregnancy: the state of the fetus

At the 1st week of the 10th obstetric month, the fetus is already large enough to occupy almost the entire intrauterine space. If in previous days the baby was actively moving, then at this stage he calms down. Due to the lack of free space, he only sometimes pushes (usually this happens about 10 times a day).

However, too rare a stir or a complete lull may indicate (although this is unlikely) that the fetus is fading. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor so that he can confirm that the child is in order.

During the 39th week, the baby's biorhythms are the same as they will be after his birth, in addition, there is a reaction to:

  • light and darkness;
  • sounds;
  • touching the surface of the abdomen.

The weight of a small "tenant" reaches 3 kg, and the height is approximately 49-52 cm, which is fully consistent with the average for newborns. The respiratory and digestive systems are fully formed and ready to perform their direct functions.

The kidneys and liver are also ready to go, but they will continue to develop after the baby is born. The fluff covering the body disappears, hair appears.

It is noted the possibility of fixing the gaze on objects located 20-30 centimeters from the baby's face, the ability to notice movements, to see the difference in color and volume of objects.

The mucous membrane of the lips is covered with special rollers, which should facilitate the sucking process. The skin acquires a pleasant pinkish color, and under them accumulates a fat layer sufficient to ensure independent thermoregulation.

What happens in the mother's body?

The range of sensations experienced at this stage can be completely different for each expectant mother. Unfortunately, most of them are not very pleasant:

Of the pleasant moments, it can be noted that the breathing process is facilitated, since the pressure on the diaphragm is reduced.

Other features of the period, deviations from the norm

Additional features that accompany the course of the second pregnancy at week 39 include:

  • periodic mucous secretions (if instead of a transparent one they acquired some other color, they began to smell, that is, there is a reason to suspect the presence of a pathological process);
  • itching in the genital area, burning and pain when urinating.

This will help prescribe the necessary treatment and avoid infection of the fetus.

If there are no health problems, then it is better to devote yourself to activities “for the soul”:

  • reading books;
  • watching movies;
  • walks;
  • meetings with loved ones.

Everything that surrounds a woman should relax her and set her in a positive way, since this greatly affects how the birth will go.

A basic reminder for parents who are already carrying their second child for the 39th week includes the following points:

  • Do not leave the city limits and try to stay closer to home.

This will help to avoid difficulties with transportation at the right time.

  • Decide how you will get to the hospital.

If we are talking about your car, then you should immediately discuss which of the relatives will drive, since driving on your own during fights is not the best idea.

  • Documents for the maternity hospital should always be with you.

This includes: a passport, an insurance medical policy, a birth certificate (contract for childbirth) and an exchange card.

  • After the waters break, you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Although the second birth itself has not yet begun, it can take a long time to register at the reception and conduct an initial examination. So it would be better to hurry up.

If we talk about various areas of life for this period, then it is advisable to remember a few basic recommendations:

  • Nutrition.

Definitely complete and balanced. It is better to refuse fried, fatty and smoked foods. Moreover, “fast” meals from snack bars and carbonated drinks should be avoided.

Ideally, the body should receive the entire range of essential vitamins through a properly composed menu. In some cases, this is not possible and then a special multivitamin is prescribed. This guarantees the correct physical and mental development of the child, strengthens his immunity.

  • Sex.

This type of activity is not only not prohibited, but even useful, since the substances contained in the male seminal fluid make the cervix more elastic and prepare it for childbirth. However, if the cork has already departed, then sexual intercourse must necessarily occur using a condom. This will protect the birth canal from harmful bacteria.

  • Outflow of amniotic fluid.

Usually it happens quite quickly, but this does not apply to all cases. Therefore, if a regular release of small amounts of a clear, odorless liquid was noticed, then it makes sense to immediately come for an examination to a specialist. It is possible that the time of childbirth has already come a long time ago.

  • Physical exercise.

Strong, well-developed muscles in women allow them to significantly speed up the process of childbirth and recover faster after it. Swimming and water aerobics are especially suitable for pregnant women in this regard. We must not forget about walks, which not only strengthen the entire muscular frame, but also provide excellent sleep.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to remember all the time that pharmacy medicines at the 39th week of the second pregnancy cannot be abused. For the treatment of possible colds and other minor diseases, it is better to use honey, milk, raspberries, berry fruit drinks, etc. But even with regard to these funds, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

A bit more additional information about the second birth can be found in the following video.
