Something is moving in the stomach. What can move in the stomach if not pregnant

Let's consider some of them.



Feeling of stirring in the abdomen without pregnancy

What can move in the stomach?

It often happens in my stomach as if someone is moving (it was the same during pregnancy), but now I'm not pregnant and the sensations are the same. What could it be?

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What can move in the stomach?


What can move in the stomach?

It is possible that bloating occurs due to accumulated gases, which is why the stomach swells. It seems to me that it is necessary to revise the diet in order to exclude the formation of gases.

And I think it's sadness

And it seems to me that this is the longing of the body for the past pregnancy, it seems to still remember the movements of the child. But it can be something more serious, you still need to take tests and find out the exact cause of the movement.

What can move in the stomach?

Feelings of stirring in the abdomen can be for many reasons. Agree with previous comments. I can also add that you can feel the movement of food through the intestines.

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Feelings of stirring in the stomach are familiar to many. Sometimes you can even visually determine that something is happening in the stomach. Bloating, movements within it, muscle mobility, strange sounds, without pain or painful, can be caused by various reasons. Let's consider some of them.

If pregnancy is completely excluded or you are a man, and something is moving in the stomach, then this can happen for many reasons: due to peristalsis of tubular organs, gas formation, helminthiasis, neoplasms.


Wave-like contractions of hollow tubular organs to move the contents through them to the outlets is called peristalsis. Contractions can be felt even through the abdominal wall. Waves are formed independently of the will of man. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines) are reduced, the fallopian tubes And urinary tract.

Movement sensations may be different places, sometimes in some directions of movement, since the organs have a length of reference. up to 10 m. and a different number of normal contractions. The intensity of contractions and their frequency depend on the diet, state of health, and characteristics of nervous regulation. In ordinary life, peristalsis does not cause discomfort and is almost invisible.


The processes of digestion and assimilation of food are accompanied by gas emissions. The syndrome of increased gas formation affects about 40% of the world's population. Normally, the human gastrointestinal tract contains about 200 ml. gases, and is released on average in a healthy person through the lower intestines approx.

Increased gas formation leads to bloating, bloating, rumbling, and pain. The reasons for increased gas formation are different: an increase in the amount of air swallowed with food, a violation of the intestinal microflora, a violation of the enzymatic functions of the gastrointestinal tract, eating food, during the digestion of which a large number of gases, etc.


Tumors and adhesions in the intestines can lead to a feeling of stirring, growth, increased pressure, heaviness and movements in the abdomen.

In any of these cases, to determine what is moving in the abdomen, a medical examination and diagnosis is required. Be attentive to your health!

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What is moving in the stomach?

  • Registration:16 February 11

You know, sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy. Probably everyone knows this rhyme: “My stomach hurts - it means someone lives in it, if it’s not worms, then you did it!” I don't have worms and I'm definitely not pregnant. But in the stomach sometimes something stirs. The sensations are similar to those that you experience when a child is spinning. Does this happen to you? What is this? 0

  • Donetsk city

I think this is what children call gas. It’s just that air bubbles are walking around the stomach and intestines, everything is tossing and turning, hence the stirring. I was small in such cases, sharply pulled my knees to my tummy - and the gases departed. I even tried it on myself a couple of times - Daughter Manka, born 01/16/2009, helped.

  • Registration:16 February 11

I don’t think about gases, because my stomach should swell, it seems to me. And besides, my stomach does not bother me at all, it does not hurt. It's just that there really is a baby moving around. To be honest, such movements sometimes remind me of those pleasant moments when I felt my suns only from the inside. This is probably something else, although it may really be the guts that walk like that. 0

I have these adhesions after an appendectomy. A person has in the depths of his soul an indelible demand that his life be good and have a reasonable meaning.

I thought that I was the only one. I heard somewhere that one woman caring for her first child (who was about 6 months old) was so taken with her head that she realized her second pregnancy when she was already clearly kicked in the stomach. So now, when this happens in my stomach, I immediately remember this episode))) It just started for me after pregnancy. Maybe it really has to do with childbirth. . quod erat demonstrandum. (translated from Latin - “What was required to be proven.” Peeped into “The Mysterious Nighttime Killing of a Dog” by M. Haddon) 0

  • Registration:16 February 11

A friend of mine used to “walk” in her stomach so often, for about eight months. She diagnosed herself with a cyst. There are no periods - it means menopause has come! Also, that cyst was walking with her friend, why not “put” a cyst on herself? So calmer, and there is little trouble - no need to go to the doctor. Now time has passed, and she has more and more something tossing and turning in her stomach. But after all, pregnancy can’t be - menopause has come?! And then, at the workplace, she was seized, so much so that she had to call an ambulance. They brought her to the emergency hospital, examined her and said - “Have you been to the gynecologist for a long time?” She replies: “Why, do I have menopause?” The female doc looked and shouted: "Urgently take to the gynecology, the woman is giving birth!" These things happen. In general, I also sometimes have something walking in my stomach after taking cabbage salad. I think that this, of course, is not a cyst or menopause, these are gases!))) 0

  • CitySterlitamak

Wow story told Regina! I didn’t imagine that you can go through the whole pregnancy and not notice that someone lives in the stomach. My stomach is also alive. Constantly something grumbles and croaks. Yes seriously! It really doesn't look like a baby moving. As the mechanism moves, it feels like the food is rolling straight, gurgling. But the mechanism seems to be old, and often creaks, it seems like croaking. I don't think it could be something serious, so I never went to the doctors with this, so to speak, problem. Now I'm reading, and something doubts have crept in .. But still, maybe it's worth checking? 0

  • Registration:16 February 11

With such a stir in my stomach, I came to the gynecologist about 10 years ago. The doctor examined me. Then, for an additional fee, they did an ultrasound. Then the doctor spread her hands and said:<<Милочка, это-газы>>. And she advised me to eat less gas-producing foods and clean the intestines more often with gentle methods. Then I became interested in cleansing the body, cleaned everything that can be cleaned, and even the liver. After cleansing the liver, I lost 3 kg of weight and I had a feeling that I was cool inside and the wind was blowing in the liver area. But with this problem, I did not go to the doctors. And then they will say more: sometimes in her stomach it moves, then in the liver the wind whistles. In general, you can check for the presence of worms. These animals up to 12 meters in length reach and live 25 years. Now there are many new computer methods for a comprehensive examination. The analysis of feces on the egg of the worm in most cases does not justify itself. 0

  • Irkutsk city

How can you walk for several months and not feel that it is the child who is pushing you? Well, okay, when he’s very small, but then he feels very good, you can determine where the head is, where the ass is, otherwise it happens that he pokes with his fist so that it can be seen well, not that it is noticeable 0

Wow story told Regina! I didn’t imagine that you can go through the whole pregnancy and not notice that someone lives in the stomach. My stomach is also alive. Constantly something grumbles and croaks. Yes seriously! It really doesn't look like a baby moving. As the mechanism moves, it feels like the food is rolling straight, gurgling. But the mechanism seems to be old, and often creaks, it seems like croaking. I don't think it could be something serious, so I never went to the doctors with this, so to speak, problem. Now I'm reading, and something doubts have crept in .. But still, maybe it's worth checking? Yes, Olechka, such a story happened to my friend. And she, imagine, was always huge: her weight was under 120 kg and her height was under 175. Therefore, the pregnancy was not visible. What am I talking about? You just don't have to live at random or anyhow. 0

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  • » Hello. I don’t want to upset you, but strange movements in the stomach are most likely an obsession. No matter how strange it may sound in our time. Of course, if ultrasound and tests for pork tapeworm do not show the presence of something else. Believe it or not. I need to go to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra for a reprimand. Otherwise, this “someone” can then completely take over the body and then it will be difficult to get rid of it. Then, after moving in the stomach, you will notice movements in the arms and legs. In addition to jokes, the topic is very serious, then he takes over the mind, although the process is not fast and can proceed until old age and turn into madness. In general, in the Lavra you will see many of them and you will understand everything.
  • 03/19/12 07:27 "Hello everyone. Guys, I have the same problem. For almost a month, I feel like I'm pregnant. I was already pregnant and I know how the baby beats in the stomach, and this is the same feeling. I took a test, but it was negative. As I remember, the baby begins to move after 3 months. But I remember exactly that in January I had severe nausea. But women's days were in every month yes + the test is negative. What the hell, who knows?

Amura, 11:30 I had the same thing, I did a test, nothing! )) In general, I have a version such that while we do not endure the first child, well, that is. we don’t know WHAT it is :love: when the baby in the belly is happy with discs, we don’t notice peristalsis, or we notice it, but like peristalsis. But when the brain already knows these sensations on the other hand, this is where it starts to worry. Year 3. and now they have passed)) Illya, 12:11 and I thought the current of Jena is like that. I'm thinking, but there can be some kind of hernia after childbirth. IVOLGAaaaaa! I read it and my stomach stirred. :046: :046: :046: And sometimes I feel in my chest that there is milk. :)) And if something stirs in my stomach and I just think about B., I start to somehow feel nauseous and want to eat something exotic. :))OlviaIt was like that for me. I also went to the doctor. They didn’t find anyone 🙂 Then it went away by itself. Or gut talking to gut. Or the nerve was twitching (I had herpes zoster just in this place, it affects the nerve). zhilit:))) Someone wound up there 🙂 Cool :) zhilit: 046: : 046: : 046: And sometimes I feel in my chest that milk is staying. :)) And I have tacos. Natalika Believe me better on ultrasound. I heard such a concept - "wandering cyst". I don't know, but check it out just in case. Jerit, 11:37 am Oh girls, thank you! Reassured! I thought I was paranoid! And sometimes there are sensations of surging milk! The movements somehow chose their localization on the right, I think that this is still my nasty dyskenesia! And I'm a pirantelchik in the fall with the whole family. I'm still going to Uzi. someday.) Elechka I thought I was the only one. At least once a month I run in the test :-))) as the child turned a year old, it began. I’ll go to bed and everything seems to be that someone is beating me from exhaustion :-))))))) . Lucky_E, 23:40 And I'm the same. Now she has calmed down. So after giving birth, many people have such feelings, otherwise I thought it was only me. :)) vBulletin® v3.6.12, Copyright ©, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.

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I am pregnant - all about pregnancy, childbirth and children (0.0063 sec.)

What can move in a woman's stomach if she is not pregnant?

In general, of course, it is better to do an ultrasound, because no one can say that with exact diagnoses, and the assumptions can be so different.

It is possible that you have weak abdominal muscles, but again, this feeling happens just after childbirth, since the abdominal press is very weakened.

Maybe it's a cyst.

Perhaps just ordinary gases, they will also cause a feeling of stirring in the stomach.

There may be worms, of course.

You just need to go to the doctor.

Maybe the angel Gabriel visited you at night. Look for feathers under the bed. But seriously, sign up for an ultrasound scan, but in such an institution where, according to reviews, a good specialist works, otherwise Lately so many ignoramuses have divorced, they do not distinguish the spleen from the liver.

Most likely it's just intestinal peristalsis. Forgive me for the unaesthetic details, but the journey of food several meters in the intestines can be accompanied by sensations of "stirring", especially if the woman ate food, during the digestion of which a large amount of gases is released.

Feelings of movement when there is no pregnancy can create. our own gut

Especially if on the eve of the "movements" there was a magnificent feast with an abundance of anything and everything.

By the way, violent intestinal peristalsis, even on early dates pregnancy can be confused with movements))) especially when a woman is waiting for them and listens to herself all the time.

Yes, of course, the first thought is that it is worms. You should not panic, but just buy a drug from them at the pharmacy just in case and take it. And personally, I rarely, but it happens, the feeling when I overeat something tasty. Yes, I know it’s harmful, but if you want, I allow myself occasionally. Especially now in me 54 kg. You can drink sometimes.

"Butterflies in the stomach" is a very common expression))) This is a feeling in the lower abdomen. can occur during kissing or on the eve of sex. Very pleasant sensations, as if something is moving inside, like bright, fluttering "butterflies".

gastric juice or just the abdominal muscle read the anatomy there is a lot of useful

In the abdomen of a non-pregnant woman, movements of a kind can be caused by excessive gas formation. This is especially true if the day before you ate a lot of all sorts of differences, perhaps you were at some kind of celebration. Also, the sensation of stirring may be associated with the presence of a cyst, but the cyst, in order to feel it, must be of considerable size. I'm not sure about worms, but maybe they can cause something similar.

As if something is moving in the stomach. Description of the condition, possible causes

Sometimes in the body there are such processes that cannot be explained. For example, movements in the stomach. The reasons may be different.

Organ Reduction

If organisms that have come from external environment, then you will not be able to feel that they are moving. The formation of waves occurs arbitrarily, and a person cannot control this process. Different organs can contract: the stomach or intestines, fallopian tubes or urinary tract.

You can feel the movements in different places of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes this happens in a certain direction, since the organs have a certain size and different quantity abbreviations.

Gas formation

With increased gas formation, you can also feel as if something is moving in the stomach. This is a rather delicate problem, which you will not talk about during an evening conversation over tea. Nevertheless, flatulence can cause discomfort.

During increased gas formation, intestinal motility changes and there is a feeling that something is moving in the stomach. Moreover, this problem is constantly present and does not go away.


Oncological formations and the occurrence of adhesions in the intestines can cause movements in the abdomen. But in the case of neoplasms, a similar symptom will be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.


Some women feel discomfort in the ovarian region, and as if something is pulsating or moving in the abdomen.

A similar phenomenon may signal the presence of a cyst in the ovaries. This is a very serious problem. Therefore, a consultation with a gynecologist is required.


The largest percentage of movements occurs during pregnancy. This is a time that is simply filled with joyful events. While the baby is developing in the womb, the mother can follow the changes that occur in her body: how the belly grows, and the fetus grows with it. Feelings change every day. And then the day comes when future mom feels as if something is moving in the stomach.

The first movements of the fetus in the womb begin as early as three weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the heart of the unborn baby beats. During a visit to the gynecologist, each time you will need to observe changes in the dynamics that have occurred, and how the fetal heart beats. The relationship between muscle tissue and nervous system occurs around the second month, and the fetus begins to make light movements at the tenth week, you cannot feel them. But with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, they can be seen.

Twentieth week

In the womb, the baby moves constantly, and the day comes when for the first time there was a feeling that something was moving in the stomach. The planned period is known - this is twenty weeks, when the first tremors of the child should be felt, but it may differ from the actual period. All pregnant women are different: weight, build, size of the fetus and the volume of amniotic fluid.

In the future, the child's pushes become more active. Then the mother may get the impression that when she talks to him, he pushes back, as if keeping up the conversation. And when they do an ultrasound, it may seem to parents that the child has turned his head to get a better look. But the future baby, developing in the womb, gradually masters his temporary home, touches the umbilical cord with his hands, pulls his arms and legs, yawns.

After the onset of four months, the child's movements become conscious. And people around you notice it. He has developed his own regime when he sleeps and is awake. Rotates for a comfortable position, so it may feel like the baby is moving in the stomach. A strong noise has an irritating effect on the fetus, and it turns away.

If the pregnancy is the first, then for the expectant mother at first it is difficult to guess the active movements of the child. Uncertain at first, very gentle and timid pushes of the baby will then become more and more confident. If the expectant mother is a gentle nature, then the sensations when something seems to be moving in the stomach are compared with the touch of the wings of a butterfly or the swimming of a fish. Those women who are not endowed with romanticism compare the movements of the child with intestinal motility.

Movement calculation

Doctors believe that if a child develops correctly in the womb, then his activity should be certain and the same every day. Therefore, as soon as there are sensations in the abdomen, as if the child is moving, it is necessary to start calculating the movements of the baby.

Doctors' observations showed:

The child becomes very active in the evening. During the day, he also moves, but not like this.

The mood of a pregnant woman. The experience experienced by the mother affects the baby. And they have a negative effect on him. If the pregnant woman is afraid, then the child will behave quietly. If a woman feels joy, then the activity of the fetus will increase.

The child remains calm during the physical exertion of the mother. But as soon as she lies down to rest, he will immediately make itself felt.

During the meal, the child will have increased physical activity.

Annoying environmental sounds can affect the activity of the baby, his movements will be frequent, and if something frightens him, he will calm down.

If the pregnant woman has taken an uncomfortable position, then the child may not like it, he will remind himself with strong jolts.

At the onset of the third trimester, the reaction of the child in the womb to the environment is noted, he can recognize the voices that he hears all the time. During sleep, the child usually does not move. Therefore, its activity is reduced. If there has been a sharp change in the activity of the baby, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. If it is necessary, then you need to call an ambulance.

The appearance of sensations that something seems to be moving in the lower abdomen means that the child gradually began to descend. This happens in the last trimester, when the body begins to prepare for childbirth.

You can determine how the fetus develops by observing its activity. It is bad when a child behaves excessively mobile, causing mother pain, and it's just as bad when he's lethargic.

Testing baby development

With the help of three methods, you can test the development of the baby in the womb.

  1. Monitoring the activity of the child after dinner and in the evening from 19 to 23 hours. During this period, the pregnant woman is resting, but the baby is not. You need to fix the start time of activity and lie on your left side. In this case, it is observed that the stomach moves, as if the child is breathing. If 10 movements were recorded, then the observation can be stopped. If after two hours there were not so many movements, then an additional examination of the pregnant woman and the child in the womb should be carried out.
  2. Observation using another method will require a little more attention from the pregnant woman. The start time is fixed. As soon as the 10th movement is taken into account, the observation can be completed. It is important to remember that the study should last no more than 12 hours. If this does not happen, then you need to notify your gynecologist.
  3. For the last observation, it is necessary that the pregnant woman reduce physical activity for 12 hours so that the activity of the baby is not inhibited physical activity. All the attention of the expectant mother is spent on this study, because even the smallest movements of the baby will need to be recorded.

If low activity has been noted, then you can activate the baby by eating something sweet or walking up the stairs. You can lie on your back, usually children in the womb do not like this position, and they try to signal their mother to change positions, and the pregnant woman lying on her back will feel sensations in her stomach, as if something is moving.


After childbirth, six months may pass, after which there will be sensations of movements in the abdomen. Exactly the same as during pregnancy. If the probability of a secondary one is excluded, then this may be intestinal motility. After childbirth, the sensitivity to such moments simply increased.


If various movements in the abdomen did not bother you before and arose suddenly, then it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor. It will help determine the diagnosis, since movements can cause a change in functioning. internal organs.

Why does my stomach feel like something is moving?

Many complain that something seems to be moving in the stomach, and sometimes this can even be visually determined. This may be due to several factors, however, it is worth remembering that only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis.

In this case, signs such as:

The sensation at the same time can be quite painful or proceed without pain. The reasons for feeling that something is moving in the stomach can be very different. Among the main reasons are:

  • violation of peristalsis of internal organs;
  • helminthiasis;
  • increased gas formation;
  • neoplasms.

That is why it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and conduct a comprehensive examination.

The main causes of movement

Many girls complain that they are not pregnant, something is moving in their stomach. There can be several reasons for this, and some of them are quite dangerous. In thin girls, when lying on their stomach, a pulse can be felt. This is due to the fact that there is practically no fat layer in the abdominal cavity, and when the muscles are pulled, pulsation can be clearly observed.

However, such a manifestation can also be a sign of a serious illness, in particular, such as an aortic aneurysm. This disease is additionally accompanied by frequent urination, belching and pain around the umbilical fossa. In some cases, there may be additional nausea and distention of the abdomen.

In addition, stirring can occur during fermentation in the intestines, which is associated with malnutrition, as well as the installation of internal organs in their original place after childbirth. If something seems to be moving in the stomach, then the reason for this may be helminths, which are found in many people and cause great harm to the body.


If there is a feeling that something is moving in the stomach, then this may be due to intestinal motility. Wavy contractions of hollow organs are observed when food moves through them. They can be felt even through the abdominal wall. Such waves are formed regardless of the desire of a person. Not only the stomach and intestines can contract, but also the urinary tract and fallopian tubes.

The sensation of stirring in the abdomen can be chaotic or have a certain direction of movement, as well as a different number of contractions. It all depends on the state of health and diet. Usually, peristalsis is almost imperceptible and does not cause any particular inconvenience.

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Gas formation

Feeling that something is moving in the stomach may occur due to increased gas formation. This syndrome affects approximately 40% of the world's population. Increased gas formation processes lead to symptoms such as:

Among the main causes of increased gas formation, one can single out an increase in the amount of air swallowed along with food, a violation of the intestinal microflora, and insufficient production of enzymes. In addition, this can occur in the case of eating food, during the digestion of which a lot of gases are released. This problem may be present all the time and not go away.


Worms very rarely cause a feeling of stirring, the only exception is enterobiasis. This disease is considered childish, but adults can also be carriers of pinworms. It is transmitted through contact with objects that are contaminated with the eggs of these small worms.

What are the other symptoms of worms

Worms irritate the digestive organs with the products of their vital activity, which is why there are: flatulence, digestive problems, as well as pain in the navel. Helminths not only provoke digestive problems, but also release toxins into the body, which negatively affect the state of the nervous system. The more worms in the body, the stronger the signs of intoxication.

Among the main symptoms of the presence of worms in the body can be identified such as:

The patient may suffer from insomnia for a long time, and in children there is gnashing of teeth in a dream. Worms very often provoke the occurrence of skin rashes, and in severe cases can provoke the development of asthma.

What worms cause a sensation of stirring

If something moves in the stomach, then it is advisable to pass an analysis for the presence of worms. There are several various kinds these worms, but the most common are pinworms and roundworms. Their larvae, upon penetration into the body, begin to multiply very quickly, provoking various kinds of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result of this, a feeling of stirring arises.

Malignant tumors and the occurrence of adhesions in the intestines can cause movement in the abdomen. In addition, there are other characteristic symptoms. Movement may indicate the presence of a cyst in the ovaries. These are very serious diseases, therefore, an immediate consultation with a doctor and proper treatment are required.

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Why does the stomach hurt during menstruation?

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Therefore, the question arises, what can move in the lower abdomen?

The feeling that something is moving in the stomach is familiar to many people. The reasons may be hidden in various processes: bloating, movements inside, mobility of muscle structures, strange sounds without pain.

Childbearing period

Most often, movement in the lower abdomen occurs in women of reproductive age. The reason for this phenomenon is pregnancy. Most are familiar with those feelings when the future baby makes itself felt, pushing against the walls of the uterine cavity.

The first time the fetus begins to move when it is three to five weeks old. This is due to the fact that the hearts of the unborn baby have already begun to beat. Unfortunately, at this moment, the pregnant woman still feels nothing, because the size of the fetus is very small.

The first movements appear about a week later. It all depends on how the fetus is located relative to the uterus, what kind of pregnancy is in a row and what is the physique of the expectant mother.

Doctors have found that the movements of the child depend on several factors:

  1. Fetal activity increases towards evening.
  2. Movements directly depend on the mood of the mother. If a woman is afraid or crying, then the baby will behave quietly.
  3. The child becomes calmer when the woman is engaged in physical activity. Better get some rest.
  4. After eating, the motor activity of the fetus increases.
  5. Environmental sounds affect fetal movement. If something scares him or calm music plays, then the baby will be quiet.
  6. The child begins to actively move if the mother has taken an uncomfortable position.

As the child grows, the movements become conscious. But if the baby is sleeping, then he stops moving for a while.

Peristalsis of the intestinal tract

Why do abdominal movements occur without pregnancy? Perhaps the reason is hidden in the active peristalsis of the digestive tract. In order for food to begin to move, the intestines must make wave-like contractions. This process is known in practice as peristalsis.

The sensation of stirring can occur on any side: on the right, on the left, at the bottom and at the top of the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the digestive tract is long. It ranges from 10 centimeters to 10 meters.

The activity of the digestive system depends on the diet, the state of human health, and the characteristics of the nervous system. If a person is completely healthy, then peristalsis does not cause any discomfort.

But there is nothing shameful in this, because helminths can enter the body not only through dirty hands, but also poorly washed vegetables and fruits, unprocessed meat, or while picking in the ground or sand when planting in the country.

In this case, a person will not only complain that something is moving in the stomach, but also other symptoms:

  • nausea, occasional vomiting;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increase or, conversely, lack of appetite;
  • temperature increase.

If there is a feeling of stirring in the intestine, then you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible and get tested. Do not be afraid if the diagnosis is confirmed. The patient will be prescribed a course of drug therapy and a strict diet.

Increased gas formation in the abdomen

If there is movement in the abdomen, but not pregnancy, then increased gas formation may be the cause. Any process of digestion of food is accompanied by the release of gases. Increased gas formation, according to statistics, affects more than 40 percent of people.

Under normal conditions, there are about 200 milliliters of gases in the digestive tract. But the release is observed not less than 600 milliliters.

With increased gas release, bloating of the intestinal tract, bloating, rumbling, and pain are observed. The causes of the pathological process are the ingestion of a large amount of air, a violation of the microflora of the intestinal tract, a violation of the enzyme function, and the use of gas-forming products.

Formations in the abdominal cavity

Why is there a feeling of stirring in the stomach? One of unpleasant reasons the formation of a tumor, which gradually begins to grow, is considered. In the absence of timely treatment, the patient will begin to complain of pain, nausea, vomiting, discomfort, and an increase in the abdomen.

Adhesions, tumors in the intestines, stomach or liver, polyps are a significant danger to humans. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination, which consists of radiography with contrast and ultrasound diagnostics.

Organ Reduction

The uterine cavity in women can move inside the abdomen. This process is most often observed during menstruation, when the uterus is actively contracting to push out the extra layer of the endometrium.

This process does not require treatment. But if the movement is accompanied by a spasm, then you can take an anesthetic or antispasmodic.

Very often, contractions are observed at night, when a person is at rest. This process should not cause concern if it is not accompanied by pain.

The information on the site is provided for reference purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

fluctuations in the abdomen

Girls, can anyone come across problems of stirring not related to pregnancy? it doesn't look like gas at all.

So the tin of course.

menstruation came and all subsequent months they came on time and went as usual

and then I went for a medical examination, where a blood test revealed some untreated infection, sent the tests to be taken, passed, according to the results of the tests, the "infection" was already 16 weeks %)

now she is 8 months old and her name is Masha. :gy:

well, that's how it was for me. but as for you, I don't know.

And do tes again, that he will show.

Yesterday I did an evitest, negative

I was sick, I took antibiotics, I took cold powders. it’s even scary to think if I’m pregnant 🙁 I had a caesarean in March last year

It might seem, right? :gy:

when the placenta is formed, tests may not show pregnancy.

I did tests when there was a delay of two weeks and I gave blood for hcg, everything was negative.

interestingly on the ultrasound you can see if there is a big worm? but he has nothing to kick :scratch:

No, well, mothers write that in the second they begin to feel very early%)

well, mothers write that in the second, they begin to feel very early

Well, not in the second week after conception? :gy: :gy: :gy:

Well, what are the movements in the early stages?

I have by my calculations already 20 weeks if I am pregnant. because the three-week delay was in October last year.

I don't understand 20 weeks at all, delay. is it still delayed or is every month celebrated after a delay of three weeks?

on the 10th day of the delay, she went and donated blood for hCG, according to the results of the pregnancy test, there was no pregnancy.

Moreover, hCG is unlikely to lie, unlike tests.

when the movements are so clearly felt already after all, and the stomach sticks out, m?

You can't confuse a 16-week pregnancy with anything.

Girls, can anyone come across problems of stirring not related to pregnancy?

I occasionally have such sensations as when I was pregnant for a short period one to one

16 weeks pregnant is unmistakable

yes, when tilted, the tummy is already in the way, the uterus is already large. Well, at least I felt it.

I have by my calculations already 20 weeks if I am pregnant.

so the belly should grow at least a little: gy:

is still delayed or is celebrated every month after a three-week delay

after that three-week delay, the periods all four times came on time and went on as usual

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Movement in the abdomen causes without pregnancy

girls, I'm scared. The thing is, I'm not exactly pregnant, I haven't had sex in a month. I don’t remember from what month and when I notice strange movements in my stomach, I can’t even describe it. it happens especially in the evening. but right now I’m sitting, and I’m having knocks in my stomach, closer to the bottom, that my stomach is twitching. please help me I'm scared what it could be. I want to go check it out.

going to the doctor is not fate?

and then in 5 months you will give birth

I don't want to disappoint you, but the strange movements in the stomach are most likely an obsession. No matter how strange it may sound in our time. Of course, if ultrasound and tests for pork tapeworm do not show the presence of something else.

Believe it or not. I need to go to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra for a reprimand. Otherwise, this “someone” can then completely take over the body and then it will be difficult to get rid of it. Then, after moving in the stomach, you will notice movements in the arms and legs. In addition to jokes, the topic is very serious, then he takes over the mind, although the process is not fast and can proceed until old age and turn into madness. In general, in the Lavra you will see many of them and you will understand everything.

As if something is moving in the stomach. Description of the condition, possible causes

Sometimes in the body there are such processes that cannot be explained. For example, movements in the stomach. The reasons may be different.

The work of the intestines

Organ Reduction

If organisms that have fallen from the external environment live in the abdominal cavity, then it will not be possible to feel that they are moving. The formation of waves occurs arbitrarily, and a person cannot control this process. Different organs can contract: the stomach or intestines, fallopian tubes or urinary tract.

You can feel the movements in different places of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes this happens in a certain direction, since the organs have a certain size and a different number of contractions.

Gas formation

With increased gas formation, you can also feel as if something is moving in the stomach. This is a rather delicate problem, which you will not talk about during an evening conversation over tea. Nevertheless, flatulence can cause discomfort.

During increased gas formation, intestinal motility changes and there is a feeling that something is moving in the stomach. Moreover, this problem is constantly present and does not go away.


Oncological formations and the occurrence of adhesions in the intestines can cause movements in the abdomen. But in the case of neoplasms, a similar symptom will be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.


Some women feel discomfort in the ovarian region, and as if something is pulsating or moving in the abdomen.

A similar phenomenon may signal the presence of a cyst in the ovaries. This is a very serious problem. Therefore, a consultation with a gynecologist is required.


The largest percentage of movements occurs during pregnancy. This is a time that is simply filled with joyful events. While the baby is developing in the womb, the mother can follow the changes that occur in her body: how the belly grows, and the fetus grows with it. Feelings change every day. And then the day comes when the expectant mother feels as if something is moving in her stomach.

The first movements of the fetus in the womb begin as early as three weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the heart of the unborn baby beats. During a visit to the gynecologist, each time you will need to observe changes in the dynamics that have occurred, and how the fetal heart beats. The interaction of muscle tissue and the nervous system occurs around the second month, and the fetus begins to make light movements at the tenth week, you cannot feel them. But with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, they can be seen.

Twentieth week

In the womb, the baby moves constantly, and the day comes when for the first time there was a feeling that something was moving in the stomach. The planned period is known - this is twenty weeks, when the first tremors of the child should be felt, but it may differ from the actual period. All pregnant women are different: weight, build, size of the fetus and the volume of amniotic fluid.

In the future, the child's pushes become more active. Then the mother may get the impression that when she talks to him, he pushes back, as if keeping up the conversation. And when they do an ultrasound, it may seem to parents that the child has turned his head to get a better look. But the future baby, developing in the womb, gradually masters his temporary home, touches the umbilical cord with his hands, pulls his arms and legs, yawns.

After the onset of four months, the child's movements become conscious. And people around you notice it. He has developed his own regime when he sleeps and is awake. Rotates for a comfortable position, so it may feel like the baby is moving in the stomach. A strong noise has an irritating effect on the fetus, and it turns away.

If the pregnancy is the first, then for the expectant mother at first it is difficult to guess the active movements of the child. Uncertain at first, very gentle and timid pushes of the baby will then become more and more confident. If the expectant mother is a gentle nature, then the sensations when something seems to be moving in the stomach are compared with the touch of the wings of a butterfly or the swimming of a fish. Those women who are not endowed with romanticism compare the movements of the child with intestinal motility.

Movement calculation

Doctors believe that if a child develops correctly in the womb, then his activity should be certain and the same every day. Therefore, as soon as there are sensations in the abdomen, as if the child is moving, it is necessary to start calculating the movements of the baby.

Doctors' observations showed:

The child becomes very active in the evening. During the day, he also moves, but not like this.

The mood of a pregnant woman. The experience experienced by the mother affects the baby. And they have a negative effect on him. If the pregnant woman is afraid, then the child will behave quietly. If a woman feels joy, then the activity of the fetus will increase.

The child remains calm during the physical exertion of the mother. But as soon as she lies down to rest, he will immediately make itself felt.

During the meal, the child will have increased physical activity.

Annoying environmental sounds can affect the activity of the baby, his movements will be frequent, and if something frightens him, he will calm down.

If the pregnant woman has taken an uncomfortable position, then the child may not like it, he will remind himself with strong jolts.

At the onset of the third trimester, the reaction of the child in the womb to the environment is noted, he can recognize the voices that he hears all the time. During sleep, the child usually does not move. Therefore, its activity is reduced. If there has been a sharp change in the activity of the baby, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. If it is necessary, then you need to call an ambulance.

The appearance of sensations that something seems to be moving in the lower abdomen means that the child gradually began to descend. This happens in the last trimester, when the body begins to prepare for childbirth.

You can determine how the fetus develops by observing its activity. It is bad when the child behaves excessively mobile, causing pain to the mother, and it is just as bad when he is lethargic.

Testing baby development

With the help of three methods, you can test the development of the baby in the womb.

  1. Monitoring the activity of the child after dinner and in the evening from 19 to 23 hours. During this period, the pregnant woman is resting, but the baby is not. You need to fix the start time of activity and lie on your left side. In this case, it is observed that the stomach moves, as if the child is breathing. If 10 movements were recorded, then the observation can be stopped. If after two hours there were not so many movements, then an additional examination of the pregnant woman and the child in the womb should be carried out.
  2. Observation using another method will require a little more attention from the pregnant woman. The start time is fixed. As soon as the 10th movement is taken into account, the observation can be completed. It is important to remember that the study should last no more than 12 hours. If this does not happen, then you need to notify your gynecologist.
  3. For the last observation, it is necessary that the pregnant woman reduce physical activity for 12 hours so that the baby’s activity is not inhibited by physical exertion. All the attention of the expectant mother is spent on this study, because even the smallest movements of the baby will need to be recorded.

If low activity has been noted, then you can activate the baby by eating something sweet or walking up the stairs. You can lie on your back, usually children in the womb do not like this position, and they try to signal their mother to change positions, and the pregnant woman lying on her back will feel sensations in her stomach, as if something is moving.


After childbirth, six months may pass, after which there will be sensations of movements in the abdomen. Exactly the same as during pregnancy. If the probability of a secondary one is excluded, then this may be intestinal motility. After childbirth, the sensitivity to such moments simply increased.


If various movements in the abdomen did not bother you before and arose suddenly, then it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor. It will help determine the diagnosis, since movements can cause changes in the functioning of internal organs.

Stomach fluttering but not pregnancy

tummy twitches but not pregnant

I have the same problem, on November 22 I will go for an ultrasound, and the cycle has still gone astray, but I connect the cycle that I stopped feeding the child, but the movements are real, like the child is moving.

yeah, my friend also said that the intestines are moving, right now these “guts” are 6 years old already)

Stomach movements but not pregnant

After the 1st birth, I also began to feel similar, but I refer to the fact that there is not a big umbilical hernia and all the movements of the intestines can be directly strongly felt, you put your fingers on your stomach, and there it’s as if someone is creeping, very similar to the movements of the baby.

Waiting for the next post - "I'm pregnant"

Oh, and it happened to me, once I was so scared that I ran a test for B dealt, I think, well, Zab with a spiral didn’t know it myself)

tummy twitches _(not pregnant)

Maybe she ate something not very fresh, it happens. ..

Ahahaha)) Gases walk through the intestines

Active movements in the lower abdomen, very clearly felt, but there is menstruation.

Take the test, two of my friends had it. One found out about b at 12 weeks, the other at 18!

Despite the fact that I have menstruation, I feel active and pronounced movements in the lower abdomen. Am I driving?

Well, the stirrings of the week from the 15th are usually felt. Take a test at this time, it will definitely give a positive result in case of pregnancy

Yes, it is the intestines, most likely. I even feel these “movements” with my palm, like rolling)) this is called peristaltics

Could it be a pregnancy with periods?

At a previous job, a colleague had periods throughout her pregnancy. This is certainly unhealthy, but I think you would notice some signs of pregnancy ... Go to the doctor after your period just in case. Still, at least once a year

Maybe, but the essence of the question is not entirely clear! You had your period and tested negative, you ovulated today. Do you want to know if it is possible to get pregnant today or how? And movements only from 16 weeks. you can already see the belly there)))

I feel fluttering in my stomach, but I'm not pregnant.

But on the TLC TV channel there is an American program that they tell all sorts of stories about pregnancy, at the 9th month they don’t know that they are pregnant, there is no stomach and there are no signs, how can it be, I don’t understand and give birth themselves 3-4 kg, strange !?

ahaha, that's normal) I've been like this for a couple of months after the COP. the guts fell into place, and it was directly visible how the horses were moving there

incomprehensible movements in the abdomen.

Yes, it happened recently. I was fucking scared. For a second, I imagined the moment when my daughter was pushing in the tummy. This is the intestines. Do you probably eat on the run or is it faster to stuff it into your mouth and run or do you have lunch at 3-4 hours of the day like mine? I already thought about it, but so far I can’t eat normally.

Hmm… Well, maybe the spasms are true. But the test needs to be done.)) I immediately remembered a story about a pregnant girl (a friend told me), who ran to the doctor at the age of 5 months with her eyes wide and screaming: “Help, I have worms! I feel them in my stomach.” But there was a man on contraceptives.

these are guts, I tell you 100%))))))))) I had the same garbage, I was tired of doing tests

Movements and stomach weeks

Stomach flutters!

Movements, but I'm not pregnant!

Anyut, it was like this for me about six months ago, also for a long time.

some doctors laughed at me.

ended up being treated by a gastroenterologist and everything went away)

however, treated another)

wow, even more than six months) in September-October of that year.

as the doctor explained then (his assumption or a real fact) - the intestines are located according to a certain “system” inside. but each person has peculiarities in turns, loops, etc. In which the contents of the intestine can lead to such sensations.

I had the top first, then the bottom, almost where the uterus))))

as a result, when the pancreas failed, it was treated, in particular, with creon, trimedat - and somehow it went unnoticed)

I think trimedat helped in this part. but who knows)

today I was just sitting and thinking… I need to take a test… really moving all the time… I changed my mind anyway… by the way, I had the idea to write about it here, but I really thought that it would be embarrassing))) and you did well))))) wrote)))) maybe the organs really fall into place after childbirth… hell knows… or gases… or worms.

I'm pregnant but don't know about it?

What does "I don't know about it" mean. The fetus begins to move for weeks. At this time, it is difficult for an adequate person not to notice his pregnancy. You take the work of the intestines + flatulence for movements

You know, when I was not pregnant, I also had such feelings! I thought it was an anomaly, but the test was negative ... But in the end it seemed)))

It's not a nerve, it's a vein that pulsates. And you have gas. And so is the mania of pregnancy))) it also happens

Tomorrow 15 weeks - no stomach, no toxicosis, no movement.

Oh yeah, what a belly at 15 weeks? Now I have the THIRD, the stomach began to appear after 20 weeks. In the first two weeks, the first movements (like bubbles) at 16 weeks, but I am thin. With the third B, in general, closer to 20 weeks. In the first B, there was practically no toxin, I felt sick a couple of times, and that's it. So calm down. Here, a photo at 26 weeks, the third B, as you can see, the stomach is very small, although the muscles are already stretched (moreover, there is a divergence of the muscles after the second B and the placenta along the anterior wall). I am now 32 weeks outerwear people don't even notice that I'm B.

I didn't have a belly at 20 weeks. More precisely, it bulged out like a small ball when I lay with my legs stretched out, but when I stood, it was absolutely absent. But over the next two weeks, he waved sharply. And he got up so huge, with which not everyone gives birth. So you wait for another tummy. I felt hair for the first time at about 20 weeks. Everything is within the normal range.

I started to stir at 18 weeks, and even then under great stress, we went to the hospital, she roared very much. The belly was practically invisible. There was no toxicity or anything else. I also feel like I'm not pregnant. At work, no one even noticed, everyone saw it at about 23 weeks. If the doctor tells you that everything is all right, relax)))) You still have ahead of you.

girls don't pass by.


After giving birth, the same garbage. I'm skinny too. Now it starts to download, it stopped. It seems to me that the guts cannot stand in place)))) And the press began to pump, so now everything has tightened up. Even the hole around the navel is almost gone, my muscles parted and there was a hole.

This is the intestines. You yourself understand when the perturbations at the ber-ti begin. Get an abdominal ultrasound just in case.

The first movements

with the second only at 20 weeks, the first light strokes)))

And what is your deadline?)) Are you still planning and already feeling)) in the first B at 15 weeks, in the second - almost at 19 weeks!

She began to “suspect” from the 16th week ... but it is clear that the intestinal motility was ... clearly felt from the 18th week))

I don't feel anything special

The stomach does not stick out, but near the navel (fat) has become larger, but this is from a large amount of food and buns 🙂

Sometimes I forget too, I think it's normal and not scary. Cycling all the time is also bad.

But the movements (don't laugh!) I feel, yeah. Well, it's hard to call it stirring yet, but I feel slight, for a few moments, rustlings, just near the pubis.

pregnant sleep

before the delay, I often had pregnant dreams, but there was only me pregnant, I dreamed of giving birth. so xs, maybe a prophetic dream, all the same from Thursday to Friday! but I was afraid to tell anyone before I took the test, I was afraid to jinx

it seems to me that this is already a corral))) when you often think that you want to get pregnant, then in a dream it is all reflected)))

Can't even believe that

Thank you) I believe and really want! And I wish you all the best 🙂

A strange feeling) and at the same time joyful 🙂

pregnant and giving birth question))))

movements in the abdomen after CS. What is this.

Movements in the abdomen

There is no movement and the stomach is somehow small.

here in weeks 25 do not hear it already yeah

and so everything is fine, the main thing is not to get upset yourself

I also had almost no stomach and movement at 20 weeks

painful movements in the lower abdomen

Movements and stomach

Don’t worry, no one saw my stomach until 5 months old, at 5 months when they found out at work that I was going on maternity leave, they were shocked))) until I registered in this program and in pregg I didn’t even know that it was necessary to wait for movements so early, for the first time I felt them about 18 - 19 weeks, in the lower abdomen, a small crowd as if someone from the inside poked a finger carefully, each is different, everything is individual.

I still don’t feel anything either ... I’m also afraid it suddenly happened, but I didn’t understand ... If possible, I keep my hand on my stomach ... I’m waiting)) although everyone says it’s early., in the first pregnancy and later maybe

I, too, for a long time could not understand that my fish or intestines arranged a revelry, about the same from the 17th week. But today I finally caught up with the fact that the fish is starting to rage? So what else is ahead?

I guessed that childbirth was scary, but I didn’t imagine that it was so much

Whether it's not pregnant at all :)

in-in, the same thing happened, only I already felt the hair at the 17th week, and before that I also went toiling - it doesn’t pull on anything, the belly doesn’t grow, the weight is in the same place, the toxicosis has passed, there are no sensations in the boobs either ... in general, I did a test for B at about 15 weeks, when I showed him the test, asked: “what did you count on - that everything resolved?” in general, she went crazy from the lack of sensations, and now her stomach has grown, and her hair - my baby constantly reminds of herself

I had the same feelings until my son started to move)) now he doesn’t let me sleep))

I probably only recently realized that I was really pregnant))) before that I thought that it seemed to me)))))

It's good! If you feel good, then the baby is fine!

feeling like a baby is moving .. but I'm not pregnant!

it used to be like that, even as if you could see the movements, I also constantly did tests ... it wasn’t there for a long time)

it's guts moving so much)

I'm thin and definitely not pregnant) but sometimes I feel as if stirring ... before B this was not

sensations of movements in the lower abdomen without pregnancy (KS 7 months ago)

38 weeks pregnant. Very interesting and useful article.

yes, interesting article! but I have a question, what is the difference between sex and masturbation? Why is it possible with a husband, but not by herself?

If the patient complains that something is moving in his stomach, then this is a slightly inaccurate description of the problem. Worms in the abdomen can cause increased gas formation (flatulence), hence the sensation of stirring. In fact, a person feels how gas bubbles move through the intestines.

Important! It has been proven that even a worm up to 40 m long (tapeworm) cannot give a sensation of stirring and pulsation in the abdominal cavity. Usually patients are not even aware of the helminthic invasion.

If it seems to a person that something is moving in his stomach, then against the background of helminthic invasions, this can be caused by severe intoxication of the body with the metabolic products of worms or toxins that are released during the decomposition of dead individuals.

Many worms live in the intestines and feed on the food that a person eats. In this case, the patient lacks nutrients, and he can overeat, which contributes to digestive disorders and similar sensations.

What types of worms cause the sensation of stirring?

The feeling of movement of something foreign in the stomach can also be caused by tapeworms:

  • wide ribbon;
  • pork tapeworm.

These worms live in the intestines of humans and provoke allergic reactions of the body and severe intoxication. In addition to the feeling of stirring, these helminths cause anemia, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, and injure the intestinal walls.

Pulsation in the abdomen

According to experts, pulsation in the abdomen is not directly related to helminthic invasions, but against the background of pathologies of the digestive system, which can be provoked by worms, such sensations can disturb the patient.

By the way it pulsates in the stomach, and in what place this sensation is localized, one can judge the cause of this phenomenon:

  1. Pulsation on the right side a little closer to the center of the abdomen may indicate the pathology of the pancreas, as well as the vessels of this organ.
  2. If this feeling is localized slightly to the left of the center line of the abdomen, then it can be assumed that the stomach is pulsating.
  3. Pulsation in the abdomen, namely in its central part, can also indicate pathologies of the stomach or intestines.

Important! Pulsation should not be neglected, as the problem may be due to vasodilation, such as an aortic aneurysm. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.

It is equally important to remember what you were doing before the appearance of such sensations. This can be after an overstrain of the abdominal muscles, for example, after playing sports. In this case, a light massage and peace will help get rid of discomfort.


The sensation of pulsation can appear with various diseases. Most often, the reasons for this can be associated with such conditions and diseases:

Worth knowing! Often a similar symptom occurs in patients with vegetovascular dystonia.

Sometimes such pulsations in the stomach occur when overeating. This is due to the fact that when eating a large amount of food, the walls of the stomach are overstretched. In this case, nerve impulses from the nerves inside the wall turn on the reverse mechanism through the vagus nerve. Because of this, the motility of the organ increases and pulsation appears.

With gastritis with high acidity, a spasm of the pylorus is observed, in which food does not pass further into the intestine, but lingers in the stomach. At the same time, the natural motility of the organ provokes such a symptom.

Your actions

If unpleasant symptoms appeared for the first time, then for a start you can do nothing. Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon associated with overexertion, stress or hemostasis, which will pass by itself. You probably drank alcohol the day before or overate, which means that everything will pass after digestion normalizes.

If the symptoms recur or do not subside, then it is necessary to consult a specialist. In this case, it is desirable to pass tests for the detection of helminths, as well as visit a gastroenterologist and a therapist.

Many complain that something seems to be moving in the stomach, and sometimes this can even be visually determined. This may be due to several factors, however, it is worth remembering that only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis.

In this case, signs such as:

  • bloating;
  • movement within;
  • muscle mobility;
  • strange noises.

The sensation at the same time can be quite painful or proceed without pain. The reasons for feeling that something is moving in the stomach can be very different. Among the main reasons are:

  • violation of peristalsis of internal organs;
  • helminthiasis;
  • increased gas formation;
  • neoplasms.

That is why it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and conduct a comprehensive examination.

The main causes of movement

Many girls complain that they are not pregnant, something is moving in their stomach. There can be several reasons for this, and some of them are quite dangerous. In thin girls, when lying on their stomach, a pulse can be felt. This is due to the fact that there is practically no fat layer in the abdominal cavity, and when the muscles are pulled, pulsation can be clearly observed.

However, such a manifestation can also be a sign of a serious illness, in particular, such as an aortic aneurysm. This disease is additionally accompanied by frequent urination, belching and pain around the umbilical fossa. In some cases, there may be additional nausea and distention of the abdomen.

In addition, stirring can occur during fermentation in the intestines, which is associated with malnutrition, as well as the installation of internal organs in their original place after childbirth. If something seems to be moving in the stomach, then the reason for this may be helminths, which are found in many people and cause great harm to the body.


If there is a feeling that something is moving in the stomach, then this may be due to intestinal motility. Wavy contractions of hollow organs are observed when food moves through them. They can be felt even through the abdominal wall. Such waves are formed regardless of the desire of a person. Not only the stomach and intestines can contract, but also the urinary tract and fallopian tubes.

The sensation of stirring in the abdomen can be chaotic or have a certain direction of movement, as well as a different number of contractions. It all depends on the state of health and diet. Usually, peristalsis is almost imperceptible and does not cause any particular inconvenience.

Gas formation

Feeling that something is moving in the stomach may occur due to increased gas formation. This syndrome affects approximately 40% of the world's population. Increased gas formation processes lead to symptoms such as:

  • flatulence of the intestines;
  • rumbling;
  • bloating;
  • painful sensations.

Among the main causes of increased gas formation, one can single out an increase in the amount of air swallowed along with food, a violation of the intestinal microflora, and insufficient production of enzymes. In addition, this can occur in the case of eating food, during the digestion of which a lot of gases are released. This problem may be present all the time and not go away.


Worms very rarely cause a feeling of stirring, the only exception is enterobiasis. This disease is considered childish, but adults can also be carriers of pinworms. It is transmitted through contact with objects that are contaminated with the eggs of these small worms.

Worms irritate the digestive organs with the products of their vital activity, which is why there are: flatulence, as well as pain in the navel. Helminths not only provoke digestive problems, but also release toxins into the body, which negatively affect the condition. The more worms in the body, the stronger the signs of intoxication.

Among the main symptoms of the presence of worms in the body can be identified such as:

  • migraine;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea;
  • anemia
  • chronic fatigue.

The patient may suffer from insomnia for a long time, and in children there is gnashing of teeth in a dream. Worms very often provoke the occurrence of skin rashes, and in severe cases can provoke the development of asthma.

If something moves in the stomach, then it is advisable to pass an analysis for the presence of worms. There are several different types of these worms, but pinworms and roundworms are considered the most common. Their larvae, upon penetration into the body, begin to multiply very quickly, provoking various kinds of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result of this, a feeling of stirring arises.

Malignant tumors and the occurrence of adhesions in the intestines can cause movement in addition, there are other characteristic symptoms. Movement may indicate the presence of a cyst in the ovaries. These are very serious diseases, therefore, an immediate consultation with a doctor and proper treatment are required.

What could it be?

Treatment with folk methods and means - written specifically for the portal

Movements in the abdomen are familiar to many women who have been in position at least once. But sometimes people who are not in a state of pregnancy treat these symptoms. Therefore, the question arises, what can move in the lower abdomen?

The feeling that something is moving in the stomach is familiar to many people. The reasons may be hidden in various processes: bloating, movements inside, mobility of muscle structures, strange sounds without pain.

Sometimes in the body there are such processes that cannot be explained. For example, movements in the stomach. The reasons may be different.

If the patient complains that something is moving in his stomach, then this is a slightly inaccurate description of the problem. Worms in the abdomen can cause increased gas formation (flatulence), hence the sensation of stirring. In fact, a person feels how gas bubbles move through the intestines.

Important! It has been proven that even a worm up to 40 m long (tapeworm) cannot give a sensation of stirring and pulsation in the abdominal cavity. Usually patients are not even aware of the helminthic invasion.

If it seems to a person that something is moving in his stomach, then against the background of helminthic invasions, this can be caused by severe intoxication of the body with the metabolic products of worms or toxins that are released during the decomposition of dead individuals.

Many worms live in the intestines and feed on the food that a person eats. In this case, the patient lacks nutrients, and he can overeat, which contributes to digestive disorders and similar sensations.

In general, of course, it is better to do an ultrasound, because no one can say that with exact diagnoses, and the assumptions can be so different.

It is possible that you have weak abdominal muscles, but again, this feeling happens just after childbirth, since the abdominal press is very weakened.

Maybe it's a cyst.

Perhaps just ordinary gases, they will also cause a feeling of stirring in the stomach.

There may be worms, of course.

You just need to go to the doctor.

Maybe the angel Gabriel visited you at night. Look for feathers under the bed. But seriously, sign up for an ultrasound scan, but in such an institution where, according to reviews, a good specialist works, otherwise so many ignoramuses have recently divorced, the spleen is not distinguished from the liver.

Most likely it's just intestinal peristalsis. Forgive me for the unaesthetic details, but the journey of food several meters in the intestines can be accompanied by sensations of "stirring", especially if the woman ate food, during the digestion of which a large amount of gases is released.

Common manifestations of helminthic invasion are familiar to many; among them, the following are usually distinguished: weight loss against the background of increased appetite, pallor of the skin, chronic fatigue, itching in the anus. All this is characteristic of a massive defeat. But sometimes there are signs that can be confused with other diseases, but they are actually caused by the invasion of intruders into the body. Can worms move in the abdomen around the navel?

But seriously, it could be intestinal peristalsis.

the truth "whispers" in the stomach quite low.

So now I’m pulling at home, so that I can arrange a common breakfast with a pirantelchik. Join ;)

In general, I have a version such that while we do not bear the first child, well, that is. we don’t know WHAT it is: love: when the baby in the belly is happy with discs, we don’t notice peristalsis, or we notice it, but as peristalsis. But when the brain already knows these sensations on the other hand, this is where it starts to worry.

And if something stirs in my stomach and I just think about B., I start to somehow feel sick and I want to eat something exotic. :))

a year ago, frequent nausea appeared, hemoglobin slightly decreased

2 months ago there was a strong bad breath

a month ago there were movements in the abdomen, at first there were movements all over the abdomen, both at the top and on the sides, now for the last 4 days pulsating movements (as if the child were moving) appeared in the lower abdomen, more often in one place under the navel a little to the left.

no pregnancy 100% (did ultrasound)

there are no helminths either, she donated blood for toxocars, lamblia and roundworms.-neg.

everything is normal except for hemoglobin 115 and iron 4.3

also underwent ultrasound of the hepatobiliary system

All organs are normal except for the gallbladder. in conclusion, “ultrasound signs of an unfixed kink of the gallbladder, moderate congestion in the gallbladder.

apart from all the symptoms

weakness, dizziness, low blood pressure 100x60 nausea loss of appetite.

please tell me it looks like bowel cancer or what it could be? more disturbed by movements in the abdomen.


It often happens in my stomach as if someone is moving (it was the same during pregnancy), but now I'm not pregnant and the sensations are the same.

Maybe it's a cyst.

Feelings of movement when there is no pregnancy can create. our own gut

Especially if on the eve of the “movements” there was a magnificent feast with an abundance of anything and everything.

By the way, violent intestinal peristalsis, even in the early stages of pregnancy, can be confused with movements))) especially when a woman is waiting for them and listens to herself all the time.

Yes, of course, the first thought is that it is worms. You should not panic, but just buy a drug from them at the pharmacy just in case and take it. And personally, I rarely, but it happens, the feeling when I overeat something tasty. Yes, I know it’s harmful, but if you want, I allow myself occasionally. Especially now in me 54 kg. You can drink sometimes.

"Butterflies in the stomach" is a very commonly used expression))) This is a feeling in the lower abdomen. can occur during kissing or on the eve of sex. Very pleasant sensations, as if something is moving inside, like bright, fluttering "butterflies".

gastric juice or just the abdominal muscle read the anatomy there is a lot of useful

In the abdomen of a non-pregnant woman, movements of a kind can be caused by excessive gas formation. This is especially true if the day before you ate a lot of all sorts of differences, perhaps you were at some kind of celebration. Also, the sensation of stirring may be associated with the presence of a cyst, but the cyst, in order to feel it, must be of considerable size. I'm not sure about worms, but maybe they can cause something similar.

Take the test, two of my friends had it. One found out about b at 12 weeks, the other at 18!

Well, the stirrings of the week from the 15th are usually felt. Take a test at this time, it will definitely give a positive result in case of pregnancy

Yes, it is the intestines, most likely. I even feel these “movements” with my palm, like rolling)) this is called peristaltics

At a previous job, a colleague had periods throughout her pregnancy. This is certainly unhealthy, but I think you would notice some signs of pregnancy ... Go to the doctor after your period just in case. Still, at least once a year

Maybe, but the essence of the question is not entirely clear! You had your period and tested negative, you ovulated today. Do you want to know if it is possible to get pregnant today or how? And movements only from 16 weeks. you can already see the belly there)))

It often happens in my stomach as if someone is moving (it was the same during pregnancy), but now I'm not pregnant and the sensations are the same. What could it be?

Maybe it's a cyst.

Movements in the abdomen are familiar to many women who have been in position at least once. But sometimes people who are not in a state of pregnancy treat these symptoms.

Therefore, the question arises, what can move in the lower abdomen?

When there is a sensation of pulsating flutter in the stomach, an experienced specialist will take into account the clinical symptom. Pulsation in the area of ​​the projection of the stomach signals the beginning of the pathological process with frequent manifestation. The sensation of an increased pulse in the abdominal muscle extends to the anterior abdominal wall and brings discomfort to the person. Increased heart rate appears with serious pathological conditions organs of the abdominal wall, and in completely healthy people of all age categories.

  1. With pulsating movements in the upper abdomen, there is no need to panic.
  2. It is necessary to determine where it hurts, to localize the sensations.
  3. The nature of the pulsation is set: constant, periodic.
  4. The strength of the pulsation is determined.
  5. It is necessary to check the variability of the pulsation when changing the position of the body, while eating, when changing the amount of food or liquid consumed.
  6. It is necessary to determine whether the peritoneum hurts when pulsing or not? If the answer is positive, the strength, nature, rhythm of the pain syndrome is assessed.
  7. If the pain is sharp and prolonged, or there are already pathologies from the stomach and other internal organs, you should consult a specialist.
  8. With morning pulsations at the top of the abdomen, it is recommended to take a mixture at night that makes it difficult for gastric acid to reflux into the esophagus, for example, Gaviscon.
  9. Pulsation in aortic aneurysm is eliminated by symptomatic treatment. Conservative therapy in this case is possible until the rupture of the walls of the vessel. Rupture of the aorta with an aneurysm is repaired surgically. The prognosis of an aortic aneurysm is poor.

Childbearing period

Most often, movement in the lower abdomen occurs in women of reproductive age. The reason for this phenomenon is pregnancy. Most are familiar with those feelings when the future baby makes itself felt, pushing against the walls of the uterine cavity.

The first time the fetus begins to move when it is three to five weeks old. This is due to the fact that the hearts of the unborn baby have already begun to beat. Unfortunately, at this moment, the pregnant woman still feels nothing, because the size of the fetus is very small.

The first movements appear about a week later. It all depends on how the fetus is located relative to the uterus, what kind of pregnancy is in a row and what is the physique of the expectant mother.

Doctors have found that the movements of the child depend on several factors:

  1. Fetal activity increases towards evening.
  2. Movements directly depend on the mood of the mother. If a woman is afraid or crying, then the baby will behave quietly.
  3. The child becomes calmer when the woman is engaged in physical activity. Better get some rest.
  4. After eating, the motor activity of the fetus increases.
  5. Environmental sounds affect fetal movement. If something scares him or calm music plays, then the baby will be quiet.
  6. The child begins to actively move if the mother has taken an uncomfortable position.

As the child grows, the movements become conscious. But if the baby is sleeping, then he stops moving for a while.

it used to be like that, even as if you could see the movements, I also constantly did tests ... it wasn’t there for a long time)

it's guts moving so much)

I'm thin and definitely not pregnant) but sometimes I feel as if stirring ... before B this was not


Why do abdominal movements occur without pregnancy? Perhaps the reason is hidden in the active peristalsis of the digestive tract. In order for food to begin to move, the intestines must make wave-like contractions. This process is known in practice as peristalsis.

The sensation of stirring can occur on any side: on the right, on the left, at the bottom and at the top of the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the digestive tract is long. It ranges from 10 centimeters to 10 meters.

The activity of the digestive system depends on the diet, the state of human health, and the characteristics of the nervous system. If a person is completely healthy, then peristalsis does not cause any discomfort.

Wave-like contractions of hollow tubular organs to move the contents through them to the outlets is called peristalsis. Contractions can be felt even through the abdominal wall. Waves are formed independently of the will of man. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines), fallopian tubes and urinary tract are reduced.

Movement sensations can be in different places, sometimes in some directions of movement, since the organs have a length of reference. up to 10 m. and a different number of normal contractions. The intensity of contractions and their frequency depend on the diet, state of health, and characteristics of nervous regulation.

What is a gastric aortic aneurysm?

But there is nothing shameful in this, because helminths can enter the body not only through dirty hands, but also poorly washed vegetables and fruits, unprocessed meat, or while picking in the ground or sand when planting in the country.

In this case, a person will not only complain that something is moving in the stomach, but also other symptoms:

  • nausea, occasional vomiting;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increase or, conversely, lack of appetite;
  • temperature increase.

If there is a feeling of stirring in the intestine, then you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible and get tested. Do not be afraid if the diagnosis is confirmed. The patient will be prescribed a course of drug therapy and a strict diet.

If the body gives sudden signals, this indicates the development of pathological processes. Disorders of the digestive tract can manifest themselves as sensations of pulsation in the stomach area. The symptom is not a frequent complaint and appears less often than heartburn, pain, nausea.

  1. Gastritis in acute or chronic exacerbated condition.
  2. tumor processes. Often, the presence of an increased pulse at the top of the anterior abdominal wall suggests cancer.
  3. vascular changes. With the narrowing of the aorta, which is often accompanied by atherosclerosis, the pressure inside the vessel rises, the blood flow is turbulent with an increase in pulse. At the same time, the walls of the vessel gradually lose their elasticity, which prevents them from maintaining normal blood flow pressure. As a result, a person begins to feel a strong pulse.
  4. Formed aneurysm of the main vessel - the aorta. It is located in the retroperitoneal space. Aneurysm is characterized by persistent expansion with stretching of the walls of the aorta in one area. This happens due to morphological and functional changes in the walls. Aneurysms come in many shapes and sizes, most commonly saccular or fusiform. In this case age group patients 60 years of age and older. An aneurysm manifests itself as a pulsation in the middle part of the abdomen. Additionally, with an aneurysm, pain, belching, and swelling appear. The patient begins to lose weight.
  5. Reducing the diameter of the abdominal aorta without the formation of an aneurysm. The reason is the hardening of the walls of the aorta, in which plaques appear, the pressure inside the blood vessels increases. When blood flows through a narrowed area under pressure, there is resistance to its flow. Therefore, there is a pulsation of the peritoneum.
  6. Pancreatitis. Usually, an increased pulse in the upper part of the abdominal wall is accompanied by severe girdle pain, heaviness, and a change in the state of manifestations during defecation.
  7. Pathology of the liver. The organ can pulsate with a visible increase, with the development of cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholestasis.
  8. Dysfunctions of the heart muscle. The upper abdomen pulsates with persistent diffuse expansion or thickening of the wall of the right ventricle of the heart, which is located above the xiphoid process. Increased flutter is felt in the epigastric region.
  9. Mental disorders, dysfunction of the central nervous system. Constant exposure to stress, psycho-emotional overstrain negatively affects the body, causing many pathological processes.

When overeating, the stomach works in an intensive mode, which causes pulsation.

In other cases, the reasons are physiological in nature:

  1. Slim and tall. People of the asthenic type often feel a strong pulse in the upper abdomen due to the proximity of the aorta. This phenomenon is considered normal.
  2. Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, physical activity with muscle strain. The symptom is removed by rest, light massage.
  3. Binge eating. Excess food in the stomach cavity causes the organ to work in an intensive mode, which causes pulsation.
  4. Hiccup. During shudders, sharp contractions of the diaphragm, sensations can be transmitted to the epigastric region.
  5. Pregnancy in the early stages. During this period there are strong changes in all organs and systems of the body, especially in the vessels. Therefore, pulsation can accompany a pregnant woman until delivery. But in most cases, the cause lies in hiccups and slight movements of the limbs of the fetus.

Sometimes it pulsates in the upper part of the peritoneum in the morning on an empty stomach. This may be caused by diaphragmatic spasm, which is similar in mechanism to hiccups. The etiology of the condition is explained by the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus, passing through the diaphragm. The process is aggravated by the horizontal position.

Pulsating sensations occur due to cardiac arrhythmia when the body position changes during sleep. If at the same time pressure is exerted on the region of the heart, the pulsation can last several minutes and be given to the epigastric zone.

Yesterday, sitting at work, I felt strange in my stomach. Something gurgled and seemed to turn over. Now the 12th week is only, but I heard that everyone is different. When talking with a colleague who had almost given birth, she described that the sensations at first were just “gurgling”. I don't know what it was yesterday. It doesn’t look like a stomach, because in my life there were no such sensations with the stomach. Moreover, at that moment I did not take food and was not hungry. Oh, maybe it's really the same

The question is in the title. For a week now I have been feeling kicks very high, in the stomach area. The fruit lies head down. I used to feel movements only in the lower part, but now just below the chest. Is this normal for this period?

That is the question. Everywhere they write that if the head diligence, then the movements and tremors are felt from the top (in the ribs of the child's legs, in the liver, in the stomach and TD, etc.) I have the completely opposite. Kaposheniya only at the bottom, in the pubis (.

That is the question. Everywhere they write that if the head diligence, then the movements and tremors are felt from the top (in the ribs of the child's legs, in the liver, in the stomach and TD, etc.) I have the completely opposite. Kaposheniya only at the bottom, in the pubis (urinary) well, and from the right side.

Tell me girls, when should the movements begin? I have some kind of phobia, it seems to me that they should already be. But it seems to me that I only feel what is happening in my stomach 🙂 If only I could hear the baby’s heartbeat to calm down)))

We are 33 weeks old, giving birth soon) we feel great with the baby. Baby is active, gender unknown. Such a modest one😊 the movements are very distinct, sometimes it even hurts. I can't figure out what position my child is in. Most of the shocks fall on the left side and under the stomach, I feel how it rolls along the front wall of the abdomen)) the sensations are very pleasant💞

Girls, I'm not happy. I waited for movements for a long time - I was worried, they appeared at 23 = 25 weeks clear. Then there were few of them - I was worried. Then she calmed down a lot. And now there is no joy from them. It hurts, it hurts. That in a stomach constantly sits, that.

I'm exactly 17 weeks today! many Pregnant women write that they already feel the long-awaited first movements of the baby! I am not fat, 48 kg, my first pregnancy, but I don’t feel jolts, sometimes I feel something, but as a skeptic I attribute it to the work of the stomach. Dear girls, when did you feel the first movement? and what does it look like?

Girls with a third pregnancy. When your kids are moving. My first naned stirred. The second at 14 weeks. I'm now at 13 weeks. Inside, I still clearly feel not stirring, but gaziki (pordon for the details), when your babies stirred in the third pregnancy. It seems that not much has passed since the birth of the youngest.

I have two questions for you .. 1. I have this time), an active baby. All the time fumbling, sorting through something there. The elder was quiet. I was on ultrasound on Fri, 26 weeks. Head presentation. Eeyore, I felt the legs on the top, under the stomach), but for the last two days, the movement is strong on the sides. Is that the baby laying across? Can he roll over properly? And 2. There was a double not tight entanglement on the ultrasound. Is it possible.

Girls, I’m again with an old song ((Recently I wrote a post that my stomach suddenly became soft and already fell in the stomach area. Most likely due to the fact that the tone or bloating has passed. Now it has become even softer ((((My doctor got sick, and I was so hoping that I would hear a heart. Tell me, at this time, how do you feel that you are pregnant?))))) Now I don’t feel at all, I have to constantly look in the mirror, so at least you can see a big “roller” around the navel, in the evening a little bit.

In the first pregnancy, she felt movements at 18.5 weeks. No butterflies, no fish, but quite obvious kicks. The second time I waited for them. They say that in subsequent pregnancies you feel earlier. As a result, I felt “something”, but I felt obvious kicks so de, at 18.5 weeks. Now the third pregnancy.

I lit a candle and I feel strange. nausea. strong pulse. circling even lying down. cottony legs. a strange, excited vision. the colors are weird. it seems that the feet are bluish in color. pupils dilated. I am adding: I called my G, she said to call an ambulance. since one at home with two children did not call.

Gas formation

If there is movement in the abdomen, but not pregnancy, then increased gas formation may be the cause. Any process of digestion of food is accompanied by the release of gases. Increased gas formation, according to statistics, affects more than 40 percent of people.

Under normal conditions, there are about 200 milliliters of gases in the digestive tract. But the release is observed not less than 600 milliliters.

With increased gas release, bloating of the intestinal tract, bloating, rumbling, and pain are observed. The causes of the pathological process are the ingestion of a large amount of air, a violation of the microflora of the intestinal tract, a violation of the enzyme function, and the use of gas-forming products.

With increased gas formation, you can also feel as if something is moving in the stomach. This is a rather delicate problem, which you will not talk about during an evening conversation over tea. Nevertheless, flatulence can cause discomfort.

During increased gas formation, intestinal motility changes and there is a feeling that something is moving in the stomach. Moreover, this problem is constantly present and does not go away.

The processes of digestion and assimilation of food are accompanied by gas emissions. The syndrome of increased gas formation affects about 40% of the world's population. Normally, the human gastrointestinal tract contains about 200 ml. gases, and is released on average in a healthy person through the lower intestines approx.

Increased gas formation leads to bloating, bloating, rumbling, and pain. The reasons for increased gas formation are different: an increase in the amount of air swallowed with food, a violation of the intestinal microflora, a violation of the enzymatic functions of the gastrointestinal tract, eating food, during the digestion of which a large amount of gases is released, etc.

Increased gas formation in the abdomen

Why is there a feeling of stirring in the stomach? One of the unpleasant reasons is the formation of a tumor, which gradually begins to grow. In the absence of timely treatment, the patient will begin to complain of pain, nausea, vomiting, discomfort, and an increase in the abdomen.

Adhesions, tumors in the intestines, stomach or liver, polyps are a significant danger to humans. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination, which consists of radiography with contrast and ultrasound diagnostics.

Tumors and adhesions in the intestines can lead to a feeling of stirring, growth, increased pressure, heaviness and movements in the abdomen.

In any of these cases, to determine what is moving in the abdomen, a medical examination and diagnosis is required. Be attentive to your health!

Organ Reduction

If organisms that have fallen from the external environment live in the abdominal cavity, then it will not be possible to feel that they are moving. The formation of waves occurs arbitrarily, and a person cannot control this process. Different organs can contract: the stomach or intestines, fallopian tubes or urinary tract.

You can feel the movements in different places of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes this happens in a certain direction, since the organs have a certain size and a different number of contractions.

The uterine cavity in women can move inside the abdomen. This process is most often observed during menstruation, when the uterus is actively contracting to push out the extra layer of the endometrium.

This process does not require treatment. But if the movement is accompanied by a spasm, then you can take an anesthetic or antispasmodic.

Very often, contractions are observed at night, when a person is at rest. This process should not cause concern if it is not accompanied by pain.

If organisms that have fallen from the external environment live in it, then it will not be possible to feel that they are moving. The formation of waves occurs arbitrarily, and a person cannot control this process. Different organs can contract: the stomach or intestines, fallopian tubes or urinary tract.

The information on the site is provided for reference purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Feeling of stirring in the abdomen without pregnancy

The largest percentage of movements occurs during pregnancy. This is a time that is simply filled with joyful events. While the baby is developing in the womb, the mother can follow the changes that occur in her body: how the belly grows, and the fetus grows with it. Feelings change every day. And then the day comes when the expectant mother feels as if something is moving in her stomach.

The first movements of the fetus in the womb begin as early as three weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the heart of the unborn baby beats. During a visit to the gynecologist, each time you will need to observe changes in the dynamics that have occurred, and how the fetal heart beats. The interaction of muscle tissue and the nervous system occurs around the second month, and the fetus begins to make light movements at the tenth week, you cannot feel them. But with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, they can be seen.

yes, interesting article! but I have a question, what is the difference between sex and masturbation? Why is it possible with a husband, but not by herself?

going to the doctor is not fate?

and then in 5 months you will give birth

I don't want to disappoint you, but the strange movements in the stomach are most likely an obsession. No matter how strange it may sound in our time. Of course, if ultrasound and tests for pork tapeworm do not show the presence of something else.

Believe it or not. I need to go to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra for a reprimand. Otherwise, this “someone” can then completely take over the body and then it will be difficult to get rid of it. Then, after moving in the stomach, you will notice movements in the arms and legs. In addition to jokes, the topic is very serious, then he takes over the mind, although the process is not fast and can proceed until old age and turn into madness. In general, in the Lavra you will see many of them and you will understand everything.

Twentieth week

In the womb, the baby moves constantly, and the day comes when for the first time there was a feeling that something was moving in the stomach. The planned period is known - this is twenty weeks, when the first tremors of the child should be felt, but it may differ from the actual period. All pregnant women are different: weight, build, size of the fetus and the volume of amniotic fluid.

In the future, the child's pushes become more active. Then the mother may get the impression that when she talks to him, he pushes back, as if keeping up the conversation. And when they do an ultrasound, it may seem to parents that the child has turned his head to get a better look. But the future baby, developing in the womb, gradually masters his temporary home, touches the umbilical cord with his hands, pulls his arms and legs, yawns.

After the onset of four months, the child's movements become conscious. And people around you notice it. He has developed his own regime when he sleeps and is awake. Rotates for a comfortable position, so it may feel like the baby is moving in the stomach. A strong noise has an irritating effect on the fetus, and it turns away.

If the pregnancy is the first, then for the expectant mother at first it is difficult to guess the active movements of the child. Uncertain at first, very gentle and timid pushes of the baby will then become more and more confident. If the expectant mother is a gentle nature, then the sensations when something seems to be moving in the stomach are compared with the touch of the wings of a butterfly or the swimming of a fish. Those women who are not endowed with romanticism compare the movements of the child with intestinal motility.

Oh yeah, what a belly at 15 weeks? Now I have the THIRD, the stomach began to appear after 20 weeks. In the first two weeks, the first movements (like bubbles) at 16 weeks, but I am thin. With the third B, in general, closer to 20 weeks. In the first B, there was practically no toxin, I felt sick a couple of times, and that's it. So calm down. Here, a photo at 26 weeks, the third B, as you can see, the stomach is very small, although the muscles are already stretched (moreover, there is a divergence of the muscles after the second B and the placenta along the anterior wall). I'm 32 weeks now, in outerwear people don't even notice that I'm B.

I didn't have a belly at 20 weeks. More precisely, it bulged out like a small ball when I lay with my legs stretched out, but when I stood, it was absolutely absent. But over the next two weeks, he waved sharply. And he got up so huge, with which not everyone gives birth. So you wait for another tummy. I felt hair for the first time at about 20 weeks. Everything is within the normal range.

I started to stir at 18 weeks, and even then under great stress, we went to the hospital, she roared very much. The belly was practically invisible. There was no toxicity or anything else. I also feel like I'm not pregnant. At work, no one even noticed, everyone saw it at about 23 weeks. If the doctor tells you that everything is all right, relax)))) You still have ahead of you.

Movement calculation

Doctors believe that if a child develops correctly in the womb, then his activity should be certain and the same every day. Therefore, as soon as there are sensations in the abdomen, as if the child is moving, it is necessary to start calculating the movements of the baby.

The child becomes very active in the evening. During the day, he also moves, but not like this.

The mood of a pregnant woman. The experience experienced by the mother affects the baby. And they have a negative effect on him. If the pregnant woman is afraid, then the child will behave quietly. If a woman feels joy, then the activity of the fetus will increase.

The child remains calm during the physical exertion of the mother. But as soon as she lies down to rest, he will immediately make itself felt.

During the meal, the child will have increased physical activity.

Annoying environmental sounds can affect the activity of the baby, his movements will be frequent, and if something frightens him, he will calm down.

If the pregnant woman has taken an uncomfortable position, then the child may not like it, he will remind himself with strong jolts.

At the onset of the third trimester, the reaction of the child in the womb to the environment is noted, he can recognize the voices that he hears all the time. During sleep, the child usually does not move. Therefore, its activity is reduced. If there has been a sharp change in the activity of the baby, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. If it is necessary, then you need to call an ambulance.

The appearance of sensations that something seems to be moving in the lower abdomen means that the child gradually began to descend. This happens in the last trimester, when the body begins to prepare for childbirth.

You can determine how the fetus develops by observing its activity. It is bad when the child behaves excessively mobile, causing pain to the mother, and it is just as bad when he is lethargic.

The child becomes very active in the evening. During the day, he also moves, but not like this. - The mood of a pregnant woman. The experience experienced by the mother affects the baby. And they have a negative effect on him. If the pregnant woman is afraid, then the child will behave quietly. If a woman feels joy, then the activity of the fetus will increase.

- The child remains calm during the physical exertion of the mother. But as soon as she lies down to rest, he will immediately make itself felt. - During the meal, the child will have increased motor activity. - Irritating sounds of the environment can affect the activity of the baby, his movements will be frequent, and if something scares him, he will calm down. - If the pregnant woman has taken an uncomfortable position, then the child may not like it, he will remind himself with strong jolts.

Testing baby development

With the help of three methods, you can test the development of the baby in the womb.

  1. Monitoring the activity of the child after dinner and in the evening from 19 to 23 hours. During this period, the pregnant woman is resting, but the baby is not. You need to fix the start time of activity and lie on your left side. In this case, it is observed that the stomach moves, as if the child is breathing. If 10 movements were recorded, then the observation can be stopped. If after two hours there were not so many movements, then an additional examination of the pregnant woman and the child in the womb should be carried out.
  2. Observation using another method will require a little more attention from the pregnant woman. The start time is fixed. As soon as the 10th movement is taken into account, the observation can be completed. It is important to remember that the study should last no more than 12 hours. If this does not happen, then you need to notify your gynecologist.
  3. For the last observation, it is necessary that the pregnant woman reduce physical activity for 12 hours so that the baby’s activity is not inhibited by physical exertion. All the attention of the expectant mother is spent on this study, because even the smallest movements of the baby will need to be recorded.

If low activity has been noted, then you can activate the baby by eating something sweet or walking up the stairs. You can lie on your back, usually children in the womb do not like this position, and they try to signal their mother to change positions, and the pregnant woman lying on her back will feel sensations in her stomach, as if something is moving.
