How to travel with two small children. Traveling with a 1 year old

As someone who loves to travel and has been to 40+ countries, as well as in large numbers cities of Russia, I have developed my own arsenal of life hacks that help me survive a trip with children and not kill each other.

If you want to not only gain new experiences, but also relax, here are a few rules that help me personally survive and feel good on vacation:

1. The trip should be planned as detailed as possible and taking into account the characteristics of your children.

That is, you need to clearly understand whether your child will be able to drive 11 hours in a car, if so, what is needed for this, whether he will be able to stay alone in a children's room in a hotel, etc. It depends on how much free time you have. It also determines the infrastructure of the hotel and things like that. Determine what kind of hotel you need, what you are ready or not ready to do.

For example, are you ready to cook or do you want to take a break from the "household" that can eat up your vacation? If, for example, you know that cooking does not bring you joy, but rather adds negative emotions, then apartments like hotels are not suitable for you.

The more detailed you can visualize your future ideal vacation, the better the result you will get in the end. My experience is to remove as much as possible the entire household component in order to leave as much time as possible for “doing nothing”.

2. Take your grandmother, girlfriend or someone else with you (in general, whoever agrees).

The main thing is that this person should be able to stay with the children for a couple of hours a day and give you the opportunity to swim, go shopping, go on a tour, go on dates with your husband and the like.

If this someone lives in the next room or at least in another room of a two-room suite, it will be doubly pleasant and comfortable to spend evenings and nights. And sometimes you can even "throw" the child "for the night" and spend the evening for your pleasure)

3. If you have a long flight or move, prepare your child.

Tell him how everything will happen in as much detail as possible. Play out travel, such as transferring at the airport, what will you do while you wait, where will you go, etc.

4. Stock up (various).

During any trip, even if it is an excursion, you should always have at hand: drink, chew, an extra set of clothes (even 7-year-old children sometimes piss or pour themselves), wet wipes, just wipes, diapers (if you use).

About diapers, I generally have this approach - I put them on a child in the car up to 6 years old. Of course, only for the crossing, but it really helped not to stop at every intersection.

5. On vacation, you can “prohibit” everyone.

Not only do you have a rest? Use it. Sweets, cartoons for 2 hours, a little Coca-Cola, play on the phone and even ice cream. This is my personal "prohibition". The child is happy, I am calm and resting.

6. Do not be afraid to break the regime, do everything to make you feel comfortable.

If you need to see something on the other side of town in a child's nap, you go. Otherwise, you will regret the wasted vacation later. Here, without fanaticism and with common sense, but believe me, children adapt and adjust well.

7. Everyone in line!

Another important point, closely related to the previous one - when preparing an entertainment program, plan at least one children's entertainment per day, or alternate (I like the second more) children's and parental days, for example, one day we go on excursions, the other day in the water park, etc.

8. Real devices that help out when traveling are, of course:

- a stroller, on which, in addition to the child, you can load a bunch of bags and clothes,

- a scooter for older children, especially if you plan to go on walking tours,

- as well as a folding bed with a mattress + hipsit (more on this miracle a little later). The bed is indispensable if you are traveling by car. It can be used both for its intended purpose and as an arena on the road. It is very convenient and allows the child to travel "with his usual environment", and you get rid of the problems of finding hotels with cribs, worries about who slept on it, etc.,

- hipsit - our personal "helper" for hiking in places where the stroller does not pass or where it is better not to let the child run so that he does not bang anything, for example, in a museum. This is such a seat-stand, which is put on the belt and the child sits on it. It is suitable from 8 months, when the child is already sitting down and hipsit is enough for up to 2 years.

8. Tune in to the fact that your children will have broken knees, wet noses, the mood to "drink", "play a fool" and the like.

It will not be smooth, not according to plan, and every 100 meters on a walk you will need a toilet. Just prepare for it and allow yourself to experience it and sometimes ignore it. It will be easier for you and the kids. This will save you from the effect of unjustified expectations. And they can ruin your vacation! Like, “we still need to go to this museum, and be in time there, but because of you we won’t have time to go anywhere ...”

9. If nevertheless there was a trouble, your children got sick, then you should always have a minimum set of medicines at hand.

I have it, of course: antipyretics, entrosgel and enterefuril for rotovirus infection (just a must have), nasal drops, warming rubs, beponten, patches, iodine and nozzle suction.

10. If you want to cut down on household chores, take as many clothes as you need so as not to wash or wash at a minimum.

This will save you time and nerves. Of course, you do not need to take out the entire children's wardrobe. I usually take 1 set for 2 days, + 2-3 extra sets

11. Always take a supply of baby food with you for at least a couple of days.

Especially if the child needs special nutrition, and you are traveling to another country. You may not be able to go to the store immediately upon arrival. Or you will have to look for a store with products that suit you, but here everything is at hand. Then, in a relaxed atmosphere, buy everything you need.

12. Block early rises.

If you don’t want to get up early on vacation, and the child, as luck would have it, jumps up before dawn, I suggest you this option: after the child falls asleep, put a whole arsenal of his favorite toys next to the crib. Then in the morning the child will be able to reach them. Let him play while you sleep. It really gives me an extra hour of sleep in the morning!

Here are some simple tips that I hope will help you on vacation with children. Remember: the more you travel, the easier it becomes for you, and the more children get used to travel and possible inconveniences, and you get used to coping with it and not paying attention to many little things.

Traveling is great! Perhaps traveling with children will not allow you to sleep and read a bunch of books, lie on the beach, but a change of scenery is also a vacation :). Therefore, even if you don’t get much rest, at least you will unwind and be able to “reload the battery”. And often it is even more important.

Summer is ahead, great travels and new pleasant discoveries! Write which of the life hacks turned out to be useful to you, and share your own!

And how to transfer the flight with a child as painlessly as possible, read

Alexandra Ugoleva, mother of two daughters, creator of ShKAM - a project for mothers who want to remain mothers and not forget about themselves and their careers (

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We often face the fact that people who love to travel stop doing it with the birth of a baby. Sometimes these are rational and quite logical reasons related to health, but more often - only fear and uncertainty. We have combined their doubts into myths, and using our own stories as an example, we want to tell how it all happens with us.

Myth 1: Traveling with a small child is always a wagon and a small cart of things.

Of course, there are more things on a trip with a child than without him. You can’t feed a very small child in the nearest coffee shop, although this would simplify a lot. You never know when a change of clothes will come in handy or an order will come in to give out another toy.

We flew with backpacks, large and small suitcases, strollers. After many failures and successes, we realized that it is worth taking with you, what to buy on the spot, and what you can do without.

On most trips, our luggage is a suitcase the size of hand luggage, a backpack to walk around the city with it, and a stroller. Sometimes it seems that going for a walk in the park at the other end of Kyiv, we take more things than in Barcelona. Most of the space is occupied by clothes and shoes, then hygiene items and children's things. Somehow they carried one toy for half a suitcase, we try not to allow this oversight anymore.

Vitya and I can forget our toothbrushes, and have already returned home with new ones more than once, but we make a list of things for Mia very carefully, and in order not to miss anything, we check everything that we took one after another.

In our suitcase, everything is folded into special baskets that one of us once bought for $5 on Amazon. So everything looks compact and neat, well, at the airport you don’t need to arrange a wardrobe demonstration, trying to pull something out. In separate compartments of the equipment suitcase - batteries, wires and chargers. We took an umbrella, which took some place - but we never regretted it.

Life has taught us to quickly take off our seat belts at the security checkpoint, hide small things from our pockets in a suitcase, and carry liquids in a separate purse, so that with a wave of our hand we can put it in the basket at the security checkpoint. Milk and water are often screened separately by control staff. The child has a privilege: the size of bottles with liquid can be up to 200 ml, for adults - up to 100 ml.

In the backpack we have things that should be in the wings: laptops, documents, children's food. There are also a couple of favorite toys and first aid kits (for adults and children).

With a stroller, too, everything is quite simple. A few months ago, we changed the massive Anex Sport (which we also traveled with, by the way) to the compact Babyzen Yoyo. Both in Ukraine and abroad, we are always on the move, so a comfortable stroller that folds in 3 seconds to the size of hand luggage is a must have. At airports, we rent a stroller near the plane, but you can always give it to the check-in counter as free bulky luggage. On a recent trip to, for the first time, we took a car seat with us (for a car trip), which we put in luggage. The stroller was taken on board as hand luggage.

Myth 2: Traveling with a small child means giving away all the money in the world.

Traveling with three is obviously more expensive than traveling with two. But even here there are nuances.

Until the age of two, a child flies in the infant category. In economical airlines, like or, the cost of such a ticket is sometimes two to three times less than usual, and in traditional ones, like, such small children travel almost free of charge.

As for housing, here we always put comfort above money, even when we traveled together with Vitya. To search for accommodation, we use Airbnb and Booking, we find baby-friendly apartments in the center or near it, we ask you to put a separate bed for the baby, as well as a chair for feeding. In most cases, there are cribs, a chair - less often. Before booking an apartment, we always read reviews (especially negative ones), and ask tenants the so-called “parental questions” about the noise level, temperature in the apartment, the presence of a blender or heater, and so on.

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We are constantly changing the scenery, even if we are just waiting for a flight. Every airport has nurseries, escalators to ride back and forth, armchairs to sit and watch cartoons, and a few favorite toys in your backpack. On the plane, my daughter is always smiling, especially grandparents - that's why she has fun there too.

We adjust Mia for ourselves, but we do not force our rhythm on her. If she wants to stop to touch the horses, we stop and touch. If a sandbox is seen on the way to the sights, well, we stop and dig a hole.

The spacious apartment we mentioned above is important. It’s better to forget about duplex apartments, otherwise you will spend the whole trip on the steps, going up and down dozens of times a day with the baby by the hand. While one of us is preparing breakfast or dinner, Mia usually crawls or runs, and we don’t worry about sharp corners and unnecessary things that will definitely be of interest to her. In Barcelona, ​​we lived in the apartment of a woman who collects CDs with Julio Iglesias and keeps more than 50 guidebooks around the country. Of course, Mia accepted this challenge to consider and rearrange everything. In Paris, they once lived with a bath right in the bedroom, which became the main attraction for the baby.

We understand that everything depends only on us, and we make the trip comfortable for everyone: we run together in parks, look at the streets and quarters, send postcards to friends, try different foods and try not to freak out if something doesn’t go according to plan. We educate in ourselves and our baby a taste for life, and not just for food, and it seems that we are doing quite well. We show that there are no boundaries, and all thoughts about difficulties are, in fact, the same boundaries, only in the head.

Today, Natalia, the inspirer of our website, shares her experience of traveling with children.

My experience of traveling with small children began with the birth of my youngest daughter. My son and I started traveling when he was almost seven years old. This is no longer toddler age. Traveling with children school age also have their own specifics, but do not require such careful preparation as traveling with a one-year-old child (or even younger) - they have their own nuances.

When young parents think about vacationing with children under one year old, doubts and a number of questions arise. The main thing, probably, is where to go on vacation with a child. I started traveling with my daughter when she was one year old. I know that some zealous travelers do not withstand "reclusion" and start traveling with babies (by age). For me, this was impossible, since it was important for me that the child could already walk on his own and that less weight needed to be shouldered. And the age of one year for this is the most “that”.

1. The best vacation with children is where there is no sudden change in climate.

The first thing we did was to decide on the country. Since the child had not changed the climate before, I did not want to experiment with a sharp change in climate (and pediatricians do not advise). According to the dates of the possible trip (October 12-October 25), Cyprus was chosen as an exception. If the weather does not let us down, then we will be able to swim, and it will not be very hot for excursions.

2. Any trip, like traveling with a child, begins with the purchase of tickets.

I took tickets for such flights, to be comfortable for the child. That is, I did not change the airport of departure to a more distant, but cheaper one, as we do periodically, flying without a child. I looked at the docking time so that it was not too long. You can’t experiment much with the time of departure from our Barnaul - you can say there is no choice of flights. But residents of large cities can (should) look at it.

3. Hotel for children or apartment.

Next, it was necessary to choose where to live when traveling with children - a hotel for children or an apartment. I immediately decided on the type of housing for living - apartments. Someone is considering hotel options where all-inclusive meals are available. Someone goes even further and looks for a children's menu, etc. But in such hotels there are usually a lot of people. Often from season to season, infections such as certain types of "rotovirus" rage. This option did not suit me.
When I found the option of staying in apartments with half-board meals with the price of just living, my “joy knew no bounds” (I exaggerate, of course, but it was nice).

4. Good housing location.

The location of housing in relation to such objects as shops, the beach ... the quality of the beach ... I thought about all this in advance. And, since our trip can be attributed to traveling by car, since we rented a car for the entire trip, the choice of apartments was ideal for us.
The beach was within walking distance - a cozy cove, protected from the waves. There were no large supermarkets nearby, but there were small shops and an “iron horse” to get anywhere at any time.

5. First aid kit for a child

I approached this issue responsibly. What to take for a children's trip, think over the beginning in advance so as not to miss anything. An antipyretic, for intestinal disorders, an antihistamine ... - this is a must.

6. Things for a child.

On the one hand, holidays with children at sea do not seem to require a lot of things, but the weather can change and you need to provide clothing sets for different variants weather.

I take a lot of things for the child on trips (in my opinion). By now (my baby is already the fourth year old) I have formed the formula “only five” - five dresses, five T-shirts, five pants ... When we have a trip to the sea to the tropics, I definitely take a long-sleeve blouse for the beach, in you can swim in the sea and one T-shirt that you don’t mind ruining with sunscreen. Be sure to take hats for a child (and an adult).

7. Children's sunscreen.

I carefully choose sun protection for children at home. I prefer hypoallergenic and reliable products. Currently, in our arsenal of La Roche-Posay is a spray bottle (there were no other types at the time of purchase). This tool has one minus - the packaging, which allows you to transport it only in luggage - they will not be allowed to take it in hand luggage.

8. Travel games.

Only the essentials and essentials. On our first trip, it was one small soft toy, one small rhyme book, one toy cell phone… and a lot of entertaining games on the tablet.

9. Other.

When we go on vacation with small children, we must not forget about disposable diapers, disposable diaper, wet napkins. At that time we used Meries. The child is predisposed to rashes on the ass. Therefore, I carried a kit with me for the whole trip. Anyone who can buy any common diapers can do it on the spot. And, of course, a certain amount of these items should be “at hand” during transfers and flights.

10. Food for a child on a trip.

When organizing a trip with children, you need to think about baby food. We canned neither vegetable nor meat baby never given. Therefore, I took with me only soft bags of Agusha fruit puree, so that we had something to feed the child until we got to the place. In Moscow, they ate Modest cottage cheese. There were also cookies, dryers, apples and WATER with them.

11. Stroller for a child on a journey.

Check in advance what requirements your airline has for strollers - what are the restrictions on weight and size. Our assistant - Peg Perego Pliko mini - is relatively light, rigid backrest, reclining to a lying position, reliable. We rent at the ladder. We get it in different ways - at some airports they are issued immediately at the gangway, in others they are laid out on a tape along with luggage.

12. If you are traveling with a child by car.

If you have planned a holiday with children at your place, then think in advance about which chair your child will ride on - rented or your own. You may have to make a cover for the chair so that it does not get dirty in the luggage compartment. We protected the chair from dirt with cling film.

As we traveled for the first time with a one-year-old child. What did we do with a child on a plane? We took off early - at 7.20. Woke up at home easily (without whims), dressed. She took a nap in the car. On the plane, she fell asleep. Slept until breakfast arrived. I ate, walked around the salon, played and slept some more.
The transfer in Moscow was 2 hours and 15 minutes. During this time, the diaper was changed in the changing room. We ate at the cafe.
By the end of the flight, the child was tired of the limited space, she was torn "to freedom." But in general, the flight was "with a bang." It also helped that the baby was still breastfeeding. On take-off and landing, I played it safe and offered her my “favorite toy”.

On the third trip, the child protested against wearing a seat belt on airplanes. She really didn't like it. Where the flight attendants came into position and asked just to hold tight, we flew well. But on a flight from Dubrovnik to Prague, a principled stewardess came across. We got on our nerves...

But this is nothing compared to the case that I once read about on the Internet. There, the family was dropped from the plane due to the whims of the child. So travel situations are different..

Let's go back to the beginning of the story. My son and I started traveling when he was almost seven years old. Vacationing in Turkey. "All inclusive"…. And, logically, it was not without illnesses - there are a lot of children in the hotel, microbes circulate in a circle ... A couple of days before the flight home, the child began to vomit and the like ... With difficulty, I restored him so that he could fly. Unienzyme helped (thanks to compatriots who shared - my medicines were powerless).

Now with a child, and even a small one, I will never go to big hotels.

Once again, I want to tell parents - do not be afraid to travel with small children. Trips help your child to develop - he can see more, feel, etc. Our ecology wants to be better. At sea, the child recovers (if you have planned the trip correctly). Yes, and the sea will be useful to you. Don't forget about fresh fruits, seafood… You need to swim in the sea more often!

Magazine/5 Myths About Traveling With Young Children - "Tourism Subtleties" Shared best secrets. Detailed Instructions, important life hacks and everything you need to know about the world of tourism - on the pages of "Subtleties".

When thinking about a trip with a small child, young parents often face the opinion of the older generation that travel is undesirable for babies. Tour operator Kidy Tour interviewed young couples with children and identified 5 main misconceptions.

Myth 1. You need to wait until the child grows up.

The truth is that a child is constantly growing. Many modern parents, on the contrary, recommend starting traveling with children as early as possible, because thanks to travel, the baby develops more harmoniously, quickly adapts to changes in the environment and makes contact with new people. In the first years of life, the main thing for him is to spend time with his parents, and the fresh sea air and the sun, which stimulates the production of vitamin D, will only benefit.

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Myth 2. Children do not tolerate climate change well.

In fact, babies are more weather-resistant than their parents think. If in the first days of the trip the child eats less, this is more likely due not to the climate, but to the new environment: he needs to get used to it a little. By the way, some parents advise giving the child a camera - children love to observe everything new that surrounds them, and adaptation can go faster through the prism of the lens.

Myth 3. When traveling, a child can pick up a lot of infections.

Indeed, any trip is somehow associated with crowded places: airport, plane, transfer to the hotel. However, our life is already unsterile, and the risk of catching an infection on a trip is no higher than in a supermarket or kindergarten. The best prevention is to wash your hands often, use antiseptic gel and wet wipes.

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Myth 4. A child may have problems with nutrition.

“It is not for nothing that resorts in Turkey are so popular with family tourists. Most of them work on an all-inclusive basis and offer a special children's and dietary menu, which includes almost all foods familiar to kids - from steamed dishes, soups and cereals to a variety of snacks and fresh fruits," notes Natalya Voronkevich, head of Kidy Tour in Russia. Take a small supply with you baby food it won’t hurt for the first days, however, as practice shows, the baby will definitely want to try something new on the trip.

Myth 5. You need to constantly monitor the child, you won’t be able to relax on your own.

Of course, a little fidget needs an eye and an eye, but even here you can simplify the task. The most obvious way is, of course, children's clubs and playrooms. It will help not to lose sight of the child bright clothes, and on the beach - eye-catching panama or cap. Before going to the sea, it is important to explain to the baby that it is dangerous to approach the water alone, and on the spot it is worth immediately determining the conditional point where he will have to go if he suddenly gets lost. To help parents and modern gadgets, for example, a bracelet that will give a signal if the child moves further than a few meters.

Having foreseen everything in advance, you can safely enjoy the beach while the kid has fun with professional animators or plays nearby, building sand castles with other children.

Breastfeeding and the young age of the baby is not a reason to refuse to travel. To avoid trouble during the trip, you should carefully prepare for the process, collect the necessary things and develop a route taking into account several nuances.

Interestingly, children in the first year of life tolerate the road better than older babies. They sleep most of the time on the road, and newborns do not get motion sickness in transport. Plus, when the baby is full breastfeeding. Babies need their mother and mother's milk to be around. Then he will be full and calm. Therefore, traveling with a baby with the right organization will be easier than you expect.

Let the baby not remember the trip to the sea or abroad, but he will always be with his mother. And this is a guarantee of peace and well-being of the child. In addition, a trip with a baby will help to establish contact between mother and newborn.

15 rules for traveling with a baby

  • Before the trip, be sure to consult with the pediatrician if the baby has any contraindications. Be sure to take out high-quality medical insurance for the child and, if necessary, get vaccinated;
  • Pediatricians do not recommend a sharp change in climate and time zones for children under three years old. Choose places with similar weather conditions and preferably in the same climate zone;

  • If you live in cold regions and travel to the sea, do it during the cool season.
  • Go to a civilized country to minimize the risk of catching an infection or disease. In addition, it is important that qualified medical care be provided in the country;
  • The best choice would be a trip to the sea or to cities with a small amount of attractions with a compact location. Please note that walking with a baby around the city for long distances is tiring and not always realistic. Remember that the child regularly needs to change diapers and feed;
  • For hiking and excursions, use special devices for carrying children (carriers, slings, backpacks, etc.);
  • Carefully select the wardrobe of mother and child. For mom, things should be comfortable. It is important that a woman can easily feed her baby without changing clothes and unnecessary movements. For the baby, take clothes for various occasions, because the weather can change dramatically;

  • Take the child's favorite toys, if necessary, they will occupy and calm the baby. You can take new toys, which will take more time to learn;
  • Plan your route carefully. Read reviews, find out about places, if there is a room for mom and baby, playgrounds, etc. Plan a route with stops so that you have the opportunity to feed and change clothes, and when traveling a long distance - take a walk and breathe fresh air;
  • Relax in the mother and baby room. There are similar facilities in modern airports and railway stations. Don't be afraid to ask for help;
  • Try not to change the habitual nutrition of a nursing mother when breastfeeding. Remember that new and exotic food can cause stool disorders, allergies, poisoning, and others in the baby. Negative consequences. Read more about the principles of nutrition during breastfeeding;
  • Watch your child's diet. Due to the trip, the intensity of attachment and feeding may change from the usual. However, pediatricians recommend maintaining the diet to which the baby is accustomed;
  • Try to keep the sleep and walk habitual for the baby;
  • Do not take perishable foodstuffs if it is not possible to comply with storage conditions on the road. If necessary, take a refrigerator-carrier;
  • Be sure to take a thermometer, medicinal and protective (from bites, ultraviolet radiation, etc.) means on the road.

What to take with you: things and documents

Don't forget to take your trip Required documents, including a passport, birth certificate, tickets and medical insurance. If you are traveling abroad, you will need to obtain a separate passport for your child. However, even if the baby has a foreign passport, be sure to take a birth certificate too!

To travel to countries with a visa regime, you need to obtain a visa for the child. Please note that in order to travel abroad a child accompanied by only one parent, you need a certified power of attorney for consent from the second parent. If the baby is traveling with other relatives, a power of attorney from both parents is required.

When traveling with a baby, diapers, wet wipes and a bottle of water will always come in handy. In addition, breast wipes and a change of jacket will come in handy if milk suddenly leaks. All of the above things should always be taken with you on a trip, on excursions and walks, to the sea and the beach. To make it comfortable to carry things, use a backpack or a shoulder bag.

The sling and “kangaroo” will replace the stroller, make walking around the city and feeding during the trip easier. However, please note that if you are carrying your baby in a carrier, it is better to use shoes without laces and additional fasteners, since it is difficult to bend over with a sling.

If the child is already receiving supplementary food, take jars of vegetable or fruit puree, dairy products, cereals and everything that the baby is already used to and eats with pleasure. Food should be familiar and familiar. Please note that when traveling by plane, due to pressure differences, baby food jars can explode, and yogurt or cottage cheese can swell. But the quality of food will not suffer.

Don't forget your travel first aid kit. Below is a list of must-have items for your trip. baby, as well as medicines that will come in handy on such a trip.

List of necessary things and medicines

Things first aid kit
Required documents Bandage or gauze
Pampers with stock Cotton and cotton swabs
Disposable waterproof diapers for changing diapers during the trip Adhesive plaster
Wet and dry wipes Thermometer
Powdered milk formulas, if the baby is on mixed or artificial feeding Hydrogen peroxide 3% for the treatment of wounds and bruises, scratches and abrasions, to stop bleeding
Thermos with hot water to dilute the mixture if there is no access to boiling water (a thermos is useful in the car, but there is no need for boiling water on the train) Anti-allergic drugs for babies (drops or gel Fenistil - from 1 month, Zirtek drops - from six months)
Baby food if the baby is receiving complementary foods Means for healing wounds, remedies for burns (Panthenol, creams with sea ​​buckthorn oil, Rescuer - for minor burns, etc.)
Toys and other entertainment (puzzles, books, etc.) Antipyretics (candles and syrups containing paracetamol, Nurofen is a more powerful remedy)
A backpack or a handy bag to always have the right things with you Zelenka for the treatment of wounds and insect bites
Sling or kangaroo Syrups for coughs and sore throats
If you plan to take a stroller, it is better to choose a folding one. in case of indigestion and in case of poisoning
Drinking water If a child's first teeth are cut, special anesthetic gels will come in handy (Holisal, Baby Doctor, etc.)
Soother on a chain, teethers (if teething) Regidron for diarrhea and vomiting and other remedies for diarrhea
Warm blanket and pillow (airplane blankets are dusty) Nasal drops, eye and ear drops as needed
Own bedding if you are traveling on a train, so as not to pick up an infection and other diseases (Espumizan drops - from the 1st day, Plantex - from 2 weeks, etc.)
Empty bags for dirty clothes and dishes sun protection
Comfortable clothes and shoes for baby and mother Remedies for mosquito and other insect bites

Features of the trip depending on the type of transport

Transport plays an important role in travel. If you are planning a long distance trip or abroad, suitable remedy becomes an airplane. Choose tours that do not require a long flight and, if possible, without transfers. A direct flight will cost more, but it will save your nerves, time, good health and mood. Get ready for flight delays!

When traveling by plane, be sure to feed your baby before takeoff. Take the necessary things for the baby on board in your hand luggage. This will also help if the luggage is suddenly lost. If possible, choose a seat on the plane near the window, then during feeding the legs will be turned to the window, which will not cause concern to the neighbors. During the flight, the child is fastened with an additional belt to the adult's seat belt.

If you have a choice, go by bus or train, choose the second option. This is a comfortable mode of transport where you can lie down and walk. In addition, the train always has access to boiled water. To be comfortable when traveling by train, take seats on the bottom shelf.

Traveling by car has its advantages even when traveling long distances. You can stop at a convenient moment, select the appropriate schedule and adapt to the baby's regimen. On a long trip by car, you can always stop and spend the night in comfortable conditions or just take a walk, breathe fresh air.

The trip by car is better to start in the morning. Calculate the path so that the beginning of the road falls on the baby's sleep. A good time to travel by car is after the first feeding.
