The first signs of pregnancy. How to know if you're pregnant before your period is late

A couple of centuries ago, modern methods of diagnosing pregnancy were not known to medicine, so girls used the wisdom and signs passed down from generation to generation. A woman should listen to the body, and then she will notice the first signs of pregnancy before the delay, folk omens should also not be ignored.

Primary and most the right way determining the onset of pregnancy is considered a delay in menstrual bleeding. Unfortunately, not always the absence of menstruation may indicate a long-awaited conception. What about women whose menstruation cycle is inconsistent and the delay occurs every month? In this case, you should listen first of all to the signals of your body.

The following signs can tell about the onset of pregnancy:

  • Fatigue. Moreover, this condition is pathological, according to the woman, in nature. She often appears drowsiness and apathy. This is due to a change in the concentration of the hormone progesterone, as well as a decrease in blood sugar. A woman spends her energy supply faster and experiences excessive fatigue during normal stress.
  • Increased nipple sensitivity. This condition is also associated with a change in the concentration of hormones, in addition, the mammary glands begin to grow and at the initial stage of pregnancy they change and prepare for future lactation.
  • Nausea. Toxicosis does not occur in all women. In many cases, bouts of nausea can tell about overeating or classic poisoning. However, if you assume the onset of conception, and nausea visits you most often in the morning or regardless of the meal, then perhaps a stork will fly to you really soon.
  • Changing taste habits and preferences. During the gestation of the fetus, a woman may fall in love with foods that she had not previously eaten at all, or, conversely, refuse her favorite treats.
  • Headache. Periodic bouts of pain can occur as a result of excessive stress on the blood vessels.
  • Chair disorder. Most often, constipation occurs in women during pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in intestinal motility as a result of changes in the concentration of hormones.
  • When pregnancy occurs, the fair sex often changes mood. Many girls associate this condition with premenstrual syndrome.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers could not use the test to determine pregnancy, because at that time they were not yet available. For centuries, women have been inventing folk ways determining the onset of the long-awaited conception and shared their experience with subsequent generations.

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If you are interested and want to check the veracity of such methods, you can try them on yourself. Previously, pregnancy could be determined using ordinary pharmacy iodine. To do this, the woman poured urine into the container (preferably the primary morning one) and poured in a drop of iodine. In a pregnant girl, a drop of iodine does not spread and retains its shape. And if the iodine dissolves, then the girl is not pregnant.

Also, it was possible to moisten any tissue cut in urine and drop iodine on it. If the fabric changed its color to purple, then the girl could safely declare that she was expecting a baby. Otherwise, her pregnancy was not confirmed.

Our great-grandmothers believed that the urine of a pregnant girl has useful properties. To confirm pregnancy, they collected their urine throughout the day and then watered potted or garden flowers with it. If over time the plant became even more beautiful or bloomed, then the girl is expecting a baby.

Our ancestors also said that urine contains a high concentration of hormones, so they checked pregnancy using it in this way:

  1. Morning urine was poured into a metal container and boiled over a fire.
  2. Then it was poured into a glass container.
  3. If a woman was expecting a child, white rags appeared in her urine. If the urine did not change its color and remained transparent, then the long-awaited conception did not occur.

Pregnancy helped to establish and ordinary onions. The girl, who assumed she was pregnant, took two bulbs and placed both in water. At the same time, planting one bulb, she thought that she was pregnant, and the second - that conception did not occur. Depending on which bulb first gave feather sprouts, the fact of conception was determined.

Pregnancy was determined before delay using red wine and urine. The fair sex had to collect her morning urine and mix it with wine. If the liquid remained transparent, like a tear, then the girl could rejoice and soon wait for replenishment. A cloudy mixture spoke of the absence of pregnancy.

Our ancestors managed to accurately determine the fact of pregnancy by pulse. To do this, the girl should lie comfortably on her back on a horizontal surface. Without outside help, she should press with her hands 7-8 centimeters below the navel. If, during pressure, the girl felt a strong and distinct pulsation, this indicated a successful conception, otherwise the pregnancy was not confirmed.

Both in ancient times and at present, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity pay great attention to their dreams. Many dreams allow a woman to determine the onset of pregnancy or anticipate an early conception. What symbolic dreams will tell us about this?

Perhaps the most common symbol that testifies in a dream about an impending pregnancy is a fish. The fair sex can interpret such a dream as news of an interesting future situation only if the fish is fresh. She can swim in clear water, and the woman herself watches her. Also, a dream in which you catch a fish with your hands can tell about the upcoming conception, while paying attention to what kind it is. For example, a pike will talk about conception as a girl, and a carp or crucian carp will talk about a boy. Fried fish can also portend an early pregnancy, but only in cases where the woman herself or her significant other eats it.

Often, the bodies of water that a girl or a future father sees in a dream can also indicate an interesting future situation. Many esotericists interpret such dreams as an imminent conception or the birth of the first child in a family of close people. A clean pond or lake, in which the bottom and all underwater inhabitants can be seen, can tell about pregnancy. Also, a dream can tell a girl about the future situation in which she fords a clean and calm river.

Seeing in dreams your children who are not yet in the world is considered one of sure signs upcoming pregnancy. Also, a family idyll can tell about an interesting situation, when a girl sees, for example, herself, her chosen one and a baby at sea or in a park.

Many women are amazingly sensitive to the signals of their body, such ladies can be called lucky. After all, they can feel how a new life is born inside even before two strips on the test and the doctor tell about it. This is how girls from past centuries determined the first signs of pregnancy before a delay - folk signs were passed from mother to daughter and moved into the 21st century. Now expectant mothers can share their experience with their friends, post valuable knowledge on thematic forums.

Folk signs of pregnancy early dates interested in every woman. So do these signs really exist, or is it just wishful thinking?

Listening to yourself...

Signs will not miss the signs of the desired pregnancy

Often, expectant mothers are so eagerly waiting for conception that they begin to look for signs of pregnancy long before the delay - literally a few minutes after making love. A man who is already seeing the tenth dream, and does not realize that the girl at this time is excitedly listening to her body - hasn't a miracle happened?

After talking with their like-minded people on the forum and friends, after listening to the stories of their mothers and grandmothers, women want to believe every signal coming from within. A slight malaise, a desire to eat inedible - often future mothers try to deceive themselves. And the persistence with which women feed their illusion is simply amazing. Having found at least one suitable symptom in themselves, they are already looking for the second and third, just so as not to be disappointed again. After all, the world of hope associated with pregnancy is so fragile.

Women are also frightened by the fact that numerous couples live in the world who have not managed to become happy parents- in a natural way. Such spouses have to deal with all sorts of studies, analyzes, undergo special treatment courses for a long time before it becomes possible to carry out artificial insemination and wait with trepidation for confirmation of conception.

What does the body say

The body can tell about early pregnancy

Folk signs are, of course, a curious thing, but there are early signs of pregnancy known to medicine before the delay in menstruation. And very often girls are guided precisely by them, considering such symptoms to be more reliable and simple than superstition. What can indicate a pregnancy that has taken place:

  • A cold-like condition with a drowsy feeling of drowsiness, slight malaise - there are sore throats, runny nose and slightly elevated body temperature.
  • Scanty spotting appears from the vagina (this bleeding is called implantation, at this moment the embryo is implanted in the tissues of the uterus).
  • The basal temperature is growing, often the gynecologist recommends measuring it in the first days after the theoretical conception (these indicators are extremely important during the first weeks of pregnancy, the basal temperature of the proper level shows that the pregnancy is developing normally).
  • The breast becomes very sensitive, it is simply impossible to touch the nipples, and usually before menstruation pain were not as sharp.
  • The state of "from heat to cold" - the body is confused, the pressure jumps, and sleep does not come in any way or becomes very sensitive.
  • The lower abdomen seems to be filled with something. Many expectant mothers who did not yet know that they were pregnant took this position sign for the classic "bloated belly".
  • If sleep is disturbed at night, then during the day the woman is literally knocked down, and one wants to lie down and take a nap.
  • The mood changes ten times an hour, there is irritability, suspiciousness.
  • A feeling of pain appears in the temples, the head is spinning, sometimes there are migraine attacks.
  • The smells become so obvious and saturated that sometimes it becomes stuffy from the usual aroma of perfume, and from the fishy smell you want to turn inside out.
  • Taste preferences suddenly change, it begins to pull on foods that previously caused disgust. Also nausea in the morning.
  • Hands and feet suddenly swell with swelling.
  • Vaginal discharge becomes more abundant, thrush worsens.

These symptoms do not necessarily indicate pregnancy, however, many women feel that it has happened. And the delay in menstruation becomes a long-awaited confirmation of happiness.

In a world of sweet superstitions

Grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew very well how to determine the first signs of pregnancy before a delay - folk signs have come a long way and have earned recognition. Although modern women often turn to superstitions, only when there are no classic symptoms, but you want to believe in a miracle.

Even before the official definition of pregnancy about conception, folk signs could suggest

Popular superstitions were in demand when it was not yet familiar medical care. People diagnosed pregnancy on their own, only based on known facts and unique arguments. This is what women saw interesting position»:

  • A sharp taste of metal appeared in the mouth, as if the tongue suddenly began to exude "iron" aromas.
  • In the areas of the neckline, the vessels began to gather into nets resembling spiders.
  • The mammary glands "swollen", poured.
  • In the morning, the woman did not have the strength to get up and do something.
  • If a child whom a woman was breastfeeding suddenly began to refuse to suck, the ancestors believed that this was “out of jealousy” (the baby felt that there was another baby inside the mother).
  • The girl began to sneeze more often than usual, and also to snore in her sleep.
  • The well-known addiction of pregnant women to salty was popular in past centuries. “She carried it,” relatives and friends suspected, when a woman with appetite began to crunch on pickles and sauerkraut.

Pregnancy test the old fashioned way

Even our grandmothers knew how to accurately determine pregnancy

And in the past, it was possible to determine pregnancy at home with the help of urine. Only the test technique was different, because the ancestors did not have special knowledge and equipment. However, grandmothers knew a lot about the properties of "pregnant" urine.

The woman collected her urine in a metal container and put it on fire. As soon as it boiled, she poured it into a glass beaker and carefully peered into the liquid. If white flakes floated in it, then most likely the pregnancy took place. This method of diagnosis was not the only one.

Urine was also mixed with red wine, and if the mixture turned out to be cloudy, one could assume a successful conception. A clear solution spoke of the absence of pregnancy. And that is not all.

The woman collected urine in a container, after which she added a few drops of iodine to it and watched what happened. If the iodine is completely dissolved, then the plan has come true. To confirm it, it was necessary to go through the second stage of the study - soak the tissue with urine and drop one drop of iodine on it. If the spot turned purple, then a miracle happened. But it was necessary to peer carefully, because a blue or blue speck is not pregnancy, but just a chemical game of two compounds.

Special dreams of pregnant women and fortune telling

Folk signs about pregnancy in the early stages were also reflected in the dreams of expectant mothers. Many dream books still confirm the desired reality of such dreams.

Dreams about fishing - to pregnancy

A sign of a pregnancy that has taken place is a dream about catching fish, and the girl herself must catch the treasured fish in a dream. Surprisingly, deceased ancestors can appear to expectant mothers in a dream and speak in plain text about the onset of pregnancy, even naming the month in which they will give birth. Instead of grandparents, the Angel and the Mother of God can visit the dream, they will also bring news of conception.

If folk signs did not give answers to questions, then fortune-telling, which was widely practiced in the good old days, could tell about the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay. The most favorite was divination with the help of an ordinary onion and water. This method required a little patience. The onion was cut in two and mentally decided which half would symbolize pregnancy, and which would symbolize an empty uterus. Both halves were placed in glasses with water. The part that sprouted faster, and gave the answer to an important question.

Constant thoughts about pregnancy can easily negate what you want.

Undoubtedly, every woman would like to have a huge book with folk signs about pregnancy, which she would read day and night. But there is one pattern: what more girl thinks about the onset of pregnancy and the more signs she looks for in herself, the lower her chances of getting the coveted. Even in the old days, people knew

You just need to live full life, admire every pleasant little thing and thank heaven for the health of relatives and friends. Then the baby will not keep himself waiting long and will become the best unexpected surprise in his whole life.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

It is quite possible to determine pregnancy at a short time, when there is no delay yet. Knowing the early signs of gestation and identifying them in yourself will delight a married couple who were striving to conceive.

Pronounced signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation are noticeable during the implantation of a fertilized egg (approximately the 20th day after the fusion of the female and male cells). Up to this point, the body reacts slightly to the birth of a new life. But attentive women understand that replenishment in the family is expected.

Physiological changes in the expectant mother

If a woman of childbearing age suspects that conception has occurred and is looking for information on how to understand that she is pregnant before her period is late, she should first listen to herself.

What is the state of health, sense of smell, condition of the chest, type of vaginal discharge, etc. Any deviation from the usual sensations is an occasion to think about what is happening in the body.

Distorted sense of smell

Aversion to surrounding odors during pregnancy occurs in every second woman. The phenomenon is associated with changes in the central nervous system. Odor aversion entails profuse salivation, nausea, and a change in the taste of food.

Breast tenderness

The mammary glands respond to conception immediately after the implantation of the egg. The breasts may look swollen in the first week. Light touch causes pain. The sensitivity increases, the color of the halo changes.

The bumps of Montgomery, resembling rashes on halos, become more pronounced. They are found on the breasts of every woman and in the normal state are not so noticeable. These small rudimentary glands become apparent after fixation gestational sac. Therefore, changes in the mammary glands can be considered among the earliest signs of a recent pregnancy.

Deterioration in general well-being

Fluctuations in the level of progesterone and a slight increase in body temperature lead to the appearance of signs of a cold. Still not knowing about her situation, the woman thinks that this is a consequence of hypothermia or infection, because all the symptoms are the same:

  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Migraine.
  • Dizziness.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Runny nose or sore throat.

In the first 48 hours after the fertilization of the egg, a special substance appears in the blood of women, which experts call the early factor of pregnancy. An increase in its performance is observed in the 1st trimester. Diagnosis of conception by this factor confirms 67% of cases of completed pregnancies.

Bleeding from the genital tract

Consider whether pregnancy can be determined by vaginal discharge. When the egg is introduced into the uterine cavity, a small implantation bleeding opens. This is due to the presence in the endometrium of its own vascular network.

At the time of attachment of the egg, the vessels are injured, and blood is released. Often such an event occurs on the day of the expected menstruation. If a woman's periods have never been heavy, she may not suspect gestation.

However, there are several signs by which false menstruation can be distinguished from true bleeding:

  1. Short duration - 1 - 2 days.
  2. There is no increase in bleeding.
  3. The color of the blood is red or pinkish.
  4. The extracts do not contain impurities.
  5. The process is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

If the process of introducing the fetal egg into the uterus was atraumatic for the vessels, the vaginal discharge during pregnancy becomes transparent, moderately thick and loses a pronounced smell.

Frequent urination

More frequent trips to the toilet in a small way during the day and the need to urinate at night may indicate pregnancy.

In the absence of unpleasant symptoms, you should not worry. This phenomenon is due to hormonal changes, due to which the uterus receives more blood. Congested blood vessels affect the urinary system. This is not considered a disease.


Toxicosis, which is often manifested by nausea and vomiting, will help determine the development of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation.

Many mothers with a shudder recall an unpleasant symptom, due to which even their teeth could not be cleaned normally. It is impossible to ignore toxicosis, since it disrupts the laying of the organs and systems of the embryo. In addition to digestive symptoms, a pregnant woman may be disturbed by cramps, bronchial asthma, skin rashes. And all this refers to signs of toxicosis.

Why such an unfavorable process develops during pregnancy, scientists cannot establish. However, gynecologists analyzed which factors increase the risk of developing toxicosis:

  • Stress.
  • Multiple abortions.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Excessive thinness of the body.
  • Endocrine and digestive disorders.

Tests for hCG help doctors judge the presence of pregnancy. The hormone begins to grow even before the delay of menstruation, and at 1 - 2 weeks of pregnancy, its value varies between 25 - 156 mU / ml. From weeks 2 to 3, the hCG value is 101 - 4870 mU / ml.

Fullness in the lower abdomen

A strange feeling of a full belly sometimes indicates the onset of pregnancy. The severity is due to an increase in the size of the uterus, to which blood is actively supplied.

With a significant increase in the genital organ, when the fetus develops intensively, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen may be accompanied by hemorrhoids. During the first pregnancy, the complication occurs after the 20th week, and during the second pregnancy, it worries in the early stages.

Basal temperature indicators

Constant measurements in the morning immediately after waking up and plotting its fluctuations give the most accurate results. According to the BT indicators, ovulation can be easily calculated, since during this period the previously recorded indicators increase and persist for some time. About a week before menstruation, the temperature measured by the rectal route becomes normal.

If a woman sees on the chart that the dynamics of BT has changed, but there is no decrease, it makes sense to suspect pregnancy. In an interesting position, rectal temperature does not decrease.

Low blood pressure in early pregnancy is observed in hypotensive women. BP indicators reach 90/60 mm Hg. and are lower. In a stuffy room and after a long stay in a standing position, the expectant mother develops weakness or dizziness. For the same reason, fainting occurs.

The first symptoms of pregnancy by gender of the child

If a married couple really wants a boy or a girl and all attempts are made to conceive, information on how to find out about pregnancy by the sex of the child will be relevant for future parents.

About the conception of a boy, there are several clear signs noticed by the mothers of their sons. They have no medical justification. Consider how pregnant women walk with a boy:

  1. Appearance - only positive changes. The woman looks blooming. Her hair becomes thick, her nails become strong, her skin becomes matte with a pleasant peach tint.
  2. Appetite - increases from the first days. There is a craving for meat products.
  3. Mood - psycho-emotional state is good, working capacity is normal, there is a surge of strength.
  4. The temperature of the extremities is cold feet against the general background of internal heat.
  5. Nausea - or not, or slightly sick.
  6. Belly - rounded at the bottom, taking the form of a slight bulge. With a careful examination of the body, this is noticeable at 1 - 2 weeks.

Now let's try to figure out how to determine pregnancy before a delay in menstruation if a girl is born in the womb. The appearance of the mother changes for the worse. The daughter takes beauty away, making her skin pale and swollen, and her lips swollen. Appear dark spots freckles become more pronounced. Feet feel warm to the touch, but inside pound with chills.

There is no appetite from the first days of pregnancy. If you want to refresh yourself, a woman chooses sweets or citruses. Mood, thoughts and actions are disordered. Much is done spontaneously. In the morning, mommy is worried about nausea, which subsides slightly in the evening. The abdomen looks slightly sunken.

Concerning multiple pregnancy, which pleases some people and saddens others, its symptoms can be as follows:

  • Appearance - a powerful hormonal restructuring and the work of the body "for everyone" significantly spoil the appearance. Worried about severe toxicity. Pimples appear on the face.
  • Appetite - increased even with nausea.
  • Body weight - gaining quickly.
  • The mood is unimportant. A woman is overcome by laziness, drowsiness, fatigue.
  • Nausea - periodically ends with vomiting.
  • Urination - accelerated growth uterus increases the need to urinate.
  • Belly - evenly rounded from the first weeks.

A gynecologist can determine pregnancy at a short time. He examines the patient on the chair and sees that the cervix has become softer and more cyanotic. Its color has changed under the influence of increased blood circulation. These figures are typical for a period of 6 weeks.

Folk signs about the beginning of pregnancy

It is very difficult to determine pregnancy in the first week. After merging with the male seed, the female cell moves through the tubes to the uterus within 5-7 days. A pea-sized fetus develops a placenta and an umbilical cord. A week later, it attaches to the walls of the reproductive organ. You can feel the birth of life at this moment intuitively, and by comparing folk signs with your state of early pregnancy.

Some women do this simple analysis: they pour a pinch of baking soda into fresh urine and observe the reaction. If there are bubbles, the test is positive. The second option is to mix urine with a drop of iodine. If the drug is dissolved, the conception took place.

Interpreters of dreams consider a dream in which a watermelon or a live fish was seen as a signal of pregnancy. Many mothers notice an increase in libido with the onset of pregnancy. I want more and more sex. A more reliable method is a simple measurement. It is necessary to lie on your back and measure from the navel 8 cm down. If this point is pulsating, there is new life inside.

To guess whether there is a pregnancy or not, two identical bulbs will help. They put them in glasses and watch which one releases green feathers faster. The winning vegetable gives the correct answer.

Other signs promise the onset of pregnancy:

  1. Water houseplants or flowers in the garden with urine - their intensive growth will indicate a hormonal surge characteristic of gestation.
  2. Boil urine - the appearance of flakes indicates pregnancy.
  3. Assess the color of morning urine - a dark liquid gives an interesting situation.

But what if the signs indicate conception, and the first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are accompanied by one-sided abdominal pain and long, heavy false periods?

Most likely, inside the female body develops ectopic pregnancy. In other words, the fertilized egg stopped at a certain point in its path and fixed itself outside the uterus (most often in the tube). Unpleasant sensations arise in the place of its localization and are aggravated by walking and turning the torso.

What to do in this case? Urgently go to the doctor!

A little about vaginal thrush

At the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be disturbed by the symptoms inherent in thrush - itching, cheesy discharge, swelling of the genitals. Out of ignorance, women classify the disease as signs of gestation and are not treated. But in fact, fungi provoke, and not the fact of conception.

Intensive blood flow to the pelvic organs, an increase in the amount of secretions and a surge in estrogen create the prerequisites for the successful reproduction of candidal flora. The specific smell and unusual consistency of discharge during pregnancy should alert a woman. The milkmaid is harmless. It must be completely eliminated before childbirth so that the child does not pass through the infected genital tract.

Are you pregnant - find out from signs and early signs!

Surely, in your circle of friends there will be experienced ladies who tell stories about how they felt the first signs of pregnancy before the delay - folk signs that tell about a possible interesting situation were born that way. If you want to check how true your own intuition is, and how our great-grandmothers knew how to feel their body - read the article!

The first signs of pregnancy before a delay - folk signs

A woman who has long dreamed of a little rosy-cheeked happiness begins to listen with quivering excitement to inner feelings literally after the moment of intercourse. The lover who snores next to him is not even aware that his other half already imagines himself to be a crystal vase and is afraid to move, so as not to destroy the illusion and not be disappointed again.

And how many couples in the world have not been able to experience the joy of the natural process of becoming parents. And so, they are hoping to receive desired result, go to the doctors, where, after passing all kinds of tests (examinations, tests, consultations, therapy, treatment, etc.), they reach the final stage of waiting - the time from artificial insemination to.

Perhaps, for those who know the early signs of pregnancy before the delay, folk signs are useless? And is it easier to listen to the signals of your own body than to look for suitable superstitions?

Look at what can alert you literally a few days after sexual intercourse (or a hospital procedure):

  1. Mild cold-like ailment (fatigue, runny nose, sore or sore throat, slight fever).
  2. Bloody, mild, vaginal discharge (the so-called implantation bleeding due to the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus).
  3. Change (growth) basal body temperature. Doctors advise in the first days after conception to start measuring the temperature (in the mouth, in the vagina, in the anus) in order to fix the first symptoms of its increase.
  4. Painful sensations when touching the chest (a woman's nipples become especially sensitive).
  5. Restless sleep, insomnia. Changes in pressure (as if you are being thrown from hot to cold).
  6. Feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen (some mistakenly perceive the first symptom of pregnancy as bloating).
  7. Drowsiness, irritability, mood swings.
  8. Pain in the temporal lobes, migraine, dizziness.
  9. Increased sense of smell, change in taste, nausea.
  10. Swelling of the extremities, anemia.
  11. Along with the morning urge to vomit, an increase in appetite at other times of the day, cravings for unusual foods.
  12. Exacerbation of candidiasis (thrush), an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge.

But what guided our distant ancestors in the definition of "belly", at a time when traditional medicine as a science did not even exist in the bud.

  1. Metallic taste (as if a piece of cold iron had been placed in the mouth).
  2. "Spiders" that crawl out on the skin in the décolleté area (small vascular network).
  3. Swelling of the mammary glands (they said: "the young has poured").
  4. Complaints of malaise - when a woman could not find the strength to get up in the morning.
  5. If a child abandoned a nursing mother to suck, it means that she felt her future brother or sister in the womb.
  6. Snoring of a young person in a dream and frequent sneezing.

The most obvious sign for the people of the onset of pregnancy was a change taste preferences women: if a girl was caught eating sauerkraut or pickled cucumber from a tub, they immediately declared that she “suffered”.

By the composition of urine, it is easy to determine the onset of pregnancy - any doctor will tell you this. Our ancestors, who did not have special education and laboratories, also had in stock several folk methods for determining a special position using her urine:

Boil the urine in a metal bowl and pour into a glass beaker (jar). You will see white flakes in the liquid - you can rejoice, you are probably pregnant.

Another involved mixing urine with red wine. The probability of conception occurred was confirmed if the solution was cloudy. If it remained transparent, then there was no pregnancy.

You can simply add a couple of drops of iodine to fresh urine - the substance has dissolved, which means that pregnancy is obvious. And if you put an iodine spot on a cloth soaked in a yellow liquid and this place turns purple, you will once again confirm this joyful fact. But do not confuse: if the wet circle turns blue (blue) - the miracle did not happen.

Helped not to miss the first signs of pregnancy folk signs (fortune-telling):

  • If a young lady dreamed of a live fish, as if she was catching it, the dream foreshadowed an imminent replenishment in the family or signaled an already existing pregnancy.
  • Unfamiliar men suddenly began to show interest in you - perhaps pregnancy suits you.

It was possible to tell fortunes on an interesting position on an ordinary onion.

Cut the tear product in two and program one half for a likely pregnancy and the other half for not. Then determine the parts of the bulb in the water: where the stalk will germinate faster, and interpret the answer accordingly - yes or no.

Sometimes, a deceased relative - more often a grandmother or great-grandmother - could come to the relatives of a potential woman in labor (or to herself) and hint at the upcoming birth of a descendant, saying a phrase like "wait in September."

Many sincerely believing Christians shared stories with humanity about how an Angel (or the Mother of God) appeared to them in a dream - and the long-awaited conception soon occurred.

It is known that prayer is a very powerful way of self-hypnosis and bringing what is conceived into life. After all, with the help of prayer, a person is not only cleansed, but also charged with cosmic energy, opens his heart to God.

It is not in vain that conspiracies for conception were invented by the people. And besides the Virgin Mary, there are certain saints that childless spouses pray to - Mother Matrona, Alexander Svirsky, Saint Xenia of Petersburg, Saints Zachary and Elizabeth.

Of course, folk signs about pregnancy before a delay are not as numerous as many of the fair sex would like, however, if you pay attention to the signs around us and do not get too hung up on inventing non-existent symptoms, an interesting situation will definitely come. Then the turn will come to disassemble, study signs about the month of birth, look for the cherished and most best name for your child and much more.

In the meantime, your uterus has not yet become the happy owner of a small embryo - re-read folk signs about early pregnancy and dream that this period has already come for you. Live a full life, do not be discouraged - and your desire to have children will be heard by Heaven!

From time immemorial, women have tried to determine their pregnancy as early as possible. Many peoples had their own ways to recognize in the womb of a future mother new life even before the delay of menstruation.

Folk methods for determining pregnancy, of course, are not as reliable as even a home test. However, they allow a woman to listen to the signals of her body, to determine the first signs of the birth of a new life.

Signs have a deep meaning. The intuition of a woman, perhaps, alone can tell in the early stages about the onset of pregnancy. After all, at this time, even the test will not be able to help.

Modern folk omens

There are generally accepted symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages even before the onset of a missed period. However, they can be felt before menstruation.

Therefore, all these changes in the body can only be distinguished intuitively. They are usually referred to as modern signs. Medicine claims that the same sensations are characteristic of different women for premenstrual syndrome or other conditions.

Reliable symptoms

Modern folk pregnancy tests have about 25 symptoms. All these signs are more or less capable of becoming a means for a woman to determine her position.

The most reliable conditions indicating the presence of pregnancy are the following first signs:

  • Implantation bleeding.
  • Soreness of the mammary glands, nipples, or the appearance of a vascular network.
  • Unusual drowsiness, constant tiredness.
  • Increased body temperature (including basal).
  • Tingling, drawing pains in the lower abdomen.

These are the most common signs. With their help, you can understand that conception has occurred, and the fetus is already developing in the mother's womb.

However, this is still folk methods definition of pregnancy. Medicine identifies many conditions in which similar signs are observed.

Only laboratory tests and ultrasound can tell for sure whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

Less certain folk symptoms

The modern first signs listed above before the delay of menstruation in early pregnancy are considered the most reliable. There are symptoms that are less related to conception. These include the following clues.

  1. Increased pigmentation.
  2. Mood swings.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Runny nose or snoring.
  5. Restless sleep or insomnia.
  6. Nausea.

Maybe some ladies experienced similar symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy, but these are not so frequent messengers of the conception that occurred before the delay.

ancient signs

Ancient peoples used various means capable of conducting a test in a fairly short time frame. Signs differ radically in different peoples peace.

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greek healers determined the position of a woman with the help of tinctures. To do this, before going to bed, they mixed wine or anise with honey, offering to drink it.

If at night a woman noted pain near the navel, this indicated the development of the fetus in her womb.

The philosopher and physician Hippocrates was the founder of this method. He also claimed that a pregnancy test can be carried out on a woman's iris. If this part of the eye has darkened, this indicates a successful conception.


In medieval Italy, there were their own means by which it was possible to conduct a kind of test before the delay of menstruation.

The woman had to warm herself by the fire, add myrrh and frankincense to it. If after a while she began to smell of the same ingredients, she is in position.

Also, the ancient healers conducted another test. According to them, wine dissolves in the morning urine during pregnancy. The liquid was mixed in a ratio of 1:1.

At that time, such signs were the only ways to determine a successful conception.

Russian signs

For several centuries, our people have determined their signs, with the help of which they revealed the first signs of the conception that occurred in the very first stages.

Folk methods for determining pregnancy are sometimes quite logical. But sometimes they are wrong. There are also various signs and even divination.

urine method

One of the most common methods can be considered the definition of pregnancy in the urine. To do this, you need to collect it in a jar in the morning. Then iodine is dripped onto the surface. If it blurs, conception has not occurred. Otherwise, a drop of iodine will remain on the surface.

You can also test at home. A few drops of urine are applied to a sheet of paper. A drop of iodine should be added to the same place. If the woman is pregnant, the color will be purple. Otherwise, the drop will turn blue.

There is another urine test. To do this, bring it to a boil and pour it into a glass jar. If a white precipitate falls out, you should prepare for the birth of a child.

Also, if you put soda in your morning urine, bubbles will form in it during pregnancy. With a negative answer, Soda simply lies at the bottom.

Checking with a bow

The next method uses signs that are not related to physiology. To do this, take two identical bulbs and plant each in a glass of water. Sign in advance which of them will symbolize a positive answer, and which one will be negative. In which bulb the feathers grow to 4 cm first, this is the answer.

You can rely on such signs, but the decisive word, of course, belongs to laboratory tests.

Heart rate tracking

There is a method for determining the conception that has occurred by the pulse. To do this, a woman should lie on her back and feel a certain point on her stomach. It is located 7 cm below the navel.

Keeping your hand on it, you should listen to the pulse. If it is at this point, then the answer is yes. This does not happen to every expectant mother. And there is no concrete evidence for such a theory.


Dreams associated with fish are a well-known sign of pregnancy. Her woman can catch, cook or eat. They say that if a crucian dreams, there will be a boy, and a pike or a herring is a sign that a girl will be born.

You may also dream of a watermelon. The subconscious of each person is as unique as his body. In what form he will signal a woman about her position, it is difficult to predict. The expectant mother will understand her associations that came in a dream.

Folk methods for determining pregnancy are aimed at ensuring that a woman listens to herself. Even with no signs future mom can intuitively determine its state. For this, sometimes a test is not even needed. She just knows that a very small man is still growing in her stomach.

Some ladies do not realize their position even for the first 2-3 months. Everything is purely individual.

But even having resorted to the help of folk approaches in determining pregnancy, you should not trust both positive and negative results. The last word still remains with laboratory tests and examinations.
