What damage does hair dye do? Hair dye: benefits and harms

You know how it is: girls with curls always want straight hair, and brunettes always dream of dyeing their hair blonde, or vice versa. If a styler or straightener will always help with the first problem, then in the second case, hair coloring is simply inevitable. We decided to find out everything about coloring from Andrey Varivoda, the leading stylist of Londa Professional Russia.

1 Truth: Dyeing is a chemical process

Before dyeing hair, as a rule, the dye is first mixed with an oxidizing emulsion. The mixture is then applied to the hair. As a result of the mixture getting on the hair, it swells under the influence of a chemical reaction. The ammonia contained in the dye combines with hydrogen peroxide and a reaction occurs with the release of heat and the release of an oxygen atom, which brightens (oxidizes) the natural pigment, revealing (forming) an artificial pigment.

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2. Truth: Coloring ruins hair.

Any exposure harms the hair, but you can’t get away from it. Not only coloring spoils the hair structure, but also the environment, ultraviolet rays, hot styling with a hair dryer, ironing, etc. Dyes to a greater or lesser extent affect the structure of the hair shaft, and, consequently, its physico-chemical characteristics. Therefore, it is more prudent to carry out the staining procedure correctly, observing all technologies. Those girls who try to become blondes on their own are especially at risk. The transformation of the “bright diva” is a doubly responsible moment. In fact, it is better to entrust it to a professional.

3. False: It is impossible to turn from a burning brunette into a blonde

If you are a burning brunette or a red-haired diva with natural color hair - you will not have any special difficulties in becoming a blonde. Of course, this process will go through the lightening of the hair and we are not talking about the maximum light result. But if your hair is dyed black or bright copper shade, the clarification process can take place in several stages. The most important thing is to consult with a professional who will evaluate the “quality” of the hair and choose a more suitable lightening option. But, nevertheless, it is better to be a bright brunette or a red-haired fox than to have “cotton candy” on your head.

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4. Truth: Ombre is the most harmless type of coloring.

The innovative technique for dyeing curls "ombre" came to us from Hollywood stars, from the red carpet and fashion catwalks, has now gained popularity among the female. Soft, smooth transition colors from one tone to another or outstanding color contrast, will achieve natural effect. It is believed that this method of dyeing is the most gentle, since the roots of the hair do not need to be dyed.

5. Truth: Hair should not be dyed very often.

You can dye your hair no more than once a month, otherwise you can break their structure. If you want to keep your hair color in perfect condition, you should not dye it completely, but only regrown roots.

6. False: Everyone can wear makeup

Staining has a number of contraindications. For example, it is categorically not recommended to dye the hair of pregnant girls, since substances that penetrate the scalp through the hair can cause a number of serious diseases and adversely affect the development of the fetus. Also, do not dye your hair after applying henna or basma. Otherwise, an approximate version of your future shade: orange-green, which is formed as a result of a reaction between chemical and plant components. Also, you can not paint if there is damage to the scalp. Well, it is worth considering individual intolerance to the substances included in the paint.

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7 Truth: There Is Ammonia-Free Paint

To date, there is an alternative to permanent permanent dyes, which include ammonia. These are semi-permanent tinting dyes and direct dyes (tinting gels, balms, tonics, etc.). These dyes, as a rule, have a milder effect on the hair, enveloping them with a protective film during the dyeing process. Of course, their durability is inferior to permanent dye, but still, it depends on how often you wash your hair and what hair care products you use. And besides, the absence of ammonia in such dyes does not allow them to dye hair lighter. Conclusion: if your desire is to dye your hair tone on tone or darker, give preference to semi-permanent and direct dyes, but if it is lighter, you cannot do without a permanent dye.

8. Truth: You need to think carefully before you decide on coloring.

If you dream of being a bright blonde, a burning brunette or a flaming red-haired lady, think carefully. Maybe it's just your fleeting fantasies. You understand that the paint is not so easy to wash off your curls. Once you've made a decision, take action. And it’s better if you turn to a professional rfshk stylist who will “bring beauty”.


After the coloring has been done, if it was done in accordance with all the rules, the hair begins to shine more, look alive, and become softer. This is especially true when using natural dyes such as henna or basma: they not only color the hair, but also take care of it, strengthen the hair itself and the scalp. Vitamins and microelements are necessarily included in the composition of modern hair dyes, and their effect on hair with better side obviously. Coloring gives the hair a more aesthetic appearance, hiding uneven graying and signs of stress.

Nevertheless, even modern dyes harm hair. Ammonia is contained in them in a much smaller amount than before, but without it, staining will not occur. It affects the structure of the hair, destroying the hair column with frequent use. This is especially noticeable if the hair dye has been overexposed. First of all, the shade will be different from what was intended. Hair after such a sad incident becomes dry and brittle, begins to fall out, the scalp often flakes off. You have to spend a lot of time on restorative procedures, and only after a few months normal growth and hair structure is restored.

Only henna and basma can be considered completely harmless and 100% natural. But what to do if their palette is too poor, but you want to change your hair color? In addition, the use of even only these dyes can also cause allergies, like any plant material. Do not forget that staining with all other colors after applying henna and basma is difficult, and the result obtained can be distorted beyond recognition (for the most part, these are shades of green of varying degrees of intensity). This is because the chemical components cannot penetrate the hair structure through the natural components that clog the entire structure in it, and only react with it, changing the color.

Considering all these factors, we have to conclude that the most harmful thing is frequent experiments of any kind on hair without the control of specialists. To assess the benefits and harms of dyeing each specific hair, an individual consultation with a specialist with extensive experience in this field is necessary. Even the most wonderful ammonia-free dye applied to hair in can cause irreparable harm. And under the supervision of specialists, you can safely do platinum clarification with a long-term perm without fear for the safety of the hairstyle.

Sometimes you want to change something in your life. "Something" could be marital status, work, place of residence, hair color. The last example seems to be the most in a simple way. An hour and a half - and from a burning brunette you become a blonde ... But is it so easy and simple?

The brunette turns...

The modern arsenal of hairdresser's tools allows you to realize the most frivolous fantasies (from blonde to brunette and vice versa). However, according to stylists, such transformations are only possible for people who have a stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser at their disposal. For women who are far from star parties and model shows, stylists do not advise changing color radically. The ideal transformation is no more than 4 tones. (They can be viewed and calculated in the departments that sell hair dyes.) And even in this case, you need to remember about the upcoming additional costs: you will need special shampoos, conditioners, balms, nourishing masks, more painstaking styling, permanent (every 2-3 weeks) tinting. And although you can learn to cope with the last point at home, the resulting shade may be different than that of the master. Since, like any other specialty, coloring has big amount professional secrets.

Mystery of color

The most important. In order for the paint to penetrate the hair, they are treated with a special acidic composition that opens the scales of the surface layer - the cuticle. Hair becomes more hygroscopic and porous.

The duration and technology of dyeing depends on the natural color of the hair. Light colors contain fewer natural pigment granules, so they are lighter, thinner and more hollow. Accordingly, the paint is absorbed more easily. The dark ones are more pigmented, so the places for the "free proteins" to connect with the hair dye are a little more difficult.

Color mysteries are to be unraveled from a different point of view. If the desired color is lighter, first a substance is used that destroys the granules of its pigment, and then the desired paint. If the selected tone is darker, then only the dye. Naturally, the first option is more aggressive. When darkening, the paint fills the hollow sections of the hair, and its own pigment is preserved.

After crystallization, the dye molecules are firmly fixed inside the hair, so it is quite difficult to extract them. For example, it will take an hour and a half to get rid of the paint that turned you into a burning brunette. And this process is very painstaking!

Completely bleached hair can be compared to a glass cone covered with a scaly layer. Therefore, if you want to return from a platinum blonde to a burning brunette, it will not be easy to do. Hair completely devoid of natural protein will completely refuse to hold paint. Only special people can teach him to order. professional tools: first you will need to "saturate" the hair with protein so that the dye has something to hold on to, and only then - dye it.

Mystery temperature

The correct sequence of applying paint is as follows: whiskey, back of the head, forehead, parietal region. If it is broken, then the shade will be different. The secret is that the number of blood vessels, and therefore the temperature of the skin, varies in different parts of the head. And since the speed of any chemical reaction, as is known from the chemistry course, depends on temperature, the color difference is quite understandable ... By the way, it is for this reason that the hair roots are painted over faster.

Mystery of shades

Is it possible to say with 100% certainty that, subject to all the rules, the color of the tester will match the final result?

A stylist's positive answer to this question may indicate a lack of incompetence. Despite the fact that the amount of dye is weighed on electronic scales, fixative is measured in measuring cups, it is incredibly difficult to get a guaranteed result. Because determining the type of hair, the degree of blondness and the choice of color is like plotting in a three-dimensional coordinate system.

On the one hand, you need to take into account the existing tone of the hair, on the other hand, the necessary "strength" of the paint and another whole section of physics. After all, the colors "pass" into each other according to their own rules and laws, voiced by Newton himself! Since the wavelength of green is between yellow and violet, experiments with recoloring to one side or the other can have unpredictable results. Such an accidental transformation must be remembered even ... when going on vacation. Dyes and strong chemicals are sometimes added to swimming pools to disinfect the water. Therefore, hair can accidentally acquire a blue, purple, greenish tint!

Secrets are special

Separate taboos are associated with pregnancy. We hasten to please you: if the master observes all the rules, the paint may not come into contact with the scalp, and therefore toxic substances cannot penetrate into the systemic circulation. One of the safest technologies is using foil. All the harm lies in chemical fumes, not very useful. Therefore, gynecologists sometimes play it safe and advise not to paint during the first and last trimesters. The first is the time of laying all the organs and systems of the child. The latter is due to the danger of developing allergies in the baby.

Mystery of gray hair

At first glance, it seems that after the loss of natural pigment, the hair should "hold" the color better. But the changes are not limited to this. Gray hair is less elastic and seems to be out of style. Its surface layer becomes more dense, harder to "pass" the paint. In addition, due to the fact that there are fewer pores in the hair and even the granules that have penetrated it are worse fixed. Therefore, slightly gray hair should be put in order only by a specialist.

The secret of thick curls

Does the presence of natural curls affect the coloring process? Yes! Straight hair in the section resembles a circle, wavy - an oval, and completely curly - stretched out like a ribbon. Therefore, they are all painted at different speeds.

But the coloring process does not affect the density of the hair! Hair is formed in the middle layer of the skin and neither biowave nor dye preparations get into it. They can fall out only because of a chemical burn of the scalp. "Loss" is often confused with breaking off. The latter is indeed the case, because no technology allows you to seal the cuticle cells perfectly.

Contemporary permanent coloring in any case does not contribute to the improvement of human health. Many dyes contain ammonia, a substance that allows molecules to penetrate deep into the hair and provide a more lasting color. In general, such staining does not lead to serious side effects and when properly carried out, it practically does not change the structure of the hair, however, there are cases when, under the influence of ammonia, not only the hair is damaged, but also a skin rash, eye burning, shortness of breath and even headaches appear. The effect of hair dye on human health depends on individual tolerance, since when dyeing, ammonia enters the hair, lungs, and skin.

Paints containing ammonia

Ammonia is a fairly persistent toxic substance that has a characteristic pungent odor. It is this component that determines the depth of penetration of the coloring pigment into the hair structure and is responsible for the brightness, intensity and durability of the color. Hair dyes, which include ammonia, guarantee permanent coloring from one and a half to three months. This type of paint is recommended when painting over gray hair.

The disadvantages of ammonia hair dyes include brittleness and weakness of the hair, they become inanimate, since ammonia destroys not only the outer column of the hair, but also its internal structure. With the constant use of such a paint, a violation of the natural color pigment of the hair also occurs. If the ammonia stays on the hair for longer than the prescribed time, you can end up with an unexpected hair color or even lose a good part of it, as lifeless hair will eventually fall out.

In addition, various chemicals, having reacted with hair and skin, can provoke severe allergic reactions. People who are prone to allergies, have problems with the immune system and suffer from chronic diseases should consider possible consequences before purchasing any hair dye. Indeed, in addition to ammonia, they contain parabens, which tend to accumulate in the human body and cause various oncological diseases.

Paints without ammonia

Hair dyes, which do not include ammonia, are very popular among people who care about their health. However, in order to get the desired hair color using this paint, you must follow certain rules. Required shade on too dark hair can only be obtained after their preliminary discoloration, since such paints are only suitable for blondes or brown-haired women.

The effect of ammonia-free hair dyes is quite gentle, which is both a plus and a minus, because the resulting color is quickly washed off.

Tinting agents

The most harmless and safe method of staining is the use of tinting agents that do not adversely affect human health. However, the number of possible shades for such preparations is not so great and is mainly limited to natural color. As a rule, hair tonics are used to change the main color of the hair by just a couple of tones, both darker and lighter. The only negative is the very low color fastness, in most cases the color is washed off already during the first wash.

natural dyes

Natural dyes are plant-based or completely natural. These remedies include: basma, henna, onion peel, tea leaves, chamomile flowers and much more. It was with the help of these simple components that our great-grandmothers often changed their image.

The indisputable advantage of natural dyes is that they are completely free of chemical aggressive substances, which allows you to provide hair with care and maintenance, as well as save them. natural beauty. As for the disadvantages of natural paints, this is a rather weak unstable coloring, sometimes also uneven. For example, basma is a natural dye that strengthens hair roots, promotes their growth, eliminates dandruff, but it is recommended to use this product mixed with henna to avoid the original dark green color.

Hair coloring and pregnancy

Many women wonder if the effect of hair dye on health is so great. future mother and fetus. To date, there is no evidence in medicine that hair dye used during the period of bearing a child can somehow harm him. However, it should be remembered that significant hormonal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, so often when dyeing hair during this period, the paint may not take on the hair at all. Experts still do not recommend the use of chemical dyes during pregnancy, it is better to give preference to natural dyes or tinting agents.

Preparation for the staining procedure

2-3 days before the planned hair coloring, it is necessary to carry out wellness and strengthening procedures, do a head massage, nourishing mask and perform a skin sensitivity test. If even the slightest allergic reaction appears, it is necessary to refuse to use paint and consult a doctor, because the negative effect of chemicals on the body can be so great that a second attempt to dye the hair may no longer occur.

After dyeing the hair, special care is recommended in the form of regenerating masks, special balms and shampoos. The effect of dye on the health of human hair is quite noticeable, especially in the first two weeks after dyeing, so during this period you should not use hair dryers, curling irons, curling irons and irons. Competent care and care will help the hair to transfer the dyeing procedure almost painlessly.

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Gilda Clark on hair dye

At all times, women have dyed and will dye their hair. Few of us have ever changed hair color.

And having dyed it once, most continue to do it regularly - someone is constantly experimenting and changing hair color, trying himself in different images, someone just regularly tints the roots or paints over gray hair.

Thus, we are constantly exposing our hair and scalp to chemicals. We have all heard about the dangers of hair dye .. Sometimes they turn into a truly pathetic sight. It happens that the hair is simply “burned”, and only a short hedgehog remains.

But maybe it's even worse, and paints penetrate the body, causing chronic poisoning? Is it possible to dye your hair in general and during pregnancy in particular?

All hairdressers and many doctors unanimously declare that paints do not penetrate the skin and you can safely paint, even. I do not believe in this. And even the studies confirming this will not convince me - if hair dyes are so popular and bring huge profits to manufacturers, then the results of the studies, as always in such cases, will be in the hands of manufacturers. So it was and so it will be.

Independent researchers such as Gilda Clark (Certified Naturopath, PhD, researcher and author of books on cancer treatment) state that chemical hair dyes are very harmful and contain great amount toxic substances.

Researchers in Western Europe have identified a pattern: in women, dyeing hair more than once a month for 5 years, liver diseases appear, up to cirrhosis. It is the liver that is the organ that neutralizes toxins that enter the body, and with constant poisoning with hair dyes, the liver can no longer cope with such a load.

Just think, hair coloring has the same effect on the liver as alcoholism. In addition, chemical toxins accumulate in the body and are not excreted (for example,).

Paint allergies are also common. The paints produced 30-40 years ago contained cancer-causing ingredients. Dark dyes are recognized as the most dangerous. The relationship of hair color in dark tones and follicular lymphoma (a low-grade tumor) and leukemia.

Be careful when choosing paint and do not trust advertising. Pay attention to the composition of the paint and choose paints on natural basis. Never dye your hair if you are pregnant or breastfeeding! Even if your hairdresser and doctor answer positively to the question of whether it is possible to dye your hair during pregnancy and deny the harm of hair dye in principle.

Harm of hair coloring

If you dye your hair, then over time you can lose the natural beauty and health of your hair.

Dyes not only spoil the hair itself, but also affect the hair follicles in such a way that even the newly growing hair will no longer be healthy and thick. The scalp is also irritated, dermatitis, itching and appear.

Persistent (permanent) coloring compositions contain ammonia, which allows coloring pigments to penetrate into the hair by opening and exfoliating the scales.

Hair becomes dry, porous, brittle and brittle, your natural pigment is destroyed in them.

Semi-permanent dyes do not contain ammonia, but their effect is less durable and you have to touch up more often, which does not add health to either you or your hair. Tinted shampoos and balms do not damage the hair structure, this is the most safe way coloring after natural dyes- you can safely use them.

Rules for safe hair coloring

If you still want or are simply forced to dye your hair, there are several rules on how to make coloring less traumatic and toxic.

  1. Choose a paint of natural origin (henna, basma, chamomile, turmeric, hops, coffee, onion peel,) or tint products. use resistant paints prefer elution.
  2. Do not wash your hair before coloring - natural grease will protect the hair and scalp from penetration of chemicals and damage to the structure.
  3. A few days before coloring with permanent or semi-permanent paints, carry out strengthening procedures for hair, masks,. Do a sensitivity test for this product.
  4. Strictly follow the instructions in the annotation for the paint - keep the proportions, use gloves, do not keep the paint on the hair for longer than the allotted time - this will lead to, not to a bright color.
  5. After staining with permanent and semi-permanent paints, do not use a hair dryer, iron and tongs for the first weeks.

Please share your opinion, is it possible to dye your hair, especially during pregnancy, and do you believe in the harm of hair dye? Share your own experience in the comments!
