Beautiful vase from modules assembly diagram. Modular origami vase

Many different figures and compositions can be made using the modular origami technique. A very beautiful vase can be made from colored paper.

How to make a vase using the modular origami technique? Master class with photos step by step

To do this, you need 255 white, 465 yellow, 180 blue, 130 green triangular modules. The size of the elements is better to choose 1/32 of an A4 sheet.

See how to fold an origami triangular module.

1, 2, 3 rows will consist of 25 modules. The base will be the first row, consisting of white triangles turned by the short side. 2 and 3 yellow rows will be worn with the long side.

Mentally, you need to divide the resulting circle into 5 fragments. 4 yellow modules should be placed on 5 modules, 3 on top of them, then 2 and 1 on top. This should be done on each of the 5 fragments. It turned out like a flower with five leaves.

Between the yellow corner fragments, you need to lay out 5 blue rhombuses, worn in the sequence 1, 2, 1.

Blue rhombuses should be equipped with 2 yellow modules attached to each other. Put 1 yellow triangle on the top point of each of the yellow "petals".

The adjacent upper corners of the modules must be connected with a rim, which will consist of 7 yellow modules. It is necessary to put on 3 modules on both sides, while 1 corner of each module must be free and go out. The last module fastens 2 corners of different modules. You will get 10 such rims.

Between the rims, you need to make rhombuses, consisting of 8 green modules and 1 white, which will be in the middle. There will also be 10 such diamonds.

Between the green diamonds you need to increase the yellow modules. To do this, connect the green and yellow corners of the upper rim module with a yellow module, you also need to do it on the other side. Connect 2 yellow modules put on with another yellow module. Then, you should perform the same steps around the circle.

Next, you need to connect the corners of two green modules of different levels with a yellow module. Then, connect the yellow corners on both sides. With the last yellow module, you need to connect the corners of the two upper triangles. There should be 10 such elements.

At the base of the yellow corner fragments, you need to make rhombuses, each of which will consist of 4 blue rhombuses.

The entire next row should be made of white modules, connecting in pairs all adjacent elements. Then, you need to line up 10 blue diamonds again.

Each blue rhombus needs to be covered with white modules. Only at the highest point connect the white modules with yellow. Between the corners formed by the white modules, you need to make yellow rhombuses, consisting of 4 elements.

Then, connect 2 yellow and 1 white corner with one yellow triangle. On the right, do the same. Put on 2 yellow modules from above, which are connected with 1 yellow. Thus, an angular yellow element will be formed. You need to perform such actions in a circle.

On the topmost yellow module, you need to put on 1 green one, on top of it 2 green ones with one corner, connect them with a white module, put on it again 2 green ones. At the end, connect the 2 upper green modules with one yellow one. Run 10 of these elements.

The upper yellow modules will become the basis for the new rims. On each side, you need to put on 3 yellow modules with one corner, then connect them also with a yellow module. The free edges of the side modules of the rim should be outside.

Real masterpieces are obtained from paper by those who have mastered the technique of modular origami. But if a person is just learning, it is better for him to start with a vase diagram.

modular origami- This is a technique of folding interesting shapes from many details. Various animals, flowers, cartoon characters from small modules are colorful and almost real. Since they completely keep volumetric form. So, let's see how the modular origami is built up in stages - vase diagrams, in our case.

How are schemas assembled?

Parts (modules) assembled according to a certain scheme are not difficult in themselves. But the figures of them require patience. For large-scale crafts, sometimes it is required great amount these details.

As for the question of how to make simple modular origami, vase patterns, for example, or a swan, these crafts serve as the "base" of learning.

The rules for constructing any object in modular origami are simple. The first row of modules integrates and holds the second row, which overlaps on top of the bottom row. And the third row holds the second, and serves as the basis for 4 - and so on.

It is only necessary to add the multi-colored elements in the correct sequence. If you violate the order of the colored elements, the pattern laid down in the scheme will go astray. simple drawings visible visually, and if desired, you can not go astray. But more complex drawings require special care.

How to make corner modules?

Acquaintance with modular origami begins with the construction of elementary particles of this world - from modules. Before analyzing in detail how a vase is made up of modules, you still need to learn how to make modules, and know how they are connected to each other.

Divide the A4 sheet into equal rectangles, cut them out. Each rectangle is folded in half twice. We bend the corners along the second deflection, lift the remaining squares at the bottom up. Bend the resulting triangle in half. This detail will serve for crafts.

Simple vase with diagonal stripes of modules

We assemble a simple vase, placing the necessary modules in turn one by one in a checkerboard pattern according to a simple scheme. Two details of the first row and one detail of the second; two second row - one third. So we go through 3 rows.

But first, let's explain one subtle rule. The bottom of the vase is thinner, then the craft expands in volume. And to expand this craft, you need to increase the number of modules in the circle. To do this, on each tooth of the previous row, we impose 1 module of the next row, only the next 3 modules should be set according to the basic rule. After all, the figure must hold tight. And so we alternate the modules starting from the 4th row.

Already from the 3rd row, you need to add 2 parts of a different color to create a diagonal pattern. After each row, it is necessary to bend the folded elements in the right direction. Thus, the diameter of the vase first expands, then, in the same sequence and with the same pattern, gradually decreases..

And when the top of the vase is as thin as the bottom, you can make beautiful triangular posts to raise the vase a little more in length. In total, it is required to prepare 392 modules of one color and 296 of another.

The result is a vase with diagonal stripes along. This is very interesting scheme for newbies.

Modular origami vase: craft scheme

Complex drawings require special care from a person. Tip for beginners - do not forget to recalculate the modules in each row.

Modular origami (vases), the assembly schemes of which are complicated by various decorative elements, must be assembled while watching the master class. However, you can rely on the graphic scheme. Let's take an example.

Knowing how the elements are attached to each other, you can safely take on the assembly of simple-shaped vases according to similar schemes. For convenience, we also give a scheme for counting modules.

It is impossible to visually follow the design in the process without getting lost. Especially when a person takes on the design for the first time. Definitely needs verification.

Vase with a complicated shape and pattern

A more beautiful vase in the form of a lotus is assembled according to a different scheme. Let's analyze some of the nuances of the assembly.

Modular origami (vase patterns) is characterized by the fact that all the drawings are symmetrical. White and yellow parts in each row add up an equal amount. The trick of this scheme is that the patterns in the form of petals are made, as it were, in separate windows. They are built according to the principle: 9 triangles - one side of the petal, and 9 - the other. At the bottom and at the top they are held by common units. All other stages are already familiar, we will not dwell on them. And the number of elements can be calculated based on the height of the craft, and build your own scheme. You can train further and try to make alternative schemes, relying on your imagination.

Origami crafts of varying complexity

The rest of the crafts are made according to the same principle as shown in the example of the previous schemes. When the usual schemes have been mastered, you can take up the manufacture of openwork models, dotted with various small decorations from multi-colored patterns. In complex handicrafts, there are such elements as carved "windows", columns. At the same time, it is important not to go astray in counting the modules used in each row..

This is how the modular origami "vase" looks like, the scheme of which is much more complicated than the schemes in the form of an elementary "cocoon". But the craft is more interesting and colorful.

This art knows no limits, and all schemes are dynamic. If you want to build a larger modular origami, the scheme of the large vase will be the same, only you need to create twice as many elements. And folding a large vase also takes twice as long. In fact, in order to build a large modular origami, vase diagrams need to be scaled.

Origami Floor Vase Diagram

Let's move on to the assembly explanations very much. Here we need a cardboard skeleton that would support such a large modular origami. A floor vase (craft scheme) does not contain a limited number of elements. Origami exactly copies the scale of a real floor vase. And the number of elements is even difficult to calculate. In this case, you need to focus on your creative vision of the subject.

First you need to find the model you like, and then build on it. How would such a modular origami (vase diagram) look like? And what should be done next?

  • The cardboard tube must be taken as tightly as possible. Glue cardboard circles along the entire height to maintain the shape.
  • The bottom is also made of thick cardboard.
  • Build origami modules in stages from one floor to another.
  • Do not make a too "thick" vase for the first time.
  • It is desirable to write out the number of all modules in a row on paper during operation.

It is clear here: the more such cardboard floors, the higher the vase will turn out. If the "creator" is still experiencing difficulties in the method of constructing drawings in origami, then it is easier to make a plain vase, without any drawings.

After you learn how to build various modular origami (vases), the assembly schemes for these crafts will become easy fun.

Modular origami "Vase" can serve as a wonderful interior decoration, or become an interesting gift on March 8th.

For Assembly modular origami vase "zig-zag" 1296 will be required (288 blue modules, 276 yellow, 260 pink, 244 green, 228 white). The size of the modules is 1/32 of an A4 sheet.

Assembly diagram of the modular origami Vase "Zigzag":

It is better to immediately collect 2 or 3 rows.
1 row:(1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow) - repeat 4 times. There are 36 modules in total in a row.
2 row:
3 row:(1 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 2 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
Connect in a ring.

4 row:(2 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
5 row:(1 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 white) - repeat 4 times.
6 row:(2 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 white) - repeat 4 times.
7 row:(1 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 2 yellow, 1 blue, 1 white, 1 green) - repeat 4 times.
8 row:(2 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 white, 1 green) - repeat 4 times.
9 row:(1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 2 blue, 1 white, 1 green, 1 pink) - repeat 4 times.
10 row:(2 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 1 white, 1 green, 1 pink) - repeat 4 times.
Repeat rows 1 to 10 two more times.

31 row:(1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow) - repeat 4 times.
32 row:(2 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow) - repeat 4 times.
33 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 32 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 2 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
34 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 33 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
35 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 34 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
36 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 35 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
37 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 36 rows free, 1 blue, 2 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
38 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 37 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
39 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of the 38th row free, 2 blue ones) - repeat 4 times.
40 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of the 39th row free, 1 blue module) - repeat 4 times.

Modular origami vase "Zigzag" is ready.

We assemble a stand for our vase:
A total of 273 modules are required (117 white, 78 blue and 78 yellow).
1 row: 39 white modules.
2 row: 39 white modules.
3 row: 39 white modules.
4 row: 39 blue modules.

Origami technique occupies a leading position among arts and crafts. There are a variety of schemes for assembling figures: from simple to voluminous, modular structures. Today we will talk about the last look and try to fold a vase out of paper.

What is the difference between modular origami and classic? The fact is that when collecting, several sheets of paper are used, each of which is folded into a module, according to the rules of standard origami. After that, the parts are nested into each other. IN modular technology details are fixed due to the law of physics - the force of friction. This allows you to give designs a different shape. More complex modules must be fixed with glue so that they are stable and do not crumble. Volumetric origami can be created in any size. The work uses multi-colored paper, due to which amazing figures are obtained. In this article, we will show you how to fold a vase.

Origami master class. vase on your table

In the creation of such a product, triangular modules made of multi-colored paper were used. A variety of interior decorations are created using this technique. For work, a sheet of A4 format is taken, 16 parts are cut out of it, from which triangles are formed. Then the composition is formed.

Here is such an original vase obtained using modular technology. We will try to tell you in more detail how to fold it. You just have to choose the version of the execution of what kind of vase you want to see on your table.

You may be interested in a deep model, as in this photo.

To work, you need to add the following number of parts:

  • blue modules - 480 pieces;
  • white - 280 pieces;
  • green - 63 pcs.

A total of 833 modules.

Work begins from the lower ring, which consists of two rows. Each ring contains 28 modules.

Follow the suggested instructions.

First and second row.

Try to make the third row as shown in the picture.

And so the fourth row is done.

The fifth row is performed in a similar way.

If you make the sixth row, you will get this figure.

As a result of folding the seventh row, you should get a shape like in the picture.

And this is what the eighth and ninth row looks like.

Add three white modules to the already formed figure.

And four blue modules on both sides.

Insert semicircles, consisting of seven modules, on each side. For docking, add another element.

Do the same work to form a figure as in the photo.

Add more details.

Add modules on each side - three pieces.

Insert two semicircles on each side of the figure. The arc consists of four modules. Unite the semicircles with a white module.

Repeat the manipulation on all sides.

Place the white and blue modules in 2 pieces, as shown in the photo.

And two more blue modules and one white.

Then two blue on the side and one in the center.

Do the same manipulation on the other side.

At this stage, you need to make a stand, which includes 28 blue modules.

Connect the stand to the top of the figure.

This is how the vase is assembled. Modular origami master class you can watch from the proposed video.

Variety of vase

Recall that modular origami is one of the types of arts and crafts. This is quite an interesting activity that is useful for children. Origami is an opportunity to develop a child's memory, spatial thinking, concentration, perseverance and fine motor skills hands

We suggest you make another version of the vase with your child.

Such a gift can be presented to mother, grandmother, tutor or teacher on March 8th. So, for work you will need blue, red and yellow modules.

Step 1. First you need to assemble the base. Arrange the modules according to the diagram shown in the picture. To work, add 20 modules.

Step 2. Collect 4 yellow modules and 1 blue. Make a circle. Divide the base into 4 equal parts. Put on modules blue color reverse side. It is on them that the pattern will be formed.

Step 3 Turn the base inside out so that the blue circle becomes the bottom. Try to hold this part while assembling the vase.

Step 4. At this stage, you need to continue to form a drawing. Put on 2 blue and 3 yellow pieces. Since the product was turned inside out, the arrangement of the parts has changed. But continue to put on the blue modules in the same way as you did before, and the yellow ones on the reverse side.

Step 5. Put on the red and blue modules, as well as 2 yellow ones. Then reverse the order: yellow, cyan, 2 reds and cyan.

Step 7. At this stage, collect the following row: 2 blue, red, yellow, red again and 2 blue.

Step 8 Now assemble 3 blue pieces, 2 red pieces and 3 blue pieces again.

Step 9 Collect the last ring in the following sequence: 4 blue and red.

Step 10 Assemble the stand. It consists of 14 parts. For work, you will need 4 blue racks and 4 red ones.

Step 11. Assemble the top of the product. Put on the modules according to the presented scheme. Then put on the red parts on these modules.

That's all, our vase is ready. You can put fragrant flowers there.

If you add even one volumetric figure, then the next ones will be easy for you. We offer a modular origami vase master class in video format.

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