Dress for women with an apple figure. Apple body type: the basics of creating a stylish wardrobe

“There is a type of people who get fat from the mere sight of other people eating dinner….. Unfortunately, I am exactly that type,” Beyoncé’s statement fully describes the metabolism of apple-shaped women.

Women with an apple figure may experience the effects of a cake with cream or an extra glass of wine for a week or more, and a number of foods are generally not recommended for them due to the fact that they further slow down their already not “super-fast” metabolism.

Like a classic apple, I experienced all the “charms” of this type of figure in my own skin. But I managed to cope with them, although not without sacrifices on my part. I was able to achieve the figure of my dreams, and all that remains for me now is to follow certain rules and remember the characteristics of my body.

I am sure that with the right motivation and due desire, you will also succeed. lose weight and achieve amazing success, become the owner of beautiful and seductive forms.

And to encourage you a little to lose weight - here's a photo for you Hollywood stars who, like you, are constantly fighting for beautiful female figure. Take an example, be inspired, read my advice and go for it.

Characteristic female figure apple.

As I wrote earlier, an apple-type figure suggests a wide chest with large beautiful breasts, a weakly defined waist or its complete absence, small hips with a flat booty and thin, slender legs. Most of the problems are created by the tummy, which constantly sticks out and does not want to become flat and pumped up.

Fat deposits accumulate mainly in the abdomen, on the sides and on the back, to a lesser extent on the chest, neck and face. In some cases, the hip area may slightly increase, but it will always visually look smaller than the abdomen and chest.

Metabolism in women with a figure, an apple proceeds very slowly and impressively, so any sudden interventions in its work lead to dysfunction of the digestive system. The same applies to hormonal background, which is low in apples and is sensitive to any changes in the body.

Women with an apple-shaped figure are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems. So, they more often than other types suffer from arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, thyroid insufficiency and diabetes.

But you should not despair and hang your nose, because with proper care of yourself all these troubles can be avoided and live, enjoying your life. appearance and not complaining about anything.

Mistakes of the owners of the "apple" figure when losing weight.

Women with an apple figure are simply contraindicated starvation, which many resort to to lose a couple of kilograms before the holidays. I'll explain why. Apples have increased activity of adrenal hormones, in particular cortisol, which determines the excellent appetite of women with an apple-shaped figure and their sluggish metabolism. It rises under stress, and fasting is nothing more than severe stress for the body. By denying yourself food, you provoke an increase in cortisol in the blood, which slows down your metabolism even more, and, roughly speaking, you gain weight from water.

resort to cleansing (laxative) or diuretic teas, enemas and other means of this kind of action in order to lose weight, apples are also not recommended, due to the instability of their water-salt balance of the body of the sensitivity of the digestive system.

Significant fluid loss during such weight loss leads to weight loss, but only due to water. After stopping their use, the weight will return at a triple speed, the body will be even more eager to put off the eaten "in reserve", and your intestines will bother you for a long time.

Sitting on high protein diets on the menu, that is high protein diets. These include the Atkins diet, the Dukan diet, the Kremlin diet, the Japanese diet, the egg diet, the English diet, the astronaut diet, the fish diet, the protein diet, and others.

This is because the high protein content in the diet of apples leads to water retention in their body, which threatens to disrupt fatty metabolic processes in the liver, resulting in edema and stable weight retention by the body. Also, such diets slow down the already slow processes of digestion, which leads to constipation and flatulence (the formation of gases in the intestines).

Alcohol consumption in amounts exceeding one glass of dry wine or a serving of strong alcoholic beverage. The fact is that alcohol is also a brake on metabolism and hits the weak point of apples - the liver, which leads to a violation of fat metabolism and weight gain.

In the event that giving up sugar is unbearable for you, it is better to minimize its use as much as possible for you. Fructose and others sweeteners use is not recommended, because. they harm the liver.

An effective diet for an apple body type.

Firstly, the daily menu of women with an apple-shaped figure should contain a sufficient amount fiber to normalize the digestive system. Secondly, all meals should take place before 19-00, because. after this time, everything that you ate is processed into body fat and deposited in problem areas.

From meat products, give preference to poultry, fish and seafood, from fats - cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt (the latter if their use does not cause edema).

Carbohydrates you can’t exclude from your diet in any case, you just need to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates contained in buns, cakes, cola and lean on bran, cereals without salt, cereal bars and bread.

When eating vegetables, avoid those that contain a large number of starch (potato, corn). The best choice there will be broccoli, salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans.

Oil and mayonnaise should be excluded and completely switched to dressings based on low-fat yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese.

Once a month it will be useful to hold fruit and vegetable fasting days. The use of fatty, smoked, salty foods, pickles and sweets must be reduced or completely excluded from the diet.

Of the famous diets, I would recommend Protasov's diet, since her menu is based on vegetables and dairy products, which are very useful for the body of women with an apple-shaped figure. But it is worth remembering that vegetables are vegetables, and no one has canceled the daily calorie intake, so everything is in moderation.

For effective weight loss, the diet must be combined with exercise, and preference should be given to strength exercises, and best of all - exercises in gym . Many apple-shaped women make the mistake of believing that abs and hula-hooping can achieve a thin waist, but this is not the case. In the case of apples, exclusively complex strength training and exercises will help you achieve a toned figure and beautiful abs.

Slimming procedures.

For women with an apple body type, it is very important to lose weight gradually, because. rapid weight loss can result in saggy belly and breasts. In order to prevent such unpleasant side effects of losing weight, it is worth remembering that losing weight for apples is a gradual and lengthy process. Well, it's true, it's better to lose 10 kg in 2 months and have an elastic and smooth skin than 10 kg in 2 weeks and be embarrassed to put on a swimsuit afterwards.

I would advise, if possible, during weight loss to undergo several courses of mesotherapy, vacuum, lipomassage or regular massage. These steps will speed up the process fat burning and will not allow the skin to sag and lose elasticity.

Also, special attention should be paid to neckline

The female type of the Apple figure, or as it is also called the Oval, is usually characterized by the absence of a waist (the volume of the chest and waist is approximately the same), the presence of bulging barrels, and sometimes the tummy. This type of figure is considered one of the most problematic, if Apples get even a little better, then excess weight concentrated in the abdomen, and the waist in volume turns out to be even larger than the chest, which, unfortunately, is not at all feminine. But do not be upset. Properly selected clothes will allow you to effectively emphasize the dignity - slender legs and beautiful breasts, and gracefully mask the flaws.

So, today the stylists of our fashion site will tell and show you how best to dress a girl with an Apple (oval) figure type in order to look stylish and spectacular.

Dear apples, the stylist of our site has selected for you helpful tips and recommendations for choosing clothes that will help to present your figure in the most favorable light. We hope our advice will help you dress as effectively and stylishly as possible!

Layering in clothes

Layering in clothes will ideally hide all the flaws of the Apple figure. We are not talking about some volumetric heaps. All things should sit clearly on the figure, not fit tightly, but not be too voluminous.

For example, you can wear a sweater on top of a shirt, a jacket or jacket on top of a blouse (it is better not to fasten the jacket), a shirt on top of a T-shirt or T-shirt, a vest worn on top of a blouse, top or shirt, and so on.

Choosing a dress

A-line A-line dresses, straight cut, high-waisted dresses, as well as empire-style dresses will look perfect on the Apple figure. These styles will easily and gracefully hide your sides and tummy, emphasize Beautiful legs(unless it's a maxi) and breasts. Pay attention to the V-shaped and U-shaped cutouts, they will suit you very much! Avoid puffy sleeves and flare sleeves. Whenever possible, opt for sleeveless dresses.

It is very important that the dress fits well on the figure: not too tight, but not too loose. Choose fabrics that are soft, smooth, and flattering, such as tight knits, jersey, or wool. But you’d better refuse coarse thick fabrics: velvet, linen, suede, leather are not your option. Of the patterns, a vertical strip, a diagonal cage, abstraction or geometry with elongated elements will suit you. But it is better to choose monochromatic options.

We select the style of trousers and jeans

The most optimal style that suits Apples is straight classic pants with arrows. It is desirable to wear such trousers with a heel, while the length of the trousers should reach the middle of the heel.

Skinny trousers and jeans will also look good on this type of figure. The only thing to remember is that the wider your hips, there should be less narrowing on your trousers. Slightly flared models of trousers and jeans will also look beautiful. The flare can go straight from the hip. Apples with slender legs and narrow hips can afford skinny jeans and leggings.

For any style, give preference to trousers and jeans with a high or slightly low waist. Do not be afraid of patch pockets on the pope, they will suit you. Do not wear voluminous belts at the waist, it is better to choose trousers without a belt with a fastener on the side.

What skirts are ideal for Apples?

The most win-win style of a skirt is a classic straight skirt without a belt at waist level or slightly lower. A-line skirts made of easily draped fabrics will also look good on you.

Pleated skirts are also your option. They are best worn with tops below the waist to the beginning of the upper thighs. Long skirts from soft fabrics will look very good on you. But it is better to give preference to skirts up to the middle of the knee or slightly higher. This is the best length for you.

If you are the owner of slender legs and want to demonstrate them, you can try the sun.

Choose beautiful blouses, sweaters and tops

Wrap blouses, straight-cut shirts, and soft fabric blouses that flare under the bust are a great choice for Apples. The cut is better to choose a V-shaped. Fabrics - soft, flowing: silk, satin. The entire decor should be above the chest, the length of the blouse must be below the waist and reach the middle of the thigh, avoid short models.

Pay attention to the styles of sweaters that sit clearly at the shoulders, loose at the waist and chest, and fit at the hips. These are your magic wands! In such a jacket you will look stylish, fashionable and very beautiful.

Flared tops with decorative elements can serve as a good deceptive maneuver. Slim apples can wear them with skinny jeans and heels. And girls with more magnificent forms wear straight or flared jeans, heels and always a jacket.

Jackets, jackets and coats

On apples, straight long jackets (but not longer than the hip line) will look beautiful, which can be combined with knee-length skirts, dress pants or straight jeans. You can also wear cropped jackets, in which the clasp is located under the bust or at chest level. Always make sure that your jacket fits well at the shoulders, but at the same time is loose at the waist.

Apple-shaped women should pay attention to classic fitted knee-length coats. In this case, interesting details can serve as a fraudulent moment: buttons, inserts, pockets, which will divert attention from the waist area. A-line coat or short coat with a flare under the bust are ideal options for your figure. Such styles balance the body, making it more proportional.


Apples especially carefully need to monitor their figure and try to drive excess fat from the abdomen in order to balance their body. In the meantime, you are engaged in figure adjustment, it will not be bad to purchase good corrective underwear. The right bra, high-waisted panties, or shaping bodysuit will help create a beautiful silhouette.


Be sure to add accessories to your look. They will help create the right accents, removing attention from problem areas. For example, beautiful brooch in the neckline will draw attention to the chest, and distract from the waist. A long string of beads will stretch the upper body, making it slimmer. A shawl or scarf around your neck will add the right proportion. Wearing a hat would be a good move.

It is advisable to choose shoes with heels, so your legs will be longer and slimmer, and the figure as a whole will stretch.

What Styles Should You Avoid?

  1. Any thing with a belt or belt at the waist. Focusing on what you do not have is not the best option.
  2. Too short skirts. You can wear a mini only if you are a very slender Apple and have chosen the right top. In other cases, the mini will turn you into a kolobok.
  3. Jackets, blouses or sweaters ending at waist level. They completely violate the proportions of the body, making the waist even larger.
  4. Too voluminous and free things. They will not make you slimmer, but only emphasize the extra centimeters.
  5. Tight-fitting things from thin fabrics. We won’t even explain here, such things will emphasize all your shortcomings.
  6. Avoid overly sheer fabrics and overly heavy materials. Both of them add volume equally.
November 5th, 2014

The “apple” body type (also called the O-silhouette) is usually referred to as the most problematic types of physique. Slender legs, normal hips and chest, and the absence of a pronounced waist (and sometimes a rather noticeable tummy) - such a figure is not easy to correct by sports and needs careful selection of wardrobe. However, there are many secrets that can help get closer to the ideal. About what wardrobe to choose, how to eat right and what type of fitness to prefer, read our article.

Correct silhouettes

Star beauties, whose figure type is “apple”, are not so few. Among them you can meet both slender girls and owners of outstanding forms. Many of them, like ordinary women, have been struggling with excess weight all their lives with varying success: take a look at the photos of Kelly Osbourne or Jessica Simpson different years. On their examples, you can also see that correctly (or incorrectly) selected clothes can both decorate the silhouette and spoil the whole image.

Luke Kelly Osbourne

Jessica Simpson body changes

The slender representatives of the O-silhouette include Reese Witherspoon and Liv Tyler. Actresses are well aware of the features of their figure, and masterfully hide small imperfections with the help of a properly selected wardrobe. Both Liv and Reese know that one of the most beautiful body parts of women with such a physique is long, slender legs, and show them off by choosing slit dresses or daring minis for red carpet and studio photos.

Reese Witherspoon's Choice for Carpet Run

Evening dresses Reese Witherspoon

Liv Tyler's Choice for Carpet Run

Luke with Liv Tyler

Apple or not? Determine your body type

To determine if your apple body type is inherent in you, go to a large mirror or take a photo of yourself in full height. You belong to the owners of the O-silhouette if you have:

  • Not wide, sloping or straight shoulders.
  • Large or medium sized breasts.
  • Hips, approximately equal in size to the chest.
  • Slim legs.
  • Weak waist or its absence.

If you have all of the above features, and the waist and stomach are the main “problem area”, prone to accumulating body fat at the slightest weight gain, without any doubt, your body type is an “apple”.

Beach photos of Reese Witherspoon

We select a wardrobe in accordance with the features of the figure

The “apple” body type requires a careful and thoughtful approach to the preparation of the wardrobe: improperly selected clothes can make you visually several kilograms heavier and deprive the figure of grace. It is worth being careful with light, flying and voluminous fabrics - they will also add unnecessary volume. Baggy and too tight clothes are also prohibited: the fabric should slide over the body without pulling it and not gathering into ugly folds.

Vertical lines will help to make the silhouette more elongated and visually slimmer. A vertical print on fabrics, long, multi-row necklaces and especially unbuttoned jackets, raincoats and jackets, forming two long vertical sides, will help to make the figure more harmonious. In this case outerwear and the top (dress) should be in contrasting colors. lucky color combinations can be found in the photo in the network or glossy magazines.

Reese Witherspoon looks for the city and celebrations

If your body type is “apple”, your clothes should not be contrasting in terms of top-bottom: plain dresses and sets will look the most advantageous. diversifies kits in the off-season.

Tops, blouses, jackets

The type of figure "apple" is demanding on the choice of the upper details of the wardrobe: too voluminous collars and decorative elements, as well as a deep neckline, can distort the proportions and make the torso even shorter and more massive. Clothing should not have decorative elements, folds and prints in the waist and abdomen. Most suitable models for women with an O-silhouette, you can call:

  • Tops and blouses with an overestimated (empire) waistline.
  • Mid-thigh length tunics with a V-neck or scoop neckline.
  • Blouses with a slight slouching at the hips.
  • Cropped bolero jackets.
  • Fitted, single-breasted, bone-length jackets at the hip.

Pants and skirts

The key point in the selection of wardrobe details such as skirts or shorts for women with an O-silhouette is to determine the correct waistline. In no case should it be understated, otherwise you risk finding ugly folds above it, even if your weight is normal. The most correct decision will be the selection of models with a fairly wide belt on the classic waistline. It is preferable to wear clothes made of thin, but well-shaped fabrics: cotton, denim, twill.

If your body type is "apple", pay attention to the following models:

  • A-line skirts knee-length.
  • Skirts-flared and "sun"-flared.
  • Straight-cut classic trousers with an arrow that cover half the heel.
  • Trousers 7/8 length and capris.
  • Rolled-up boyfriend jeans with a slight ankle opening.

Plus size skirts and trousers


Dresses for women with an O-silhouette can be either short, showing the beauty of the legs, or long - the latter visually stretch the figure vertically. Suitable for you:

  • Dresses with an empire, high waistline.
  • Shirt dresses and

    Swimwear options

    We dance to be beautiful

    Unfortunately, most O-line women are prone to gaining weight, especially around the waist. Accumulations of fatty deposits (including around internal organs) increase the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular and other serious diseases. Therefore, women with a similar physique need to be especially careful about their diet and lifestyle.

    A diet low in simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour and pasta, white rice, potatoes) and adequate protein (lean meats, poultry and fish, low-fat dairy products) will help maintain weight at the right level.

    Combine diet with physical activity: supplement aerobic exercise with exercises that strengthen the rectus and oblique muscles of the press. Motivation will be raised by photos of women who have achieved success in fitness: print them out and hang them in a conspicuous place.

    Oriental dances and belly dance classes will help to make the waist and stomach more elastic and toned, correct posture and add grace and smoothness to movements.

Stylists share information on how to dress with an apple body type. First of all, it is worth noting that girls are divided into several categories. The first includes those whose belly is larger than the chest, but at the same time the legs and hips are perfect, slender. Nature rewarded the second with a wasp waist, but large hips and breasts of not small sizes.

In the 19th century, ladies with such forms were considered the ideal of beauty. We can observe them in the paintings of famous artists. But everything changed when top models with parameters 90-60-90 came into fashion. With an apple figure type, you can choose a wardrobe that will emphasize the dignity and. To do this, it is not necessary to visit expensive boutiques and items from collections. famous designers. Even in ordinary stores there are those styles that will look perfect.

How to dress with an apple body type? If you are interested in this question, you should definitely read the article, believe me, as a result, your wardrobe will be full of clothes of the right models. Taboo on too short, tight things that will emphasize the flaws. Many girls find it hard to get used to the idea that miniskirts will have to be given away. best friend, but if you really want to conquer men, listen to the opinion of professionals.

Clothing must be feminine.

Many apple-shaped girls hide their flaws with trousers, completely forgetting about dresses and skirts. This is a big mistake. Remember, the right style can make you truly irresistible. Remember the following dress models, and buy only them.

№1. balloon model. These outfits are not fitted. They are just above the knee length. Dresses can hide overweight at fat girls and emphasize the waist of the thin. It is important to pay attention to the cut. It must be present, in this case you will favorably emphasize a beautiful chest, visually stretch the silhouette.

Now let's talk about colors. Forget about colorful, flashy fabrics. They will make you bulkier. But no one likes nuns in black either. Pay attention to muted, warm shades (peach, mint, beige, plum). They are at the peak of popularity this season.

Make sure that the fabric is dense (tweed, wool), in summer you can pay attention to knitwear and viscose. But silk and chiffon are not your story. They will emphasize all the bumps and fat deposits on the body.

№2. A-line dresses. For a long time, such models were considered childish, but fashion does not stand still. Millions of women around the world choose these models. In their form, they resemble the first letter of the alphabet. The cut is tapered at the top and widens at the bottom.

In summer this is a great option. For the manufacture of dresses are used only natural fabrics. Experts advise to focus on the straps. If you want to draw attention to the ideal relief of the shoulders, choose narrow ties. Need to make your hands more fragile? Wide straps will help you with this.

№3. Dresses with asymmetry. Surely every woman wants to emphasize her figure. Slender girls make it much easier. A few years ago, dresses came into fashion, the emphasis of which is not on the stomach, but on the hips. Small folds, an unusual cut, interesting colors (a light-colored dress with dark inserts on the sides) - all these details make the lady visually slimmer. In any case, do not forget about the slimming underwear. It hasn't harmed anyone yet.

№4. Straight fit. Some models come with a narrowed waist. Do you still have this dress in your wardrobe? Very in vain. It perfectly "sits" on the figure. In addition, it is suitable for business, office style. With the help of jewelry, you can decorate the way you want.

№5. Model with a high waist. Ideal for those girls who do not have a flat tummy. Such a dress will perfectly brighten up the lines of the body, make them smoother. Any accessories are suitable here: a thin strap, beads, an elegant brooch.
As you can see, there are many models of dresses that can make the type of apple figure perfect.

Choosing pants and jeans

Well-fitting trousers can make a girl sexy and attractive, but it is important to choose the right style. How to do this, stylists will tell.

Trousers. It would seem that it could be easier than buying pants of the right model. But not everything is so easy. Pay attention to the waist. It must be low or high. Medium height is not allowed. The belt will squeeze the abdomen, thereby focusing on it.

Topics about length. . Their tucks at the top hide voluminous hips, the tapering bootleg visually lengthens the legs, making them slimmer. Similar models will be combined with voluminous shirts, tops, blouses.

For the classic version, straight trousers with arrows are suitable. They can be worn to the office, to business meetings.

Every woman should have jeans in her wardrobe. They are comfortable, trendy and stylish. Ideal Model- Slightly flared from the hip. In this case, jeans will hide extra volumes, make the silhouette slimmer.

Another great and newfangled option -. They are at the peak of their popularity. Plus models in a low landing. Choose pants that are decorated with stones or holes. Thus, you will focus on the legs, and not on the waist.

But it is better to refuse skinny jeans. They completely fit the body. Many call this model "second skin". All your flaws will come out.

In summer you can wear shorts and breeches. If everything is clear with the latter, then it is better to deal with the style of shorts. Experts recommend wearing Bermuda shorts. Their length reaches the knee. They can be wide or narrow. Perfectly hide lush hips and ass.
Update your wardrobe and don't be afraid to experiment.

Shoes matter

Remember that not only clothes can transform a girl. Do not forget about the right shoes. Ladies with an apple body type should learn one simple rule, all shoes, except for moccasins and sneakers, must be heels. Thus, you will stretch the silhouette, make your legs slimmer and more elegant.

Low running sandals will be appropriate in the summer, on the beach. Sneakers are suitable for jeans or a light skirt.

Another important point, you should not buy sandals with a clasp at the ankle. It visually divides the leg into several parts. It doesn't look very pretty.

To complete your look, don't forget about accessories:

  • Belts. They can be wide or narrow. It is better to choose one-color, without sticky prints. It is desirable that they be made of natural materials, not voluminous;
  • Beads, necklaces. If you wear a blouse with a neckline, do not forget to decorate your neck. This will draw attention, highlight the chest area;
  • Earrings. Better choose long models. Thus, the neck will appear longer;
  • Scarves, shawls. Will be appropriate in spring and autumn.
Remember, with the help of accessories you can decorate and highlight any outfit.

Girls always watch their appearance and figure. Few people want to look fat and obese. But not always even the gym can correct the shortcomings. But they can be smoothed out with clothes. How to dress with an apple body type? The main models of clothing that perfectly emphasize the dignity of a lady were described above. Listen to the advice, and your image will be solid and thought out to the smallest detail.

An apple body type means you have a "heavy top" which means a wide torso, broad shoulders and a full chest, waist and upper back. Women with this type of figure are usually prone to thin hands, legs and hips and put excess weight in the waist. If you have an apple body type, you should be proud of your full body and be ready to proudly show it off. But if you want to show everyone your beautiful forms, you need to dress appropriately. If you want to know how to dress to "really" flatter your "apple" figure, follow this guide.


General dressing strategy for an apple-shaped figure

    Make sure you have an exact apple shape. Before you start thinking about how to dress with your body type, you need to make sure that you really have an apple-shaped figure. Some people confuse "apple" with "peach". The "apple" figure is heavy in the middle and above the waist, while the "peach" one is below the waist and on the hips. Here are some more characteristics of the "apple" type:

    • Wide body.
    • Broad shoulders.
    • The fullness of the bust is medium and above.
    • Waist not defined.
    • Thin arms and legs.
    • Flat butt.
    • The hips are narrower than the chest.
    • You don't have to have a big belly to qualify as an apple-shaped body, it's just enough that your center of weight, or extra weight, is at your waist.
  1. Take attention away from the waist area. To dress with this type of figure, you have to divert attention from the waist, because it is already quite voluminous. For these reasons, don't wear low-waisted shorts or pants, short blouses, or anything that ends below or around your waist. Your task is to draw people's attention away from your middle part, directing their attention somewhere else, or to define your waist.

    • You should also avoid clothing that has patterns or designs on the belly area. It will draw attention.
    • Don't wear thick belts because they will draw more attention to your waist area.
    • Don't wear tight blouses or dresses, they will also draw attention to the center of your figure.
  2. Highlight the bust. If you have an apple shape, then you certainly have a great bust, so don't be afraid to show it off. By focusing on the chest, you will not only emphasize one of the main advantages of your figure, but also divert attention from the waist area. To accentuate your bust, wear V-necks, plunging necklines, A-line dresses (to elongate your body and accentuate your bust).

    • Wear blouses or dresses that hang loosely below the bust, flaring out at the waist.
    • Remember that focusing on the chest does not mean creating a heavy top. You don't have to wear fancy necklaces or patterned clothes around your neck. You already have gorgeous breasts that don't need embellishments.
  3. Emphasize your legs. The apple body type is usually accompanied by a pair of beautiful legs. Therefore, whether you are long or short, do not be afraid to emphasize your wonderful legs. You can do this with a pair of short shorts or high heels that elongate your body and balance out your lower half.

    • Don't shrink your legs with heavy boots, leggings, or skinny jeans. It will only make your beautiful legs look smaller.

    Wear a top that flatters your figure

    1. Pay attention to cutouts. For dresses, blouses, sweaters and other tops, there are a few rules, following which, you will emphasize the beauty of your bust and divert attention from the waistline. Here are a few types of tops to wear and things to avoid:

      • wear: V-neck top, neckline, strapless, crew neck, slim-fit top. This will draw more attention to your bust and elongate your torso.
      • Avoid: top with ties through the neck, very high neckline, shoulderless top, embellished neckline, or boat neckline (high neckline across the entire width of the shoulders). All this will make your shoulders look wider and draw too much attention to your chest.
    2. Choose the right materials. Do not wear fabrics that are too tight, especially around the waist and abdomen. You should wear textured fabrics to shift the focus away from your midsection. T-shirts, slightly gathered at the waist, also give it definition.

    3. Choose the right shape. In addition to not being tight and sticky, your blouse or top should also not be boxy, baggy, or shapeless. Instead, choose blouses or tops that fall loose around the bust, such as a top with high waist, with an apmir silhouette, or an A-line. Here are some points to keep in mind when choosing a form of clothing for the top:

      • A tie-waisted blouse or dress will also help define your figure.
      • Clothing should fall below the hip bones.
      • You should wear low, flared tops that will cover your butt; or even tunics.
      • Wear clothes with flared sleeves and cuffed sleeves.
      • Opt for tops with pretty details on the shoulders, like sequins or flowers.
    4. Wear the right dresses. There are many dresses suitable for the apple body type. Pick a dress with an A-line or some kind of continuous pattern. Another strategy is to find a dress that plays with colors correctly - a dress with black or dark color, going the entire length of the figure on the sides, and with a white or light color running in the middle of the figure, will divert attention from your waist.

      • Don't wear dresses that already have a waist line because they will only draw attention to that area.
      • You can combine the dress with an open fitted jacket.
    5. Pair the top with a matching jacket or coat. The right jacket will help disguise the heavy waist area. Wear single-breasted jackets that don't have many extras. A fitted coat or jacket that holds its shape well will create curves at the bust and hips and reduce the waist. Creating several levels at the top of the figure will help to balance it, balance it. Here are a few more things to try:

      • Tailor-made blazers or coats.
      • Open cardigans or vests.
      • Raincoats above the knee.
