How to get a beautiful, even tan. How to tan quickly without harm to health

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The long-awaited summer of vacations, adventures and bronze tan has long arrived. Resting in nature, in the country, on the banks of the river or the sea, each representative of the weaker sex will not deny herself the pleasure of taking sunbathing to decorate your body with a chocolate tan. At the same time, many people know that the sun's rays are fraught with many dangers that can harm health. Therefore, it is important not only to get a bronze skin tone, but also to protect yourself from harming the body.

The harm of sunburn

  • Being in the sun is harmful to people with whitish skin, blonde hair, age spots and an abundance of moles on the skin (especially large ones, more than 1.5 cm). This category of people is prone to sunburn and ultraviolet light can provoke a number of serious diseases. Therefore, the best way out is self-tanning cream.
  • Overexposure to sunbathing can cause skin cancer. According to statistics, more than 65,000 cases of melanoma are recorded annually in all countries of the world, i.e. malignant tumor associated with UV radiation.
  • There have been cases where the sun has caused blindness. Long stay under it is the reason for the development of cataracts. Therefore, it is advisable to wear sunglasses on the beach. They also prevent the appearance of small wrinkles.
  • Excessive exposure to UV rays can trigger the development of thyroid disease.

The benefits of tanning

The sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D, which is vital. Since the body independently synthesizes it without exposure to solar energy, only 10% of the required norm. Vitamin deficiency leads to chronic diseases such as cancer, polycystic ovaries, menstrual problems, infertility, diabetes, high blood pressure, caries, infections, diseases. nervous system, incl. schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. Therefore, sunbathing is still necessary, but in moderation without abuse. The following are tips on how to get a chocolate tan without harming your health:
  • A couple of weeks before the planned vacation, prepare your skin for enhanced tanning. Attend 2 times a week five-minute solarium sessions. They will give the skin a bronze tint and protection from aggressive ultraviolet rays.
  • Use sunscreen for the first few days in the sun. Especially every half an hour, lubricate the chest, shoulders, nose with cream - the most vulnerable places for burns.
  • Resting in hot countries (Africa, Asia, Spain, Italy), sunbathe for the first days in the open sun for no more than 5 minutes. Increase the time spent in the sun gradually. At the same time, do not forget that it is recommended to sunbathe for about an hour a day.
  • The most burning sun is from 12 to 15 hours, so this time is best spent in the shade, even despite the application of sunscreen. Since at noon the sun is most active and its direct rays fall on the earth at a right angle. If at this time for any reason you have to be under the sun, wear clothes that will protect your skin from burns. You also need to remember about the headdress. It not only prevents sunstroke, but also saves hair from dullness and brittleness.
  • The optimal time for safe tanning for the body is before 11.00 and after 16.00. Although the sun does not burn so much at this time, it is still advisable to use sunscreen.
  • When sunbathing, change position every 10 minutes, alternately exposing your back and stomach to the sun.
  • After bathing, do not blot the skin with a towel, but let it dry in the sun. This will intensify the tan. But do it in the shade, because. water droplets under the sun increase the chances of sunburn because they have optical lenses.
  • Going to swim, lubricate the skin with a protective cream, since ultraviolet rays can penetrate water up to 1.5 m deep.
  • When sunbathing "topless", be sure to cover your nipples with cotton sponges or special caps.
  • The most beautiful, even, and most importantly safe tan lies in partial shade. To do this, you should use wicker umbrellas, panel canopies, which partially let the sun's rays through, which protects the skin from an excess of ultraviolet radiation.
  • After sunbathing, it is recommended to rinse the skin under a cool shower. After drying and moisturizing with special nutrients (cream, lotion) containing panthenol and a substance that restores the water-lipid balance of the skin. Such ointments improve the regeneration and elasticity of the skin.

Diet for a beautiful tan

A beautiful golden tan also depends on the foods you eat. The most powerful tanning activator is beta-carotene (melon, watermelon, pumpkin, red pepper, apples, pears). It increases the production of melanin pigment, giving the skin a beautiful golden hue. The amino acid tyrosine also plays an important role in the production of melanin. A large amount of it is found in animal products (red meat, fish, liver), beans, almonds and avocados.

Auxiliary substances in the formation of melanin are lycopene, selenium, vitamin C and E. Therefore, in order to get an intense chocolate shade during the holidays, you need to take a complex with these mineral supplements a couple of weeks before the trip.

While tanning, drink as much clean water as possible without gas and not very cold, so as not to get dehydrated.

Cosmetics for a beautiful tan

To protect the body from burns, tanning products that contain the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) will help. They retain moisture in the skin, prevent its premature aging, and provide protection from UV rays. The SPF index in products varies between 3–50, so sunscreens should be selected in accordance with the skin phototype - the lighter and more sensitive the skin, the higher the SPF factor should be. At high solar activity (11.00–16.00) sun protection it is recommended to use with an SPF index of 20-30, for dark skin - 10. And with heavy sweating, the skin should be lubricated with a protective cream more often, because. sweat reduces the effectiveness of the cream.

The cream is applied with massage movements, in a thin layer, every half an hour of being in the sun. By applying a thick layer of it, you will get the opposite result: the product will heat up in the sun and damage the skin.

When buying tanning products, pay attention to what is on the label, because. they may be designed for a tanning bed rather than tanning in the open sun. Such a product does not contain protective enzymes from UV rays, so you can get burned on the beach.

A cream with a tingle effect will help speed up the tan. It increases the blood circulation of the skin and produces melanin faster, which makes the tan more intense. But, here it should be borne in mind that after applying the tingle cream, redness and allergies may appear on the skin. Therefore, before using a new product, it should be tested on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. At the same time, it should not be used at all on white and untanned skin, and also applied to the face.

That's all! Have a great vacation, bronze even tan and many unforgettable impressions!!!

Tips for proper tanning in this video:

There are many ways to get sunburned. The most natural, even and affordable tan you can get in the sun. At the same time, it is necessary to be careful and protect the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. Solariums mimic the natural tanning process by using concentrated UV rays. This way you can get a beautiful tan, but it has been proven that this increases the risk of developing cancer. Self-tanning is a relatively safe product because it completely eliminates UV exposure, but you won't get the natural look you get from sun tanning. These products don't last as long as UV exposure does, and you'll likely need to take precautions to ensure that the tan doesn't bleed off your skin.



    Just lie in direct sunlight. It's much safer than going to a tanning bed and will give your skin a natural, beautiful glow.

    Find a way to pass the time. Sleeping is a great option because it makes time fly by faster, and when you read books, you block out some of the sun's rays when you lie on your back. Take a nap for about an hour or an hour and a half, setting an alarm to be able to wake up on time. Then roll over to the other side and fall asleep again. You can repeat this process until you get the desired skin tone.

    • If you are in public place, use this method only if you are sure that you are completely safe. Ideally, there should be another person nearby who can watch you while you sleep. Try not to fall asleep with headphones on because you need to hear everything around you or your things.
  1. Optimize your tan time. It is necessary to sunbathe in the period from 10 to 2 hours, since at this time the sun is most intense. It is also possible to sunbathe in partly cloudy conditions, which can produce an even more intense tan as the sun's rays bounce off the clouds, increasing the amount of UV you receive. Try sunbathing in or near water. Water is another natural tan enhancer.

    Always sunbathe safely to avoid sunburn and skin damage. While sunbathing, you must use sunscreen no matter where you are. Apply your tanning lotion 30 minutes before sun exposure to allow it to absorb into your skin. Reapply the lotion every hour for 10 minutes.

    • If you sunbathe while you sleep, use a cream with an SPF of at least 20 or 30 if you sleep about an hour, and a sunscreen with SPF 40-50 if you sleep more than an hour. Reapply the cream between sleep. Sun damage to the skin is a very real problem that occurs whether it is immediately noticeable or not.
    • Also remember to apply sunscreen every time you get out of the water. Some manufacturers claim that their sunscreens are waterproof, but they still wash off fairly easily. Try to apply the cream after it has dried to be sure that you are protected as much as possible.
    • Drink plenty of water so you don't get dehydrated.
  2. Consider using tanning oil. You can find it in the sunscreen section of many pharmacies and grocery stores. Be careful when using tanning oil, as it can be very intense. It is best to get a minimal tan first, and only then use similar products, than to get a heavy one right away. sunburn. Do not use heavy creams as they clog pores and leave a sticky feeling.

    Get an even tan. Contrary to popular belief, lying still in the sun for long periods of time will tan you much faster. If you are active, this prevents the sun from concentrating on a certain area for a long period of time. by the most in a simple way to obtain an even tan, while remaining mobile, are coups from the stomach to the back every 5-10 minutes.

    • Try to tan evenly and make sure that no part of your body is in the shade so you don't end up with funny white spots.
    • Remember to roll over on your stomach to tan from behind, not just from the front. You also need to turn on your side so that the sun's rays hit the sides of your legs, hips, and waist.
    • Wear a strapless swimsuit or top to avoid strap marks. Consider topless sunbathing.

Tanning in the solarium

  1. Consider tanning in a tanning bed if you can't get it on the beach. Tanning in a tanning bed is similar to natural tanning, but may be a better option during the colder months. It is best to start with short tanning sessions (less than 10 minutes) as this places the UV source closer and can burn your skin much faster.

    • As with sunbathing, you must remain mobile while in the tanning bed. It is best to raise your legs and shoulders frequently about every 30 seconds.
  2. Purchase a tanning kit and lotion. Make sure to use tanning lotion in a tanning bed and not regular sun tanning lotion. In most salons, you will be given the opportunity to purchase quality options in a different price range. This is quite expensive, so it is more profitable to buy a whole bottle of lotion than to take disposable sets every time you visit a tanning bed.

    Visit the salon and sign up for a solarium. Choose a set depending on how long you plan to sunbathe. Don't forget about the benefits of student or new customer discounts and seasonal offers.

    • It is best to sunbathe without clothes if it is comfortable for you. If that's not your option, wear underwear that won't leave extra streaks.
    • Standing tanning beds are much more hygienic, but recumbent ones are disinfected after each use.
  3. Be patient. Start with a short period of time, about 5-7 minutes, which will allow you to know how your skin reacts to a tan. Increase the time gradually after the first tanning session.

    Think about your health. Solariums significantly increase the risk of skin cancer. Carefully weigh all the risks and benefits before starting a tanning session. Recumbent solariums are especially dangerous for young people. Individuals under the age of 30 are much more likely to develop melanoma.

Self tanner use

    Consider using fake tan. There are several types of fake tan: spray tan, self-tanner and bronzer. These products are a great option if you only need a tan for a few days or your skin is very sensitive and burns easily. You can buy a tanning spray from a salon that provides tanning services, or different kinds tanning and bronzers in pharmacies.

    • Read product reviews before buying. After using some of them, you can get an unnatural orange skin tone.
    • Gradual tanning products work best because they darken your skin gradually so you can settle on a comfortable shade. If you decide to use a spray tan, a professional will help you choose the perfect shade of the product, the result of which will fully match your skin tone.
  1. Prepare your skin. It's best to prep your skin before using any products, as this will make your skin look healthy and radiant instead of dull and dry. Be sure to exfoliate with a washcloth before applying self-tanning to get rid of all dead skin cells, otherwise the tan will appear only on the top layer. It is also necessary to moisturize your skin after the scrub, so that the next day it will be silky and soft.

    • Try not to use a scrub with large, rough particles, as this can cause tiny abrasions on the skin. A tan will not appear in these areas and, as a result, will not lie very well.
    • After applying the tan, it is necessary to massage the skin daily with a washcloth with gentle movements so that the applied layer disappears evenly within a week. Certain areas of the body will fade faster, but you don't want your skin to look patchy or uneven in color. Daily exfoliation will also be helpful if you decide to keep your tan. You can reapply it during a weekly course, thus maintaining a tanned appearance skin.
  2. Pick the right shade. If you're thinking about using a self-tanner, shop around and find the one that best suits your skin tone. Tan is usually sold in several shades: light, medium and dark. Some have more of a bronze tone, while others have a shimmery effect that reflects light and adds radiance to the skin.

    • For fair-skinned people, it is better to use a product that is closer in tone to natural color skin to get a light tan, unless you want a contrasting dark effect.
    • On normal skin tone, you can use a tan for both fair skin and medium, olive skin tones.
    • If you have dark skin, and you want to get an expressive tan, then for a more tangible result, it is best to use an intensive tan.
  3. Find a product that is easy to apply. Apart from right choice tone, it is important to focus on the kind of self-tanning that is easy to use, especially if you are doing it for the first time and without an assistant. Remember to wear gloves while applying the product, otherwise your palms will turn orange. They will not be easy to wash off without violating the uniformity of skin tone.

With the onset of the summer season, the desire to look attractive increases, and a beautiful tan gives the skin a special appeal. It is not difficult to get it if you start preparing the skin from the beginning of the season, and even better a month before.

A tan lies best on even, healthy skin, so it's important to get serious about cleansing and nourishing it. You can moisturize and cleanse the epidermis at home.


One of effective means for cleansing and moisturizing the skin, in the summer, tonics and lotions are considered.

cucumber lotion

Making your own cucumber lotion or green tea is easy. The product will cleanse the skin of impurities and refresh.


Finely chop the cucumber. Add 3 tablespoons of finely chopped cucumbers to a glass of milk and boil for 5 minutes. The broth is removed from the heat, the cucumbers are crushed and the mass is filtered. The lotion improves complexion and moisturizes the skin. Store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Ingredients of green tea lotion

Before using green tea lotion, it is advisable to know your skin type. The lotion is prepared for dry and oily skin with minor changes.


Mix two tablespoons of dry green tea and the same amount of 3% vinegar. Pour the mixture into a dark glass vessel.

For oily skin, add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the lotion.

For dry, the same amount of any vegetable oil, olive oil.

Close the container tightly and shake well. Store green tea lotion in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.


In order for the tan to lie flat on the skin and look beautiful, dead skin cells are removed before sunbathing. Peeling and scrub do a good job.

  • Peeling is the exfoliation of dead cells with fruit acids. Use it for any type of skin, there are practically no contraindications.
  • Scrub is a mechanical cleaning and contains small solid particles of fruits. Before using this remedy, find out your skin type from a beautician.

Dry or sensitive skin is easily injured mechanical cleaning. Owners of such an epidermis are better off using peeling to exfoliate dead cells.

Skin Cleansing Recipes

  • Squeeze out lemon juice. 2 tablespoons of juice are mixed with the same amount of sugar (preferably cane sugar), a teaspoon of sour cream is added to the mixture. The mass is applied to the face or body, trying to make the thickest possible layer. Wash off after fifteen minutes.
  • bred blue clay a small amount of water to the state of gruel, add a tablespoon of sea salt. The product is applied to the skin and massaged in a circular motion. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Three aspirin tablets are crushed, poured with a teaspoon of water, at the end add 3 tsp. honey, mix. The product is applied to the face, in circular motions, lightly massaging the skin. Wash off the composition after 15 minutes.
  • Cut a grape in half and massage your face and body. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon, dip cotton wool in it and carry out along the massage lines, wash off after 10 minutes.

After cleansing, you can not immediately sunbathe, so carry out the cleansing procedure a few days before the beach.

Hydration and nutrition

After the winter period, the skin requires nutrition and hydration, this is manifested by peeling or dryness. Sunburn on such skin lies in an uneven layer with spots.

When buying a cream in a store, they are guided by its composition. Before summer period choose products that contain: white grapes, green tea, cucumber or tea tree extract.

Recipes for a quick tan

  • Remove the skin from the tomato, grind the pulp through a sieve. Add 10 drops of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of starch to this puree, mix thoroughly. Apply the mass on the skin and soak for 20 minutes, rinse with water.
  • Mix the egg yolk with one carrot grated on a fine grater. Apply to skin. Wash off after half an hour.

To, before summer season, the skin is accustomed to ultraviolet radiation, 3-4 times, visit the solarium (4-5 minutes each). Beta-carotene fixes the tan, so after a solarium or before it, they drink a glass of carrot juice.

Get vitamins for sunburn in a drugstore. Drops with beta-carotene are called Vetoron, they contain vitamins C, E. Consult a doctor before use.

Skin protection

The sun and other adverse environmental conditions do not affect in the best way on the skin, in order to avoid these consequences, protective agents are used. For example: in Nivea cosmetics there is a sunscreen for the face, which helps to avoid wrinkles, while it moisturizes the skin and helps to get a beautiful tan.

Get a cream, lotion with a sunscreen factor in a pharmacy. Such products will protect the skin from unwanted burns, help it evenly tan. When choosing a protective agent from ultraviolet radiation, they are guided by the type of epidermis. With swarthy and normal skin sunscreen with a USF filter of 20 - 35 is suitable, for pale skin the USF filter should be above 50.

When buying tanning oils in a store, pay attention to their protective factor. For example: "Garnier Intense Tan" oil has a very low protective factor, it does not exceed SPF-2. Owners of fair skin should use oils with caution. Use them after the skin gets used to the sun. The oil is applied first on the legs, and after taking a few sunbaths on the whole body. It is undesirable to use it for delicate facial skin.

Two weeks before the trip, start using a scrub or exfoliating body and face peel. Apply them with washcloths and hard brushes (but after returning from vacation, put them in a distant drawer!). These products will remove the stratum corneum, which is washed off first and can cause an uneven tan.

"The first sunscreen came out in 1928 and it was SPF 15."

2. Stay out of the sun at noon and use sunscreen

Everyone knows these axioms, but for some reason they are often neglected. In the first days of your vacation, you should not lie on the beach or by the pool from morning to evening. In addition, you need to observe the time frame of your meetings with the sun (the forbidden time for tanning is from 12.00 to 17.00). Also, do not sunbathe near the water: from the lessons of physics it is known that the sun's rays are reflected from the water, like from a mirror, and their effect is enhanced, which means that the risk of sunburn increases several times.

Of course, you can sit under an umbrella or in the shade at any time, but do not forget to apply sunscreen with SPF 50 or SPF 30 before leaving the hotel.

“Antioxidants fight reactive oxygen species and free radicals, preparing the skin for the harsh effects of sun exposure and helping it recover from sun exposure.”*

3. Prepare your skin from the inside out

Mademoiselle Chanel introduced the fashion for tanning. In 1922, in one of her interviews, she stated that aspirin-colored skin looked unhealthy, and tanned skin was considered beautiful. From that moment on, the girls began to regularly sunbathe and look for ways to speed up the tanning process.

Some fashionistas drink fresh carrot juice when they go for tanning treatments in a tanning salon or at a spa. Carrots are one of the sources of beta-carotene. Most often, this very carrot juice is recommended to be mixed with cream. But you should not get carried away with such a cocktail, otherwise there is a risk of not getting into a new swimsuit. An alternative can be a complex of carotenoids and antioxidants Imedin® Tan Optimizer .

Imedin® Tanning Optimizer is based on a special mixture of carotenoids (lutein, lycopene and beta-carotene):

  • lycopene (tomato extract) has a high antioxidant activity, protects cells from damage by reactive oxygen species and free radicals;
  • beta-carotene (the source of beta-carotene are yellow and orange fruits, such as mango and papaya, orange vegetables, carrots and sweet potatoes) has pronounced antioxidant properties, plus it has an immunomodulatory effect and promotes recovery processes, supporting collagen synthesis;
  • natural lutein (the source of lutein is green leafy vegetables, marigold flowers, as well as broccoli) very selectively absorbs the aggressive part of the light spectrum and neutralizes their harmful effects, and also helps moisturize, elasticity of the skin and protect it from photoaging.

In addition, the composition includes vitamins C and E - antioxidants that help protect cell membranes and proteins, neutralizing free radical molecules.

Accept Imedin® Tan Optimizer should start two weeks before going out into the active sun and continue during the entire holiday. The complex will help you prepare the skin for tanning and protect it from the aggressive effects of the sun's rays.

If you follow these three simple rules, you and your skin are ready to tan!

*Park. Role of Micronutrients in Skin health and function. Biomol Ther23 (3), 207-217 (2015)

Summer is the season of relaxation, fun and a beautiful tan. Any girl dreams of getting a beautiful and even tan like on the cover of a magazine. But, in the end, a tan is not given simply, without burned skin, its peeling, and pain.

Many people ask such questions: “What needs to be done so that the skin acquires a dark, golden hue?” How to protect skin from negative impact ultraviolet rays? How to prevent accelerated skin aging? AND main question: "How to achieve a beautiful and even tan?" There are several secrets on how to achieve such a goal, I will tell you about them below.

What is a tan?

A tan- a change in skin color (its darkening) under the influence of sunlight. skin acquires dark shade through accelerated melanin production, this is a kind of protective reaction of the body to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet radiation and protects tissues in the deep layers of the skin from radiation exposure.

5 golden rules for an attractive tan:

Before you start tanning, you must first prepare your body. For the very first time, before sunbathing, take a shower and it is better to do a peeling (exfoliate dead skin cells), this will help the tan to lie down evenly.

Do not rush directly into the sun, as you may get burned or have other health problems. After dressing, the skin should get used to and adapt to intensive sunbathing, on the first day, start with 10 - 20 min with a gradual increase in the amount of time spent under the sun.

According to medicine, melanin is produced in the skin for about 50 minutes, i.e. more time to be under the sun is not recommended. Adaptation is desirable to stretch from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the frequency of sunbathing.

In the process of tanning and in general being under the sun, whether it is a trip to work or other concerns that require your presence under the sun, the use of sunscreen is mandatory. Apply a thick layer of sunscreen to exposed skin before going outside.

It is important when choosing a sunscreen to pay attention to the factor SPF ( Sun Protection factor ).

Its level varies from 2 to 50. Depending on the mark, you can determine the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. SPF marked 2 - indicates the most low level protection and, accordingly, SPF marked 50 - the highest level of protection.

As is known, what lighter skin, the more it requires protection, especially for children and fair-haired people with light eyes. In this case, use a cream with SPF 50 - it will protect your skin and prevent it from burning under the sun. When a tan appears, you can gradually reduce the SPF to the mark of 30, 20, etc. It should be noted that sufficiently tanned people also need to use sunscreen, since solar radiation is merciless to all people.

Please note that the application of the cream must be renewed every 20 minutes. Proper use of the cream will not only provide you with an even tan, but also protect against overdrying of the skin and premature wrinkles.

Sunbathing should be taken when the sun's rays are at an oblique angle to the ground, they are not so dangerous due to their greater dispersion, in contrast to the incidence of rays at right angles. That is, the most right time for a soft and even tan, in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening after 16.00. In the period between 11.00 - 16.00, it is not recommended to be under the sun at its zenith, it is dangerous both for your skin and for your health in general. During this time, try to stay indoors or in the shade, and wear light, covering clothing to avoid burning your skin.

To speed up the tanning process, you need to take into the diet special products, the substances of which accumulate under the skin and under the sun tend to produce melanin. These include: carrots, peaches, apricots, melons, watermelon, pumpkin, grapes, mango, coconut- these products will help you quickly get a beautiful and even tan.

One of the most effective ways considered to drink a glass carrot juice in front of the beach.

Tomatoes and tomato paste- these products contain an antioxidant such as lycopene, which enhances skin protection and increases the level of procolagen, which, in turn, prevents skin aging, makes it more protected from burns and firmer. Drink 50 g of tomato juice per day, you can along with olive oil, it will help to get a safe and gentle tan.

Vitamin C. Before the beach, eating products with this vitamin will save you from excessive skin pigmentation. Great for a drink before the beach green tea with lemon.
