How to learn how to grow eyelashes. How to grow thick eyelashes at home

Any woman strives to be charming and tries to bring a zest to her image that will distinguish her from the crowd.

Owners of long and thick eyelashes amaze with a piercing look, but nature has not awarded everyone with fluffy eyelashes, and here the latest extension technologies will come to the rescue, which will add attractiveness to the fairer sex.

A similar procedure can be carried out in any beauty salon, like nail extensions, or do it yourself. Let's discuss how to grow eyelashes at home.

Choosing eyelashes for self-extension

Be smart about your lash selection. Experts recommend using materials based on PBT polyester for self-building. Cilia differ in length, thickness, degree of curvature (indicated by letters).

To build at home, you will need cilia of different lengths. When choosing a size, consider the place of soldering and the desired image. Makeup artists recommend increasing the shorter length by the middle of the century, which will emphasize naturalness. Helps give depth to the eyes long eyelashes at the outer corners of the eyes.

Be careful when choosing a shape to prevent the appearance of an unnatural doll effect. Any color scheme of the material is suitable.

Purchase material in a specialized store, but do not skimp, as cheap products can have a negative effect on the retina. Eyelashes are sold in bundles or individually. In salons, products of high quality are used for building up:

  • Ardell.
  • Kodi.
  • Salon perfect.

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Safety and Precautions

When performing self-building, follow the technology and safety precautions.

Sterilize and disinfect instruments. Disinfection makes it possible to disinfect and destroy infectious agents. The tweezers, brush, and any instrument being used should be dipped in the disinfectant solution after use. It is unreliable to use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol for this purpose. Bacteria in this case will not be completely removed.

The disinfection time must comply with the instructions. It is recommended to disinfect materials with Optimax or Babydez Ultra. After thorough rinsing under running water, we proceed to sterilization, which will rid the objects of microorganisms. Sterilization can be carried out either by boiling or by steaming. After the procedures, the tweezers are cleaned with an organic solvent from the adhesive base. A liquid debonder is also suitable for disinfection.

Do not be distracted during the procedure and do not blink, do not forget to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

When buying materials, choose hypoallergenic products made from synthetic artificial material, which will prevent the appearance of allergic rashes on the skin. The glue should contain a minimum amount of formaldehyde, and the aroma should be barely perceptible.

Preparing tools and face

Before the extension procedure, purchase the necessary materials that are listed in the table.

Antibacterial hand sanitizerVegetable oilStraight type tweezers
Eye makeup removerDegreaserCurved tweezers (may be required for correction)
Gel pads (lower lashes)GluePlastic container (for glue)
Mirror that magnifies the imageAdhesive solventCardboard
Eyelash set

Step by step extension plan

In the process of building, do not worry and do not rush. Observing step by step instructions you can quickly build eyelashes with your own hands at home.

  1. Open the package with eyelashes. We first select those with which the process begins, and move the rest to the side so as not to be confused.
  2. Pour a little glue base on the cardboard.
  3. With the help of tweezers we cling to the eyelash and lower it into the adhesive base.
  4. Very quickly glue on a pre-marked place on the eyelid. You can glue the material in bunches, which will save time, however, such work does not look very impressive.

To glue the hair, painlessly bring the eyelash clamped with tweezers to the place of gluing, with the fingers of the second hand, press the hair to your eyelash. Don't release the material right away. It is recommended for a better grip to hold them for about 4-5 seconds.

Some beginners make the mistake of sticking artificial cilia under their own. In no case should you repeat such actions. Applying the material is possible only on your eyelashes. When gluing, it is important to observe symmetry, which will emphasize the naturalness of the image.

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Answers on questions

Often beginners ask questions that interest them, below are the answers to the most popular of them.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

The question worries all the girls who first encountered extensions. Particularly interested are business women, whose schedule is scheduled literally every minute and they simply do not have time for daily trips to beauty salons.

Extended hairs are able to please the owner until the moment when their own cilia grow. Basically, this period is delayed for three months. After 9-11 weeks, you need to re-do the cilia in order to regain a chic look.

How to wash with extended eyelashes?

When washing, you should be as careful as possible. If you do not use mascara, ordinary warm water is enough. You should not often use soap, a variety of foams.

You should give up the habit of rubbing your eyes and exclude the use of greasy products that help dissolve the glue, otherwise the cilia will quickly fall off.

Micellar water is suitable for removing makeup, and gently remove the remnants of cosmetics with cotton swabs.

Can lash extensions be dyed with mascara?

After building up, you can use mascara, but you should think about why you need to tint already gorgeous cilia.

If staining is inevitable and the soul asks to make bright colors, it is recommended to use mascara in black, brown and purple tones. If desired, you can use special paints that stay on the eyelashes for about 20 days.

Can you get eyelash extensions during pregnancy?

Stylists claim that the cilia and the adhesive base for extensions do not contain toxic substances that can adversely affect the fetus or the woman's well-being. Extension is possible at any time, however, remember that the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can affect the growth rate of eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions at home are within the power of any woman. Calmness, lack of haste and full observance of symmetry are considered the main rules for carrying out work. If you follow the step-by-step instructions, the result will be very effective.

For the first time, the process of building up takes a long time. Subsequent procedures are performed faster and at a high level. Self-building will save money and time on going to the salons. If desired, you can change the types of eyelashes, which will make it possible to periodically update the image.


Be careful with the choice of glue. It happens that it comes with eyelashes, and sometimes it needs to be purchased separately. When buying glue, carefully read its composition, make sure that there is no harmful components which, if contacted with the skin, may cause irritation.

Refuse if your eyelashes very weak (then the artificial ones will not last long), if you have diseases of the eyes and skin.

Thoroughly clean the skin of makeup and sebum - they will not allow the eyelashes to stick firmly. Completely degrease the skin.

Carefully read the instructions that come with eyelash extensions. Better yet, read the instructions twice. Usually in extension kit eyelashes are in bunches or in the form of individual eyelashes. Such separate eyelashes you need to glue one, two or three.

Find yourself an assistant. The fact is that when gluing eyelashes, the eyelids should be lowered. It is unlikely that you will be able to glue yourself eyelashes if yours are closed. Perhaps your mother, sister or friend will agree to help you. Explain to them how it works.

It is necessary to take a bunch of eyelashes or a separate eyelash with tweezers, dip the tip in glue and stick it in the gap between real eyelashes. You need to move from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner. Eyelashes must be glued evenly so that there are no empty spaces or excessive accumulations of eyelashes in one place.

Only when gluing eyelashes is finished, open your eyes.

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There are many methods for eyelash extensions. One of the simplest is the extension of beams. It can be carried out at home. The procedure is quite simple and requires only accuracy and care from the master. All building materials are sold in stores professional cosmetics.

You will need

  • - eyelash bundles 8, 10 and 12 mm;
  • - substrate;
  • - lamp;
  • - degreasing solution;
  • - cotton buds;
  • - brush for eyelashes;
  • - glue for eyelashes;
  • - small glass
  • - curved tweezers;
  • - straight tweezers;
  • - teflon;
  • - hairdryer;
  • - solvent.


Separate the top eyelashes from the bottom with a special adhesive backing. If you do not have a backing, then use a 1 cm wide paper-based adhesive plaster. Stick it on the bottom eyelashes.

Apply to eyelashes degreasing solution with a cotton swab. It will remove the remnants of sebum, and the bundles will last longer. Have you degreased eyelashes you will understand by their brilliance: raw eyelashes, processed - no.

Comb eyelashes brush.

Put a drop of eyelash glue on a small glass. Glue can be either colorless or black. Black glue gives the look more expressiveness, because. looks like a thin line of black eyeliner.

Take a bunch of eyelashes 12 mm long with curved tweezers and dip it in glue. To remove excess adhesive, touch the glass. If you are right-handed, then hold the curved tweezers right hand if left-handed - left.

With straight tweezers in the left hand (for left-handed people in the right), separate eyelashes at the outer corner of the eye. Use curved tweezers to glue the bundle into the gap. If the direction of the lashes in the bundle deviates from the natural, then turn the bundle until the glue has hardened.

In the same way, stick an 8 mm beam into the inner corner of the eye, and then 10 mm into the middle part of the eye. During the time that you will be bunches in the inner and middle third of the century, eyelashes the outer corner of the eyes will dry out, and you can stick another bunch there.

After gluing all the beams, apply on eyelashes teflon. It will allow you to remove excess glue from them, give strength and protect against dirt.

Dry eyelashes with a cool stream of air from a hair dryer or simply by fanning, for example, with a fan.

After 10 minutes, carefully peel off the backing or adhesive tape that separated eyelashes. Remove adhesive residue from the substrate with a special tool or nail polish remover.

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Lately eyelash extensions are becoming more and more popular among fashionistas. They give the eyes spectacular expressiveness, depth and attractiveness. What do you need to know about eyelash extensions?


There is no universal methodology. For some, to enlarge the eyes, it is enough to increase only the upper eyelashes, while others need to add more eyelashes from the bottom. To get started, contact a specialist for advice, carefully discuss everything, decide how exactly you will increase eyelashes.

If you have thin and sparse eyelashes, then apply a separate extension of the lower cilia to the extension in one row. This will make it possible to increase the density and will not greatly burden the eyelids.

With a constant load on the eyes, especially if you work at a computer, first apply a single row on the outer side, and then a row on the lower eyelashes that are on its inner side. This procedure is quite complicated and takes a lot of time. If you have very sensitive eyes, then you will experience some inconvenience, since the extension of the lower eyelashes is carried out with the eye open. Although the procedure is quite safe. For building, a special glue is used, which is applied to the eyelash, and not to the mucous membrane. It does not cause allergies and irritation.

If your natural eyelashes are thick and long, then they do not need a full extension. To give the look more showiness, perform an incomplete extension. Contact the master to add longer eyelashes to the corners of your eyes. This will change your outlook. It may become more open, the tips of the eyelids will rise up. The eyes will get extra velvety. Make sure that the master picks up eyelashes that would be combined in color with your natural ones.

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Pay the attention of a specialist to conduct test samples for tolerance. Although now all materials are produced hypoallergenic and have no contraindications. In addition, the skin on the outside of the eyes is less sensitive. Therefore, it is better to start the procedure from these points.
And most importantly, when carrying out building - do not save. choose the best salons And the best craftsmen. Remember that lower eyelash extensions require a little more money, because this is a more time-consuming process. But as a result, you will get amazingly voluminous and thick eyelashes.

Tip 4: Eyelash extensions: types of extensions, prices, reviews

To ensure a spectacular appearance, girls and women sometimes have to make considerable efforts. One only morning makeup can take a lot of time. Therefore, many ladies are trying to find an opportunity to fulfill cosmetic procedures, which can provide the desired external effect for a long time.

Long, thick eyelashes can give the face a very expressive appearance. To become more attractive, you can spend time every day at the mirror, trying with the help of shadows and mascara to get the desired effect. But there is an easier option for gaining expressiveness of the eyes - for this you will have to use a convenient procedure during which eyelash extensions are performed.

What is the eyelash extension procedure

Not all girls have naturally long and lush eyelashes. Even if you are lucky in this regard and natural eyelashes are quite beautiful, under the influence of the environment, and sometimes excessive application of cosmetics, they break, thin and fade. But the extension procedure has no aesthetic restrictions and is often carried out in cases where girls want to save time that they have to spend on regular makeup.

After building, you can fully appreciate the convenience of the procedure - now at any time the eyes will have an expressive appearance. You no longer need to perform laborious actions to give beauty to the eyelashes, risking being late for work. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the skin in the eye area becomes more beautiful and fresh, acquires a slight golden hue. She does not need additional toning, the use of correctors or bronzers. Pencils and shadows, which are usually used for this purpose, are quickly removed from the eyelids when the skin sweats.

Especially great inconvenience occurs in the summer, when skin hydration occurs more often and stronger. In such cases, there is no point in applying decorative cosmetics. The situation is even worse if it is very hot outside. In such weather, you have to wash your face several times more often, applying cosmetics does not help, because it quickly disappears from the face. If you want to always have a beautiful appearance, it is worth resorting to the extension procedure. Eyelashes after this procedure acquire a wonderful appearance, the look becomes more attractive and expressive, while you do not have to fear for the safety of your makeup.

The extension procedure is not particularly fast - it can take about two hours. But fatigue during its implementation is not felt - you can just lie on the couch. The master gets more tired while using tweezers separates natural eyelashes and carefully sticks artificial ones on them.

How is the preparation for extension going?

In order to prepare well for the procedure, it is necessary to perform several preliminary activities. Be sure to remove makeup - not only from the eyes, but from the entire face. It is better if the client comes without makeup at all. Eyelashes are degreased, for which a special composition is used. The lower eyelashes for the period of work with the upper ones are glued using special stickers. This must be done so that they do not grapple with the top. A highly qualified master will certainly disinfect the instruments before work, take an interest in the client’s wishes for the result, and provide possible options eyelashes.

It is very important to carefully consider the choice of the master. This will help not only to get the desired result, but also not to be afraid of health problems. An inept specialist can imperceptibly introduce an infection into the eye, and due to substandard materials, natural eyelashes can fall out.

After the procedure is over, you need to perform some mandatory steps. Eyelashes should be combed using a special brush. The first five hours after the procedure, contact with moisture and cosmetics is not allowed. You should not rub your eyes with your hands, in order to avoid even slight mechanical damage, you should not stick your face into the pillow during sleep. Do not use curling irons - this can lead to loss of eyelashes at the first stage. Do not use waterproof and creamy cosmetics - they can destroy the adhesive.

Before coming to undergo the procedure, it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the execution techniques, caring procedures after the end of the master’s work, learn about the influence of materials and types of work performance. Reviews about the work of the selected specialist are very important.

How to determine the length of future eyelashes

When choosing a length, it is worth remembering that with the help of eyelashes it will be possible to correct the shape of the eyes. Even with a light tint of mascara, the eyes will look brighter and more expressive. After extension, the cilia will be fluffy, they do not fall off throughout the day, the external effect is long-lasting.

The shorter the hairs, the more natural the eyes look. The length of artificial can be selected in the range of 6-15 mm. The thickness of such hairs also differs - to achieve the effect of naturalness, you can choose 0.1 mm or 0.15 mm.

Extension types

An amazing effect can be achieved by combining different variants extensions. Their types are:

  • The extension is full or voluminous. This type is the most popular - it allows you to give the eyelashes not only the desired length, but also the volume and bend. When carrying out a full extension, artificial eyelashes are applied to each of the natural ones. By choosing a certain length and thickness of the villi, you can achieve not only the effect of naturalness, but also glamorous, or "theatrical".
  • The growth is incomplete or sparse. When choosing an incomplete type, artificial eyelashes will not be glued to each of the natural ones, but through one. This allows for a more natural looking eye. This option is used for creative eyelash extensions - after each natural eyelash there is one that is intentionally long, or colored.
  • "Hollywood" extension with 3D effect. The procedure consists in the fact that two pieces or more artificial ones are glued to each of the natural eyelashes. The method is good for showing the expressiveness of the eyes on stage, but not particularly suitable for everyday life.
  • Build-up in the corners of the eyes. It is performed from the middle of the eye to its outer corner. At the same time, they look slightly raised, like in cats.

The most common extension techniques are:

  • Natural look. The technique is simple, applied natural materials– the client receives silk or mink eyelashes.
  • "Fox" look - hairs of different lengths are used, the longest ones are attached to the corners of the eyes and to the middle.
  • Puppet look. With it, hairs with a large length are distributed along the contour of the eyelid.
  • "Squirrel" look. The eyelashes will be lengthened closer to the outer corners of the eyes to get something similar to squirrel brushes.
  • "Cocktail" look. Here it is important to perform alternation of eyelashes in thickness, for which they are used various materials- mink and sable, silk and rubber.

Extension prices

In beauty salons, the price of extensions can be found in the range of 3000-5000 rubles. It may depend on the selected materials, the prestige of the institution, the choice of effects. If you want to save money, you can turn to the services of students in such salons. The work will be carried out by inexperienced personnel, but under supervision professional master, which is a guarantee of the safety of the procedure and the prevention of erroneous actions.

Therefore, when the eyelash extension technique was created, which is done in stages in any beauty salon, the women of fashion perked up and decided to quickly make themselves such "Hollywood" eyelashes.

The extension technology itself consists in gluing several single or bunches of artificial eyelashes to the base of one's own female eyelashes. Previously, it was believed that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to carry out such a procedure with the help of a professional master exclusively in a beauty salon.

One of the types of eyelash extensions

But due to the high cost of such a procedure, many women have learned how to do extensions on their own at home.

Technique includes preparatory stage and main. step by step process extension is simple and if you approach it with maximum attention and responsibility, you can build eyelashes even at home.

Consider first the classification of types and methods of building.

There are two main types of extensions:

  • eyelash - with this method, the cilia look natural and last longer;
  • beam (a bunch of artificial ones is attached to one of its eyelashes) - the look becomes more expressive, but the bunches will not last long.

Eyelash extensions vary:

  • length: short, medium and long;
  • by color: the most commonly used are black and brown, there are other colors;
  • according to the material: natural or artificial.

There are also various extension methods:

  • partial extension - when synthetic cilia are glued only in the corners or at a certain interval (usually they are longer than their own);
  • complete - when the cilia are glued along the entire line, with each artificial one joining its own;
  • 3D-building - sticks to each of its 2 synthetic ones, a three-dimensional effect is created;
  • creative extension (eyelashes of different colors with sparkles or rhinestones).

The duration of wearing artificial eyelash extensions is usually 2 weeks, after which they gradually begin to fall out. This process is usually invisible to others.

When choosing eyelash extensions, you need to take into account their length, thickness, hair stiffness and bend.

When choosing eyelash extensions, you need to take into account the length, thickness, stiffness of the hairs and their bend when buying. Most often this is indicated on the packaging. The technique of the process itself can be mastered in stages by yourself, guided by the recommendations in this article.

With piece eyelash extensions, you must first choose the right type of cilia.

In total there are 4 types of eyelashes according to the type of material:

  • silk eyelashes - quite voluminous, slightly shiny, they will lengthen and add volume to their eyelashes ( evening version but not everyday)
  • mink eyelashes - light and thin, suitable for everyday wear, but have a drawback (may cause an allergic reaction);
  • sable eyelashes are heavier, so they do not stick to very thin own eyelashes, although they look very impressive;
  • artificial eyelashes - they are glued very simply (15 min.), but they last 1-2 evenings.

The thickness of the hairs that will be glued to the eyelashes should be no more than 0.15 mm, because thicker ones (from 0.2 mm) give a “doll-like” effect and are used for very catchy evening makeup.

It is better to choose the length of the hairs in the range of 10-18 mm. When buying, it is optimal to choose a set with hairs of various lengths, then longer ones are suitable for the outer corners of the eyes, shorter hairs for the inner ones.

Effects to create an image

There are also various effects used to create a specific eye look:

  1. Natural- the look becomes expressive without the use of cosmetics.
  2. fox effect- cilia of different lengths are used (usually 3), while the outer corner of the eye is visually lengthened.
  3. Squirrel- synthetic eyelashes are glued of different lengths, short - closer to the inner side, long - to the outer side of the eye, creating the effect of mystery.
  4. Puppet- eyelashes 12-15 mm long are selected, giving a look of puppetry and coquetry.

The classic eyelash extension method is the basis of the lash industry. This extension technique is popular, because. Eyelashes are lengthened in stages in a natural way by gluing artificial or thickening your own eyelashes.

This type of extension is widespread in Europe and supports the idea of ​​"naturalness" in makeup, when the eyes look spectacular without signs of excessive cosmetics.

The main rule for classic eyelash extensions is gluing one artificial eyelash to one of your own.

The main rule for classic eyelash extensions is to glue one artificial eyelash onto one of your own.

There are several basic guidelines for this procedure:

  1. The distance from the base of your eyelash to the beginning of the artificial eyelash is 0.5-1 mm.
  2. An artificial eyelash should be glued to its own in the direction from the base to the middle, and it is at the base that the eyelash is glued more tightly.
  3. The autonomy of each individual eyelash must be respected. If they stick together, then subsequently, with a difference in the growth of different eyelashes, a woman will feel discomfort.
  4. When sticking the entire row of eyelashes, it is necessary to set them in one direction so that there is no “tousled effect”.

For a phased home eyelash extension, you need to prepare a set of special tools, without which it is impossible to do it correctly and painlessly. All the technique and the process itself take place directly in contact with the eyes, so it is completely unacceptable for infection to get into the eyes.

Tools and materials for eyelash extension

List of required tools:

  • high-quality hypoallergenic glue (usually black);
  • several toothpicks;
  • packing of cotton pads;
  • small tweezers, preferably two;
  • container for glue (preferably made of plastic) or glass;
  • spray-degreaser for eyelashes;

To prepare for the extension procedure you need:

  • Prepare your hands(wash thoroughly with soap) and face (remove makeup).
  • Glue your bottom lashes to your skin. For this, special silicone pads or just paper tape are usually used. You need to stick it, starting from the corner, so that all the lower eyelashes are closed and do not interfere with work.

Carefully! When sticking, you need to make sure that the eye is closed. It is important that the glue and its fumes do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise there will be a chemical burn, “tears will flow”.

  • Degreasing those eyelashes on which the extension will be made using a degreasing spray. On cotton swab spray a little liquid from the spray and gently draw over all the upper eyelashes, first in one, then in the opposite direction.

The preparatory process is over. Now, in order to master the technique of eyelash extensions, we will consider step by step how this is done.

After all the tools have been prepared and a set with eyelashes has been purchased, we will begin the extension process.

Note! If you are doing extensions for the first time in your life, then it is best to invite a friend or a more experienced person to help you so that they can objectively evaluate the result when sticking each individual eyelash.

The most popular classic extension method involves gluing one artificial hair onto one of your eyelashes.

With eyelash extensions, each lash is taken with tweezers.

For eyelash extension for each eye, you need 80-120 artificial eyelashes:

  1. Glue is squeezed onto the glass.
  2. Each eyelash is taken with tweezers and with a blunt tip is lowered into the glue to the middle.
  3. Then the eyelash is glued, retreating 0.5-1 mm from the eyelid, to each own eyelash separately. At the same time, short cilia are glued to the inner corners of the eye, and the longest ones are glued to the outer corners. This creates the effect of "cat's eye".
  4. Professional masters advise to do several gluing procedures for each eye - 25-30 pieces for the first approach, then move on to the other eye. And so in succession.
  5. During the last approach, empty gaps are closed, and then both eyes are visually aligned in terms of the number of cilia.

The beam look is also called "Hollywood" because it is considered a solemn style. Bundles last a maximum of 2-3 weeks.

Bundles with eyelashes are knotless type and nodular. A knot is a ball at the junction of several artificial cilia. If there is a knot, the bundle is easier to stick on, but it will be visible on the eyelashes at the end of the procedure.

15-20 bundles are usually glued to each eye

Knotless bundles (without balls) have a gentle mount and are glued to the skin of the eyelids.

The bundles also vary in length and density. Often in beauty salons for originality, rhinestones are also glued.

15-20 bunches are usually glued to each eye.

Stages of beam extension

Step-by-step gluing of beams:

  • drip glue on the prepared glass;
  • a bunch of eyelashes is taken with long tweezers, the tip should be slightly dipped in glue;
  • own eyelashes in the right place are moved apart with the help of another tweezers, then the bundle is glued into this gap between the eyelashes either to the base of your own eyelash or to the eyelid itself;
  • the direction of gluing is from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one, the beams must be distributed evenly along the eyelid so that there are no gaps.

most popular and efficient technique today it is a Japanese eyelash extension technology for each eyelash separately. By using step by step instructions any woman can do it at home with this technique.

Japanese technique (step by step):

  1. Pour the hairs onto white paper or a towel and choose the ones you need, sorting them according to length or other parameters.
  2. Prepare the glue - pour it into a small container.
  3. Degrease the tweezers with a special solution.
  4. Using a degreaser, treat the area around the eyes and your eyelashes, put wet cotton pads (halves) under the lower eyelids to protect the skin from glue.
  5. Own eyelashes need to be combed and separated with a brush.
  6. Each artificial eyelash is taken by the tip with tweezers, the base is lowered briefly into the glue, and then applied to its own eyelash near the base. The rest of your eyelashes, so as not to interfere, with a toothpick you need to move away. For high-quality attachment of an artificial hair, it must be slightly pressed against the eyelash.
  7. The direction when gluing is from the outer to the inner edge of the eye.
  8. All eyelashes must be laid in the same direction.
  9. After the end of the procedure, you need to lie down and wait with your eyes closed for several minutes for high-quality gluing of hairs.

Typically, eyelash extensions last about 3-4 weeks. As a rule, once a month it is necessary to make a correction. With oily skin, correction is done more often.

If a woman used additional tinting of extended eyelashes with mascara, then she would have to redo all the work: remove the eyelashes, because the carcass clogs into the roots of the eyelashes and it is impossible to remove it from there. Gluing eyelashes in this case is done again.

There are several rules for the care of eyelash extensions:

  • you can wet the eyelashes only 2-3 hours after the extension procedure, so that the glue has time to grab well;
  • you can not sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • you can not rub your eyes;
  • the washing process is carried out very carefully, because. getting wet reduces the period of wearing eyelashes;
  • it is better to refrain from visiting the sauna due to the possibility of straightening artificial eyelashes at high temperatures (approx. 100º);
  • you can’t cry, it’s also better to refrain from sea bathing (salt water does not have a very positive effect on glued eyelashes);
  • to wash off makeup, it would be optimal to use a tonic, and not a greasy cream (fat helps dissolve eyelash glue), you also can’t use cosmetical tools with alcohol, it can greatly dry out the skin on the eyelids;
  • to wash off cosmetics, it is best to use a cotton swab and do this without touching the eyelashes.

It is better to refrain from visiting the sauna temporarily

Used to remove artificial eyelashes special remedy- Cream-paste for removing extended eyelashes. The paste should be rubbed into the base of the roots of the eyelashes and held for 15 minutes. Then the artificial eyelashes are carefully removed, the remaining excess cream is removed, everything is washed with warm soapy water.

It is important to know! When you take off the artificial eyelashes, your own will seem terrible - sparse and short. Don't be scared! This is not because your own fell out, but because you are visually accustomed to synthetic, thick and beautiful.

Contraindications to the extension procedure:

  • cold or SARS;
  • tendency to conjunctivitis or blepharitis;
  • allergic to glue or synthetic eyelashes;
  • Very oily skin face or eyelids;
  • very weak and thin own eyelashes cannot withstand the weight of artificial ones;
  • high eye sensitivity and tearfulness.
  1. Sterilization of instruments is the main rule that cannot be dispensed with.
  2. With eyelash extension, which is a more complex procedure, you need to make sure that the glued cilia “look in one direction”.
  3. The lifespan of natural eyelashes is about a month, so when building, it is better to choose shorter eyelashes that will grow longer.
  4. It is very important not to allow the eyelashes to stick together during the extension process.

Common rookie mistakes:

  • incorrect gluing of the artificial eyelash along the entire length - it is best to fix the eyelash from the base to the middle of your own eyelash;
  • incorrect interval between the eyelid and the glued eyelash (should be 0.5-1 mm) - when the eyelash is glued to the skin of the eyelid, the woman has a feeling of tight skin and discomfort when wearing;
  • if the eyelash is glued far from the base, then an extra free edge is formed, the eyelash “dangles”, which reduces the wearing time of such eyelashes;
  • gluing several lashes together prevents them from growing normally, which speeds up the loss of their lashes.

After reading this article, a woman who wants to have "Hollywood" eyelashes will understand that the main thing is enthusiasm and experience. The correct eyelash extension technique described in this article will help you to follow all the steps step by step, gain experience and get an impressive result - beautiful thick eyelashes.

Master class on eyelash extension leads E. Lange:

See how eyelash extensions are done here:

The beam extension technique is shown in detail here:

Now it is very difficult to find a beauty salon in which the masters would not offer to use their eyelash extension services. In a short time, they will help you to give the desired volume and splendor to the cilia and will give you the opportunity to boldly go to conquer the hearts of men. If going to a specialist is too much on the budget, information on how to grow eyelashes at home will be especially useful.

What is the easiest way to grow eyelashes at home?

Carrying out building at home

Self-extension of cilia is not such a complicated process as it might seem at first glance. Any girl who wants to add expressiveness and glamorous chic to her image can handle it.

The main thing is to remember a few simple rules.

  1. A kit for eyelash extensions at home is best bought in specialized stores. The success of the procedure directly depends on the quality of the material. You do not want to regret the unsuccessful experiment in the future, do you?

A special kit will simplify the extension process

The beam extension method will require less time.

Step by step description of the process

Before you build eyelashes yourself at home, prepare your future workplace. Clear it of foreign objects, let nothing interfere with you.

The workplace for eyelash extension at home should contain:

  • Makeup remover.

Low-fat milk or tonic will prepare the eyes for the procedure.

It is important to know!
Choose only oil-free products, as others are poor adhesive bases.

  • Purchased special glue. It can be transparent or black. The second will visually add volume, so many fashionistas choose it.
  • Tweezers. This is your main tool in the extension process.
  • Eyelash set. Before you learn how to build eyelashes at home, you should decide exactly what result you want to achieve and, based on this, select the shape and length of false eyelashes.

You can easily change the image by choosing new forms of cilia

Go to procedure

  1. Degrease the face and skin of the eyelids with a special tool.
  2. Put some glue on a small piece of plastic or cardboard.
  3. Eyelash extensions on your own at home are carried out with tweezers, with which the selected artificial eyelash is picked up.

Proceed gradually and gently fix the artificial eyelashes

  1. Gently dip the edge of the eyelash into the glue and attach it to the eyelid in the place where it should be located.
  1. Bring the eyelash tweezers to the eye and gently press it against the natural eyelashes with the finger of your free hand. Hold your finger in this position for a few seconds, then boldly proceed to fix other eyelashes.
  2. Repeat the procedure on the second eye.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in how to properly grow eyelashes at home. The main thing is not to rush and carefully hone each movement.

The result is impressive, isn't it?

Popular mistakes during extensions

For the successful implementation of the procedure, it is not enough just to know how to properly extend eyelashes at home, it is also important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will become useful in the process of implementing the planned event.

  1. Do not stick cilia of the same length throughout the eyelid. For more naturalness, create something like a cascade. Otherwise, you will become like a doll, and this is clearly not what you are striving for.
  2. If you are the owner of weakened and thin cilia, do not choose artificial ones that are too long. This will create additional stress and may break off the eyelash.

Long extension fibers, as in the photo, will not stick to weakened natural lashes

This instruction will increase your chances of a successful outcome of the procedure and help you avoid common mistakes made by inexperienced girls.

Actions should be carried out with a closed eyelid.

Restoring the condition of eyelashes

After extensions of artificial cilia, our natural ones can weaken, become more brittle and begin to fall out.

Therefore, it is very important to know how eyelashes are treated after extension at home.

With the help of vegetable oils, you can restore the structure of hairs

The brush from the end of the mascara is a convenient device for applying oils

Herbal infusions help restore hairs

With the help of these simple and affordable components, you will create excellent eyelash and eyelid skin care products with your own hands.

No one can resist the look from under thick lush eyelashes

Now you know how to grow eyelashes at home. Pay enough attention to this process, carefully read the instructions and approach the session with all responsibility. Only in this way can you achieve desired result without negative consequences.

By adhering to these recommendations, you can achieve an amazing result that will make your look truly unforgettable. To learn about all the intricacies of building, we recommend that you additionally familiarize yourself with the video in this article.

Eyelash extensions are not only beautiful, but also incredibly comfortable. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to make them. If one or two procedures do not hit the pocket, then the constant wearing results in a decent amount. The way out is to learn how to build up on your own. Now there is an opportunity to buy everything you need for this, as well as get all the information you need for free.

  • Which eyelashes to choose
  • Necessary materials
  • Step by step technique
  • How to grow eyelashes in bunches yourself
  • Eyelash care after extension
  • Common Mistakes

Doing eyelashes yourself at home is not difficult if you choose the right one and find everything you need. Particular attention is paid to the hairs themselves. When choosing, you can meet different types: mink (close to natural hairs), sable (lush and thick), silk (something in between). In fact, they have nothing to do with the materials of manufacture. In all cases, safe and hypoallergenic synthetics are used. Popular manufacturers of professional eyelashes - Dolce Vita, Vivienne, MACY. But very often materials are bought from unknown brands, a lot of products come from China, and they are often not inferior in quality to expensive counterparts.

Extensions are of two types:

  1. Eyelash. Work goes with individual hairs.
  2. Beam. Bundles are glued on.

Naturally, each type needs its own materials. You can not connect the hairs in bundles or tear something off. But you can combine eyelash technique with bunches. As for the length, it is usually from 8 mm, more than 12 mm is rarely used for everyday wear. For getting natural effect it is advisable to take three lengths, the maximum size is glued in the central part or closer to the outer corners, depending on the desired effect. If you use the same hairs, then nothing beautiful will come of it, the work will look stiff and vulgar.

The main material is eyelashes. But you will have to spend money not only on them. Auxiliary materials are not cheap, but they will last a long time. You can buy everything in cosmetic or professional stores.

What else do you need to build:

  1. Glue. It should be transparent or black, but designed specifically for building.
  2. Tweezers. Ideally, it is advisable to take a long professional tool with a curved tip and one straight one, but if you don’t have it, you can take ordinary short tweezers.
  3. Foil. It's for glue. Any kind of food foil will do, the thickness does not matter, the main thing is cleanliness.
  4. Special solvent for glue (remuver). You need to buy it in advance. If suddenly something goes wrong, it doesn’t work the first time, then you need to remove the hairs. Without a remover, it will not be possible to safely and quickly remove artificial hairs.
  5. brush. Necessary for combing eyelashes before and immediately after the procedure. If it is not possible to buy a special brush, you can take it from under the carcass, it must be washed and dried well.
  6. Gel substrates (silicone tapes). They are optional, but desirable. With their help, it is easy to remove the lower eyelashes, they will not interfere with the procedure.
  7. Primer. Degreases eyelashes, removes the remnants of cosmetics, dust, dirt. It is usually used before painting, but it will not damage the product before building up, it will provide good adhesion.

Important! Do not confuse and buy ordinary glue for false eyelashes. It will not differ in durability, has a completely different composition, adheres well to the skin, but not to the hairs. That is, it is absolutely not suitable for building.

Before eyelash extensions, you need to clean the eye area from makeup and do it well. You can use micellar water. Particular attention is paid to the root zone of the eyelashes, on which soldering, that is, gluing, will be carried out. After cleansing, it takes a few minutes to dry completely. You can just hide the lower eyelashes under the gel pads so that they do not interfere with work.

How to grow eyelashes at home:

  1. Treat eyelashes with a primer. Usually it is applied to a brush or cotton swab, wiped from the eyelid to the tips.
  2. Comb the eyelashes with a brush to align and separate.
  3. Put some glue on a piece of foil.
  4. Using even tweezers, select the eyelash on which the extension will be made, pushing all the excess to the sides.
  5. Take an artificial eyelash with curved tweezers, dip half the length into the adhesive, wipe the excess glue on the foil.
  6. Attach an artificial eyelash to the prepared natural hair, glue.
  7. Continue building up further along the eyelid, changing the length.
  8. Dry your eyelashes. In salons, this is done with a hand pump; at home, you can wave or blow something, but do not blow too much air.
  9. Comb the cilia with a clean and dry brush. It should easily pass through the hairs.

Important! Do not build up from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer edge in order. In this case, adjacent cilia will stick together. It is recommended to work alternately in different areas.

Eyelash extension is difficult to do on your own, as it involves gluing from 100 hairs to each eyelid. The process is not only long, but also very painstaking. It is more convenient and faster to use bundles. They can also be bought in the store, ordered online. A large selection of materials can be found on Chinese sites. It is very important that the beams are well clustered. That is, at the base of the beam there should be an extended tip for attachment.

Benefits of beam extension:

  • saving time and effort;
  • cheapness;
  • opportunity to do it yourself.

Bundles also have different length, starting from 8 mm. Beams can create natural and theatrical effects. The extension technique is no different, except for a significant reduction in units. Eyelashes are also glued with the help of two tweezers.

You can also grow perfect eyelashes at home, which will last 3-4 weeks. But sometimes they begin to fall out after a few days, and the reason is not at all in the technique and materials. It is very important to properly care for the area around the eyes, especially in the first days after the procedure.

What not to do:

  1. Wash the first day. That is, do not affect the cilia themselves. But you can wipe your eyelids with a damp disk.
  2. Rub your eyes. Freshly extended eyelashes react negatively to any mechanical impact.
  3. Use greasy creams, oils and other products that can get on the glue, dissolve the composition.
  4. Sunbathe, visit a sauna, a bath for the first 48 hours. High temperatures can also affect durability.
  5. Sleep face down on a pillow. This habit is harmful not only to eyelashes, but also to the skin of the face, leads to swelling and bags around the eyes, it is desirable to eradicate it.

By the way! It is possible and even necessary to dye eyelashes if native hairs have a light shade, stand out ugly against the general background. But it is important to choose a mascara remover that will not dissolve the adhesive.

One of the most common and dangerous mistakes in extensions is gluing. That is, artificial and natural hairs are interconnected. This is not only ugly, but also very harmful to natural eyelashes. Gluings are different: longitudinal, basal, crossed, fluffy. But they are all correctable. It is important to immediately push the hairs apart until the composition has hardened.

It happens that the problem occurs due to glue. During the build-up, you need to regularly update the drop on the substrate. If an error is noticed in time, it must be corrected immediately. When gluing, you can use removers, carefully removing cilia in defective places. If not removed in time, the risk of damage to natural hairs increases.

Other common mistakes:

  1. Gluing an artificial hair close to the eyelid. As a result, with the growth of a natural eyelash, itching, irritation will appear, the service life will be reduced, after 5-7 days you can notice the first losses.
  2. Small area of ​​contact (point build-up). Eyelashes must match at least 50%. Otherwise, they will fall off very quickly.
  3. Direction. On the eyelids, the eyelashes are arranged in even rows, but only at the base. The ends look in different directions. It is important that the artificial hairs repeat their direction.

Also, do not forget about the timely correction and proper removal of artificial eyelashes. You can not tear off, try to pluck or pull out the hairs, this can lead to sad consequences.

Home » Eyelashes

How to increase eyelashes at home? In fact, this is not such a complicated process, so the cosmetic salon procedure can be done on your own. However, this will require not only a lot of time, but also a lot of patience.

In fact, all the various types of building can be divided into 2 groups.

  • Bundle - artificial hairs are pre-assembled into ready-made bundles that are glued to the ciliary edge. The shape, length and density of eyelashes is selected according to your desire. Beam technology is much simpler and faster: in the cabin, this procedure takes no more than an hour. Beginners are advised to start by attaching beams.

The advantage of the solution is the speed of transformation and the variety of options. Minus - correction will be required after 2 weeks: the bundles are heavier than individual hairs and do not hold so firmly. But if one eyelash disappears from the field of view, no one will notice its loss, but the disappearance of a whole bunch requires immediate action.

  • Eyelash - a separate artificial hair is glued to each eyelash. It is much more difficult to perform such work: jewelry accuracy is required when fixing the hair, because it must not only take the correct position, but also the correct direction. However, eyelash extension provides a much more stable and much longer result.

In addition, it is not necessary to build up really all the eyelashes. By placing longer or steeply curved artificial hairs in the corners of the eyes, alternating with short ones, you can get interesting solutions: to make the effect of doll eyelashes, a fox look, a squirrel.

This procedure takes at least 2 hours and requires accuracy and utmost care. Impatient young ladies can't handle it.

  • Volume extension - in fact, this is a kind of eyelash, but with variations: 2, 3, or even more are attached to one natural hair - Hollywood volume. The length and density of eyelashes at the same time changes very significantly, so this option is more suitable for especially solemn occasions or special ones - a stage premiere, shooting.

This procedure in the salon takes 3-5 hours. It is very difficult to do it at home: the work requires the accuracy of finger movements and their constant tension. But at self-fulfillment hands have to be kept on weight, which noticeably complicates the work.

This procedure includes both a significant transformation of the volume and the fastening of individual hairs - decorative, for example. With the latter, you can cope on your own, even in the absence of experience and patience.

  • Fastening individual eyelashes - we are talking about a decorative type of decoration: hairs of unnatural length, color, decorated with rhinestones or sparkles. To create an interesting image, a few pieces in the corners of the eyes or along the ciliary edge are quite enough. This option allows you to quickly change the look for 1 party.
  • Fox eyes - long hairs or tufts are attached only in the corners. Thus, the shape of the eye visually changes: they become elongated and seem slightly raised to the temples. A more complex option involves attaching hairs along the entire ciliary edge - long at the outer corner, and short at the inner.
  • Squirrel effect - bunches of long eyelashes are fixed, slightly stepping back from the outer corner, the bunch forms a kind of “squirrel tail”.
  • The puppet effect is a complex technique, not recommended for beginners: it is difficult to perform it correctly. Firstly, only eyelash extensions are assumed, and secondly, only long hairs are used, including when attached to the inner corner.
  • Sparse eyelashes - refers to the alternation of short and long eyelashes from the inner to the outer corner. The technology is no less complex and requires taking into account the shape of the eye: with the wrong location of long eyelashes, you can visually emphasize a disadvantage instead of dignity.
  • Natural - the same very difficult technique. Eyelash extensions are made in compliance with the natural length: short near the inner corner, long - near the outer.

There are many types of artificial eyelashes. Some allow you to increase the volume of eyelashes, others - length, others allow you to achieve unexpected results. decorative effect. When choosing, you will have to pay attention to a lot of nuances.

This parameter determines not only, and not so much the density of future eyelashes, but its possibilities.

  • Silk is the thinnest and most delicate hairs, with a diameter of 0.05 mm. Ideal for volume extensions, but due to their thinness they require jewelry work with tweezers.
  • The columns are thicker, with a diameter of 0.10 to 0.15 mm. The kolinsky holds its shape better, so if curved tips are needed, this option is preferable.
  • Mink - up to 0.20 mm in diameter, suitable for many experiments with length and shape. It is easier to fix them, so with little experience in building up yourself, it is better to start with a mink.
  • Sable - the thickest and strongest hairs - up to 0.25 mm, are held for up to 3 months. Most often used to create natural makeup and incomplete growth. 3D, and even more so Hollywood volume, cannot be increased with their help: too big weight they create for natural lashes.

Tips to help you grow eyelashes yourself at home:

The length of the hairs varies from 4 mm to 25 mm. If fixation is supposed only in the corner, then longer cilia are chosen. If you build up throughout the volume, you will need products of different lengths - with the exception of the puppet effect.

When choosing, you need to keep in mind the purpose of building. Very long eyelashes look unnatural and are only suitable for special occasions.

Hair curl - gracefully curved tips visually make the eyelashes longer and the eyes bigger. The degree of bending can be very different. In the photo - bending options.

  • B - minimum bend. This is an option for owners of straight eyelashes, as too a big difference between natural and built-up hairs is unacceptable.
  • C - the bend is more, creates the effect of curling mascara.
  • D - this is how eyelashes look like for those who like to use tongs. In addition, with a large length of hairs, the bend should also be greater.
  • CC - extremely strong bend, necessary for volume building.
  • U - option for a puppet look.
  • L - relatively straight hair with a strongly recurved tip. This model is suitable for those who constantly wear glasses.

What do you need for eyelash extensions, besides the material? Of course, special fixing compounds and tools. A beginner home master can purchase a ready-made kit, which includes everything you need. More experienced, as a rule, prefers to look for material on their own.

Required tools:

  • tweezers, or rather, 2 tweezers: one with straight tips, the other with curved ones. When choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to the sponges: they must close tightly to a width of at least 3 mm, otherwise they will not be able to hold the hair or the bundle;
  • degreaser - special compositions that do not irritate the eyes, remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics, most importantly, natural grease;
  • glue for artificial eyelashes - again, this should be a special composition that does not irritate the mucous membranes. For beginners, it is recommended to choose a slow-fix glue so that it is possible to correct the position of the hairs;
  • if desired, the extension kit can be supplemented with a fixative - this tool enhances the strength of the fastening.

Step-by-step instructions for eyelash extensions, which are used in salons, do not quite fit. It is much more convenient for the master to act, since he sees the “front of work” from above and holds his hands in a more correct position: the hands are below the elbows. Yes, it has a better view.

When working independently, it is difficult to assess the intermediate result, and when working, the hands are constantly in an uncomfortable position. Respectively, home master you have to resort to different tricks.

Eyelashes are placed on a palette - if we are talking about a special set, or on a strip of foam rubber. In this case, the order of gluing is observed. Otherwise, you will have to constantly look for hairs. It is very important to provide good lighting.

  • Remove make-up from the eyelids and skin around the eyes. Then the eyelashes are treated with a special degreaser.
  • The bottom row is fixed with a backing.
  • A drop of special glue is placed on a strip of glass or cardboard.
  • Remove the hair from the palette with tweezers and dip the blunt tip into the glue - approximately to the middle. Excess glue, if any, is removed with a swab.
  • Then, with one tweezer, the cilia are pushed aside from the main one, and with the second they bring an artificial hair. Spend it on a natural eyelash to lubricate with glue, and apply without trying to press.
  • It is very important to observe the correct gap between the edge of the eyelid and the glued hair - 0.5–1 mm. If the distance is too small - 0.3 mm, the glue will tighten the skin of the eyelid and create discomfort. The hair should be attached from the beginning of the eyelash to the middle.
  • Then step by step repeat all the operations on the other eyelash.
  • If necessary, the result is fixed with a fixative.

Is it possible to get at home the same spectacular volume and length as in the salon, it depends not so much on the material, but on skill and patience. Everything is important: how accurately the artificial hair is placed, whether it coincides in direction with the natural one, whether it twisted during fixation, and, most importantly, whether the hairs stuck together due to excess glue or an unsuccessful position.

But even the most excellent result does not exclude some care recommendations:

  • you can moisten your eyes with water or just wash yourself only after 12 hours: during this time, the glue is completely polymerized;
  • it is not allowed to visit the sauna, bath or pool during the next day;
  • do not resort to steam baths, masks and lotions for 2-3 days;
  • it is advisable to paint the extended eyelashes with only one layer of mascara and in no case resort to special formulations - voluminous mascara, waterproof.

How to grow eyelashes for yourself at home? In fact, the same technologies are used as in the salon, but taking into account the specifics: worse visibility, inconvenience during operation and, as a rule, minimal experience. For beginners, it is better to start with tufts or long individual lashes, more experienced ones can try the full volume.

Eyelash extensions are not only beautiful, but also incredibly comfortable. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to make them. If one or two procedures do not hit the pocket, then the constant wearing results in a decent amount. The way out is to learn how to build up on your own. Now there is an opportunity to buy everything you need for this, as well as get all the information you need for free.


Which eyelashes to choose

Doing eyelashes yourself at home is not difficult if you choose the right one and find everything you need. Particular attention is paid to the hairs themselves. When choosing, you can find different types: mink (close to natural hairs), sable (lush and thick), silk (something in between). In fact, they have nothing to do with the materials of manufacture. In all cases, safe and hypoallergenic synthetics are used. Popular manufacturers of professional eyelashes - Dolce Vita, Vivienne, MACY. But very often materials are bought from unknown brands, a lot of products come from China, and they are often not inferior in quality to expensive counterparts.

Extensions are of two types:

  1. Eyelash. Work goes with individual hairs.
  2. Beam. Bundles are glued on.

Naturally, each type needs its own materials. You can not connect the hairs in bundles or tear something off. But you can combine eyelash technique with bunches. As for the length, it is usually from 8 mm, more than 12 mm is rarely used for everyday wear. To obtain a natural effect, it is advisable to take three lengths, the maximum size is glued in the central part or closer to the outer corners, depending on the desired effect. If you use the same hairs, then nothing beautiful will come of it, the work will look stiff and vulgar.

Necessary materials

The main material is eyelashes. But you will have to spend money not only on them. Auxiliary materials are not cheap, but they will last a long time. You can buy everything in cosmetic or professional stores.

What else do you need to build:

  1. Glue. It should be transparent or black, but designed specifically for building.
  2. Tweezers. Ideally, it is advisable to take a long professional tool with a curved tip and one straight one, but if you don’t have it, you can take ordinary short tweezers.
  3. Foil. It's for glue. Any kind of food foil will do, the thickness does not matter, the main thing is cleanliness.
  4. Special solvent for glue (remuver). You need to buy it in advance. If suddenly something goes wrong, it doesn’t work the first time, then you need to remove the hairs. Without a remover, it will not be possible to safely and quickly remove artificial hairs.
  5. brush. Necessary for combing eyelashes before and immediately after the procedure. If it is not possible to buy a special brush, you can take it from under the carcass, it must be washed and dried well.
  6. Gel substrates (silicone tapes). They are optional, but desirable. With their help, it is easy to remove the lower eyelashes, they will not interfere with the procedure.
  7. Primer. Degreases eyelashes, removes the remnants of cosmetics, dust, dirt. It is usually used before painting, but it will not damage the product before building up, it will provide good adhesion.

Important! Do not confuse and buy ordinary glue for false eyelashes. It will not differ in durability, has a completely different composition, adheres well to the skin, but not to the hairs. That is, it is absolutely not suitable for building.

Step by step technique

Before eyelash extensions, you need to clean the eye area from makeup and do it well. You can use micellar water. Particular attention is paid to the root zone of the eyelashes, on which soldering, that is, gluing, will be carried out. After cleansing, it takes a few minutes to dry completely. You can just hide the lower eyelashes under the gel pads so that they do not interfere with work.

How to grow eyelashes at home:

  1. Treat eyelashes with a primer. Usually it is applied to a brush or cotton swab, wiped from the eyelid to the tips.
  2. Comb the eyelashes with a brush to align and separate.
  3. Put some glue on a piece of foil.
  4. Using even tweezers, select the eyelash on which the extension will be made, pushing all the excess to the sides.
  5. Take an artificial eyelash with curved tweezers, dip half the length into the adhesive, wipe the excess glue on the foil.
  6. Attach an artificial eyelash to the prepared natural hair, glue.
  7. Continue building up further along the eyelid, changing the length.
  8. Dry your eyelashes. In salons, this is done with a hand pump; at home, you can wave or blow something, but do not blow too much air.
  9. Comb the cilia with a clean and dry brush. It should easily pass through the hairs.

Important! Do not build up from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer edge in order. In this case, adjacent cilia will stick together. It is recommended to work alternately in different areas.

Video: Eyelash extension

How to grow eyelashes in bunches yourself

Eyelash extension is difficult to do on your own, as it involves gluing from 100 hairs to each eyelid. The process is not only long, but also very painstaking. It is more convenient and faster to use bundles. They can also be bought in the store, ordered online. A large selection of materials can be found on Chinese sites. It is very important that the beams are well clustered. That is, at the base of the beam there should be an extended tip for attachment.

Benefits of beam extension:

  • saving time and effort;
  • cheapness;
  • opportunity to do it yourself.

The bundles also have different lengths, starting from 8 mm. Beams can create natural and theatrical effects. The extension technique is no different, except for a significant reduction in units. Eyelashes are also glued with the help of two tweezers.

Video: Self-extension eyelashes

Eyelash care after extension

You can also grow perfect eyelashes at home, which will last 3-4 weeks. But sometimes they begin to fall out after a few days, and the reason is not at all in the technique and materials. It is very important to properly care for the area around the eyes, especially in the first days after the procedure.

What not to do:

  1. Wash the first day. That is, do not affect the cilia themselves. But you can wipe your eyelids with a damp disk.
  2. Rub your eyes. Freshly extended eyelashes react negatively to any mechanical impact.
  3. Use greasy creams, oils and other products that can get on the glue, dissolve the composition.
  4. Sunbathe, visit a sauna, a bath for the first 48 hours. High temperatures can also affect durability.
  5. Sleep face down on a pillow. This habit is harmful not only to eyelashes, but also to the skin of the face, leads to swelling and bags around the eyes, it is desirable to eradicate it.

By the way! It is possible and even necessary to dye eyelashes if native hairs have a light shade, stand out ugly against the general background. But it is important to choose a mascara remover that will not dissolve the adhesive.

Common Mistakes

One of the most common and dangerous mistakes in extensions is gluing. That is, artificial and natural hairs are interconnected. This is not only ugly, but also very harmful to natural eyelashes. Gluings are different: longitudinal, basal, crossed, fluffy. But they are all correctable. It is important to immediately push the hairs apart until the composition has hardened.

It happens that the problem occurs due to glue. During the build-up, you need to regularly update the drop on the substrate. If an error is noticed in time, it must be corrected immediately. When gluing, you can use removers, carefully removing cilia in defective places. If not removed in time, the risk of damage to natural hairs increases.

Other common mistakes:

  1. Gluing an artificial hair close to the eyelid. As a result, with the growth of a natural eyelash, itching, irritation will appear, the service life will be reduced, after 5-7 days you can notice the first losses.
  2. Small area of ​​contact (point build-up). Eyelashes must match at least 50%. Otherwise, they will fall off very quickly.
  3. Direction. On the eyelids, the eyelashes are arranged in even rows, but only at the base. The ends look in different directions. It is important that the artificial hairs repeat their direction.

Also, do not forget about the timely correction and proper removal of artificial eyelashes. You can not tear off, try to pluck or pull out the hairs, this can lead to sad consequences.

Every woman dreams of long lush eyelashes and today this dream can be realized not in beauty salons, but even in simple home conditions. All you need is patience and necessary materials. A good result of work will please you with its quality and will attract the admiring glances of others.

Long, curved upwards and lush eyelashes are the pride of every woman and the envy of rivals. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The beauty and mystery of your "mirrors" can be given by artificial, self-extended eyelashes at home.

Eyelash extensions: where to start?

To learn how to professionally increase eyelashes, you must have a specialized education or, at least, completed courses. But, this all applies to those masters who provide their services in beauty salons and beauty-rooms of each city.

At home, it is quite possible to master the technology of eyelash extension and carry out the procedure for yourself or your loved ones. After reviewing all the recommendations and having gone through a lot of practice, you will be able to notice that you are building up better than a professional.

First of all, you need to start by reading specialized literature and watching video master classes on the Internet. After that, you will draw up a preliminary work plan and go to the store to purchase the necessary materials.

Benefits of eyelash extensions

Long beautiful eyelashes are the dream of every woman. Modern masters of beauty parlors are able to fulfill the dream of each of them. Eyelash extension is an incredibly popular procedure these days because it has a lot of advantages:

  1. Long thick eyelashes can attract the attention of men and make the look more expressive.
  2. Eyelash extensions save you the use of cosmetics, in particular mascara
  3. Extensions give you the full lashes you've always dreamed of.
  4. Artificial eyelashes can serve you for a long time, more than a month, and you do not need to worry about your appearance.
  5. Building materials are not expensive and available to everyone
  6. Eyelash extensions will transform your look
  7. Properly extended eyelashes are not afraid of water
  8. They do not harm native eyelashes
  9. Eyelashes are not noticeable on the eyes and all you need to do is comb them periodically

How to prepare eyelashes for extension?

Preparation for building up consists of three simple steps:

  1. Thoroughly remove makeup from the eyes
  2. Preparing eyelash tufts and tools
  3. Choosing a comfortable position for long-term immobility with eyes closed

If you do not properly remove cosmetics, then artificial cilia can stick unreliably and soon fall off altogether. It is also worth avoiding the procedure for dyeing eyelashes. Lay all the tools in front of you in a convenient place. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to be stationary for some time while the glue dries.

What is needed for eyelash extensions at home? The set for growing the eyelashes

An inexperienced person can be confused for the first time in front of an abundance of various tools and materials for eyelash extensions. But in fact, everything is not so difficult and for a full build-up you need:

  • set of eyelashes of different lengths
  • adhesive solvent
  • special degreaser
  • patch
  • tweezers
  • cotton swabs and toothpicks
  • magnifying mirror

In a well-lit room, preferably sitting in front of a window, lay out all your tools on a clean surface. Have a separate plastic cap for the glue, which dries quickly and should be used sparingly.

Eyelash extension technologies at home

You can build eyelashes in bunches of 5-6 pieces, or you can each separately. Naturally, the procedure for building one eyelash will take longer, but it will look more natural.

Step by step extension process:

  1. Close your eye, stick a patch under the lower eyelid, which will show the splendor and length of your eyelashes in contrast
  2. Put a drop of glue on the plastic surface
  3. Take an eyelash with tweezers and dip its thick end into the glue
  4. Glue the eyelash in the gap between your own or on the upper eyelid in the lash line, attaching the artificial one to the natural one.
  5. Hold it for 1.5 minutes and do not open your eyes, as glue fumes can provoke a tear
  6. Carry out eyelash extensions from the temple to the bridge of the nose, observe the length of the eyelashes
  7. If you glued the eyelash incorrectly, do not rush to tear it off. This may injure the eye. Treat the glue with vegetable oil and it can be easily removed

How to strengthen eyelashes after extension?

Many women are concerned about the question: “How do eyelashes grow after extension?” The answer is simple - the same as before building. If you observe that your natural eyelashes have thinned due to the severity of the extensions, then try a series of procedures aimed at restoring and strengthening them. Such an impact can accelerate their growth and restore them to a healthy state.

First of all, you need to review your diet. With an insufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins in food, not only hair, nails, but also cilia can suffer. Add foods containing vitamins A, B and E to your diet.

It is useful to rub the eyelashes with castor oil, as well as a mixture of linseed, almond and castor oil. Give up cosmetics for a while: mascara, eyeliner and pencil. Give your lashes time to rest. Wipe them every day or every other day with oil, and in the evening leave cotton swabs soaked in chamomile decoction in front of your eyes for 30 minutes.

Failed eyelash extensions

Everyone can make a mistake with eyelash extensions and then your whole business is doomed to failure. It is worth being very careful about this procedure, as it requires attention, concentration and utmost accuracy and patience.

Sometimes, we want to be irresistible so much that we forget about everything and rush in pursuit of beauty. Illiterate build-up creates a lot of trouble and harms your eyes, causing inconvenience, itching and pain.

Such problems can be encountered with unsuccessful eyelash extensions:

  • Excessive application of glue on the eyelashes

An excessive amount of glue glues all the eyelashes and causes discomfort with a feeling of tension. It would be correct to apply the minimum amount of glue - exactly as much as the eyelash needs to fix.

  • Lack of space between eyelashes

Too rarely or often eyelashes extended to each other do not look natural and cause discomfort to the hostess.

  • Not respecting the length of the eyelashes

Each lash should go from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.

  • Eyelash quality

Do not save money by purchasing eyelashes. The higher their quality, the easier the extension procedure will be for you and your appearance will be better.

  • Additional elements

Do not aggravate the situation with additional decorative elements in the form of rhinestones, beads and pebbles. It looks tasteless and cheap.

  • Location of cilia

The distance at which it is worth placing an eyelash is from 0.5 mm to 1 mm from the eyelid. Too close to the eyelid can injure the eye and lead to inflammation, and too far - to the fact that the eyelashes will look unnatural and make the eye heavier.

The choice of materials for building up and the procedure itself must be treated very carefully and with all care. A good result of work will please you for more than one day. Be beautiful and confident!

Video " Eyelash extensions at home»
