Lenore fabric softener views. Instructions for use and composition of fabric softeners

Manufacturer: Procter&Gamble (Russia, Novomoskovsk).

Compound: 5-15% cationic surfactants, preservatives.

Release form: bottles made of opaque plastic with a capacity of 0.5/1/2 l, dosing cap, color and design of the label vary depending on the fragrance.

Perfume options:"Alpine meadows", "children's", "Scandinavian spring", "Caribbean flowers", "Japanese garden".

Information on the package: purpose (gives softness, freshness; antistatic; helps to keep the shape of clothes, protects the fabric from premature wear, helps to preserve the brightness of colors, facilitates ironing); application (add during the last rinse), dosage, composition, manufacturer information, expiration date (18 months), precautions (keep out of reach), special notes (safety for skin confirmed by dermatological tests).

Dosage: for hand washing - 70 ml (2/3 caps) per 10-15 liters, for a cycle in an automatic machine - 110-140 ml (1-1.3 caps).

Price: 32.5 rubles per liter bottle.

Test results

Facilitate ironing: Lenor conditioner reduces the effort required to iron by 14%, for which it received a maximum rating of three points. As for the number of strokes, here the result is more modest - it reduces by only one (one point out of three possible).

Antistatic effect: in removing static electricity, Lenor turned out to be the best (the same result has E), a high score of six points is deserved.

Economy: at average price per bottle (1 liter - 32.5 rubles) Lenor is the most expensive means at the cost of one application! Adding it when washing in an automatic machine costs 4.5 rubles, which is 1.5-2.5 times higher than the cost of using other conditioners. A liter bottle is enough for only 7 cycles of machine washing, with hand washing - for 14 applications (washing price - 2.3 rubles). This nomination reduces Lenor's rating, because other products provide a similar or even better effect for less money.

Smell: all Lenor air conditioners and, in particular, Lenor with Alpine Meadows fragrance have a strong bitter smell - a mixture of chemicals and perfumes. Linen treated with Lenor acquires a pronounced aroma. But since not everyone likes this effect (many prefer the absence of a chemical smell), we did not give additional points for this parameter.

Packaging and labeling: an ordinary bottle, no frills in packaging and design are observed, a cap without an inner cup. Marking is good - information in Russian is given in large size, it is easy to read.


Here it is the cherished tool that women think about at work. So, “helping iron a mountain of laundry after the weekend” will only become partly easier: Lenor really reduces the effort you have to put in (by 14% - one of the best results), but it saves only 15% of time (for some air conditioners, this figure is 40%). But as for the antistatic effect, it really is.

Lenor is the leader in this nomination (we note that the E air conditioner has the same result)! Combined with the softness that Lenor provides, you can trust that the "daughter's sweater" will not prickle. The smell is strong, the laundry after applying the conditioner has a pronounced "aroma" of fragrance. This is for an amateur. There are no special complaints about the packaging, the marking is good.

The bottle is enough for 7/14 washes (by hand/in the machine). But the price ... When converted to one application, Lenor turns out to be the most expensive among the participants in the test. The summary is this: if you are not very worried about the price, then you can buy Lenor - it will good helper taking care of your things.

Fabric softener will make clothes soft and pleasant to the touch. There is a huge selection of such products. It is necessary to know how to choose such a product correctly so that it not only affects the linen, but also does not harm human health. Many people confuse rinse aid with conditioner. In fact, the second agent is used during washing. And the rinse aid must be applied already in the last rinse.

The conditioner can be used for both hand and machine washing. In the first case, the product must be added directly to the basin with water and linen. Then you have to wait 10 minutes. After that, things must be wrung out and hung out for further drying. In the second case, you need to pour the substance not into the washing machine, but into a special compartment for the air conditioner.

The instructions for using the air conditioner are very simple, but there are a number of rules that must be followed if you use such a tool:

  1. Always follow the dosage. During processing, the thinnest protective film appears on the fabric, which protects the material from external factors. If the air conditioner is used little, then it will not be enough to form such a layer. If the dosage is exceeded, then this will lead to the fact that the fabric will become slippery, unpleasant to the touch. In addition, excess funds settle on the walls. washing machine.
  2. The conditioner is useless to apply for things from materials with water-repellent properties.
  3. Do not pour conditioner into the compartment in the washing machine, which is intended for powder.
  4. Do not use fabric softener on woolen garments as they will become shapeless.

Laundry detergent will make the laundry clean, but only the conditioner has a softening effect. In addition, the fabrics will be soft, with a pleasant smell. They are much easier to iron. Things made of synthetic materials do not electrify.

How to choose?

When choosing a fabric softener, you should be guided by the following principles:

  1. Environmental friendliness. The composition of the funds should contain components that have a full cycle of biological decomposition (under the influence of external factors they break down into simple elements). Thanks to this, the substances are harmless, are well washed off things, and do not pollute the environment.
  2. Safety for human health. Responsible manufacturers do not use aggressive compounds that can cause an allergic reaction or various diseases.
  3. Ease of use. Many manufacturers equip packages with special dispenser lids or spouts. Thanks to this, it is convenient to measure the amount of the product that is required strictly according to the instructions.
  4. Aroma. High quality products have a light, non-irritating fragrance.
  5. Profitability. This is affected by the concentration of the substance. The larger it is, the longer you can use the product.
  6. Price. It is influenced by the composition of the product, the volume of packaging, the brand.

The composition of the air conditioner usually includes surfactants and silicone. The former are required to soften fabrics, create an antistatic effect, and increase the wear resistance of the material. Silicone can create both a water-absorbing and water-repellent effect. Additional components may also be included that give things a pleasant aroma, facilitate the ironing process, and so on.

The following compounds should not be included in the air conditioner:

  1. Chloroform. It causes an allergic reaction.
  2. Terpineol. It is used as a thickener for conditioner. In addition, it has a rich floral aroma.
  3. benzyl acetate. It is used as a solvent for varnishes, resins.

If you follow these rules, you will be able to choose a quality product.

Overview of the best air conditioners

Choosing the best fabric softener is difficult, as the range of such products is wide. There are many effective means but the most popular are:

  1. Vernel. The manufacturer is Henkel. Does not cause skin irritation. For people who are prone to allergies, a separate series has been developed - Vernel Sensitive. For children's clothing, there is also a separate option. The advantages also include convenient packaging, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, safe composition (contains cationic PVA, which are fully biodegradable). The disadvantages include a limitation in the use of breathable fabrics.
  2. Lenore. The manufacturer is Procter & Gamble. Sold in containers of 500 ml, 1 and 5 liters. There is a large palette of aromas: apple, herbal, various floral scents and more. The product is hypoallergenic. Another benefit is environmental friendliness. The downside is the low concentration of the substance.
  3. Eared Nian. Designed specifically for baby clothes. The composition includes only safe cationic surfactants, and their content is minimal - no more than 5%. Various additives are included - lavender extract, aloe and more. The advantages include hypoallergenicity, economy, safety, naturalness.
  4. Kotiko. Russian brand, but Israeli technologies were used. The tool is safe, hypoallergenic, economical. Convenient dispenser included. The scent is very pleasant and gentle. The disadvantages include the fact that there is no protective valve on the dispenser, so it is inconvenient to shake the liquid.
  5. Clint Home. It is also a Russian product. There are several fruity, floral and herbal fragrances on the market. Designed specifically for children's clothing.

They also use Faberlic. This is a conditioner-balm, which contains special microcapsules with caring additives.

Not so long ago, housewives, washing things, did without fabric softener, but gradually this tool entered every family. Of course, to achieve cleanliness of linen will help washing powder. But many people can no longer imagine how to do without the conditioner: it softens the laundry, improves rinsing and has an antistatic effect. Air conditioner is often referred to as a rinse aid or antistatic agent.

Not so long ago, housewives, washing things, did without fabric softener

Benefits of using rinse aid

Why do you need fabric softener? What is its benefit? There are several advantages to using this tool:

  • dried laundry is much softer than after washing without conditioner;
  • clothing acquires dirt-repellent properties;
  • after using the product, linen is much easier to iron;
  • even after several washes, things retain their colors;
  • the rinse aid has an antistatic effect;
  • linen acquires a pleasant aroma.

The positive effect of the rinse is provided by cationic substances in its composition. They settle on the surface of the fabric, creating an invisible film that protects clothing from dirt penetration. Those stains that appear in the process of wearing will be much easier to wash off. And silicone softens the fabric, which is also part of the rinse aid.

The fabric softener may not always be used. On things made of silk, he can leave stains. Linen, which includes material for body shaping, can be spoiled - it loses elasticity from the rinse aid. Do not use the product when washing outerwear, as it may lose its moisture-repellent qualities.

The positive effect of the rinse is provided by cationic substances in its composition.

The fabric softener scents things. IN last years There are many products with different fragrances. Anyone who wants to choose exactly what he likes - from floral fragrance to the smell of freshness. But manufacturers have also taken care of those who cannot tolerate various fragrances, and produce products without additional fragrances.

In search of an answer: where the powder is poured into the washing machine

How to replace fabric softener when washing (video)

Proper use of rinse aid

How to use fabric softener for best results? The first step is to read the instructions for the drug. It indicates how much to pour into the washing machine or into a container of water if washing is done by hand. If you use an insufficient amount, then there will be no effect. But you can’t overdo it either, since excess funds cannot be rinsed out, and it will be unpleasant to wear linen after washing.

Sometimes housewives cannot figure out which section of the washing machine to add rinse aid to. Everything is very simple. The product is poured into a special compartment of the cuvette, and for hand washing - into the water intended for the last rinse of things. Practically in all washing machines this compartment has a designation in the form of a flower or an asterisk.

Before using fabric softener, you should look at what fabrics it is intended for. Manufacturers produce special rinses for woolen products, which become soft and fluffy after washing. These medications help keep appearance wool products in their original form. When washing light-colored things, you can use conditioner, which has the property of maintaining whiteness.

Conditioner-rinse scents things

Some preparations have added starch. They should be used when washing tablecloths and men's shirts: collars and cuffs after drying will look fresher than usual.

Universal conditioners are also produced. They are used for washing clothes that do not have special care requirements.

The use of rinse aids for washing children's clothes is also possible, but special preparations should be chosen. The best fabric softener for babies is one that does not cause allergies and does not contain fragrances. The best rinse is the one on the packaging that says that it is intended for children's clothes.

How to boil your own laundry at home

Fabric softener do it yourself (video)

How to choose an air conditioner

Some unscrupulous manufacturers include in the composition of their products harmful substances. When choosing, you should carefully read the information on the package. If there are such components, but not in in large numbers, then there is nothing wrong with that.

Sometimes housewives cannot figure out which section of the washing machine to add rinse aid to.

The composition of the air conditioner may include the following harmful components:

  1. A-terpineol. You can smell it, it gives the rinse aid the aroma of lilac. It affects nervous system, suppressing her performance. Causes depression.
  2. benzyl alcohol. Causes nausea and dizziness. Gives a jasmine fragrance to the rinse.
  3. Ethanol. Negatively affects the functioning of the brain. May cause visual impairment.
  4. Chloroform. It negatively affects the work of the nervous system.
  5. Linalool. If it is contained in the air conditioner in large quantities, then when pouring the product into

To make it easier to tear off old wallpaper from the wall, dilute the cap of the conditioner in a liter of water and apply the product with a sponge on the walls. Let the product work for 20 minutes and then just peel off the wallpaper. If the wallpaper is vinyl, try first sanding the surface with a wire brush and then applying a water-based conditioner solution.


Dust and animal hair will accumulate less on the carpet if it is treated with conditioner from time to time. Dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio, and then spray the carpet with a spray bottle. Treat the carpet better evening not to walk on it right away, but to let it dry properly. The effect will last for several weeks, and vacuuming will become much easier.


A fairly common problem: if you often use hair products in aerosol tubes, then over time, plaque accumulates on the furniture and walls around the dressing table, which is difficult to wash off. Mix fabric softener in water (1:2), spray on the soiled surface and wipe with a dry, clean cloth.


Dilute a little conditioner in water, apply to a cotton pad or tissue and wipe the contaminated areas.


Forget about brushes, iron sponges and broken nails. Instead, soak the dishes using fabric softener and warm water. Leave on for about an hour or until the product works.


Mix the conditioner with water in a ratio of 1:4, apply the product on a napkin and wash the glass. With the same composition, you can wash the windows at home, and there will be no streaks left!


We always forget about them when cleaning the apartment, but it is much more difficult to deal with old dirt. Conditioner will help in this case, just wipe the dirty surfaces with a sponge with conditioner diluted with water.


Baby chair, perhaps one of the dirtiest places in the car. Do not forget to monitor and maintain cleanliness, because bacteria can also accumulate on it. Well, if a stain appears on the car seat, it can be removed with the help of an air conditioner, mixed with water and rubbing the contaminated areas well.


Dilute a small amount of conditioner in a bucket of water, soak the mop and mop the floors.
