The best leave-in hair mask. Hair care at home (masks, peels, etc.) - "My hair care

A leave-in hair mask is not used by every woman, but meanwhile, it is this way of hair care that can protect them from many adverse effects. At home, we often use pharmacy or self-made masks to nourish, fortify, smooth or improve the structure of the hair.

After washing off such compounds, only a small part of the useful components remains on the strands and continues its positive effect. Leave-in masks are able to protect against the negative effects of irons, hair dryers, styling products, weather conditions. This mechanism of action is confirmed by the reviews of girls using masks that do not need to be washed off.

At home, masks with indelible formulations are prepared from a variety of ingredients. And therefore, you can choose the right recipes for dry, too oily, split ends and unruly hair. You can also read reviews about the use of such indelible masks beforehand, this will allow you to make a choice.

It is necessary to mix herbs such as nettle, wormwood, St. John's wort and sage, taken in a teaspoon. The prepared mixture is poured with one glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for about five minutes. After straining, 8 drops of liquid vitamins E and A are added to the decoction. This mixture is applied to washed hair after a little drying. The condition of dry hair improves after the second use of such a leave-in mask. For fair-haired women, it is better to replace nettle with chamomile.

  • To accelerate hair growth

    To quickly activate the work of the bulbs at home and achieve hair growth, you need to prepare a decoction of rosemary. Two tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves are poured into 300 ml of boiling water, insisted and applied while still warm as an indelible mask on the strands from roots to ends.

  • A tablespoon of ivy leaves is required to pour a glass of water and boil over very low heat for 10 minutes. After straining, the warm decoction is carefully distributed through the hair. Use this indelible mask daily for at least one month. Reviews about this home care product convince of its effectiveness.

  • For colored hair

    Mix a teaspoon each of calamus root, marigold flowers, hop cones and burdock. Dry herbal tea is brewed with a liter of boiling water, infused, filtered and used daily before going to bed as an indelible mask. Such care helps to restore dry strands after staining.

  • Leave-in tonic masks contribute to a better supply of nutrients to the hair roots, increase their shine and elasticity. There are several popular compositions.

    • With lavender oil

    One hundred grams of dry nettle leaves should be brewed with two glasses of water, after which two glasses of ordinary table vinegar are added to the liquid. The mixture is infused in a dark and warm place for at least two hours. Then it is filtered, two drops of lavender oil are added and after two days it is used to rub into the hair roots daily at night as an indelible mask.

  • With rose water

    Three ampoules of pharmacy ascorbic acid should be mixed with 100 grams of rose water. This leave-in mask is then applied to pre-washed hair.

  • With rum

    One chopped onion must be poured with 100 grams of rum. The mixture is infused in a warm place for a day, filtered and used to rub into the roots of curls. You can use it twice a day, especially this indelible tonic mask is useful for severe hair loss.

  • Leave-in homemade balm mask is prepared quite simply from the most affordable ingredients. It is necessary to pour a spoonful of flax seeds into 100 ml of boiling water and insist almost until it cools completely. After filtering into this infusion, owners of dry hair should introduce a spoonful of vegetable or olive oil and three drops of orange, rose, ylang-ylang, lavender or rosemary ether.

    If you have oily hair, then add only essential oils to the indelible balm mask. The prepared composition must be poured into a bottle from under any spray. You can store it in the refrigerator for several days, and shake before use.

    At home, it is easy to maintain the beauty of your hair if you use the most proven and effective recipes indelible masks. Giving your hair a little time, you will always look great and without spending on expensive salon treatments.

    I tried a hair growth booster recipe with rosemary. I really liked the effect, the hair really began to grow faster and their condition also improved noticeably. I did it regularly for the first month, and then less often, just to maintain the achieved result.

    Marina, how quickly did you start to notice the result from the mask?

    It became clear to me almost immediately that the recipe worked. But then I advised a friend, she also began to do the same and at first complained that she did not see any effect. But just a couple of days later I called and said “thank you” for the advice))

    And I did according to the recipe "for dyed hair." I immediately liked that there is an interesting set of natural ingredients, which, well, 100% will not harm in any way. As it turned out, it was not in vain that I tried it, it has a great effect on the health of the hair.

    I've been lucky enough to do some experiments on the one I love, the wife. Really noticed improvements, because, at a minimum, you begin to take care of your hair. You oil and brush them.

    I work in a beauty salon, so I'm familiar with masks firsthand. Most of all I like tonic, especially in such a hot summer. One of my favorites is the lavender oil mask. It is not a problem to make it, and it is cheap, but the effect is on the face!

    I tried the mask for dry hair according to the recipe that was posted above in this article. The hair is so silky. Sage and chamomile with vitamin E helped me restore the beauty of my hair. I had no idea what else to do with this dry hair, but now I will restore it with a herbal mask.

    These hair masks are really good. Masks-balms help very well. Especially for dry hair, this recipe is a godsend. The hair is truly different. I did a mask - a tonic with lavender, I really liked it and a wonderful effect.

    “Knowing how to be beautiful is a whole art that women try to comprehend in their entire lives”

    Most girls use a hair dryer, curling irons. All these devices dry the hair, make it dull and lifeless. An indelible hair mask can become an effective assistant in the difficult task of restoring curls.

    It is sold in any cosmetic store, but a home-made remedy will be much more effective. It will take a little time, and the benefits for curls will be simply invaluable.

    Features of indelible masks

    The main advantage of products that do not require rinsing is the long-term effect of vitamins and nutrients on curls and scalp, which lasts until the next wash. As a result, the hair becomes stronger, well-groomed and beautiful, their natural resistance to stress increases.

    The consistency of such masks is usually gel-like or liquid. They do not create the effect of wet curls, do not weigh them down, so they can be used even before an important event without fear of appearance. Moreover, protected by a mask, curls will more easily endure drying and blow-drying.

    Each leave-in hair mask fights one of the common problems:

    • split ends;
    • dry, brittle hair;
    • dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis;
    • excessive loss;
    • slow growth;
    • dullness, lack of shine;
    • naughty curls.

    Homemade herbal recipes

    For self cooking masks that do not require rinsing, most often use herbal preparations, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, first you need to decide what kind of mask you need. The following factors influence the choice:

    1. Hair type (oily, dry, normal or combination).
    2. The presence of coloration
    3. General condition of the hair.
    4. Curl color.

    Recipe for boosting growth

    1 st. l mix chamomile, nettle and sage and pour 100 ml of boiled water, strain after 30 minutes. Rub the mixture into your hair roots every day. This leave-in mask for rapid hair growth actively nourishes the hair and awakens dormant follicles.

    For shine

    Pour into a glass of water 1 tbsp. l ivy leaves, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, strain. The use of such a mask will visually make the hair more well-groomed.


    Take 1 tsp. calendula flowers, hop cones, burdock and calamus, boil all the ingredients in 1 liter of water, strain. Apply the mask before going to bed on colored hair.

    For moisturizing

    This tool is suitable for owners of tired, brittle hair who urgently need resuscitation.

    You will need several different types herbs:

    • nettle;
    • sage;
    • St. John's wort;
    • sagebrush.

    With frequent use, nettle can make hair darker, so it is better for blondes to replace it with chamomile.

    Take 1 tsp. herbs, put them in a steam bath for 5 minutes, then add a few drops of vitamin A or E. Rub the mixture into your hair.

    Tonic masks

    Tonic masks without rinsing improve the nutrition of the follicle, which contributes to the rapid growth of thick and attractive hair.

    Recipe with rum

    Finely chop 1 onion, add to 100 g of rum, leave warm. Strain the next day. Rub the liquid into the hair 2 times a day. This leave-in tonic hair mask intensively restores curls and makes them stronger.

    With lavender oil

    Pour 100 g of nettle leaves with 2 glasses of water and the same amount of vinegar essence. Let the liquid stand warm for 2 hours, strain, drop 2 drops of lavender oil into the prepared product. Apply the mask before bed.

    With rose water

    Mix 3 ampoules of vitamin C with 100 g of rose water. Apply the mixture to clean hair.

    Many girls prefer to buy ready-made cosmetics offered to us by the modern mass market. Yes, this is the best way for those who do not have a large number time to take care of yourself. But popular remedies often do not cure, but create a visual effect. healthy hair. There are many folk recipes, according to which you can really cook effective masks for hair.

    Masks to enhance hair growth

    The mask with oil and ginger improves blood circulation, accelerates hair growth and protects sensitive skin from irritation. You will need a spoonful of sesame oil and the same amount of chopped and grated ginger. The ingredients must be well mixed together until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Gently massage the composition into the scalp and leave for half an hour. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly with water. It is best to carry out this procedure before washing your hair. The mask is not suitable for oily hair. If you notice that they have become stronger, there is no irritation and the loss has slowed down, try leaving the composition on your head all night.

    A mask with honey and onions is recommended for those who want to grow hair as soon as possible. long hair. We take four parts of the onion, grated on a fine grater, and one part of good honey. The product should be applied to the scalp and rubbed into the hair roots with massage movements. Soak for forty-forty-five minutes, then rinse your hair in warm water. It is advisable to use a mild shampoo for daily use.

    The mustard mask is also great for stimulating hair growth. Dilute a little dry mustard in warm water. You will get a liquid slurry that needs to be rubbed into the scalp. We put on a hat and wait ten to fifteen minutes. Then the hair should be rinsed with warm water (never hot). Thanks to this tool, the hair grows very quickly.

    However, there is a risk of burning it, especially if the strands are thin, weak, dry or prone to dryness, and the scalp is very sensitive. In this case, masks that irritate the skin are not recommended. If the mustard stings a lot, try adding cream, kefir, egg yolk, or butter as an emollient base.

    Useful decoctions of herbs

    Leave-in masks are an excellent hair care product. Yes, there are many minerals, trace elements and vitamins in various home and professional masks that are very useful for the hair structure, but after washing off they do not remain on the head. And curls need to be protected from the harmful effects of irons, tongs and a hair dryer.

    If you are the owner of dry and damaged hair, it is recommended to use vitamins and herbs to moisturize them. To prepare the mixture you will need:

    • Sagebrush;
    • St. John's wort;
    • Sage;
    • Stinging nettle.

    Blondes should add chamomile instead of nettle. A decoction of nettle can tint strands in dark color, and chamomile colors them light. Take one teaspoon of all herbs and pour one glass of boiling water. The mixture should be boiled for five minutes in a steam bath, then add eight drops of vitamins A and E to the warm broth. The filtered mixture is applied to freshly washed hair. Already after the second time you will notice changes in a positive direction.

    The following recipe prevents intense hair loss, accelerates their growth and strengthens. Prepare a decoction of two tablespoons of dry rosemary leaves and 300 ml of water. It must be rubbed into the hair while still warm. Non-greasy texture has a positive effect on the structure of the strands. Rinse off is not required.

    If you dream of healthy and bouncy hair, mix a tablespoon of ivy leaves with one glass of water. Boil over low heat for ten minutes, and then strain through cheesecloth. A warm decoction should be applied to the scalp every day for a month. The hair will take on a healthy look and become more well-groomed.

    Decoction for the care of dyed hair should be used before bedtime. Mix one teaspoon each of burdock, hop cones, crushed calamus root, marigold flowers. The ingredients must be brewed in one liter of boiling water, then strained and applied to the hair before you go to bed. The decoction contributes to the restoration of curls after curling and staining.

    Leave-in vitamin tonics

    We take two drops of lavender oil, two glasses of vinegar, two glasses of water, one hundred grams of nettle leaves. Nettle should be brewed in water and vinegar, and left in a dark, warm place for two hours. Then strain, add lavender oil, mix and pour into a tightly sealed container. After two days, start rubbing the tonic into the roots at night.

    Take one hundred grams of rose water and three ampoules of vitamin C. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the washed strands with light massaging movements. Then comb your hair. A healthy tonic is obtained from half a glass of rum and one onion. Pour rum over a finely chopped medium-sized onion. Leave the mixture in a warm, dark place for 24 hours, then strain and massage onto the scalp twice a day.

    Video: Personal experience - Hair care!

    To prepare a hair balm mask at home, you will need one teaspoon of oil, one tablespoon of flax seeds, two to three drops of essential oil, 100 ml. boiling water. You need to pour boiling water over the flax seeds and insist until the water cools, then strain and add the oil. At very oily hair ah oil can be excluded. If you use it, then first dissolve in it essential oil. The most commonly used rosemary, lavender, lemon, orange, ylang-ylang. Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle. The composition must be stored in the refrigerator. Shake the bottle thoroughly before use.

    Features of indelible masks

    The main advantage of products that do not require rinsing is the long-term effect of vitamins and nutrients on curls and scalp, which lasts until the next wash. As a result, the hair becomes stronger, well-groomed and beautiful, their natural resistance to stress increases.

    The consistency of such masks is usually gel-like or liquid. They do not create the effect of wet curls, do not weigh them down, so they can be used even before an important event without fear for the appearance. Moreover, protected by a mask, curls will more easily endure drying and blow-drying.

    Each leave-in hair mask fights one of the common problems:

    • split ends;
    • dry, brittle hair;
    • dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis;
    • excessive loss;
    • slow growth;
    • dullness, lack of shine;
    • naughty curls.

    Homemade herbal recipes

    For self-preparation of a mask that does not require rinsing, most often they use herbal preparations, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, first you need to decide what kind of mask you need. The following factors influence the choice:

    1. Hair type (oily, dry, normal or combination).
    2. The presence of coloration
    3. General condition of the hair.
    4. Curl color.

    Recipe for boosting growth

    1 st. l mix chamomile, nettle and sage and pour 100 ml of boiled water, strain after 30 minutes. Rub the mixture into your hair roots every day. This leave-in mask for rapid hair growth actively nourishes the hair and awakens dormant follicles.

    For shine

    Pour into a glass of water 1 tbsp. l ivy leaves, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, strain. The use of such a mask will visually make the hair more well-groomed.


    Take 1 tsp. calendula flowers, hop cones, burdock and calamus, boil all the ingredients in 1 liter of water, strain. Apply the mask before going to bed on colored hair.

    For moisturizing

    This tool is suitable for owners of tired, brittle hair who urgently need resuscitation.

    You will need several different types of herbs:

    • nettle;
    • sage;
    • St. John's wort;
    • sagebrush.

    With frequent use, nettle can make hair darker, so it is better for blondes to replace it with chamomile.

    Take 1 tsp. herbs, put them in a steam bath for 5 minutes, then add a few drops of vitamin A or E. Rub the mixture into your hair.

    Tonic masks

    Tonic masks without rinsing improve the nutrition of the follicle, which contributes to the rapid growth of thick and attractive hair.

    Recipe with rum

    Finely chop 1 onion, add to 100 g of rum, leave warm. Strain the next day. Rub the liquid into the hair 2 times a day. This leave-in tonic hair mask intensively restores curls and makes them stronger.

    With lavender oil

    Pour 100 g of nettle leaves with 2 glasses of water and the same amount of vinegar essence. Let the liquid stand warm for 2 hours, strain, drop 2 drops of lavender oil into the prepared product. Apply the mask before bed.

    With rose water

    Mix 3 ampoules of vitamin C with 100 g of rose water. Apply the mixture to clean hair.

    • The best restorative hair masks - homemade recipes
    • The most effective recipes for homemade masks for hair growth
    • Homemade masks for thick hair: 5 cool recipes
    • Masks for hair growth and strengthening in children

    Functions of leave-in cosmetics

    It is very important to protect your hair from the harmful effects of the environment. The best leave-in hair products perform three functions at once, which allows you to maintain the beauty and health of curls:

    • nourish;
    • moisturize;
    • protect.
    1. Leave-in products are great for damaged hair or if you have a lot of split ends. To solve these problems, it is better to choose gels or serums. Already after the first application, the hair becomes more manageable, shiny. With the help of a leave-in mask, split ends can be eliminated. The longer you keep this or that cosmetic product on your hair, the better the result can be achieved.

    2. Absolutely all indelible hair products perfectly protect the strands from the harmful effects of the environment, ultraviolet rays. This feature allows you to keep the color of the curls saturated after staining. If you often use a hairdryer or tongs, then you can pick up a serum with special protective components.
    3. Hydration plays an important role in hair health. For this purpose, you can use balms, sprays, creams, serums. Leave-in cosmetics contain a sufficient amount of components that will help maintain the desired level of moisture in the hair. Very often, leave-on moisturizers contain extracts of algae, chamomile, aloe vera, wheat proteins, green tea. Also, most manufacturers add a variety of vitamins to their products to improve curls.

    I grew a RUSSIAN braid! Rustic recipe! +60 cm in 3 months…

    Leave-in hair balms

    It is very important to choose the right cosmetic product for yourself. You need to consider the problem you want to solve, as well as the type of hair. For some women, a cream or balm will be enough, while others, for example, need to constantly use a special oil for the tips.

    If you have damaged hair or split ends, then it is simply impossible to do without a special indelible balm. Try to choose the perfect tool for you, because the health and appearance of curls depends on it. Do not pay attention to the cost of the drug, because really high-quality balms are quite expensive, but they allow you to quickly get the desired result from the application. Leave-in balms can also be used when caring for thin or oily hair.

    Hair Serum

    The best leave-in hair products are serums. They contain a large amount of natural as well as essential oils, trace elements and a variety of vitamins. Serums have a complex effect not only on curls, but also on the scalp. They perfectly increase blood circulation in the skin, which leads to improved nutrition of the roots of the strands. On sale you can find indelible serums for all types of hair.

    Leave-in oil for curls

    Data cosmetical tools are considered the most popular. They contain not only silicone, which reliably protects the ends of the hair, but also a large number of oils obtained exclusively from natural products. With their help, you can easily make your hair shiny, soft and silky.

    Important. Oil is applied only to the strands and ends of the hair. It is necessary to ensure that the oil does not get on the scalp, because this can lead to clogging of the pores. Then the nutrients will not get to the bulbs, excessive oily hair and even dandruff may appear.

    The silicones in the leave-in oil are completely safe, and their effectiveness has been proven in practice by more than one million women. Silicones create a thin protective film on the surface of each hair, which perfectly copes with its function and at the same time passes a sufficient amount of air.

    Advice. When will you choose indelible oil for hair, then for hard strands it is better to purchase one that has an average viscosity. For thin hair liquid oil is better.

    Best homemade leave-in hair products

    At home, it is quite possible to prepare a good indelible agent for the care of curls. Very often, flax seeds steamed with boiling water are used as an air conditioner. Sometimes various oils are added to the resulting mixture.

    Recipe #1


    • 0.5 cups of jojoba oil;
    • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil;
    • 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil;
    • 6 drops of rosemary oil.
    1. In a heat-resistant jar, it is necessary to mix all the prepared oils, except for rosemary oil.
    2. Next, the mixture must be heated in a water bath, stirring constantly until it becomes homogeneous.
    3. Then remove from the water bath and let the oils cool completely. After that, add rosemary oil to the mixture, mix thoroughly.
    4. Apply this homemade conditioner to the ends of your hair, after rubbing a small amount of the mixture between your palms.

    Recipe #2


    • One glass of boiled water;
    • 1 teaspoon of a mixture of jojoba oil, almond oil, coconut oil;
    • 2 tablespoons of flax seeds;
    • 6 drops of rosemary oil or ylang ylang.
    1. Pour boiling water over the flax seeds and stir every five minutes until slime appears.
    2. Essential oil must be dissolved in jojoba oil or another selected from those proposed.
    3. When the infusion of flax has completely cooled, add a mixture of oils to it and mix everything thoroughly.
    4. Separate your hair with a straight cutter.
    5. Soak each side in the conditioner, then distribute along the entire length of the strands.
    6. Apply a little leave-in conditioner to the ends.
    7. The resulting composition can be easily stored in the refrigerator for a week.

    It is better to buy the best leave-in hair products in specialized stores in order to be completely sure of the high quality of the products. You can also prepare the best natural leave-in hair products at home, but the result from the use of such conditioners or masks may not be immediately noticeable.

    Many girls prefer to buy ready-made cosmetics that the modern mass market offers us. Yes, this is the best way for those who do not have a lot of time for self-care. But popular remedies often do not cure, but create a visual effect of healthy hair. There are many folk recipes by which you can prepare really effective hair masks.

    Applying a hair mask at home! - Effective solution!

    Masks to enhance hair growth

    The mask with oil and ginger improves blood circulation, accelerates hair growth and protects sensitive skin from irritation. You will need a spoonful of sesame oil and the same amount of chopped and grated ginger. The ingredients must be well mixed together until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Gently massage the composition into the scalp and leave for half an hour. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly with water. It is best to carry out this procedure before washing your hair. The mask is not suitable for oily hair. If you notice that they have become stronger, there is no irritation and the loss has slowed down, try leaving the composition on your head all night.

    A mask with honey and onions is recommended for those who want to grow long hair as soon as possible. We take four parts of the onion, grated on a fine grater, and one part of good honey. The product should be applied to the scalp and rubbed into the hair roots with massage movements. Soak for forty-forty-five minutes, then rinse your hair in warm water. It is advisable to use a mild shampoo for daily use.

    The mustard mask is also great for stimulating hair growth. Dilute a little dry mustard in warm water. You will get a liquid slurry that needs to be rubbed into the scalp. We put on a hat and wait ten to fifteen minutes. Then the hair should be rinsed with warm water (never hot). Thanks to this tool, the hair grows very quickly.

    However, there is a risk of burning it, especially if the strands are thin, weak, dry or prone to dryness, and the scalp is very sensitive. In this case, masks that irritate the skin are not recommended. If the mustard stings a lot, try adding cream, kefir, egg yolk, or butter as an emollient base.

    Useful decoctions of herbs

    Leave-in masks are an excellent hair care product. Yes, there are many minerals, trace elements and vitamins in various home and professional masks that are very useful for the hair structure, but after washing off they do not remain on the head. And curls need to be protected from the harmful effects of irons, tongs and a hair dryer.

    If you are the owner of dry and damaged hair, it is recommended to use vitamins and herbs to moisturize them. To prepare the mixture you will need:

    • Sagebrush;
    • St. John's wort;
    • Sage;
    • Stinging nettle.

    Blondes should add chamomile instead of nettle. A decoction of nettle can tint the strands in a dark color, and chamomile colors them in a light color. Take one teaspoon of all herbs and pour one glass of boiling water. The mixture should be boiled for five minutes in a steam bath, then add eight drops of vitamins A and E to the warm broth. The strained mixture is applied to freshly washed hair. Already after the second time you will notice changes in a positive direction.

    The following recipe prevents intense hair loss, accelerates their growth and strengthens. Prepare a decoction of two tablespoons of dry rosemary leaves and 300 ml of water. It must be rubbed into the hair while still warm. Non-greasy texture has a positive effect on the structure of the strands. Rinse off is not required.

    If you dream of healthy and bouncy hair, mix a tablespoon of ivy leaves with one glass of water. Boil over low heat for ten minutes, and then strain through cheesecloth. A warm decoction should be applied to the scalp every day for a month. The hair will take on a healthy look and become more well-groomed.

    Decoction for the care of dyed hair should be used before bedtime. Mix one teaspoon each of burdock, hop cones, crushed calamus root, marigold flowers. The ingredients must be brewed in one liter of boiling water, then strained and applied to the hair before you go to bed. The decoction contributes to the restoration of curls after curling and staining.

    Leave-in vitamin tonics

    We take two drops of lavender oil, two glasses of vinegar, two glasses of water, one hundred grams of nettle leaves. Nettle should be brewed in water and vinegar, and left in a dark, warm place for two hours. Then strain, add lavender oil, mix and pour into a tightly sealed container. After two days, start rubbing the tonic into the roots at night.

    Take one hundred grams of rose water and three ampoules of vitamin C. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the washed strands with light massaging movements. Then comb your hair. A healthy tonic is obtained from half a glass of rum and one onion. Pour rum over a finely chopped medium-sized onion. Leave the mixture in a warm, dark place for 24 hours, then strain and massage onto the scalp twice a day.

    Video: Personal Experience - Hair Care!

    To prepare a hair balm mask at home, you will need one teaspoon of oil, one tablespoon of flax seeds, two to three drops of essential oil, 100 ml. boiling water. You need to pour boiling water over the flax seeds and insist until the water cools, then strain and add the oil. With very oily hair, oil can be excluded. If you use it, then first dissolve the essential oil in it. The most commonly used rosemary, lavender, lemon, orange, ylang-ylang. Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle. The composition must be stored in the refrigerator. Shake the bottle thoroughly before use.

    I have always believed that home hair care is much better than store-bought products, and sometimes (it often happened to me) even better than salon procedures!

    So, in order.

    My hair: short, very rare, prone to excessive fat content and loss.Without proper care - dull and lifeless.

    Sometimes I'm too lazy to make masks, and a week later I reap the fruits of my laziness - my hair is ugly and unkempt.

    That's why last years I try not to run my hair, otherwise I will be left without the last three hairs!

    I will share my recipes for hair care at home. Some recipes have been tested by more than one million women, some invented by me or slightly modified, and some brazenly peeped from others.

    D Let me start by talking about daily routines. and my hair care products

    Hair vitamins

    I want to say that no remedy will help from the outside in the same way as the remedy used inside will do!

    Therefore, I am all for vitamins!

    First of all, this vitamin H - biotin.

    Secondly, this is zinc.

    In the third - B vitamins.

    You can lean on seafood and eggs, or you can drink any vitamins for hair beauty.

    I tried a lot of them, now I settled on Doppelhertz. I drink the second pack and feel that a little hair loss has been suspended.

    But I do not expect a stunning effect, usually at least 3 courses are required.

    I only use shampoos labeled "Fortifying".

    Although I don’t expect it to strengthen and generally help with shampoo (except for the washing action). Because the scalp does not have enough time in contact with this remedy, and does not have time to get enough of all the useful components.

    I alternate:

    The benefits of alternating shampoos can be argued forever: in this matter, views differ. But in practice, I noticed that my hair is less oily this way.

    Balms, masks, leave-in products

    Balm RBA- hair growth activator. I use only as one of the components of the mask. For example, for a gelatin mask.

    How many laudatory reviews I re-read, but for me these funds turned out to be a completely useless thing.

    Coconut mask with cinnamon and castor oil

    Another type of coconut mask, I love it very much.

    Coconut mask for oily hair at the roots and dry hair at the ends

    We will need:

    ✔ coconut oil 1 tbsp.

    ✔ lemon juice 1 tsp

    ✔1 yolk

    Melt the yolk and coconut oil in a water bath for several minutes. Make sure that the mass does not overheat. I mix with a silicone spatula (you can use a wooden one).

    I add lemon juice to the warm mass and apply immediately to the roots, distribute the remaining mixture through the hair.

    We warm ourselves in polyethylene and a towel (I sometimes wear a winter hat).

    You need to warm up after each mask, so the components penetrate deeper into the skin faster!

    Mask to accelerate hair growth

    We will need:

    ✔ sea salt (depending on the length of the hair, I take 50 grams)

    ✔ 1 tbsp oil (any, I have "Agafya's bathhouse" from falling out)

    ✔juniper essential oil 1-2 drops

    We apply along the parting with massage movements, thereby scrubbing the scalp (this is also very useful!). We warm ourselves in polyethylene and a towel.

    Make a head massage with the resulting mass, because. the consistency is very liquid, so it will not be possible to fully make a mask.

    To thicken, I sometimes add clay.

    We warm ourselves in polyethylene and a towel for 1 hour.

    Mask strengthening, stimulating hair growth and for hair shine

    We will need:

    ✔1 tablespoon coconut oil

    ✔ 1 teaspoon of aloe gel

    Now my hair looks like this:

    For my hair type, I think it's perfect.

    Girls, do not be lazy, try at least one of the proposed masks

    They really do wonders for even the most neglected hair!
