Little owl from origami modules. How to make an interesting paper origami owl? Owls from modular origami

Origami craft - an owl - can be done in two ways. The first is simple, one piece of paper is used. The second one is more complex. As a result, you will get an owl from the modules. We suggest you familiarize yourself with these two methods.

Square owl from one leaf

Master class on how to make an origami owl from one leaf:

  1. Prepare a square piece of paper and fold it diagonally two times (Figure 1).
  2. Straighten the paper.
  3. Wrap the top corner by one third of half of the sheet (illustration 2).
  4. Turn the lower corner to the bent one so that their tops touch (Figure 3).
  5. Wrap the right and left parts of the figure (Figure 4).
  6. Unscrew the corner of the inner triangle (Figure 5).
  7. Draw eyes and make plumage on the "wings" (Figure 6).

Very simple craft ready!

Origami owl: scheme with a wing

Instructions on how to create an origami owl with wings:

  1. Bend a piece of paper twice in half diagonally (picture 1).
  2. Wrap the upper corner on one second half of the figure (picture 2).
  3. and tuck it in half (picture 3).
  4. right and left side tuck a few millimeters (picture 4).
  5. Tuck the bottom corner so that its apex reaches the top triangle (picture 5).
  6. Unscrew the small tip of the large triangle (picture 6).
  7. Connect the right corner with the fold in the center (picture 7). Straighten out the corner.
  8. Turn the right corner to the formed fold line (picture 8).
  9. Fold the right side over again (picture 9).
  10. Turn the figure over to the back side (picture 10).
  11. Unscrew the right side (picture 11).
  12. Tuck the left corner of the figure (picture 12).
  13. Wrap half of the tucked-in part (picture 13).
  14. Hide part of the figure (picture 14).
  15. Turn the craft back (picture 15).
  16. Carefully wrap the right corner back (picture 16).
  17. Paint the craft, make plumage and muzzle.

The origami owl is ready!

Making modules for owl 3D

To make a voluminous origami owl, you need to prepare blanks called modules.

How to assemble the module (master class):

  1. Take a small piece of paper.
  2. Bend the sheet in half in length (illustration 1).
  3. Fold the rectangle in half again (Figure 2).
  4. Straighten your figure.
  5. Wrap the right and left parts of the rectangle to the formed fold line (Figure 3).
  6. Turn the piece over (Figure 4).
  7. Cut off the bottom edges.
  8. Bend the edges as shown in illustration 5.
  9. Fold the figure in half (Figure 6).

To create an owl using the modular origami technique, you need a lot of these blanks. You also need to consider what color your craft will be. Maybe you want to make it non-monochrome and highlight the muzzle and tummy.

Owl: modular origami

Any such craft begins with the fact that the first row is going to:

  1. Lay the two modules in the same way as in picture 1. That is, they should be in contact with the sides.
  2. Put on the third module on top of the two sides (picture 2).
  3. Add another module down and put the fifth one on top (picture 3).
  4. Gradually, this way you can make two rows of the base of any origami craft (picture 4).
  5. When the row is completed, fasten the first and last blanks with the module (picture 5).
  6. The next row is put on the modules of the second (picture 6).
  7. Then the craft is turned over and all subsequent modules are put on top (picture 7).

This is how a modular owl is assembled.


Where your imagination and possibilities lead, this is how the owl will turn out. the assembly scheme of which can be very simple or vice versa - very complex, gives unlimited opportunities for creativity.

For example, you can make such a craft - an owl with ears, as in the picture above. To do this, take just two colors to create modules. When creating the first two rows, already consider that your tummy will be highlighted in your craft. Therefore, first assemble several modules of color A, and then complement with color B. So completely connect the figure resembling an egg. Attach a couple of models to the top sides at the end to represent the ears. And cut out the eyes from paper and glue on the finished craft.

Look at the picture below.

As you can see, you can make a more complex owl, which will have a separate body and head. First you need to make modules different colors. For example, black, white, brown, orange and red shades. Then assemble the lower part of the owl - the body. Alternate modules by color. White is the belly, brown is the plumage, and orange is the edge of the wings.

When the body is ready, you need to assemble the head. Here you need to highlight the eyes with white and black modules, and make a beak out of three red modules. Then just put the head on the body. All! Modular craft ready!

You can also make a 3D owl with spread wings. But this is more difficult work, since during the assembly of the main part, you need to make protrusions on the sides. Wings are then assembled on them from additional modules.

The art of folding figures from modules came to us from the East, where, more than ever, manual labor. Painstaking and demanding work will fully reward you with the charm of the created volumetric figure. So, let's figure out how to create crafts from modules.

To create each model, origami color schemes are needed. Studying such sample charts will be a great pastime, as well as a way to relax and get rid of stress.

Origami from triangular modules: the first steps

Any figure modular technology begins with the preparation of triangular modules. Like bricks, these blanks contribute to the birth of a new paper masterpiece. The manufacture of these modules is done according to the traditional origami scheme - from one rectangle of paper:

Step-by-step MK for making an origami vase from triangular modules

The simplest object created from modules is a vase. It will take you about 30 minutes to make it. As a result, you will be very stylish detail interior or great gift for loved ones or relatives.

So, for work, prepare 380 modules of any color.

We start with a row of 20 modules.

We connect the corners one after another, then closing the workpiece into a ring. We collect another 15 rows of 20 modules:

Please note that in the 16th row, the corners must be placed with a long base inside the workpiece:

Now we form the wedges of the vase. To do this, every 2 modules we have 4 corners.

In the next row, we attach 3 modules on top of the previous 4, then 2 each. We complete the wedges with 1 module. Bend outwards:

The vase is ready! You can add more colors made in this or another origami technique

After you have learned how to assemble a round vase, you can try your hand at creating other shapes that have a similar structure. For example, the figure of a cat.

Cat from modules

As you can see, the body of the cat has approximately the same structure as the vase. The only exceptions are some details: the tail and ears. For this model we need 1000 modules white color and 130 pink paper corners.

Owl origami from triangular modules

And this is what an owl from triangular modules looks like:

There are even fewer differences from the vase we have already created. Having shown imagination, you can add eyes, a colored beak, and also make wings on the right and left. For example, like this:

For this model, we need 157 purple modules, 62 white, 2 black and 7 orange.

We start with 5 white and 13 purple corners:

Having collected 3 rows in this way, turn the work inside out:

In the next row add 6 white and 12 purple corners:

The base of the owlet should consist of 6 rows. In the 7th row, we unfold the corners with sharp corners inside the workpiece.

In the 8th row, we again turn the two central white modules with sharp corners inward, attach the remaining corners in the usual way:

In the next row, add an orange beak to the white "inverted" modules of the previous row:

In the next row add black eyes:

After that, we begin to make out the top of the bird. Above the beak we place 1 purple module, the rest of the colors are unchanged - white and purple:

We reduce the number of modules to 8 purple:

Now we form the ears by adding 3 corners symmetrically to the nose:

We finish the ears with the 1st module:

The paws of the bird consist of 3 corners for each:

For the tail, we attach 2 more modules. And glue wings to the base of the figure, each consisting of 3 modules:

Owlet is ready:

You can also watch video tutorials.


Previously, we have already analyzed how a swan is made from modules.

For those who have not read that article, we attach video tutorials.

By the way, it is also based on a simple round shape.

By adding a tail, wings and a neck, we were able to give the figure the shape of a bird, the curve of the neck of which can be easily changed.

At first glance, the simple art of origami from triangular paper modules turns out to be a masterful embodiment of all kinds of shapes and silhouettes.

Combinations of different arrangement of modules relative to each other help to create quite realistic 3D figures. Pay attention to the dove figure from the modules:

To create this figure, I prepared a separate master class.

By the way, another popular Japanese figure in the modular origami technique is a hare.

The scheme of the hare and the stages of the model are very reminiscent of assembling a vase:

The finished bunny can be supplemented with eyes and a muzzle cut out of paper.

The bird has been quite popular over the past few years. The image of these wise birds can be seen on clothes, in home decor and in needlework, of course, owls were not without. An origami paper owl has several different execution patterns.

For beginners and children, the easiest owlet step by step

We fold a square sheet of paper (12x12 cm in size) in half with a colored side inward.

We unfold and again bend in half, but with other sides.

Without unfolding, bend in half again.

Expanding. We have a square divided into 8 rectangles. We put the workpiece with the colored side up so that the rectangles are along and bend the bottom line to the one marked in the center.

Unfold and fold the bottommost squares in half diagonally.

We turn over and bend the bottom line to the first line parallel to it.

Gently fold the right and left edges.

Turn over and fold the bottom edge to the corners.

Now on the top part we bend the corners to the center, as for an airplane.

Now both open the central triangle and bend it to the side lines.

Now we bend the right and left sides of the base to the center so that it is slightly on the beak.

Now we turn the workpiece to the rear and bend the paws. There are no clear boundaries here, bend approximately.

And we make out the face - draw eyes and add volume near them.

Such an owl will be a great decoration for any room or complement a postcard, a children's application or other crafts. You can also resize the original sheet and make a whole family of these wisest birds.

Volumetric origami paper owl

Fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally.

We unfold and bend diagonally again, connecting the other pair of corners.

Unfold and fold in half again.

Unfold again, fold in half, connecting the other sides, and make basic form"double rhombus".

We bend the lower right part of the upper rhombus to the center.

We do the same with the lower left part of the upper rhombus. For convenience, you can rotate the product.

Gently lift and slightly bend the triangle that turned out at the top.

We expand the triangles and hide them along the bottom of the triangle, which turned out to be in the center.

Gently iron all the folds and lift the triangle up.

We turn the workpiece over and again bend the lower corners of the rhombus to the center.

We unfold and again hide the corners under the intended triangle.

Remember to iron all folds well. We lower the triangle raised earlier and bend the upper right and left parts of the rhombus to the center.

Turn over and repeat the action.

We carefully unfold the workpiece, as it were, from the inside on the right, pull out the triangle, turn it and form the future wing.

Hi all. Today I want to collect in one article all crafts from modular origami with birds. It will not only be paper swans, peacocks, and firebirds (which you love to do so much), I want to show you the beauty of other birds from the modules - red breasts, sparrows, pigeons, drakes, owls, and many more. Stop sculpting monumental swans that look like the boats of Russian navigators of past centuries. Let's take a look at more elegant forms of bird crafts from modular origami. Aren't they worth doing? Moreover, the assembly scheme is simpler and fewer paper modules are needed. Fast result - but with no less beauty. Only storks from modular origami are worth something.

You think swans sell well for weddings. It's practical and profitable … But ask the newlyweds. Maybe a flock of Robins would have evoked much greater delight in them, in the wedding hall - not on the wall, on a screen, on a delicate round tree on the table, on an artificial shrub in the photo zone. All lovers want a wedding - "not like everyone else." So why should they sell another thick-assed swans - a symbol of fidelity. Not in this article - there will be swans. But not like it is customary to make them from modular origami. I want to show the other beauty of these birds.

So let's get started... our journey into the world of NEW DESIGN for weddings. Learn to make other birds. You can’t build a family on swan fidelity alone - you need a dove (a bird of peace), a robin (a bird of joy) and an owl (a bird of wisdom), sparrows (nimble birds of childhood) .. A family is a kaleidoscope of feelings, every day new pattern events.

Dove bird

From modular origami.

Pigeon from modular origami. It is customary to release white doves at a wedding. This is a beautiful tradition. “My gray-winged dove is always sweet with me.” And it is not necessary to make pigeons from pure white modules. Add a little blue, a little gray there. Or in another way - let there be a golden edging at the wings of golden paper.

bird stork

From modular origami.

For weddings, it’s better to start making not swans, but storks from modular origami. They say if a stork flew over you, you get a "blessing from above." So let this new family will be blessed under the auspices of the black and white wings of a stork.

And storks BRING CHILDREN. Moms and dads will really like it if such a promising bird from modules with a white bundle in its beak will stand in the photo zone at the wedding of the children (photo below).

modular origami

Robins, titmice and other birds.

And here is the principle of creating small birds of the titmouse family - with a belly, tail and beak. According to this scheme, you can make robins, nightingales, titmouse and sparrows - it all depends on the color. The color and selection of shades of modules determines the breed of the bird.

The titmouse and sparrow have a rounder head and a plumper body (than the oriole, nightingale and other thin birds).

The wings can fit snugly to the body of the bird, or they can be natural.

You can make a funny tuft on the head of a bird from several additional modules.

Below we see a scheme for assembling such a bird from paper modules. How to make a body, how to make wings.

And at the wedding you can place a lot of PARROTS. It is the little parrots that are also a symbol of love. There is such an observation - that parrots of a certain breed cannot be kept in a cage one at a time - then they get sick. So at the wedding, you can arrange a couple of inseparable parrots - as a symbol of inseparability, good for health.

And since the topic is about parrots, here's another selection of these beautiful overseas Brazilian birds from modular origami.

Domestic bird

From modular origami

(geese and roosters).

Other interesting birds can be made from origami modules. Chubby drakes, geese, ducks. Also roosters and hens. You can make a whole brood and place a small farm in your room, like an art installation.

A craft from a modular origami rooster can be made as a gift to FATHER - may your fighting qualities always be in force, and may you be the unchanging head of your chicken coop.

Please note that the tail of the rooster can be made according to different patterns, you yourself can come up with the principle of assembling the rooster tail that is convenient for you.

bird eagle

From modular origami.

Very beautiful craft of the modules is an eagle. Majestic and powerful energy comes from such a bird. It can be given to the CHEF when you do not know what to give. He would proudly place an eagle in his office. As a symbol of his sovereignty, on the realm of government entrusted to him.

If you are just a beginner origami master, then you can assemble a FLAT assembly in the shape of an eagle from the modules - it is assembled like a mosaic on a flat table. Such a bird should be placed on the background and framed - then your boss can hang it in his office, next to the portrait of VV Putin and the flag.

Modular origami swans

With my own hands.

That's what you're used to doing SWANS and modular origami. This is the easiest option for children's crafts in school art circles. You can give such a swan craft to your mother, you can insert a flower pot inside (both a gift and a craft). If you are giving a swan to dad, insert a bottle of strong drink.

Please note that white swans look better when we insert one black module in front of the red nose module.

And I like this model of a swan more - with outstretched wings. A swan that is full of joy and happiness. The carcass is made as a simple oval (like a vase). Then, on the front edge of the body from above, we begin to build the neck up and up, we lay the rows of modules with a bend.

Separately, we assemble the wings - and connect them to the body - simply by putting the modules on the grooves in the body.

Your swans can be as beautiful as firebirds. But you need to think to whom and for what reason to give this bird. And most importantly, what color to make it. Respect the people give them a bird in those colors that will fit into the interior of their apartment. First, go to visit - look at the shade of furniture, wallpaper, see if they have a place for which this bird asks and make it in the design that will become the highlight of their interior.

Owls from modular origami.

With my own hands.

You can make real owls out of modules - they look like real ones - round and feathery. Below is an owl - which I really like. Everything is moderate in it - color and shape. PROPORTIONS (this is the most important thing) must be observed - I don’t like it when the body of an owl is too stretched up or in breadth - everything should be cute and proportional.

The eyes of a modular owl can be made as an applique of paper and cardboard.

And you can create additional overhead elements on the owl's face from the modules - the relief of the eyebrows and eye sockets (as in the photo below). By the way, this modular origami owl craft has no ears - and this does not spoil it, there are breeds of owls whose ears merge with the shape of the head.

But this is a very eared owl. But everything will look harmonious, because here the eyes and the whole body are correctly selected. This is already an eagle owl - a fighting bird from a modular origami.

That's quite simple options owls that a child can easily make - just right for circles skillful hands At school.

And here are the owls in hats. One in an academic cap. The second one is in the cylinder.

Like these ones interesting crafts birds from modular origami have replenished your piggy bank of ideas. Now you know what you will do next with paper modules. There are many ideas for birthday gifts, ideas for decorating a wedding or other holiday.

I wish you successful implementation of your ideas in real life.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

Inna Veremchuk

Performed by the teacher Veremchuk Inna Nikolaevna

MBDOU No. 176 of Vladivostok

Art origami- this is a great exercise for the mind, the development of fantasy, spatial thinking and fine motor skills hands The ability to fold paper figures has a positive effect on development children: develops perseverance, attention, concentration.

modular origami- this is a kind of constructor or puzzle,

allowing you to create new crafts every time, collect from them original compositions which can be used for interior decoration

premises, or give to the closest people,

as a symbol of joy and good mood.

Whole figures and compositions are made up of separate identical parts (modules) .

Starting to work with children in this technique, I use simple models of various animals, birds, jewelry ...

I bring to your attention master class on making an owl.

step by step instructions making an owl:

Necessary materials:

30 brown rectangles;

20 orange (yellow) rectangles

1 red rectangle,

2 plastic eyes, glue.

Subsequence manufacturing:

Choose paper, cut the required amount

rectangles, fold modules.

There are several folding options modules from squares or rectangles.

I am using this diagram.

First row of the body owls collect from 5 brown modules,

the second is out of 6.

The third row is assembled from 7 modules.

The fourth row is assembled from 6 modules. (view from both sides)

The fifth row is 5 yellow modules, and attached at the ends are brown. Total 7 modules.

Collect the sixth row from 6 yellow modules.

Seventh row of 5 yellow modules.

Eighth row of 4 yellow modules. Tuck the ends of the 3rd row into the pockets of the 5th row.

Turn over your work and start decorating owls.

Ears owls are inserted into 1 and 5 head modules brown modules

tips up. Move them apart a little.

Red nose module, insert long side down into 3 yellow

5 row module. Glue your eyes.

Two brown module -"legs". Put on 1 and 2 ; 3 and 4 yellow modules.

Fold back the wings.

I wish you creative success!

But such owls turned out from my fellow educators of the Primorsky Territory.

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