Work plan for a drawing circle in kindergarten in the second junior group. Circle work "Skillful hands" in the second junior group Circle work in dow 2 junior group

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

CRR Kindergarten No. 10 "Fairy Tale" Luchegorsk.

long term plan circle work on the topic: "Sun in the palms".

Compiled by the educator: Tarasova V.V.

Bondarenko M. S.


Information sheet Perspective plan of circle work

In the first junior group

Time spending:

Tuesday, Thursday afternoon from 17.00.

Amount of children: 6

Educator: Tarasova V.V., Bondarenko M.S.

Group work report: the results of productive activity and the creation of a subject-developing environment.

town Luchegorsk 2016-2017


Explanatory note

Purpose and objectives of the activity

Activity content

Basic teaching methods

Educational standards

Results of the implemented program (monitoring)


Application (practical material)


Relevance my work is that purposeful and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in children of the first younger age contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, speech activity, and most importantly, the preservation of mental and physical development child. The group included children who did not have self-service skills. All these skills are formed under the influence of the education of the child's general and fine motor skills. The hand of a child at this age is physiologically imperfect. Like the rest of the body, it is in a stage of intensive development. Fine motor skills are poorly developed. The fingers bend and unbend synchronously, i.e. all work together. The movements of the fingers are poorly differentiated, therefore, when one finger is bent, the rest perform a similar action. There is an incomplete range of motion and fatigue.

Program goal:

The development of fine motor skills, creativity, fantasy, imagination in children by means of non-traditional drawing.

Features of the program.

The features of the program are the development of the individuality of each child, from involuntary movements to their limitation, to visual control, to a variety of forms of movement, then to the conscious use of the acquired experience in the drawing. Gradually, the child develops the ability to depict objects, conveying their expressive character. This indicates the further development of abilities.

Leading Idea Circle work - creation a comfortable environment for communication, the development of abilities, the creative potential of each child and his self-realization.

Studies have shown that drawing classes form the motivational-need side of their productive activity, contribute to sensory development children, differentiation of perception, small movements of the hand, and also provide the development of voluntary attention, imagination, speech, communication.

When teaching drawing, it is necessary to take into account the individual typological characteristics of children (for some children it is important to visually describe the situation, others try to express the relationship of characters, mood) and provided children different types help: verbal, guiding, teaching.

To create an expressive artistic image, drawing was used, a combination of various methods of representation, materials in one depicted image. Particular importance was attached to the material with which children can draw: a stick with cotton wool, flowers, seeds, plant leaves, fir branches, sawdust, etc.

Peculiarity age group

Every child is born an artist. It is only necessary to help him awaken his creative abilities, open his heart to goodness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful boundless world. The sooner we develop the emotional and sensory world of the child, the brighter he and the products of his creativity will be.

When organizing circle work on non-traditional drawing, it is important to remember that in order for children to successfully master skills and abilities, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their desires and interests. With the age of the child, the content expands, the elements, the shape of the paper become more complicated, new means of expression stand out.

Since children from 2 to 4 years old are just starting to get acquainted with non-traditional drawing, then in educational activities it is better to start introducing the simplest techniques: hand-drawing and stamping.

Methods and forms of work with children

The program involves one lesson per week, in the afternoon, as part of the non-traditional drawing circle. The total number of classes per year is 36, the time of classes is 10-15 minutes. The program is focused on working with pupils aged 2-4 years and is designed for one year of study.

The form of conducting circle work: theoretical, practical, subgroup group.

In the process of joint drawing, various methods and techniques were used: verbal (an artistic word, riddles, a reminder of the sequence of work, advice); visual; practical; gaming.

The form of classes is thematic joint activity of the teacher and the child in the form of circle work.

Basic techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques

Non-traditional drawing techniques, like finger, palm, poke (hard brush or cotton swab), press and print (foam rubber, lids, corks). The types of non-traditional drawing techniques are quite diverse, and in each technique the child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, to convey images of the imagination, translating them into real forms with the help of various materials. For example, if we take drawing with a finger or palm, this method of drawing helps the child to feel the freedom of creativity, gives interaction with visual material (with paint) without a brush. Drawing with fingers or palm, the child receives extraordinary sensual pleasure during tactile contact with paint, paper, water.

Technique "Blowing" - develops the imagination of children, trains the lungs, has a beneficial effect on the development of smoothness of speech breathing, develops a non-standard solution, awakens the imagination.

The “Press and Print” technique attracts children with the printing process, guessing what will happen as a result of imprinting various materials (corks, foam rubber, buttons, jars with a bottom of different sizes, lids, etc.)

There are also very interesting techniques such as drawing with “Poke” (hard brush, cotton swab or drawing from a stain, etc.) There are many unconventional drawing techniques, because you can draw with anything, as long as you have imagination.

Estimated skills and abilities of children by the age of 3

Traditional Methods

Non-traditional methods

Interested in drawing

Have a strong interest in art activities

Draw with gouache, felt-tip pens, colored pencils

Know and name the materials with which you can draw. They know how to use them (gouache, felt-tip pens, markers, colored pencils, wax crayons, candles, watercolors).

Know and name the primary colors, choose them correctly

They know the basic colors and their shades, they are widely used.

Rhythmically apply strokes, spots

Decorate the product in various ways

Draw simple objects with lines and strokes, draw objects consisting of a combination of lines (herringbone, fence)

They create an image of a separate object of a rounded, rectangular, triangular shape and objects consisting of several parts

Drawing with gouache, felt-tip pens and colored pencils, brush on paper

Familiar with and use non-traditional drawing techniques (finger, palm, foam swab, seals, wet, monotype, drawing on paper of various textures, sizes and colors)

Depict objects

Create a simple composition of several items

Make up patterns on a strip, square, circle

They make patterns on a strip, square, circle, alternating in shape, size. Decorate the product using different color shades

By the end of the year, the child will be able to:

    Has an interest in drawing different materials and ways;

    knows and names colors and knows how to choose them correctly;

    conveys the difference in objects in size;

    rhythmically applies strokes, spots;

    draws simple objects with lines and strokes (road, falling leaves);

    draws objects consisting of a combination of lines (herringbone, fence);

    creates an image of a separate object of a rounded, rectangular and triangular shape and objects consisting of several parts (traffic light, flag, bun);

    is familiar with non-traditional technique drawing: fingers, palm, foam swab, seals;

    decorates the product using felt-tip pens, pencils.

P prospective work plan of the circle "The sun in the palms"






"Pictures in the Sand"

To acquaint with the non-traditional pictorial technique of drawing with fingers on the sand Creating images on the sand: drawing with a stick on dry sand, handprints on wet sand.


"Leaves are dancing"

Mastering the technique of drawing with a brush (washing, picking up paint, sticking). Drawing autumn leaves- prints on a blue background (sky). Developing a sense of color and rhythm


"Happy man"

To acquaint with the non-traditional visual technique of drawing with fingers on the sand. Show techniques for obtaining points and short lines. Comparison of the properties of dry and wet sand.


"Tomatoes in the Garden"

Teach children how to hold a brush correctly, draw a circle, paint over in a circular motion from edge to center.






"My cheerful sonorous ball"

Drawing round two-color objects: creating contour drawings, closing the line into a ring and coloring that repeats the outlines of the drawn figure.


"Pink Bouquet"

Poke drawing. To introduce children to the “poke” To teach children how to draw with poke, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements.


"Funny fly agarics"

Learn to apply rhythmically and evenly dots on the entire surface of the paper.


"Colorful balls"

Drawing oval objects: creating contour drawings, closing the line into a ring and coloring, repeating the outlines of the drawn figure. Supplementing the image with pencil drawings (balls on a string)


"Beautiful Leaves"

Mastering the artistic technique of printing. Introduction to colors. Applying paint to the leaves (by dipping in a bath) and creating images - prints. Development of a sense of color.






"Magic Leaves"

Teach kids how to color cutouts.


"Berry by berry" (on the bushes)

Creating a rhythmic composition. A combination of visual techniques: drawing twigs with colored pencils and berries - cotton buds.


"My Favorite Cup"

To consolidate the ability to decorate objects that are simple in shape, applying the pattern as evenly as possible to the entire surface of the paper. Cultivate accuracy.


"First snow"

Poke drawing. To teach children to draw with poke, white gouache on blue colored paper.






“Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs”

Creating the image of a hedgehog in collaboration with the teacher: drawing "needles" - short straight lines. Complement the image as you wish.



Learn to draw berries (with fingers) and leaves (by sticking) on ​​a branch. Fix these drawing techniques.


"Lighting the Lights"

Learn to apply bright strokes on a dark background.


"The little Christmas tree is cold in winter"

Finger painting. Learn to apply prints over the entire surface of the sheet. (Snowflakes, snowballs).






"Snowball flutters, spins"

Creating an image of a snowfall. Fixing the technique of drawing with fingers or cotton swabs. Developing a sense of color and rhythm.


"Merry Snowman"

Practice in the poke technique with a semi-dry hard brush. Continue to learn to use such a means of expression as texture.


“These are the legs of a centipede”

Mastering the technique of drawing vertical lines. Finishing the legs of a long centipede, depicted by the educator. Developing a sense of form and rhythm.






"Funny fish"

Continue learning to draw with your palm. Develop imagination.


"Dad's Car"

Exercise in finger painting, arouse interest in a gift for dad


"My Favorite Pets"

To acquaint with the technique of drawing with a poke with a semi-dry hard brush - learn to imitate animal hair.


"Striped towels for forest animals"

Drawing patterns of straight and wavy lines on a long rectangle. Development of a sense of rhythm (alternating 2-3 colors or different lines in a pattern)






"Mimosa for Mom"

Continue to exercise in drawing with your fingers, rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition.


"My mittens"

Practice typing techniques. To consolidate the ability to decorate an object of a simple shape, applying a drawing as evenly as possible over the entire surface.


“Here are our icicles!”

Mastering the way to draw vertical lines different lengths brush. Development of a sense of form, color, rhythm.


"Two merry geese lived with granny"

Continue to use the palm as a visual medium. Strengthen the ability to complement the image with details.








"The sun is radiant"

Hand drawing. Learn to quickly apply paint on the palm of your hand and make prints-rays in the sun. Develop color perception.


"Ladybugs in the Lawn"

Continue to exercise in the technique of drawing with fingers. To consolidate the ability to evenly apply points on the entire surface of the object.


"Fancy Matryoshkas"

To consolidate the ability to decorate objects that are simple in shape, applying the pattern as evenly as possible to the entire surface of the paper. Practice typing techniques. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition.


"A flower rejoices in the sun"

Practice printing techniques. Learn to draw a flower, add a stem, leaves, grass around. Develop a sense of composition.






"Here's our fireworks!"

Creating a beautiful collective composition in collaboration with the teacher. Drawing fireworks with unconventional techniques (sticking with a swab, cloth, cork). Raising interest in observing beautiful phenomena in the surrounding life and their reflection in fine arts.


"Birds are small"

Creating in children a vivid emotional response to unusual way creating images. Acquaintance with the possibility of obtaining images using handprints. Understanding the connection between the shape of the palm and the outlines of the depicted object (birds are flying).



Teach children to draw with poke, learn to draw by creating a flower shape.



Creating expressive images of yellow chickens walking on green grass. Self-selection of art materials

Bibliography :

1 . Internet resources.

2. Complex - thematic planning by program"From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa.

3. L. L. Wenger "Education of the sensory culture of the child."

The work plan of the art circle in the preschool educational institution "Merry Tassel". Second junior group

Description of work: I offer you a work plan for the "Merry Tassel" circle for children of the second younger group. This material will be useful for educators and teachers. preschool institutions. This is a work plan for the circle on the use of non-traditional drawing techniques in visual activity, aimed at developing the creative abilities of children.
Target: Development of creativity in children by means of non-traditional drawing techniques
- expanding children's ideas about non-traditional methods of drawing;
- development of fantasy and creative imagination;
- development of auditory and visual perception;
- development of fine motor skills of fingers;
- development of speech.

The work plan of the circle "Merry Tassel"


"Introducing children to non-traditional drawing methods"
- to introduce children to non-traditional drawing methods: spot printing with drawing, blotography, drawing with fingers, crumpled paper, using flares, wax, graphics, on wet paper, drawing with appliqué, etc.
« Golden autumn»
Non-traditional technique: finger painting

- develop creativity
"The apples are ripe"
Non-traditional technique: finger painting
- introduce the method of image - finger painting
- lead children to create an expressive image through volume and color
- develop imagination
Non-traditional technique: hand drawing

"Autumn landscape"
Non-traditional technique: stainography
- continue to teach children to reflect the beauty of autumn nature in the drawing
- draw using an unconventional drawing technique - stainography
- develop fine motor skills hands;
- develop creativity and imagination
"My favorite toy"
Non-traditional technique: stainography
- continue to teach children to draw according to the idea
- learn to reflect the features of your toy using unconventional drawing techniques
- stainography, and drawing small details with a brush
- develop imagination
O.A. Belobrykina "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 15
"Golden Autumn"
Non-traditional technique: crumpled paper
- continue to introduce children to non-traditional drawing
- learn to draw tree foliage using crumpled paper
- develop imagination and creativity
M. Kudeiko "Collection of Ideas", p. 132
"Artists are wizards"
Non-traditional technique: diatypy
- continue to teach children to reflect the beauty of autumn nature in the drawing
- to fix the techniques of working with a brush
- develop creativity
"Rowan branch"
Non-traditional technique: finger painting
- continue to teach children to reflect the beauty of autumn nature in the drawing
- draw using an unconventional drawing technique - finger painting
- to fix the techniques of working with a brush
- develop creativity
M. Kudeiko "Collection of Ideas", p. 138
"Today we are wizards"
Non-traditional technique: blotography
- introduce children to blotography
- develop the ability to see, peer, recognize the one who is "hiding" in the spot;
- improve drawing skills
N. F. Steinle " Visual activity V kindergarten» (development of activities), p. 20
"A toy shop"
Non-traditional technique: diatypy
- continue to teach children to reflect the beauty of autumn nature in the drawing
- draw using an unconventional drawing technique - diatypy
- to fix the techniques of working with a brush
- develop creativity

O.A. Belobrykina "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 10
Non-traditional technique: on a wet sheet

- cultivate love for all living things
Non-traditional technique: unconventional drawing
- learn to draw with your hands, draw by printing caps from a bottle, jars (diameter 3-4 cm.)
- draw the eyes with the tip of the brush;
- enjoy the result;
- instill an interest in drawing.
N. F. Steinle "Visual activity in kindergarten" (development of classes), p. 23

"Winter has come"
Non-traditional technique: aquatype
- develop the ability to create a landscape, consolidate knowledge of its features
- be able to draw small details with a brush
O.A. Belobrykin "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 11
Non-traditional technique: paper napkins
- to teach children to make an application with drawing, using napkins;
- develop attention and observation
- to consolidate the ability to work with glue.
N.V. Shaidurova "Working with children preschool age”, page 29
"Fluffy Christmas Tree"
Non-traditional technique: on a wet sheet
- consolidate knowledge about drawing on a wet sheet, teach children to draw quickly until the sheet dries
- learn to draw a silhouette of a bird
- cultivate love for all living things
N. F. Steinle "Visual activity in kindergarten" (development of classes), p. 36 "Trees in Frost"
Non-traditional technique: on wet paper
- to consolidate the skills of children to depict the landscape
- to acquaint with the natural phenomenon - hoarfrost
- fix the technique of drawing on a wet sheet of paper
O.A. Belobrykina "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 12
"Window Patterns"
Non-traditional technique: diatypy
- fix the reception of diatypy;
O.A. Belobrykin "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 10; M. Kudeiko "Collection of Ideas", p. 144
Non-traditional technique:
- consolidate the ability to create silhouettes of animals; - perform work with the help of flares, prints, using finger painting; - develop children's creativity and imagination
N.V. Shaidurova "Working with preschool children", p. 21
Non-traditional technique: plasticine mosaic
- show how to depict a plasticine mosaic and how to lay it out
- develop fine motor skills of the fingers
- develop children's speech
G.N. Davydova "Children's design plasticineography", p. 70 "Postcard to dad"
Non-traditional technique: flares, seals and finger painting
- induce in children the desire to reflect in creative work environmental events;
- to instill in children a sense of patriotism, a desire to give gifts to loved ones N.V. Shaidurova "Working with preschool children", p. 30

Non-traditional technique: hand drawing
- introduce children to hand painting
- teach children how to use napkins;
- cultivate love for all living things
M. Kudeiko "Collection of Ideas", p. 136
Non-traditional technique: on wet paper
- consolidate knowledge about drawing on a wet sheet, teach children to draw quickly until the sheet dries
- learn to draw a silhouette of a cat
- cultivate love for all living things
O.A. Belobrykina "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 13
Non-traditional technique: plasticineography
- expand the knowledge of children about the possibilities of plasticine: they can not only sculpt, but also draw;
- develop special labor skills when using waste material in work.

G.N. Davydova "Children's design plasticineography", p. 74 "Bouquet for Mom"
Non-traditional technique: potato - artist, flare, seals

- cultivate love and respect for oneself close person- mom

Non-traditional technique: potato – artist, flare, seals, finger painting
- to consolidate the ability of children to do work with the help of flares
- to form compositional skills;
N.V. Shaidurova "Working with preschool children", p. 18

"Miracles on a sheet of paper"
- teach children to mix different tones of paints to get a new shade using yellow, blue and red watercolors
- to fix the techniques of drawing with a brush and paints
- learn how to use a palette to get a new shade of paint
"Favorite Animal"
Non-traditional technique:"print"
- introduce children to new technology drawing "printing" (using a tissue swab, inside of which is cotton wool)
- consolidate the skill of drawing with a simple pencil and brush
O.A. Belobrykina "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 20 "Turtle"
Non-traditional technique: diatypy
- consolidate the ability to perform drawing using the diatypy technique
- to learn to convey in the drawing various natural phenomena
- develop the creative abilities of children
O.A. Belobrykina "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 14
"Spring has come, streams are running"
Non-traditional technique: air blotches
- teach children to draw using the air they blow through a straw;
- continue to teach children to reflect the beauty of spring nature in the drawing
- draw using non-traditional drawing techniques
- to fix the techniques of working with a brush
- develop creativity
M. Kudeiko "Collection of Ideas", p. 142

Non-traditional technique: potato - artist, flare, seals
- to consolidate the ability of children to perform work with the help of flares;
- develop fine motor skills of fingers
- develop children's speech
N.V. Shaidurova "Working with preschool children", p. 15

Non-traditional technique: hand drawing
- to improve the ability of children to work in non-traditional fine art
- hand painting
- expand knowledge about the possibilities of this material;
M. Kudeiko "Collection of Ideas", p. 135 "Flower"
Non-traditional technique: hand drawing
- to consolidate the use of a technical technique in the creative activity of children
- drawing with palms;
- to cultivate the ability, with the help of adults, to find answers to questions that arise in the course of the work.
M. Kudeiko "Collection of Ideas", p. 136
Non-traditional technique: aquatype + torn appliqué
- consolidate children's knowledge about aquatypy
- learn to convey in the drawing the life of aquarium fish
- develop fine motor skills of the fingers, using a torn appliqué in work
O.A. Belobrykina "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 15
"By Design"
Non-traditional technique: soap bubble prints
- introduce children to new drawing techniques
- develop imagination and creativity
O.A. Belobrykina "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 19
"Little Wizards"
Non-traditional technique: nitcographics - "magic threads"
- consolidate children's knowledge of the "magic thread" drawing technique
- develop imagination and creative imagination
O.A. Belobrykin "Little Wizards or on the Way to Creativity", p. 38;
M. Kudeiko "Collection of Ideas", p. 144

Ganyushkina Lyubov Alexandrovna
Circle work plan in the first junior group "Our hands are dancing"

Explanatory note

At early preschool age, they give great attention fine motor skills. The plan of circle work reflects the content for the development of fine motor skills. Finger Games are very emotional, exciting. They contribute to the development of speech, creative activity. Finger games enable parents and caregivers to play with the kids, to please them and, at the same time, to develop speech and fine motor skills. Thanks to such games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Such games form good relationships between children, as well as between an adult and a child. "Finger games" seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During the "finger games" children, repeating the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of the hands. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate on one type of activity.

"Finger games" is a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which makes it possible for children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.

Children from one to two years old perceive well " finger games" performed with one hand.

Three-year-olds are already mastering games that are played with two hands, for example, one hand depicts a house, and the other a cat running into this house.

Four-year-old preschoolers can play these games using multiple events that follow each other. Older children can be offered to decorate games with a variety of props - small objects, houses, balls, cubes, etc.

Purpose of the circle:

Switching attention, improving coordination and fine motor skills, which directly affects the mental development of the child. In addition, when repeating poetic lines and simultaneously moving their fingers, children form the correct sound pronunciation, the ability to speak quickly and clearly, memory improves, the ability to coordinate movements and speech

Circle tasks:

Teaching children to exercise finger gymnastics(work with each finger, work with the finger of the right and left hand with small details). To develop tactile sensitivity, visual-motor coordination of movements, the ability to correlate objects in space in finger games. To develop in children the ability to take into account the sensory properties of objects in various activities: finger games with objects, modeling. To develop the ability to imitate an adult, understand the meaning of speech, increase speech activity.

Circle schedule:

once a week


Lesson 1.

"My family"

Here is grandfather

Here is grandma

Here is daddy

Here's mommy

Here is my baby

And here is the whole family.

Alternately bend your fingers to the palm, starting with the big one, and with the words “Here is the whole family”, cover the entire fist with the other hand.

Lesson 2.

"Our Baby"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is our baby.

Bend your fingers into a fist, then unbend them in turn, starting with thumb.


Lesson 3.

Our Masha cooked porridge.

Cooked porridge, fed the kids:

I gave this

I gave this

I gave this

I gave this

And she didn't give it.

He played a lot.

He broke his plate.

On the first two lines, draw circles on the palm with your finger. On the next four lines, bend your fingers with the sentence of the corresponding words. With the words of the seventh line, take the little finger with the fingers of the other hand and shake it slightly.

Lesson 4.


The fir branches trembled.

We love swings.

We fly up and down

Have fun with us.

Perform the exercise first with the right, then with the left hand, and then with both hands. From the wrist of the hands with straight closed fingers, lift up, and then, slightly bending the fingers, gently lower down.


Lesson 5.


Paint with a soft brush

Chair, table and cat Masha.

Connect all the pads of the fingers of the hand and with the movements of the fingers and wrist swing the brush from right to left and vice versa. To the right - spread your fingers. To the left - gently connect the fingertips.

Lesson 6.

The sun is shining very bright

And the kids got hot.

We get a beautiful fan -

Let it blow cool.

Connect straight fingers. Relax your arms from the elbow, turning them into a large fan that fans your face with a breeze.


Lesson 7

. "Squirrel"

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Mustachioed hare.

Alternately unbend all fingers, starting with the thumb.

Lesson 8.


Before us is a Christmas tree sitting, the children connect their fingertips, make a "Christmas tree"

Knobs, showing fists

Needles, index fingers

Balls, fingers squeeze in a circle

Lanterns, show "lanterns"

Bunnies showing "bunny ears"

And candles, press palms and fingers to each other

Stars, press palms with spread fingers

Little people. put the middle and index fingers on their knees


Lesson 9.

"Fingers up"

This finger wants to sleep

This finger - jump into bed,

This finger curled up

This finger is already asleep.

Fingers stood up - "Hurrah!"

It's time to go to kindergarten!

Alternately bend your fingers to the palm, starting with the little finger. Then thumb touch everyone else - "wake up". Simultaneously with the exclamation of "Hurrah!" unclench the cam, fingers wide apart.

Lesson 10.

"To work"

The thumb stood up alone.

Index - behind him.

The middle one wakes up nameless.

He raised his little finger.

All the brothers stood up - "Hurrah!"

It's time for them to go to work.

Squeeze your fingers into a fist. Unbend them one by one, starting with the big one. And from the words "The brothers all got up." - spread your fingers wide apart.


Lesson 11.

"Fingers say hello"

I say hello everywhere -

At home and on the street.

Even "hello!" I say

I'm the neighbor's chicken.

Thumb tip right hand alternately touch the tips of the index, middle, ring fingers and little finger. Do the same with your left hand.

Lesson 12.

"We shared an orange"

We shared an orange

There are many of us, and he is one.

This slice is for hedgehogs,

(alternately bend fingers on the right hand)

This slice is for shearing,

This slice is for ducklings,

This slice is for kittens

This slice is for the beaver

And for a wolf - peel.

(Spread hands.)

He's angry with us, trouble!

Run away in all directions.

(imitate running fingers on the table)


Lesson 13. "Cabbage"

We chop cabbage.

(move straight palms up and down)

We salt and salt cabbage.

(alternately stroking the fingertips)

We three or three cabbage

(rubbing fist on fist)

We press cabbage.

(clench and unclench fist)

Lesson 14.

. "Teteri".

(Russian folk amusement)

As in our meadow

We spread our arms to the sides, depicting space.

Worth a cup of cottage cheese.

Palms together - a handful.

Two black grouse arrived

We wave with the fingers of both hands, “fly” from different sides to the middle.

They pecked, they flew away.

The index and middle fingers - beaks - poke into the folded

a handful of the second palm.


Lesson 16. "Spider"

The spider ran along the branch,

(Cross your arms at chest level. The fingers of the right hand run along the forearm of the left, and then vice versa)

And the kids were running after him.

The rain poured down: oh - e - to her!

(Press your hands to your face and shake your head sadly)

Wash the spiders off with water.

(Wave your hands as if shaking off spiders and water)

Busy 17

One two three four five!

Strong, friendly

All so necessary.

Raise the right (left) hand up, spread the fingers wide. Alternately bend them into a cam, starting with the big one.


Lesson 18.

"Cat on the stove"

The cat on the stove knocks with a fist on a fist

Crackers pushes

The cat in the window shows how to sew with a needle

Sewing a towel.

Little kittens raise their arms to chest level, lowering their hands down

They sit on the stove and shake their heads left and right

Sitting on the stove

Yes, they look at the cat. show glasses with hands

Everyone looks at the cat

And crackers rides. click their teeth

Lesson 19.

"Chicken - Ryabushka"

Chicken - ryabushka

I walked around the yard, slowly “passing” with the index and middle

finger on thigh

Walked around the yard

She counted chickens.

One two three four five! bend fingers on one hand

I'll count them again: they threaten with the index finger

One two three four five!" bend fingers on the other hand


1. "Finger games for children" - S. O. Ermakova., 2009

2. "Fun for kids" - M. Yu. Kartushina., Moscow "Creative Center", 2007

3. "Naughty fingers" - music. occupation of I. V. Bodrachenko, magazine " Musical director» №8, 2007

4. "Finger games for kids" - D. A. Kostraba, magazine "Music Director" No. 5, 2008

methodical development


circle work

for artistic and creative

activities in the II junior group

"Magic Balls"
Developed by: Galaido Tatyana Evgenievna, educator of the SP GBOU secondary school "OC" p. Krotovka kindergarten "Star" Krotovka 2015

Explanatory note
At present, teachers, specialists in the field early development, insist that the development of intellectual and thought processes must begin with the development of hand movements, and in particular with the development of movements in the fingers. This is due to the fact that the development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain, its cognitive abilities, and the formation of speech. This means that in order for a child and his brain to develop, it is necessary to train his hands. “The sources of children's creativity and gifts are at their fingertips. In other words: the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter baby”, - so said V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Improving the personality of a child involves the development of various abilities, skills, and abilities that develop in productive artistic activity. Speaking about abilities, T.S. Komarova singled out the following properties of a person's personality that determine his ability to work: perception and representations formed on this basis, imagination, manual skill, emotionally positive attitude to activity. We can develop all these qualities of a child's personality in the process with different materials. The child learns the world through manipulation, that is, actions with various objects that allow him to learn and study their properties, while learning his own creative abilities, change what he touches. One of the child's assistants in this most important business for his development is paper work. Applique is one of the simplest, most exciting and effective types of artistic activity. Children enjoy working with paper because it is easy to process. Particularly attractive to children are non-traditional techniques for working with paper, with non-traditional materials: torn, crumpled paper, cotton pads, paper napkins, candy wrappers, etc. An unusual combination of materials and tools, accessibility, simplicity of execution technique satisfies the research need in them, awakens a sense of joy, success, develops labor skills and abilities. It allows children of primary preschool age to quickly achieve the desired result and introduces a certain novelty into the creativity of children, makes it more exciting and interesting, which is very important for working with kids. Creating beautiful applications with their own hands, seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions. Working with paper gives children the opportunity to show patience, perseverance, imagination and artistic taste, to show creativity, to acquire manual skills that allow them to feel independent. All this has a beneficial effect on the formation of a healthy and harmoniously developed personality.
Program goal:
the development of manual skills in children through the strengthening of fine motor skills of the fingers and the organization of joint fine arts of children and adults.
Main goals:
 Develop communication skills the simplest image objects, through volumetric application;  learn to work with glue, glue parts, attaching one to another;
 learn to work in a given space (accumulation of elementary experience in drawing up a composition;  enrichment of sensory impressions (at the level of sensations, the child learns the texture, density, color of paper);  development of fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements, eye;  development of speech skills;  development creative imagination, aesthetic and color perception;  education of skills of accurate work with paper;  fostering the desire to participate in the creation of individual and collective works.
The program is designed for children of primary preschool age (3-4 years old)
This is due to the fact that at this age it is characterized by a significant increase in physical capabilities, especially the active development of small muscles of the hands, a change in the psychological position and a sense of "adulthood" by preschoolers, a desire to show their individuality and creativity. Classes are held once a week for 15 minutes in the afternoon, by subgroups.The duration of productive activities with children may vary depending on the situation and the desire of children.A flexible form of organizing child labor in leisure activities allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of children, desires, health status, level of mastery of skills, being at a certain stage implementation of the plan and other possible factors.Each child works at his own level of complexity, starts work from the place where he left off.Classes are held in the form of a game, poetic forms, fairy tales, outdoor and finger games, characters (toys and dolls) are used to play out a certain plot. from various theaters, images of one or another character that is played out).
Program implementation period 9 months

Expected results of work
Solving the problems of this program will help children coordinate their efforts and actions, convey the image of an object, a phenomenon of the surrounding world. Mastering the skills of gluing ready-made forms: working with glue (gluing a part), orienting the sheet plane, drawing up plot compositions from geometric shapes. And most importantly, they will develop the skill of the hands, fine motor skills, when the movements of both hands become more coordinated, and the movements of the fingers are differentiated.
The result in the implementation of the program is an exhibition of children's works in kindergarten;
days of presentation of children's work to parents (employees, kids); compiling an album of the best works.

Thematic lesson plan of the circle "Magic balls"





leaf fall
To teach children to roll cut napkins into balls, gently grease with glue and stick to cardboard, create an image of leaf fall, continue to get acquainted with “warm” colors: yellow, orange, red. Yellow, orange, red napkins cut into squares, 1/2 blue cardboard, glue, brushes.
The cloud is crying
Teach children to tear off small pieces of napkin, roll into a ball, gently stick on cardboard. Strengthen hands, develop fine motor skills. 1/2 white cardboard with the image of clouds of blue napkins, glue, brushes.
Apples for the hedgehog


Learn to roll pieces of napkin into lumps, dip in glue, stick them to cardboard. Raise the desire to make an application and bring the work started to the end. Album sheet with the image of a basket, napkins cut into squares: yellow, red, green, PVA glue
rowan branch


Continue to teach how to roll small pieces of napkin into a tight ball and make a bunch of mountain ash out of them. Develop sensorimotor skills. A sheet of blue cardboard with a glued twig and rowan leaves, red paper napkins; glue, brushes, napkins


flag (collective

Continue acquaintance with the symbols of Russia; learn to roll pieces of napkins into lumps, stick them to cardboard. Napkins in white, blue and red; ¼ sheet of cardboard; PVA glue.

Let's decorate the tablecloth
Continue to learn how to roll napkins into a ball, dip in glue and stick close to each other along the contour, develop color perception. White round-shaped paper with a pattern, colored paper napkins cut into squares, PVA glue
bear clumsy
To teach children to form lumps from a napkin, stick them in a certain place on the base: ears, tummy Brown napkins, a picture with a contour image of a bear PVA glue;
Chick, my chick



Exercise in crumpling and rolling into lumps of paper napkins. Develop color perception. Form an idea about poultry. Cardboard A-3 green, yellow paper napkins; glue, brushes, napkins

It is snowing!
To consolidate the ability of children to gently tear a paper napkin into pieces of various sizes and shapes, roll up balls, carefully glue ¼ sheet of black cardboard, white napkins; glue.


Continue to teach children how to work with paper napkins. Exercise in rolling balls and carefully gluing, without stepping over the contours. Repeat children's knowledge about the round shape, about the difference in objects in size. Picture with the image of a snowman, pieces of blue napkins, glue, brushes.

collar for

Santa Claus
Learn to tear off pieces from a napkin and crumple into lumps. Raise interest in the application; develop imagination. Blank drawings depicting Santa Claus, white napkins, glue.
Let's decorate our



Continue to teach children how to work with paper napkins. Practice rolling balls and carefully gluing. Christmas tree previously glued from three parts, paper napkins of different colors, glue.


Fur coat for a bunny
Exercise in the ability to roll a paper napkin into lumps. Use glue carefully. Develop a desire to work with other children. Blanks of drawings with the image of a bunny, white paper napkins, glue.
snowy trees


Continue to learn how to roll balls from small pieces of napkins and stick them on tree branches. To develop the desire to bring the work started to the end. A-3 black cardboard with the image of trees, white napkins, glue.
The birds are hungry

in winter.
To develop the ability of children to tear paper napkins into small pieces, crumple into balls and stick to cardboard; develop a love for birds. Brown napkins; ½ album sheet with a contour image of a bird, glue, brushes, napkins.

toy for

kitten (ball)
To consolidate the ability of children to gently napkins into pieces, roll up balls, stick along the contour. To instill interest and caring attitude towards pets. Toy "Kitten", ½ of the album sheet with a contour image of the ball, colored napkins, glue, brushes.
gold fish
Continue to develop fine motor skills, exercise in the ability to tear off pieces from a napkin, roll pieces of a napkin into lumps, stick on the image. Cultivate interest in work. ½ landscape sheet of cardboard with a contour of a fish, yellow, orange napkins, glue, brushes.
Traffic light
Continue to learn to roll napkins into lumps, gently stick on paper. To consolidate knowledge of the basic colors of a traffic light. 1/4 album sheet with an outline image of a traffic light, colored paper napkins: red, yellow, green, glue.

Tie for dad
To consolidate the ability to tear paper napkins, roll balls out of them. Use glue carefully. Cultivate a caring attitude towards dad, a desire to please him. Tie blanks, green, blue and blue napkins, glue, brushes.

Mimosa for Mom
To teach children to create a beautiful composition of paper balls, to develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate a caring attitude towards mother, the desire to please her. ¼ blue cardboard with a picture of a mimosa twig, yellow napkins, glue, brushes.
sun bunny
Introduce children to the origin of sunbeams. Continue to teach children to roll balls from napkins, develop a sense of color and shape. ¼ album sheet yellow paper napkins, glue, brushes.
rowan branch

(2 lessons)
To consolidate the ability to accurately and consistently perform the work: roll lumps from a napkin, dip them in glue and stick them on the template. Continue to develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Continue learning to work together. ¼ blue cardboard, rowan leaf templates, red paper napkins, glue, brushes.

First weed
Continue to teach children to gently tear napkins into pieces of different sizes and shapes, roll into balls. Strengthen the skill of gluing on cardboard. ¼ blue cardboard, green paper napkins, glue, brushes.



To consolidate the ability to accurately perform the work: roll lumps from a napkin, dip them in glue and lay them out along the contour. To form the ability to freely place parts, carefully glue, well coat the edges of the parts, use boat templates, glue, brushes, blue napkins.
Flowers unprecedented

Teach children to carefully tear napkins into pieces of different sizes and shapes. Strengthen the skill of gluing; (inside the contour). Templates with the image of a flower, paper napkins of different colors, glue, brushes.
willow twig
To consolidate the ability to accurately perform the work: roll lumps from a napkin, dip them in glue and stick them on the template. Continue to develop fine motor skills of the fingers. ¼ blue cardboard PVA glue, white napkins.

HOORAY! Firework


Sticking paper balls from napkins on a prepared dark background (multi-colored fireworks lights in the sky). Develop a sense of rhythm. A-3 blue cardboard, paper napkins of bright colors, PVA glue
To consolidate the ability to roll balls from napkins and stick them on the template. Form an interest in insects. Ladybug picture, ½ album sheet, ladybug paper blanks, brown napkins, glue, brushes.
Flower meadow


To consolidate the ability to tear off pieces from a napkin, crumple into lumps, stick on the prepared picture, press them tightly against each other. Green cardboard A-3, paper napkins of bright colors, glue, brushes
rainbow arc
Strengthen the ability of children to tear napkins into pieces A-3 blue cardboard, bright napkins


small size, roll up balls and stick along the contour. To instill the ability to work carefully. Cultivate a desire to work together. flowers, glue, brushes, napkins.

Malysheva, A. N.
application in kindergarten. Abstracts of classes in junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups/ A.N. Malysheva, N.V. Ermolova, Z. M. Povarchenkova; artists E. A. Afonicheva, V. N. Kurov. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2010. - 240 p.: ill. - (To help preschool teachers). 
Lykova I. A
. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning. Summaries of classes, methodical recommendations. Junior group. - M.: "KARAPUZ-DIDAKTIKA", 2009. - 144 p. 
Malysheva A. N
., Ermolaeva N. V. Application/Artists E. A. Afonicheva, V. N. Kurov. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2004. - 144 p.

Julia Sannikova
The program of the circle "Naughty palms" in the second junior group


Preschool age is the most important stage in the development and education of the individual. This is the period of introducing the child to knowledge the world around, the period of its initial socialization. It is at this age that the most favorable conditions for artistic and aesthetic education and creative activity of children. It can be said that non-traditional techniques allow, moving away from the subject image, to express feelings and emotions in a drawing, give the child freedom and instill confidence in their abilities. owning different techniques and ways of depicting objects or the world around the child gets a choice.

The relevance lies in the fact that knowledge is not limited to the framework programs. Work with non-traditional techniques images stimulates positive motivation of drawing activity, causes a joyful mood in children, relieves fear of paint, fear of not being able to cope with the drawing process. Many types of non-traditional drawing contribute to an increase in the level of development of visual-motor coordination. These techniques do not tire preschoolers, they maintain high activity, working capacity throughout the time allotted for the task. Classes with children in productive activities are a necessary part of developmental education.

The use of non-traditional techniques in the practice of working with children, in my opinion, work to solve several developing problems at once. tasks:

The development of children's creative abilities (in all the variety of this concept,

Development and improvement of fine finger motor skills,

Formation of skills and abilities to work with various materials,

devices and tools,

Acquaintance with new techniques and technologies.

The novelty of pedagogical research lies in the fact that the problem of developing the artistic and creative abilities of children is solved in the process of supplementing traditional methods of teaching drawing with non-traditional techniques. Working in this direction, I was convinced that drawing unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions and develop creative abilities.

Target programs

Creation of conditions for the development of a personality capable of creativity and self-realization through embodiment in artistic work own unique traits and personality. Techniques used in circle work, are available to preschool children and, if necessary, undergo adaptation.


Help children master various technical skills while working with non-traditional techniques.

Learn to draw lines and objects using foam rubber and fingers round shape, evenly apply dots and strokes on a limited surface;

Learn to print palm and bring them to a certain image;

To develop in children the aesthetic sense of form, color, rhythm, composition, proportion.

Develop fine motor skills, speech and thinking;

Cultivate responsiveness and kindness;

Develop creativity and imagination.

1. Comfort: an atmosphere of goodwill, the creation of a success situation for everyone.

2. Person-centered interaction: individual and psychophysiological characteristics of each child are taken into account and group as a whole, in the creative process, an uninhibited, stimulating the creative activity of the child, atmosphere is created. In the process of joint productive - creative activity, the child learns to invent new things, to think and communicate in a variety of ways.

3. Immerse each child in creative process: the implementation of creative tasks is achieved through the use of active methods and forms of learning in the work.

4. Reliance on the inside motivation: taking into account the experience of the child, the creation of his emotional involvement in the creative process and the natural increase in his performance.

Circle program designed for kids 2-3 (and older) years, classes are held 2 times a week in the evening. The duration of the lessons does not exceed 30 minutes.

At the beginning of classes, it is recommended to carry out finger gymnastics; during the lesson to relax the muscles, relieve tension - physical exercises, gymnastics for the eyes. Complexes of finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, physical education minutes, the educator selects independently, since the methodological literature on this issue is very diverse and informative. The goal of each lesson is to learn something new. technological reception or improving previously learned techniques.

In work mug Parents of students are also involved.

Supervisor mug organizes joint classes for children and parents. Parents in practice see what results their children have achieved and acquire knowledge for their further development in the family.

Expected results

During the implementation programs children will be introduced to the following technicians:

"finger painting" (paint is applied with a finger, palm) ;

Hard brush painting (poke);

Drawing on wet paper;

Stamp impressions various kinds;


Forms of carrying out the results of implementation programs:

Exhibitions of children's work in kindergarten;

Days of presentation of children's work to parents (employees, kids);

Creative Executive Report mug at the teachers' council.

Educational and thematic plan


1. "Jolly Pea"

Introduce children to technology "finger painting".

Teach children how to pick up paint on their fingers.

2. "Fish swim in the pond, you can't catch one" Make children want to draw fish palm.

3. "Fly agaric - mushrooms" Use cotton swabs to apply peas to the mushroom cap

4. "Rowan branch" Invite the children to draw a rowan branch with their fingers, conveying its characteristic features

5. Harvesting for the winter "Apple compote"

To introduce the technique of printing with an apple, a foam swab. Show how to get a fingerprint. Learn to draw apples and berries in a jar. You can use finger painting if you like.

6. "Lilac in a Basket" Continue to teach children to draw with their fingers.

7. "Berries and apples on a plate"

Continue to teach children to pick up paint on their fingers.

Learn to rhythmically apply dots without going beyond the contour.

8. "Chick" Teach children to apply glue to a separate area, generously pour cereal into a separate area.

9. « autumn tree» Encourage children to be independent. Show children the reception of the image of a tree, conveying its characteristic peculiarities: a long straight trunk, branches in the form of long oblique lines. Drawing palm and fingers(foliage).

10. "Leaf fall"

Introduce children to the artistic technique of printing.

11. "Caterpillar" Introduce children to the artistic technique of cork printing. Learn to draw with corks by applying them to a sheet

12. "Mushroom meadow" To acquaint children with the artistic technique of broken appliqué - stick on forest clearing from pieces of torn and crumpled paper.

13. "Ladybug" Learn about potato printing techniques. Show how to get a fingerprint.

14. "Rain, rain" Continue to teach children the technique of broken appliqué.

15. "Sunflowers"

Invite the children to draw a sunflower, conveying its characteristic features. To consolidate the ability to depict seeds with a cotton swab.

16. "Swans on the Lake"

Teaching children how to draw birds with palms.

17. “Like a squirrel dried mushrooms for winter” Cork imprint, potato seal. To evoke in children an emotional attitude towards the inhabitants of the forest. Continue to form ideas that animals make preparations for the winter. Learn to stamp mushrooms.

18. "Birds peck berries" Learn to draw twigs, decorate using finger painting techniques.

"Grandma's Cup" Cork impression, finger painting. To consolidate the ability to decorate objects that are simple in shape, applying the pattern as evenly as possible to the entire surface of the paper. Decorate in the technique of printing. Encourage the use of finger painting.

20. "Clouds" Continue to acquaint with the drawing technique - tamponing. Learn how to paint accurately.

21 "Fluffy cat" Continue learning how to draw "poke". To consolidate the ability to convey the image of a cat, to saturate the object with details, to achieve an expressive image.

22. "Sparrow" Invite the children to draw a sparrow, conveying its characteristic features. To introduce the technique of working with a bristle brush.

23. "Hedgehog"

Improve drawing skills palm.

Strengthen the ability to finish drawing with your fingers.

24. "Bullfinch" Learn to draw a bullfinch using a stencil using "finger" painting

"White snow fell"

Finger painting. Learn to apply strokes on paper in a contrasting color, pay attention to the combination of white and blue colors.

26. "Snowflake" Get to know new technology artistic creativity- applique semolina.

27. "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter" Strengthen the ability to draw with fingers. Learn to apply prints on the entire surface of the sheet (snowflakes). Learn to draw a Christmas tree with your fingers.

28. "I made a snowman" Fix the technique - crumple the napkin into a ball, dip it in glue and stick it on the silhouette.

29. "Herringbone fluffy" Exercise children in technology "poke", drawing with a semi-dry, hard brush. Continue to acquaint with such a means of expression as texture. Strengthen the ability to decorate a drawing using finger painting (or cotton buds).

30. "Cheerful snowman" Exercise children in technology "poke" semi-dry bristle brush. Continue to practice drawing small details, creating the image of a snowman. Offer to decorate the work with ready-made forms (hats, scarves, carrots).

31. "Father Frost" (teamwork) palms on colored paper

32. "Father Frost" (teamwork)

Lesson 2 Learn to do teamwork, compose a composition

33. "Trees in the Snowdrifts" Foam print. Learn to draw snowdrifts with light touches on paper. Practice drawing a tree.

34. "Fluffy Animals" To acquaint with the technique of drawing with a poke with a semi-dry hard brush - to learn to imitate animal hair, that is, using the texture created by poke as a means of expression.

35. "My mittens" Exercise children in typing techniques. Learn to complete a drawing using fingerprints and stamps

36. "Happy Snowman"

Practice in the technique of poking with a hard semi-dry brush.

37. "Dresses for our dolls" Continue drawing with your fingers. Make children want to draw beautiful dresses for dolls.

38. "Fluffy Bunny"

Learn to draw a bunny, painting an elongated body with a brush to a round head, depicting wool in the technique "stuffing" bristle brush.

39. "Cat - Matroskin" Learn to draw the details of the cat, the stripes on the body with a cotton swab, mix the orange color, finish the composition.

40. "Gold fish" Learn to draw a fish on a stencil, using a foam swab, a cotton swab.

41. "Airplane" Learn to draw an airplane using "finger painting", for clouds - cotton wool, pva glue.

42. "Boat for Dad" Fix the technique - rolling paper. Continue to learn how to crumple the paper into a ball and stick it on the image.

43. "Beautiful doily"

Strengthen the ability to draw with fingers. Develop compositional skills, color perception, aesthetic feelings.

44. "My favorite animal" Practice the poke technique. Learn how to texture an animal

45. "Magic Pictures"

Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional fine arts.

46. "Brook and Boat"

To teach children to make an image of a boat from ready-made forms. To acquaint with a new drawing technique - an imprint with crumpled paper. Practice drawing a stream with crumpled paper

47. "Mimosa for Mom"

Improve your finger painting technique.

Develop a sense of rhythm and color.

Raise interest in reflecting your impressions and ideas about nature in the drawing.

48. "A flower rejoices in the sun"

Exercise children in the technique of drawing with the help of stamps.

49. "Flowers for Mom" Fix the typing technique palms. Develop an interest in doing the job.

50. "Happy Octopus" Keep learning to use palm, as a graphic means of coloring it with paint and making an imprint. Strengthen the ability to complement the image with details.

51. "Decoration of a tea service"

52. "Visiting a giraffe"

Teach evenly, distribute spots on an object with paint, develop accuracy, clarity

53. "Fancy Matryoshkas"

To consolidate the ability to decorate objects that are simple in shape, applying the pattern as evenly as possible to the entire surface of the paper. Practice typing techniques.

54. "Butterfly"

To consolidate the ability to draw with cotton swabs and seals. Develop a sense of rhythm and form.

55. "Sun" (teamwork) Continue learning about printing techniques palms. Learn to apply paint quickly and make prints - rays for the sun.

56. "Beads for a doll"

Practice finger painting. To consolidate the ability to evenly apply dots - draw a bead pattern on a thread.

57. "Golden Scallop Cockerel"


Exercise in clumping and rolling into balls of strips from paper napkins (paper-plastic technique). Continue to develop application skills (sticking paper balls on the silhouette of the tail)

58. "White Lambs" Introduce children to new art techniques "drawing with cotton wool on velvet paper".

59. "Easter Egg" Generate interest in creating an Easter egg using available materials. Practicing plasticine drawing techniques. Show the children the technique of laying out a drawing with seeds on plasticine.

60. "Help yourself bunny"

Continue to teach children to create images using the broken appliqué technique.

61. "The first flower is a snowdrop" Learn to mix blue and draw a snowdrop with "finger painting".

62. "Spring branch" Learn to mix light green color and depict leaves to twigs in the technique "adhesion".

63. "Rainbow"

Learn to draw a rainbow from colored stripes.

64. "Carnation" Arouse interest in creating the image of a carnation using the technique of broken appliqué

65. "Here's our fireworks" Offer to draw a festive fireworks available means. Improving the skill of children in drawing with a cork, swab and paper to depict a salute.

66. « Beautiful flowers for the bee"

keep drawing palm and a finger on a sheet of paper, develop creative imagination.

67. "Dandelion" To evoke aesthetic feelings for nature and its images with non-traditional artistic techniques

68. "Wears a dandelion yellow sarafan" Arouse interest in creating the image of a fluffy dandelion using the broken appliqué technique.

69. "Balls" Introduce children to the technique of printing with a cork, a potato seal.

Show how to get a fingerprint.

70. "Exhibition of works by children of this groups» Teach children to look at work. Encourage emotional displays and expressions. Practice choosing your favorites.
