The process of making a nightgown includes: Learn to sew

Charming and sensual nightgown- a convenient and practical thing, because it should be in the wardrobe of every woman. It is so difficult to buy a universal model of a shirt that it is easier to sew it yourself in a couple of hours than to go shopping for half a day.

Nightgowns, as a rule, require some skills and abilities when compiling. However, there are models that are easy to sew and undemanding in taking measurements.

The nightgown, the pattern of which is below, is one of those.

At work you will need:

Fabric 1.5x0.7 m.;
Small lace;
Nightie pattern;
Tools (scissors, thread, etc.).

You can take any material for sewing, but it is better if it is environmentally friendly and natural: such fabrics are hygroscopic, they will not be hot in stuffy summers and cold in severe frosts, they do not stretch and do not shrink. Suitable for the description of flannel, satin and other cotton-based materials that are easy to work with. If you have experience with a sewing machine, then you can take silk or satin as a basis.

To draw up a pattern, you need to know the chest circumference and the length of the future shirt.

Pattern lines can be changed depending on your tastes. You can shorten the entire nightgown or remove the sleeves, change the shape of the neckline.
women's is drawn up on whatman paper or any other piece of paper of sufficient size, for example, wallpaper.

First, the ABGV figure is placed. The segment AG in this case is equal to the length of the nightgown, AB - to the girth of the chest + 2 cm.

From mark A, 7 cm are laid to the right 2 downwards and marks D and D1 are placed, respectively. A line is drawn between them, indicating the neck of the back. From mark A lays 8 cm down and the mark D2 is placed. Line AD2 denotes the head of the front.

To build a sleeve from mark B, 10 cm are laid aside, the mark is designated as K. From K down, 16 cm are laid down (K1). From K1, a perpendicular line is drawn to the BV line. The place where the two lines intersect is designated as Zh. From the mark Zh, they are deposited 7 cm to the left and down, designated E and E1. The last marks are connected by a line.

The lower features of the product are being built. From mark B, 7 cm are laid to the right (B1). Labels B1 and E are connected. From B1, 2 cm are deposited upwards (I). Labels I and B are combined.

The pattern is cut out.

The fabric is folded in half, face down. The pattern is placed parallel to the bend and outlined. Parts of the front and back are cut out taking into account allowances of 10-15 mm.

The pieces are stacked face to face. The line of the shoulder and side is swept, stitched and processed on an overlock or a zigzag seam.

An oblique inlay is sewn to the neck. Then, the latter is turned inside out and sewn with a machine stitch.

The edge of the lower part of the shirt is folded 2 times, swept, then sewn. The product is ironed.

Turned out to be a nice model. nightgown. It will look even more elegant and attractive if you decorate it with lace, sewing, decorative bows or buttons.

One of the components of a comfortable sleep is the clothes in which you sleep. It should be comfortable, pleasant to the body and beautiful. I propose to sew such a nightgown with your own hands. It is spacious, with a short one-piece sleeve, gathering (fine pleats) at the front and lace.

What measure was used to determine the width of the product?


Which segment in the drawing corresponds to the dimension sign Di?

B 1 B 5

In 1 G

What is the formula for determining the depth of an armhole?



What measurement was used to determine the waistline?

What is the difference between back and front neckline?


Which segment in the drawing corresponds to the length of the sleeve?

BB 1

BB 2

IN 1 IN 5

How many cm is the extension of the bottom line?

What is the measurement for clothing size?

Which segment in the drawing corresponds to the segment B 1 B 5?

BB 2

BB 3

GG 1

Which segment in the drawing corresponds to the segment GG 2?

B 1 B 5

G 1 G

D 3 D 4

V I. Summing up

- analysis of the performance of independent work of students,

- analysis of typical mistakes of students,

Causes of errors

- explaining how to fix errors,

- work introspection.

WITH report on the achievement of the objectives of the lesson, evaluation of the results of work

V II. Homework

pp. 48-52 , textbook Technology Grade 7.Draw a model of a shirt or robe and write a short description.

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Cut details specification

Processing methods

"Processing the neck with undercut facing"

Put the facing on the neckline, right side to the front.

Sweep details along the neckline.

Stitch the pieces along the seam allowance.

Notch allowances along the neck line.

Bend the facing inside out, straighten the corners, sweep along the edge.

Sew over the edge of the seam on an overcasting machine or with a decorative stitch on a sewing machine.

Fasten the facing with a machine stitch at a distance of 5mm from the edge of the neckline.

Iron the facing.

Side seam processing double reversible

Bottom cut processing

Hem seam with closed cut

Baste - finish and secure the folded edge with hand stitches

Topstitch - fasten fold the edge with a machine stitch

Iron - reduce the thickness of the seam

Technological sequence of processing women's shirts

1. Check the cut details, their compliance with the selected cut model and dimensions.

2. Sew a control card onto large parts (back, shelf).

3. Process the shoulder cut of the yoke, the seam is 10 mm wide, the stitching line is laid along the shelf.

4. Overcast the shoulder section towards the back.

5. Iron the shoulder section towards the back.

6. Overcast the neck of the yoke with a piping seam with a seam width of 5-6 mm.

7. Stitch the side seam of the bottom of the shirt with a seam width of 10mm.

8. Overcast side seam

9. Iron the side seam towards the back.

10. Lay two rare parallel lines along the upper edge of the lower panel.

11. Gather the top edge of the bottom panel to the length of the shirt yoke.

12. Baste the yoke and bottom edge with running stitches along the bottom.

13. Connect the top and bottom of the shirt with a seam width of 10mm.

14. Overcast the seam of the connection on the special. machine 51 class, laying the basting line along the bottom.

15. Clean the seam of the connection of the lower part with the yoke from industrial debris.

16. Lay a separate line along the yoke of the back and shelves, first iron the seam up.

17. Process the cut of the armhole with a edging seam with a closed cut with a seam width of 5mm.

18. Perform quality control of the shoulder cut, neckline, seam of the yoke connection with the lower part of the armhole.

19. Baste the side seam of the back and the front, laying the basting lines along the front, the width of the seam is 10mm.

20. Stitch the side seam of the back and front, laying the stitching line along the front 10mm.

21. Overcast the side seam on a special machine 51kl., Laying the overcasting line along the shelf.

22. Iron the side seam towards the back.

23. Place a bartack on the upper part of the side seam in order to secure it towards the back.

24. Adjust the bottom cut of the nightgown.

25. Process the bottom cut of the nightgown with a seam in the hem.

26. Process the finishing bow and attach it to the neck of the shelf coquette.

27. Perform the final wet-heat treatment of the nightgown.

28. Mark the product by sewing a coupon to it indicating the name of the product, size, date of issue.

29. Perform quality control of the finished product.

Description appearance shirts

Women's shirt is designed for everyday wear by women of younger, middle and older age.

Shirt on the yoke on the back and shelves, the neck is processed with a edging cut with a closed seam. The cut of the armhole is also finished with a piping seam with a closed cut. The lower part of the shirt is gathered on a rare machine line. The lower section of the shirt is finished with a hem seam with a closed section 1 cm wide.

There is a testma as a finish for the coquette.

For tailoring you will need:

1. Chintz 80 cm wide - 2.5 m.

2. Plain fabric for finishing 80 cm wide - 0.5 m.

3. Threads No. 40 in the color of the fabric - 3 pcs.

Technical conditions for the performance of manual work.

1. When performing stitches and stitches for temporary purposes, threads are used white color corresponding numbers.

2. Numbers of needles must correspond to the thickness of the fabric and the nature of the operations performed.

3. All estimating work is performed at a distance of 1mm. from the intended chalk line towards the cut of the part so that the running lines fall under the machine line.

5. Lines should be chalked according to patterns and rulers, the thickness of the chalk lines should not exceed 1 mm.

6. When removing temporary sutures, they are cut after 10-15 cm and removed.

7. To speed up sweeping and improve the quality of work, the parts are pre-cut off with pins.

8. The length of the stitches must correspond to the dimensions specified in the OST "Sewing products, technical requirements for stitches, lines, seams".

3. All estimating work is carried out at a distance of 1 mm from the intended chalk line towards the cut of the part so that the estimating lines do not fall under the machine line.

4. The ends of the running lines are secured with 1-2 reverse stitches.

5. Baste the lines to produce on patterns and rulers, the thickness of the chalk lines should not exceed 1mm.

6. When removing temporary threads, they are cut with scissors after 10-15 cm and removed.

7. To speed up basting and improve the quality of work, the parts are pre-folded with pins.

Applied equipment.

Machine 1022-m class.

To make a nightgown, I will need:

b Sewing machine with electric drive.

l Iron with steam humidifier, ironing board.

b Cutting scissors for cutting fabric.

ь A centimeter tape for taking measurements from the figure.

b White tailor's chalk for tracing details.

ü Tailor's pins for folding parts.

b Hand needle for basting the details of the product.

b Thimble to protect fingers from being pierced by a needle.

b Machine needle No. 90.

b Ruler cutter.

Safety rules during work


b Check that the cord is working properly.

l Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, holding on to the plug body.

ü Place the iron on a stand, making sure that the soleplate of the iron does not touch the cord.

ь Ensure that the thermostat is set correctly. Turn off the iron when finished.


b Before operation, check that the cord is in good working order.

b When switching the machine on and off, grasp only the fork body.

- Correctly put your foot on the pedal, press it smoothly, without jerking.

b Hair must be tucked in.

b There must be no foreign objects on the machine.

b Check before operation. Are pins and needles left in the product?

b Do not lean close to moving or rotating machine parts.

o Observe the correct position of the hands.

Quality control

The finished product meets the following requirements:

b Corresponds to the idea and sketch of the model.

b Conforms to technical parameters.

ь Made neatly, the lines are even, the norms of the seams are observed.

Environmental rationale

In the manufacture of a nightgown, environmental pollution does not occur, since the materials from which the product is made do not emit toxic substances. Waste fabric from a nightgown can be used for the manufacture of appliqués, patchwork, decorative elements for finishing products.

Disadvantages andvirtues of my nightgown


1. Natural fabric.

2. Straight stitched seams.

3. Modern model.

4. Cheerful drawing.


Acquired knowledge and skillsme after work

In doing this work, I learned how to process the neck - this was the main task that we had to learn. I also remembered how to sew with a blind seam. After this work, my lines are more straight. I also remembered how to process the bottom and sleeves. piping stitching nightgown

Learned how to manage fabric where it is difficult to stitch. And, of course, I learned how to sew a nightgown.

WITHmodel cost

Calculation of the total cost.


Clothing, depending on the purpose, can be divided into several types: household, sports, industrial, uniform.

Household clothing is diverse - it is home, everyday, weekend, national, leisure clothing.

Home clothes are designed for sleep, morning and evening toilet, relaxation at home.

My nightgown just belongs to home clothes. When developing my model, I fulfilled almost all the requirements for clothing.

My nightgown ensures the normal functioning of the body (the skin breathes in it).

The fabric is quite strong and durable.

Picked up comfortable silhouette models, during sleep, the shirt does not fit the body, you feel comfortable in it.

The cheerful coloring of the fabric favorably affects my morning mood.

This model is inexpensive and affordable.


1. A.T. Trukhanov "Fundamentals of sewing technology".

2. E.P. Maltsev "Materials for the introduction of clothing production".

3. I.N. Litvinova, A.N. Shakanova "Production of women's outerwear". Moscow "Legprombytizdat" 1986

4. L.P. Chitinov "Club of designing and modeling clothes". Moscow "Enlightenment" 1990

5. L.V. Martoplyas, G.V. Skachkov. "Courses of cutting and sewing at home". Minsk OOO Etim", 1994

6. N.M. Kaminskaya "History of the costume".

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Lesson 57
Subject: Processing the bottom cut of the nightgown
and final finishing

Goals: to introduce students to the technology of processing the lower cut of a nightgown and the technology of final finishing of the product; create conditions for the formation of the ability to organize the workplace; skills in processing the lower cut with a hem seam with a closed cut and performing the final finishing of the product; ability to analyze the results obtained, draw conclusions; developing the ability to follow given instructions; independent work skills; education of work culture; correction of speech, culture of communication.

Type of lesson: a lesson in the formation and consolidation of skills and abilities.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, electronic application, tables “Correct fit”, “Threading”, “Machine seams”, “Processing the bottom cut”, examples of performing hem seam operations with a closed cut in the technological sequence, work boxes, sample products.

Preparatory work: check the equipment, set up an electronic application, prepare visual aids, didactic and handouts, organize the work of the attendants.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Checking readiness for the lesson and the status of jobs.

Game "Word match"

Teacher. On blank sheets, write down all the names of the machine seams that you know. Two people who want to fight in a verbal duel will come to the board. Each in turn reads out one stitch name. The one with the most names wins. (Everyone watches the duel and crosses out the names that sounded.) The loser sits down, and the winner asks the class if there are any who want to fight him. If someone in the class has uncrossed seam names left on the sheet, he leaves and the game continues.

Summing up the game.

3. Information part of the lesson.

Teacher. Work on the manufacture of a nightgown is coming to an end. Our nightgown is almost ready. What else is left to process?

Students' responses.

– Only the lower cut remained unprocessed. Let's turn to the work plan for tailoring a nightgown.

Nightgown tailoring plan:

1. Process the shoulder sections.

2. Process the cut of the neck.

3. Process the side cuts.

4. Process the sections of the armhole.

5. Process the bottom cut.

6. Run a WTO.

What part of the plan have we not completed yet?

Student responses:

1. Process the bottom cut.

2. Run a WTO.

Teacher. The topic of the lesson is: "Processing the bottom cut of a nightgown and finishing the product."

– How can I process the bottom cut of the product? (Student answers.)

– There are many ways to process the bottom of the product. Seam with a closed cut - for lightweight fabrics. Open seam - for medium to heavy fabrics. Processing the bottom of the product with braid - for loose fabrics and fabrics of medium thickness. Processing the bottom with a frill for a product with a clasp. When processing sections of parts cut along an oblique thread, in knitwear, as well as for decorative finishes use zigzag stitches. When the upper thread tension is too high, the edge of the material is pulled between the individual stitches. The stitches in this case look like shells and can be used for finishing. And many more ways. Folded sections can be of various widths depending on how they are processed.

- What do you think is the best way to process the bottom cut of our nightgown? (Student answers.)

- The most common way to finish the bottom of a nightgown is to finish with the well-known hem seam with a closed cut.

A hem seam with a closed cut is used to process the bottom of the product, sleeves. Bend the fabric slice by 0.4–0.7 cm, and then again to the desired width so that the slice is inside the seam. Baste the folded edge with straight stitches and topstitch, stepping back 0.1 cm from the first fold. To sew a seam in the hem, you can use the foot-knife.

The processing of the lower cut requires great care and accuracy - one uneven seam or a poorly processed cut can ruin the look of any product.

4. Practical work "Processing the lower cut of a nightgown with a hem seam with a closed cut and the final finishing of the product."

Instruction card 55
"Processing the bottom cut of a nightgown with a hem seam with a closed cut and the final finishing of the product"

Equipment: work boxes, nightgown, sewing machine, iron, ironing board, iron.


1. Fold the bottom edge of the shirt to the wrong side along the line of copy stitches (contour line of the bottom edge), cover the folded edge.

2. Set aside 10 mm from the folded edge, bend the cut, cover the deflection.

3. Stitch, retreating 0.1 cm from the first fold, perform a machine backtack. Delete temporary stitch threads. Iron the seam.

4. Remove all threads of temporary stitches, control stitches and contour lines.

5. Iron the finished product. Add up.

Checking the quality of work:

1. The width of the hem seam is the same along the entire length and is equal to 10 mm.

2. The machine stitch is even, runs exactly 0.1 from the edge of the hem.

3. The WTO is of high quality.

Teacher. Before starting work, carefully read the instructions. Think about what tools, fixtures and materials you will need for the job. (Reading aloud: a method of expository reading.)

– What actions need to be taken? (Answers of students, preparation of the workplace. Demonstration of the performance of operations by the teacher.)

- Remember the rules for the implementation of the WTO:

Card 5
"WTO Implementation Rules"

(see lesson 4)

Repetition of safety rules in the implementation of the WTO.

For wet heat treatment:

1. The position of the thermostat is set according to the type of fabric being processed.

2. Before ironing, check whether the soleplate of the iron is clean and whether the iron has overheated.

3. Wet-heat treatment is performed while standing on a rubber mat.

4. Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, holding the iron forks by the body, and not by the cord.

5. It is necessary to put the iron on a special stand.

Performing work by students. Current teacher briefing.

Physical education minute
(Memo 1)

Organization of an exhibition of students' works. Analysis of work, analysis of typical errors and the establishment of their causes.

5. Consolidation of new material.

Game "Loto"

Students receive sets of cards depicting the operations of making a nightgown. You need to put them in the correct order.

Summing up the game.

6. Summing up. Evaluation of the work of students.

Teacher. Today you have finished making a nightgown. Nightgown is the most popular and elegant clothing for sleeping and relaxing. A beautiful, comfortable and practical nightdress is necessary for every girl, girl, woman. Let stitched with my own hands your nightgowns give you pleasure.

Evaluation of the work of students in the lesson.

7. Homework.

Study theoretical material.

Hello my dear mothers Mom countries!

Show picture

Girls, I will share the most wonderful in a simple way building a drawing of a nightgown!

So, my dear mothers and grandmothers, we will learn how to sew a nightgown for our daughters, granddaughters and for ourselves!

We will need only six measurements (Fig. 1) and to help I will present an auxiliary card "The name of the measurements and how to take them correctly" (Fig. 2)

Fig.1 Table of measurements for a nightgown

Fig. 2 Name of measurements and how to take them correctly

P.S. Girls, everyone will have their own measurements, individual.

Fig. 3 Construction of a drawing, a shoulder product with one-piece sleeves

Now my dears, the easiest calculation begins to build a drawing for our future nightgown:

1) VN \u003d Di \u003d 90 (cm);
2) BB1 \u003d (Pog + Pg): 2 \u003d (35 + 7) : 2 \u003d 21 (cm);
3) HH1 = BB1;
4) BB2 \u003d (Psh: 3) + Psh \u003d (20: 3) + 1 \u003d 7.6 (cm);
5) BB3 = BB2: 3 = 7.6: 3 = 2.5 (cm);
6) BB4 = BB2 + 1 = 8.6 (cm);
7) V1G \u003d (Op: 2) + Pp \u003d 25: 2 + 6 \u003d 18.5 (cm);
8) B1B5 = 6 cm;
9) GG1 = B1B5 = 6 cm;
10) GG2 = GG1 = 6 cm;
11) G4 = G1G2: 2;
12) G3 = from point G4 up 1.5 cm;
13) H2H3 = 1.5 cm;
14) H1H2 = HH1: 2 = 11.5 (cm).

That's the whole calculation is easy and simple, like twice two!

Open nightgowns on fabric

Rice. 4 Open the nightgown on the fabric

My drawing completely lay down on the width of the fabric folded along the shared thread, so I decided that the nightgown would be without shoulder seams. To do this, I folded the fabric in four, i.e., first in two along the transverse thread, then again along the shared thread. I will clearly show the drawing of the structure of the fabric, so that you can understand.

Fig.5 Fabric structure

Cutting and sewing

For sewing shirts with short one-piece sleeves, fabric consumption with a width of 75-80 cm is planned based on the calculation: two shirt lengths plus 5-7 cm.

The pattern is placed on the fabric folded along the front side inward with the middle to its fold and circled. Girls, don't forget about the seam allowances. I fasten the paper pattern with needles to the fabric and immediately cut it out with seam allowances along the side cut, sleeves and bottom of the shirt; I don’t make a seam allowance on the neck, because I process the neck with an oblique inlay, or as it is also called an oblique facing. If the neckline is trimmed with an undercut, then a seam allowance is needed. Both the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt can be trimmed with bias tape.

Seam allowance: bottom and sleeves - 2-3 cm; side seams - 0.5-0.7 cm; neck - 0.8-1 cm.

girls, very important so that the allowance for the side seam is 0.5-0.7 cm, no more! Otherwise, after you turn the nightgown right side out, the side seam will gather and shrink!

When opening my shirt, I cheated and saved time. I have one drawing for both the front and the back, I didn’t cut out the neck for the front on paper. I immediately put the drawing on the folded fabric, cut out the neckline of the back with seam allowances (without gaps in the seams), then laid out the cut shirt as in Fig. 4, marked point B4 with a pencil, connected the marked point with a smooth line to the neckline on the back, only then cut out the neckline of the front of the shirt. It remains to process the sections and the nightgown is ready!

I talked about the oblique inlay and how to cut it here, so I’ll talk about the undercut facing.

So, for starters, let's clarify the definitions of a sprout and a neck.

Rostock- cutout for the neck from the shoulder sections to the middle of the back.
Neck- cutout for the neck from the shoulder sections to the middle of the front.

Processing of the neck and sprout. On a sheet of paper, the neck and the sprout are circled exactly according to the pattern. From the marked lines lay 3.5-5 cm - the width of the facings and cut out the pattern. The facings cut out of the fabric are folded with the front sides inward, swept and grinded in the place of the shoulder sections with a seam 0.5-0.7 cm wide. The seams are ironed.

The finished facing is placed with the front side on the wrong side of the product so that their middles are aligned. The shoulder seams of the facing are cut off with pins with the shoulder seams of the product. The facing is basted, then attached to the product, the basting is removed. The facing is folded to the front side, sewn with running stitches to form a piping and ironed. The second cut of the facing is folded to the wrong side by 0.5 cm, basted and adjusted to the product.

Girls, I will look forward to your boasts, an album for you, my dears.

slide 2

The main stages of making a nightgown

Taking measurements to build a drawing; Construction of a pattern drawing (M 1: 4); Construction of a pattern drawing (M 1: 1); Calculation of the amount of fabric, preparation of the pattern for cutting; Preparing the fabric for cutting, laying out the pattern on the fabric; Cutting products, undercut facing; Technological processing of the product.

slide 3

Taking measurements to build a drawing of a nightgown

  • slide 4

    Construction of a drawing of a nightgown pattern (M 1: 4)

  • slide 5

    Construction of a drawing of a nightgown pattern (M 1: 1)

  • slide 6

    Preparing a pattern for cutting

    Sign the name of the cut details, their number; Indicate the direction of the shared thread (D.N.); Sign the name of the cuts of the pattern; Write the amount of seam allowances; Sign the middle of the part, which, when cutting, should coincide with the fold of the fabric.

    Slide 7

    Laying out the pattern on the fabric

    Lay out the pattern sparingly on the fabric; Pin with pins; Circle the outline of the pattern; Mark the seam allowances and loose fit (2 cm).

    Slide 8

    Cutting the garment

    The lines along which the cutting will be made are drawn with a sharply sharpened soft pencil; Cutting of the product is carried out strictly along the lines of allowances for seams; After cutting the product, the contour lines from the intended side are transferred to opposite sides with the help of pins, and then outlined.

    Slide 9

    Technological processing of the product

    Processing of the bottom of the sleeves; Neck processing; Carrying out the first fitting; Processing of side seams; Processing the bottom of the product; Carrying out the second fitting; Final processing of the product; Wet heat treatment (WTO).

    Slide 10

    Finishing the bottom of the sleeves with a hem seam with a closed cut

    1. Pin the edge of the sleeve, tucking it twice 1 cm each. 2. Baste the bottom of the sleeve with contrasting threads with a “needle forward” seam, stitch length up to 1 cm, seam width 1 cm.

    slide 11

    Processing the neck of the product with undercut turning

    Construction of a drawing of a pattern of undercut facing (M 1: 1); The choice of the form of turning, depending on the physique and the complexity of processing; Open facings from the main fabric; Processing of the outer perimeter of the facing (stabbing, basting); Processing of a mouth turning.

    slide 12

    Neckline shapes

  • slide 13

    Slide 14

    Turning the neckline

    Pin and sweep the outer edge of the facing with contrasting threads, tucking it from the front side to the wrong side by 0.5 cm; Put the facing on the front side of the nightgown, pin, baste with contrasting threads, stitch length up to 0.5 cm, seam width 0.5 cm, sew with threads to match the product to a seam width of 0.5 cm. Remove temporary stitches.

    slide 15

    1. Turn the facing from the front side of the shirt to the wrong side, pin it along the inner edge to the nightgown; 2. Baste the facing along the inner edge to the nightgown with a “needle forward” seam, stitch length up to 0.5 cm, seam width 0.5 cm. Pin the outer edge of the facing to the nightgown; 3. Baste the outer edge of the facing to the nightgown with a “needle forward” seam, stitch length up to 0.5 cm, seam width up to 0.2 cm.

    slide 16

    Sew the facing to the nightgown along the outer edge with threads to match the product, the seam width is up to 0.1 cm; Delete all temporary stitches; Smooth the neck of the nightgown from the wrong side; Carry out the first fitting of a nightgown, clarify the length of the product, if necessary, correct it.

    Slide 17

    Processing the side seams of a nightgown with a double linen seam

    1. Fold the nightgown in half with the wrong side of the fabric inside, level the side sections and pin them at a distance of 0.5 cm from the cut; 2. Sweep the side sections of the nightgown with contrasting threads with a “needle forward” seam, stitch length up to 1 cm, seam width 0.5 cm; 3. Sew the side seams of the nightgown with threads to match the product, the seam width is 0.5 cm, put bartacks at the beginning and end of the line, remove temporary stitches, turn the product on the wrong side.

    Slide 18

    1. Align the side sections of the nightgown from the wrong side, pin them with pins at a distance of 0.7 cm from the edge; 2. Sweep the side cuts with contrasting threads with a “needle forward” seam, stitch length up to 1 cm, seam width 0.7 cm; 3. Stitch the side seams of the nightgown with threads to match the fabric on the wrong side with a seam width of 0.7 cm, put bartacks at the beginning and end of the stitch, remove temporary stitches; 4. Smooth out the side seams of the nightgown from the wrong side.

    Slide 19

    Processing the bottom edge of the product with a hem seam with a closed cut

    Bend the lower section of the product from the front side to the wrong side twice 1 cm each, stab the cut with pins at a distance of 1 cm from the edge; 2. Sweep the lower edge of the product with contrasting threads with a “needle forward” seam, stitch length up to 1 cm, seam width 1 cm; 3. Sew the bottom edge of the product with threads to match the fabric with a seam width of 1 cm. At the beginning and at the end of the line, put bartacks, remove temporary stitches; 4. Smooth out the bottom cut of the nightgown; 5. Carry out a second fitting; 6. Conduct WTO.

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