Fashion shows and fashion weeks: the history of appearance and development. Fashion Week Fashion Week 1943

1. The first official Fashion Week took place in 1943 in New York. Its main goal is to divert attention from French fashion and give a start to American designers.

2. In total, 40 Fashion Weeks and 100 official events take place every year. The five most famous Fashion Week events are held in the fashion capitals of the world: Milan, New York, Berlin, London, Paris.

3. In order to become a High Fashion Designer, a person must be approved by the Chamber of Syndicale. It is the governing body of fashion in Paris. How serious is this confirmation? Only 14 fashion houses, out of a huge number of designers, have such confirmation of haute couture. Among the unapproved applicants are big designers such as Giorgio Armani.

4. Valentino owns five pugs. Their names are Monty, Maude, Margo, Maggie, and Molly. They travel everywhere with him.

5. Louis Vuitton allegedly burns all of its old merchandise to maintain the brand's full exclusivity.

6. Christian Louboutin introduced shoes with blue soles so that brides could wear something blue on their wedding day.

7. Michael Kors created his first piece of clothing at the age of five Wedding Dress for his mother.

8. Christian Dior strongly believed in psychics. He made sure to visit one of them to determine which day would be the best to show his latest collection.

9. The ancient Greeks could well walk naked. In fact, our word “gymnasium” comes from; γυμνός (gymnos) meaning "naked".

10. The skirt is the oldest type of clothing, second only to the loincloth. Until 1600-1700, everyone wore a skirt - men and women.

11. Initially, both men and women wore togas in Rome, but after the 2nd century BC, respectable women wore stolas and only prostitutes were required to wear togas.

12 Wearing shorts in public was considered unacceptable for women until the First World War.

13. The first fashion magazine appeared in 1586. It began to be published in Germany.

14. The five most common clothing materials are linen, cotton, polyester, and viscose. Cotton fabric has been used for clothing for over 7,000 years.

Fun denim fact:

The word "jeans" is a local term of the Genoese sailors, meaning "cotton trousers". One bale of cotton can make 215 pairs of jeans. The average American usually owns 7 pairs of blue jeans. The Guinness Book of Records listed Gucci as the manufacturer of the most expensive jeans in the world. Gucci Genius jeans are $3134

15. Sneakers came to us thanks to Keds, the first company to create this type of shoe, in 1917. And sandals are considered the earliest known human history as shoes.

16. More than 2 billion T-shirts are sold every year. Initially, T-shirts were an element of underwear. But now, the T-shirt is a popular piece of clothing as outerwear.

17. Until the 1800s, there was no concept of children's clothing. The children dressed the same as the adults.

18. In the 1500s, fashion designers began to show off their clothes by putting them on miniature dolls. There was no such thing as a model yet. The first models appeared only in 1853.

19. Napoleon contributed to fashion in many ways. For example, the buttons on the sleeves of jackets were invented by Napoleon when he got tired of his soldiers wiping
sleeve noses.

20. It may seem surprising that, in fact, men, at the executive level, use the fashion industry more than women. Most executives and presidents (men, not women) are regular customers of major fashion houses.

21. Valentino Garavani, an Italian fashion designer, made the red dress famous, just like Coco Chanel made the famous little black dress. His red dresses became so popular that he was nicknamed "Valentino Red".

22. The first fake eyelashes were invented by Hollywood film producer Griffith, who wanted to improve the eyelids of actresses. They were made from real hair.

23. Eyelash liner became popular after its discovery in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen in the 1920s. Since that time, the production of eyeliners has been launched.

24. Mary Phelps, New York socialite, created the modern bra. The bras she made and patented in 1914 are very different from those worn today. Hers bras were made from handkerchiefs.

25. Clothing prices have dropped 8.5% worldwide since 1992, even after adjusting for inflation.

26. It is estimated that Americans spend about 3.8% of their income on clothing, which is equivalent to about $1,700 per person. By comparison, in 1950, Americans spent 11% of their income on clothing. An American woman buys approximately 3,000 items of clothing in her lifetime, including 271 pairs of shoes, 185 dresses, and 145 suits.

27. Bikinis are named after the island, Bikini Atoll, where the US military tested their bombs in World War I. Their creator, Louis Reard, believed that the "mini" suit would create the effect of an atomic bomb with its appearance, due to the nominal sizes of the clothes.

28. The social status and profession of a person during the Middle Ages was represented by the color of clothing. Nobles wore red robes, peasants wore brown and grey, while merchants, bankers and officials wore green robes.
In Rome, purple was reserved exclusively for emperors and magistrates. Wearing black was taboo unless there was mourning in the house. Victorian widows were required to wear black mourning robes for two years after the death of their husbands.

29. That pink is feminine and blue (blue) is masculine, and that women's shirt has buttons on the left, and men's on the right: this is a relic old tradition, which we transferred to the old world.

30. The average lifespan of clothing is approximately three years. This standard is used to compare the standard of living.

October 26 ended Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia, October 29 - Fashion Week in Moscow. For some, this is a period of maximum social activity, which is a sin to miss, for some it is part of the work, and someone, at the mention of the Manezh or Gostiny Dvor, is baptized without hesitation. Among the latter are the profile press and the Russian designers themselves, who consciously avoid both sites, but go to regional weeks with pleasure. The main complaint of most of the professional community is "this is not Fashion Week." Together with market participants, The Village figured out why both MBFWR and Moscow Week, instead of becoming the main industry events, have been turning into objects of criticism and even ridicule for years.

Julia Lee

Two weeks

The Manege is in a rush. Young guys in fishnet tights and latex raincoats dance tango in front of photographers. The weather dictates a down jacket, but fashion is merciless to the degrees. For all Muscovites, this has already become a marker - Fashion Week has begun.

In Russia, there are two brands associated with this phrase: Fashion Week in Moscow - Gostiny Dvor, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia - Manege. It cannot be said that they differ significantly in their essence: both there and there have their own masters, brands - representatives of what we used to call street fashion, old-timers and newcomers. Unless the Fashion Week in Moscow has a zone for selling products of domestic designers, and MBFWR has a dominance of sponsors, from cosmetics to teapots. There is also a difference in the audience: Manege is young (sometimes too much), Gostiny Dvor is the opposite. Of course, MBFWR is much more popular.

But still, Moscow Fashion Week continues to compete with cosmetic improvements. The chairs in the halls connected with one chain (and this really happened) were replaced with pedestals a couple of seasons ago. There are fewer rows, but due to this, there is an opportunity to see the collection on the last of them. The scenery became more attractive, and the catwalks - wider. And yet this event still has an unspoken status of “folk” with its drawbacks: Fashion Week seems to have never heard of SMM, rare brands known in certain circles are presented as a real sensation, and their shows are delayed for a very long time.

At MBFWR, the main innovation of the season was the use of the site of the Museum of Moscow. The rest is stability. With the scenery, everything is relatively good, there are delays in the shows, but they are insignificant, people scurry back and forth with such intensity that sometimes the atmosphere of a subway car is created. And of course, the guests are met by a handsome Mercedes.

The history of relations between the two Weeks has more than one year, not one scandal. “The war was a serious one,” says a former employee of “Artifact”, “up to the disruption of shows, the struggle for venues.” At the same time, she noted that the situation at Russian Fashion Week (today's MBFWR) was much worse than the current one. “Before, there were not so many volunteers. However, now this is both a plus and a minus: many young guys simply do not know the invited faces, which means that they are unlikely to be able to competently seat them if the brand itself has not taken care of it, - she says. - So the struggle for advantageous places begins, and persons important to the designer watch the show standing up. But if earlier there were hellish delays in shows, now everything has more or less stabilized. There are separate entrances for VIPs, there are no huge queues at the entrance, as it was ten years ago.”

Olga Mikhailovskaya

Vogue Russia

There has always been a difference between Moscow Week and MBFW. Moscow was originally more Soviet, MBFW, of course, has always strived to fit into the international context, it simply had no other choice. This is an international brand in fact, there are strict limits and rules, at least with regard to specifications. However, after I was escorted out of Gostiny Dvor many years ago and deprived of my accreditation, I did not attend Moscow Week. The reason for such repression was a review of the collection of one of the leading Russian designers.

A diverse audience deserves special attention. Both Fashion Weeks host all sorts of practical jokes invitations. They also do this the brands themselves. IN Facebook and on Avito there are advertisements for the sale of penetrations, messages are written to journalists and designers in the spirit of “You don’t have an extra invitation?”, Posts on the topic “How to get to Fashion Week” appear in blogs and publications. It is worth recalling the comment of Alexander Shumsky, president of MBFWR, regarding the mass nature of the Meduza event: “Fashion weeks around the world are events where you can go strictly by invitation. But we are doing a lot to distribute content for those who could not get here. This is the time to take a look at the experience of the world's fashion weeks.

Foreign experience

No matter how mysterious and inaccessible the fans of the Fashion Week would say, first of all, both domestic Weeks adhere to the principle “fashion is for the people”: the designer’s friends, celebrities, Instagram fans of the brand mainly come to the event. Thus, the event turns from a professional into a secular one.

Of course, star guests are also present at every show of the World Weeks - it is unlikely that the media will miss Kim Kardashian's visit to any show. However, the hall is mostly filled with people who are directly related either to the brand or to the industry as a whole.

The remark “you have nothing to do there” for the guests of our Weeks sounds, perhaps, rather harshly. But initially, in 1943, this event was called "Press Week". The first modern Fashion Week, held in Paris in 1973, also maintained a serious attitude towards the guests of the show. Until now, the list of invited persons at the most important world fashion weeks is limited to journalists, buyers, honorary clients of the brand and celebrities, and a very small percentage, if any, remains for "ordinary guests".

Today, not even every journalist can get accreditation, for example, at Paris Fashion Week (the story of Vice, when a journalist of the publication entered the show with fake business cards, introducing himself as a fictional designer, is good, but this is rather an exception). Therefore, there is a practice to ask for invitations to the show from specific fashion houses. And even in this case, a media representative can sometimes count on a standing place, which, by the way, he does not take offense, because he understands that there are colleagues around, and not bloggers or winners of the Instagram contest.

Largely due to the strict selection of guests, the situation of a person accidentally getting into the first row occurs, but does not cause inadequate excitement. “The difference from foreign weeks is the same as the difference between our fashion and foreign fashion,” Mikhailovskaya clarifies. - The organization is most similar to the New York one (I'm talking about MBFW) in that the main shows take place on the same site, however, the Americans are now trying to get away from this model. Although it is convenient for journalists. Otherwise, the main difference is in the audience. There - professionals in the hall, here - first of all, friends, relatives, everyone has their own party.

MBFWR participant designer who voluntarily left the site

On our MBFWR to do a show in the evening is prestigious. Because the public is not a professional community that could treat such events as work, but friends and celebrities. Partly because of this, brand important people ignore the event, 10-15 people come. The rest are bloggers, people who won the contest, and so on.

Departure of designers

Of course, participation in Fashion Week costs a certain amount of money. This amount, according to the designers, is several hundred thousand rubles (the exact figures are a strict corporate secret). However, some brands are still allowed to participate either at a discount or completely free of charge (which is also carefully hidden by the organizers). Here the question arises of the expediency of investing, because for about the same money you can organize your own separate show, which many do. But still, there are those who want to get a share of secular attention, and the MBFWR brand and the Moscow Fashion Week have excellent recognition.

Regional Mercedes-Benz Fashion Weeks deserve special attention. For example, Georgian or Almaty Fashion Weeks invite Russian designers quite often. They, in turn, treat this favorably, despite the fact that in relation to our Weeks they are often quite skeptical.

According to the participants different years, the organizers of the Moscow weeks categorically do not invite foreign buyers, the reason is “we are not interested in this”. One of the designers not participating in this year's Fashion Week noted that this greatly influenced the decision to leave the site: “For example, for the Georgian Fashion Week, journalists and designers have such good attitude precisely because they work with buyers from Luisa Via Roma, Matches Fashion, Net-a-Porter and other important stores."

Elizabeth Sukhinina

KURAGA brand designer (special guest of MBFW in Alma-Ata):

MBFWA is a great organization that is really interested in developing the industry and motivating creativity. There you can count on professional dialogue, and not on small talk. The places are divided in the ratio of 30% - clients and friends of the brand, 70% - journalists and buyers (moreover, from different countries). Our Fashion Weeks are more focused on commercial development. This can be seen from the selection of designers, from what kind of Olympic stadium they assemble for the show (in Alma-Ata, for example, there were literally two or three rows at each show). This is absolutely clear to everyone in the industry. Every year I am invited to Moscow Fashion Week with different conditions, but I do not agree, because I do not like this event in itself, and the brand does not need it.

Problems on site

Organizing a fashion show at Fashion Week is a costly and complicated business. At MBFWR, the Artefact agency allocates volunteers to help designers. “They always have a lot of responsibilities,” explains Tatyana Lonshakova, who has worked as a volunteer for three seasons, “from finding chairs to making sure that all the models arrive on time for makeup (sometimes you had to lead them by the hand!). In addition, there are various emergencies, you need to get out somehow. Lonshakova noted that in the agency itself, tension is growing exponentially. “You need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse, make sure that all the sponsors and partners of the designer are approved in advance (and preferably several times) with the organizers, because otherwise they simply won’t be allowed to use the products,” she explains. - A lot of personal moments that for some reason do not disappear anywhere at work. And, frankly, that's why I decided to leave Fashion Week, having gained the necessary experience. Many employees of Artifact openly want to leave, and someone, on the contrary, firmly believes in the coolness and prestige of MBFWR, almost at the level of the Paris week.

The information is confirmed by the designer with whom she just worked: “If you do not approve sponsors with the organizers (which for some reason is very difficult in itself), then permission, for example, for gifts for VIP guests can be obtained only by paying.”

Victor Kurilov

worked for MBFWR for several seasons in teams of different brands:

When a designer comes to the site of a brand like Mercedes-Benz and spends an impressive amount on it, he wants to get normal conditions. No one talks about golden thrones, but steamers that ruin things, dressing rooms with nowhere to sit, a shortage of badge lanyards can hardly be called normal conditions. As a result, you must rely on your own strength and interact with the organizers of the Week only on certain issues. In addition, the main audience is child bloggers. Perhaps this is due to a team change that occurred some time ago. Respected people in the industry do not go to this event, because they understand that it was made for those same children. Only they benefit from the event - hashtags and subscribers. In general - a total vanity fair.

As a result, the difficulties experienced by the designer when working on the site often outweigh the pros. And the whole industry understands behind the scenes that MBFWR is a people's show. The organizers cope with this task perfectly. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to call it only Fashion Week.

War with journalists

Every season, brands actively invite journalists to the show. But no matter how unusual the invitation, no matter how friendly the publication, the authors who write about the collections are seen less and less at the shows. Fierce competition between the two sites creates difficulties in the work. “By making a choice in favor of one Fashion Week or the other, the designer / publication / photographer actually finds himself in a position where he must make a choice of political side - explains the PR manager, whose brands have been participating in both Weeks for many years. - You can't count the industry professionals who have become persona non grata on one or another platform. This creates problems primarily for designers who cannot invite one of the guests because he is not allowed on the site, or work with one of the photographers, directors, managers for the same reason.

Here it is worth recalling the latest scandal associated with MBFWR. We are talking about the proposal of industry representatives to remove the head of the National Technology Initiative FashionNet Alexander Shumsky (he is also the head of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week) from his post and appoint Valentin Yudashkin to her. FashionNet itself was created to form new markets and "create the conditions for Russia's global technical leadership by 2035." To the note of dissatisfaction, the Artefact agency responded - specifically to journalists - with a refusal to enter the site. Mikhailovskaya is one of the few journalists from major publications who attended Fashion Week this season. She described her impressions of what she saw in the material for Kommersant. From it it becomes clear that there is a place on the Manezh podium for folk crafts, and maestro Vyacheslav Zaitsev, and the "secular designer" Bella Potemkina, whose show was discussed in the press thanks to the accompaniment - the performance of Olga Buzova. Only from the fashion industry in this very little.

Designers admit that it is better to invite journalists separately to the showroom or organize a press day, because at Fashion Week there can be confusion with seating, and an inexperienced volunteer will offer an author important for the brand to take a seat in the sixth row. Working in the press center is a different story, which is complicated by the speed of Wi-Fi from the beginning of the 2000s and, accordingly, interruptions in online broadcasting. As a result, the journalist is more like a marathon runner who runs from the show to the press center and back.

The foreign press, of course, still notes some designers with MBFWR, but even the designers themselves still call it Russian roulette. Foreign publications pay more attention to street style than shows. The Artifact team is working very seriously on this direction: it arranges a street style meet, where everyone (not necessarily a visitor to the shows) can show off in front of huge amount specially invited photographers, makes accreditation to many bloggers. Such a street style culture has already taught brands and stores to dress millennials for Fashion Week: they will get into the media, mark the brand on Instagram, and attract subscribers-buyers. The fact that designers have to rely mainly on social networks makes the status of a “blogger” very attractive.

Designer-participant of MBFWR, who voluntarily left the site:

Weekly bloggers write to me every season. Literally a week before the show, they become bloggers and report that they have been following the brand for a long time. So it was even in my first season, when no collections even existed. Of course, we work with opinion leaders, but if we choose them, then with great caution: not every top blogger can be good for the image, and focusing only on numbers is like jumping off a cliff blindfolded, listening to “yes there's nothing to worry about."

How to change everything, and is it possible?

Speaking of changes, of course, we always refer to the dreamy comparison - to be like in Paris. Shows at different venues, although not very convenient in terms of logistics, give the designer the opportunity to create the right atmosphere. The daily schedule (showings from the very morning) allows photographers to shoot great street style, and journalists to treat the event as a job. The latter is also facilitated by a good filtering of accredited persons. However, visible changes are still far away. First of all, you need to look at the industry as a whole.

Olga Mikhailovskaya

Vogue Russia:

Now the situation is changing all over the world, because the industry itself is undergoing a serious breakdown. Therefore, we will also change. But how? I would like to a little bit reasonable. To begin with, I find it ridiculous that there are two Fashion Weeks in a country where, in fact, there is no professional environment. There are designers, but there is no professional environment itself.

Fashion Week(Fashion Week) is the main event of the fashion industry, where leading designers from different countries present their collections for the next season in the form of fashion shows. Shows of fashion designers follow each other. There are Fashion Weeks, lasting 6-7 days each, and which lasts 4 days.

Weeks in which the finished product is demonstrated women's clothing, are held twice a year: in February-April, designers present autumn-winter collections, in September-October - spring-summer. Men's Fashion Weeks are held in July and January. Holding shows long before the start of sales is carried out mainly in order to have time to make purchases and delivery to, and journalists to collect materials, highlight general fashion trends and define .

The main ready-to-wear fashion weeks are held in,. They form the fashion trends of the next season. Opens Big Four events new york week fashion, followed by London, then Milan, and the main shows are completed by Paris Fashion Week. More often at the Fashion Week of a certain country, compatriot designers present their collections, but this rule does not always apply to the main Fashion Weeks.

There are own fashion weeks in most developed countries. There are specialized Fashion Weeks representing a certain style or type of clothing, for example, they are shown in Miami, in New York - wedding dresses, in Palm Springs - exclusive designer products. Shows are not Fashion Weeks.

Entrance to Fashion Week shows is by invitation cards. Basically, representatives of the fashion industry (buyers, employees and partners of Fashion Houses, journalists, fashion designers), as well as celebrities and friends of designers, are allowed to the event.

The first Fashion Week was held in New York in 1943, during World War II. Due to hostilities, the United States could not follow the latest in Parisian fashion, and then Eleanor Lambert, the future founder, organized a “Press Week”, the purpose of which was to showcase the best works of American designers to journalists. In its present form, Fashion Week was first held in Paris in 1973.



Everyone who keeps up with the times, a person at least once in his life came across the word "fashion". This term is present everywhere - and household appliances, and in cars, and even in the animal and plant world. But fashion is of particular importance for a sphere very close to us, girls, namely for the vast realm of clothes, accessories and all kinds of beauty products.

With the advent of a new fashion season, avid fashionistas are actively preparing for the next one and stocking up on information about what will be in trend in six months. Such a motive is extremely simple - you need to have time to find the desired trendy new items without spending a lot of effort, nerves and time, so as not to run around the shops at the last minute, frantically trying to snatch the little thing you like from the hands of the same "sufferer". And where to get useful ideas about future must-haves for stylish looks? And here several guides come to the rescue - all kinds of glossy magazines, popular fashion blogs, but the lion's share of information can be gleaned from primary sources - designer fashion shows and grandiose shows at Fashion Weeks.

Today, it is not difficult for an ordinary girl to get to a personal fashion show, as well as to visit a long fashion marathon, since almost every big city can boast of its “native” designers and well-planned clothing presentations. But especially informative and unforgettable for all the fair sex will be the fashion shows as part of the Fashion Weeks held in the eminent four megacities - New York, London, Milan and Paris. However, few people know that the tradition of organizing fashion performances is not so old. This publication will tell about how it all began and how individual shows turned into modern Fashion Weeks.

Remembering the history of fashion shows, one cannot miss such an important person for the fashion industry as Charles Frederick Worth, a French designer originally from England. Worth was one of the first representatives of Haute Couture and did a lot to develop the current fashion, but one of his innovations is of particular importance. The fashion designer in the mid-1860s introduced the demonstration of the clothes he created not on sketches, but directly on young model girls, whom he called "sosies" (twins). His wife, Marie-Augustine Berne, who is now called the first fashion model, made her debut in front of the public in the designer's outfits. Thanks to this inventive marketing technique, Worth won recognition from all the clients of the atelier.

The first to bring models to an impromptu catwalk was the Frenchman Paul Poiret, who in 1909 showed his creations on girls walking in the middle of the room in front of interested clients in one direction and the other. This allowed potential buyers to view the outfits from all angles. The revolutionary designer personally helped to change clothes and customized clothes on models in a separate room, the so-called dressing room - the progenitor of modern backstage. And already in 1911, Poiret staged a bright theatrical show “1002 Nights, or a Persian Celebration” in his own garden, making a new round in the history of fashion shows.

A full-fledged fashion show with a catwalk and musical accompaniment was first used in 1905 by the English fashion designer Lucille Glyn.

In 1952, in Florence, thanks to the fashion house Brioni, the first fashion show for men took place, thus introducing the representatives of the stronger sex to the world of fashion.

On the other side of the Atlantic - in America - the fashion industry was also developing, and at an even faster pace. Since 1903, major fashion stores and department stores in New York and Philadelphia staged their own shows to attract customers, from whom there was no end after such shows. Models for such actions do not have to meet any special criteria - the main thing is to have an attractive face and a smooth gait.

Already in 1915, the first large-scale demonstration of lingerie in history took place in New York, which was honored not only by women, but also by their husbands.

In 1943, she held an event called "Press Week", which was supposed to shake up the fashion industry and attract as many fans as possible to her. Lambert chose a very good period for organizing this event, since American fashion designers could no longer draw ideas from their French colleagues, since at that time the Second World War was going on in the Old World. World War. Due to the fact that the Germans occupied Paris in 1940, the editors-in-chief of the American glossy Vogue and Harper`s Bazaar were unable to attend the defile of French couturiers famous at that time, and the American fashion world was left without the influence of Europeans.

"Press Week" was a huge success among all fans of the fashion industry and those people who are directly connected with it. America's fashion has moved to a new level of development and has gained respect from fashion designers from other countries, and compatriot buyers have finally appreciated the creations of local designers. Thus, 1943 is considered the formal date of the appearance of Fashion Week, and the place is New York.

Since then, traditionally Fashion Weeks have been held in the so-called four fashion "capitals" - New York, London, Milan and Paris. In each of the cities, the fashion marathon lasts 5-7 days and is organized twice a year: from January to April, autumn-winter trends are shown, and from September to November, spring-summer trends are shown.

As part of the Fashion Week data, designers present collections of clothes called pret-a-porter, designed for mass buyers. The shows are attended by editors-in-chief of leading glossy magazines and buyers who determine which clothes will become must-haves through the weather and will be sold out in stores at lightning speed.

Fashion weeks are also held in Kyiv, Moscow, Madrid, Singapore, Barcelona, ​​Los Angeles, Tokyo, Berlin and other big cities.

In addition, since 1973, there has been a 4-day Haute Couture Week, held every six months in Paris, where cult fashion designers introduce fans to extravagant creations of haute couture.

new york fashion week

Until 1994, New York Fashion Week shows were held in high-end hotels, restaurants, high-end nightclubs, and lofts. But after a minor accident, when plaster fell on the heads of models and attendees of the Michael Kors show, the event "moved" to Bryant Park, where it was located until 2010. As a result of the incident, the popular expression "We love fashion, but are not ready to die for it" appeared.

Since 2010, the fashion marathon has been moved to Lincoln Center, and since 2009, Fashion Week has received the usual name Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

London Fashion Week

Continues the fashion relay non-stop Foggy Albion and its capital is London. Here Fashion Week as such debuted in 1983 and was organized under the auspices of the British Fashion Council and the Department of Business. The traditional unchanging place of deployment is Somerset House, stretching for a whole block with cozy showrooms, huge fitting rooms and dressing rooms.

Milan Fashion Week

The third in a row welcomes guests to Milan, in which the first fashion week was held in 1979, although before that the center of Italian fashion was Florence. Every year, four seasonal weeks of shows are held in Milan - two men's "Milano Moda Uomo" and two women's "Milano Moda Donna".

Paris Fashion Week

closes fashion season the city of all lovers - Paris. As usual, Paris Fashion Week is distinguished by its special elegance and enchantment. Paris Fashion Week has been held since 1973 in the grandiose building of the Louvre Carousel under the auspices of the French Haute Couture Federation, which, together with Pret-a-Porter, is responsible for organizing the fashion show. The official name of the event is "Semaine des Createurs du Mode".

Good evening, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. The site has already published an article with a full review and all the answers in the game "Who want to be a millionaire?" for September 30, 2017. You can check it out by following the link above. And in this article we will dwell on the ninth question, which was answered by the participants in the first part of the game: Alla Mikheeva and Ilya Averbukh.

Which city hosted the world's first Fashion Week in 1943?

New York Fashion Week is one of the four major fashion weeks in the world (together with London, Paris and Milan fashion weeks), also known as "7th on the Sixth" winter, and in September - spring-summer trends (Fashion Week in New York starts from the second Thursday of February and from the second Thursday of September).

New York Fashion Week, held in 1943, was organized by Eleanor Lambert and was the world's first fashion week. The original title was "Press Week". The purpose of the event was to divert attention from French fashion during the Second World War, when fashion connoisseurs could not travel to Paris for shows. The venue for shows until 2010 was Bryant Park. Its 24,000 m² white awnings have become a real symbol of New York fashion week. As of today, due to space constraints, all shows have been relocated to the Lincoln Center.
